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Kufah Brochure

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Institute | Seminary | CollegeTampa, FLINSTITUTESEMINARYCOLLEGEOur VisionTo establish a center ofexcellence in Islamic learningand spirituality, integratingthe humanities and sciences,that preserves and advancesthe Islamic tradition’s serviceto humanity.W H Y K U F A H ? Bridging the gap betweenIslamic seminaries andAmerican universitiesCombining best practices ofIslamic and Western educational traditionsCurating a scholastic curriculumfor contemporary challengesProviding flexible andmodular study tracksDeveloping Prophetic characterand moral excellenceEncouraging impactfulengagement with civil societyPreserving traditional valuesRespecting all scholarship ofAhl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamā’ahVisit us at kufah.orgEmail

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A non-profit educational institutededicated to reviving Islamic learningby bringing the study of the Quran,Sunnah, and the Islamic scholarlytradition to students and workingprofessionals.I N S T I T U T EDiploma in Islamic Studies (DIS) Designed to provide learners afoundational understanding of Islamcovering academic, spiritual, and practicalaspects as they pertain to modern life.·Faith, Identity, & Certainty·Qur’anic Studies ·Sirah and Hadith·Authority and Authenticity of the Quran and Sunnah·Fundamentals of Tajweed·Comprehensive Fiqh Studies·Moral Virtue & Character·Academic Study of IslamA non-profit accredited college offeringadvanced Islamic studies integrated withthe humanities and sciences at theundergraduate levelS E M I N A R YAssociate’s Degreein Liberal Arts·Interdisciplinary Humanities andSciences Core (8 courses)·Islamic Thought and History (8 courses)Track I: Four-Year Joint ProgramAssociate’s Degree Part-Time alongsideAISL Degree Full-TimeTrack II: Two-Year Joint ProgramAssociate’s Degree Full-Time alongsideDIS Part-TimeGraduates eligible to pursue a Bachelor’sdegree in any subject at any university or Kufah’s Bachelor’s Degree B.A. in Near Eastern StudiesIslamic Scholar (‘Alim) DegreeYear 5: Intensive Advanced Classical ArabicYears 6-7: Comprehensive Study ofAdvanced Classical Islamic Texts (Dars Nizami)Year 8: Intensive Study of Major CanonicalBooks of Hadith (Dawrah al-Hadith) C O L L E G EAdvanced Islamic Studies andLeadership (AISL) Degree Our flagship program providing in-depthIslamic knowledge through both classicalscholarly and contemporary academicapproaches to produce leaders of changefor Muslim communities.·Qur’anic Arabic·Literary and Scholarly Tafsir·Hadith of the Blessed Prophet ﷺ: SahihBukhari and Sahih Muslim·Islamic Intellectual History·Theology, Philosophy, and Spirituality·Islamic Legal Theory·Transformational Leadership·Principles of Effective Da’wah

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A non-profit educational institutededicated to reviving Islamic learningby bringing the study of the Quran,Sunnah, and the Islamic scholarlytradition to students and workingprofessionals.I N S T I T U T EDiploma in Islamic Studies (DIS) Designed to provide learners afoundational understanding of Islamcovering academic, spiritual, and practicalaspects as they pertain to modern life.·Faith, Identity, & Certainty·Qur’anic Studies ·Sirah and Hadith·Authority and Authenticity of the Quran and Sunnah·Fundamentals of Tajweed·Comprehensive Fiqh Studies·Moral Virtue & Character·Academic Study of IslamA non-profit accredited college offeringadvanced Islamic studies integrated withthe humanities and sciences at theundergraduate levelS E M I N A R YAssociate’s Degreein Liberal Arts·Interdisciplinary Humanities andSciences Core (8 courses)·Islamic Thought and History (8 courses)Track I: Four-Year Joint ProgramAssociate’s Degree Part-Time alongsideAISL Degree Full-TimeTrack II: Two-Year Joint ProgramAssociate’s Degree Full-Time alongsideDIS Part-TimeGraduates eligible to pursue a Bachelor’sdegree in any subject at any university or Kufah’s Bachelor’s Degree B.A. in Near Eastern StudiesIslamic Scholar (‘Alim) DegreeYear 5: Intensive Advanced Classical ArabicYears 6-7: Comprehensive Study ofAdvanced Classical Islamic Texts (Dars Nizami)Year 8: Intensive Study of Major CanonicalBooks of Hadith (Dawrah al-Hadith) C O L L E G EAdvanced Islamic Studies andLeadership (AISL) Degree Our flagship program providing in-depthIslamic knowledge through both classicalscholarly and contemporary academicapproaches to produce leaders of changefor Muslim communities.·Qur’anic Arabic·Literary and Scholarly Tafsir·Hadith of the Blessed Prophet ﷺ: SahihBukhari and Sahih Muslim·Islamic Intellectual History·Theology, Philosophy, and Spirituality·Islamic Legal Theory·Transformational Leadership·Principles of Effective Da’wah

