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Message 2025#LAD25Mar. 3 & 4WWW.LANGUAGEPOLICY.ORGLanguage Shapes Leaders

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CONTENTSWELCOME TO LANGUAGE ADVOCACY DAYS 2025A Letter from the JNCL-NCLIS PresidentJNCL-NCLIS Board of Directors JNCL-NCLIS Staff and Partners Our Members Our Sponsors Who We AreComplete LAD25 Event Schedule YOUR ADVOCACY MATERIALS SPEAKERS AND SPECIAL PROGRAMMINGLegislative PrioritiesThe America’s Languages Caucus Accessing Your Advocacy Portal Share Your State’s Success Keynote Speaker: Jacob KushnerPanel: Advocacy Insights from Capitol HillFeatured Speaker: Dr. Gesche JoostBreakout Sessions: “Language Shapes Leaders”2025 National Language Advocacy AwardsReception: Advocate Network Lounge1314192125271516172423458911

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Pablo MuirheadPresident, JNCL-NCLIS2PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25Dear Language Advocates,Welcome to JNCL-NCLIS Language Advocacy Days 2025. It is anhonor to gather with you in person here in Washington D.C., as wework together to ensure that language education remains a nationalpriority. At JNCL-NCLIS, our mission is to ensure that all Americanshave the opportunity to learn English and at least one other language.This is a critical time for language education. While we’ve seenprogress, we also face serious challenges. Programs remainvulnerable, funding is uncertain, and political shifts create new hurdles.But we are still in the game. And as advocates, our role has never beenmore important.LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT With gratitude,One of the most significant steps forward this past year has been the addition of Rep. Jen Kiggans ofVirginia as the new Republican co-chair of the America’s Languages Caucus, joining RepresentativeJimmy Panetta of California. Securing bipartisan leadership for the caucus reminds us that languageeducation is not a partisan issue—it's a national one. We need leaders from across the political spectrumto recognize the value of multilingualism and to work together to ensure access to high-quality languageeducation for all learners.This year’s theme, "Language Shapes Leaders," could not be more fitting for the moment we findourselves in today. In a world that grows more interconnected by the day, the ability to communicateacross languages and cultures is a core leadership skill. Whether it’s in business, education, diplomacy,military intelligence, or community building, multilingual individuals are uniquely positioned to lead withempathy, bridge divides, and find solutions to complex challenges. Our nation’s success depends on theability of our citizens to engage with the world, and language education is what makes that possible.The theme also speaks directly to the work we are doing here. We are shaping the leaders of tomorrow byadvocating for policies that ensure every student, regardless of background or zip code, has theopportunity to learn another language. At the same time, we ourselves are stepping into leadership roles—leading conversations with policymakers, educating our communities about the importance of languagelearning, and advocating for a multilingual future.This work is not easy. These are trying times for language education, and the road ahead will continue topresent obstacles. But our presence here today is a testament to our resolve. We know that languageshapes leaders—and we are here to make sure that the leaders shaping our nation’s policies understandthat, too.On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to thank you for being here, for using your voice, and forstanding up for multilingualism. Let’s continue to push forward, to fight for the opportunities that languagelearning creates, and to work toward a future where every student has access to the power of language.Pablo MuirheadPresident, JNCL-NCLISMore than 160 advocates from 46 states have come together to represent the voices of over 300,000students, teachers, and language professionals from across the country. Our presence here in D.C.ensures that multilingualism remains part of the national conversation—because if we aren’t in thesespaces, we won’t be heard. We are the ones who must show up, speak up, and and advocate for a futurewhere multilingualism is seen as an essential part of our educational, cultural, and economic success.

