FY 2024ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2023 - JUNE 30, 2024
Laurie HutchesonA M E S S A G E F R O M O U RE X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O RLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTI am proud to share that our most recent fiscal year (FY24), which endedJune 30, 2024, was another year of ”firsts” and new achievements for LBCAin supporting patient advocates and promoting more lobular breast cancerresearch. Our most significant “first” advocacy initiative was launched in the fall of2023 during the LBCA-sponsored Invasive Lobular Carcinoma Symposiumin Pittsburgh, where I announced LBCA’s new initiative - Local AdvocacyTeams (LATs). The intention of the LAT initiative is to promote local, in-person lobular breast cancer education and advocacy activities. We believethat it is the perfect and natural next step in the evolution of LBCA. With the ideal volunteer leadership of Kathleen Moss to assist us in helping individuals interested to getstarted, we have convened a planning and brainstorming group that has so far produced two LATs. I amoptimistic for the LAT initiative to help accelerate the pace at which we can penetrate many more breastcancer programs and persuade them to share lobular breast cancer information and our URL with theirpatients. Our second “first” was hard earned. After two years of our messaging and outreach to President Biden’sNational Cancer Panel and Moonshot Initiative, in which we repeatedly conveyed information about lobularbreast cancer and how it has been left behind in research, we were excited to be commended for ouradvocacy and to see the Panel promote awareness of our organization’s mission. The President’s CancerPanel posted the commendation on LinkedIn and X, shared our URL and urged everyone to visit our website. LBCA also was proud to be among the first members of the newly formed American Cancer SocietyNational Breast Cancer Roundtable Meeting in Houston. It was an honor and a boost for our visibility. I leftthe two-day meeting with great hope and new connections that have already assisted us in influencinggovernment breast cancer sites to add comprehensive information on lobular breast cancer. Anotherexciting aspect of FY24 was significant grant making activity. We were able to develop and issue a recordnumber of lobular breast cancer research grant solicitations through our partnerships with AACR, ASCOand SNMMI. Our ability to offer so many grants this fiscal year was only possible because of the supportand generosity of all our donors, including many who are new. It was a record year for LBCA, both in termsof fundraising, breaking $1M for the first time, and in terms of expanding our reach.In addition to these exciting new program activities, LBCA continues to be the go-to resource for vitalinformation about lobular breast cancer. Our website with its extensive, scientifically vetted information,provided in multiple languages, received 41,000 visits during the fiscal year, and we now have 6500subscribers to LBCA’s informative newsletter. LBCA also proudly continues to sponsor patient advocatetraining and participation in breast cancer research symposiums.I am truly humbled by and grateful to all our volunteers, including our scientific and patient advocateadvisory board members without whose guidance, thoughtfulness, time and energy we would not bemaking such great strides in all our mission driven work. Please read about all we have achieved this yearand thank you so much for continuing to believe in and support us as we strive to do even more towardsachieving our vision of a world in which lobular breast cancer is detected earlier, treated effectively anderadicated permanently.
We Patient Advocate Advisory Board (PAAB) members work together diligently to surface and express whatmatters most to invasive lobular breast cancer patients in all that LBCA does in raising awareness andpromoting more research for lobular breast cancer. As ambassadors of LBCA, we are privy to the mostcurrent information from both the medical and scientific community focusing on ILC research, which is ofgreat benefit in helping to prioritize LBCA’s strategic programmatic goals each year. We strive to make thePAAB meetings always “actionable” with a focus on increasing awareness and pushing for advancements inthe treatment protocols to identify those most effective for lobular - this distinctly different breast cancer.Progress is certainly being made, in fact this year we created a wonderful new brochure about lobularbreast cancer and LBCA and translated it into 19 languages. We still have so much more to do. We remaincommitted and determined to keep pushing forward, so that people with lobular breast cancer can feelconfident that their type of breast cancer is being addressed and treated accordingly. Invasive lobularbreast cancer is not rare, accounting for 15% of all breast cancer diagnosed. There areM E S S A G E S F R O M T H E C H A I R S O F O U RS C I E N T I F I C & P A T I E N T A D V O C A T E A D V I S O R Y B O A R D SIrene JamiesonChair, LBCA Patient Advocate Advisory Boarda lot of us, but lobular breast cancer is still not getting the attention itneeds, that we deserve. As proud chair of the PAAB, I continue to becommitted to helping ensure that the lobular patient voice is a part of theplanning to make this happen. This year we have helped to launch amovement to declare October 15th global lobular breast cancerawareness day as a step in this direction. I am excited to see themomentum growing."Serving as the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board for the LBCA has beenone of the most fulfilling and rewarding experiences of my career. Leadingsuch a passionate and dedicated group of professionals has been a trueprivilege, and together, we have accomplished so much this year. Our successstarted with a well-received, LBCA-sponsored, educational session at SABCS,which was a significant step forward in increasing awareness and educationaround ILC. Furthermore, I'm particularly proud that we applied for what willbe the first-ever dedicated session on ILC at ASCO, a milestone thatunderscores the growing recognition of this unique subtype of breast cancerwithin the broader oncology community. Moreover, we pioneered a newfunding model by creating multiple ILC mini grants through the ASCO ConquerCancer Foundation and AACR, specifically targeting both early and mid-careerphysicians. We are also collaborating with both the SABCS and AACR tosponsor Merit awards for the best ILC abstracts selected for presentation at Jason Mouabbi, MDChair, LBCA Scientific Advisory BoardSABCS 2024. Finally, we worked closely with colleagues around the world to establish October 15 as LobularBreast Cancer Awareness Day. This effort is crucial in raising much-needed awareness and understanding ofILC, ensuring that this unique subtype receives the attention it deserves. It has been an honor to serve asChair during such a transformative year, and I am excited about the continued progress we will maketogether in the fight against ILC."
