INTRODUCTION I AM HERE I AM SAFE I AM HOME This is the concrete manifestation of returning to Don Bosco and at the same time a renewed expression of the Pastoral Ministry of Don Bosco Technical Institute Makati It gives premium on the relationship between any Bosconian with Don Bosco and with the Educative Pastoral Ministry I am Here Every Bosconian who returns and enters the hallowed grounds of the school will feel a sense of belongingness that his identity as a Bosconian is energized and strengthened I am Safe Bosconians will feel safe because they know that all the members of the Educative Pastoral Community are committed to their health and safety I am Home Upon coming back to school Bosconians will again feel that he is home welcoming and engaging which is a distinctive trait of any Salesian setting PAGE 5 DON BOSCO I AM HOME PAGE 6
Believing that the New Normal in Education is not all online we have adapted the following framework This framework has three important elements the learner the school and the home Both the school and the home support the learner who is considered as the most important element in the teaching and learning process Bosconians are formed to become Good Christians and Upright Citizens both in school and at home with both Salesian educators and parents actively engaged in the fulfilment of their respective roles and responsibilities in this process EDUCATIVE PASTORAL COMMUNITY The school supervises and implements the curriculum and instructions administers assessments and provides spiritual formation counseling and Salesian assistance MANAGEMENT TEAM MEMBERS Likewise it sees to it that all learning support systems are in place most especially its technological capability to deliver instruction and to yield better results On the other hand the parents are the school s partner in developing the human potentials Christian faith and socio civic consciousness of the learner while he is at home They also provide the necessary support e g seeing to it that the place is conducive for learning and its technical capability is satisfactory for the learner to receive instruction and work on tasks at hand with minimal disruptions Furthermore the result of the several surveys conducted throughout SY 2021 2022 data from the different stakeholders and the different guidelines and memoranda and issuances from the government agencies like the Department of Education DepEd Department of Health DOH National and Local Inter Agency Task Force IATF are considered in the development of this year s LCP The learning modalities to be used for the school year 2022 2023 are the following the full online distance learning blended learning and the modular approach study guide PAGE 7 ROLES AND RESPONSIBLITIES To ascertain that every Bosconian receives the appropriate education that he deserves harmonious collaboration among students teachers parents and school leaders is essential Through this it is assumed that the learner can easily adapt to the new structure since he receives strong support from his learning community With this the Elementary Department designates for each stakeholder their roles and responsibilities Supervise the implementation of the curriculum and instruction Ascertain that all learning support systems are in place specifically its technological capability for the effective delivery of instruction Provide the necessary trainings for its faculty and staff Collaborate harmoniously with all the stakeholders of the department Evaluate the implementation of the curriculum and instruction THE FACULTY MEMBERS Conceptual Framework Effectively implement the curriculum and instruction through a dutifully planning lessons curriculum guides scope and sequence and study guides that are relevant and appropriate to the present time and b diligently preparing appropriate instructional materials and make them available to students at all times and c employing strategies and methods for meaningful learning experiences Administer formative and summative assessments to students Provide Salesian assistance by a being prudent when responding to queries and concerns of students and parents and b being sensitive to the needs of students especially those with technological limitations Monitor students scholastic progress and provide meaningful feedbacks Collaborate harmoniously with all the stakeholders of the department specifically the parents and students THE PARENTS Provide support assistance and guidance to their child children Ensure that the home s technological capability is satisfactory for their child children to receive instruction and work on the tasks at hand with minimum disruptions Monitor their son s learning progress Create a home environment that is conducive for learning through setting rules in the use of gadgets and imposing discipline most especially during distance learning sessions Collaborate harmoniously with all the stakeholders of the department specifically the Management Team and faculty Follow communication protocol THE STUDENTS Be always punctual and prepared in attending classes online or face to face Participate actively during discussion and work diligently on the assigned tasks Submit tasks on time Participate in school mandated activities Observe netiquette especially during synchronous learning sessions Follow school s policies rules and regulations Collaborate harmoniously with their teachers and parents during the teaching and learning process PAGE 8
