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Large Spaces 2025 (lab, training

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Why We ExistThe 12 Foundations ofLearning ReadinessTo serve the child last in line atrecess, lost in the system, leastlikely to succeed. We designspaces to improvedevelopment, cognition, andwell-being. We use movementto improve all children’s lives!Who we ServeImproving kids livesthrough movementLast,Least,LostChildren’s GymsPediatric Therapy and RehabChildren’s MuseumsPreK-12 SchoolsChildcare CentersCrossing the Midline, Body inSpace, Balance, VisualDevelopment, Rhythm, TactileLearning, Motor Skills,Eye/Hand/Foot Coordination,Physical Fitness, CardiovascularFitness, Problem Solving, andSelf-Management. ABLLAB.COM

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Research shows children are not reaching their fullpotential if they are sitting all day. When children areactive, the brain makes connections needed for anchoringinformation, memory, and recall. ABL uses purposefulmovement strategies to the child's advantage, resulting inhealthier, happier students who test higher. Academics, Movement, and Cognition

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Labs for PreK - 2nd GradeLabs are available for PreK-2nd Grade, 3-6th Grade,Combo PreK-6th, and 6th-12th Grade. Labs for 3rd - 6th GradeLabs include equipment, signage, cue cards, stafftraining, and certificationNeuronasium LabsLabs are based on the brain research that shows ushow movement improves brain function. The lab isdesigned for 2 key purposes (1) to maximize cognitivecapabilities (2) to provide adolescents an advantage tolearn in the classroom!Sensory Labs This interactive lab introduces an active sensoryenvironment with developmentally appropriate activitiesthat assist children with body awareness, fine and grossmotor skills, cross-lateralization, vestibular development,proprioception, strength, flexibility and mindfulness.ACTION BASED LEARNING LABS

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CERTIFICATIONSUPPORT MATERIALS TOOLKITMANUALS, CUE CARDS, SIGNAGE, AND ACTIVITY GUIDESThere are 12 core foundational skills that help students build the framework[and prepare their brains] for learning; cross lateralization, body in space,balance, visual development, tactile learning, motor skills, visual tracking,hand/eye/foot coordination, cardiovascular and physical fitness, rhythm,problem solving, and mindfulness. Practicing these foundations helps us closelearning gaps, and help students reach their maximum learning potential.Receive printed support materials specifically curated to your lab. Supportmaterials include lab manuals, banners and signage, activity guides, and cuecards.FOR DESIGNATED ABL SCHOOL LEADERS ; TRAIN THE TRAINER APPROACHSTAFF TRAININGablacademy.comThe Lab facilitator certification is a specialized certification specifically forimplementing, managing, and enhancing the effectiveness of your ABL Lab. Thiscertification is designed for Lab Facilitators or educators and administratorsinvolved in creating and maintaining a successful lab in your school.Receive professional training on the concept of Action Based Learning andMovement in the Classroom. The training can be customized to fit your needs.Learn how to implement movement (with or without equipment!), andunderstand the science behind learning and moving. If you do have thelab/equipment we will go over in detail how to use and implement existingcurriculum with your labs.EQUIPMENT FOR ALL 12 FOUNDATIONSSTATIONS ARE SET UP BASED ON THE 12 FOUNDATIONS OF LEARNING READINESSWHATS INCLUDEDIN YOUR LAB PACKAGE?LONG TERM SUPPORT ablacademy.comTraining, Workshops, Annual ABL Summit, ABL online community via ActionBased Learning Online Academy

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PREK - 2ND LAB“You’re utilizing your brain in a different way. Instead of beingstuck at a desk all day and all hunched together … Thesestudents have the opportunity to move around just like theywould anywhere else,” said Megan Lewis, ABL teacher. P R I M A R Y A C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G L A B

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3RD - 6TH GRADE LAB"We are fortunate enough to have a variety of kinesthetic furniture in ourclassrooms. This is a great outlet for students who have difficulty sittingstill and focusing for long periods of time. In our lab, we practice the 12foundational movements that also integrate curriculum where lessons aremore physically active. Our students LOVE going to the lab and we haveseen great improvements with their focus, coordination and ability toconcentrate and attend more in class." -Mrs. McDermott, Mrs. Scarletta, and Mrs. Kelly, ABL EducatorsB O D Y B R A I N A D V E N T U R E L A B

