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KYC CHRONICLE Summer Edition No.1

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Table ofContentsCOMMODORE LETTERBOARD OF DIRECTORSPAVING STONESA CONVERSATION WITH DOUGHARDHAMTREASURER’S TAKE020407081216UPCOMING EVENTSContactMember LoungeMonday – Thursday | 11:00 AM – 9:00 PMFriday | 11:00 AM – 10:00 PMSaturday | 10:00 AM – 10:00 PMSunday | 10:00 AM – 9:00 PMHappy Hour Daily 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM and8:00 PM – Close778-478-8215250-762-3310 Ext. 208Member Services & ReceptionMonday – Sunday | 9:00AM – 5:00PM250-762-3310 Ext. 200info@kelownayachtclub.comDockhandsAvailable Seasonally(May – September)250-762-3310 Ext. 103Sailing Programs & Campssailingschool@kelownayachtclub.com250-762-3310 Ext. 102Marina Services & seasonally May – September)250-762-3310 Ext. 103Board of Directorsboard@kelownayachtclub.comWHAT’S ON WATERUNPLUGGED ADVENTURESKYC’S ENVIRONMENTAL JOURNEYDISH & DINESTAFF SPOTLIGHT182122242629A FRIENDLY GUIDE TO BOATINGBLISSMOORING STANDARDSKYC'S RECOMMENDED MOORAGESPOTS3234K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4

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thegalleycafe_kelownaThe Galley Lakeside CafeMonday to Thursday· 7:30 AM – 7:00 PMFriday, Saturday & Sunday· 7:30AM – 8:00PMAverageage of newRegularmembers is50.43 newCorporateMemberships33 newMembershipsassignedmoorage57 NewRegularMemberships,136 newmembers15 of newRegularMembershipsjoined withchildrenunder 19Our New MembersWelcomeThe Kelowna Yacht Club would like to warmly welcome our newest members,who joined between November 2023 and June 2024. We look forward toconnecting with you and becoming your home away from home.If you see a new face around the Club, introduce yourself and help us welcome our new Members.Page 1W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O M

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COMMODORESMESSAGEMICHAEL NEWCOMBEWRITTEN BY:We are very excited to start this journeyof launching our new chronicle, whichis a revival to the cherished legacy ofThe Hornblower magazine. This freshiteration isn't only a homage to our richhistory but also a bold step forward.Crafted for today's vibrant modernboating community and our diverse,dynamic membership.A big thank you to all who contributedto this first edition of the chronicle, andall of you who continue to show yoursupport and enthusiasm for your club. Let us turn this chronicle into a portraitof our lively community through acts ofadventure and camaraderie that definethe Kelowna Yacht Club.JULY 15, 2024DATE:Dear MembersIn late September, we will bebudgeting for the upcoming fiscal year,and reviewing our long-term strategicplan, which helps us positionourselves accordingly within ourstrategic reserves.You will read more about the Club’sfinancial position from the “Treasurer’sTake” and what it means to be a not-for-profit club, and the requiredtransparency. You can always find ourmost recent monthly financials, or ouraudited financials from BDO, ourannually approved auditor for almosttwo decades, on the member portionof our website.While your dedicated, volunteer Boardof Directors has a bit of a lightermeeting schedule in July to get outand enjoy some of the summer, we willbe back to focusing on ourcommitments made within our Boardwork plan, through the efforts of ourcommittees such as Membership,Finance, Governance, Nominationsand Board Development, and variousoperational committees and taskforces. If you ever feel like you wouldconsider joining a committee, pleaselet us know by Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 Page 2We hope to see more involvement andcontributions from each of you, as yourstories, insights, and feedback will bethe wind in our sails, driving thisendeavor forward.

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MEET OUR BOARD OFDIRECTORSMichaelNewcombeDanny FosterTod AlstadAs one of the oldest non-profit societies in Kelowna, thesuccess of the Kelowna Yacht Club is due to strongmember commitment and excellent governance over theyears. Following the centuries-old successful traditions ofyacht clubs worldwide, our Board of Directors hasmaintained leadership continuity over the years.Kelowna has been my home for the past 35years. A former competitive hockey player,now an enthusiastic gardener and pickleballer,I married Teresa in 1999, and we share ablended family of four adult children and twograndchildren. I own a financial services agency and havebeen involved in various communityorganizations, holding key leadershippositions, such as Chair for Hearts & Hands 4Ukraine (H&H4U), raising over $100,000 to aiddisplaced Ukrainians. As the KYC RearCommodore for 2023/24, I contribute my vastexperience and passion to the Kelowna YachtClub.During the week, I work as a ConstructionManager for FortisBC Electric, but my truepassion is sailing and sail-racing. I participatein inshore and offshore races internationally,providing sailing tutelage for small keel-boatsup to 30' and skippering chartered sailboatsup to 53' in the Caribbean. I've crewedoffshore racing boats in the SwiftsureInternational Yacht Race, winning our classthree times, and crewed on Havoc in two VanIs 360 races around Vancouver Island. Additionally, I served as Watch Captain on a57’ sailing vessel from Mexico to Panama.Serving on the KYC board in an industry I amso passionate about is a pleasure.Page 4K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 Over the last seven years, I have served as aBoard member, Sail Fleet Captain, RearCommodore, and Vice Commodore. My goal isto guide the Board thoughtfully, working withthe Executive Director and his team tomaintain financial stability and enhance themember experience. I also aim to help the clubmeet our community’s environmental needsand encourage a more inclusive membership.I received my LLB from the University of BritishColumbia and was called to the BC Bar in1987. After articling with family lawyer SeftonLevine, I moved to Kelowna and worked at M.Gail Miller & Co. before starting a firm in 1991.In 2003, I founded Newcombe and CompanyLaw Office, where I handle many legal aidcases. I truly enjoy my work—it’s fascinatingand rewarding.Commodore ViceCommodoreRearCommodore

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RyanArchambaultRick SudeykoAnitaBoehmJoe DanchukCinzia Zotta WendlandEva AylwardPage 5W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MRetired from Teck Operations in amanagement position in Trail 17 years ago.Upon retiring, I got involved in local politics,served on the council for the village ofMontrose for three years, and was mayor forseven years. While I was Mayor, I also sat onthe hospital board, the regional district forKootenay Boundary. I was fortunate to sit ona local government board providing input forthe upcoming Columbia River treaty. My wife, Sandi, and I moved to Kelowna in2020. I am an avid golfer and enjoy boating,so the yacht club was a perfect fit. I’veenjoyed my time on the board at the yachtclub as it is a great organization.Wanting to give back to the community thatwelcomed my wife Lisa and me when wemoved to Kelowna in 2020, I joined the KYCBoard. With over a decade as a WealthManager, I provide financial oversight as theclub's Treasurer Secretary. My experiencethrowing pirate parties made me a great fitfor the Power Fleet's Staff Captain position. Before Kelowna, I worked for majorinvestment institutions in Vancouver beforegoing independent in 2022. I now offer full-service wealth management for Canada'sfastest-growing firm. I enjoy mountain biking,road cycling, golfing, pickleball, andwakeboarding with Lisa and friends in myfree time.Born in Canada to Italian immigrants, I learnedthe importance of family and community.These values have led me to a life of service. Icurrently serve on the KYC Board and as VP ofthe Kelowna Canadian Italian Club.Professionally, with over 30 years in DisabilityManagement, I have assisted employers andhelped advocate for individuals as theynavigate their injury/illness. Personally, I striveto be a strong role model for my three younggirls, teaching them the importance of culture,curiosity, and a strong work ethic. You will find me cooking and immersed in myculture outside of work. Our family enjoysadventure and the outdoors, so you will oftensee us on the water, camping, hiking orsnowboarding. I am delighted to serve on theKYC Board, where I can contribute to ourvibrant community and champion the valuesof family and cultural diversity.Originally from the Yukon, I took to sailing laterin life. I moved to Kelowna during COVID-19 in2020 and decided to make it permanent uponretirement. I recently retired and served for 33years as a foreign service officer withCanada’s Global Affairs department, workingas a diplomat in Italy and Chile.. A KYCmember for three years, I own a C&C 30 andrace competitively at KYC. I've also contributedto the Learn to Sail and White Sail programs.However, realistically, I am more of a pilot thana sailor. My personal quirk is that I am a catlover. I am happy to be part of such a dynamic boardand enjoy supporting the growth andenjoyment of the club and its facilities.As an experienced corporate legal counsel andbusiness executive with extensive experiencein commercial transactions and intellectualproperty. I have managed legal affairs forvarious organizations in various industries,including franchising, cyber-security, cannabis,agriculture, banking and technologydevelopment. My career has taken me toToronto, Bangkok, Vancouver, and New York,and I now practice primarily remotely fromKelowna, BC. I have volunteered as a boardmember for numerous non-profits andprovided governance advice to for-profit andnon-profit boards and management for over25 years. I am an avid outdoor enthusiast, and myfavourite activities include sailing, horsebackriding, biking and skiing. I'm thrilled to be partof the KYC Board and contribute my expertiseto this vibrant part of the community.With over 20 years of experience as anExecutive Finance Professional and a strongbackground in full-cycle accounting, financialreporting, and budget forecasting, my focushas always been on ensuring the integrity andaccuracy of financial results. Since 2016, I’vebeen deeply involved with KYC, volunteeringand chairing various committees and taskforces. I've also served in executive positionson the board, including treasurer, commodore,and past commodore. When I'm not working on my MBA, myhusband John and I love spending time on oursailboat in the basin, enjoying the beautifulsurroundings, and socializing with friends atthe club.Director Fleet CaptainDirector Staff Captain,Treasurer-SecretaryDirector Director Director PastCommodore