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2JNCL-NCLIS BOARD OF DIRECTORSWisconsin Association for LanguageTeachers (WAFLT)PABLO MUIRHEAD, Ph.D.PresidentAmerican Association of Teachers ofGerman (AATG)*MICHAEL SHAUGHNESSY, Ph.D.TreasurerAmerican Association of Teachers ofFrench (AATF)MEGAN DIERCKSSecretaryGlobal Seal of BiliteracyLINDA EGNATZImmediate Past-PresidentSouthern Conference on LanguageTeachers (SCOLT)LESLIE BALDWIN, Ed.D.American Association of Teachers ofSpanish and Portuguese (AATSP)MARIA CARREIRA, Ph.D.BYU Center for Language StudiesRAY CLIFFORD, Ph.D.ACTFLLARRY PASKAInterim Executive Director, NationalFederation of Modern LanguageTeachers Associations (NFMLTA)HOWIE BERMANFluency Consulting, LLC.NORAH JONESNational Committee for Latin andGreek*WILLIAM NIFONGKentucky World LanguageAssociation (KWLA)JEANMARIE ROUHIER-WILLOUGHBY Ph.D.OPEN SEATIndiana Foreign LanguageTeachers Association (IFLTA)MEGAN WORCESTEREXECUTIVE COMMITTEESUSTAINING BENEFACTORSAT-LARGE MEMBERSConfederation in Oregon for LanguageTeaching (COFLT)NICK GOSSETT, Ph.D.3PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25*Legacy Member

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4JON BERNSTEINDIRECTOR OF GOVERNMENT RELATIONSBernstein's 25 years of Washington, DC experience began during he tenure as a Legislative Fellow forSenator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), working on immigration, crime, intellectual property and judiciary issues.His education advocacy career commenced when he became Legislative Counsel for The LightspanPartnership, an educational software company. Bernstein went on to lobby for the National EducationAssociation and the Federal Communications Commission. In 2005, Bernstein founded his own governmentrelations firm, Bernstein Strategy Group, and has worked for high-profile clients like Apple, the AmericanFederation of School Administrators (AFSA), and the International Society for Technology in Education(ISTE).Today, Bernstein works closely with many of the major K-12 education associations as co-chair of both the Education and Libraries NetworksCoalition (EdLiNC) and the Homework Gap Big Tent Coalition, and as Executive Director of the National Coalition for Technology in Educationand Training (NCTET). Since 2016, Bernstein and his firm have helped organize and run NAFSA: Association of International Educators’sAdvocacy Day and he is working currently on developing NAFSA’s first Virtual Advocacy Day for 2021. He also helps lead the PrincipalsGroup, an informal coalition which focuses on professional development funding and related issues. Bernstein’s accomplishments includehis work to help establish and expand funding for the federal E-Rate program, which provides schools and libraries with $4 billion in annualdiscounts on broadband and Wi-Fi services, and to preserve funding for the Every Student Succeeds Act’s Title II (professional development)and Title IV (flexible block grant) programs in the face of the Trump Administration’s efforts to eliminate them.AMANDA SEEWALDEXECUTIVE DIRECTORAs Executive Director, Seewald champions the organization's mission and goals, providing leadership,collaborating with key stakeholders, overseeing staff and legislative support, and ensuring the execution ofprograms and events with focus on creative pathways forward for JNCL-NCLIS. The owner of MARACASLanguage Programs and Learning Kaleidoscope Educational Consulting and author of MARACAS La Clase delMundo publications, Seewald served as a member of the JNCL-NCLIS Board of Directors for over 10 years,most recently as President. During her term as President, Seewald also supported the organization as avolunteer interim Executive Director. Seewald has been teaching children, coaching educators, and developing curricula for over 25 years. Her expertise is inmultilingual/multicultural curriculum and instruction, focused on PK-12 language learning as well as dual language immersion education.She works with educators and schools across the country as well as in Europe to develop meaningful language programs founded in globallyengaged curricula and strong interactive instruction. Seewald is also a Past President of the Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey(FLENJ). She served as the N.J. State Representative for the National Network for Early Language Learning (NNELL) and as a member of theBoard of Directors of the Northeast Conference for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL). Seewald was the 2020 recipient of theNECTFL Nelson H. Brooks Award for Outstanding Leadership in the Profession. Her advocacy work in New Jersey led to the signing of theSeal of Biliteracy into law in 2016.Seewald serves in a part-time capacity for JNCL-NCLIS to allow her to continue in her role as owner of MARACAS Language Programs.JNCL-NCLIS STAFF AND PARTNERS MARKETING & DIGITAL DESIGN SPECIALISTDara brings over 20 years of experience in marketing and design, leading strategic initiatives and crafting impactfulcampaigns, visuals, and content that drive advocacy for language education and multilingualism. Farrar collaborates with key stakeholders to produce high-quality materials, manage social media strategies, andsupport events with innovative marketing solutions. Her extensive background in digital communications, branding,and audience engagement positions her as a creative force in amplifying JNCL-NCLIS’s mission and visibility.Farrar serves JNCL-NCLIS in a part-time capacity, enabling her to continue expanding her expertise in strategicmarketing and design while supporting mission-driven organizations.DARA FARRARINTERNHoule-Lawrence is a sophomore studying Education Policy & French Literature at Stanford University. He has beeninvolved with JNCL-NCLIS since last summer, where he began his role as a Policy & Communications intern, wherehe works to maintain external communications with advocates and garner insights on educational policydevelopment. He is passionate about extending quality education to all and plans to continue studying educationbeyond his years at Stanford. KALEB HOULE-LAWRENCE4PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25