O U R V O L U N T E E R A N DE X E C U T I V E L E A D E R S H I PLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTPatient Advocate Advisory BoardIrene A. Jamieson, ChairJanice Axelrod, Vice ChairAnn Camden, Vice Chair*Brenda CunningtonShay ChawlaKaran GarrisonGitte H. JoergensenJulia Katherine LevineNancy MacGillivrayDiane MapesJudy McDevittChristine McKayFlora MigyankaBarbara NeilsenLori PetittiScientific Advisory BoardJason A. Mouabbi, MD, ChairRinath Jeselsohn, MDPatrick W.B. Derksen, PhDRachel C. Jankowitz, MDMaxine Jochelson, MDMegan Kruse, MDRebecca Shatsky, MDRita Mukhtar, MDShani Paluch-Shimo n, MDFresia Pareja, MDRebecca B. Rigg ins, PhDMothaffar Rimawi, MDGeorge Sflomos, PhDMatthew J. Sikora, PhDPeter Simpson, PhDChristos Sotiriou, MD, PhDGary A. Ulaner, MD, PhDLBCA MissionAs the only organization in the US dedicated to InvasiveLobular Breast Cancer (ILC), LBCA’s mission is: To make all who are touched by ILC aware of its uniquecharacteristics and the critical need for more ILCresearch; to be the go-to source for information on ILCstudies, clinical trials and educational tools; to fosterpartnerships among patients, scientists, clinicians, andbreast cancer organizations to increase dialogue aboutILC and research advocacy; and to fund vital ILCresearch.LBCA VisionA world in which lobular breast cancer is found early,treated effectively, and eradicated permanently.LBCA TeamLaurie Hutcheson, Executive DirectorMason Mitchell-Daniels, COO/Volunteer CoordinatorAmie Kolodziej, Communications DirectorSuzie Cook Kinsellagh, Major Gifts OfficerKathleen Moss, Local Advocacy Team CoordinatorJoe Hutcheson, General CounselJulia Katherine Levine, Lead Research Advocate andPublications/Clinical Trials Curator Janice Axelrod, Research and Communication OfficerLBCA Board of Directors Chair: Tracy Cushing, MDKathryn Krantz, MDTanya Martin Robert Oakes,JR. CPA, MBAJudy McDevittBrenda Cunnington*deceased July, 2024FY 2024 - as of June 30, 2024 Laurie Hutcheson, MS
May 1, 2020LaurieHutchesonbecomesExecutiveDirectorFirst staff hired:COO andvolunteer deputydirector (MasonMitchell-Daniels) CommunicationsDirector (ColleenFitzwater) andVolunteer generalcounsel (Joe Hutcheson)start Summer 2020Awardedfirst ILCresearchgrantsFirst quarterlyPatientAdvocateAdvisory Board(PAAB)convened LBCAreceivedtax-exemptstatus LBCA becameindependentnonprofit Lobular Breast CancerAlliance Inc. (January)Produced first Video about ILCand LBCA Created breastcancer types flyerwith 21 breast canceradvocacyorganizations andsent to congressFunded firstILC ImagingresearchgrantLBCA joined the ACSNational Breast CancerRound Table and wasCommended for advocacyby President’s CancerCouncilFirst survey conductedRe: need for patientfacing website onLobular Breast Cancer(2016) Funded and named forDeb Mueller and SarahBieze, two ILC researchmini grantsand a second ILC imaginggrant (the 9th ILC grant)Released ILCbrochure,translated into19 languagesAwarded AACR-LBCA– DeborahMueller FoundationILC Innovation andDiscovery Grant White paper writtenand LBCA websitelaunched by LeighPate and patientadvocates whoformed the LBCAsteering committee (Winter 2017)Awarded second ILCresearchgrantsLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCEAwardedthird ILCresearchgrant