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Our intent is to chronicle the past intothe present, celebrating our rich historywhile keeping you informed on all thevery latest. You will find stories similarto the old Hornblower, but also newfeatures highlighting the excitingevents and updates around the Club.K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 The newKelowna YachtClub Chroniclewill bring you allthe classiccontent youloved, updatedto reflect ourvibrant anddynamic boatingcommunity."The Hornblower" butwith a fresh, moderntwist.We want this chronicle to be a truereflection of our community, and that'swhere you come in. We invite allmembers to share your photos, stories,and news. If you'd like to contribute,we'd love to include your articles andupdates. Your input will help us createa magazine that's not only informativebut also a true representation of ourdiverse and dynamic membership.At the Kelowna Yacht Club, we arededicated to keeping you informed andengaged. Our new chronicle is anexciting addition to our communicationefforts, designed to enhance ouralready vibrant community. We can'twait to see your contributions andshare this new chapter with you.Let's start this great journey together—keeping the legend of 'The Hornblower'very much alive but, certainly, facingthe future. Onward in writing the sagathat will celebrate our past and igniteour present with a vision toward anexciting future.If you have exciting news to shareor ideas for our next issue, pleasevisit our KYC Chronicle page. 6

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Volunteers are the cornerstone to the success ofour Club. But how do“paving stones” fit intoour history? Paving Stones Honoring thepast, withhistory from ourold clubhouse.Before the first shovel for our newClubhouse into the dirt at the 2013groundbreaking ceremony hosted byCommodore Elton Ash, KYCvolunteers were planning how we couldhonour our past by bringing somehistory with us from our old Clubhouse.The City Promenade along thelakeshore was initially constructed withpaving stones of various shapes andcolours. It was nice; it had character.Many will recall that we had a veryelaborate compass rose design madewith paving stones in front of our mainentrance gate. It was quite elegant andadded class and a distinct uniquenessto our former entrance. It was a senseof pride (and direction) for many Clubmembers.It was a busy time for the Club. Whilewe were constructing the newclubhouse, we also renovated B Dock,upgraded the Muster Station retainingwalls, and designed the relocatedentrance to the moorage basin. The group decided that our newentrance would be built with the pavingstones from the promenade. They setto work digging them up and placingthem on pallets. A KYC memberdonated the pallets; volunteers dug upthe stones and stacked, and stacked,and stacked! Hundreds of stones,loosened by a small piece ofequipment, made into small piles andcarried to the pallets by a team ofvolunteers. The task took several days,and the team worked hard at thisbackbreaking job. A group of volunteers saw anopportunity to incorporate thepromenade’s paving stones into thedesign of our new facility. The City wasmore than happy to allow us to “dig in”to this project and we began planninghow to use the reclaimed pavingstones.H I S T O R YW W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MPage 7PAST COMMODOREAND LIFE MEMBER,MIKE TERRISWRITTEN BY:

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Page 8A CONVERSATION WITH DOUGHARDHAM: THE EVOLUTION OF THEKELOWNA YACHT CLUBK Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 We had the pleasure of sitting down withDoug Hardham, a longtime member and pastcommodore, who shed light on the club'sjourney. Doug's involvement began in the early1990s, and he soon took on various roles, frommoorage director to finance chairman. Herecounted the early days with nostalgia,noting, "My first role was moorage director,and I did that for a couple of years. In thosedays, the director was an active club memberbecause we didn't have the resources to havemany staff."I think what a lot of people don'trealize is that the club has beenaround since 1945.From a simple conversation born out of ashared love and passion for boating, a fewsailors gathered and discussed how topromote boating in the Okanagan. That was79 years ago, in 1945, to be exact. Little didthose sailors envisage the club that standsproudly today with Canada's largestfreshwater marina. There were no boat rampsor launch facilities, no bricks or mortar, justsailors with a vision, and that vision came tofruition with its charter granted under theprovince of British Columbia in 1946. Since thebirth of The Kelowna Yacht Club, manymembers have walked through the oldclubhouse and into the new, but many morehave not. This article aims to unify thisinformation for all who may not be aware ofthe incredible past and progress that we as aclub have made since that pivotal discussion inthe 40s.The club's first clubhouse was a retired radiostation building located south of the currentsite, near the skating rink. The property wasacquired from Mr. S.M. Simpson, the owner ofthe local sawmill, at a highly favourable price.Though not a yacht club member to Doug'smemory, Mr S.M Simpson's ten-acrecontribution to Kelowna, including a quarter-acre for the club’s use, was instrumental. Thisland is now home to key landmarks such asCity Hall, Kasugai Gardens, Stuart Park,Memorial Arna and much more. The land‘gifted’ to KYC was not given in perpetuity butwas intended for as long as the yacht clubwished to remain.A Community Anchor:Doug shared his memories: "We joined theKelowna Yacht Club and the Kelowna CurlingClub when we first came to Kelowna in 1990.To this day, most of our very close friends areeither from one or the other club. The yachtclub has been a very important ingredient inour lives. Shortly after I arrived, I volunteeredto serve on committees, which led to boardpositions. I became a board member around1993. My first role was moorage director, and Idid that for a couple of years. In those days,the director was an active club memberbecause we didn't have the resources to havemany staff. I think the staff when I first startedconsisted of the manager, a fellow by thename of Hank Van Dyke, an accountantnamed Caroline, and a lady who ran the houseand bar named Gail Hudson."Navigating ChallengesDOUG HARDHAMDoug emphasized the importance ofvolunteering to become more involved with theyacht club, stating, "By letting your namestand for either a board or volunteercommittee position. That’s the general startingpoint, volunteering to participate insomething."Humble BeginningsDuring the colourful era of the 1960s and 70s,the Kelowna Yacht Club faced somechallenges with the city. Doug Hardhamrecalls this period, mentioning that thespecifics were hazy, leaving everyone a bitpuzzled. Eventually, both sides agreed to moveon and work together more positively.Especially since no one remembered thespecifics of the disagreement; all they knewwas that it wasn't based on anything official. In a meeting with city officials, they all decidedto leave the past behind and focus on movingforward. This new cooperative spirit led tovarious advantageous initiatives and anongoing partnership that endures to this day. LAURIANNE JACKSONWRITTEN BY:Doug's most lasting memory is meeting agroup of friends, many of whom have sincepassed. "Some of those friends are still veryclose today, and I get reminded of them everytime I am here," he said. Doug's insights also highlighted the sharedinterests between the city and the yacht clubas a contributing factor in collaboration. "Thereason was that the single biggest asset forboth the city of Kelowna and the KelownaYacht Club is Okanagan Lake.The Pump-Out Station InitiativeThe single biggest asset for the cityof Kelowna and the Kelowna YachtClub is Okanagan Lake.