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JNCL-NCLIS MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS 5PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD252024 NEW MEMBERSSUSTAINING BENEFACTORS & LEGACY MEMBERSComprehensible ClassroomDual Language Immersion AllianceGerman American PartnershipProgramOmnia AbroadDepartment of Languages, Cultures,and Linguistics, Carnegie MellonUniversityOmnia Abroad

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JNCL-NCLIS MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS Alabama World Languages Association (AWLA)American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)American Association of Teachers of French (AATF)American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI)American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ)American Association of Teachers of Korean (AATK)American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL)American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)American Council of Teachers of Russian/American Councils for InternationalEducation (ACTR/ACCELS)ACTFLArizona Language Association (AZLA)Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association (AFLTA)Association of Language Departments (ALD)Avant AssessmentBrigham Young University Center for Language Studies (BYU)**California Language Teachers Association (CLTA)Department of Languages, Cultures and Applied Linguistics, Carnegie Mellon UniversityCenter for Applied Linguistics (CAL) Center for Equity for English Learners Loyola Marymount (CEEL)Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities (CALEC)Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (CSCTFL)Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS)Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT)Coalition of Community-Based Heritage Language SchoolsComprehensible Classroom Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO)Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching (COFLT)Connecticut Council of Language Teachers (CTCOLT)Council of Directors of Language Resource Centers (COD)Delaware Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (DECTFL)Department of Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics, Carnegie Mellon UniversityDual Language Educators of New Mexico (DLENM)Dual Language Immersion Alliance (DLIA)Fluency Consulting LLC.Foreign Language Association of Georgia (FLAG)Foreign Language Association of Missouri (FLAM)Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC)Foreign Language Association of North Dakota (FLAND)Foreign Language Association of Virginia (FLAVA)Foreign of Language Educators of New Jersey (FLENJ)German American Partnership Program (GAPP)Global Seal of BiliteracyGlobal VirginiaHawaii Association of Language Teachers (HALT)Idioma Education & ConsultingIllinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ICTFL)Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association (IFLTA)International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT)International Language and Culture Foundation (ILCF)International Leaders of Texas (ILTexas)**Iowa World Languages Association (IWLA)Kansas World Language Association (KSWLA)Kentucky World Language Association (KWLA)Klett World LanguagesLanguage Testing InternationalLingcoLouisiana Foreign Language Teachers Association (LFLTA)Maracas Language Programs (MARACAS)Maryland Foreign Language Association (MFLA)Massachusetts Foreign Language Association (MaFLA)Meg LanguagesMichigan World Language Association (MIWLA)Middlebury Language Schools (MLS)Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Languages and Cultures (MCTLC)Mississippi Foreign Language Association (MFLA)National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE)National Association of District Supervisors for Languages (NADSFL)National Committee for Latin and Greek (NCLG)*National Council of State Supervisors for Language (NCSSFL)National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (NFMLTA)National Foreign Language Center (NFLC)National Network for Early Language Learners (NNELL)Nebraska International Languages Association (NILA)New Hampshire Association of World Language Teachers (NHAWLT)New Mexico Organization of Language Educators (NMOLE)New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT)New York State Association of World Language Administrators (NYSAWLA)Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL)Ohio Foreign Language Association (OFLA)Oklahoma Foreign Language Teachers Association (OFLTA)Omnia AbroadPacific Northwest Council for Languages (PNFCL)Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association (PSMLA)Professional Language Association of Nevada (PLAN)Qatar Foundation International (QFI)Rhode Island Foreign Language Association (RIFLA)South Carolina Foreign Language Teachers and Advocates (SCFLTA)South Dakota World Languages Association (SDWLA)Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT)Southwest Conference on Language Teaching (SWCOLT)Tennessee Language Center (TLC)Tennessee Foreign Language Teachers Association (TFLTA)TESOL International AssociationTexas Foreign Language Association (TFLA)The Language Group (TLG)The Pulsera ProjectUniversity of Utah International Centers Utah Foreign Language Association (UFLA)Vermont Foreign Language Association (VFLA)Vista Higher Learning (VHL)West Virginia Foreign Language Teachers Association (WVFLTA)Wisconsin Association for Language Teachers (WAFLT)Xperitas6PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25

