F Y 2 0 2 2ANNUALREPORT July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
Remembering Leigh PateNovember 30, 1966 - June 25, 2022“Lobular breast cancer is a little breast cancer in a big breast cancerworld. It is only by working together and working collaboratively that wecan continue to make meaningful progress in the next decade so patientswill finally benefit from personalized therapies that truly meet thechallenges of this disease.” Leigh Pate, Founder, Lobular Breast Cancer AllianceLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT
This year we've been able to create important additions to the resources offered on our website. Theseinclude two movies about the unique challenges of ILC and the informative resources that LBCA offers, anew translation of ILC information into Spanish, and video presentations for individuals with lobularbreast cancer seeking to learn more about ILC and how to advocate for more ILC research. Along withour work to optimize our website so that LBCA shows up earlier in internet searches, we have profoundlyincreased our visibility and the number of important ILC resources that we share each day with an ever-widening audience.LBCA also made history this year with the funding of two early investigator ILC research grants directlywith the administrative help of two partner organizations. The awarded grants hold great promise foradvancing ILC knowledge. They also fueled significant interest in ILC research among researchers earlyin their careers and have paved the way for more LBCA-funded ILC grants in the future.Another first was the launch of LBCA’s Patient Advocate Advisory Board (PAAB). This importantcompanion to our Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) in guiding all that we do is key to ensuring that theILC patient voice is factored into all of LBCA’s initiatives.Finally, in June, LBCA helped conduct the first international, in person lobular breast cancer symposiumin Europe. Thanks to the generosity of our many donors, we were also able to provide scholarships topatient advocates and our ILC researcher grantees to help them attend.Sadly, just days after the symposium, we lost LBCA’s visionary founder Leigh Pate. Leigh was aninspiration to all individuals with ILC. She so effectively transformed her anger and frustration about thelack of ILC knowledge and research into energy and action. This included launching LBCA as a platformfor ILC information and advocacy. We are committed to helping this amazing organization that Leighconceived continue to grow and thrive. Visit our webpage honoring Leigh. We invite you to read more about our major accomplishments this fiscal year. On behalf of LBCA, Ithank you for your continued support of this organization and for your belief in the work we are doing.We could not have the growing impact that we do without your help.With Gratitude,A Message from our Executive DirectorLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORTFiscal Year 2022 was a remarkable year and a year of firsts for the Lobular BreastCancer Alliance (LBCA). Becoming, for the first time, a fully independent nonprofitorganization in January, with significant support from of a growing number ofgenerous donors, LBCA has catapulted forward towards achieving our goals to raiseawareness of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), to support the worldwide ILCpatient advocacy community, and to promote more, desperately needed ILCresearch.
A Message From our Volunteer LeadersAs the chair of Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) ScientificAdvisory Board (SAB), I had the privilege to work in closecollaboration with renowned colleagues around the world with aclear goal of advancing outcomes for patients diagnosed withinvasive lobular carcinoma. Over the past year, the LBCA SAB continued to promoteeducational materials for patients facing an invasive lobularcarcinoma diagnosis through its website. Webinars with invitedexperts answering important patient questions were incrediblyinformative and will most likely continue as a successful strategyfor knowledge dissemination. Importantly, the SAB embraced the challenge of funding research,overseeing two successful requests for applications conducted inclose collaboration with the American Society of Clinical Oncology(ASCO) and the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).SAB members joined as reviewers for ASCO and AACR grantapplications and were instrumental in the allocation of researchfunds to critical projects dedicated to ILC. Dr. Otto Metzger, Past Chair (FY2022)LBCA Scientific Advisory BoardLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORTThe Patient Advocate Advisory Board (PAAB) was brought intoexistence to ensure patients and their loved ones always have avoice to share their perspective on LBCA initiatives. As chair of the PAAB, I worked in tandem with fellow membersand the Scientific Advisory Board to help initiate and implementannual strategic goals. This year a key strategy was to prioritizeand focus on the unique differences this “sneaky” cancer has.Invasive lobular carcinoma has been both under studied andunder funded. This must change. It is my privilege to be acontributing part of such a worthwhile and much neededorganization.Irene Jamieson, ChairLBCA Patient Advocate Advisory Board