The Elementary Department would adapt the Blended Learning and Full Online Distance Learning ODL paradigm in educating and evangelizing the young to become Good Christians and Upright Citizens This paradigm considers first and foremost the safety of the Educative Pastoral Community Blended Learning and Full Online Learning are constructivist approaches providing varied learning experiences melcs Most Essential Learning Competencies In reference to DepEd Memorandum DM CI 2020 000 entitled Clarification on the Use of Most Essential Learning Competencies MELCs and Other Related Issues the MELCs shall serve as one of the primary references in determining and facilitating learning approaches that are best suited to the learners while adapting to the challenges posed by COVID 19 Hence the MELCs will be considered in the curriculum implementation this school year PAGE 9 LEARNING MODALITY FULL ONLINE DISTANCE LEARNING A type of remote learning where the class is conducted in real time In a synchronous class the teacher and students interact in an online platform It is facilitating learning at the same time platform and pace ClassIn is the platform to be used for this learning SYNCHRONOUS 1 Synchronous delivery for full online learning is 5 times a week see sample schedule 2 Routine activities must be observed Opening and Closing Prayers Checking of Attendance and Giving of Reminders 3 Use of varied instructional materials is required 4 Lesson packages must provide the following social interactions Teacher Student Student Content Student Student 5 There should be at least two to three activities and one summative test per lesson 6 Deadline for the submission of activities is every Saturday until 4 00 PM only 7 Summative Test must be given at the end of the implementation of the lesson It must be administered on a definite schedule and its announcement must be done two to three days before its administration 8 Performance Tasks PeTa output must be submitted online If group PeTa is not possible individual PeTa is encouraged PeTa must be submitted and labeled properly Subject Grade Section Name and Teacher 9 A standard tool rubric will be used in assessing students performance PAGE 10
ONLINE PLATFORMS ONE PLATFORM LIMITLESS LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS ClassIn is a groundbreaking online teaching platform that enables teachers and students from across the globe to come together face to face and learn in a collaborative online environment With a shared interactive blackboard a suite of essential teaching tools and a cloud service that allows easy access to teaching materials ClassIn has everything we need to create engaging classes online KNOW MORE ABOUT CLASSIN CLASSIN FEATURES https bit ly 38FqDYf HOW TO DOWNLOAD https bit ly 38GXwDB PAGE 11 LEARN THE WAYS OF THE LORD THE FUN WAY What is Santi Don Bosco s Santi is an original E learning platform which accompanies the curriculum to ensure that technology is embedded in the catechetical process Santi represents the personal growth of Bosconians in their relationship with Jesus Don Bosco aims for holistic education which allows them to achieve holiness What is Jesus is My Best Friend Catechesis Jesus My Best Friend Catechesis is the school s response to the Church s call for a renewed and integral evangelization The title draws inspiration from Jesus solemn declaration in the Holy Gospel according to St John You are my friends https www genyo com ph TekTeach https vhsm tekteachlms com user login v2 https dbti campuscloudph com site login https www santi edu ph PAGE 12
LEARNING BLENDED LEARNING Blended Learning includes face to face in campus interactions with online learning Blending the face to face learning with active learning assignments and online learning activities facilitates interactions between a student to student b student to teacher and c student to the tool It also promotes lifelong learning through the developed skill of discovering information utilizing online activities while also increasing interactive skills with a variety of others and enhancing engagement COVID 19 situation has greatly improved in the Philippines and we have already been placed under Alert Level 1 hence limited face to face classes in the learning process have become a necessity After thoroughly examining the health and safety prevention and management standards for COVID 19 in the school setting and the sharing of responsibility especially in case an infection or exposure occurs after undergoing validation and passing the health and safety standards that the Department of Education has set Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati will offer limited face to face classes for the school year 2022 2023 We believe that allowing students to see their teachers face to face even on an intermittent schedule will allow greater opportunities to check on the improvement of students learning and to provide needed instructional supervision and interventions PAGE 13 MODALITY Face to Face Learning This refers to the in person activities including physical classroom interaction and implementation of instructions This allows live collaboration between and among the teacher and learners This is implemented when there is nothing that poses risk to the learner s health and well being and with the observation of physical distancing and all the minimum health protocols as directed by the Department of Health DOH and Inter Agency Task Force IATF Online Learning This refers to activities or resources that require the use of the internet Online resources include web pages and documents found on the internet that provide useful information Hybrid Flexible HyFlex This model enables a flexible participation for students whereby students may choose to attend face to face typically in a traditional classroom online classes synchronous or complete course learning activities online without physically attending classor asynchronous class sessions PAGE 14
CO NT INU AT ION BLENDED LEARNING Strict implementation of the Implementing Rules and Regulations on Limited face to face will be enforced a Address difficulty in monitoring and assessing learning progress remotely Students who will participate in face to face classes shall be required to submit their parents consent form This shows that they agree to observe health standards not just in school but also at home and during travel as well as the responsibility to immediately disclose any onset of symptoms or known exposure by any member of the household In such instances the student shall not be sent to school until the household incident is resolved b Mitigate inequalities and unevenness in access to technology household resources and student skills for self learning To ensure safety and in pursuit of the health guidelines of the IATF and the local government the department shall make use of the Blended Learning Online and Limited Face to Face This is in consonance with the necessity for limited face to face classes as identified by the Department of Education which includes e Absence of more responsible adult in the family qualified to take the role of learning facilitator PAGE 15 c Allow resumption of activities that cannot be done at home such as the workshop requirements in the TWE and MAPE The department foresees the challenges it will face in delivering classes to students