Co-sponsored ILCSymposium in PAand assisted 12 withscholarships toattendLaunchedthe LocalAdvocacyTeaminitiativeCo-sponsoredfirst educationsession on ILCat SABCSPresented posteron metastatic ILCpatient perspectiveat SABCSIssued firstAnnualReportFirst LBCAnewsletterpublishedelectronically Strategic plancreated calling forcreation of formalorganizationalinfrastructure(Summer 2019) LBCA becomes fiscallysponsored nonprofitthrough Social andEnvironmentalEntrepreneurs (SEE)(Winter 2018)Convened firstquarterly ScientificAdvisory Board(SAB) meeting viazoom.Added 50 newstudies to thepublicationlibraryCreated laysummaries of 13posters on ILCresearch presentedat virtual SABCSPresentedLBCAposter onILC at 1stpost-COVIDSABCS ProducedPSA withprofessionalgolferAngelaStanfordProducedvideo recapof virtualILCSymposiumReached 6,500 newsletter subscribersActive on Linkedin,Instagram, & FacebookAchievedGoldTransparencyGuidestar Candid ratingFirst majornewspaper coversILC andMotschen-bachers’ crosscountry bike ride Producedvideo on ILCimagingchallenges MAJOR MILESTONES TIMELINE2016-201920202021202220232024DraftedOctober15thDeclarationLetter
S T A K E H O L D E R E N G A G E M E N T LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTVOLUNTEER PARTICIPATION LBCA has seen steady growth across all metrics including its volunteerparticipation, and in digital engagement across all channels including websiteviews, newsletter subscribers and social media followers. We have nowcreated benchmarks to track year over year growth beginning with FY23.2022 2023 2024465476NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBERS 2020 2021 2022 20235,8502023202220212020WEBSITE VISITS 41,0004,59240103280
L O B U L A R B R E A S T C A N C E R F E A T U R E DI N S A B C S E D U C A T I O N S E S S I O NLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTThe San Antonio Breast CancerSymposium (SABCS) is the world’s largestbreast cancer conference and hostsclinicians and scientists from around theworld. LBCA proudly sponsored this session andassisted many ILC patient advocates toattend. The panel was moderated by LBCAScientific Advisory Board (SAB) founderand ILC researcher Dr. Steffi Oesterrich,and included SAB Chair and oncologist Dr.Jason Mouabbi, translational researcherDr. Christine Desmedt, breast cancersurgeon Dr. Tari King, and lobular breastcancer patient advocate Siobhan Freeney.The ILC session covered the latestinformation on what is known of the biology of lobular breast cancer, genetic mutations in lobular certain proteins found in ILC more thanin IDC and what that might mean forfuture targeted therapies. Also shared were;the challenges of imaging due to thelack of the protein E-cadherin, challenges in surgery and obtainingnegative margins,some of the peculiar sites that ILC canmetastasize toupdates on promising ILC clinical trials. The nearly full ballroom of attendeesincluded many LBCA travel scholarshipawardees – the largest number of LBCAassociated volunteers to ever attend.The 2023 SABCS conference had anotherfirst for LBCA – an LBCA booth! The boothwas stocked with printed materials and gaveLBCA great new exposure to share resources. LBCA presented another lobular breastcancer patient experience poster. Resultsfrom our survey about the challenges oflobular breast cancer and surgical decisionincluded: high rates of women reported highrates repeat surgery and are factoringconcerns about imaging accuracy and aboutpotential extent of disease and futurerecurrence into surgical decisions.Read more about our poster and a recordnumber 20 other posters on lobular breastcancer presented throughout the weeklongconference here:https://lobularbreastcancer.org/a-collection-of-ilc-focused-poster-summaries-from-sabcs23/In 2023, Invasive LobularCarcinoma finally meriteda full educational session.