Patient Advocate Advisory BoardIrene A. Jamieson, ChairJanice Axelrod, Vice ChairAnn Gottbrath Camden, Vice ChairKristine BlakeShay ChawlaKaran GarrisonGitte H. JoergensenJulia Katherine LevineNancy MacGillivrayDiane MapesJudy McDevittChristine McKayFlora MigyankaBarbara NeilsenDawn WiklinskiScientific Advisory BoardRinath Jeselsohn, MD, ChairOtto Metzger, Past Chair (FY 2022)Patrick W.B. Derksen, PhDRachel C. Jankowitz, MDMaxine Jochelson, MDMegan Kruse, MDChristopher I. Li, MD, PhDJason A. Mouabbi, MDRita Mukhtar, MDJorge S. Reis–Filho, MD, PhD, FRCPathRebecca B. Riggins, PhDMatthew J. Sikora, PhDPeter Simpson, PhDChristos Sotiriou, MD, PhDGary A. Ulaner, MD, PhDLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORTOur Volunteer and ExecutiveLeadership 2022LBCA MissionAs the only organization in the US dedicated toInvasive Lobular Breast Cancer (ILC), LBCA’s missionis: To make all who are touched by ILC aware of itsunique characteristics and the critical need for moreILC research; to be the go-to source for informationon ILC studies, clinical trials and educational tools; tofoster partnerships among patients, scientists,clinicians, and breast cancer organizations toincrease dialogue about ILC and research advocacy;and to fund vital ILC research.LBCA VisionA world in which lobular breast cancer is foundearly, treated effectively, and eradicatedpermanently.LBCA StaffLaurie Hutcheson, Executive DirectorMason Mitchell-Daniels, COO/Volunteer CoordinatorKaren Ferguson, Development DirectorColleen Fitzwater, Communications Director
The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance(LBCA) was proud to award the firstresearch grant dedicated to ILC inJuly 2021. LBCA Launches GroundbreakingILC Research Grant ProgramFor his population-based observational study, Dr. Lim used a healthcare database to determineincidence and survival rates of people with pure vs. mixed lobular breast cancer between 1990-2020treated in the province of Ontario, Canada. This was one of the largest cohorts of people withlobular breast cancer ever studied. Leveraging this resource, he identified factors impacting survivalof people with ILC, including patient factors (such as age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status) and tumorfactors, variations in care and treatments received, and treatment center characteristics. “I am profoundly honored to receive the inaugural Young Investigator Award for ILC Research,” Dr.Lim said upon receiving his grant. “This early career development award will support my researchinterest in characterizing disparities in lobular breast cancer care and treatment and, importantly,how these disparities affect outcomes for ILC patients.” LBCA established another first with the Conquer Cancer/ASCO Foundation by requiring that two ormore individuals with lobular breast cancer be a part of the grant application review committee asvoting members and requiring that individual(s) with lobular breast cancer be included in anyapplicant’s grant development and implementation activities in order to be successful. Dr. Lim expressed his gratitude to LBCA Patient Advocate Advisory Board member and ILC patientadvocate Christine McKay, with whom he collaborated on his research grant application. The grant period started on August 1, 2021.A final report on the findings from Dr. Lim’s research is due in early 2023.LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORTThe grant was funded by LBCA and theselection, award, and oversight processesconducted through a partnership with Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation. The $50,000, one-year grant was designed tosupport a physician-scientist focusing on ILCresearch during the transition from afellowship program to a faculty appointment.David W. Lim, MDCM, MEd, PhD, of Women’sCollege Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada,was the recipient of the 2021 ConquerCancer/ASCO Foundation – Lobular BreastCancer Alliance Young Investigator Award forInvasive Lobular Carcinoma Research.