particularly to primary students To be relevant and responsive to the students needs in this time of crisis it has to adapt modalities that will provide students with high quality learning experiences both online and offline 1 Learning packages in digital form will be uploaded to the student s Genyo TekTeach and Campus Cloud accounts 2 Each lesson package contains a discussion of the lesson activities and assessments in digital form 3 Digital copy of study guides which is self guided self directed and would only require minimal supervision from parents will be provided 4 Online assessment schedule will be provided for Summative Tests and Long Tests Students especially those with no access to the internet will be provided with study guides designed for them by the teachers The study guides will be utilized with less supervision from the parents guardians because they are self guided self contained self instructional lessons and contain evaluation strategies to assess mastery of MELCs These study guides will be made available at Google Drive Grade Level Resources every week A schedule of online assessments will be provided to those students who availed of this modality MODULAR APPROACH STUDY GUIDES As for the parents they are highly encouraged to create a conducive space in their home for their son s learning The department will also have a provision on the giving of meaningful feedback to the students for this will help them be informed of whether they are on the path to mastering the content and consequently enhance their learning Teachers will ensure that they give this meaningful feedback to their students effectively d Ease the negative mental health impact of the lack of face to face interaction among children f With resumption of face to face classes schools can help in the enforcement of health standards in school setting Reference https www deped gov ph wp content uploads 2021 09 DEPED DOH JMC No 01s 2021 pdf L E A R N I N G M O D A L I T Y PAGE 16
class schedule is Subject to Change Depending on the latest DepEd Memo on the Implementation of Face to Face Classes PAGE 17 BLENDED LEARNING SCHEDULE FULL ONLINE SCHEDULE KINDERGARTEN PAGE 18
class schedule is Subject to Change Depending on the latest DepEd Memo on the Implementation of Face to Face Classes PAGE 19 BLENDED LEARNING SCHEDULE FULL ONLINE SCHEDULE GRADE ONE PAGE 20
BLENDED LEARNING SCHEDULE FULL ONLINE SCHEDULE PAGE 21 GRADE TWO class schedule is Subject to Change Depending on the latest DepEd Memo on the Implementation of Face to Face Classes PAGE 22
BLENDED LEARNING SCHEDULE FULL ONLINE SCHEDULE PAGE 23 GRADE THREE class schedule is Subject to Change Depending on the latest DepEd Memo on the Implementation of Face to Face Classes PAGE 24
BLENDED LEARNING SCHEDULE FULL ONLINE SCHEDULE PAGE 25 GRADE FOUR class schedule is Subject to Change Depending on the latest DepEd Memo on the Implementation of Face to Face Classes PAGE 26
BLENDED LEARNING SCHEDULE FULL ONLINE SCHEDULE PAGE 27 GRADE FIVE class schedule is Subject to Change Depending on the latest DepEd Memo on the Implementation of Face to Face Classes PAGE 28
BLENDED LEARNING SCHEDULE FULL ONLINE SCHEDULE PAGE 29 GRADE SIX class schedule is Subject to Change Depending on the latest DepEd Memo on the Implementation of Face to Face Classes PAGE 30
SCHOOL YEAR 22 23 TERM ACTIVITIES DON BOSCO MAKATI exerts its best efforts to continuously deliver quality education amidst the pandemic Here is our timeline of activities from the Elementary Department for School Year 2022 2023 PAGE 31 MAY AUGUST SY 2021 2022 YEAREND ACTIVITIES ENROLLMENT SUMMER CAMP ACTIVITIES ONLINE TRAINING FOR TEACHERS STUDENT ORIENTATION PARENT ORIENTATION SECOND TERM NOVEMBER 21 2022 FEBRUARY 23 2022 SCREEN BREAK FEBRUARY 24 25 2032 MEN S AND WOMEN S FORA FAMILY WEEKEND RECOLLECTION FOUNDER S DAY CELEBRATION SOCIAL ACTION PROGRAM LAUNCHING SPECIAL CATECHISM FOR NEW STUDENTS IN PREPARATION FOR FIRST CONFESSION AND COMMUNION FIRST TERM AUGUST 22 2022 NOVEMBER 11 2022 SCREEN BREAK NOVEMBER 14 16 2022 PARENTING SEMINAR PARENT S PASTORAL ORIENTATION RECTOR S DAY LAUNCHING OF MONTH OF HOLY ROSARY MARIAN ACTIVITIES MARIAN PILGRIMAGE HARANA KAY MARIA MARIAN FIESTA FAMILY ROSARY ENCOUNTER THIRD TERM SCHEDULES GRADE LEVEL ACTIVITY SCHEDULE Grades 2 to 6 Morning Assembly Every Monday 7 00 A M Kindergarten and Grade 1 Morning Assembly Every Monday 8 00 A M Kindergarten to Grade 6 Homeroom Period Twice a week Values Education Once a week during Homeroom Period Grades 3 to 6 First Friday Mass Every 1st Friday of the month 2 00 P M Grades 3 to 6 Club Meetings Every Thursday 1 30 P M Kindergarten to Grade 6 Enrichment Class Three meetings per term Kindergarten to Grade 6 Guidance Program Once a month during Homeroom Period Kindergarten to Grade 6 Term Break Every after Long Test Kindergarten to Grade 6 Term Break Celebration Every after Term Break Grade 1 to Grade 6 FEBRUARY 27 2023 MAY 31 2023 FIRST HOLY CONFESSION FIRST HOLY COMMUNION YEAR END RECOLLECTION OF GRADUATING STUDENTS The Homeroom Period Adviser s Time will be allotted to monitor assist and guide the Bosconians not only for academics but also for their other needs and concerns personal and school related PAGE 32
This is a pre recorded children s variety show that runs for an hour or so with presentations games and other fun stuff It follows a certain theme and is hosted by different volunteer students and teachers This is presented via Zoom conference and live streamed via the Elementary FB Page This is a perfect opportunity for students to showcase their talents celebrate the event s of the month as one department BOSCO LIT EPISODES EPISODE 1 OPENING OF CLASSES AUGUST 22 2022 EPISODE 2 TEACHER S DAY CELEBRATION OCTOBER 5 2022 EPISODE 3 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL DECEMBER 15 2022 FOR BOSCO LIT EPISODES VISIT HTTPS WWW YOUTUBE COM CHANNEL UCDSYARINLTADX4_OLVQWDDA PAGE 33 SCHOOL CALENDAR dates of activities are subject to change update will be given by the class adviser PAGE 34
