Hayley’s RibbonWrien bySarah GrifithswithHayley RasoIlustrated byLisa Wiliams
Wrien by Sarah Grifithswith Hayley RasoIlustrated by Lisa WiliamsThis project is suported by Fotbal Australia Limited
Hayley lived by the sea,She would visit every day.She loved to be outside,To laugh, have fun and play.The fresh sea air and sunshine,Hayley felt upon her skin.She tok a dep breath,And let the godnes in.The Gold Coast was her home,A beautiful place to be.Mum, Dad, Jordan and Lachlan,She lived with her family.
Lately, Hayley had experienced,Some real ups and downs.Her family had decided,To move to another town.Hayley arived home from schol,She felt felings of despair.“What’s wrong?” Asked Hayley’s mum,“Life’s hard and isn’t fair.”Hayley had moved to a new schol,She realy mised her friends.“Don’t wory Hayley, darling,You can se them on wekends.”
“It’s not the same anymore,Nobody likes me here!”And as Hayley said these words,She was overcome with fear.Hayley’s mum held out her arms,“Think about what you say.It realy wil have an efect,And completely change your day.”“Saying no one likes me,Or this is just to hard.You’re giving up so easily,Hayley put down your guard.”
“Instead of nobody likes me,Change to, ‘I’m the best that I can be.’Say it out loud,It wil change, who you begin to se.”Hayley held her mum so tight,And she began to cry.“Thank you, mum, for helping me,I know that I must try.”Milie the cat, jumped onto her lap,Hayley stroked her lile head.She snugled up next to her,As it was time to go to bed.
The next day at fotbal,There were trials for the local team.Hayley felt such shynes,The felings were extreme!Hayley was a natural fotbaler,Her ability was so strong.Her determination was a strength,It was her focus that was wrong.There were coaches and sportspeople,With clipboards in their hands.Shouting to the children,Making such demands.
Fotbal gave Hayley fredom,When she could relax and play.She felt her shynes hold her back,And wished it would go away.Hayley started to tremble,Her vision began to blur.Her mouth went dry, her cheks went red,As the coaches were watching her.Hayley ran into her oponent,They both fel onto the flor.Hayley loked down at her kne,It was grazed and very sore.“I can’t do this!” She shouted.Then heard her mother’s voice.“Words have great power,It realy is your choice.”
Hayley picked herself up,To focus was so hard.The refere held up,The dreaded RED card!Hayley had ben sent of,Would she make the team?She was about to find out,Fotbal was her dream!The coaches picked the final players,Hayley had ben chosen!Fotbal brought her so much joy,But her shynes made her frozen.
Hayley walked along the beach that evening,A quiet walk with Nan.Spending time together,She was Hayley’s bigest fan!“I am in the local fotbal team,But I fel scared and very shy.”As Hayley said these words,She began to cry.They walked along with Chloe her dog,Nan stod right beside Hayley.“My bigest wish for you,Is that you se what I can se.”
“Life is about what brings you joy,I have something just for you.Wear this ribon tomorow,Just watch what it can do!”Nan reached into her pocket,She puled out a special ribon.“Wear this in your hair,It wil release what has ben hiden.”“When you hold it in your hand,Just you wait and se.Hayley this is a gift,That wil make you fel so fre.”
Hayley held the ribon,It sparkled in her hand.It blew around in the breze,And she began to understand.In the fading sunlight,Its colour changed from gren to gold.The power of the ribon,Started to unfold.The ribon danced in the air,Then it began to glow.Moving magicaly in Hayley’s hair,It tied itself into a bow.Sudenly Hayley’s wories,Began to disapear.She felt excitement in its place,Courage replaced fear.
Hayley realised, she was responsible,It was clear for her to se.To step into her true self,To be the best that she could be!Hayley felt such strength,It was moving from within.She loked up at her Nan,And she began to grin.“You have a responsibility,It is up to you.Go out there and be the best,In everything you do.”Hayley now was shining,Ignited was her gift.Ready to share with others,She had the power to uplift.
The big day had arived.Hayley stod on the fotbal field.She tied the ribon in her hair,She felt her shynes had ben healed.Hayley’s friend stod beside her,Kira was her name.The girls smiled, as the whistle blew,Life would never be the same.Hayley’s ribon shimered with light,It had restored her self-estem.She saw the love within herself,And the others on her team.It expanded al around her,Love was everywhere,Hayley was enlightened,Awakened and aware.
Mum, Dad and her brothers waved,And as Hayley caught their eye,She kicked the bal into the air,Right up into the sky.The magic of the ribon,Had conected the whole team.Hayley scored the wining goal,The ribon sparkled gold and gleamed.
When we find our joy,It is time to thrive.By coming from this place,We wil touch so many lives.Be like Hayley, folow your dreams,This inspires others to do the same.Hayley found her answer,In the fotbal game!