In June, the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) created a video conveying ILC imaging issues. The five-minute piece was created in response to a BidenAdministration call for input on what cancer research should be prioritized through its revived “Cancer Moonshot” initiative. LBCA Video Focuses on Cancer MoonshotLBCA intended to raise awareness of the fact that while there has been great progress made inbreast cancer research generally, as the White House press release about its Moonshot initiativeproclaimed, lobular breast cancer has been left behind. LBCA’s “Moonshot” video emphasizes how little is known about ILC, its unique issues, and how somany people are still being diagnosed with ILC at later stages and/or when their tumors are larger oralready metastatic because of inadequate ILC detection methods. It discusses the need for more ILCresearch to discover better imaging methods and obtain a better understanding of why ILC recursand how to prevent metastasis. These points are highlighted by testimonies from seven womenwhose ILC tumors were initially missed with routine screening.LBCA believes it is important that the Biden Administration and the public understand that breastcancer has subtypes and that ILC is one that has many troubling characteristics that are not yetgarnering appropriate attention or research. LBCA uploaded its Moonshot video to the administration’s Cancer Moonshot webpage on June 7,2022. LBCA hopes that the administration’s Cancer Cabinet agencies will be moved by the movie’smessage that lobular breast cancer has been left behind and will support more subtype-specificresearch, especially ILC. LBCA also shared the video with the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) topromote the message about ILC detection issues. SNMMI shared it with its 15,000 members byposting it in its breast cancer video collection on its website. The recording was also shared across LBCA’s digital channels, including YouTube where the piecehas been viewed more than 1,600 times. LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT
In June 2022, ILC researchers, clinicians, and patient advocates cametogether in Utrecht, Netherlands, for the joint International ELBCC/Lobsterpot & LBCA ILC Symposium and Summer School. LBCA sponsoredthe event and co-planned its patient advocate session. International ILC SymposiumThis was the first in-person ILC symposium since 2016 and the first ever in Europe. Sessionsincluded one specifically for patient advocates from across Europe and from LBCA followed bya day and a half of sessions delving into ILC science. Topics included: ILC Histology/Pathology;Systems Biology Approaches for ILC; Risk Factors, Clinical Diagnosis, and Treatment of ILC;Hormone Receptor Function and Drug Responses; and Cell Adhesion and the ILC Micro-environment. There were also sessions focusing on how patient advocates and researchers can workcollaboratively to further ILC research. This included a session featuring LBCA’s three ILCresearch grantees discussing how they worked with patient advocates. Everyone was thrilled with the energy in the meeting, how the current information on ILC was shared in such anaccessible way, and with the opportunity for formal and informal dialogue among theresearchers and patient advocates. ILC patient advocate Nancy MacGillivray attended the symposium with her husband, Brian. Both received travel scholarships from LBCA to attend the conference. She described comingaway with much more knowledge about ILC and its challenges. “I loved every minute of theSymposium," Nancy commented. "In addition to the presentations and posters, meeting theother advocates, doctors, clinicians, and researchers was also so rewarding.”In September, LBCA hosted a webinar summarizing the Symposium science in lay terms. Drs. George Sflomos, Karen Van Baelen, and Rita Mukhtar provided a summary of the basicscience, translational, and clinical ILC research, respectively.Links to recordings of most of the ILC Symposium sessions and the Summary webinar areavailable. Planning is already underway on the 2023 ILC symposium to be held in Pittsburgh, PA. LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT
The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) issued a performance surveyasking how we have done relative to each of our five key goal areas andactivities in support of our mission and vision. There were 291 respondents.Among the 240 people sharing demographic information, 96% have/havehad ILC and 83% were over age 51. Most reside in North America (82%)followed by 12% in Europe. Following are survey result highlights.In terms of questions about LBCA’s effectiveness raising awareness and educating about ILCresearch:93% agreed or strongly agreed that LBCA’s website and materials were easy to understand andabout the same number think LBCA provides useful information about the differences betweenILC and invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). 96% believe LBCA explains ILC and conveys the urgent need for more research and 88% agreedthey perceive LBCA as the “go to” website for ILC information. 82% of respondents who use the LBCA Publications Library on the website indicated that theycan find what they are looking for and the information is useful. Similarly, 88% of respondentswho reported using LBCA’s patient advocacy tools and materials agreed they found theinformation useful.63% indicated being aware that LBCA collaborates with other breast cancer advocacy groups inthe US and globally. A few commented that this collaboration is effective because togetherorganizations are better able to raise awareness and educate about ILC. There were manysuggestions in answer to our request for suggested organizations in the US and elsewhere withwhich to collaborate in the future. LBCA Survey HighlightsLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORTWe also received comments thankingLBCA: “I’m incredibly grateful for the resources andadvocacy provided by LBCA” “I would have been totally lost without theinformation available on your website, thankyou!” “I appreciate reading other survivors’ stories. Iread them every month.” “Thank you for being there…I am grateful toLBCA for its work.” “I am encouraged your organization exists andprovides current information and research…early in my ILC journey, I was often frustratedwhen trying to become more informed aboutmy disease. This changed when I found LBCA.”The information on the website helpsexplain ILC and conveys the urgent needfor more research to others.Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree
LBCA Goal: Raise Awareness and Educate about ILCLBCA Major Accomplishments By Goal AreaLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORTFiscal Year 2022 (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022)Produced and distributed an ILC awareness raising video, audioPSAs, and a 3-minute interview with LPGA golfer Angela Stanforddiscussing her mother’s battle with metastatic ILC and the need for more ILC research.LBCA Goal: Be the Go-to Source for ILC Research/Clinical Trials andILC Treatment Information Executive Director Laurie Hutcheson and past LBCA SAB BoardChair Dr. Otto Metzger co-hosted a webinar on metastatic ILC forthe Dana Farber Cancer Institute’s program Ending MetastaticBreast Cancer for Everyone (EMBRACE). LBCA surveyed individuals with ILC regarding issues with imaging.An abstract and a poster were developed conveying the results forpresentation at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS21) and publication. Results included confirmation of patient experienceshaving ILC tumors missed by mammograms.Produced and posted an educational webinar on how FES/PET is used in imaging to help determinehow well hormone positive cancer tumors respond to treatment. The webinar premiered on Facebook and was then shared on social media.Completed two movies about ILC: a 10-minute movie promoting awareness of ILC and LBCA and theneed for more ILC research featuring patient advocates, SAB members and other scientists andclinicians; and a 5-minute movie on the issues of ILC and imaging.Increased newsletter subscribers by 17.1%. Increased newsletter open rate by 10.15%. (54.15% thisyear vs. 44% last year). Nearly 37,000 people visited LBCA website.Produced and posted three video interviews with LBCA Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members andthree LBCA-funded ILC researchers about their ILC research.Surveyed newsletter subscribers to better understand their needs and wants.Posted blogs by LBCA SAB members on various aspects of ILC on the LBCA website and also sharedon social media. Blog topics included:ILC treatment (two blogs by Drs. Rita Mukhtar and Rachel Jankowitz).Dr. Raquel Nunes blogged about the utility of BCI index for assessingILC risk of recurrence.Created a page on the LBCA website highlighting the ILC researchof our SAB members.
LBCA Goal: Cultivate Alliances Among US & International Breast Cancer Advocacy OrganizationsLBCA founder Leigh Pate and executive director LaurieHutcheson interviewed LBCA scientific advisory board memberMatt Sikora about his ILC research for a KOMEN Advocates InScience online “Coffee Chat“ program.LBCA Goal: Promote and Fund ILC ResearchThe LBCA SAB grew by two with the additions of Dr. Jason Mouabbiof MD Anderson and Dr. Rinath Jeselsohn of Dana Farber CancerInstitute who became the new chair in June.Launched a campaign with our European ILC advocate peersduring Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October conveyinghow important it is to say explicitly “I have LOBULAR breastcancer" and not just "I have breast cancer.”Planned, participated in and co-sponsored the first international ILC Symposium in Utrecht,Netherlands, hosted by the European Lobular Breast Cancer Coalition (ELBCC).Worked with LBCA partner organization the Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance (MBCA):Collaborated with the Harvard/MIT Broad Institute’s “Count Me In” program on their Amplifying BlackVoices Across Cancer digital campaign.Awarded and funded three ILC research grants via administrativepartnerships with the American Society for Cancer Oncology(ASCO) and the American Academy for Cancer Research (AACR).Awarded first ever ILC research grant for $50K for one year anda two-year grant for $100K plus administrative fees via ASCO.Awarded first ever two-year ILC research grant for $120K plusadministrative fees with AACR.on the creation of an LBCA-specific page on their relaunched website.on content for MBCA’s “Here All Year (HAY)” initiative. Each week in July featured adifferent metastatic ILC (mILC) issue and short video recordings of women withmILC sharing their stories.Hosted a recorded panel discussion moderated by past LBCA SAB Chair Dr. Otto Metzger and featuringSAB member Dr. Jorge Reis-Filho and ELBCC members Drs. Christine Desmedt and Anne Vincent-Salomon regarding the need for standardizing ILC. The recording was shared across social media.LBCA Goal: Support ILC Patient AdvocacyProvided travel scholarships to LBCA’s three ILC grant awardees sothey could attend and present their research at the ILC Symposium.Commenced quarterly meetings of LBCA’s new 14-person ILCPatient Advocate Advisory Board.Conducted two informal Advocate Chat conversations with ILC patient advocates attending the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) in December 2021 to providetips on how to make best use of this most important breast cancer conference.Shared summaries of select ILC poster presentations of ILC research presented at SABCS 21LBCA was invited to join the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) PatientAdvocate Advisory Board.Held informative Advocate Chats including one on Telling Your ILC Story in June.