IMPLEMENTATION OF PASTORAL PROGRAMS CHRISTIAN LIVING From Christian Living Experience to Christian Living Starting this school year 2022 2023 the program will be simply called Christian Living and the facilitators as teachers Christian Living will continue to help Bosconians to mature in faith and life as a dynamic continuum It will be delivered both online and face to face Blended Learning modalities 1 This School Year 2022 2023 the Jesus My Best Friend Catechesis the original Catechetical Program developed by Christian Living Teachers of Don Bosco Makati for their students will continue its implementation 2 The Jesus My Best Friend Catechesis is Don Bosco Makati s Christian Living CL Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade 6 Levels It is the school s response to the Church s call for a renewed and integral evangelization It aims to accompany students in their journey towards the fullness of life in Jesus Christ Through its application students would know live and celebrate their Catholic faith in joy and freedom Santi Platform an original website as a primary learning resource accompanies the curriculum to ensure that technology is embedded in the catechetical process making it more fun and interactive personalized and avant garde PAGE 35 It will be fully operational starting SY 2022 2023 It contains the learning resources of the Faith Formation cluster of the Pastoral Ministry When the face to face modality is finally allowed Kinder to Grade 3 students will use a specialized CL room called The Meeting Room where they encounter Jesus their best friend It is a fun place for catechesis and sacred space for prayer It contains materials like visuals realia tablets music library etc to support a multisensory catechetical methodology 3 The Jesus My Best Friend Catechesis will be delivered in a Blended Learning setup 4 The weekly Family Sunday Gospel Reflection FSGR which serves as an essential component of the Jesus My Best Friend Catechesis will be continued implemented and monitored 5 The CL meetings will happen daily 6 Descriptive marks will be used for the CL grading system E Excellent VS Very Satisfactory S Satisfactory G Good NI Needs Improvement PASTORAL PAGE 36
IMPLEMENTATION OF PASTORAL PROGRAMS SOCIAL ACTION PROGRAMS SAP PRAYER SACRAMENTS PRAYERS will be both face to face and at the same time be made accessible in the online classroom 1 1 Morning Prayer on Mondays will be done face to face during the Morning Assembly for those students onsite Prayers will be live streamed for those who are online 1 2 Daily Morning Prayer on Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays per class 1 3 The classes conclude daily with the Prayer to the Guardian Angel and the Angelus MASSES 2 1 Monthly Departmental Mass every First Friday of the Month at 2 00 PM 2 2 Online Sunday Mass with their respective parish 2 3 EPC Masses as scheduled FIRST CONFESSION and FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 3 1 The Grade 3 students together with the new students from Grades 4 to 6 will have their First Holy Confession and First Holy Communion MONTHLY ACTIVITIES AND COMMEMORATIONS First Thursday God s Incarnate First Thursday G I F T First Friday Department Mass 11th of the Month Salesian Missions 19th of the Month St Joseph 24th of the Month Mary Help of Christians Last Day of the Month St John Bosco and Exercise for a Happy Death PAGE 37 DEVOTIONAL PRACTICES The Department will continue its traditional devotional practices Marian Pilgrimage Harana Para Kay Maria Marian Fiesta The Month of the Holy Rosary Founder s Day Celebration RETREATS AND RECOLLECTIONS 1 Retreats and recollections are peak moments in the life of Bosconians offering them an opportunity to experience the special closeness of God and the saving power of His love 2 Face to face recollections and retreats for Gr 4 6 levels per class in SY 2022 2023 TBA 3 Year end face to face recollection for Graduating students 4 The Family Weekend Recollection will continue and serve as the Advent Recollection for our Bosconians and their families SALESIANITY FORMATION Salesianity formation is integrated with the Jesus My Best Friend Catechesis and other Pastoral Ministry Activities FAMILY MINISTRY 1 The Family Sunday Gospel Reflection FSGR which shall serve as an essential component of the Jesus My Best Friend Catechesis will be integrated into the SANTI Platform 2 The monthly online God Incarnate First Thursday G I F T which consists of Lectio Divina and adoration of the blessed sacrament will continue to be implemented every first Thursday of the month at 8 00 PM 9 00 PM It serves as enrichment for parents of Bosconians and Lay Mission Partners for more effective facilitation of the FSGR 3 The important Family Ministry Activities for S Y 2022 2023 include a Men s and Women s Fora for new parents b Family Weekend Recollection c Tuloy Po Kayo Series d Parenting Seminars in coordination with the Guidance Office 4 The Family Rosary Encounter will continue every Saturday of October 5 The Family Ministry will propose new activities to respond to the new family situations of Bosconians 1 Outreach is the yardstick of Salesian spirituality hence SAP shall continue while respecting the exigencies of the new normal 2 SAP will be integrated with CL For Kindergarten to Grade 4 levels the Jesus My Best Friend Catechesis Lesson 7 Church as a Community of Missionary Disciples and Lesson 8 Church as the Seed of the Kingdom of God for Grade 5 Jesus in Disguise The Works of Mercy and for Grade 6 Laudato Si Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teachings 3 There shall be no out of campus SAP TBA CLUBS Group Experience clubs and sodalities as a dimension of the Salesian Educative Pastoral Plan SEPP shall continue with the online set up to be coordinated with the APSA VOCATIONS AND PROMOTIONS 1 The prayer of vocation is included in the Monday morning prayer 2 Vocation stories of Salesians Lay Mission Partners and parents will be included in the good morning talks homilies during level or department masses and CL meetings 3 A Vocation Awareness Day for Grades 2 to 6 levels will be organized to allow the Bosconians to be aware of the beautiful gift of God s vocation 4 The Seekers Formation Program will be implemented for Bosconians from Grades 3 to 6 levels They will have an afternoon interaction with the Salesian of Don Bosco priests and brothers SDBs once in every term 5 There will be a career orientation activity both for Grades 5 6 Bosconians PAGE 38
