Our faculty and instructors have allexperienced learning languages and living inmultiple cultures. Because of this, in ourclasses, we focus on communication andcultural knowledge for deeperunderstanding of world cultures. We arehere to support you as you become abilingual/multilingual citizen of the U.S. andthe world. Who We AreAbout Modern LanguagesThrough quality research and teaching inworld languages and literatures, we preparea linguistically competent and culturallyaware citizenry poised to live and work in anincreasingly global and diverse society, inaccordance with Kansas State University’sland grant mission.Modern Languages MissionStatementContact UsEmail: modlang@k-state.edu Web: www.k-state.edu/languages Blog: www.kstatespanish.wordpress.com Facebook: @KStateSpanish X (previously known as Twitter):@KStateSpanish Instagram: @KStateSpanish DAS 101 ¡K-State en español!Bilingual Orientation Course Department of Modern LanguagesEisenhower Hall 207Kansas State UniversityManhattan, Kansas 66506Miércoles de Café OléDAS 101 ¡K-State EnEspañol!What? ¿Qué?This course is a section of DAS 101:Discover, Create, and Thrive: Arts &Sciences Orientation. As such, the coursewill share the description, learningoutcomes, and many of the assignmentswith other course sections. What? ¿Qué?This course is perfect for any studentlooking to complete a one-creditorientation, but with a unique twist: it’soffered in a dynamic Spanish-Englishbilingual setting! This course is appropriatefor native and heritage speakers of Spanishand for learners of Spanish at a mid-intermediate level or above. All studentsshould be able to place into SPAN 301(fourth-semester Spanish) or above.Not sure if this course isappropriate for you?Take the placement survey usingthis QR:Students enrolled in this section DAS 101 do not have toenroll concurrently in a SPAN course, but they arecertainly invited to do so.Contact Dr. Jeffrey Zamostny at jzamostny@ksu.eduJoin us in the Spanish-English bilingualorientation course Únete al curso de orientación bilingüe español-inglés DAS 101 ¡K-State enespañol!Scholarships Available!Students who enroll in DAS 101 ¡K-State enespañol! will be eligible to apply for ascholarship of up to $400 in connectionwith their participation in the course.
DAS 101Course DescriptionWelcome to K-State’s College of Arts &Sciences! In this course, you will explorewhat it means to be human, understandyour world, and gain a global perspectivewhile laying a foundation for success in yourcollegiate studies.Learning ObjectivesUpon successful completion of this one-credit orientation you will be able to:Describe our rich history as the nation’sfirst operational land-grant and the rolethe arts & sciences play therein; Identify campus resources and connectin meaningful ways to the campuscommunity broadly, your academicprogram, and your peers in yourclassroom community; Develop skills and strategies to supportyour success, including managing timeeffectively, developing effective studyhabits, practicing research skills andcritical thinking, communicatingeffectively and respectfully, and workingcollaboratively; Examine interdisciplinary ways ofknowing and compare disciplinaryapproaches in the arts, humanities, socialsciences, natural and quantitativesciences; andDevelop your rapport with youracademic advisor and build apersonalized long-range academic plan,including a selection of experiences(applied learning, education abroad,minors/majors/certificates, studentorganizations, research, etc.) you want toembed into your college experience toenhance your time here and prepare youfor your long-term career goals.In addition to these general learningoutcomes, our bilingual Spanish-Englishsection will allow you to:Explore the rich history of Spanishspeakers and the Latino/a community atK-State and in the localcommunity/Explorar la rica historia delos hispanohablantes y de la comunidadlatina en K-State y la comunidad localDiscover resources pertinent for Spanishspeakers and the Latino/a community atK-State and in the localcommunity/Descubrir recursosrelevantes a los hispanohablantes y a lacomunidad latina en K-State y lacomunidad localDiscover opportunities to study Spanishand Hispanic cultures at K-State, both oncampus and through studyabroad/Descubrir oportunidades paraestudiar español y las culturas hispanasen K-State, en el campus y a través deestudiar en el extranjeroLearn how bilingualism ormultilingualism can enrich yourexperience during and after your studiesat K-State, regardless of yourmajor(s)/Aprender cómo el bilingüismoo el multilingüismo pueden enriquecertu experiencia durante y después de tusestudios en K-State, independientementede tu especialización/tusespecializacionesFaculty-led study abroad in Spain, SummerBuild a supportive community with otherSpanish speakers on campus, creatinglasting connections and friendships withthose who share your passion for languageand culture/Construir una