www.jklanzarote.comWelcome to your handy guide to self catering holidaysin Lanzarote, where you will find lots of information toensure you are well prepared for your travel, and havesome inside tips and information about Lanzarote soprecious holiday time is not wasted when you arrive,and you can head straight to the pool or the beach! Message
www.jklanzarote.comChoosing a holiday rentalBooking your holiday rentalPre holiday essentialsWelcome to your holiday rentalEssential InformationTerms & ConditionsWelcome to Lanzarote our islandThings to do in LanzaroteLanzarote BeachesLanzarote Buses & TaxisLanzarote MarketsLanzarote FoodMeet the TeamContact
www.jklanzarote.comPlanning a self-catering holiday can be overwhelming, but we are here to helpyou through the process, and below is a list of things to think about whenchoosing a holiday rental to ensure your holiday is a breeze.Make sure to research the area before bookingaccommodation.Before booking your accommodation, it’s essential toresearch the area. Lanzarote has so much to offer and ifyou want to explore, Look at the proximity of theaccommodation to restaurants, tourist attractions, andpublic transportation. Puerto del Carmen is perfect due toit’s proximity to the airport (15 minute drive) and centrallocation to the island. It is a large tourist area with somuch to offer for all holiday tastes. look up the location ofyour potential holiday rental on google maps to get anidea of the surroundings (street view is perfect for this).It’s important to find accommodation that suitsyou and your family/group.Do you or your group have special requirements? Do you need something on the flat without steps due towalking issues?Is it important to have a sea view?Do you want a quiet restful place or do you like to be inthe middle of the action? Do you enjoy a walk to the beach or do you prefer to fallout of bed to the beach? Do you want a private pool?These are all important points you need to consider whenbooking your self-catering villa or apartment.Research the reviewsIt’s a no brainer to research what other guests think and tosee if there were any issues. Not everyone can be pleasedall the time, but if the reviews are generally good and youhave done your homework on the location, and it ticks allyour boxes, then you are on to a winner.Ensure you get the best priceOur holiday rentals often appear on multiple bookingplatforms at different prices (other platforms are moreexpensive to cover the commissions they charge). With JKLanzarote it is always cheaper to book direct through ourwebsite, but if you decide to book elsewhere always checkif the accommodation you are interested in is cheaper incomparison to the same property on booking.com andairbnb etc, to save you money and ensure you get the bestdeal.
Booking deposit payment When you have chosen your holiday rental with JKLanzarote and your dates are available, you can eitherbook online or request a booking quote. If you book onlinean initial 20% deposit will be required to secure the rentaland this can be paid by debit / credit card, or an onlinetransfer. If you request a booking quote then the dates willbe held at your chosen accommodation and you will have24 hours to confirm the booking and make the depositpayment before the dates open up on the calendar again. If you are paying in a different currency to Euros, we highlyrecommend a wise account to do your transfer and moreinfo about this can be seen later in our pre-holidayessentials page. Free CancellationWe offer our guests free cancellation up to 30 days beforearrival with any deposit paid fully refundable, minus a 25€admin fee (as per our terms and conditions). Ifcancellation is after 30 days before arrival, there will be noobligation for JK Lanzarote to issue a refund, however, theaccommodation will be re-advertised and re-rentedwhere possible, and if successful, a refund (of maximumthe amount paid or to the value of the rebooking) will bemade minus 100€ administration fee.JK Lanzarote expects all guests to purchase relevant travelinsurance for unexpected reasons you may need to cancel and you should notify the agent as soon as possible if youdo not intend to take your holiday. www.jklanzarote.comWhen booking your holiday rental with us, we want you to feel happy that youunderstand all our terms and conditions, as we believe in transparency at alltimes and below we outline our booking and cancellation procedure so you canhave peace of mind that you are in good hands with JK Lanzarote.Balance payment Balance payment is due 30 days before your arrival, and ifthe deposit was paid by card it will automatically be takenfrom the same card on the balance due date (detailed onyour booking confirmation). If you do not wish to use thesame card then you must request a manual paymentrequest from us before the due date and you can then payby another card of your choice. If you paid by banktransfer you will receive a balance payment reminder afew days before the due dates with details of the accountto make the transfer.Travel Insurance Quote