G U ID A N C E C EN TE R The heart and the main service of the guidance center must adapt to the needs of the students teachers and parents as well Even though there is the challenge of maintaining communication with all stakeholders The counselors will reach out through different online platforms by PAGE 39 COUNSELING SERVICE Planning structured dialogue and schedule with the client student parent colleague through Messenger Email Ensuring confidentiality during online and face to face counseling individual group peer counseling through Messenger Call or Google Meet Journeying with the client during the process exploration understanding decision making Connecting with parents guardians through various communication platforms Collaborating with teachers and other school officials regarding the referral of students for counseling Providing counseling to teachers and other LMPs upon request TESTING SERVICE Administering locally made tests to students through Google Forms Elementary and Senior High School SHS Administering standardized tests for students onsite Junior High School JHS Checking profiling and providing individual results for parents INTERVENTION AND ENRICHMENT SERVICES Conducting Facilitating Organizing symposia on various topics mental health and wellness anti bullying campaign sexuality etc whether onsite or online modality Implementating of revitalized homeroom guidance program guidance classes either through onsite or online method Spearheading crisis intervention related to mental health issues INDIVIDUAL INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS SERVICE Obtaining records of students through Google Forms and other appropriate tools available through online methods Safeguarding records of the students Psychological test results family details anecdotal reports referrals CAREER GUIDANCE SERVICE Organizing College Fair and Career Talks through Zoom Meetings SHS Establishing linkage with other institutions schools and universities for college placement through emails SHS Establishing linkage with other organizations professionals etc for career pathing through emails SHS Facilitating career guidance activities and promotions in collaboration with SHS Department and JHS Department through Zoom Meetings Facilitating career and vocation program All levels INFORMATION AND ORIENTATION SERVICES Orienting students and stakeholders regarding guidance services online thru the official FB page of Guidance Center emails newsletters Zoom meetings etc Coordinating guidance activities with other departments Providing relevant information regarding guidance related events online thru the official FB page of Guidance Center emails newsletters Zoom meetings etc PASTORAL MINISTRY SERVICE Assisting in the administration of pastoral services online retreat recollection SAP family ministry PAGE 40
The COVID 19 pandemic continuously challenges libraries and librarians to provide their services and resources in innovative ways reach out to their clients beyond physical boundaries and thrive despite the current situation In response to these challenges the Library and Learning Resource Center LLRC has prepared this continuity plan which will serve as its guide in resuming normal operations while ensuring the health and safety of the school community With blended learning still in place the LLRC will implement services for both face to face and online transactions LIB ONLINE PAGE 41 ASK A LIBRARIAN This is an email correspondence with librarians in regard to students and teachers information and research needs Students and faculty members can send their inquiries to this email account Elementary LLRC dbmakati llrc elem one bosco org LLRC BOOK PICK UP DELIVERY SERVICE This service allows students and faculty members to continually borrow books from the LLRC Students and faculty members who want to avail of this service should send an email message to librarians This is for them to check the availability of the books and prepare them ahead of time Grades 1 2 students can borrow 2 books at a time while Grades 3 6 students can borrow 3 books at a time On the other hand faculty members can borrow a maximum of 10 books for a month with an automatic renewal Upon confirmation from the LLRC staff the books are ready for pick up The pick up schedule is from 8 00 am to 4 00 pm on weekdays The pick up area for the books will be at the School Main Lobby near Gate 2C entrance There is an option to have the books delivered through courier service However delivery fees will be at the clients own expense A designated Book returns drop is located near the School Main Lobby entrance for a convenient way of returning the books LLRC UPDATES AND HELP TOOLS These refer to online posters sent by the LLRC to students and faculty members on a monthly basis and serve as the LLRC s online bulletin board The posters contain various information related to the library such as Featured books of the month Announcements events New services and programs Infographics on information literacy and research skills and others ONLINE LIBRARY USER EDUCATION This service is conducted through the Library orientation and Information literacy program which aim to introduce the library and teach students about books and research skills Videos for the Information literacy program are prerecorded and watched by students during their asynchronous sessions D N A Y G R N I A N R B R I L EA L CE UR SO ER T RE N CE This service provides access to online library resources such as the Online Public Access Catalog OPAC EBSCO research databases and open access resources The OPAC contains records of the library s collection of books and audio visual materials It allows searching and browsing through the library s available resources anytime and anywhere It can be accessed through its URL library donboscomakati edu ph EBSCOhost Research Databases contain thousands of journal articles on various subjects useful for research On the other hand Explora Secondary Schools is a research interface designed for high school students These can be accessed through search ebscohost com along with provided usernames and passwords for students and faculty members Open access resources refer to online research materials made available to the general public free of charge These include free e book and e journals sites and open access databases Links to these open access resources will be made available through the LLRC website N E W N O R M A L L L R C S E R V I C E S DOCUMENT DELIVERY This service provides copies of documents or literature requested by clients such as book chapters images journal articles and other print collections Documents will be scanned and emailed directly to clients Those who want to avail of this service should send an email message to librarians The number of pages allowed for scanning and sharing is also limited depending on the type of document requested Book 1 whole chapter Journal article 1 whole article Images maximum of five 5 images PAGE 42