comunidad deapoyo con otros hispanohablantes en K-State, creando conexiones y amistadesduraderas con personas que comparten tupasión por la lengua y la culturaThe course will be conducted in acombination of Spanish and English, withmost class discussion taking place en español.Some readings will be available only inEnglish or Spanish. You may choose to submitwritten work in English, Spanish or acombination of the two.This course is not primarily a language class.In other words, we will not focussystematically on learning new vocabulary orgrammatical structures, and you will not begraded heavily on linguistic accuracy. Rather,the course uses both languages to help younavigate university life, and you’ll have plentyof opportunities to practice your Spanish andEnglish in real-world, everyday situations—without the pressure of perfection. It’s allabout learning, growing, and buildingconfidence as you settle into college life! How? ¿Cómo?“I am taking Spanish so that someday I cantravel Central and South America.” ~Cecilia’26Decorating Nichos, Día de los muertos in the KLC
DAS 101Course DescriptionWelcome to K-State’s College of Arts &Sciences! In this course, you will explorewhat it means to be human, understandyour world, and gain a global perspectivewhile laying a foundation for success in yourcollegiate studies.Learning ObjectivesUpon successful completion of this one-credit orientation you will be able to:Describe our rich history as the nation’sfirst operational land-grant and the rolethe arts & sciences play therein; Identify campus resources and connectin meaningful ways to the campuscommunity broadly, your academicprogram, and your peers in yourclassroom community; Develop skills and strategies to supportyour success, including managing timeeffectively, developing effective studyhabits, practicing research skills andcritical thinking, communicatingeffectively and respectfully, and workingcollaboratively; Examine interdisciplinary ways ofknowing and compare disciplinaryapproaches in the arts, humanities, socialsciences, natural and quantitativesciences; andDevelop your rapport with youracademic advisor and build apersonalized long-range academic plan,including a selection of experiences(applied learning, education abroad,minors/majors/certificates, studentorganizations, research, etc.) you want toembed into your college experience toenhance your time here and prepare youfor your long-term career goals.In addition to these general learningoutcomes, our bilingual Spanish-Englishsection will allow you to:Explore the rich history of Spanishspeakers and the Latino/a community atK-State and in the localcommunity/Explorar la rica historia delos hispanohablantes y de la comunidadlatina en K-State y la comunidad localDiscover resources pertinent for Spanishspeakers and the Latino/a community atK-State and in the localcommunity/Descubrir recursosrelevantes a los hispanohablantes y a lacomunidad latina en K-State y lacomunidad localDiscover opportunities to study Spanishand Hispanic cultures at K-State, both oncampus and through studyabroad/Descubrir oportunidades paraestudiar español y las culturas hispanasen K-State, en el campus y a través deestudiar en el extranjeroLearn how bilingualism ormultilingualism can enrich yourexperience during and after your studiesat K-State, regardless of yourmajor(s)/Aprender cómo el bilingüismoo el multilingüismo pueden enriquecertu experiencia durante y después de tusestudios en K-State, independientementede tu especialización/tusespecializacionesFaculty-led study abroad in Spain, SummerBuild a supportive community with otherSpanish speakers on campus, creatinglasting connections and friendships withthose who share your passion for languageand culture/Construir una comunidad deapoyo con otros hispanohablantes en K-State, creando conexiones y amistadesduraderas con personas que comparten tupasión por la lengua y la culturaThe course will be conducted in acombination of Spanish and English, withmost class discussion taking place en español.Some readings will be available only inEnglish or Spanish. You may choose to submitwritten work in English, Spanish or acombination of the two.This course is not primarily a language class.In other words, we will not focussystematically on learning new vocabulary orgrammatical structures, and you will not begraded heavily on linguistic accuracy. Rather,the course uses both languages to help younavigate university life, and you’ll have plentyof opportunities to practice your Spanish andEnglish in real-world, everyday situations—without the pressure of perfection. It’s allabout learning, growing, and buildingconfidence as you settle into college life! How? ¿Cómo?“I am taking Spanish so that someday I cantravel Central and South America.” ~Cecilia’26Decorating Nichos, Día de los muertos in the KLC
