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Strategic Plan

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OUR 3 PILLARS OF FOCUSConnectionPeople do business with people they know, like,and trust. Building relationships and makingconnections is crucial to building a businessnetwork, and the Lewisville Area Chamber offersa variety of great networking opportunities.AdvocacyThe Lewisville Area Chamber is an advocate forits broad and diverse member businesses and avoice for the business community, creating aclimate of growth and success that benefits all.ImpactThe Lewisville Area Chamber provides uniqueopportunities for businesses and individuals tomake a difference by informing them ofimportant community issues through events andprograms.Our Mission andValue StatementOur mission is to champion businessgrowth through advocacy, connection,education and innovation.We are guided by these values:INTEGRITY RESPECT HELPING OTHERS PEOPLE-CENTEREDCOURAGE TRANSPARENCYBALANCE

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Strategic Goal #1THE CHAMBER WILL:Make an effort to reach out to all members through regularstaff and ambassador visits, calls, and emails, and stayattuned to their specific needs.Monitor retention rates monthly to ensure we are meetingthe needs of our members and are striving to be aware ofwhat is going on around us, with a willingness to listen tofeedback and concerns.Ensure that everyone who comes through the door orcomes to an event feels welcome and connected to ourmembers, board, and staff.Prioritize empathy, communication, and a genuine desire to improve the lives of our business members and the community, and create a culture of trust and mutual support that fosters loyalty, happiness, and success.Focus on building strong relationships with bothemployees and members to create a culture of respect and inclusivity where everyone feels valued and supported.Establish thriving and strategic collaborative partnerships and peer-to-peerrelationships to promote community prosperity. Identify key stakeholders and determine their needs and interests, tailoringoutreach efforts to build relationships based on mutual interests. Maintain strong working relationship with the City of Lewisville and the EconomicDevelopment department to ensure the betterment of the business community.Treat Members Like FamilyStrategic Goal #2ENCOURAGE AND CULTIVATE STRONG CIVICAND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPSRecognize and reward business excellence, member milestones, and difference-makersin the community through the annual awards gala, monthly awards, and ribbon cuttings. Ensure business interests are clearly communicated, understood, and supported byall levels of government, community stakeholders, and the business community.Host events that bring community members together and encourage collaboration, includingworkshops and other events that provide opportunities for networking and idea sharing.THE CHAMBER WILL:

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Maintain frequent, relevant communications – and a strong onlinepresence through the major social media channels – to drive awarenessand access to important information. Ensure that the chamber stakeholders (board, staff, volunteers and community partners) haveaccountable, productive relationships that fully optimize resources, skills, talents, and abilities. THE CHAMBER WILL:BE A TIMELY RESOURCE FOR BUSINESSStrategic Goal #3Stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices by attendingconferences, networking with peers, or subscribing to relevantpublications.Build networks and gain knowledge through signature events, bothmonthly and annually, and learning opportunities through the BusinessConnection workshops hosted jointly with the City of Lewisville – servingmembers, their employees, and the broader business community.Create opportunities for members to increase their community presence,promote their products and services, and support the chamber family ofbusinesses. Strategic Goal #4BE TRANSPARENT AND ACCOUNTABLETHE CHAMBER WILL:Conduct periodic review of bylaws, budget, financials, contracts, membership reports,audits, and strategic plan.Continuously review operational expenses and explore innovative revenue streams tominimize spending and drive increased value for our members.Communicate progress to build trust and credibility with stakeholders, promote ethicalbehavior, and improve overall performance.Create a communication plan that outlines how theChamber will engage with stakeholders and keepthem informed about the organization's activities andinitiatives, including regular meetings, updates viaemail or social media, and other forms ofcommunication.

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Conduct the following workshops, forums, and meetings to facilitate learning:Workforce Development SummitQuarterly “Business Connection” workshopsYoung Professionals Brunch & LearnToastmastersMastermindsGovernment Affairs CommitteeWomen of Influence Network monthly luncheonsWomen of Influence Network’s Annual Conference Monthly membership luncheonsJoint Luncheons, including State of the Cities, UNITY, State of Education, and Holiday LuncheonEmbrace technological resources to maximize efficiency,demonstrate relevancy, and deliver timely and meaningfulservices.Strategic Goal #5EMBRACE NEW IDEAS AND INNOVATIONSTHE CHAMBER WILL:Initiate and influence change that supports the interests ofthe business community. Evaluate and measure the success of the innovation initiativesthrough regular assessments, as well as tracking the return oninvestment for each.Stay up-to-date with emerging trends, initiatives, andtechnologies in the industry that impact our members byregularly attending conferences and trade shows andnetworking with industry leaders.Foster a culture of innovation by encouraging creativity andrisk-taking, providing employees with the resources, training,and support to pursue new ideas.Strategic Goal #6PROVIDE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESSAND COMMUNITY LEADERSIdentify the needs of the business community and design programs that areboth relevant and engaging. Host regular workshops tailored to specific industries or topics, and seminars structured aslectures or panel discussions, that provide an opportunity for leaders to come together andlearn from experts in their field and guest speakers from diverse backgrounds and industries.THE CHAMBER WILL:

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Visit Our Websitelewisvillechamber.orgStrategic Goal #7CULTIVATE JOY AND CONNECTIVITYTHE CHAMBER WILL:Build networks and connections through signature events, including LeadsNetworking, Monthly “Wind Down” Wednesdays, Annual Awards Gala, MonthlyLuncheons, Young Professionals Mixers, Women of Influence events.Recognize and reward business excellence, member milestones, and differencemakers in the community with monthly and annual awards. Ensure all Chamber events are up-beat, welcoming, fun, sincere,entertaining, and educational.Maintain a friendly and welcoming approach and attitudeat all times to cultivate joy with everyone with whom wecome in contact.Create a positive and supportive workenvironment by creating a culture ofappreciation, communication, and recognition,and promoting a healthy work-life balance.