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CAT Community: K-Staters Go Global!

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Japanese students learning how to make sushiWhat perks will Ienjoy as aparticipant?Direct access to the Lead Advisor and theHead of the Department of ModernLanguages, guiding you every step of theway. Personalized support from a dedicatedpeer Learning Assistant, specificallyhired to help K-Staters Go Global! thrive. Exclusive co-curricular programs andcelebrations designed especially for K-Staters Go Global! to enhance yourexperience.Community-building opportunitieswith like-minded peers who share yourpassion for languages, cultures, andtravel. Early access to exciting study abroadopportunities, setting you on the path toglobal adventures from day one!With these amazing perks, you’ll be well-supported and empowered to explore newhorizons—both academically andpersonally! Our faculty and instructors have allexperienced learning languages and living inmultiple cultures. Because of this, we focuson communication and cultural knowledgefor deeper understanding of modern andclassical languages and cultures. We are hereto support you as you become abilingual/multilingual citizen of the U.S. andthe world. Who We AreAbout Modern LanguagesThrough quality research and teaching inworld languages and literatures, we preparea linguistically competent and culturallyaware citizenry poised to live and work in anincreasingly global and diverse society, inaccordance with Kansas State University’sland grant mission.Modern Languages MissionStatementContact UsEmail: modlang@k-state.eduWeb: K-Staters Go Global! Languages,Cultures & Travel Department of Modern LanguagesEisenhower Hall 207Kansas State UniversityManhattan, Kansas 66506K-Staters GoGlobal! Languages,Cultures, andTravel Join us in the CAT CommunityScholarships Available!Students who enroll in K-Staters Go Global!will be eligible to apply for a scholarship ofup to $400 in connection with theirparticipation in the CAT Community.

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What’s a CATCommunity? Join a CAT Community, where you’ll be partof an engaging, tight-knit group of no morethan 22 students, all taking three coursestogether in your fall semester. You’ll exploretwo exciting 3-credit courses with a largergroup, plus a special 1-credit Connectionscourse, exclusively for your CATCommunity. Led by a professor who’s anexpert on the CAT Community, the 1-creditcourse will help you draw connectionsbetween the other two courses and buildrelationships with your peers. It’s a uniqueopportunity to create lasting bonds and trulymake the most of your first year!What is K-Staters GoGlobal?K-Staters Go Global! is a CATCommunity tailored to anyoneinterested in languages, cultures, andtravel. Do you want to study, work or liveabroad? Build skills in languages otherthan English? Learn about diversecultures around the world and right hereat K-State? Then this community is foryou! No prior language experience is needed—just bring your curiosity andexcitement to learn about linguisticdiversity and global perspectives. Getready for an unforgettable journey ofexploration and connection that willbroaden your horizons both at K-Stateand beyond! What courses will I take,and what requirementswill they fulfill? What languages are spoken in the US today?What languages were spoken herehistorically? How can knowing multiplelanguages help you get ahead, domesticallyand abroad? Should English be an officiallanguage in the US? What does it mean thatthe US is the second largest Spanish-speaking country? Explore these and otherquestions regarding languages andmultilingualism across the US and in Kansas! Fulfills an Arts & Humanities requirement in theK-State Core and a US Multicultural Overlay inthe College of Arts and Sciences MLANG 120 Multilingualism in theUS (3 credits)GEOG 101 World Geography andGlobalization (3 credits)How do geographers approach major worldregions and countries? Hint: theirconceptual toolkit draws on array of ideasabout history, culture, society, politics,economics, religions, gender, urbangeography, and globalization, makingGeography one of the most interdisciplinarypursuits at K-State! Fulfills a Social and Behavioral Sciencesrequirement in the K-State Core and a GlobalPerspectives Overlay in the College of Arts andSciences DAS 101 K-Staters Go Global!Languages, Cultures, and Travel (1 credit) Through a series of case studies presentedby faculty from across the seven languagesprograms in the Department of ModernLanguages (Arabic, Chinese, ClassicalStudies, French, German, Japanese, andSpanish), we’ll explore the overlaps betweenlanguages, cultures, and travel. We’ll alsolearn about other offices that bring theworld to K-State and launch K-State into theworld, such as Education Abroad andInternational Student and Scholar Services.Throughout, you’ll envision your time at K-State as a journey, both literal andmetaphorical, as well as an opportunity toexplore new cultures and languages,including those of the University itself.Fulfills the 1-credit orientation courserequirement in the College of Arts and SciencesFrench students enjoying the Modern Languages Lawn PartyI’m learning a language because it opensyour mind and heart to experience a newculture.Maria, Spanish. “Traveling has opened my eyes to so manycultures and languages” Sophie, French.