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H I S T O R YDOUG HARDHAMThe initial vision for revitalizing the KelownaYacht Clubhouse in its previous locationincluded the addition of a lighthouse at thebuilding's front. This beacon was designed toshowcase old historical pictures, inviting thepublic and club members to ascend its steps. Itwas to be adorned with aged photographsand maritime relics that told the club's story.At the top, visitors would be rewarded with astunning lake view. The club's plannedimprovements, addressing leaky roofs, unevenfloors, and cramped spaces, highlighted theneed for renovations due to the growingmembership.A vision for the FutureHowever, the city had other plans, such asextending Stuart Park and adding amenitiesfor the community. The club had to apply for apermit, but with both parties wanting toexpand and improve differently, they faced aninitial dilemma. The Yacht Club had the rightto remain on the land Mr. Simpson hadcontributed, which further complicated thesituation. This scenario set the stage fornegotiations and discussions about how bothparties could achieve their goals. Navigating NegotiationsThe challenge; says Doug, was that the yachtclub was on a property we could remain onindefinitely, and the city couldn't technicallymake us move. Our stance was that weneeded to buy the property where the clubstands today, and the city would have to sell itto us; otherwise, we weren't going anywhere. Eventually, we reached an agreement with thecity to purchase the property previouslyoccupied by the senior center. Recognizingthat the downtown area was becomingincreasingly busy, the move was seen asbeneficial for the safety and convenience ofthe seniors. This transition also alignedperfectly with the interests of both the cluband the city, facilitating our shared goal ofexpansion and improvement. This extensive facility, situated on a largeproperty, now offers ample parking, easyaccessibility for visitors, and beautiful naturalsurroundings, allowing residents to enjoy theoutdoors in a secure environment. The cityundertook the task of facilitating thedevelopment of a remarkable facility withdedication and vision. Although this expansion meant sacrificingsome intended club spaces, it ensured asecure tenant and aligned with the club'svision of broader community service. TheKelowna Yacht Club supports our communitythrough sailing camps for kids, making eventspace available, and maintaining ourcommitment to public engagement.A Testament to ResilienceMarked by countless drafts with architects,endless negotiations, and the unwaveringeffort of our dedicated members, the vision forour new clubhouse took more than a decadeto come to life. Negotiating with the city wasabout more than just meetings. It was arigorous dance of diplomacy anddetermination. The monumental effort putforth by individuals like Doug Hardham andmany others embodied the spirit of communityand resilience that has defined the KelownaYacht Club since its inception in 1945. Building a New LegacyThe Kelowna Yacht Club stands proudly onthe waterfront, bustling with life and woveninto the fabric of Kelowna. Its evolution frommodest origins to its current stature is atestament to foresight, resilience, andcommunal unity. Rooted in history, the club'strajectory shines with promise, upheld by itsmembers' unwavering commitment toembracing the future.The laborious yet rewarding journey of theKelowna Yacht Club (KYC) is a tale thatbeautifully intertwines with the city's richhistory. Many locals and visitors may not fullyappreciate how integral KYC has been to thefabric of this community. From its humblebeginnings initiated by a passionate group ofsix local businessmen to its current status as acornerstone of Kelowna’s waterfront, theclub’s evolution reflects a remarkablededication to boating and community service.Throughout this journey, KYC has developed agreat relationship with the city, workingcollaboratively to ensure the club's heritageand the community's needs are respected andfulfilled. As much as we could delve into the finerdetails, there is so much more to this storythat remains untold. The journey from conceptto completion involved more than just bricksand mortar. There are countless stories ofperseverance and success, of times wheneverything seemed lost, yet the members'dedication never wavered. From intricatebuilding plans to tough conversations and thecelebrations of success that followed, eachmilestone reached by the club has an excitingtale to tell.We look forward to each issue bringing you apiece of history and sharing the vibrant legacyand ongoing journey of the Kelowna YachtClub.Exemplary City PlanningWe had boaters dumping sewage onOkanagan Lake, so we jointly built a pump-out station together, that is, to this day, on ourdocks." This station is still available to allboaters on the lake.The city took on the project to find the mostsuitable location for the new senior centre,considering all aspects of their needs. Theydetermined that the Parkinson RecreationCentre would be an ideal fit.The mayor and I cut the ribbon going inthe front door, a moment I’ll never forget.The Kelowna Yacht Club’s land acquisition bythe city came with many covenants tomaintain public access, public service, andamenities, which remained at the forefront.Every move into the new club wasstrategically thought through, considering thebest interests of Kelowna residents. Upholdingthe momentum and morals of less commercialuse and buildings of beauty that complementsthe land, always mindful of Kelowna'sresidents' well-being, embracing the spirit ofthe Simpson covenant, which had a vision ofminimal commercialization and structuresharmonizing with the natural landscape. W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MPage 9One of the significant challenges during thisperiod was navigating the covenants andstipulations attached to the land acquisition.These ongoing covenants remainfundamental to the Kelowna Yacht Club,ensuring continued community engagementand accessibility, which will always be partof KYC's vision and commitment to thecommunity.

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Whether you are planning a multi-dayconference, staff retreat, corporateevent, or a special celebration, ourbanquet space is the perfectbackdrop for your booking. KYC spearheaded a collaborative andinteractive Earth Day Quest event inpartnership with Tourism Kelowna,Kelowna Museums, OkanaganRegional Library, City of Kelowna,GreenStep Solutions, and theDowntown Kelowna Association. TheEarth Day Quest featured engaginggames with environmental themesacross downtown, offering participantsthe chance to learn about thechallenges faced by the Okanagan.It was amazing to join forces and workwith such incredible organizations inKelowna. We hope to see you nextyear for another exciting Earth Dayadventure!Club HighlightsStayConnectedClub EtiquetteAs we dive into our busy summerseason at the Kelowna Yacht Club, it'sa perfect time to gently remindeveryone of some essential clubetiquette. Removal of Hats: Kindly removeyour hat when in the MemberLounge in respect of fallen sailors.Phone Courtesy: Please be mindfulof other guests; turning your phoneon silent or stepping away to takecalls allows everyone to enjoy theClub.Respect Quiet Hours: Quiet hours inthe Marina are 11pm - 7am.Smoking Areas: Use the designatedsmoking area (around the electricbox east of the Member Hallwayentrance) There is no smokingallowed within the clubhouse, on thedocks, or on the rest of the grounds. EverySaturday!MUSICDockLiveEARTH DAYQUESTSUCCESS!Page 10K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4

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W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MWe cannot thank Martin Motorsports enough for itscontinued generous support and dedication to safety. Thissupport emphasizes that community and collaboration aresignificantly strong when making our lake a safe andenjoyable space for everyone.We encourage everyone to take advantage of this importantresource. Feel free to borrow and return the life jackets asneeded. We want to see everyone utilize this great asset. Ifyou have other unused, good-conditioned life jackets,consider putting them in our station. Every little bit helpscontribute to the safety of our KYC community.StayConnectedNews to share?If you have some interesting news you would like to share’s Regatta Season!The Kelowna Yacht Club holds spring and summer regattas andacts as a mid-point stop on the annual End-to-End Race. Alongwith our members, visiting boats are invited to join in theseexceptional multi-day sailing events.Kids don’t floatLifejackets doW A T E R A C T I V I T I E SPhoto Credit: Ken HagenPage 11

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We as a board areaccountable.Over the past months, many of my fellowboard members have been approachedby membership with concerns over theClub’s financial state of affairs. We’dcome to learn through these discussionsthat there had been some fairly alarmingmisconceptions circulated about ourstructure, costs, and effectively our abilityto continue maintaining and expandingour membership offerings at the pacewe’ve enjoyed over the past six years.More concerning to me was that many ofthese inquiries came from newermemberships that have not yet had theopportunity to experience theimprovements that have led to recordmembership satisfaction and don’t yethave any reason to hold confidence andpride in their membership. Treasurer’s Take: Inspectingour Financial HullRyan Archambault, CFA, CIMTREASURER-SECRETARY,DIRECTOR, STAFF CAPTAINPage 12While the statements made were difficultfor me to reconcile against the backdropof the strong financial position I haveoverseen through my tenure asTreasurer, there is admittedly a lapse intransparency that must exist in order forthese misconceptions to hold groundand to that, we as a board areaccountable.In that vein, I will now be launching aquarterly commentary on our financialposition and outlook in the form of the“Treasurer’s Take”. Let me say first thatthis column is not going to be a read-outof financial statements with jargon intact,and much of these highlights will just beme lamenting that in 2024 it costs $500 tore-upholster a Member Lounge diningchair. That is unreal. We’ll get there, but thisfirst overview will be morecomprehensive such that we canadequately address three key areas ofthe inquiries we’ve received: our not-for-profit structure, use of debt, andoperational costs. While much of our work on the FinanceCommittee and on the board is forward-looking, these updates are to be receivedas a pulse reading on the way things are.All of our members have a voice and ourvoting members have a say in the waythings should be, and as a compliment tothe launch of this series, the Board willalso be releasing an overview of how ourClub Bylaws allow for feedback andpropositions to be put forward forconsideration.K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4