This was truly a year of transition and exciting growth for LBCA Inc. With the receipt ofthousands of dollars in donations by the end of December 2021, we were able to officially spinoff from our fiscal sponsor in January and commence operations as our own free-standingcharity. In the remaining six months of the fiscal year (which ended June30), we were fortunate,as a new independent and small non-profit organization, to have received sufficient fundingfrom donors to enable us to commit to funding two new ILC research grants – one focusing onILC imaging. Judicious in our spending and strategic in our use of volunteers, we were also able to offerfinancial support to several ILC patient advocates and researchers to enable them to attend thefirst international, in-person ILC symposium in Utrecht, Netherlands, at fiscal year end.We also expanded our awareness raising efforts to include the production of two short moviesthat provided information about ILC and LBCA resources. And with careful stewardship of ourfunds, we ended the fiscal year with funds available for producing additional educationalwebinars, short informational movies, and more ILC research grants in the coming fiscal year.LBCA’s First Financial Review as an Independent 501(c)3Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) was the first year LBCA had an independent CPA review of its financialstatements as a free-standing organization, with statements reporting revenue and expensesfor the year ended June 30, 2022. Revenue reported for the period included the transfer of netassets accrued by LBCA in its prior status as a project under a non-profit fiscal sponsorship, inaddition to contributions that were made directly to LBCA. Expenditures reported do notinclude expenditures incurred by LBCA while under fiscal sponsorship (i.e., prior to January2022). These expenditures include two (the second and third of three) ILC specific grant awardsto early investigators that LBCA has instituted. The grant awards in the amounts of $50,000 and$60,000 were made by LBCA but conveyed through its fiscal sponsor at the beginning of FY22. LBCA engaged the independent CPA firm Citrin Cooperman and Company, LLP, to conduct anindependent review of LBCA's financial statements for its first fiscal year as an independent501(c)(3) charitable organization. Based on their review, the certified public accountantsconcluded “we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to theaccompanying financial statements in order for them to be in accordance with accountingprinciples generally accepted in the United States of America.” LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORTFiscal Year 2022 Finances
S U M M A R Y O F R E V E N U E& E X P E N S E SF I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 2Contributions (Includes asset transferfrom fiscal sponsor)In Kind ContributionsGrants ReceivedPayroll and relatedProfessional FeesScholarships and SponsorshipsOffice and OtherInsurance$416, 315$36,000$1,000$131,316$75,573$11,500$7,483$1,261**LBCA funded ILC Research Grants in FY22 (while under fiscal sponsorship) totaled $110,000 and are not reflected in the expenses listed above. A S S E T T S , L I A B I L I T I E S& N E T A S S E T S E N D O F Y E A R 2 0 2 2AssetsLiabilitiesNet Assets$236, 186$11, 273$224,913LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORTFiscal Year 2022 Finances
DonorsLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORTFiscal Year 2022 DonorsAnonymous (13)Betts AbelRichard AbramsFamke AeffnerChristopher AlgerErin AllardMelody AllenJoe & Sue AlvarezAmazonSmile FoundationAmgen FoundationChelle AndersonMike AndersonJessica ApolloniNoah AppelBeth & Carl ApterLisa ArringtonArthur & Elaine ArsenaultElizabeth BabbinJames BabbinJan BaileyMichael BailitMaria BakerKatie & Rich BarrettLucy H. BarrowJulianne BartlettGeorge BebisSamara BelAnne BellHanna BerrySusan BeuningFei BianSarah BiezeSigne BitschJarby BlackmonBlessed by Chocolate dba Schakolad Chocolate FactoryBlocker Family Trust