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Lancaster County Food Hub 2023 Annual Report

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for growth and changeA Family RecipeNourishing Roots, Tasting Tomorrow: 2023 Annual Report

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Executive DirectorIn addition to providing record-breaking amounts of food and clothing, we maintained ourfocus on meeting the unsheltered where they are and helping them navigate toward stability,despite steep increases in the numbers seeking services. We held down the fort in a difficultshelter environment that was bursting at the seams and weathered a sudden move into a newshelter space with just a 24-hour turn around. And if that wasn’t enough, the numbers ofavailable beds were doubled during the Winter Shelter season all while negotiating importantboundaries and funding with the City and County of Lancaster. All of this was possible because of your commitment to the Lancaster County Food Hub’s (LCFH)mission to provide neighbors with the basics in a dignified and compassionate way. As we lookforward to the next year and the changes it will bring, we are fortified and humbled by theongoing hard work and generosity of our community, the Food Hub family. I invite you to stay connected and continue to be involved as the Lancaster County Food Hubevolves to meet such deep needs. Together, we can offer the support that families, children, andindividuals need as they create meaningful, stable lives in the face of intense adversity.From theOne year ago, we all thought that this year would bedifferent. We were right, but not in the manner we hadhoped. It was actually the most difficult year yet since theworld tilted in 2020. There was prolonged uncertaintyabout public health and the economy, early cancellations offood subsidy benefits, crushing inflation, and extremehousing woes. People – particularly single parents, women,diversity class neighbors, and ALICE (Asset Limited IncomeConstrained Employed) households – struggled mightily.Schools, food pantries, and shelters all continued to adjustour practices to accommodate. It was definitely not life backto normal as we had hoped.Despite all of this, volunteers, donors, agency partners,board directors, and staff were all resolute in working toaddress the injustices of poverty, food insecurity, andhomelessness in our community. We remained optimisticthat people could and would succeed if we all work togetherregardless of the unexpected challenges that occur. Weadapted, and at times beyond exhausted, we thrived.Keeping the faith,PaigePaige McFarlingExecutive Director

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Under the care of AARP volunteer-turned-staff member Tamara Tullis,the clothing bank has seen very positive improvements. After herpromotion to Clothing Bank Coordinator in 2023, she responded to theneed for better client flow through programs by coordinating closelywith the Intake and Food teams. Working carefully but purposefullywith volunteers to help them adjust to program tweaks, improvinghygiene process management, and ensuring more stable inventorylevels she led the clothing bank in a banner year. Tamara states thather favorite part about her job is seeing kid’s faces light up when theyfind a new outfit. “It brings me so much joy!”-Tamara Tullis, Clothing Bank CoordinatorVolunteer to Staff: EmbracingVolunteer to Staff: EmbracingGrowth and OpportunityGrowth and OpportunityBoard of DirectorsPresidentLanyce RoldanPresident EmeritusGreg KileTreasurerPamela RaffensbergerSecretaryPamela WilliamsJames Bellis IIILindsay CasadeiChristopher DreisbachCraig HartranftJennifer KoppelJeffrey MartinDan SnyderSteve SullivanLuke WeberChristi BrownDelsie DyerCorinne FosterEmily HorstPaige McFarlingAlexandra SchrammAdministrationFood WarehouseWelcome Place & Client careJennie AnneseCliff Bryant Maria Freytes DelgadoKarina Garcia Maxine KurtzMarjorie KwahDoug McFarlingRenee O’DellTina Ortiz Leonard PelsinskiTammy RosingTamera TullisRebecca SanerKaitlin Shaller Diane StreckStaff MembersRauna CurryAndy FlaimDavid GraceAndrew HahnFamilyFood HubIn 2023, our amazing volunteers dedicated 15,405 hours of their time!Their contribution, estimated at $33.49 per hour, is equivalent tohaving 7.4 full-time employees, a value of $515,973!Volunteers are a key extension to the Food Hub Family Recipe.