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OUR EVENTLANGUAGEADVOCATESCONGRESSIONALMEETINGSSTATES & DCREPRESENTED170 200 47OUR IMPACTOUR ATTENDEESEach year hundreds oflanguage educators andprofessionals from acrossthe United States & theDistrict of Columbia attendLAD.Our advocates arecomprised of teachers,administrators, businessleaders, and students.All are leaders in theircommunities.During JNCL-NCLIS Language AdvocacyDays 2025, attendees will build relationshipswith members of Congress and meet todiscuss the most pressing education policyissues facing language educators, students,and professionals across the nation.This year, attendees will explore the theme"Language Shapes Leaders", and take theneed for comprehensive language educationfunding to decision-makers on Capitol Hill.Together, we'll share powerful stories andexperiences to inspire greater support forlanguage education and its vital role indeveloping tomorrow's cross-culturalcommunication leaders who can navigateand influence an interconnected globalsociety.LAD is the catalyst for our year-roundadvocacy work to:Facilitate the free movement ofinformation and ideasStrengthen the economyImprove national securityBuild mutual understanding andacceptance of culture and languagePromote the personal andprofessional development of allstudentsWHO WE ARE 9PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25

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Over 40 years of language advocacy to ensure allAmericans have the opportunity to learn Englishand at least one other language.JNCL-NCLIS unites a national network of leading organizations and businesses comprised of over 300,000 language professionals to advocate for language learning opportunities.WE SPEAKLANGUAGE POLICYCONNECTING AND SUPPORTINGThe Advocacy Needs of Our Broad CoalitionK-12 World Language EducationEnglish Language LearnersDual Language ImmersionEarly Language EducationHigher Education Language and International Studies Professional Learning & Educator Needs Community-Based Heritage Language Schools Translation and Interpretation Industry10PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25

