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Kuliah Tamu & Callforpapers

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Message FAKULTAS PSIKOLOGI UMSURABAYAJl. Sutorejo No. 59 Kota FOR PAPERINTERNATIONALCALL FOR PAPERInternational Symposium on Global Education, Psychology, and Cultural SynergyContact PersonDewi Ilma AntawatiIntroductionTopicsImportant DatesINSPIRE 2024INSPIRE 2024"Constructing a Multidisciplinary Framework for Global Education:Integrating Cultural Understanding, Psychological Insights, and LiteracySkills"Izzah Illiyyina

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IndroductionIndroduction We are thrilled to invite you to the International Symposium on GlobalEducation, Psychology, and Cultural Synergy, themed "Constructing aMultidisciplinary Framework for Global Education: Integrating CulturalUnderstanding, Psychological Insights, and Literacy Skills." This symposiumbrings together scholars, educators, psychologists, and cultural experts fromaround the world to explore innovative approaches to education in a globalizedcontext. In an increasingly interconnected world, the need for an educationalframework that bridges cultural understanding, psychological perspectives, andliteracy development has never been more critical. This symposium aims to fosterdynamic discussions, present cutting-edge research, and offer practicalstrategies for addressing the challenges and opportunities in global education.Join us for thought-provoking keynote speeches, interactive panel discussions,and collaborative workshops that will help shape the future of education bypromoting cultural empathy, enhancing psychological well-being, and improvingliteracy skills across diverse learning environments.We look forward to your participation in this groundbreaking event!Event will start in(countdown)Objective Output Menu Next >><< Back

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ObjectiveObjectivePromote the integration of culture, psychology, and literacy ineducational practice.Encourage the exchange of ideas and research findingsbetween academics from different countries.Highlight best practices in multidisciplinary educationalframeworks from different regions.Build international collaboration and cross-culturalunderstanding in global education.Next >><< BackMenu

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OutputOutputSelected PaperWill be Publishedin InternationalProceedingINSPIRE 2024ProceedingIndexed byGoogle Scholarand PortalGarudaNext >><< BackMenu

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TopicsCultural integration in educationPsychological approach in learningLiteracy enhancement through multidisciplinaryapproachNext >><< BackMenu

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Link Paper SubmissionTemplate Full Paper<< BackNext >>MenuExtended

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Video Presentation Collection Guide1. Video Presentation RequirementsDuration: Each presentation should be between 10-15 minutes.Format: Submit your video in MP4 or MOV format with high resolution (720p or higher).Language: All presentations should be in English.Audio: Ensure that the audio is clear and free of background noise.Content: Your video should clearly present your research objectives, methodology, findings, and implications within thecontext of global education, psychology, or cultural synergy.2. Structure of the VideoIntroduction:Begin with a brief introduction of yourself and your institution.Introduce the title of your paper and its primary focus.Body:Provide a clear overview of your research problem, methods, and results.Explain the relevance of your findings to the symposium’s theme.Conclusion:Summarize key points and discuss potential applications or future research.Include any acknowledgments or credits for collaborators, if applicable.Next >><< BackMenu

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3. Technical SpecificationsFile Size: The maximum file size for each video is 500MB.Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (widescreen) is recommended.Naming Convention: Please name your file as follows: LastName_FirstName_PaperTitle.mp4Captions/Subtitles (Optional): You may include captions or subtitles for accessibility, but ensure they are accurate and properlysynced with your video.4. Submission ProcessDeadline: Submit your video presentation by 16th November 2024.Submission Portal: Upload your video via our symposium website's designated submission page or through a provided file-sharing link.Confirmation: You will receive a confirmation email once your video has been successfully uploaded and reviewed.Next >><< BackMenu

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Conference ChairSection EditorReviewerDr. Dewi Ilma Antawati, S.Psi., M.Psi, PsikologUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur, IndonesiaNext >><< BackHetty Murdiyani, S.Psi, M.Kes, Universitas Muhammadiyah SurabayaRinanti Resmadewi, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psikolog, Universitas Muhammadiyah SurabayaFety Khosianah, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psikolog, Universitas Muhammadiyah SurabayaMarini, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psikolog, Universitas Muhammadiyah SurabayaDzulkifli, S.Psi, M.Si, Universitas Muhammadiyah SurabayaDr. Wiwik J. Prihastiwi, M.Si, Psikolog, Universitas Muhammadiyah SurabayaDr. Iffah Rosyiana, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psikolog, Universitas Muhammadiyah SurabayaDr. Septi Budi Sartika, M.Pd., Universitas Muhammadiyah SidoarjoDr. Eko Hardi Ansyah, M.Psi., Universitas Muhammadiyah SidoarjoDr. Ria Wulandari, M.Pd., Universitas Muhammadiyah SidoarjoDr. Fika Megawati, M.Pd., Universitas Muhammadiyah SidoarjoDr. Luluk Iffatur Rocmah, SS., M.Pd., Universitas Muhammadiyah SidoarjoDr. Andi Mardiana Paduppai, M.Pd., Universitas Muhammadiyah SidoarjoMenu

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