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IN ORDER TO BEACCOUNTABLE,ONE MUST FIRSTBE TRANSPARENTWe recognize that as a collectivemembership, we’re all on this shiptogether and have to workcollaboratively to hear each other,coordinate efforts and ultimately getwhere we’re going. We wouldn’t launchfor the season without a full hullinspection and mechanic report, andwhere finances are concerned, let mebe your wrench-monkey.While a corporate enterprise wouldgenerally have the goal of generatingprofit to distribute to its ownership, anot-for-profit exists to fund and facilitatethe initiatives and common interests ofits membership. As per our KelownaYacht Club Constitution, that’s largely todevelop and encourage local boating, toconstruct and maintain boatinginfrastructure, to hold related socialevents, and ultimately promote pleasureboating and safety on Lake Okanagan.It is key to our structuring that membersof our society do not stand to realize anypersonal financial gain, and it’s why thesociety is granted tax exemptions as anot-for-profit. With the move to our larger club facility in2014, our hospitality capabilities weregreatly expanded and allowed for thedevelopment of what has grown tobecome the Member Lounge we enjoytoday. Our hospitality offerings continueto grow and now include additionalcatering services, and more recently theaddition of The Galley Lakeside Cafe.This is where a line must be drawn in theshoreline mud. A not-for-profit exists tofund and facilitate theinitiatives and commoninterests of its membership.structures like this with much more than atwo-turn penalty. That’s a key distinction,and at present, the mandate,management and structuring of the Clubsupports the understanding that anycommercial operations on the hospitalityside are purely to maintain and improvethe membership experience such thatwe, as a not-for-profit society, can betterpromote and accomplish the objectivesof our constitution. Until such time as themembership votes for alternativeobjectives and structuring, this is themandate that the Board must adhere to.As such, structuring was set up for twoseparate entities: Kelowna Yacht Club(KYC) which represents our not-for-profitsociety, and a wholly owned, taxablecorporate subsidiary called KelownaYacht Club Hospitality (KYCH) to operatecommercial activity. From Expansion toExcellenceAs such, structuring was setup for two separate entities.As far as structure is concerned, theKelowna Yacht Club operates as amember-funded not-for-profit society,governed by the BC Societies Act.Our hospitality offeringscontinue to grow and nowinclude additional cateringservices.Page 13W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MF I N A N C I A LUnderstandably, the CRA frownsupon non-taxable entities runningcommercial operations that are indirect competition with fully taxablecorporations, and they have a historyof disciplining Page 13W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O M

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THE DIRTY WORDOn to Canada’s dirty word of 2024: debt.There’s a perceived stigma in the worditself as all things aside, it amounts toowing someone else money. However,any time a person or organization has amis-match in timing for when they’llreceive income versus when they need tofund expenses, there’s a value in bridgingthe gap with financing. Consider the firstpurchase of a family home- while youcan’t pay outright today, you have alifelong income stream through the rest ofyour working career. At the same time,you’d appreciate the usage of a familyhome now. As is tradition, you apply for amortgage such that you take on debt andmake your purchase now, and enjoy yourliving space while comfortably payingdown that purchase over time.Further, eliminating the debt would sayloud and clear that the Club has noprojects, developments or improvementsthat could increase its value greater thanthat 3.3% hurdle. There’s plenty of suchprojects available, which I’ll be coveringwith our next issue on last year’s CapitalReserve Study. On a consolidated basis,the Kelowna Yacht Club is a $20 milliondollar operation with ~$9.6 million inforecasted annual revenue. There is only$3.7 million in long-term debt on ourbalance sheet, locked-in at some veryhealthy rates. I’m not sweating, the bankisn’t sweating, and to reef our sails withdebt repayment would be a waste of ourfull-sails conditions. Sailing Smoothly: HowStrategic DebtManagement Keeps KYCon CourseSimilarly, the Kelowna Yacht Clubrequired funds to purchase and build outour club and basin, which required theuse of debt. When properly managed, theoverall Club’s annual income is sourcedfrom initiation fees, membership dues,moorage dues, and event and hospitalityoperations should comfortably servicethat debt. As we’ve seen over the pastfour years, there’s some good, healthydebt and mortgages out there, andthere’s also some high-rate, unaffordabledebt as well.For KYC, we’ve been fortunate to havehad a few very fiscally-savvyCommodores, Treasurers and operationsteams such that our overall borrowingcost on our long term debt is fixed at3.3%. Conversely, the interest we arereceiving on our cash bank accountbalances is presently 5.3%. When properly managed, theoverall Club’s annual incomesourced from initiation feesWhen the cash that you would use to paydown debt is generating more incomethan you’re paying in interest cost,prioritizing debt repayment isn’t justcounter-intuitive, it’s fiscally irresponsible. Page 14K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 The Kelowna Yacht Club is a$20 million dollar operationwith $9.6 million inforecasted annual revenue.Our long term debt is fixed at 3.3%.

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THE BALANCING ACTFinally, you’ve got to spend money tomake money, and some of thecomments passed on that I’d been mostconcerned by were pertaining to theprofitability of the KYC Hospitalitycorporation and Member Lounge. I dowant to be clear that it is entirelypossible to place a greater emphasis onmaximizing profits within that entity ifthat’s the desire of membership, albeitwith some trade-offs. I am a tax-averseCanadian (if such a thing is possible intoday’s age), and if I have businessexpenses, I’m going to want to deductthose from my income before I pay theCRA on my earnings. For KYCH, what’sbeen strived for is a balance betweencontrolling menu and service offeringsto maintain affordability for a diversemembership, while ensuring that we’reallocating all of the associatedexpenses through to the taxable side ofthe entity. Navigating Profitabilityand Affordability in KYCHospitalityRegardless of whether their time isspent managing Club events orhospitality operations, that is anexpense. The management expense iseffectively useless on the not-for-profit(non-taxable) society, but when youallocate the expense for time spent onhospitality management to thehospitality corporation, you’veeffectively reduced its taxable incomewithout incurring additional costs. TheClub structure I’d discussed wouldsuggest that our Hospitalitycorporation’s mandate is not to be thehighest profiting restaurant experience(although Chef Jeff Burns and team ismore than capable), but to provide anaccessible and affordable membershipamenity to further our overall vision. When you look at the combined pictureof KYC and KYCH, it becomes morevisible that any revenue deficiencyshouldn’t be viewed as a loss, but as aninvestment in the Club’s memberexperience, which presently holds a91% satisfaction rating. As we set course together for thecoming years, it’s our duty as a Board toensure that our membership is not onlyinformed, but actively participating indiscussions on our plans, destinationsand timelines. I’m hopeful that thisquarterly series will serve as acommitment to open-door policy, suchthat every member of our KelownaYacht Club crew has a voice ondirection. I’ll be welcoming any member-suggested article topic requests and willremain available to answer anyquestions our members may have onour Club finances by email or phonediscussion. A course correction doesn’trequire a mutiny and what I’d like ourmembership to know as our summerseason begins, is that upon inspection,our financial hull is presently scrapedand shining. Let’s get out of the booksand get out there on the water.Charting a TransparentCourse A smooth sea never made a skilledsailor, and the absence ofstakeholder discourse rarely createsan engaged and transparent Board ofDirectors.Page 15W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MF I N A N C I A LThe Club employsoperations managers torun the entirety of themembership experience. In looking at KYC Hospitality in isolation,that typically doesn’t make for theprettiest income statement, as we’rekeeping sales controlled (potentialincome) and allocating as much inexpenses as we reasonably can to thecorporation. Take management costs asone example: the Club employsoperations managers to run the entiretyof the membership experience. You’ve got to spendmoney to make money.It's our duty as a Board toensure that our membership isnot only informed, but activelyparticipating.