Raise Awareness and Educate about ILC1.Be the Go-to Source for ILC Research/Clinical Trials andILC Treatm ent Information 2.M A J O R A C C O M P L I S H M E N T SB Y S T R A T E G I C G O A L A R E ALOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTLBCA commended for advocacy from President Biden’s National Cancer PanelPresented patient experience posters atbreast cancer conferences Published 12 ILC Stories and one tribute videoProduced new trifold brochure on ILC/LBCAProduced and house on website 2 livewebinars (1. ILC symposium recap / 2. what'snew in screening/treatment)Developed FAQ resource on Tissue DonationTranslated patient resources into 16languagesConducted 3 “Advocate Chat” webinars withresearchers SAB member Dr. Pete Simpsonand Drs. Amy McCart Reed, Carlos Arteagaand Sana ShabbirProduced new video supporting clinicaltrial participationhttps://tinyurl.com/LBCAClinicalTrialsConducted 3 video interviews with SABmembers, Drs. Mouabbi, SflomosSimpson & Shatsky, about their researchAdded 14 new additions to SAB memberresearch pageProvided lay summaries of 14 posterspresented at SABCS23
Cultivate Alliances Among US & InternationalBreast Cancer Advocacy Organizations3.Promote and Fund ILC Research4.S upport ILC Patient Advocacy5.M A J O R A C C O M P L I S H M E N T SB Y S T R A T E G I C G O A L A R E ALOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTLBCA participated as amember in inaugural meetingof the ACS National BreastCancer Round TableCo-sponsored and helpedplan ILC Symposiums inPittsburgh and BelgiumFunded 2 more ILC research grantsincluding 1 focused on imaging Co-authored study on how absence ofILC patients in clinical trials impedesfinding ILC treatmentsBrought on 3 new Scientific AdvisoryBoard members: Dr. Fresia Pareja, Dr.Mothaffar Rimawi and Dr. RebeccaShatskyAssisted a record number of individuals(Travel Grants) to attend SABCS23 andthe ILC Symposium in Pittsburgh, PA.Launched Local Advocacy Team (LAT)initiativeSupported Advocates to attend NBCC’sProject Lead breast cancer trainingprogram Dr. RimawiDr. ShatskyDr. Pareja
led by LBCA Ambassadors Minnie Campolong andMelanie Trimble launched in April of 2024.LAUNCH OF THE LOCAL ADVOCACYTEAM (LAT) INITIATIVELOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTLBCA launched the Local Advocacy Team (LAT) initiative to provideopportunities for individuals with lobular breast cancer living in thesame geographic area in the US to connect with one another andengage in in-person ILC awareness raising activities. led by LAT Ambassadors, Brenda Sulick andJeanette Brown launched in June of 2024.Lobular Awareness Network of South CarolinaLAT DMV: DC, Maryland & VirginiaLBCA worked with ILC patient advocate and volunteer, Kathleen Moss, who becameLBCA’s Local Advocacy Team (LAT) Coordinator and chairs monthly meetings ofadvocates interested in starting or who have started LATs to share tips andchallenges. Two LATs (below) were initiated in FY24.A Message About LATs from ourVolunteer CoordinatorIt's been ten months since we began the Local Advocacy Teams (LAT) project inthe fall of 2023. The LAT project was initiated to support individuals seeking to We successfully launched two official Local Advocacy Teams in FY24. And we now haveover fifty dedicated advocates from 25 of the 50 states interested in doing localadvocacy and attending our monthly check-in meetings and who may one day formtheir own LAT. I am excited in anticipation of launching three or four more in FY25. Stay tuned to hear more as we grow in knowledge, members and outreach efforts!Kathleen MossLocal Advocacy Team (LAT) Coordinatoradvocate in person together, to educate patients and community members as well asmedical professionals and other service providers in the oncology community about thepeculiarities of Lobular Breast Cancer from the perspective of the ILC patient.
2023 AACR-LBCA Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC)Research FellowshipLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTLBCA awarded two new AACR-Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance –Deborah Mueller Foundation Invasive Lobular CarcinomaInnovation and Discovery Grant awards to:Dr. Julia Houthuijzen from the Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL) andDr. Carolina Reduzzi from Weill Medical College of CornellUniversity. The two recipients of these one-year $50,000 grants will focusone, on studying ex vivo human ILC cultures to developpersonalized ILC treatments and the other on comprehensiveliquid biopsies to decipher lobular breast cancer metastasis.These are the first two of three ILC research grants funded by the Deborah Mueller Foundation to support lobular breast cancer research in memory of LBCA board member DeborahMueller who passed away in 2023 from metastatic lobular breast cancer.The 2023 AACR-LBCA Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC) ResearchFellowship was awarded to Capucine Héraud, PhD, in July of2023. The two-year grant, totaling $120,000, allows Dr. Héraudto continue her research on the differences between ILC andinvasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) cells and on how thosedifferences make ILC more resistant to traditional treatments. R E S E A R C H G R A N T SAACR-LBCA – Deborah Mueller Foundation Invasive Lobular Carcinoma Innovation and Discovery Grant LBCA Awarded the following research grants in partnership with the AmericanAssociation for Cancer Research (AACR)Dr. Julia Julia Houthuijzen
LBCA members including SAB Members RachelJankowitz and Patrick Derksen, ILC Grantee Karen VanBaelen, LBCA Executive Director Laurie Hutcheson,LBCA Patient Advocate Advisory Board members AnnCamden and Julia Levine, LBCA Travel ScholarsMegan-Claire Chase and Valerie Fraser co-authoredan article with sister organizations – the EuropeanLobular Breast Cancer Consortium and Advocates. L B C A M E M B E R S C O - A U T H O RJ O U R N A L A R T I C L E SLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTLBCA Members Co-author npj Breast Cancer Journal Article HighlightingHow Absence of Lobular Patients in Clinical Trials Impedes FindingTreatmentsLBCA Executive Director Laurie Hutcheson co-authored an article in a publication from the Journalof the Society of Breast Imagers (SBI) that presentsthe results of a survey developed and issued byLBCA jointly with members of the Society of BreastImagers about radiologists' confidence inmammograms for detecting lobular breast cancer.LBCA reached out to SBI to conduct the survey inorder to help raise awareness about the issues oflobular breast cancer and imaging. The findings dojust that. LBCA also paid for open access so the fulltext can be downloaded and shared. It concludes that patients with ILC and particularly patients belonging to minoritysubgroups are neglected by clinical investigators and pharmaceutical industries, leadingto significant unmet clinical need. Its findings highlight the importance of acknowledgingthat poor documentation and underrepresentation of ILC and minorities in clinical trialscontinues to impede personalized treatment of all those diagnosed with ILC.LBCA Co-Authors Journal Article in Journalof Breast Imaging - Breast Radiologists’Perceptions on the Detection andManagement of Invasive Lobular CarcinomaThe article, “Reporting on invasive lobular breast cancer in clinical trials: a systematicreview” provides a review of the representation and documentation of ILC in phase III/IVclinical trials for novel breast cancer treatments worldwide.