O N S I T E L L R C S E R V I C E S CIRCULATION OF BOOKS Students and faculty members who want to borrow books from the LLRC should proceed to the Circulation counter and present their ID along with the book s to be borrowed They should also fill in the necessary information date name and grade and section on the book cards of books to be borrowed Books are checked out using the library system Receipts will be printed once the transaction is processed and a copy is given to the student for reference Returning of books will also be done at the Circulation Counter Books returned past the due date will be charged with corresponding overdue fines All borrowed books are renewable twice Simply present the books to the Circulation Counter on their due date for renewal Students and faculty members will be requested to observe physical distancing while waiting for their turn to be assisted by the LLRC staff at the Circulation counter PAGE 43 INTERNET ACCESS Students may access the Internet for research purposes by using the provided computer units in the Elementary LLRC A maximum of three 3 students will be allowed to use the computers for 10 minutes at a time to ensure physical distancing All computer units will also be wiped after every use PRINTING PHOTOCOPYING AND SCANNING SERVICES Printing photocopying and scanning services will also be made available to assist students in their academic requirements These can be availed as the LLRC opens during recess and lunch breaks and after dismissal Students who will avail of these services during class hours should ask permission from their subject teacher SUPERVISED RESEARCH This is an assistance provided by librarians to class advisers subject teachers and their students who may need to use library books and references for specific topics Faculty members are requested to coordinate with librarians ahead of time in order for them to prepare the necessary books references and materials for this activity A maximum of twenty 20 students per class will be allowed to avail of this service to ensure physical distancing LLRC GUIDELINES FOR THE NEW NORMAL 1 All students and faculty members should wear their face mask properly and at all times while inside the library premises 2 Alcohol dispensers will be provided near the library entrance and at the Circulation counter for self sanitation of students and faculty members 3 Students and faculty members are advised to follow floor markers to observe physical distancing particularly when queueing in line at the Circulation counter and while browsing books at the shelves 4 A maximum of four 4 students will be allowed to sit per table to ensure physical distancing 5 There will be a designated book drop box where students may put the books they used or read inside the library 6 Air purifiers will be put in place to aid in maintaining proper ventilation inside the LLRC PAGE 44
The parent guardian of the student should accomplish the Health Declaration Form HDF via Google Form a day before the scheduled face to face classes Students whose HDFs were accomplished the day before the face to face class should line up directly to the entrance Students whose HDFs were not accomplished may scan the QR code and register or accomplish it using the form Students should wear face mask The No face mask No entry policy will be followed Teachers will provide facemask to students who have none Proper distancing should be observed while the students are waiting for their turn to enter Students should strictly follow the distance marks Students may use the hand sanitizers alcohol available at the school entrance Students who are not feeling well experiencing any of the COVID 19 symptoms should not come to school Students who will show symptoms indicated in Section III A 1 of the DB MAKATI IRR will be placed in the isolation room COVID 19 Case Management and Procedures indicated in the DB MAKATI IRR will be followed Students who were previously absent due to symptoms related to COVID 19 and other infectious illnesses must present a medical certificate to the nurse doctor on duty This should be approved first by the nurse doctor on duty before students can enter the school Students who were previously absent due to non COVID 19 related symptoms and non infectious illnesses may not present a medical certificate if absence is not more than 2 Thursdays An explanation of their absence will suffice Students should proceed to their classrooms in an orderly manner PAGE 45 GUIDELINES WHILE IN THE CLASSROOM FACE TO FACE GUIDELINES UPON ENTERING THE SCHOOL Before Students should use only the entrance door The chairs in the classroom are pre arranged by the advisers Students are assigned with their permanent seats Students should only use the seats assigned to them at all times Sample 1 minimalist Students should not roam and play in the classroom in the corridor while waiting for the classes to start During Students should stay on their seats Exchanging seats is strictly prohibited Students should not move their chairs The distance of the chairs must be maintained Students should come to school with complete school materials Borrowing of things is not allowed to avoid contact with other students Facemask should be worn at all times It should not be removed even when a student has to participate in the recitation Group activities are highly discouraged After Students should stay on their seats and wait quietly for the next class Students should wait and ask permission from the next teacher before they can go to the comfort room PAGE 46