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What’s a CATCommunity? Join a CAT Community, where you’ll be partof an engaging, tight-knit group of no morethan 22 students, all taking three coursestogether in your fall semester. You’ll exploretwo exciting 3-credit courses with a largergroup, plus a special 1-credit Connectionscourse, exclusively for your CATCommunity. Led by a professor who’s anexpert on the CAT Community, the 1-creditcourse will help you draw connectionsbetween the other two courses and buildrelationships with your peers. It’s a uniqueopportunity to create lasting bonds and trulymake the most of your first year!What is K-Staters GoGlobal?K-Staters Go Global! is a CATCommunity tailored to anyoneinterested in languages, cultures, andtravel. Do you want to study, work or liveabroad? Build skills in languages otherthan English? Learn about diversecultures around the world and right hereat K-State? Then this community is foryou! No prior language experience is needed—just bring your curiosity andexcitement to learn about linguisticdiversity and global perspectives. Getready for an unforgettable journey ofexploration and connection that willbroaden your horizons both at K-Stateand beyond! What courses will I take,and what requirementswill they fulfill? What languages are spoken in the US today?What languages were spoken herehistorically? How can knowing multiplelanguages help you get ahead, domesticallyand abroad? Should English be an officiallanguage in the US? What does it mean thatthe US is the second largest Spanish-speaking country? Explore these and otherquestions regarding languages andmultilingualism across the US and in Kansas! Fulfills an Arts & Humanities requirement in theK-State Core and a US Multicultural Overlay inthe College of Arts and Sciences MLANG 120 Multilingualism in theUS (3 credits)GEOG 101 World Geography andGlobalization (3 credits)How do geographers approach major worldregions and countries? Hint: theirconceptual toolkit draws on array of ideasabout history, culture, society, politics,economics, religions, gender, urbangeography, and globalization, makingGeography one of the most interdisciplinarypursuits at K-State! Fulfills a Social and Behavioral Sciencesrequirement in the K-State Core and a GlobalPerspectives Overlay in the College of Arts andSciences DAS 101 K-Staters Go Global!Languages, Cultures, and Travel (1 credit) Through a series of case studies presentedby faculty from across the seven languagesprograms in the Department of ModernLanguages (Arabic, Chinese, ClassicalStudies, French, German, Japanese, andSpanish), we’ll explore the overlaps betweenlanguages, cultures, and travel. We’ll alsolearn about other offices that bring theworld to K-State and launch K-State into theworld, such as Education Abroad andInternational Student and Scholar Services.Throughout, you’ll envision your time at K-State as a journey, both literal andmetaphorical, as well as an opportunity toexplore new cultures and languages,including those of the University itself.Fulfills the 1-credit orientation courserequirement in the College of Arts and SciencesFrench students enjoying the Modern Languages Lawn PartyI’m learning a language because it opensyour mind and heart to experience a newculture.Maria, Spanish. “Traveling has opened my eyes to so manycultures and languages” Sophie, French.

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What’s a CATCommunity? Join a CAT Community, where you’ll be partof an engaging, tight-knit group of no morethan 22 students, all taking three coursestogether in your fall semester. You’ll exploretwo exciting 3-credit courses with a largergroup, plus a special 1-credit Connectionscourse, exclusively for your CATCommunity. Led by a professor who’s anexpert on the CAT Community, the 1-creditcourse will help you draw connectionsbetween the other two courses and buildrelationships with your peers. It’s a uniqueopportunity to create lasting bonds and trulymake the most of your first year!What is K-Staters GoGlobal?K-Staters Go Global! is a CATCommunity tailored to anyoneinterested in languages, cultures, andtravel. Do you want to study, work or liveabroad? Build skills in languages otherthan English? Learn about diversecultures around the world and right hereat K-State? Then this community is foryou! No prior language experience is needed—just bring your curiosity andexcitement to learn about linguisticdiversity and global perspectives. Getready for an unforgettable journey ofexploration and connection that willbroaden your horizons both at K-Stateand beyond! What courses will I take,and what requirementswill they fulfill? What languages are spoken in the US today?What languages were spoken herehistorically? How can knowing multiplelanguages help you get ahead, domesticallyand abroad? Should English be an officiallanguage in the US? What does it mean thatthe US is the second largest Spanish-speaking country? Explore these and otherquestions regarding languages andmultilingualism across the US and in Kansas! Fulfills an Arts & Humanities requirement in theK-State Core and a US Multicultural Overlay inthe College of Arts and Sciences MLANG 120 Multilingualism in theUS (3 credits)GEOG 101 World Geography andGlobalization (3 credits)How do geographers approach major worldregions and countries? Hint: theirconceptual toolkit draws on array of ideasabout history, culture, society, politics,economics, religions, gender, urbangeography, and globalization, makingGeography one of the most interdisciplinarypursuits at K-State! Fulfills a Social and Behavioral Sciencesrequirement in the K-State Core and a GlobalPerspectives Overlay in the College of Arts andSciences DAS 101 K-Staters Go Global!Languages, Cultures, and Travel (1 credit) Through a series of case studies presentedby faculty from across the seven languagesprograms in the Department of ModernLanguages (Arabic, Chinese, ClassicalStudies, French, German, Japanese, andSpanish), we’ll explore the overlaps betweenlanguages, cultures, and travel. We’ll alsolearn about other offices that bring theworld to K-State and launch K-State into theworld, such as Education Abroad andInternational Student and Scholar Services.Throughout, you’ll envision your time at K-State as a journey, both literal andmetaphorical, as well as an opportunity toexplore new cultures and languages,including those of the University itself.Fulfills the 1-credit orientation courserequirement in the College of Arts and SciencesFrench students enjoying the Modern Languages Lawn PartyI’m learning a language because it opensyour mind and heart to experience a newculture.Maria, Spanish. “Traveling has opened my eyes to so manycultures and languages” Sophie, French.