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15,00015,000NIGHTSNIGHTSOF RESTOF RESTPROCESSEDPROCESSEDIngredients:POUNDS OFPOUNDS OFFOODFOOD1.5 MILLION 1.5HOURSHOURS15,40515,405VOLUNTEERVOLUNTEER97,00097,000POUNDS OF CLOTHINGPOUNDS OF CLOTHINGDISTRIBUTEDDISTRIBUTEDEven with a slowdown in inflation, therecontinues to be a steady rise in food, fuel,housing, and medical costs. Food costsremain unprecedented and are projected toincrease by 2.0-4.7% in 2024. For the 12months ending in January 2024, there wasa 2.6% increase in the Consumer Price Indexfor food and 6.0% for housing. These factorsunderscore the importance of preparing forsustained high service demand in theforeseeable future.Economic stressors in the community haveresulted in a 47% increase in demand forservices compared to 2022. This rapidescalation threatened to deplete inventories,overloaded our processes, and placed addedstrain on staff and volunteers who continueto serve faithfully.59,000 NeighborsIn 2023, the Food Hub served: Servings Per Program:46,00046,000 Food Recipients Food Recipients 12,50012,500 Clothing Clients Clothing Clients 781781 Shelter Guests Shelter GuestsAnalyzing the impact of 2023 service data, LCFH experienced the impact of significantlyincreased services across all programs. Despite anticipating and preparing for an upswing in2023, the actual demand surpassed expectations. Never before in our history have we served somany neighbors! The surge in service requests were directly linked to economic challengesincluding the expiration of the child tax credit, which doubled child poverty, and the reduction inSNAP benefits. Both circumstances exacerbated food, clothing, and housing insecurities.

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Tom Karge's dedication to volunteering at the Food Hub goesbeyond providing services. He explains, “the best part aboutvolunteering at the Food Hub is the safe, welcoming environmentwhere everyone feels respected and valued.” Tom embodiescompassion and inclusivity, profoundly impacting thosein need. Volunteers like Tom are essential to our mission's success, and we are immensely grateful for their generous support.-Tom Karge, Volunteer since 2021Strangers become neighbors andStrangers become neighbors andcommunity bonds grow strongercommunity bonds grow strongerWhat is the secret ingredient?A community of generosity.Every ingredient matters!DonorsVolunteersCommunity PartnersThe record number of neighbors served in2023 wouldn't have been possible withoutthe generous backing of our community.Partnerships with social service agencies,farms, food banks, and coalitions such asHunger-Free Lancaster County and theLancaster County Homeless Coalitionhelped identify access gaps and ensuredholistic responses to poverty.In addition to key partnerships, thegenerous donations from our communitywere indispensable in sustaining ourefforts. Whether through monetarycontributions, in-kind donations ofessential items like food and clothing, orvolunteer time, this support empowered usto extend reach, improve the quality ofservices, and ensure that individualsfacing poverty and homelessness receivedthe assistance they required to thrive.

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Endless gratitudeIn Kind Donations66.9%Grants and Foundations16.7%Bequest6.2%Individuals6%Businesses1.9%Congregational Suppo1.8%Special Events0.4%Programs87%Management & General9%Expense Revenue05000001000000150000020000002500000Net RevenueThe onset of COVID brought a surge in income in 2020 alongside a significant planned gift bequestin 2023. Similarly, the expansion of our shelter program in 2021 led to both increased revenue andexpenses; however, since 2022, key shelter funders have reallocated resources to address thegrowing demand for homelessness services, resulting in insufficient support to cover our shelterexpenses. Outside these 2020 and 2023 funding spikes, our funding is not yet reliable. Thefundraising team must work hard to continue to keep revenue ahead of expenses and build aconsistent, sustainable funding base. In today's challenging economic climate, an increasing number of individuals are grappling withpoverty, hunger, and homelessness like never before. With steadfast contributions from thecommunity, we possess the capability to address these challenges effectively. Your donationsenable us to stretch the impact of every dollar: $1 can provide 4 or 5 meals, $5 can supply a coat orpair of jeans, and $16 can offer a night of rest. This transforms your contributions into tangiblesolutions, ensuring that 87% of every dollar directly supports programming.By the NumbersRevenue SourcesFunctional ExpensesFundraising4%Financial Performance 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023Programs87%For much of our history, the LCFH (previously known asthe Council of Churches) operated on a strict budgetwith revenues that responsibly outpaced expenses by asmall margin. The key source of revenue was primarilychurch congregations and parishioners.With the 2015 move from a 1,200 sq. ft. facility to oneencompassing 27,000 sq. ft., it became obvious that thefunding to support such rapidly increased capacity was paramount. With new revenue goals inmind, new fundraising tools and processes were introduced, and slowly but surely, revenue beganto surpass expenses, culminating in substantial growth by 2019.The Food Hub carefully stewards the donations we receive from generous supporters.* Audited financials can be found on our website.In Kind Donations 66.9%CongregationalSupport 1.8%

