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K U F A HInspired by the legendary city that once illuminated the Islamic world withprofound scholarship, we at Kufah Institute and College (KIC) aspire to draw fromour timeless tradition of intellectual and spiritual scholarship to create a modernIslamic Renaissance. Our name is not merely symbolic, but a deliberate connectionto a rich legacy of knowledge transmission. The city of Kufah was renowned for itsscholarly circles, where Islamic sciences flourished and where a profoundunderstanding of the Deen was cultivated. In the same spirit, KIC aims to be acontemporary sanctuary of learning, bridging classical Islamic scholarship with theneeds of the modern world. We are driven to offer a structured pathway forstudents to deeply engage with Islamic sciences, providing a holistic educationalexperience that encompasses Quranic studies, Islamic jurisprudence, spirituality,and critical theological understanding. Our curriculum is designed not just to impartknowledge, but to transform students, helping them become inheritors of theProphetic tradition in the truest sense while equipping them with the knowledgeand ethics needed to further the Prophetic legacy of changing the world. At Kufah,we believe that knowledge is a sacred trust, and our mission is to nurture scholars,thinkers, activists, and pious Muslims who can meaningfully contribute to theircommunities, and the world at large, while staying rooted in authentic Islamicvalues and teachings. Kufah Institute and College comprises two main branches: 1) The Institute which houses primarily religious and seminary studies 2) The College (in development) which will house accredited occidental academicstudy of Islam, humanities, and sciences in a faith-conducive context. By mergingthese worlds, KIC creates a unique space to incubate an intellectual and spiritualrevival of Islam in the West. 5
K U F A H6Sometimes the way forward is actually to go back. At Kufah Instituteand College, our innovative approach integrates the major traditionalbranches of Islam, I’lm (knowledge), Tazkiyah (spirituality), andDa’wah, into a holistic educational model that is grounded in faith butsimultaneously relevant to the modern context. By merging the best ofclassical Islamic and Occidental approaches, KIC provides atransformative pedagogical approach. In addition, the curricular designis optimized to democratize access to the Islamic sciences by drawing onflexible and modular learning blocks that systematically build towardclearly designated educational milestones. At KIC, we adopt a holisticand integrated approach to student development that allows them topreserve traditional values while fostering thier capacity for social andcivic interaction to meet contemporary challenges. We encourage anethos of maturity and wisdom, intellectual curiosity, research, pietywhile maintaining respect for all strands of mainstream scholarship ofAhl al-Sunna wa’l-Jama’ah.
K U F A HAt Kufah, our mission is to increase general access to comprehensive Islamic educationthat empowers individuals to deeply understand and embody their faith. Kufah Instituteand College comprises two main branches:The Institute which houses primarily religious and seminary studies 1.The College (in development) which will offer accredited college courses2.The Institute offers three major learning milestones:Diploma in Islamic Studies (DIS) (1 year) which equips students with a solid,foundational understanding of their religion which allows learners to live Islamproperly at an individual level, 1.Advanced Islamic Studies (AIS) degree (4 years) which empowers learners with thetools needed to propagate and teach Islam at the community level. 2.Shari’ah degree (8 years) which will give learners the tools to function at a scholarlylevel. 3.The DIS curriculum serves as a bridge to our Advanced Islamic Studies (AIS) program,and in turn the terminal Shariah degree, thus offering a structured pathway for thoseseeking deeper engagement with the Islamic sciences. At Kufah, our mission is to provide a comprehensive Islamic education that empowersindividuals to deeply understand and embody their faith. We aim to create an educationalenvironment that honors the rich Islamic tradition while addressing the challenges of ourtime, inspired by the intellectual vibrancy of the historical city of Kufah.Through this comprehensive program, students will gain a deep understanding of Islamicprinciples, develop critical thinking skills, and learn to apply Islamic teachings incontemporary contexts. Our goal is to nurture knowledgeable, confident, and ethicallygrounded Muslims who can positively contribute to their communities and the widerworld. At Kufah, we invite you to join us in this noble pursuit of knowledge, following inthe footsteps of great scholars who have illuminated the path of understanding forcenturies. Together, we can revive the spirit of Islamic scholarship and build a communityrooted in knowledge, wisdom, and faith.8