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9:00 - 9:15 AMWelcome Address9:15 - 10:00 AMKeynote SpeakerJacob Kushner, International Journalist10:00 - 10:30 AMCoffee Break10:30 - 11:15 AMAdvocacy Insights from Capitol Hill11:15 AM - 12:15 PMJNCL-NCLIS Legislative Asks in 202512:15 - 1:15 PMLunch / Delegates Assembly / ACTFL Update1:15 - 1:30 PMFeatured Speaker Dr. Gesche Joost, Goethe-Institut1:30 - 2:00 PMState Planning Meetings2:00 - 2:15 PmBreakout Room Introduction2:15 - 3:30 PMLanguage Shapes Leaders Breakout Sessions3:30 - 4:00 PMGetting Ready for Capitol HillDr. Gesche JoostGoethe-InstitutLAD25 FEATURED SPEAKERLAD25 EVENT SCHEDULE -Washington College of LawAmerican UniversityMONDAY, MARCH 0309:00 AM04:00 PM-Jacob KushnerStories WithoutBordersLAD25 KEYNOTE SPEAKER8:00 - 9:00 AMBreakfast - on your own with your team9:00 AM - 4:00 PMCapitol HIll Legislative MeetingsCapitol HillCongressional OfficesTUESDAY, MARCH 0409:00 AM04:00 PM-TUESDAY, MARCH 0405:00 PM08:00 PMPlanet Word Museum925 13th St NWWashington, DC 20005-5:00 - 5:45 PMJNCL-NCLIS Awards Ceremony5:45 - 8:00 PMJNCL-NCLIS Language Shapes Leaders Reception11PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25

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INTRODUCING OUR2024-2025 CATALOG!At Klett World Languages, we are dedicated tobuilding the future of World Languages through transformative language education in the United States. We provide high-quality language materials in Spanish, French, German, and Italian, thoughtfully crafted for today’s reality in U.S. classrooms, followingestablished standards and proven pedagogicalmethods. These materials are designed to foster authentic communicative competence and empower global citizens. Join us in shaping a future wherelanguage education thrives.Explore our completecatalog by scanning the QR

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3PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD24JACOB KUSHNERStories Without BordersMonday, March 3, 2025 | 9:15 AMJacob Kushner is an international journalist and author reporting from Africa,Germany, and the Caribbean. Fluent in Dominican Spanish and Haitian Creole,with knowledge of German, French, and Kenyan Swahili, he covers underreportedstories about ordinary people and the impact of power and privilege. His work hasappeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, NationalGeographic, and WIRED. He has also photographed for National Geographic andfield-produced for VICE on HBO and PBS NewsHour.13PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25KEYNOTE SPEAKERInternational Journalist

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14PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25ADVOCACY INSIGHTS FROM CAPITOL HILL: LANGUAGE LEGISLATION LEADERSHOW TO RUN AN EFFECTIVE CONSITUENT MEETING ANDCONNECT WITH YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESSModerated by: Amanda SeewaldExecutive Director, JNCL-NCLISHANNAH SINGERLegislative CorrespondentCongresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA)Caitlin JohnsonLegislative AideCongresswoman Jen Kiggans (VA-02)Monday, March 3rd | 10:30 AM ETJake EasterPolicy AdvisoryChair Bill Cassidy (MD)

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15PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25Tell them who you are and where you are from(your institution & JNCL)meetings are importantMake your asks - once at the beginning and - ifthere is time - once at the endTry to make a personal connection - sharedschool, shared interests, etc.Avoid being confrontational about languageeducation or other issuesThank them for their timeMAKE SURE YOU...WHAT TO EXPECTStaff level meetings are importantLimited time to make your caseBe sensitive to the strain staff are under Be direct & practice for clarityThanks, but no promises

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THE AMERICA’S LANGUAGES CAUCUSREPRESENTATIVEJIMMY PANETTA (D-CA)SENATOR BRIAN SCHATZ(D-HI)SENATOR SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO(R-WV)CAUCUS CO-CHAIRSREPRESENTATIVEJEN KIGGINS (R-VA)U.S. HOUSE OFREPRESENTATIVESU.S. SENATE16PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25Established in the 116th Congress, the Caucus led and supported many successful efforts since 2019.The America’s Languages Caucus advocates for a national strategy to expand world language learningand international education, emphasizing their critical role in national security, economic growth, andjob development. It works to secure resources for language study and improve access for studentsand educators. Rooted in the five language policy recommendations from the 2017 Congressionally-commissioned report America’s Languages: Investing in Language Education for the 21st Century, thecaucus underscores the urgent need for more bilingual and biliterate citizens. Established as abipartisan caucus in 2019, it became bicameral in 2021.TO JOIN, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS CAN CONTACT: ASK YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS TO JOINTHE AMERICA’S LANGUAGES CAUCUS!House: Krista Wunsche( Jimmy Panetta (D-CA),Senate: Gabrielle Schechter( Brian Schatz (D-HI)