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ABL equipment comes withformal training and classroomcertifications for schools andafter school learning centers.Included in your ABL LabT H E H I G H L I G H T SABL lab packages arecustomized to fit individualneeds, budget, and space.All ABL labs includestations to target all 12foundations of learningreadiness.6 - 1 2 T H G R A D E L A BN E U R O N A S I U M L A B

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I am a COTA turned School Counselor and I LOVE everything aboutABL. All the brain science just clicks with me and I can't wait toshare my knowledge! said L. HindmanSENSORY LABS

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Classroom Strategies / Howto create an ABL schoolenvironment / Parent ABLInvolvement and SupportRelating the 12 Foundations toSpecific Content Areas /Specific 3L training forbecoming trauma-informedHOST A PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY AT YOUR SITE, UNLIMITED ATTENDEESABL teaching strategies thatpromote classroomcohesion, increase studentengagement and promotean optimal learningenvironment. Best practicesfor the implementation ofKinesthetic Classroomfurniture and activities.Action Based Learning ClassroomStrategies Research & Science behind the Active Learning Movement, How to CreateActive Learning Classrooms with Little or No Budget / 12 Foundations ofLearning Readiness- Understanding the Physical, Cognitive, and BehavioralBenefits / How and Why Movement in the Classroom Really Works / How totake what you have learned and create active learning environments / Createpresentations to train your school staff about how to incorporate moremovement during the school day and how to teach academic conceptskinestheticallyIntroduction to Action Based Learning | Active Learning ConceptsUnderstanding the effects of the Brain in Poverty / How to identify a brain that isdealing with trauma and understand that different brains mean different learners / Strategies and classroom activities that will create an advantage for these learnerswhile still challenging their peers / Implementation of specific and flexible content suchas mathematics (ex: implementation of Active Learning Mats) / UnderstandingComplexities of Poverty / Stress and the Brain / ABL Benefits & Relevancy to thestudent in need / ABL strategies embedded throughout training, movement with purposeFOR ALL TEACHERS, WELLNESS TEAMS, OT/PT, PE, SPECIALISTS, ADMIN, CURRICULUM DIRECTORS, AND ANYONEWORKING WITH CHILDREN AGES 3-18 YEARS OLD3L Serving the Struggling StudentLevel 2Level 1 - Attendees leave this training with purpose and passion! Level 1 - Attendees leave with a new perspective and passion for 3LAction Based Learning ClassroomStrategies Level 3STAFF TRAINING

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Classroom Cohesion & Student Engagement | Using Movement to Make Learning Fun!Active, Happy, Academically Engaged | Kinesthetic Classrooms and Lab SuccessABL Classroom and Labimplementation and staffwellness training. Thismore in-depth training isdesigned to support aschoolwide culture ofactive, happy, andacademically engagedstudents. Attendees leave withnew teaching skillsand strategies toprovide innovativebrain-based lessonsand create an optimallearning environmentfor all students.Level 2Building Champions | Strategies to Support Staff In SchoolLeadership training Strategic ABL Training / On-Site Leadership Training / Teaching the 12 Foundationsof Learning Readiness / Implementing ABL School Environments / Provide teacherswith 3L strategies / Teacher specific ABL classroom strategies / Creating sustainableABL schools / Specific 3L training strategies for students in trauma / How to applythe latest brain research / How to build ABL champions Level 3 - This is highly customized to align with school goals, excellent forschools with at least 1 yr. ABL experience.Kick-off session for every staff member to introduce everyone to your ABL initiative.We focus on connecting the brain science that shows purposeful movement isessential for student learning and staff wellness. Staff will be invited to activelyparticipate in ABL activities, focusing on the specific implementation plan theschool has set for ABL. Intro to Action Based Learning| Labs and KinestheticClassromsALL SESSIONS ARE CUSTOM!SESSION TOPICS MAY BE COMBINED TO FIT THE NEEDS AND GOALS OF YOUR FACILITYLevel I - This is a high energy first training for the entire staff!STAFF TRAININGLevel 2CONCEPTS AND ACTIVITIES FOR ALL GRADE LEVELS, ALL STUDENTS