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SATURDAY, JULY 27Dock Live Music Series: Clanna MornaCommodore’s DockSUNDAY, JULY 28Poker RunCommodore’s Dock & Okanagan LakeSATURDAY, AUGUST 3Dock Live Music Series: Rollin’ CoalCommodore’s DockFRIDAY, AUGUST 2 - MONDAY, AUGUST 5BC Day Long Weekend ProgrammingMember LoungeTHURSDAY, AUGUST 8Book Club: Unafraid by Eddie PenneyJib RoomSATURDAY, AUGUST 10Dock Live Music Series: The RegalsCommodore’s DockSATURDAY, AUGUST 17Dock Live Music Series: McKinley BandCommodore’s DockFRIDAY, AUGUST 16 - MONDAY, AUGUST 18Commodore’s Cup RegattaGrand Banquet Room & Okanagan LakeSATURDAY, AUGUST 24Family Pirate AdventureCommodore’s DockSATURDAY, AUGUST 24Dock Live Music Series: Home StretchCommodore’s DockFRIDAY, AUGUST 30 - MONDAY, SEPT 2Labour Day Long Weekend ProgrammingMember LoungeSATURDAY, AUGUST 31Dock Live Music Series: Zamboni Bros.Commodore’s DockUPCOMING EVENTSInvasion, 2024Invasion, 2024Blossom Time Regatta, 2024KBS, 2024K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 Invasion, 2024Invasion, 2024Invasion, 2024THE ORIGINAL MARINE FLOORINGBRINGING YOU Photo Credit: Ken HagenPage 16

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Take a look back at somememorable moments frompast events of 2024!Blossom Time Regatta, 2024Invasion, 2024Commodore’s Ball, 2024Commodore’s Ball, 2024Sail Past, 2024Sail Past, 2024Commodore’s Ball, 2024Commodore’s Ball, 2024Commodore’s Ball, 2024Commodore’s Ball, 2024Page 17

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For summer 2024, we are excited to continue expanding the fleet ofboats available exclusively for rent by our KYC members. Looking tosurf the day away? Try out the wake sport boats! Want to enjoy a morerelaxing cruise? Then one of our pontoons might suit you. Looking tospend the night on the lake? Our 27 ft sailboat will be perfect for you!O P E N T O A L LSURFwith a ProLily has been wake surfing since shewas 11 when in 2012 her familybought their first wake boat. She washooked from the moment she got upfor the first time, and in 2016 shecompeted in the amateur circuit...Winning every competition sheentered and ending the yearundefeated. The following year shemoved up to semi-pro and wentundefeated in back-to-back years,even winning the World Wake SurfingChampionship in Kelowna, right hereon Okanagan Lake!In 2018 she began competing in thePro Circuit, where she continues torack up podiums. This is her 4thsummer teaching wake surf lessonsin the Okanagan, and Lily is superstoked to team up with the YachtClub to help people advance theirwake surfing skills!T H EK Y CF L E E TW A K E S P O R T E Q U I P M E N TP A D D L E B O A R D K A Y A KStress-Free Adventures with easy rentals at KYCB O A T R E N T A L SWhats on WaterStayConnectedBoat RentalsPage 18K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4

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W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MAges: 12 – 18 year oldsDates: Monday to FridayTime: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PMPrice: $450/weekAges: 7 – 17 year oldsDates: Monday to FridayTime: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PMPrice: $90/daySAILING & WATERSPORTSPROGRAMSAges: 4 – 6 year oldsDates: Monday to FridayTime: Morning Sessions 9:00AM – 12:00PMPrice: $160/weekSUMMER CAMPS2024 Camp Registration is openWET FEET CAMPAges: 7 – 11 year oldsDates: Monday to FridayFull-Day Camp: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PMHalf-Day Camp: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PMCANSAIL OPTIMISTCANSAIL – 1, 2, 3, 4SUMMER DAY CAMPAges: 7 – 17 year oldsDates: Monday to FridayTime: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PMPrice: $525/weekWATERSPORT CAMPAges: 9 – 17 year-oldsDates: Monday to FridayTime: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PMPrice: $650/weekWAKE SPORT CAMPAges: 7 – 17 year-oldsDates: Select DatesTime: 1:30 PM – 4:30 PMPrice: $160/dayWAKE SPORT DAY CAMPAge: 15 +Dates: Tuesdays & Thursdays (May 21 –October 10, 2024)Time: 5:30PM – 8:30PM (Session timesadjust as dates move into Fall)Price: $90/lesson | KYC Members receive adiscounted rateINTRODUCTION TO SAILINGLearn to sail on a 27-foot Keelboat!Enjoy a lesson spent out on the waterlearning valuable skills and experiencethe joys of sailing. SAILING COURSESW A T E R A C T I V I T I E SPage 19W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O M

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At KYC, we believe in thesecamps' profound impact onyoung minds.KYC SUMMER CAMPSUnplugged AdventuresAt Kelowna Yacht Club, we takeimmense pride in our long standingtradition of welcoming members andthe public to our beloved summercamps. Bringing together local sailorsand seasonal workers from aroundthe world, and creating a vibranttapestry of cultures and experiences.Our camps are run by dedicated staffwho bring a wealth of experience anda deep passion for summer activities.Kids can dive into water activities,forge lifelong friendships, and createunforgettable memories. Summercamps offer children an incredibleopportunity to learn new skills, enjoythe great outdoors, and grow in a fun,safe environment.Summer camps are more than just away to keep kids occupied during theholidays, they are a cornerstone ofchildhood development.From sailing and surfing, to the greatvariety of water activities at ourcamps, kids learn and develop theirnew skills through fun. In this digitalera, the great outdoors have provento be very vital in children's lives. Ourcamps give young people anopportunity to experience theoutdoors, appreciate the fresh air,and remain active through an array ofexciting physical endeavors.2024 Camp Registrationis open Register nowThere is still time to enroll your childat a KYC summer camp. We have somany different opportunities forcamps this year. Your children will bewelcomed into a community of never-ending fun activities—be it anexperienced camper or totally new tothe fun. Check our camp availability,and give them the gift of a summerfilled with adventure, learning, andmemories that will last a lifetime.Never too lateIn today’s digital age,spending time outdoors ismore important than ever.Camps provide a unique setting forpersonal growth. Children learnindependence, teamwork, andleadership skills, all while having funand exploring new interests.Water Activities Team 2024W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MPage 21W A T E R A C T I V I T I E S

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Our Pledge to Protect:KYC’s EnvironmentalJourneyOur operations, whilebringing joy and connectionto many, also come withresponsibilities. At the Kelowna Yacht Club , we aredeeply aware of the precious gift thatOkanagan Lake is to all of us. Ouroperations, while bringing joy andconnection to many, also come withresponsibilities. Since 2020, KYChas been on a journey to mitigate,protect and nurture our beautifulecosystem. Our guiding values of Sustainability,Community, and Stewardship inspireus to continually evolve and findbetter ways to care for ourenvironment.Participating in the Clean Regattasprogram has been a rewardingjourney. Summer of 2023, ourBlossom Time Regatta and 525Santana Regatta achieved Gold andPlatinum medals in the CleanRegatta certification for Sailors bythe Sea. These achievements reflect ourcommitment to hostingenvironmentally responsible events,and we look forward to reaching newheights with the Commodore’s CupRegatta in 2024.In our journey toward sustainability,KYC has embraced some ambitiousgoals. This includes goals ofreducing our carbon footprint on theland and water, reducing waste tothe absolute minimum, and recyclingand composting. They are aboutmaking a promise to futuregenerations that this natural beautyof our lake will remain just like it isnow. Since 2019, our work has beenrecognized through Clean MarineBC, with a 5-anchor rating as ofFebruary 2023. Our certification isfor three years, and this clearlymotivates us to forge on ahead withconstant development andinnovation for our marina.Our Ongoing CommitmentClean Regattas andOur Achievements"Our commitment tothe environmentensures a beautifullake for futuregenerations."KYC Environmental Coordinator - Brenda Cortes & Member Volunteers for Spring Shore Clean-up 2024K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 Page 22