Guest online registrationOnce your booking is confirmed, you will receive an emailfrom the Villa Check In team with a link to register andcheck in all guests online, as this is a legal requirementhere in Lanzarote. Villa Check In are 100% compliant with alldata protection laws and they will never share your detailswith anyone other than the authorities. When you have checked in all guests online, Villa Check Inwill send you the full address and access information(keybox and gate codes) 24 hours before your arrival. If youneed the full address details before to organise transfersthen just ask us. Passport RequirementsBefore making the booking, especially if your travel datesare soon, check your passport and ensure it will be validat the time of travel. It is required to have at least 6months from the date you are due to travel home fromyour holiday if you are travelling from UK. There is noneed for last minute panic or stress, if passports havebeen checked and any issues resolved well within time oftravel. If you do need to renew your passport or if it isdamaged in anyway then just contact your local passportoffice who will get it resolved for you.www.jklanzarote.comTerms & Conditions When you book one of our villas or apartments, a the timeof booking you will be able to read our terms andconditions of the holiday rental which then needs to beagreed by the guest to continue with the booking. This forms a contract between the guest and the owner of theproperty. Terms and conditions are a document thatestablishes the rights and obligations of both parties(Guests & Property Owner) It specifies key rental termsand conditions, such as payment terms, cancellationpolicies, and security deposits and sets clear expectationsfor both parties, minimising the risk of anymisunderstandings.Damage DepositA Damage deposit is a refundable charge (subject todamage caused by guests negligence). We pre-authorise a deposit rather than actually collecting it. Apreauthorisation means that the guest’s bank authorisesthe expense in advance, but no monies are collectedunless we need to charge the guest, and we only chargefor additional cleaning costs needed or damage to theproperty through guests negligence, we do not charge fora broken glass / Plate or anything trivial. We expectguests to report immediately if anything is broken orfound broken when they arrive.
www.jklanzarote.comDo you need to exchange GBP into EUR for yourholiday spends?We highly recommend Wise for all your currency exchangeneeds. If you open an account you will receive the Wisedebit card, and you never have to worry about exchangerate markups, or high transaction fees when you spendabroad.Take out cash abroad for freeThe Wise card takes the worry out of using ATMs abroad.You pay only a super-low fee on withdrawals after the first£200. With the Wise digital card, you can pay online and instores in over 40 currencies and 160 countries. Createyours in seconds and start saving instantly.We want you to ensure you have thought of everything before you travel so thereare no last minute panics. Here we give you recommendations on the importantthings you will need like flights, travel insurance, car hire, holiday money etc. VISIT WISE WEBSITESKYSCANNER WEBSITEBooking Flights to LanzaroteWe recommend using Skycanner, a flight comparison sitethat will give you the cheapest options for the dates thatyou are looking for. Car HireIf you are looking for car hire, we advise you to book early,as the car hire companies here in Lanzarote get booked upfast especially at busy times of the year.
PassportFight app downloaded to phone Flight Tickets/Boarding PassOther TicketsVisas (If applicable)CurrencyCredit and Debit cardsHoliday Insurance documentationEHIC CardHoliday home access instructionsHoliday address & directionsHave you got organised your travel insurance?It is so important to ensure you and your family arecovered when you are abroad, in case of any eventuality. It is advisable to book your travel insurance when you paythe deposit to ensure you are covered for anythingunexpected and you would not be able to travel and ofcourse for things that could go wrong on your holiday, suchas an unexpected medical emergency, or the loss or theftof your belongings.We have partnered with Globelink International to give youa competitive travel insurance quote if you need it. There is of course no obligation to book through ourpreferred partner and you are free to source your owntravel insurance. Travel Insurance QuoteBelow is a checklist of holiday essentials to ensure you have thought ofeverything before you set foot out your front door to travel to Lanzarote.Contact numbersCopies of paperwork and property detailsDriving LicenceOther ID Personal house/car keysTravel Insurance policyAirport parking ticket / confirmationPhotocopies of Passport/InsuranceItinerarySports licences/documentationMedicationwww.jklanzarote.comDo you need an airport transfer?When you arrive at Lanzarote airport, there is a taxi ranklocated outside the terminal building, however, if you preferto arrange a private transfer then we can recommendeither First Minute travel and Canary Shuttle Transfer andyou can arrange this online by clicking the links below:First Minute TransferCanary Shuttle Transfer
