Transform & Boost W W W . L A U N C H Y O U R I N F L U E N C E . C O MExectutive Brand yourA Guide for 6-figure Leaders, Senior Management andExecutives
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What'sInside:010203040506IntroductionFrameworkThe ProcessIs This For You?Program DetailsAbout
I am a Professional andPersonal Consultant thathelps 6-figure leaders,Senior Management andExecutives boost theirdigital career portfolio sothat they can confidentlyengage in the job marketto obtain the career theydesire.Hi There! Tricia Simone Professional & Personal ConsultantTransform & Boost Your Executive Brand © Copyright 2023 Launch Your Influence, LLC All Rights Reserved.
You have all the years of experience and knowledge, yet you're still the best kept secret inthe job market. Stop hiding and let us unveil your brilliance!" Out of sight, out of mind."By not attracting the rightaudience, i.e. job owners orrecruiters you will be missinggreat opportunities. Your digital online presence isintense, lengthy - with too much data to consume.Hiring managers have a shortwindow of time, so it is critical toassist their reading by beingsuccint. It is a challenge to concisely articulateyour worth with your years ofexperience. Not maximizing the one-shot to clear messaging will cause youto be quickly bypassed and overlooked.Leveraging old methods lacks therequired confidence to engage thejob market, resulting with aperception of not being relevant andout of touch. This is dangerous asmost companies are always seekinginnovative team members. Let the Unveiling Begin V I S I B I L I T YO V E R W H E L M E DC L A R I T YO B S O L E T EHere's Why: T R A N S F O R M & B O O S T Y O U R E X E C U T I V E B R A N DTransform & Boost Your Executive Brand © Copyright 2023 Launch Your Influence, LLC All Rights Reserved.
As a former Operations & Support Lead, I have interviewed and reviewed a vastamount of résumés enabling my skillset to quickly enhance, simplify, extractand articulate a person’s value from their work experience. Working withvarious suppliers and recruiters has empowered me to successfully delivertransformative digital portfolios. Recruiter response and engagementsincreased, confidence emerged and job offers have taken place. Today, Iremove the complexity of packaging your extensive work history into anelegant high-end executive brand and stellar signature portfolio. Learn MoreHow We Can Work Together?ABOUT Providing anExecutive brandwith aPersonal touch About Tricia Simone Transform & Boost Your Executive Brand © Copyright 2023 Launch Your Influence, LLC All Rights Reserved.
Engaging in the job market can be time-consuming, having one feel disheartenedand overwhelmed. Having a proven strategy to implement seamlessly will positionyou as the expert in your field and set the trajectory for success. Our method will articulate and amplify the value you have contributed. Our clientsare brilliant professionals who deserve a career portfolio with style and substance. Let's work together to make your journey smooth. Framework BreakdownREFRAMEInventory, evaluate andreview your professionalbrand.-- Résumé -- CoverLetter-- LinkedIn Profile-- Biography REVEAL Display your stellar portfolioshowcasing your brilliance tothe job market for your truevalue to be easilyappreciated.REFINEDefine and design your personalized online brand fora consistent presence -- Online voice/tone -- Brand mood-- Colors-- Fonts RETAINWe will continue to share anddevelop any timelyprofessional communicationsto ensure you stay ahead ofthe job market. T R A N S F O R M & B O O S T Y O U R E X E C U T I V E B R A N DTransform & Boost Your Executive Brand © Copyright 2023 Launch Your Influence, LLC All Rights Reserved.
S U B T I T L E G O E S H E R EY O U B R A N D D I D Y O U K N O W T H A T :are the Transform & Boost Your Executive Brand © Copyright 2023 Launch Your Influence, LLC All Rights Reserved.
The ProcessW H A T I T ' S L I K E T O W O R K T O G E T H E REngage and learn more about the holisticYOU and identify your brand equity. Sample draft is developed for clientapproval.Conduct cycles of required reviews andthird-party edits. Discover DevelopEstablish professional brand identity andprovide 2-3 design options based on theclients input from the Discovery stagePromote and unveil client expertise andboost your newly defined brand equity.DesignDeploy01030204Transform & Boost Your Executive Brand © Copyright 2023 Launch Your Influence, LLC All Rights Reserved.
Do you wonder what it would be like if you could confidently show up into the job marketfor the career you have always desired to have? We love what we do and we are ready andcommitted to invest into your future. Protect your precious time for the priorities in yourlife and let our team work on your Executive Brand journey. Uncertain how to maximize andshowcase your expertise. Lacking time required to elevateyour professional brand. Unaware of how to gain acompetitive edge to be noticedin the job market. Unable to demonstrate your fullaccomplishments, expertise &value. Stand out in the job market tobe noticed and move forward inthe interview process.Concisely articulate the valueyou contributed reflecting yourfruitful career. Develop relevant and currentdigital professional portfolioready for career advancements /jobopportunities. Gain the right visibility in the jobmarket. Is this for you?T H E T I M E I S N O WC U R R E N T L Y A F T E R W A R D S W E W I L L H E L P Y O U Y O U A R E Transform & Boost Your Executive Brand © Copyright 2023 Launch Your Influence, LLC All Rights Reserved.
4 Mistakesthat Sabotageyour ExecutivePortfolio You take for granted the impact ofyour knowledge and professionalexpertise. How you think ofyourself and how you are digitallyrepresented can be worlds apart. Your portfolio is not for everyoneas one size does NOT fit all! Expect to modify and adjust yourportfolio so that your skills andstrengths flourish for your targetaudience. A new viewpoint is absent. Havinganother professional perspectivewill provide fresh innovative waysto enhance your executivepresence.While you are very capable ofboosting your professional brand,you try to do everything andinstead you really should hire theexperts. Transform & Boost Your Executive Brand © Copyright 2023 Launch Your Influence, LLC All Rights Reserved.
“Tricia Vincent, what can I say abouther “amazing” is an under statement. She wants the best for her clients andtakes her role very seriously to alwaysachieve the very best. She is a greatlistener who makes her clients at ease. Inever felt I was being interviewed whileshe was trying to create my brand tohelp me realize my potential. Tricia istruly an angel who helped me when Ineeded her most. She has the best toolsto help her clients standout, bringingher communication and planning“A”game from day one. Thank youTricia! You rock! " “Before hiring Launch YourInfluence®, I was struggling withcareer stagnation. They have helpedme highlight my main skills, made mereflect and think about my career. Iwas able to modernize my documents:my resumé and LinkedIn are now up tocurrent standards. Overall, I am proud. I have a Ferrarinow. I used to have a Camry, now Ihave a Ferrari! I need to get it outthere and get people to see it." Just signed a job offer! They made an offer!M E H W I S H A .D R . M I G U E L L .What My Clients SayD O N ' T J U S T T A K E I T F R O M M E .Transform & Boost Your Executive Brand © Copyright 2023 Launch Your Influence, LLC All Rights Reserved.
you're nextReady for thenext step?Are you ready for the next unexpected Do you know if you have anExecutive Brand? Not sure? No problem- book your discovery call. BOOK NOW!