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We are incredibly fortunate to have adedicated environmental team at thehelm of our sustainability efforts. Theirpassion and knowledge are vital inhelping us navigate the path towards agreener future. This team tirelesslychampions our mission to make apositive impact on the environment,ensuring that every step we take isthoughtful and meaningful.KYC ECO COMMITTEEIn October 2021, KYC became amember of the Decade of ActionProgram through our work with ourGreen Teams to create an overallSustainable Development Goals(SDGs) Plan. We are now, and into the future,working on bringing these planstogether to complement andsupport the overall picture of asustainable future. Many of our members might not befully aware of the extensiveinformation available on ourwebsite about our sustainabilityefforts. We invite everyone to explorethese resources and discoverways to get involved. Yourparticipation and support arecrucial in helping us make a lastingdifference.Thank you for being part ofour community and foryour unwavering support inour environmental journey.Community Collaborationand EngagementIf you are a member:Become a green boater by following the tips from the Green Boating Guide.Be aware of the Environmental Stewardship Policy.Become a KYC Volunteer or join the KYC Environmental Committee. Email us here.Consider a permanent Boat Cover. Find out why.Take the “7 Generations Pledge” now for a better future for all.Every small action creates a BIG change!Learn how to start supporting KYC, yourcommunity, and at home. Tod Alstad, Kathy Pearce-Tanner, Brenda Cortes, Danny Foster and Anita BoehmE N V I R O N M E N T A LOur participation in the BiosphereProgram started in November 2020with the launch, allowing us toinstitute many green features in ourClubhouse from our Lounge, GalleyLakeside Cafe to our catering andadministrative offices.Check out our Sustainability page, to access these links.W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MPage 23

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Jeff's dish is a tribute to his classical FrenchJeff's dish is a tribute to his classical Frenchtraining, capturing the essence of French bistrotraining, capturing the essence of French bistrocuisine. Using readily available ingredients, thiscuisine. Using readily available ingredients, thisdish is both accessible and impressive, prepared indish is both accessible and impressive, prepared ina single cooking dish. Its extended cooking timea single cooking dish. Its extended cooking timeand minimal cleanup allow for relaxed, enjoyableand minimal cleanup allow for relaxed, enjoyableentertaining.entertaining.Jeff Burns, our beloved Executive ChefJeff Burns, our beloved Executive Chefat the Kelowna Yacht Club, embarkedat the Kelowna Yacht Club, embarkedon his culinary adventure in theon his culinary adventure in thebustling kitchens of downtownbustling kitchens of downtownCalgary. His journey took him throughCalgary. His journey took him throughrenowned establishments like Divinorenowned establishments like DivinoWine and Cheese Bistro, Sky 360, andWine and Cheese Bistro, Sky 360, andHy's Steakhouse. In 2016, Jeff made hisHy's Steakhouse. In 2016, Jeff made hisway to the picturesque landscapes ofway to the picturesque landscapes ofBritish Columbia, where he served asBritish Columbia, where he served asExecutive Chef at a winery in Penticton.Executive Chef at a winery in Penticton.For the past six years, he has beenFor the past six years, he has beenenchanting our Yacht Club membersenchanting our Yacht Club memberswith his exquisite creations here inwith his exquisite creations here inKelowna.Kelowna.Each edition of the Chronicle will feature a "Chef's Kiss of Approval"recipe, personally recommended by one of our talented MemberLounge chefs.COOKING INFORMATIONPREP TIME:30 MINSCOOKING TIME:2.75 HRSSERVES:4-64 large whole chicken legs (backs removed)4 large whole chicken legs (backs removed)1 lb. pork garlic sausage, large dice1 lb. pork garlic sausage, large dice8 oz. boneless pork shoulder, large dice8 oz. boneless pork shoulder, large dice6 oz. thick-cut smoked bacon, large dice6 oz. thick-cut smoked bacon, large dice2 cans white cannellini beans2 cans white cannellini beans 1 large white onion, small dice1 large white onion, small dice2 large carrots, small dice2 large carrots, small dice3 large ribs of celery, small dice3 large ribs of celery, small dice6 c. white chicken stock*6 c. white chicken stock*2 packets or 1 tbsp. unflavoured gelatin (such2 packets or 1 tbsp. unflavoured gelatin (suchas Knox brand)*as Knox brand)*2 tbsp. duck fat2 tbsp. duck fat6 cloves garlic6 cloves garlic3 bay leaves3 bay leaves¾ tsp. ground clove¾ tsp. ground clove½ c. chopped fresh parsley½ c. chopped fresh parsley1 ½ tsp. salt1 ½ tsp. salt1 ½ tsp. black pepper1 ½ tsp. black pepperKELOWNA YACHT CLUBExecutive Chef Jeff BurnsDish & DinePage 24K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4

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Prepare and assemble theingredients above; wash, peel,chop your vegetables andprepare the protein. Heat a large braising pot overmedium-high heat, and preheatthe oven to 325°F. While the pan is heating up,evenly season the chicken legswith salt and pepper.Add the duck fat to the pan, andonce it has melted and isstarting to smoke, carefully searoff your chicken legs, startingskin side down and rotating untilall sides are golden brown. Onceboth sides have been seared,remove them from the braisingpan. Sear the pork shoulder chunksand thick-cut bacon lardon untilgolden brown and rendered.Remove from the pan and setaside.Brown off the garlic sausageuntil golden, remove and setaside. Drain off all but 2 tbsp ofthe remaining fat. Turn heat down to medium, andsweat off the onions untiltranslucent and lightly golden.Once the onions are cooked, addthe celery, carrot, garlic, andground clove. Continue to cookfor about 3-5 minutes or untilvegetables have softenedslightly. Drain and rinse the 2 cans ofwhite cannellini beans and addthem to the braising pot, alongwith bay leaves and chickenstock. Please note that if usingstore-bought stock, reserve 1cup of the stock and use this tobloom the gelatin by sprinklingthe gelatin over the reserved cupof room-temperature stock. After 5 minutes, add the mixtureto the braising pot and stir wellto dissolve and incorporate fully.Add all three pork products backin, mix well, top with the searedchicken legs, and gently pressthe legs into the liquid, leavingthe skin side up and not fullysubmerged. Bring the pot to asimmer. Place the whole pot into the ovenuncovered and bake/braise for 2hours. During this time, thesignature cassoulet crust shouldform from the combination ofgelatin and starch/protein in thebeans. When you remove thepot, you should have a deepbrown colour on top and be ableto ‘crack’ through the crust like abrûlée. Plate up in bowls and sprinklegenerously with fresh choppedparsley. Serve with a toasted piece ofFrench crusty bread. 6DirectionsDirections House-made white chickenHouse-made white chickenstock or bone broth isstock or bone broth isrecommended for this reciperecommended for this recipedue to its natural gelatindue to its natural gelatincontent. This will create thecontent. This will create thesignature “crust” on thesignature “crust” on thecassoulet, so the addedcassoulet, so the addedgelatin in the recipe is notgelatin in the recipe is notneeded. If using store-boughtneeded. If using store-boughtchicken stock, please use achicken stock, please use astock containing no added saltstock containing no added saltand the unflavoured gelatinand the unflavoured gelatinas listed listed above.Chef’’s Note:Chef’’s Note:BraisedC H I C K E NW I T H P O R K S H O U L D E R , S M O K E D B A C O N , G A R L I CS A U S A G E A N D C A N N E L L I N I B E A N SF O O DC A S S O U L E TW W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MPage 25

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Anchoring ExcellenceStaff SpotlightIn 2019, Bassam embarked on a thrillingjourney to KYC. His background in relatedindustries and facilities management,enriched by his involvement with sailingcommunities in Ontario, Barbados, and NewZealand, equipped him with a distinctiveperspective, aligning seamlessly with therequirements of his role with Kelowna YachtClub. "So when this job came up, it was agood fit," Bassam reflects. "I continue to learnnew things daily, especially with a club of thissize and this amount of structure on thewater." In his continued drive to grow,Bassam received a diploma from theMaritime Training Academy for completinghis studies in Marina and BoatyardManagement in 2021. In addition, heobtained his Basic Cruising Instructorcertification, ICC, SVOP and other boatingand safety-related certifications, enhancinghis skills and allowing him to provide morevalue to KYC and its members.In the bustling world of the largest freshwater Marinain Canada, there stands a figure of calm andcompetence amidst the constant whirl of activity.Bassam Shmordok, the KYC Facilities Manager,has become integral to Kelowna Yacht Club. Bassam's current endeavours are as varied as theyare vital. Bassam plays a crucial role in coordinatinga wide range of contractors, companies, andemployees. His daily responsibilities includemanaging the upkeep of the club facilities andmarina and making sure operations run smoothlyand efficiently.KYC CHRONICLEPage 26K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 From Coast to Club