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REPRESENTATIVEJIMMY PANETTA (D-CA)SENATOR BRIAN SCHATZ (D-HI)ACCESSING YOUR ADVOCACY ASSOC APPTo get started, check your inbox for an email This email contains your customized login information, which you will need to accessthe platform. Be sure to review the details in the email carefully and follow theinstructions provided to log in successfully.STILL NEED HELP? CONTACT ADVOCACY ASSOCIATES LIVE HELP DESK! WE PROVIDEMEETING INFOLOCATION INFO LEGISLATOR INFO17PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25

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3PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD24PROFESSORDR. GESCHE JOOSTMonday, March 3rd | 1:15 PM ET19PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25FEATURED SPEAKERPresident, Goethe-InstitutThe Role of Language in DigitalTransformation and LeadershipProfessor Dr. Gesche Joost became the President of the Goethe-Institut in November2024. A Professor of Design Research at the Berlin University of the Arts, she works atthe intersection of arts and sciences, focusing on digitization, AI, digital colonialism, andinequality. She serves on supervisory boards for institutions like ZKM, ottobock, and INGDiBa. From 2015 to 2018, she was Germany’s “Digital Champion” in the EU Commission.In Berlin, she played a key role in founding the Weizenbaum Institute for the NetworkedSociety and the Einstein Center Digital Future.

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A Great JNCL-NCLIS Advocacy ResourceDownload Now!Contact us today to find out more! | 757.431.90044705 Columbus Street | Suite 300Virginia Beach, VA 23462Your Full-Service Leaderin Language Services.TLG supports Language Education at all levels.Proud Sponsor of LAD25Award winning and *ISO certifiedOnsite, On-Demand, and Over-the-Phone Interpreting Translation and Localization Fluency Testing and Interpreter Training Programs

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BREAKOUT ROOMSJulia HosageStudentSESSION 1 | 2:20-2:50 PM ETLanguage Immersion and Parental Choice:A Research-Based Path to Literacy GrowthLocation : Grossman HallLocation : NT07Amplifying Student Voices: How StudentAdvocacy Shapes Future Multilingual LeadersCreative Innovations in Higher Education:From Research to Program DesignLocation : NT01Jessica CoxFranklin &Marshall CollegeBeatriz CejaUS Department of Education21PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25Discover how empowering students to share their languagelearning  journeys  can  inspire  school  boards  and  parents  tochampion  language  programs.  This  session will  share  theexperiences  of  a  student  advocate  as  well  as  a  parentadvocate  and  open  conversations  with  our  studentadvocates  and  others  to  learn  how  students  see  languageshaping leaders and their own future leadership.Natalie CuiStudentParents seeking the best educational opportunities for theirchildren  increasingly  turn  to  language  immersion  programsas  a  powerful  choice.  Explore  how  language  immersionaligns  with  parental  choice  in  education  and  is  backed  byresearch  demonstrating  its  impact  on  literacy  growth.Participants will discuss how  immersion supports cognitivedevelopment,  enhances  literacy  skills  in  both  the  targetlanguage  and  English,  and  fosters  long-term  academicsuccess. Leave with  key insights  on why immersion  is avaluable option for families and how educators can engagewith parents to ensure they have the tools to make informeddecisions for their children.Explore bold, innovative approaches in higher education thatprioritize  language  learning.  Learn  how  cutting-edgestrategies  in  program  design  and  research  inspire  futureleaders  to  tackle  global  challenges  with  creativity  andlinguistic proficiency.Jane SokolowskyBrown University