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Understand the critical role thatmovement plays in the learningprocess. Whether you are new toAction Based Learning or currentlypracticing ABL concepts, this courseis a must for all those looking toimprove children's health, well-being, and education.Labs A-Z provides an overviewof all of the support materialsand resources available to you,to help you set your student's upfor success, and kick off athriving ABL lab program atyour school!To achieve increasedengagement in theclassroom, decrease negativebehaviors, and increaseacademic success, it iscritical to understand thebenefits of the 12 foundationsas they relate to positiveoutcomes for children in allareas.Lab implementation, labprocedures, layout, set-up,scheduling, day-to-dayoperations, proper use ofstations and relatedequipment, classroomrelevancy, and lab rules. Learnbest practices for the long-termsuccess of your ABL Lab.Enrolling in this course will be the final step for an individual to complete their path to certification as an ActionBased Learning Certified Trainer. The Train-the-Trainer approach prepares facilitators for their role as an ABLCertified School Trainer. Before receiving official certification, learners will submit all projects related tocertification requirements. ABL-103ABL-101ABL-205ABL-201ABL-102COURSESThis course dives deeper intolayering academics into eachstation in the lab. We demonstratehow to enhance learning throughacademic layering, identifying, andfilling developmental gaps. Buildon the 12 Foundations and theirdevelopmentally appropriateprogressions to maximize thechild's full learning potential.ABL-210Intro to Action Based Learning 12 Foundations of LearningReadinessLab Management and FacilitationLab Progressions | EnhancingStudent Success in the LabTrain the TrainerDo you have challenging studentswho often leave you with yourhands in the air saying, "I havetried everything! What now?!"Leave with a deep understandingof your struggling children ("thebrain in poverty") and a toolbox ofstrategies for a proactive andpositive approach!ABL-3313L: Reaching the Last, Least& Lost Students Mini Course, Coming Soon!Intro to ABL Labs A-ZABLACADEMY.COM

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This course focuses on implementingkinesthetic furniture, flexible seating,and alternative workstations toincrease student engagement,collaboration, and improve classroomclimate.This course is designed to help youutilize the boomerboard as a toolfor improving learning and makingthe classroom a fun, active, andengaged learning environment.Understand how to practice all 12Foundations of Learning Readinesson the Boomerboard!ABL-327 ABL-328Movement that Counts: ClassroomActivities for MathLearn how to teach math conceptskinesthetically and apply activelearning strategies to specificcurriculum content areas at theelementary level.3-minute brain boosts fortransitioning between lessonsthroughout the day. A brain boostuses purposeful movementstrategies, also known asmovement with intention.Did you know our brains are nothardwired for reading? Learn how toteach academic concepts kinestheticallyand apply active learning strategies toreading at the elementary level. 3-5 minute brain boosts that can beused to transition between lessonsthroughout the day. A brain boostuses purposeful movementstrategies, also known asmovement with intention. It is critical to not only understand thebenefits of physical activity, but tounderstand the connection betweenphysical activity and learning. Discoverhow to fill developmental gaps throughspecific fitness models. Leave this courseprepared to not only teach staff andparents the importance of your programbut also prepared to transform yourprogram and have a higher impact onthe children you serve.ABL-321ABL-350ABL-410ABL-346ABL-322Reading Jogs the Mind: ClassroomActivities for Reading12 Foundations on theBoomerboardClassroom Movement BreaksBrain BoostersThe Kinesthetic Classroom SolutionYouth FitnessAction packed training for thosewho are looking to transform theirclassroom, learn how how tobetter impact their students, andrenew your passion for teaching.Highly recommended for anyonewho is ready to go from a goodteacher, to a great teacher! ABL-215Making Good Teachers Great

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ABL-LFThe Lab facilitator certification is a specialized certification specifically for implementing,managing, and enhancing the effectiveness of your ABL Lab program. This certification isdesigned for lab facilitators, classroom teachers, and administrators involved in creatingand maintaining a successful lab on your campus.Action Based Learning Lab Facilitator CertificationABL-101, ABL-102, ABL-201, ABL-210 BUILD LEADERS AND EMPOWER YOUR TEAMS WITH OUR TRAIN-THE-TRAINER MODEL 4 Courses Required ABL-DTCERTIFICATIONSABL-STThe ABL-ST Certified School Trainer Certification prepares the individual to not only manageand run a lab on a day-to-day basis, but also be able to train members of the staff within yourdistrict. It is up to you which certification level you would like to achieve. If you start with theABL-LF certification, you only need to take four more courses later to become a certified schooltrainer!4 Courses Required (in addition to the completion of ABL-LF courses)School Trainer CertificationAction Based Learning ABL-205, ABL-331, ABL-321, ABL-322District Trainer CertificationAction Based Learning ABL Certified District Trainers work throughout their school district to teach and implement thescience & benefits of Action Based Learning campus wide. ABL-DT provides support to multiplecampuses and presents ABL strategies to parents & administrators within the district.After 1 year as a certified school trainer, the individual will automatically be eligible to applyfor district certification. To apply, submit an application on www.ablacademy.comNo additional courses requiredLEVEL 1LEVEL 2LEVEL 3