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BASSAMSHMORDOKHe and the moorage team regularly inspect and audit theMarina and the vessels moored within it to ensure everyvessel is secured to the best of their abilities and that alldock structures operate efficiently and safely, a taskunderscored by the real risks of fire and other hazards inthe Marina: "This is why we have strict rules aroundrefuelling and fuel storage in the basin … all you need isa spark, which could ignite the fumes... one boat beingon fire is never going to stay as one boat being on fire,"he explains, highlighting the critical nature of his role.This is just one of the many projects performed to keepthe Marina safe.Aside from these duties, Bassam ispassionately involved in the Sailing Fleet,particularly in the Adult Learn to SailProgram. His enthusiasm for introducingpeople to sailing is evident. "It's so funwhen you take people out who've neversailed, shut down the motor, and nowyou're moving only on wind power. Yougive them the helm and watch theexcitement on their faces when theyrealize how responsive the boat is to thewind" he shares with a spark in his eye. As the day ends at the marina, with thesetting sun reflecting on the water, Bassamis frequently found checking to ensure all iswell. These moments highlight his role'simportance and contribution to the club'soperations. Bassam Shmordok, works hard to maintainthe largest freshwater Marina in Canada.He stands as a shining example ofleadership, expertise, and dedication,making him a true asset to KYC and thebroader marina community.S P O T L I G H TW W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MPage 27LAURIANNE JACKSONWRITTEN BY:

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RATECOMPARISONKYC BOAT RENTALSRental rates are based on a 4-hourweekend booking. All rates are listed on companywebsites as of July 2024.RATES DON'T GETANY BETTERTHAN THIS!K Y CR A T E SB O A TR E N T A L SBowrider(Tahoe)Fishing Boat(Crestliner)WatersportJet BoatPontoonCruiser(Sea Ray)High-End Wakesport BoatD O W N T O W NM A R I N AE L D O R A D OR E S O R T$406$440$620$658$909$898$639$639$789$1,079$1,189$1,279---$840$992$1,249O K A N A G A NL U X U R YB O A T C L U B--$800$893-$950K E L O W N AB O A TR E N T A L S-$499$799$893-$1,10027' Sailboat$300- ---Add Watersport Toys - for no extra charge with boat rentals!Hire a CaptainHire a Watersport InstructorBoat Safety Checks Boat Handling LessonsBOOK TODAY! Page 28K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4

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As we dive into the summer season,the excitement of hitting the water ispalpable! The marina is a sacred andsecure space for our boatingmembers. Lending your key card tonon-members—be it your brother,cousin, friend, or even your barber—means we lose control over who hasaccess to the boats. If someone isbehind you, ensure they have theirkey card to enter. This way, we knowwho’s coming and going, and itkeeps everyone safe.A FRIENDLY GUIDE FORBOATING BLISS Whether you are a seasoned boater or new to the activity, some friendlymarina etiquette can't hurt to refresh your mind. So here's a light-heartedreminder so that everyone enjoys their time at the Kelowna Yacht Club.While the marina waters might lookinviting, it’s best to save yourswimming for outside the basin. Thebusy activity can stir up the ground,bringing up who-knows-what that’sbeen resting down there. Plus,there’s always a slight (but terrifying)chance of encountering anunexpected zap from a boat’s faultyelectrical system. Let’s keep our legstickle-free and shock-free, shall we?Don't hesitate to lend a hand if yousee someone docking their boat,especially on a windy day. A simplegesture like holding a tossed line untilthey can secure it can make adifference. Or call the Dockhands fora catch!By following these simple, friendlyreminders, we can all enjoy awonderful and safe summer at theKelowna Yacht Club. Here’s tosmooth sailing and happy boating foreveryone!Remember to take your food andtrash with you when you leave. Anyremaining food and standing water can draw unwanted guests, A sureway to ruin an idyllic sunset with anice-cold beverage in hand. Let's helpkeep the marina clean and free ofmosquitoes for everybody'senjoyment.Keep an eye on your music levels,especially after 11pm, one boatermay be celebrating their birthdaywith friends, while another may befinding tranquility as they write thenovel of the century!Keep the beats sweet andthe peace complete.The marina is a sacred andsecure space for ourboating membersK Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 While many of us relish the party andare pumped full of adrenaline, othersmay be seeking serenity and peace.Page 29M A R I N A

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BOOKCLUBEvery second Thursday of the month.7:00 PM | Book Discussion Zoom or Jib RoomSeptember:Nothing Really Bad Will Happen by Deborah S. Holman October:Less Than by A.D. Longauthor will be in attendance!November:Coming soon!Page 30

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OORINGSTANDARDSMATTACHING A LINE TO A CLEATOur mooring standards aremeticulously designed to protectyour boat, the docks, and ourmarina. We kindly ask that you useappropriately sized mooring linesand add snubbers for lines shorterthan 10 feet. Ensure your boat issecured with at least four lines,properly attached to cleats and keptsnug to prevent them from droppinginto the water. Fenders are essentialto prevent your boat from makingcontact with the dock or other boats.By following these guidelines, wecan all enjoy a safe and well-maintained marina.STERN LINE WITH SNUBBERSSTERN LINEWITHSNUBBERSSPRINGLINESBOW LINES WITH SNUBBERSBow In with Spring LinesStern In with Spring LinesSquare Tie No Spring LinesBOW LINESWITH SNUBBERSSPRINGLINESPILEBOW LINESWITH SNUBBERSSTERN LINEWITHSNUBBERSBoats to 20 feetBoats 20 to 35 feetBoats 35 to 40 feet3/8 inch diameter line1/2 inch diameter line5/8 inch diameter linePage 32K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4

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KYC’S RECOMMENDEDMOORAGE SPOTSDon't forget your kayak or paddleboard! You can evenrent one straight from our team at Commodores Dock!Dive into the designated swim area for a refreshing dip orrelax and take in the quiet residential surroundings.Just be prepared for a bit of honking banter and somefeathered friends who might just think they run the place.Enjoy the company—they’re quite the characters!K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 Page 34RAYMER BAYRaymer Bay, oh my, it doesn't get any better. Can youimagine staying a quiet night or two along the shoreline,Raymer Bay is more than just a stopover. The sandybeach makes for an ideal playground and, of course, tosit back and take it easy. Scattered around are picnictables, so bring your lunch. The three buoys are just ashort distance from shore for anyone wishing to stop offquickly overnight. Raymer Bay is, without a doubt, theplace for boaters to find just a touch of nature's beauty attheir doorstep.Swim Net Picnic Tables Disposable Trash Play Area Quiet Residential Area Geese AplentyRAYMER BAYWest side of Okanagan LakeThe team at KYC took on the task of visiting various moorage destinations around OkanaganLake to help you find that special spot to relax and enjoy some hidden or not-so-hiddengems. Our goal was to provide you with genuine and accurate descriptions of the variousplaces. Below, we have for you our top recommended moorage spots for this season. Wehope you enjoy.RAYMER BAYRAYMER BAY

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Bear Creek Park's south side offers aunique blend of tranquillity andconvenience for boaters seeking agetaway. With its deep waters andabsence of buoys, be sure to bringyour anchor for a secure mooring.This area is ideal for those who enjoystepping off the boat and straight intoa camping adventure.BEAR CREEKPARKBEAR CREEK SOUTH SIDEThe water is shallow close to the shore but becomes significantly deeper as you venture further out. Proximity to theroad makes Bear Creek Park easily accessible, but it’s a popular spot during the day, so you might feel the wake frompassing boats. Fishing enthusiasts often try their luck here, although success rates remain a mystery. Despite itspopularity, the park offers a sense of privacy, making it a lovely spot to relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.No Buoys Deep Water Car Accessible Camp Site Close Geese AplentyTRADERS COVETrader's Cove provides a quieter andmore delightful environment thanBear Creek Park. The area has a mixof personal and public buoys, somake sure you double-check whichone you are moored to. With thehighway further away, it's a moretranquil spot for those looking toescape the hustle and bustle. Rockshelves back the small cove, makingit a great playground for swimmingbut in need of care and footwear tonegotiate. Facilities include aplayground and toilets, making it anexcellent spot to stay overnight. Justremember to check your swing if youdecide to stay the night.Trader's Cove also allows for full anchoring, with an average depth of 7meters close to shore. It boasts three buoys maintained and supplied byKYC, ensuring ample space. While one side of the cove is more shelteredand serene, the other side is more exposed and tends to be very busy in thesummer, with many overnight buoys available. This spot offers a lovely mix ofquiet relaxation and essential amenities, making it a perfect getaway forboaters.West side of Okanagan LakeWest side of Okanagan LakeSwim Net Buoys Toilet Playground Relaxing W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MPage 35TRADERS COVE