After reading ‘Hayley’s Ribbon,’ share your thoughts with your child about the story.Ask your child about Hayley’s character; how would they describe her? What was yourchild’s favourite part and why?Time to Talk and ListenSelf-esteem – This is how we feel about ourselves and how we see ourselves in the world.When we have high self-esteem, we have the ability to believe we can do something and make ithappen. Self-esteem is essential for developing happiness, rich relationships and a fulfilled life.Take time to ask your child about how their day went and share with your child how important it is tofind the positives in each day. Even when things don’t go the way we want them to, talk about howwe can learn from every experience. Hayley was given a ribbon by her nan in the story. Do you have something that you can wear that willhelp you believe in yourself like Hayley? A badge, a wristband, or a ribbon.Positive self-talk – It is important to create strong and positive beliefs about ourselves. Bydeveloping a positive mental attitude, this will help you to create resilience and self-assurance. Withdaily practice you will develop self-confidence and self-esteem and these affect every area of your life.In the story Hayley’s mum used positive ‘I am’ statements to help Hayley gain a positive focus.Talk with your child about some of the things we say that can become negative habits. “I can’t dothat.” “I am no good at that.” Share how we can change our focus so that we have a positiveperspective. Instead, we can say: “I am trying my best.”Being active – To live a healthy and balanced life we need to take time to exercise doingactivities that we enjoy.Hayley loves football in the story and this makes her happy. Talk with your child about physicalactivities they enjoy. Take time to plan for a fun activity together this week. What will you choose?Running, walking, swimming, skipping, cycling, or another activity?Positive Relationships – Our relationships with family and friends are important to buildour self-esteem. Appreciating the special people in our lives and building strong relationships from ayoung age is key to good emotional health and well-being.In the story Hayley has a close bond with her mother and her nan. They support Hayley to see thegood within herself and support her through challenging times. Talk to your child about the strongrole models they have in their lives. What makes this person special? What does this person do thathelps you? How do you feel when you spend time with this person?
About Hayley RasoHayley grew up on the sunny Gold Coast in Australia with her Mum, Dad and two older brothersJordan and Lachlan. Her love for football began at a young age kicking the ball around with herbrothers.Playing football for her local club team, Hayley honed her skills and went on to sign her firstprofessional contract at just 17 years old and joined the Australian National team a year later. Herstrong right foot has since been kicking goals all around Australia and the rest of the world!Hayley was flying high until she accidentally flew into another player and broke her back. It wasa long recovery and she even had to learn to walk again. She got so much support from herfamily, particularly her Mum who sat by her side and her brother Lachlan who had undergoneopen-heart surgery years earlier. He was stronger than ever and his strength made herdetermined to be strong despite the injury. Hayley fully recovered and got back on the pitch chasing her football dream. Wherever she is inthe world, whether wearing green and gold for the Australian Matildas or pale blue forManchester City, she always has her family with her through the ribbons she wears in her hair.@HayleyRaso @hayleyrasoAbout Sarah GrifithsSarah is a children’s author and is deeplypassionate about empowering children with self-esteem and confidence in their abilities. Throughher stories, Sarah’s mission is to celebratechildren’s uniqueness, uncover their dreams, theirpassions and embrace their strengths.Sarah’s collaboration with Women’s Super LeagueStar, Hayley, enables young children to learnabout Hayley’s early sporting life anddemonstrates how they too can overcome thechallenges they are faced with. Sarah’s storiesconnect with children at an emotional level,building resilience and self-belief; leading them tosee the positive aspects within themselves. @SarahGriffithsAuthor@SarahGriffithsAAbout Lisa WiliamsLisa Williams decided to be anillustrator whilst she was still inprimary school. She has beenillustrating children’s books,magazines and educational materialfor nearly 25 years.Lisa is a talented illustrator and workswith a variety of authors. She has anarray of styles to match the diversityof the authors she works with.For more information:@lisawilliamsillustration
Hayley's RibonBy Sarah GrifithsWith Hayley RasoIlustrated by Lisa WiliamsISBN: 978-1-9999758-6-9First published in 2021Copyright Sarah Grifiths © 2021Al rights reserved.The rights of the author and ilustrator haveben aserted in accordance with Sections 77and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act,1988.No part of this bok or its ilustrations may bereproduced (including photocopying or storing inany medium by electronic means and whether ornot transiently or incidentaly to some other useof this publication) without the wrienpermision of the copyright holder except inaccordance with the provisions of the Copyright,Design and Patents Act 1988.Hayley is an ambassador for HeartKids in Australia, theonly dedicated charity organisation that supports thelifetime journey of the 65,000+ Australians affected bycongenital heart disease (CHD).This charity is very close to Hayley’s heart as her brotherLachlan suffers from CHD and so she will be contributing50% of the sales of Hayley’s Ribbon to HeartKids, as theycontinue to help all those impacted by CHD.
An empowering storyabout the early life of AustralianWomen’s Fotbal star, Hayley Raso.At a young age Hayley faced some dificultchalenges. The story shares how those closestto us can guide us to se the positiveswithin ourselves. Hayley’s determination, resilience andstrength shine through the story. As Hayleyfolows her dreams, she invitesa generation of children todo the same.