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Japanese students learning how to make sushiWhat perks will Ienjoy as aparticipant?Direct access to the Lead Advisor and theHead of the Department of ModernLanguages, guiding you every step of theway. Personalized support from a dedicatedpeer Learning Assistant, specificallyhired to help K-Staters Go Global! thrive. Exclusive co-curricular programs andcelebrations designed especially for K-Staters Go Global! to enhance yourexperience.Community-building opportunitieswith like-minded peers who share yourpassion for languages, cultures, andtravel. Early access to exciting study abroadopportunities, setting you on the path toglobal adventures from day one!With these amazing perks, you’ll be well-supported and empowered to explore newhorizons—both academically andpersonally! Our faculty and instructors have allexperienced learning languages and living inmultiple cultures. Because of this, we focuson communication and cultural knowledgefor deeper understanding of modern andclassical languages and cultures. We are hereto support you as you become abilingual/multilingual citizen of the U.S. andthe world. Who We AreAbout Modern LanguagesThrough quality research and teaching inworld languages and literatures, we preparea linguistically competent and culturallyaware citizenry poised to live and work in anincreasingly global and diverse society, inaccordance with Kansas State University’sland grant mission.Modern Languages MissionStatementContact UsEmail: modlang@k-state.eduWeb: K-Staters Go Global! Languages,Cultures & Travel Department of Modern LanguagesEisenhower Hall 207Kansas State UniversityManhattan, Kansas 66506K-Staters GoGlobal! Languages,Cultures, andTravel Join us in the CAT CommunityScholarships Available!Students who enroll in K-Staters Go Global!will be eligible to apply for a scholarship ofup to $400 in connection with theirparticipation in the CAT Community.

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Japanese students learning how to make sushiWhat perks will Ienjoy as aparticipant?Direct access to the Lead Advisor and theHead of the Department of ModernLanguages, guiding you every step of theway. Personalized support from a dedicatedpeer Learning Assistant, specificallyhired to help K-Staters Go Global! thrive. Exclusive co-curricular programs andcelebrations designed especially for K-Staters Go Global! to enhance yourexperience.Community-building opportunitieswith like-minded peers who share yourpassion for languages, cultures, andtravel. Early access to exciting study abroadopportunities, setting you on the path toglobal adventures from day one!With these amazing perks, you’ll be well-supported and empowered to explore newhorizons—both academically andpersonally! Our faculty and instructors have allexperienced learning languages and living inmultiple cultures. Because of this, we focuson communication and cultural knowledgefor deeper understanding of modern andclassical languages and cultures. We are hereto support you as you become abilingual/multilingual citizen of the U.S. andthe world. Who We AreAbout Modern LanguagesThrough quality research and teaching inworld languages and literatures, we preparea linguistically competent and culturallyaware citizenry poised to live and work in anincreasingly global and diverse society, inaccordance with Kansas State University’sland grant mission.Modern Languages MissionStatementContact UsEmail: modlang@k-state.eduWeb: K-Staters Go Global! Languages,Cultures & Travel Department of Modern LanguagesEisenhower Hall 207Kansas State UniversityManhattan, Kansas 66506K-Staters GoGlobal! Languages,Cultures, andTravel Join us in the CAT CommunityScholarships Available!Students who enroll in K-Staters Go Global!will be eligible to apply for a scholarship ofup to $400 in connection with theirparticipation in the CAT Community.