K U F A H Diploma of Islamic Studies A ( DIS A )Diploma of Islamic Studies A ( DIS A )Tuesdays and Thursdays 6pm to 8pmTuesdays and Thursdays 6pm to 8pm Saturdays: 8am to 12pmSaturdays: 8am to 12pm Total days of classes per semester: 51 ( Fall and Spring )Total days of classes per semester: 51 ( Fall and Spring ) Diploma of Islamic StudiesDiploma of Islamic Studies BB ( DIS B ) ( DIS B )Monday - Thursday 9 am to 1pmMonday - Thursday 9 am to 1pm Total days of classes per semester: 65 ( Fall ) 66 ( Spring )Total days of classes per semester: 65 ( Fall ) 66 ( Spring ) A student who takes both DIS A and B during the year can complete the course in one year.A student who takes both DIS A and B during the year can complete the course in one year. A student who completes all the required courses listed for the Diploma of Islamic Studies ( DIS )A student who completes all the required courses listed for the Diploma of Islamic Studies ( DIS )will receive a certificate of completion. At the end of this pathway, a student will gain thewill receive a certificate of completion. At the end of this pathway, a student will gain thefoundational knowledge to understand their Deen. Students who complete this course will befoundational knowledge to understand their Deen. Students who complete this course will beeligible to move on to the AIS curriculum (4-year track).eligible to move on to the AIS curriculum (4-year track).2 years part time, 1-year full time2 years part time, 1-year full time Class Timings:Class Timings:Required Courses There are two tracks: DIS A and DIS B. Completion of both tracks are required for a DISdiploma. This can be completed in one year (full-time) or two years ( part-time ). 10
K U F A HTafsir of 29th and 30th JuzObjective: To deepen participants' understanding of the Quran through a detailed study of its 29th and 30th juz,emphasizing the themes, context, and linguistic nuances. This course aims to engage students in a reflectiveexploration of the Quranic text, fostering spiritual growth, enhanced comprehension of divine guidance, andpractical application in daily life. The course will also emphasize the relevance of the Quran’s teachings incontemporary contexts, preparing students to apply its wisdom in personal development, communityengagement, and ethical conduct. The learner will simultaneously develop an appreciation for the miraculousnature of the Quran.Required Texts: Personal Mushaf/copy of the Quran. Course Goals:Course Goals: Fall 2025: Fall 2025: Complete the Tafsir of the 30th JuzComplete the Tafsir of the 30th Juz Spring 2026:Spring 2026: Complete the Tafsir of the 29th Juz Complete the Tafsir of the 29th Juz 11Fiqh of WorshipObjective: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of Islamic jurisprudence related tothe five pillars of Islam, fostering their ability to apply these principles practically and ethically incontemporary settings, while appreciating the diversity of interpretations within the Islamic legaltradition. Required Texts: Ascent to Felicity. Course material will be provided. Optional texts the teacher will use to supplement the course: Quduri, Nur-ul Idah, Fiqh-AlImam, Hidayah. Course Goals:Course Goals: Fall 2025:Fall 2025: IIntroduction to Fiqh and its Importancentroduction to Fiqh and its ImportanceTahara ( Purity )Tahara ( Purity ) Salaah ( Prayer )Salaah ( Prayer )Spring 2026:Spring 2026: Sawm ( Fasting )Sawm ( Fasting ) Zakaat ( Almsgiving )Zakaat ( Almsgiving ) Hajj ( Pilgrimage )Hajj ( Pilgrimage ) FuneralsFunerals
K U F A H12Islamic HumanitiesObjective: To explore and critically analyze the philosophical, theological, and practical aspects of Islamas they relate to contemporary societal issues. This course aims to deepen students' understanding ofthe Islamic perspective on existential questions such as the existence of God, the problem of evil, and therole of prophecy, while also addressing pressing modern challenges such as gender equality, socialjustice, and the role of religion in a secular age. Required Texts: None, Material will be provided by the teacher. Introduction to AqeedahObjective: This course aims to strengthen students' knowledge of core Islamic beliefs, clarifytheological concepts, and critically address modern challenges to faith. Participants will engage with thetext of Al-Tahawi to grasp traditional doctrinal teachings, while also discussing why belief in Godremains rational and relevant in today's world. The course will facilitate thoughtful dialogue on thesignificance of religion for moral guidance and societal well-being, empowering students to articulatetheir faith confidently and meaningfully in diverse settings. By the end of the course, students should beable to understand and defend the principles of Islamic Aqeedah and recognize its importance inproviding ethical and spiritual foundations in a contemporary context. Required Text: Al Aqida al-Tahawiyya Fall 2025: Complete Al Aqida al-Tahawiyya Spring 2026: Contemporary Topics Why Islam, Allah, the Prophet ﷺ, and Quran are True Major philosophical challenges to Islam ( Problem of Evil, Destiny, Feminism andGender/Sexuality, Science and Knowing, Culture, etc. )