www.jklanzarote.comWELCOME TOWhen you arrive at your holiday rental, we want you to get the most out of it andfeel relaxed as soon as you walk through the door, therefore we have puttogether information on what you can expect from your accommodation.HousekeepingYour holiday accommodation will be prepared for you andcleaned and we strive for a high standard of cleanliness foryour arrival. For apartment stays an additional set ofbedding and towels will be left in the wardrobe for gueststo change should they wish to. For villa stays a linen andtowel change will be carried out weekly for stays of 10nights or longer. We also offer housekeeping services forour guests for an additional cost and details are below inour additional services section. What is provided in your self catering holidayrental:Bed linenTowelsHand towelsBeach / Pool towelsKitchen essentials (including washing liquid, sponge,cloth, 2 x tea towels, bin liner, )Dishwasher tabs (if applicable)Handwash in bathroomsHairdryerWashing machine for your useWIFISmart TV/ box with channelsIron & ironing board
Pool cleaning and maintenancePool cleaning and general ground maintenance will becarried out in the communal areas of the apartmentcomplex during your stay. If you have booked a private villa, Pool cleaning andgarden maintenance will be carried out on the day of yourarrival and then once more during a 7 night stay. Youshould be notified of the days to expect the pool cleanerbut if in doubt then please just ask us and we will confirm. We do kindly ask that you don’t go into the pool when thepool cleaning team are doing their job. For villa stays of 14 nights or more, a weekly terrace cleanand garden maintenance will be carried out. Check in & Check out Check in and check out times are there to enable the cleaning team to prepare the holidayhome and we ask kindly that you do not turn up early on your arrival day or leave late on yourdeparture day (unless prior arrangement has been made with us).We can offer a guaranteed early check in or late check out (subject to availability) for anadditional price of 50% of the property nightly rate, and this can be arranged at the time ofbooking or before your stay. If you prefer to take a chance, then the week before your arrival you can contact us to see if anearlier check in is possible, and we will try to accommodate this (subject to availability anddepending if we have another guest vacating on the same day as your arrival), and the samefor a later check out.The only way to guarantee an earlier check in or a later departure is to reserve and early / latecheck in and pay for this service.DepartureA departure clean is included in your accommodationprice, however, this is does not include tidying mess left inthe property, washing up after the guests or removingrubbish. It is your responsibility to ensure everything is asyou found it when you arrived, and rubbish is taken to thenearest recycling point located in the street. Anyadditional cleaning that housekeeping needs to do overand beyond a changeover clean will be deducted from thedeposit. Villa / Apartment InformationThe day before you arrive at the property you will be sentan information e-book relevant to the property includingWIFI codes, and other information. There will also be acopy in the apartment. The information book will alsoinclude details regarding community rules and house rulesand anything else you may need to know about the villa orapartment. If our guests feel we can improve theinformation in any way then we alway value feedback sowe can look at ways of improving our service.www.jklanzarote.com
Do you need anything else during your stay? For an additional cost extras can be added at the time ofbooking or before your arrival, including welcome packs,celebration pack (cava, chocolates & balloon), babyequipment hire, cool box hire, child bed hire, beachumbrella hire, additional towels or housekeeping &Cleaning services. We want your stay to be perfect and foryou to have everything you need to make it as stress freeand comfortable as possible. If you have any specialrequests we will endeavour to arrange this for you, so justspeak to us to see if it is possible.Health & SafetyAll of our self-catering properties have as standard a firstaid kit, a fire extinguisher, a fire blanket and smoke alarmsinstalled for your safety.You are supplied with a list of emergency contacts shouldyou require medical assistance, or any other assistanceand we are always contactable should you need ouradvice or help with anything. IN AN EMERGENCY CALL 112 (EMERGENCY SERVICES)Emergency MaintenanceJK Lanzarote strives to ensure our holiday rentals are wellmaintained for our guests. The reality is that things dosometimes go wrong at the properties, and we are onhand if you need to contact us during your stay, and wehave a first class maintenance team ready to take actionshould they need to. We will deal with any minor issuesduring normal working hours, but will of course arrangesomeone to come out at the weekend or during the night ifit is an emergency, so you can feel secure in theknowledge that you have support if anything goes wrong. Please note that a TV or internet not working is not classedas en emergency and these type of issue will be dealt withfor you during normal office hours.www.jklanzarote.com