C R E A T E D T R I - F O L D B R O C H U R EO N I L C A N D L B C ALOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTThis brochure released in early 2024 contains an overview of ILC includinginformation about key features and how it differs from other types of breast cancer,and current information on ILC imaging and treatment. It also describes the keyresources that LBCA provides for anyone interested in understanding ILC and patientadvocacy. The brochure is available in a digital version online and as a PDF todownload. It can be viewed and/or be printed in 19 languages.The brochure has been distributed on the LBCA websiteand via the newsletter and social media with over 1,450views. Hundreds of copies have also been given out inperson by LBCA SAB Members, LAT Ambassadors and staffat national and international events including SNMMI.
O C T O B E R 1 5 T H D E C L A R A T I O N L E T T E RLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTLBCA led the drafting with60+ scientists and patientadvocates around the world
LBCA saw new landmark accomplishments in its third year as an independentnonprofit organization. Total contributions towards LBCA’s mission and visionin Fiscal Year 2024 exceeded the $1M mark at $1,027,757. F I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 4 F I N A N C E SLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTLBCA Revenue Continues to Grow Year Over Year!LBCA will continue to build on these accomplishments over the coming fiscal year toreach new audiences and to change the way that ILC is understood and discussed in theworld of breast cancer care and research and in wider public audiences. LBCA engaged independent CPA firm Citrin Cooperman and Company, LLP to completethe required annual financial audit for FY24. The firm concluded that LBCA’s financialstatements were presented fairly and in accordance with accounting principles generallyaccepted in the United States of America.The generosity of donors has increased exponentially since 2018 and this past fiscal yearhit an all time high. Gifts this past fiscal year once again supported key operations forour small but mighty organization and enabled LBCA to continue to expand its reach tobroader audiences and prepare for getting the word out about October 15th events.Funds received also supported providing more educational materials for patients andmaking them more accessible. LBCA was able to increase translation of patient facingresources into multiple languages available for download, production of educationalwebinars and videos that are available for on demand viewing on our website supportfor patient advocate attendance attrainings and conferences. Donor generosity alsoenabled an increase in ILC focused research grantmaking.
Contributions$1,027,757Sponsorships-In kind contributions$28,420Interest Income$14,877Total Revenue$1,071,961REVENUEFISCAL YEAR 2024Payroll & Related Expenses$284,352ILC Research Grants Funded$262,500Professional Fees$129,903Office and Other$55,931Scholarships and Sponsorships$21,441Travel to Conferences$11,877Insurance$3,008Advertising$2,965Total Expenses$771,977Net Assets End of Year20232024$298,277 $598,261LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTEXPENSESFISCAL YEAR 2024F I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 4 F I N A N C E S
In June 2024, LBCA asked its constituents (newsletter subscribers and social media followers) toparticipate in an electronic survey to help assess how LBCA is doing towards achieving our strategicplan goals. We very much appreciate the feedback that respondents have provided and usecomments to continue to improve what LBCA provides. This year, 568 individuals shared theiranonymous feedback in our survey. We asked about experience with the information and resourceson the LBCA website and for input about what information respondents might wish to find on ourwebsite but currently do not. Highlights from this years survey are as follows:97% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that theinformation for patients on the website is useful87% agreed or strongly agreed that LBCA is the “go towebsite” for information on ILC87% agreed or strongly agreed that the LBCA website hasthe information they were seeking53% or respondents have shared information from theLBCA website in conversations with their care teamNeitherAgree nor Disagree,2%Disagree or Strongly Disagree, 0%Disagree or Strongly Disagree, 1%StronglyAgree or Agree, 98%The information on the websitehelps explain ILC.“I hope LBCAcontinues to growand expand,because the need isdefinitely there.”LBCA also received suggestions forcontent respondents would like to seewhich we will continue to develop and addnew resources, in addition to improvinghow we present information on ourwebsite to ensure resources can be easilyfound. LBCA always aims to producepatient facing resources based on currentILC research and science and ensure thatwhat we publicize is first vetted bymembers of our Scientific Advisory Board. “Your info and researchhas been a lifeline. Yourinformation is my go toand who I trust.Thank you!”“The amountaccomplished in a fewshort years is remarkable! Thank you”LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTL B C A S U R V E Y R E S U L T SNeitherAgree nor Disagree,4%StronglyAgree or Agree, 95%The information on the website conveysthe urgent need for more research.