K U F A HCourse Goals:Course Goals: Fall 2025:Fall 2025: Book 15: On the Duties of BrotherhoodBook 15: On the Duties of Brotherhood Book 16: On the Etiquette of SeclusionBook 16: On the Etiquette of Seclusion Book 17: On the Etiquette of Travel Book 17: On the Etiquette of Travel Book 18: On Music and SingingBook 18: On Music and Singing Spring 2025:Spring 2025:Book 19: On Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil.Book 19: On Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil. Book 20: Etiquette of Living and the Prophetic Mannerism:Book 20: Etiquette of Living and the Prophetic Mannerism: Book 21: The Marvels of the Heart: Book 21: The Marvels of the Heart: Book 22: On Disciplining the Soul.Book 22: On Disciplining the Soul. Journey Through the IhyaObjective: To guide students through a transformative exploration of selected chapters fromImam al-Ghazali's "Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din," fostering a deep understanding of Islamic spirituality,ethics, and personal development. This course aims to enrich students' spiritual lives and ethicalunderstanding by delving into al-Ghazali's comprehensive treatment of the inner dimensions ofIslamic worship and conduct. Participants will engage with the text's profound insights on self-purification, the dangers of the soul, and the virtues of knowledge and worship, applying theseprinciples to their daily lives to cultivate a balanced and spiritually enriched lifestyle. Required Texts: Selected Sections of the Ihya 14Schematic Overview of the Quran Objective: This course aims to systematically explore the structure, key stories, commandments,and wisdom of the Quran, facilitating a deeper appreciation of the framework of the Quran.Students will be encouraged to engage with the Quranic text through thematic analysis, reflectionon its schematic outline, and discussion of their practical implications in modern life. By the end ofthe course, participants will have developed a holistic understanding of the miracle of the outlineof the Quran. Required Texts: Journey Through the Quran by Sharif Hasan Al-BannaCourse Goals: Fall 2025: Surah Baqarah to Surah RahmanSpring 2026: Surah Waqi’ah to Surah Nas
K U F A H15Seerah and NubuwwahObjective: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the life and Prophethood ofMuhammad ﷺ, enhancing their connection to the Prophet ﷺ and deepening their appreciation of hisrole in shaping Islamic thought and practice. This course aims to explore the Seerah to familiarizelearners with the significant events and characteristics of the Prophet's ﷺ, life, encouraging a personalconnection and emulation of his exemplary qualities. Additionally, the course will delve into theconcept of Nubuwwah, examining the necessity of Prophethood in understanding humanity andmorality through an Islamic lens rather than a secular one. By the end of the course, participants willhave a holistic grasp of who the Prophet ﷺ was and his importance in the life of every Muslim.Required Texts: None, Material will be provided as needed. Course Goals:Course Goals: Fall 2025:Fall 2025: The Importance of recognizing NubuwwahThe Importance of recognizing Nubuwwah Before his birthBefore his birth Journey through the life of the Prophet Journey through the life of the Prophet ﷺﷺ before Prophethood before ProphethoodSpring 2026:Spring 2026:JJourney through the life of theourney through the life of the Prophet Prophet ﷺﷺ after Prophethood. after Prophethood.TheThe Prophet Prophet ﷺﷺ as a Teacher, Father, Husband, Friend and Leader. as a Teacher, Father, Husband, Friend and Leader.Introduction to ArabicObjective: This course provides an introduction to the Arabic language with a strong emphasis on Sarf( Morphology ) and Nahw ( Syntax ) — the two foundational sciences of Arabic grammar. This coursewill guide students through the fundamental structures of Arabic words and sentences, enabling themto develop a deeper understanding of how the language functions.Required Texts: Al-Qalam First Step to Understanding ArabicFirst Steps to Understanding Sarf Course Goals: Fall and Spring 2025: 3 days Nahw, 1 day Sarf