www.jklanzarote.comIMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERSEmergency Services 112 - The local emergency telephone number for ambulance, police &fire is 112. There is a smartphone app called FRESS112 that you can download to your mobilephone. Users should create a profile with their personal information & medical data.Residents and tourists are encouraged to download the App to their mobile phones, yourmedical information and location will then be transmitted to the emergency services if youneed help in the future. The 112 Freephone number is manned 365 days per year, 24 hours aday and available in five languages Spanish, English, German, Italian and French.FRESS112 Can Save Lives. You can download the App here: www.fress112.comArrecife General Hospital 0034 928 595 000British Consulate 0034 928 267 774 / URGENT 928 262 508Irish Consulate 0034 922 245 671Lanzarote Airport 0034 928 846 000British Surgery of Lanzarote (Private General Practitioner) 0034 622 463 120Hospiten (Private Hospital) 0034 928 596 100Pharmacy - Puerto del Carmen 0034 928 513 207Pharmacy Emergency Number 0034 900 811 855Dentist (British Dentist Tías) 0034 928 833 573Medical Centre Tías - 0034 928 303 564 - This is a great medical walk in centre for non-residents / tourists. If you are a UK citizen then you will be expected to show your EHIC or GHICcard and you can see more information on how to obtain this through the NHS by clickingthis link Here we provide you with essential local information and emergency numbersand what to do in situations so you are prepared for anything, allowing you torelax in the knowledge that any info you may need is here for you. VISIT WISE WEBSITEVISIT NHS WEBSITE
www.jklanzarote.comTerms and conditions are a document that establishes the rights and obligationsof both parties (Guests & Property Owner) It specifies key rental terms andconditions, such as payment terms, cancellation policies, and security depositsand sets clear expectations for both parties, minimising the risk of anymisunderstandings.Please ensure you read the Terms & ConditionsGuests are expected to read the terms and conditionsbefore agreeing to them. Terms & conditions can be reallyhelpful in giving the guests a clear understanding of thetype of service they will receive from the Agent, and also tounderstand what is expected during their stay. Read our Terms & Conditions
www.jklanzarote.comWELCOME TOYou may be a seasoned traveller to Lanzarote or this might be your first time, buteither way you will fall in love or fall in love all over again, with spectacularlandscapes and traditional villages, to great tourist spots with fabulous beachesit has it all and you need to experience all sides of this magical island.Puerto del CarmenPuerto del Carmen is a tourist resort and has more than6km of beautiful beaches with calm and peaceful watersthat line its coast. There is everything you could want froma holiday with fantastic weather, beautiful Sandy beaches,fabulous restaurants, an old town with a typical old towncharm and an Avenida (coastal promenade) bustling withvibrancy and life with shops, restaurants, bars and lots tokeep everyone entertained. LanzaroteLanzarote is the gift that keeps on giving with low rise whitewashed picturesque buildings, pristine sandy beaches,rugged coastlines, volcanoes and lava fields. One of theCanary islands off the coast of West Africa administeredby Spain, Lanzarote has a charm from the moment youstep off the plane and once the magic of LanzaroteCaptures your heart, you will keep wanting to come backtime and time again! To connect to the official Lanzarote Tourism website, justclick here Tourism Website
Rent A BoatWhy not rent a boat privately and get to see a differentperspective of the Island. There are so many options andRent a Boat Lanzarote offers private boat hire with skipperand small boats that you can drive yourself and do notrequire a license, as well as jet skis. Click here for onlinebooking and more information: www.jklanzarote.comThere is so much to see and do in Lanzarote and we have listed contacts forarranging activities and trips during your stay. We want you to make the most ofevery moment and get to see all the wonderful sides that make Lanzarote thebeautiful island that it is.Excursions & Activities Excursions Lanzarote is a great website to book yourtrips and activities.https://www.excursionslanzarote.com/ Low Cost Tours is another site where tours, trips andother days out can be booked onlinewww.lowcosttourslanzarote.comVisit these websites and book your trips, either before youtravel or when you arrive. If there is something you 100%know you wan to do then get it booked before you travel toavoid disappointment if there is no availability.Rent a boat Lanzarote