LEGACY GIFT DONORSDeb MuellerFoundation FundWe are grateful to our legacy donors whose great commitment tosupporting LBCA led them to plan their gift as part of their estateplan and/or their family to set up a gift in their memory.2024 CIRCLE OF COMPASSION DONORSThe Circle of Compassion is a treasured and growing group of dedicated donors who have committed to making a gift on a recurring basis. Dawn MooneyRobert OakesDonna RussellDesaree WelchMary Jo WrightKristin CallisJanice CarterLaurie and Joe HutchesonBarbara JacobsenMason Mitchell-DanielsLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTSeattleFoundation
Betts AbelPatricia AbellKate AlexouOlga AlsuaJessica ApolloniBeth and Carl ApterTrevor & Ciera AshleyJanice AxelrodCary BabrowskySue BadasMaria BakerJonathan BarnhartMitali BasuSupriya BatraDonna Behrens31st Street CapitalFei BianMark BibbySarah BiezeElka BirnbaumFountainheadFoundationHannah and Bryce BlackDebra BlumbergElizabeth BohamMaryanne BombaughRochelle BorskyTerri BradleyCandie BradyLauren M BrennanRoy Douglas BriggsErika BrigmonDianne BrownKerri BrownChristina BuiMarina BulkinMaureen BullenAnn and David BurgessAlora FoundationCharles ButlerLois BuwaldaKathleen M. CahillLynn CahillDeborah CallananJoan M CamireShawn CampbellLynn CaragolDavid CarawayMarc J CarmelMcDonald Hopkins LLCSandra CarruthersMaureen CarterNorma CarusoAlyce CavanaughCarolyn P. ChiechiWan ChoSherri ChristiansonNeil ChudgarKeystone SchoolBeth ClarkDeborah ClarkEdward CohenHoward CohenSusan CohenKeith and Marcia ConantLeslie ConnerMary CullenShorcan Brokers LimitedNancy CurlAnastasia DamianeasEverything we are able to accomplish is due to the generosity of our donors. Weare grateful to each of them for their supportJudith DanielsLana M DanielsonDine Brands GlobalFoundation Inc.Kathleen DaviesConnie Davis YoungDaiichi SankyoAmerican Online GivingFoundationTim DePietro and ColleenFitzwaterChauncey Ray Depuy andLois Kay DepuyKush DesaiMatthew DevlinCynthia DollLaura DonorfioHeather DorrianKira DottThomas DowdLisa DubaAmy DurrBrian EastridgeKimberly EderleMark EghrariKeri ElkingtonPatricia EvansFanatics CharitableFoundationJuan FebresJody FeinbergHelen FeinbloomKatie FiorittoJean FletcherGayle FlowersF I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 4 D O N O R SLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORT
Horejsi CharitableFoundation, Inc.Dennis HiesterJanet M. HillHeritage Hills and PerryCentral High SchoolVolleyballElizabeth HoeningBarbara HorowitzMeaghan HouskaDaneen HuddartChap & Ethel HutchesonJanice Jacobs and MarkDolanskyKelly JacobsSumeet JaisinghaniMelanie JakusDushanti Peiris & JeremyLichtensteinSabra JerniganNancy JohnsonThais JohnsonJody JohnstoneMiriamJoan KaminskiPat K.Linda KammanWendy KanterTara KaragiasDonna KayeRenee KeatsLeigh KepnerSuzanne Cook KinsellaghPatty KirkleyMio KitanoNorthrop GrummanCorporationJohn KotlerClare FoleyKristina FolsomMichele FosterElizabeth FrankWendy FuhrmaneckElizabeth & Al GallegosMichelle L GallowayLeo Foundation Inc.Vinay GanjikuntaTraci GarrisonMelvyn S GarskofNicole GentileSusan GershenhornJamie GiddensSusan GilliesCressida GilmoreSandra GoldmanShauna GolightlyAnastazia GoshkoDaniel GottoviKinecta CommunityFoundationAllison GrayKimberlee GreenTim GreganRachel GriffinJennifer GuentherRodney GuinnRyan HaginoMelinda HakimDanielle HallUnited Way of Acadiana, Inc.Catherine HandzelDenise HAmmar HashmiElizabeth Jo HeiligerJanice HeistJudy and Peter BlumKovler FoundationHalina KozikBarbara KramerThomas KrumholzArnis KrussowJanet LaGuardiaKate LathropHans LauderbachTara LauterbachEdgar LawrenceDiane LepeAura LevEllen LevineJulia LevineE Michael LewieckiCraig LewisLillian LiaoJerome LiessJeanHeidi LockhartHarry O. LohrMichele B. LongEllen LordJoyce LosenMark LundSuneel MandavaArlene MarcionetteEva C MartinEva J MartinLeslie MartinLinda MartinTanya Martin-DickTheresa MaschkeDaniel MatthewsKathleen McCahillKathleen McCrackenJudith & Robert McDevittF I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 4 D O N O R SLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORT
Shauna McHenryJulie McIntosh-WalshTammy McLeanMcMeel FamilyFoundationMarsha MedalieKris MendozaMargaret C MetcalfKaren MetzgerChristina MetzlerLee Ann MichelsonBarbara MillerSusan MillerMarie MireMason Mitchell-DanielsLiezl MossStephanie and JohnMountsLauren MullenAnn MurphyGinger MurphyJames M NelsonPatrick NguyenSusannah NicholsonHisako NiizumaCarol NolanLaura O’DonnellThe Edward E Hood JrFoundationJane O'DonnellLuz Oliveira MartinsCliff and Mary O'NealFamilyMichelle OrdwayBarron Joseph OrrTamara O'ShaughnessyAna OteroZoe OxleyBetul OzmatAlpesh PatelPatricia PattonTamara PecoKristine Pekarsky CappadonaConnie PerrinJames PertSara PetersLori PettitiCatherine PiciulloNicole PiciulloSusan PickettMaria PierceJoan PilarczykBarbara J. PinnockDenise PointerPranav PopatDeborah PoulsonChristy RaineyFrances ReidAisha ReynoldsWilford FoundationJane RileeTheresa RobertsJennifer RobinsonDonald RobkeJolene RoeskeJennifer Rogers-PetittEdward RubeoCassandra RubioLisa RueschhoffEdward RyanWendy S BakerDeborah SaknitVictoria SanchezElizabeth SchererMary SchofieldLinda ScocciaJean SeagravesRachel SetteringtonJill SeysStacie M. ShapiroGloria ShenSusan ShirleyNancy ShiversVictoria ShumDawn R SmithKathleen SmithPilzer Foundation, Inc.Allison SoleJayme SparkmanBill SpeddingKelly SponhaltzDr. Ronald StewartHelen Daniel StilesKarla and William StonerYuki SugiyamaBeverly SwartzlanderSuzanne SzulRowena Mason TeagueEileen TetiJB TobinCarol TollefsrudRoberta TraceyAnca TrifaKaci TrojanCynthia TroutmanMollie TwohigRichard UrquhartF I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 4 D O N O R SLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORT
Marilyn WipplShirley WorlJeffrey YonoverTina ZarembaLeona ZeplinPeter ZheutlinCaroline Zink"I cannot express enough how thankful I am for the LBCA andthe scholarship program for us patient advocates. Ipersonally feel by attending these conventions it offers me alevel of control that I am getting out there and learning andasking questions about this disease, this is empowering tome and connects me with people who are going through verysimilar experiences and it helps to feel not so alone in this." Ciara Mohan Gustafson on attending the San AntonioBreast Cancer Symposium 2023Camille VasquezCody G VassarVeronica Vichi-MillerMaria S VonVilleDorothy W WaddellLaura WahlJune and Gary WallGE HealthcareSharon WareFrank K. Webb Charitable TrustBonnie and Geoffrey WeckLogan WeckLaurel WeilJeri WeissWhile every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, weknow mistakes may happen. We apologize for omissions. "I left the ILC Symposium with a wealth of new and novelinformation to share with individuals in my community who areimpacted by a diagnosis of invasive lobular breast cancer, as wellas, the non-profit organizations and advocates who support them.From the bottom of my heart; thank you!"Yvonne McLean Florence on attending the ILC Symposium in September 2023Yvonne McLean Florence and Ciara Mohan Gustafson - two Recipients of LBCATravel Grants to attend the 2023 ILC Symposium and the 2023 San AntonioBreast Cancer SymposiumF I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 4 D O N O R SLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORTCynthia WilcoxBarbara Lynne WilkieGene O'Brien WilkinsJeremy WilliamsLinda WilliamsonKelly WillnerRobin WillnerL B C A T R A V E L G R A N T S“I support LBCA’s Circle ofCompassion given theincredibly important workLBCA conducts inproviding neededresources about lobularbreast cancer andpromoting the criticalexpansion of research intodiagnosis and treatment.” Deborah Romer, LBCACircle of CompassionDonor
“Losing my beloved brother to cancer at 58 added a personal purpose to the work Ido at Daiichi Sankyo, which focuses on understanding and addressing the uniqueneeds of those living with the disease. It has been a true honor supporting LBCA,which plays an indispensable role in highlighting the unique characteristics ofinvasive lobular breast cancer and the critical need for more research, ultimatelystriving for early detection, effective treatment and eradication of the disease.” Gissoo DeCotiis, Global Head of Advocacy & Strategic Relations, GlobalMedical Affairs, Oncology, Daiichi Sankyo“I donate my time and money to LBCA because my routine mammogram turnedout to be not so routine. With no signs or symptoms, I was diagnosed with stage3 lobular breast cancer. My hope is that our efforts to stimulate more lobularbreast cancer research will lead to better, earlier detection and specificallytargeted treatments for this poorly understood form of cancer. I am optimisticthat LBCA is going to make this happen.” Barbara Neilsen, Patient Advocate, OhioMy diagnostic journey was complicated and resources available through LBCAwere invaluable and reinforced pursuing additional diagnostics which ultimatelyconfirmed my lobular diagnosis. LBCA was there for me during this stressful time.I am also proud to support LBCA and all of the research it is promoting andsponsoring in consultation with leading scientists and physicians across the worldto address the many unknowns about this significant disease. I am incrediblygrateful and optimistic about