FoundationMaryanne BombaughDawn Borchardt O'LaughlinMike BorowiczLynn BowmanMissy Boyer WavrinGabriela BradtJudy BrandesBreast Cancer Care and Research FundMargaret BreinesRegina BrennanSally BrennanNancy BreretonDarlene BrownKerri BrownMaura A. BruegerDeb BryanSusan BuddeShannon BuenoNico BurbanoMolly BurgessKathleen M. CahillKristin CallisMary CalvinAnn CamdenPaula CameronJoan M CamireRonnie CampbellSusan Capps Ph.D.Michele CareJohn CargillMichelle CarlsonSandra CarruthersJanice CarterJennifer CarterMaureen CarterJeff CaustonClaudia CeraSharon CeriniPaula ChapmanDonna CharlevoixAudree Chase-MayoralSheila ChristensenBeth & Joseph ClarkClelia ClemensAllison CocuzzoSusan CohenMary Ann CollignonKeith & Marcia ConantCheryl ConleyGregory CookJulie CooperChristina CourcierLisa CoyneDeborah CraneDavid A. CrosbyMary CullenSusan & Paul CurtinTracy CushingAna DaviesHarriet & Bert DiamentDianne DidioMolly DistelrathAllison DixonAnn A. DixonPeggy DixonCynthia DollJulie DosdallKatherine DoyleBrenda DunlapBeverly DurhamJanet M EdwardsKeri ElkingtonSusan EngholmPatricia EvansTerrace EvansLisa EveretteAmanda FaheyEverything we are able to accomplish is due to the generosity of our donors. We are grateful toeach of them for their support.*Deceased
LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2 0 2 2 A N N U A L R E P O R TMarcia FalconerJody FeinbergCarrie FeliceKaren M FergusonGagne-Davis FundCarol FiedlerS E FisherColleen FitzwaterBonnie FleckJohn FlorhaugSonja FlorhaugBenedicta FoleyClare FoleyJan FoleyJulian FoleyEwa Folta-StogniewCathy FrakesKathleen FrancoElizabeth FrankRobin FranksNoah FreundlichGay FrightAl GallegosElizabeth GallegosKirsten GallowayMichelle L GallowayAnn GambroJohn GambroRondi & Larry GangnesMelvyn S GarskofMary GartonSherry GaskillGE HealthcareElizabeth GeilhufeJudy GelmanSusan GilliesDavid & Cheryl GirvanSusan GishLydia Goble LaGueGlenn & Nancy GoldsteinJonathan & Susan GoldsteinShauna GolightlyLinda GordonAnastazia GoshkoJennifer GrabowskiShannon GryszkiewiczLinda GuineeZsuzsanna GyorkyBonnie HagenDanielle HalversonDenise HarleSusan HarlowLaurie HassenstabSusan HattanJulie HaukIlene HellerMary HendricksRachel HenkeJenny HershourShelly HeverBev HewittDennis HiesterPeter N HillmanJenny HolladayGrant Holly*Bethany HopmanMeaghan R HouskaMary HoweAndrew & Jami HuberDaneen HuddartAve HutchesonEdward Hutcheson, Jr.Houghton HutchesonJoe & Laurie HutchesonMeredith A HutchesonPolly HutchesonSusan IvyMary A JacksLaura JacobsonLea JacobsonRuth JaegerMichele JamesBernie JeffriesChristy JohnsonNancy JohnsonSue JohnsonVeronica JordanJudy & Peter Blum Kovler FoundationErin KassebaumBarbara KayatiRenee KellerhuisKirsten KempKatalina KimballNancy KiserSharry KitzmanDeb KnilansMyra KnollBrian & Jennifer KochLindsay KochMelissa KogutGretchen L. KonradyHalina KozikBrian KriviskyJoshua KriviskyBecky KruenegelWilliam La GrangeJennifer LabradorElizabeth LahartSusan LapinRonald LarsonMark & Janice LavenLauren & Philip LawCarmelle LeBretonSuzanne LeighLeo Foundation Inc.Lori LeveckisArthur LevineJulia LevineChris LewisAmy LicataEnid LightAnn LivengoodRachel LivingstonBarbara LockeHeidi LockhartHarry O. LohrMarla LondonAnna LoneyMichele B. LongJoyce LosenCindy LovigLeo LozanoMark LundVicky LynnSusan W. MacDonaldNatalia MackeviciusJack MacKinnonPeg MahoneyLisa MandelDiane Mapes
LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2 0 2 2 A N N U A L R E P O R TChristopher MascialeKaren MascialeLisa MasschhoffJordan MatilskyDaniel MatthewsSusan & Brian MccabeKathleen McCrackenCaitlin McDevittJudy & Robert McDevittStella MceleneyAmanda McgibbonJennifer McLinMarilyn A. McWilliamsMarsha MedalieJanice MerlinoMetastatic Breast Cancer Network Inc.Margaret C MetcalfChristina MetzlerJoyce A MeyerLee Ann MichelsonKenneth MikulaBarbara MillerPatty MillerSusan MillerSusan MillerMarie MireJon MiresMason Mitchell-DanielsTamiko MiyanoDawn MooneyRichard F MooneyKimberly MooreRobin MorrillGerry MorrisseyJulia MosbyKim & John MotschenbacherS.A. MotschenbacherTim MotschenbacherStephanie & John MountsGinger