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22PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25BREAKOUT ROOMSSESSION 2 | 3:00 - 3:30 PM ET Securing the Future: Language Educationand National Security Leadership WhyProficiency in Languages Is Critical forGlobal StabilityLocation : NT07Building Bridges to Policy:Advocating for Languages at theState LevelLocation : NT01Erin PapaRhode IslandEwa ZeoliMichael Herrera, Ed.D.CTE principal fromBucks County PALocation : Grossman HallLanguage as the Key to WorkforceDevelopment Leadership Advocacy forWorkforce Development throughMultilingualism in CTEExplore how language education strengthens the connectionbetween  education  and  workforce  needs.  This  sessiondemonstrates how advocacy for language skills positionsstudents focused on CTE pathways on a pathway to excel inlocal  and  global  business,  innovation,  and  economicdevelopment.Linda EgnatzExecutive Director,Global Seal of BiliteracyDelve into the pivotal role of language education in nationalsecurity.  This  session  illustrates  how  multilingual  leadersplay  a  vital  role  in  diplomacy,  intelligence,  and  defense,ensuring a safer, more connected world.Megan WhalonTexasDirector of Advocacyfor TFLALearn  how  to  create  state-level  legislative  allies  forlanguage education.  This session shares  strategies fordriving  policy  change  that  equips  leaders  with  themultilingual  skills  necessary  to  succeed  in  a  rapidlyglobalizing world.

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3PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD24SHARE YOUR SUCCESS: STATE REPORTSDesignate one person from your team tocomplete  a  Share  your  success  slideabout  your  legislative  meetings.  Addyour  state  name  (and any  state-specificdesign elements you want!), 3-5 bulletedmeeting outcomes, and a picture of yourstate  team  on  Capitol  Hill!  We  will  besharing these slides during the receptionon  Capitol Hill  and again  following ourLAD events.Scan this QR Code to access theeditable slide24PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25

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2025 LANGUAGE ADVOCACY AWARDS RUSH D. HOLT AWARD FOR LANGUAGE SERVICE TO THE NATIONJ. DAVID EDWARDSPOWER OF ADVOCACYELEVATEVISIONARY ADVOCATEThe Honorable Jen Kiggans is therecipient of the 2024 Rush D. Holt Awardfor Language Service to the Nation inrecognition of her exceptional public service inadvancing language and international educationthrough legislative action.Cherie Garrett is the recipient of the2025 J. David Edwards Power of AdvocacyAward in recognition of her extraordinaryadvocacy contributions that advance the JNCL-NCLIS mission and serve to expand access tolanguages other than English.Haydee Taylor-Arnold, Ph.D. is the recipient of theELEVATE Award in recognition of her visionaryefforts to advance access and equity forlanguage learners within and beyond theclassroom.PRESENTED TO:THE HONORABLEJEN KIGGANSPRESENTED TO:CHERIE GARRETTPRESENTED TO:HAYDEE TAYLOR-ARNOLD, PH.D.Awards Ceremony | Tuesday, March 4th| 5:00 PM ETTHE JAMES E. ALATIS FOUNDER’S AWARDTerri Marlow is the recipient of The James E.Altatis Founder’s Award in recognition of herlifetime of exceptional contributions to advancinglanguage and international education, researchand development, and practice through advocacy.PRESENTED TO:TERRI MARLOW25PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25

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26PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25JOIN US AT AdvocacyAction DayOCTOBER 7th, 2025VIRTUAL EVENTMAKE A DIFFERENCEVisit to learn more about how yourdonation supports our work!It is because of your support that JNCL-NCLIS can continue to exist as a collaborative space forthe shared needs, experiences, and movements of our field! Transforming your dollars into millions infunding for language education programs. DONATE TODAY!

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27PROGRAM AND ADVOCACY GUIDE | LAD25LAD Awards Ceremony and Language Shapes Leaders ReceptionTUESDAY, MARCH 4TH 5-8PM PLANET WORD MUSEUMThese special events will celebrate the impact of language advocacy and provide a unique opportunity to connect with fellow attendees.

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