WHILE IN THE SHOPS AND LABORATORIES Before Students should line up outside the shop laboratories accordingly They should follow the distance marks Students should use the entrance door Only 12 students are allowed to enter the shop laboratories The schedule for the use of shop laboratories should strictly be followed Students who are not scheduled to use the shop laboratories should not enter the facilities Students will be given pre assigned seats areas Transferring seats areas is not allowed PAGE 47 During 1 1 ratio of student and equipment should be followed Students should follow the one way circulation in the laboratories and shops Laboratory assistant should monitor laboratory shop traffic to ensure physical distancing guidelines are followed Teachers should practice safe distancing in dealing with the students who are asking for assistance A box per section activity should be provided for storage of submitted materials Worksheets or other materials to be submitted to the instructor during laboratory hours should be untouched for a 24 hour period before handling them based on Centers for Disease and Control Prevention 2020 This is also the same when the papers materials will be returned to the students Both teachers and students should not use tools that are not designated for them Students should not roam or stay longer in the laboratory before and after their classes After Students should return the equipment materials they used Students should leave the shop laboratories in an orderly manner and form their line outside Students should use the exit door Students should follow the distance markers when lining up Students should observe proper distancing during mobilization During Recess The bell will be rung to signal the start of recess Classrooms will be disinfected during recess time Recess will be done in an assigned room The Adviser will supervise the class during recess Students are required to bring their own food Students will bring their food and other necessary things when transferring to the assigned room Students should sit at their pre assigned seats Sharing of touched exposed food is not allowed Transferring of seats and excessive socializing are not allowed The bell will be rung to signal the end of recess Students will return to their classroom in an orderly manner FACE TO FACE GUIDELINES DURING RECESS USE OF COMFORT ROOM DISMISSAL Use of Comfort Room A maximum of 2 students can enter the CR Proper distancing should also be observed inside the CR Only 2 urinals will be made available for the students Students should not use the urinal with the X mark Students are discouraged from interacting with their classmates in the comfort room Students should wash their hands thoroughly after using the CR During Dismissal Students should use the exit door Students should proceed to the designated exit gate near the Principal s Office in an orderly manner Fetchers should present their fetcher s ID to the guard on duty fetch their son and leave immediately Students who are not yet fetched should stay only at the waiting area of the exit gate Students who are not yet fetched should not play or roam the school PAGE 48
On Playing Students should not bring any kind of ball basketball volleyball soccer ball and etc and any other toys Playing is not allowed at all times On Going to the Clinic non COVID related symptoms The students should ask permission from the adviser subject teacher first They should bring the Clinic Pass with them The students may proceed to the clinic by themselves or an available teacher may accompany them On Forgotten School Materials Parents are not allowed to bring any school material their sons have forgotten PAGE 49 FACE TO FACE OTHER GUIDELINES On Using the Library A limited number of students will be allowed to enter the library Only two students should sit together at a table They must position themselves at the opposite ends of the table The students should line up outside the library following the distance marks while waiting for their turn to enter For Parents and Guests Parents are not allowed to enter the school without an official business No Appointment Slip No Entry Policy will be followed Same procedures will be done to guests and visitors before allowing them to enter the school Parents are not allowed to roam the school They should go directly to their place of business and leave at once after PAGE 50
HTTPS BIT LY 3OVRLOV ON USE OF CELLPHONES Though the use of cellular phones while in school is deemed necessary for Bosconians in communicating with their parents guardians regarding any untoward incident or urgent concerns it is important that they observe the following rules and regulations The students are required to turn off their cellular phones as they enter the school premises They are required to place their phones inside their bags and should not use them inside the classroom comfort rooms any school facility nor publicly display them while on the school premises Bringing any electronic gadget to school is always the owner s responsibility Students who are required to bring any electronic gadgets laptops cameras tablets etc for school mandated activities should secure a form from the Office of the Assistant Principals facilitated by the subject teacher Cellular phones and other electronic gadgets are confiscated when they are used inappropriately during classroom activities that require the use of the above mentioned cellular phones and other electronic gadgets They may only use their phones when urgent concerns arise Otherwise they are required to keep them in their bags Violations of cellphone rules and regulations shall be immediately reported to the Prefect of Student Decorum and recorded at the Assistant Principal for Student Affair s Office This will be processed as a major offense PAGE 51 FOR FACE TO FACE CLICK HERE INSTITUTIONAL IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS PAGE 52
ONLINE PAGE 53 SCHOOL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Details of the online guidelines school policies and procedures among others are discussed thoroughly during the scheduled orientation both for students and parents ATTENDANCE is a must every school day It is checked at the beginning of every period MORNING ASSEMBLIES are held every Monday using the Zoom link Special Morning Assemblies may be streamed live via our Facebook Page Students who are absent or tardy due to any reason must send an explanation for their absence or tardiness to their adviser with a carbon copy cc to the Prefect of Student Decorum for approval excusal upon reporting to class All students are expected to observe the guidelines before during and after synchronous classes The official one bosco account of the student is used in joining the class link No other accounts must be used in joining the link Camera is turned on at all times Microphones are turned off They will be turned on only when asking questions answering during recitation and other related