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PAUL’S TOMBNo Buoys Peaceful Ogopogo Statue Shade QuaintNestled within a canopy of big, beautiful green trees,Knox Mountain Park offer a serene escape for thoseseeking solace and natural beauty. The cove's quaint,intimate atmosphere invites you to leave behind the rushof daily life and immerse yourself in the moment—a greatspot for those seeking adventure, too. Dive into theinviting waters, and if you swim deep enough, you mightstumble upon the beloved Ogopogo statues lurkingbelow! We're not saying you should cliff jump, but rumour has itthat Paul's Tomb is a prime spot for a daring leap (notthat we're encouraging it, of course). The area is vibrant,surrounded by lush trees, creating a picturesque settingfor your visit. However, there are no anchorage buoys.The charm more than makes up for it.Every year KYC checks it's buoys andmakes any needed maintenance updatesor replacements. If you notice any of ourKYC-placed buoys looking in need of careor a check-in, please let us know by reporting it.East Side of Okanagan LakePAUL’S TOMBPlease email info@kelownayachtclub.comPage 36K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4

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W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MThis serene beauty seems to offer aquiet place of refuge from the hustleand bustle of the more popular spots.Pumphouse Bay offers four buoysalong its shoreline, enabling boatersenough space for mooring in this idyllicsetting. With its clear, crisp water, it'sthe perfect area to swim and dive. Theaverage depth in the area is around 15meters, with waters near the shoregetting shallow and gradually deep—avery good place for different kinds ofwater activities.PUMPHOUSEBAYFour Buoys Peaceful No Geese! Submarine Line You don't need to look further when planning that nextboating outing. This area's quiet charm and naturalbeauty give one a standout impression from KYC's topmoorage spots. Revel in the hidden treasures this quiethaven offers to make it a cherished memory of your tripon the Okanagan Lake.East Side of Okanagan LakeNote that caution is needed because there's an old submarine cable inthe area, so watch where you drop your anchor! With proper care, youcan enjoy the delightful beauty that Pumhouse Bay boasts. KYC‘S FAVOURITESWEETESCAPEPUMPHOUSE BAYWe bumped into some lovely members from theSummerland Yacht Club who were more thanhappy to strike a pose for the feature!Page 37

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I R I N A B A K U M E N K OM A S T E R I N G T H E M A R I N AW I T H W A T E R C O L O U RDiscover the Beauty of Kelowna Yacht Cluband Waterfront Kelowna through OriginalWatercolor Art by Irina BakumenkoVisit our gallery t o view the full col lecti on and findthe perfect piece t hat r esonates with your love forKelowna's nautical beaut y.G o l d e n V o y a g eS I Z E 1 5 ' ’ X 2 2 ' ( W I T H O U T F R A M E )P R I C E : C A $ 5 8 5K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 Page 38

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KYC and BEEBLAGOART come together to showcase a body of work thatdistinctly brings out the soul of this beautiful place—a collection of finelydone watercolour paintings. From a simple ripple of water to grandsailboats, each art piece speaks of tranquillity and adventure. Alive withfine details and vibrant colours, each piece captures a scene so brilliantlythat it is reflected in the true nautical beauty of Kelowna. Be it a local enthusiast or a tourist in town, our selection provides an idealopportunity to bring a remarkable waterfront into your home or office.Discover the original works and fine art prints of Waterfront Kelowna.Immerse yourself in the stunning visuals of Waterfront Kelowna and the Yacht Club of Kelowna withthese exclusive collections of watercolour originals and prints. Like the ones shown here, each piececaptures Kelowna's waterfront's serene beauty and vibrant energy, showcasing the boats' eleganceand the yacht club's charm.S e r e n i t y i n Y a c h t C l u b , K e l o w n a , B C S I Z E 1 1 ’ ’ X 1 4 ’ ’ F R A M E D . S I Z E 1 6 ’ ’ X 2 0 ’ ’P R I C E : C A $ 4 8 5B E E B L A G O A R TW W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MPage 39A R T

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Over 59 Reciprocal Clubs!Over 59 Reciprocal Clubs!“ Make the most of your KYC membership by enjoying“ Make the most of your KYC membership by enjoyingreciprocal benefits at other clubs across BC, Canada, andreciprocal benefits at other clubs across BC, Canada, andaround the world.around the world. “ “If you have any questions or concerns, please emailMember Services at Services is available 9am-5pm seven daysa week.Please note, that the clubs listed may changeavailability without notice.RECIPROCALCLUBSK Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 Please make the most of your KYC membership andenjoy the reciprocal benefits of other clubs in BC,Canada, and worldwide.Find a list of the reciprocal clubs by scanning the QRcode below, or use the search tool to filter by country,province/state or city.To request a Letter of Introduction/Member In GoodStanding Letter, please fill out the form on the webpage. If you’d like to visit multiple clubs, pleasecomplete a form for each Club. Please note thatLetters of Introduction are valid for up to 60 days, andReciprocal Clubs may have their own policiesregarding visitation length and activities.Don’t see the club you would like toDon’t see the club you would like togo to listed? No worries! Please fillgo to listed? No worries! Please fillout the form online, and we’ll be inout the form online, and we’ll be intouch.touch.Page 40

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WEDDINGSwith a View...Now accepting inquiries for 2024 and2025, inquire today!Selina PhotographyAdrian PhotographersMatt MorganMatt MorganPage 41W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O M

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A Taste of KelownaUNLOCKEXCLUSIVEPERKSAlchemy Real Estate Group Apres ToursAvisBellstar Hotels & Resorts - The Royal KelownaBoating BC ConferenceBriggs on Homes Group BudgetChateau OkanaganColemanCurrent TaxiDeluxeDyck’s Mobile ServicesFibrenewHoly Doodle Sailing ChartersLenovoMartin MotorsportsMSLR Electric IncMt. Boucherie Estate WineryONYX Beauty LabPeters Wealth ManagementRiley OutdoorsSECA Surf + MachineSilk Plants CanadaSouthwest MortgageSpirit RidgeTelusUPSRainstickBENEFITDIRECTORYMills BasicsPage 42K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4

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Being a member of the Kelowna Yacht Club speaks to morethan just the opportunity to indulge in the pristine waters andscenic views of Okanagan Lake and dining in The MemberLounge. It says you are about connections, excellence, andexclusive opportunities. Being a member here opens thedoors to many benefits outside of the Club offered by ourmembers and partners in the community, and beyond.Our NewestBenefit10% DiscountBy supporting local charities, includingAutism Okanagan and the OkanaganBoys & Girls Club, Wicked Wine Toursreally are a staple company within ourbeautiful community.MEMBERDISCOUNTSCelebrating their tenth anniversary,Wicked Wine Tours has set thestandard for luxury wine touring in theOkanagan since their founding in 2014.Members of KYC can now enjoy anexclusive 10% discount on all winetours.At Wicked Wine Tours, we specialize incrafting unforgettable luxury wine toursin the heart of Kelowna, BritishColumbia. Our passion is to immerseyou in the world of fine wines and takeyou on a journey through picturesquevineyards. Fitness CentresWine ToursHotelsBoat DealershipsMarina ServicesMarina InsuranceEnvironmental ProductsSailing ChartersTaxi ServicesAnd so much more!W W W . K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B . C O MPage 43

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Strengthenprofessional connections with a range of fun activities.1370 Water Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 1J1(250) 762-3310 ext. 221 catering@kelownayachtclub.comCORPORATERETREATSCustom packages foryourteam's needs.C A T E R I N G | P O W E R B O A T S | S A I L I N G K A Y A K I N G | P A D D L E B O A R D I N GPage 44K Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4

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Discover the Best of Okanagan LakeK Y C C H R O N I C L E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 4 K E L O W N A Y A C H T C L U B1 3 7 0 W A T E R S T R E E TK E L O W N A B C V 1 Y 1 J 1T E L : ( 2 5 0 ) 7 6 2 - 3 3 1 0