MurphyCynthia MynattAndrea NarrRamlah NehringBarbara NeilsenBeth NelsonBarbara NillTim & Joni NoelCarlo & Stephanie NunezMary O'BrienEric & Patti OlsonPatricia OlsonJohn OmanJohn OppenheimLouanne OttoZoe OxleyMargaret Leigh Pate*Carl PattowJames PertClare Foley PetersCarlye PetersonLori PettitiPfizer Inc.Terry PickeringBarbara J. PinnockErna & Bob PlaceDeb PladsenRobert PohlJill PorterMichelle PorterfieldDelisa PournarasDebra PriebeVanessa ProhlMaria ProniGregory & Susan ProvoKaren M QuastNan QuinnPeggy QuinnAnn RainesDonna Rawlins FeistSuzanne ReidNancy ReissAlexandra RengelKaren RenstromKaren & Dave RiceShane RichmondJane RileeMarit RinkeBeth RobinsonJennifer RobinsonRoche Molecular SystemsDebra RoesserJune RogersShelly RowlandTheresa RumjahnDonna RussellEvelyn RyanAndie RydbergJoanne SaloRobin S. SalterMichelle SandersLinda SchultzPam SchumacherSue Scilla-BrienzaLinda ScocciaMary SerrilliMary SeversonColleen SextonStacie M. ShapiroJanice SharpGrace S. Shin-KwokVicki ShursonKatie SkroveSue SmedemaAdrienne SmithChristine SmithEric & Lynn J. SobelAllison SoleTonya SomervilleAmanda SonnierDonna SowardsMark SpangrudJanet SpitzerLivia SquiresSandra StaiMargaret StandaferEmma StefanskiShelley StewartHelen Daniels StilesAmanda StoneKarla & William StonerHillary StromeEileen StrongIrene StuchlyTracy SudakTracy SumnerJasmine SurtiMarilyn SyversonEloise TakakiAndrea Taylor
LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORTSteve TeitelbaumAhu TerziLeann ThompsonTracey ThompsonTIAADean V ToelleSharon TokCarol TollefsrudSusanne ToppCyndi TroutmanJulieie TurnerGary & Doreen UnzeLee ValentaGerry VangenCamille VasquezMarguerite VickersDeb VictorLuigi ViggianoRobin VohlKaren WalkerCarol Wall*June & Gary WallDianna WaltaBarbara WanamakerMary Fran WarthenElizabeth WatsonKristen Weck FarragBonnie WeckLogan WeckSusan WegnerLynne & Peter WeilKim WeispfennigDonna WeistDesaree WelchDawn WellhausenSally WennesPatti WerthSue WertmanWhile every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this list, we know mistakes may happen.We apologize for any omissions. "Breast cancer is at epidemic proportions.Lobular is the sneaky one, evading normalscreening protocols making it difficult to detect,often caught so late that tumors are much moredangerous and life threatening. We know thatwith more attention and research, it doesn’thave to be this way. As individuals we supportthe patients with lobular breast cancer,scientists, and medical professionals who areadvocating for change and committed to findinganswers. LBCA facilitates their collaborativeefforts to do this important work. This is why wewholeheartedly support LBCA." Judy and Bob McDevitt, Patient AdvocateAdvisory Board Member (Judy) and Loyal DonorsTerri WesselmanAnnette T. WestMelinda WilcoxBarbara Lynne WilkieGene WilkinsBlake WilliamsKelly WillnerStephanie WipfMichael WiseParaskevi WolcottJunda WooKevin & Anne YatesAcarhan YiÄŸitJeffrey YonoverConnie I YoungJudith & Stanley ZabarDeborah ZanishWhitney Zappa
“LBCA introduced me to patientadvocacy….It is a very efficient non-profitthat delivers results… Through it, I’ve foundcommunity, understanding, and mostimportantly, an avenue to give somepurpose to my diagnosis by workingtowards a world without lobular breastcancer.” Sue, Patient AdvocateLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORTThanks to You... We're Making a Difference"Lobular breast cancer is not well known, andyet, it affects a sizable number of women eachyear and merits more attention among thebreast cancer community and the public. Withfunding for lobular breast cancer research, wecan and will find better ways to screen it, detectit, and treat it—ultimately saving lives." ShirleyMertz, Metastatic Breast Cancer Network,Loyal Supporter"I donate monthly in support of what LBCAdoes for researchers and patients; We needmore research and to share the scientific factsabout lobular breast cancer to better supportus all. LBCA helps get this done." Donna, ILCPatient Advocate and Monthly Donor"If we don’t have enough studies of ILC then wecan’t really say what is different between ILC andIDC. We truly can’t treat ILC appropriately.” Dr.Candace Frerich, AACR – LBCA InvasiveLobular Carcinoma Research FellowshipRecipient“When I was diagnosed I had never heard ofILC. In my first google search I discoveredLBCA. With the information I learned I wasable to make decisive decisions with mysurgeon on how “I” wanted to proceed…. Mostof what I do know about ILC is due to LBCA.”Anonymous, ILC Survivor