situations Respect cooperation and obedience to the guidelines and teachers are shown at all times All students are expected to observe the guidelines during asynchronous classes especially in submitting their tasks The schedule of the tests Summative Test Long Test are communicated ahead of time to allow preparations of devices internet connection as well as the members persons in the household The academic integrity of online assessment is held with utmost importance Parents are asked to sign the Academic Honesty Agreement Form Parents and students are also given orientations regarding guidelines before during and after test administration Circulars reiterating the observance of the online assessment guidelines are also sent before the scheduled Long Test Students through their parents are encouraged to communicate any concern experienced during online classes test There is no rescheduling or retaking of missed Summative and Long Tests Violations or non compliance to online assessment guidelines may mean invalidation of Summative or Long Test All Bosconians are expected to maintain a short neat and decent haircut They are also required to wear the official school uniform or the prescribed alternative uniform PAGE 54
BOSCO MAKATI DON ONLINE ENROLLMENT BOSCOPROCEDURE MAKATI DON BOSCO MAKATI DON FOR OLD STUDENTS INCOMING GRADES 1 6 BOSCO MAKATI DON 1 BOSCO MAKATI DON Visit donboscomakati edu ph BOSCO MAKATI DON 2 BOSCO MAKATI DON Access the Student Portal under Student 3 Resources DON BOSCO MAKATI Click Assessment and then BOSCO MAKATI DON update Student Information 4 BOSCO MAKATI DON Select Mode of BOSCO MAKATI DON Payment Plan of 5 Payment and the BOSCO MAKATI DON Grade Level applied for Make your initial by the student Click payment in any of our BOSCO MAKATI DON Process bank accounts BOSCO MAKATI DON 6 BOSCO MAKATI DON Print the assessment BOSCO MAKATI DON form and sign the conforme Click here to BOSCO MAKATI DON attach your documents BOSCO MAKATI DON PAGE 57 If reservation has been made prior to enrollment pay for the amount indicated under Amount Due Upon Enrollment otherwise pay for the Total School Fees BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI ENROLL NOW BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO ONLINE APPLICATION PROCEDURE No more entrance examinations shall be administered among aspiring Bosconians for School Year BOSCO 2022 2023 DON BOSCO MAKATI DON FOR NEW STUDENTS MAKATI INCOMING KINDERGARTEN GRADEBOSCO 6 DON BOSCO DON DON BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO Fill out the online application form through donboscomakati edu ph Put N A on fields that are not applicable 1 DON BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO DON BOSCO DON BOSCO Send a scanned copyMAKATI of the applicant s PSA NSO Birth Certificate and Report Card to the Registrar s Office email 2 BOSCO DON MAKATI DON BOSCO for Elementary dbmakati registrar elem one bosco org DON BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO Wait for the verification email from the Registrar s Office for the enrollment procedure DON 3 BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO Registrar s Office Hours Hours DON BOSCO MAKATIAccounting s DONOffice BOSCO DON BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO DON BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO DON FOR BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO THE SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR SY 2022 2023 DON BOSCO DON PLEASEMAKATI CLICK THE LINK BELOWBOSCO DON BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO DON BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO HTTPS BIT LY SCHEDFEESDBTI DON BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO DON BOSCO MAKATI DON BOSCO PAGE 58 Monday Friday except Holidays 7 30 AM 12 00 NN 1 00 PM 3 00 PM Contact Number 8892 01 01 to 08 loc 306 Monday Friday except Holidays 7 30 AM 12 00 NN 1 00 PM 3 00 PM Contact Number 8892 01 01 to 08 loc 204
FOR QUERIES CONCERNS OR CLARIFICATIONS PLEASE REFER TO THE RESPECTIVE CONTACT DETAILS ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS KINDERGARTEN REGISTAR dbmakati registrar one bosco org 8892 01 01 to 08 loc 306 CHRISTIAN LIVING MATHEMATICS ACCOUNTING dbmakati accounting one bosco org 8892 01 01 to 08 loc 204 SCIENCE AND HEALTH ENGLISH COMMUNICATIONS dbmakati communications one bosco org GUIDANCE CENTER dbmakati guidance elem onebosco org LIBRARY AND LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER dbmakati llrc elem one bosco org FILIPINO ARALING PANLIPUNAN MUSIC ARTS PHYSICAL EDUCATION mdfbayocboc one bosco org MS THERESA V ANOG tvanog one bosco org MS MARILOU M SIBAYAN mmsibayan one bosco org MS MA ANABELLE P TRONCO maptronco one bosco org MR ACE H DULCE acdulce one bosco org MR JERALD F FORTEZA jfforteza one bosco org MRS CECILE V SUMANQUI cnsumanqui one bosco org MS IYYA VERONICA M GUEVARRA ivmguevarra one bosco org MS JESSA G TANDAYU jgtandayu one bosco org MR RAMONSITO P MARGALLO rpmargallo one bosco org TECHNOLOGY AND WORK EDUCATION MR JEFFREY V ACIERTO ELEMENTARY COMMUNICATIONS MS MARILOU M SIBAYAN PREFECT OF STUDENT DECORUM STUDENT ACTIVITY COORDINATOR PAGE 55 MRS MA DOLORES F BAYOCBOC jvacierto one bosco org dbmakati elementary onebosco org MR RICHWELL C NOCHE dbmakati elem sdo one bosco org MS SHIELA MARIE M CORNEJO smmcornejo one bosco org PAYMENT CHANNELS COMMUNICATION channels ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS ACCOUNT NAME DON BOSCO TECHNICAL INSTITUTE OF MAKATI INC ACCOUNT NUMBER 0048 8801 4427 ACCOUNT NAME DON BOSCO TECHNICAL INSTITUTE OF MAKATI INC ACCOUNT NUMBER 1885 1129 82 ACCESSIBLE THROUGH STUDENT PARENT PORTAL ONCE PAYMENT IS MADE KINDLY EMAIL OUR ACCOUNTING OFFICE OR FILL OUT THE LINK BELOW SO THAT YOUR TRANSACTION WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED AND VERIFIED HTTPS FDIKFFY33C4 TYPEFORM COM TO KF92LPSL t n a t r o p im LINKS Don Bosco Makati Website https donboscomakati edu ph Official Elementary Facebook Page https www facebook com dbmakatielementary Don Bosco Technical Institute Makati https www facebook com DonBoscoMakati Don Bosco Makati Pastoral Ministry https www facebook com DBTIMakatiPastoral Don Bosco Makati TV about our KINDERGARTEN AND GRADE 1 PROGRAMS KINDERGARTEN and GRADE 1 BROCHURE https www youtube com c DonBoscoMakatiTV BoscoLit Youtube https www youtube com channel UCdsYarIN LTadX4_OlVqwDDA PAGE 56