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A non-profit educational institutededicated to reviving Islamic learningby bringing the study of the Quran,Sunnah, and the Islamic scholarlytradition to students and workingprofessionals.I N S T I T U T EDiploma in Islamic Studies (DIS) Designed to provide learners afoundational understanding of Islamcovering academic, spiritual, and practicalaspects as they pertain to modern life.·Faith, Identity, & Certainty·Qur’anic Studies ·Sirah and Hadith·Authority and Authenticity of the Quran and Sunnah·Fundamentals of Tajweed·Comprehensive Fiqh Studies·Moral Virtue & Character·Academic Study of IslamA non-profit accredited college offeringadvanced Islamic studies integrated withthe humanities and sciences at theundergraduate levelS E M I N A R YAssociate’s Degreein Liberal Arts·Interdisciplinary Humanities andSciences Core (8 courses)·Islamic Thought and History (8 courses)Track I: Four-Year Joint ProgramAssociate’s Degree Part-Time alongsideAISL Degree Full-TimeTrack II: Two-Year Joint ProgramAssociate’s Degree Full-Time alongsideDIS Part-TimeGraduates eligible to pursue a Bachelor’sdegree in any subject at any university or Kufah’s Bachelor’s Degree B.A. in Near Eastern StudiesIslamic Scholar (‘Alim) DegreeYear 5: Intensive Advanced Classical ArabicYears 6-7: Comprehensive Study ofAdvanced Classical Islamic Texts (Dars Nizami)Year 8: Intensive Study of Major CanonicalBooks of Hadith (Dawrah al-Hadith) C O L L E G EAdvanced Islamic Studies andLeadership (AISL) Degree Our flagship program providing in-depthIslamic knowledge through both classicalscholarly and contemporary academicapproaches to produce leaders of changefor Muslim communities.·Qur’anic Arabic·Literary and Scholarly Tafsir·Hadith of the Blessed Prophet ﷺ: SahihBukhari and Sahih Muslim·Islamic Intellectual History·Theology, Philosophy, and Spirituality·Islamic Legal Theory·Transformational Leadership·Principles of Effective Da’wah

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Institute | Seminary | CollegeTampa, FLINSTITUTESEMINARYCOLLEGEOur VisionTo establish a center ofexcellence in Islamic learningand spirituality, integratingthe humanities and sciences,that preserves and advancesthe Islamic tradition’s serviceto humanity.W H Y K U F A H ? Bridging the gap betweenIslamic seminaries andAmerican universitiesCombining best practices ofIslamic and Western educational traditionsCurating a scholastic curriculumfor contemporary challengesProviding flexible andmodular study tracksDeveloping Prophetic characterand moral excellenceEncouraging impactfulengagement with civil societyPreserving traditional valuesRespecting all scholarship ofAhl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamā’ahVisit us at kufah.orgEmail

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Institute | Seminary | CollegeTampa, FLINSTITUTESEMINARYCOLLEGEOur VisionTo establish a center ofexcellence in Islamic learningand spirituality, integratingthe humanities and sciences,that preserves and advancesthe Islamic tradition’s serviceto humanity.W H Y K U F A H ? Bridging the gap betweenIslamic seminaries andAmerican universitiesCombining best practices ofIslamic and Western educational traditionsCurating a scholastic curriculumfor contemporary challengesProviding flexible andmodular study tracksDeveloping Prophetic characterand moral excellenceEncouraging impactfulengagement with civil societyPreserving traditional valuesRespecting all scholarship ofAhl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamā’ahVisit us at kufah.orgEmail