these collaborations and the work underway toimprove the detection and treatment of lobular breast cancer. Deborah Romer, Loyal Supporter“I'm really honored to be part of LBCA, an impressive example of what’sachievable when patients, advocates, researchers, and medical professionalsunite for a common goal: to transform lobular breast cancer research and carethrough collaborative efforts. It’s truly inspiring to see the impact of ourcollective efforts, which further fuels my motivation for daily lobular research."George Sflomos, PhD, Scientist, School of Life Sciences, EPFL Lausanne,Switzerland & LBCA SAB MemberTHANKS TO YOU ...LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORT“The LBCA has been an amazing group to which to refer my lobular patientswho want information about lobular breast cancer and essential in gettingrecognition of and providing funding for lobular breast cancer research. LBCA’sadvocacy to get the ACS/SEER Cancer Stat Facts on Invasive Lobular Carcinomapublished was a huge step forward aiding study of ways for improvingoutcomes for lobular patients.” Dr. Sasha Stanton, MD PHD, Earle A. Chiles Research Inst. Portland, OR
“Both volunteering and donating to LBCA allows me to be part of the solutionto a problem where we have a disease that is not studied enough nor easy todetect. LBCA is shining a spotlight on these issues and I am proud to be a partof it.”Robert Oakes Jr., CPA, MBA, LBCA Treasurer and Board Member andCircle of Compassion Donor“The LBCA is a lifeline. In the months after my stage IV diagnosis, I visited thewebsite again and again, learning basics, watching videos, and eventuallymaking use of the extensive publications library to navigate this terribledisease. LBCA has been my trusted anchor; those resources help me makedecisions and be a better self-advocate. As I’ve turned to advocacy for others,the LBCA has buoyed me up again. LBCA has made this challenging diagnosiseasier to face and I couldn’t be more grateful.”Jade Moran, Research Advocate, Massachusetts“The educational resources LBCA provides on ILC was a game changer forme! Especially during the beginning of my journey when I franticallysearched the internet to learn about this type of cancer and finally foundthe BEST source, LBCA. Knowing high standards and best practices areheld at all levels of LBCA, a patient can feel equipped and ready to havediscussions with their own medical team. It is an honor serving as aPatient Advocate, for LBCA.Karan Garrison, Patient Advocate Advisory Board Member, MissouriWE’RE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2024 ANNUAL REPORT”The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance does tremendously important work onspreading knowledge and promoting new research on lobular breastcancer, Research on lobular is needed to better understand its peculiarcharacteristic so more personalized therapeutic approaches for patientswith this disease can be developed. Thanks to LBCA, in 2024 I was awardedthe AACR-Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance-Deborah Mueller FoundationFund ILC Innovation and Discovery Grant, which will allow my team toconduct a new lobular breast cancer study to characterize lobularmetastatic spread through liquid biopsy.”Dr. Carolina Reduzzi, Assist. Prof. Cancer Biology, Weill CornellMedicine“I am very passionate about being involved with LBCA and donating mytime as a lobular research advocate because they have given me so much,including unique resources that I could not get anywhere else. Until now, Ihad only met one other woman with metastatic breast cancer, and it wasnot lobular. So, I was absolutely delighted to hear of and join the newvirtual metastatic lobular support group LBCA helped to launch! I amgrateful to LBCA for helping to make this wonderful support grouphappen.” Beth Davis, LBCA Volunteer and Research Advocate, Massachusetts
The 2nd most common breast cancer typeHelp us continue our movement to raise awareness oflobular breast cancer and promote more research. Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance Inc.www.lobularbreastcancer.orgP.O. Box 200, White Horse Beach, MA 02381info@lobularbreastcancer.orgLobular Breast Cancer Alliance Inc. is a publiccharity under section 501(3)(c) of the U.S.Internal Revenue Code, EIN 86-2260246.Donations are tax-deductible to the fullestextent permitted by law. For legal notices,please see lobularbreastcancer.org/state-fundraising-noticesDeveloped Marketing Materials to Declare October 15th Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness DayPlease support LBCA with a contributionnow to help us succeed!