K U F A H16Hadith Studies Objective: This course aims to enhance students' knowledge of the hadith of the ProphetMuhammad ﷺ through a formal study of the seminal text, Riyadus Saliheen. Through this coursethe student will develop a broad understanding of the Prophet ﷺ teachings as they pertain toethics, morals, faith, and life. By examining key Hadiths within this collection, students will gaininsights into moral and spiritual development, learning how to implement these lessons tonavigate modern challenges and cultivate personal growth. The course will also encouragecritical engagement with Hadith texts, promoting a thoughtful approach to religious practice andethical decision-making. Required Texts: Riyadus Saliheen Course Goals: Fall 2025: Chapter 1: The Book of Miscellany to Chapter 6: The Book of Visiting the Sick Spring 2026: Chapter 7: The Book of Etiquette of Travelling to Chapter 19: The Book of Forgiveness D I S AD I S BTafsir 29th and 30th Juz Journey thorugh the Ihya Fiqh Selected Topics Schematic Overview of the Quran Islamic Humanities Seerah and Nubuwwah Introduction to Aqeedah Hadith Studies: Riydahus Saliheen Introduction to Arabic
K U F A H D I S A F A L L 2 0 2 5Tuesday & Thursday 6 pm - 7 pm Islamic Humanities Week A: Tuesday & Thursday 7 pm - 8 pm Tafsir 29th and 30th Juz Week B: Tuesday & Thursday 7 pm - 8 pm Fiqh of Worship Saturday 8 am - 9 am Islamic Humanities Saturday 9 am - 10 am Introduction to Aqeedah Saturday 10 am - 11 am Fiqh of Worship Saturday 11 am - 12 pm Tafsir 29th and 30th Juz Diploma of Islamic Studies Schedule A D I S A S P R I N G 2 0 2 5Tuesday & Thursday 6: 15 pm -7 pm Islamic Humanities Week A: Tuesday & Thursday 7pm-7:45 pm Tafsir 29th and 30th Juz Week B: Tuesday & Thursday 7pm - 7:45pm Fiqh Selected Topics Saturday 8 am - 9 am Islamic Humanities Saturday 9 am - 10 am Introduction to Aqeedah Saturday 10 am - 11 am Fiqh Selected Topics Saturday 11 am - 12 pm Tafsir 29th and 30th Juz 18
K U F A H D I S B F A L L A N D S P R I N G 2 0 2 5Monday-Thursday 8-9 am Journey through the Ihya Monday-Thursday 9-10 am Schematic Overview of the Quran Monday-Thursday 10-11 pm Seerah and Nubuwwah Monday-Thursday 11-12 pm Hadith Studies: Riydahus Saliheen Monday-Thursday 12-1 pm Introduction to Arabic 1 PM Zuhr 19Diploma of islamic Studies Schedule B
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K U F A HHow long is the program? The program can be completed in one year if students enroll in both DISA and DISB tracks simultaneously.Alternatively, the program can be completed part-time over two years by taking one set of classes (either DISA orDISB) per year. Please see the course catalog for details on the different classes offered under DISA and DISB. Do I have to take all the classes? No, students have the flexibility to take as few as one class at a time and work progressively toward completing theprogram. What certification will I receive upon completing the course? Students who successfully complete both DISA and DISB tracks will be awarded a Diploma in Islamic Studies (DIS).This certification serves as a prerequisite for enrollment in our Advanced Islamic Studies (AIS) Curriculum the detailsof which will be forthcoming on our website Insha Allah. What if I am a beginner in Islamic studies? The DISA and DISB classes are specifically designed for individuals who are at the early stages of their Islamic studiesjourney. The courses begin with foundational concepts and gradually advance to more complex topics. How is your course different from other courses? Our goal is to provide a curriculum that allows for practical application of the traditional sciences. We focus heavily onmaking sure that students are ready to handle the challenges of everyday life on their Iman after graduating from thiscourse. We will provide guidance throughout the course to foster a student’s academic, spiritual, and personal growth. Will recordings be available? While in-person attendance is mandatory, we understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise. Recordings of theclasses will be made available to registered students. What if I am unable to pay the tuition? We are dedicated to ensuring that financial hardship does not prevent anyone from enrolling in our courses. Studentsare encouraged to contribute whatever they can and to contact us at for further assistance. If you are interested in sponsoring a student, please reach out to I have studied somewhere else for 1+ years. Do you have any options for advanced students? If you feel that you have completed portions of the DISA and DISB curriculum elsewhere, please reach out If there is enough interest, we are hoping to provide a few of our AIS offerings part time to a selectgroup of students. 21