“As a breast cancer patient, it’s important to me togive thoughtfully and with impact. Through mydonation to LBCA, I’m able to make a differencenot only in the breast cancer community ingeneral, but within the ILC community specifically.I love that we are funding research into ILC.”Sarah, Loyal Supporter and ILC Survivor LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2022 ANNUAL REPORT“What appealed to me is this is an initiative frompatients and patient advocates. It’s from the LBCAtogether with the Conquer Cancer Foundation and itgives the award an extra dimension. There is a lot offocus with working together with patients andpatient advocates. The patient advocates are alsoinvolved in reviewing the applications and that isimportant to me.” Dr. Karen Van Baelen, 2022Conquer Cancer – LBCA Young InvestigatorAward for ILC Research Recipient“I came across LBCA, and I learned so much. Iloved that they were advocating for lobularcancer to be seen as the unique entity that itis. I loved how they promoted research thatlooks at targeting the unique qualities oflobular breast cancer to hopefully createtreatments that are more effective for this typeof cancer in the future.” Julie, ILC Survivor“I feel incredibly grateful to the LBCA forproviding funding which allowed me to attendthe ILC symposium in Utrecht. This was the firsttime after my diagnosis that I had theopportunity to meet other ILC patientadvocates, clinicians, and researchers inperson and I was blown away by the variouscollaborations and the role of advocacy in thepresented studies.” Gitte, ILC PatientAdvocate “I give to LBCA because as an ILC patient I believebuilding a knowledge base is very important. I amgrateful for the state of the art website with all theresources, and am comforted by the fact that theScientific Advisory Board works hard to help ensurethe accuracy of information shared and arecommitted to their own ILC research to find a curefor this breast cancer." Jennifer, Professor, ILCPatient and Loyal Supporter
The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance Inc. is the go-tosource for invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) informationand advocacy, and the only organization in the U.S.dedicated to raising awareness about ILC in a quest toeradicate lobular breast disease. Our next step on the path to fulfilling our mission is tobuild our capacity to share more ILC information,publicize current and cutting edge research and clinicaltrials, grow and nourish a network of patient advocates,and fund more ILC research grants. We continue to need your help:to ensure sorely needed research on methods ofdetecting ILC and preventing its recurrence, andidentifying best treatment approaches for ILC -distinct from that for ductal;to support our growing community of womencollaborating to educate clinicians and help oneanother raise awareness about this understudieddisease; and to keep LBCA moving forward to stop this deadlybreast cancer subtype that afflicts tens of thousandsof women each year.Please support LBCA with a contribution now to help ussucceed! www.lobularbreastcancer.orginfo@lobularbreastcancer.orgLobular Breast Cancer Alliance Inc.P.O. Box 200, White Horse Beach, MA 02381 Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance Inc. is a public charity under section 501(3)(c) of the U.S.Internal Revenue Code, EIN 86-2260246. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extentpermitted by law. For legal notices, please see https://lobularbreastcancer.org/state-fundraising-notices/.