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Across a 77-year history, LCFH has sought to be responsive to the needs ofthe community in the context of times. In the current face of escalatingpoverty and homelessness, the LCFH is taking strategic and intentionalaction to launch a comprehensive capital campaign aimed at raising $1million to create a flexible space that can respond to these evolving needs.The statistics speak volumes: a food insecurity rate of nearly 9%, requests forfood pantry services soaring by over 588% since last fall, and a 12% increasein homelessness in just one year. These numbers are not just statistics; they represent our neighbors, our community, and the urgency.Expansion and renovation of 5,500 square feet on the second floor of ourbuilding at 27 W Clay to co-locate the shelter programs alongside food andclothing services will ensure a continuum of care for clients and grant themthe dignity of seeking assistance in one place to fulfill their basic needs.The flexible design will enable us to quickly adjust layouts and services tomeet changing needs whether it's extending food pantry hours or opening a30-bed overnight shelter.Following an extended period of incarceration, John encounteredvarious hurdles upon his release in securing housing with a criminalrecord; however, with the assistance of the Food Hub Welcome Placeteam and funds from a United Way Level Up and Launch grant, he was connected with a compassionate landlord and gained access tovital resources like food support and SNAP benefits. After receivingeight months of dedicated assistance, John not only secured housingbut also furnished his home, enrolled in a literacy program, joined a re-entry task force for comprehensive support, and was linked with a community paramedic program for wellness support. John'sremarkable journey stands as a testament to the power of resilience, inspiring others to embrace second chances.Breaking Barriers of Poverty to Build Better Futures*Name chnaged for client privacy*Leveling Up: Re-entry OpportunitiesLeveling Up: Re-entry OpportunitiesFUNDRAISINGCAMPAIGN GOAL 1,000,000900,000800,000700,000600,000500,000400,000300,000200,000100,0000With $315,000 raised, $100,000 in outstanding requests, and an additional $250,000 in matchingfunds from the Food Hub, we're well on our way; however, to fully realize our vision, we need anadditional $435,000 to complete the project. With your generous contributions, we will transforman underutilized space into a beacon of hope that can quickly and efficiently address the urgentneeds of Lancaster’s neighbors, providing essential services and support when they need it most.Together, we will build a stronger, more resilient community where no one is left behind.SUPPORT THECAMPAIGN!*As of May 2024*

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Placestamp here.Lancaster County Food Hub812 North Queen StreetLancaster, PA, 17603CONNECT WITH US!@LANCASTERFOODHUBLANCASTER COUNTY FOOD HUBWWW.LANCASTERFOODHUB.ORGLEARN HOW YOU CANGET INVOLVED!IT TAKES A COMMUNITY TO SERVE LANCASTER— THANK YOU FOR BEING A KEY INGREDIENT.Because of your generous support, we can upholdour commitment to meet neighbors where they are,foster trust, instill hope, and support them towardmore stable life circumstances. Your contributionsensure that essential services such as free food andclothing, emergency shelter, and supportiveoutreach programs remain consistently availableunder the big, red awning at 812 N. Queen Street.