www.jklanzarote.comThe beaches in Lanzarote are very diverse and beautiful and range from touristbeaches with all the facilities required for family beach fun to wild surf beachesand tropical lagoons. There are busy beaches and quiet secluded beaches offthe beaten track, and this guide will give you an idea of what you can expectwhen visiting any of the stunning beaches in Lanzarote. Puerto del Carmen Playa Grande - Playa Grande is a popular beach becauseit has great amenities, there are showers, lifeguards andlots of sun beds and umbrellas for hire. Playa Grande isalso a beach with easy access for those with reducedmobility. Calm waters and 1 km long of golden sand makethis a fantastic choice for families, complete with pedalohire. I tis located next to the Puerto del Carmenpromenade with restaurants, shops and bars. Puerto del Carmen Playa Chica - This beach is the first choice for divingenthusiasts with the marine biodiversity along its coast, it isa small beach with clear water and a beach baroverlooking the beach. the sea bed is something youshouldn’t miss and we recommend that you arrange a trydive if you don’t have a diving license, so you canexperience the magical underwater scene, or at leastensure you take your snorkel masks.Puerto del Carmen Playa de Los Pocillos - Located in Los Pocillos area ofPuerto del carmen, this is a lovely wide golden sandybeach, more than 1km long. A great family beach andespecially good for small children who can play in thegentle shallow waters, and the changing tides createshallow natural pools for the children. There are toilets, alifeguard station and an area of sun beds and umbrellasfor hire.Puerto del Carmen Playa Matgorda - A quiet beach with calm waters andgreat for getting away from the crowds. It is 850meters ofgolden sand and crystal clear waters and is located next tothe Matagorda promenade with many bars, shops andrestaurants close by for a refreshing drink. PlayaMatagorda can be a windy beach at times, as it is quiteopen and very popular with windsurfers. It is 850meters ofgolden sand and crystal clear waters
www.jklanzarote.comTo access the website for information about routes andbus stops please click here to visit the Intercity Lanzarotewebsite in English: Buses in Lanzarote are a great way to travel around the island and on this pageyou can click on the link to the Intercity Lanzarote website where you will find allthe information that you need to explore Lanzarote by bus. If you prefer to travel by Taxi, contact numbers are provided below.VISIT INTERCITY WEBSITETaxis are another way to get around Lanzarote and whenyou arrive at the airport there is a taxi station outside theairport terminal where you can get a taxi to your holidayaccommodation. The cost of a taxi from the airport toPuerto del Carmen are between 25 to 30€ and to PuertoCalero between 30 to 35€.We can always help to organise a taxi transfer for yourdeparture and you just need to request this the day beforeyour departure.To order a taxi in Puerto del Carmen or Tías or surroundingareas, the telephone number is 0034 928 52 42 20, andgenerally they have someone who speaks a little English. There are also many Taxi ranks in Puerto del Carmen and ataxi rank in Puerto Calero where you can wait for a taxi.
www.jklanzarote.comMarkets in Lanzarote are definitely worth a visit and offer a selection of localartisan crafts, local food produce and the atmosphere is always buzzing, Sundayat Teguise Market is always a lovely market experience. TeguiseHaríaMancha BlancaArrecifePuerto CaleroMarina RubiconCosta TeguiseUgaPlaya HondaSundays 9:00 - 14:00 in the old town Villa de TeguiseArtisan Market on Saturdays from 10:00 - 14:00 León y Castillo SquareSundays 9:00 -14:00 Plaza Virgen de los DoloresSaturdays 8:00 - 14:00 Plaza de Las PalmasTuesdays & Fridays 9:00 to 14:00Saturdays & Sundays 9:00 - 14:00Wednesdays & Saturdays 9:00 - 14:00Artisan market on Wednesday & Fridays 18:00 - 22:00 Pueblo Marinero Second Saturday of every month 10:00 - 14:00 Calle Mayor de Playa Honda
www.jklanzarote.comThis page will be coming soon with information on our favourite Canarian dishesfrom coastal to traditional moutnain dishes. Rent a boat Lanzarote
www.jklanzarote.comThis page will be coming soon with information on our favourite Restaurants anddining experiences across the island. Rent a boat Lanzarote
www.jklanzarote.comThis page will be coming soon with information on our favourite places to goaway from the tourist spots.Rent a boat Lanzarote
www.jklanzarote.comWELCOME TOWe have a fantastic selection of holiday rentals that we can offer and you cansee all the information and check out the availability by clicking the links to ourwebsite.This page is currently being updated but tosee all of our holiday rentals please visit ourwebsite: VISIT OUR WEBSITE
www.jklanzarote.comKristy KentKarenMiaCarmelo BermudezManager & Guests LiasonMaintenance Manager Head of Housekeeping Admin & Social MediaCarlotiProperty Maintenance
Spain 0034 658 958 141 / UK 0044 7411 377959www.jklanzarote.cominfo@jklanzarote.comCalle Geiser, 5, ground floor, Local 2, Puerto del Carmen, 35510.www.jklanzarote.com
www.jklanzarote.comEnjoy every moment of your wonderful Lanzarote holidayHappy holidays