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ActiveSpaces designed for the whole child

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Sensory SpacesHorizontal Climbing WallsFoundational Skills Play CentersChild Development & Play CentersCLIMBING & INDOOR ACTIVE PLAY SPACES

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Custom Wall Graphics and MuralsPediatric Rehab and Therapy SpacesInteractice Sensory Wall Panels Child DevelopmentEARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT

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Consistently rated for exceptional quality anddurability, ABL is a USA manufacturer of youthsized equipment built to withstand highfrequency use in commercial facilities. ABLremains the only youth fitness equipmentmanufacturer in the world to offer 4 youthsizes for 4 age groups. ABL offers Full servicesolutions for YMCA's, Schools, and FitnessCenters including full turnkey, training, andcustomized theming and packagesRock Solid, Steady and Safe for Kids

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SENSORY & MOTOR SKILL LABSCustom play houses for all ages andphysical capabilities.ABL partners with children's museums, kids gyms, wellness teams and YMCA’s to impact the livesof children around the world. ABL offers a whole child approach to improving the health,wellness, and education of all children. Indoor children's play structures are customized and sizedspecific to facility specs, and specially designed for children's museums.Active creative play supports developmentand builds healthy happy kids

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Indoor Obstacle Courses and Children’s play structures customized foryouth facilities, children museums, pediatric rehab and wellness centersYOUTH FITNESS EQUIPMENT & ACTIVE PLAY

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Consistently rated for exceptional quality anddurability, ABL is a USA manufacturer of youthsized equipment built to withstand highfrequency use in commercial facilities. ABLremains the only youth fitness equipmentmanufacturer in the world to offer 4 youthsizes for 4 age groups. ABL offers Full servicesolutions for Children Museums, YMCA's,Schools, and Fitness Centers including fullturnkey, training, and customized theming andpackagesCustom Themes and Facility LogosCustom Rockwalls

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phone: 843.879.2201email: customerservice@kdisfit.comShop Equipment: Professional Development: ablacademy.comContact the Team!

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Youth Fitness Cardio PackagePackages include custom facility logo, themeing, staff training, and instructional guides for all equipmentIndoor Active Play PreK (4+)Packages include signage, logo, facilitator trainingROCK SOLID STEADY AND SAFE FOR KIDSIndoor Active Play Primary (K-2)Packages include signage, logo, facilitator trainingYOUTH FITNESS & ACTIVE PLAY CENTERS

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Challenge CoursesSensory SwingsLearning Library TreesNATURE, TREES, AND ACTIVE PLAY SPACESCustom Exhibit Spaces

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Flex SpacesActive PlayMultipurpose RoomHALLWAYS, ACTIVITY WALLS, & MURALSComing Soon... ABL Outdoors!

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PressHealthy Schools Oklahomaimplements 48 Labs in Schoolsacross the statePress — HSOK, Bethany Children’s CenterAda City Schools Project AWAREIntroduces ABL to ElevateProfessional DevelopmentPress — Ada, OklahomaPinellas County transforms25 Classrooms into ActiveLearningPress — Pinellas, FLSouth Dakota State UniversityResearch Partner Press —Dr. Scott Klungesth, DSULehigh Valley HealthNetwork Pediatric RehabPress — Lehigh Valley Health1st YMCA in Illinois toimplement Cardio Kids SpacePress — YMCA Streator Sensory Lab for HomelessPreschoolers Press — Vogel Alcove, Dallas, TX Dubai Children’s Museumand Active Play Center Press — Dubai Youth Fitness District implementsMovement Labs to improvestudent mood and behaviorPress — IPS Indianapolis, IN

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Dallas-based Vogel Alcove, which provides childcare and therapeutic services forhomeless preschool children, unveiled the new Vogel Sensory Village, a facility that willhelp young children recover from the traumatic effects of homelessness.Nonprofit Center Launches First Sensory Lab forHomeless Preschoolers- Dallas, TXPress Release, November 2024The Central Oklahoma Turning Point Initiative named HSOK as a “best practicemodel” for the State of Oklahoma. HSOK has also been recognized by the OklahomaState Medical Association for its progress in improving the health of Oklahoma ABLhas always been a champion for HSOK and what we are doing in OklahomaABL awarded partner of the year by HealthySchools Oklahoma, transforming 40 campusesPress Release, July 2024