DAS 101Course DescriptionWelcome to K-State’s College of Arts &Sciences! In this course, you will explorewhat it means to be human, understandyour world, and gain a global perspectivewhile laying a foundation for success in yourcollegiate studies.Learning ObjectivesUpon successful completion of this one-credit orientation you will be able to:Describe our rich history as the nation’sfirst operational land-grant and the rolethe arts & sciences play therein; Identify campus resources and connectin meaningful ways to the campuscommunity broadly, your academicprogram, and your peers in yourclassroom community; Develop skills and strategies to supportyour success, including managing timeeffectively, developing effective studyhabits, practicing research skills andcritical thinking, communicatingeffectively and respectfully, and workingcollaboratively; Examine interdisciplinary ways ofknowing and compare disciplinaryapproaches in the arts, humanities, socialsciences, natural and quantitativesciences; andDevelop your rapport with youracademic advisor and build apersonalized long-range academic plan,including a selection of experiences(applied learning, education abroad,minors/majors/certificates, studentorganizations, research, etc.) you want toembed into your college experience toenhance your time here and prepare youfor your long-term career goals.In addition to these general learningoutcomes, our bilingual Spanish-Englishsection will allow you to:Explore the rich history of Spanishspeakers and the Latino/a community atK-State and in the localcommunity/Explorar la rica historia delos hispanohablantes y de la comunidadlatina en K-State y la comunidad localDiscover resources pertinent for Spanishspeakers and the Latino/a community atK-State and in the localcommunity/Descubrir recursosrelevantes a los hispanohablantes y a lacomunidad latina en K-State y lacomunidad localDiscover opportunities to study Spanishand Hispanic cultures at K-State, both oncampus and through studyabroad/Descubrir oportunidades paraestudiar español y las culturas hispanasen K-State, en el campus y a través deestudiar en el extranjeroLearn how bilingualism ormultilingualism can enrich yourexperience during and after your studiesat K-State, regardless of yourmajor(s)/Aprender cómo el bilingüismoo el multilingüismo pueden enriquecertu experiencia durante y después de tusestudios en K-State, independientementede tu especialización/tusespecializacionesFaculty-led study abroad in Spain, SummerBuild a supportive community with otherSpanish speakers on campus, creatinglasting connections and friendships withthose who share your passion for languageand culture/Construir una comunidad deapoyo con otros hispanohablantes en K-State, creando conexiones y amistadesduraderas con personas que comparten tupasión por la lengua y la culturaThe course will be conducted in acombination of Spanish and English, withmost class discussion taking place en español.Some readings will be available only inEnglish or Spanish. You may choose to submitwritten work in English, Spanish or acombination of the two.This course is not primarily a language class.In other words, we will not focussystematically on learning new vocabulary orgrammatical structures, and you will not begraded heavily on linguistic accuracy. Rather,the course uses both languages to help younavigate university life, and you’ll have plentyof opportunities to practice your Spanish andEnglish in real-world, everyday situations—without the pressure of perfection. It’s allabout learning, growing, and buildingconfidence as you settle into college life! How? ¿Cómo?“I am taking Spanish so that someday I cantravel Central and South America.” ~Cecilia’26Decorating Nichos, Día de los muertos in the KLC
Our faculty and instructors have allexperienced learning languages and living inmultiple cultures. Because of this, in ourclasses, we focus on communication andcultural knowledge for deeperunderstanding of world cultures. We arehere to support you as you become abilingual/multilingual citizen of the U.S. andthe world. Who We AreAbout Modern LanguagesThrough quality research and teaching inworld languages and literatures, we preparea linguistically competent and culturallyaware citizenry poised to live and work in anincreasingly global and diverse society, inaccordance with Kansas State University’sland grant mission.Modern Languages MissionStatementContact UsEmail: modlang@k-state.edu Web: www.k-state.edu/languages Blog: www.kstatespanish.wordpress.com Facebook: @KStateSpanish X (previously known as Twitter):@KStateSpanish Instagram: @KStateSpanish DAS 101 ¡K-State en español!Bilingual Orientation Course Department of Modern LanguagesEisenhower Hall 207Kansas State UniversityManhattan, Kansas 66506Miércoles de Café OléDAS 101 ¡K-State EnEspañol!What? ¿Qué?This course is a section of DAS 101:Discover, Create, and Thrive: Arts &Sciences Orientation. As such, the coursewill share the description, learningoutcomes, and many of the assignmentswith other course sections. What? ¿Qué?This course is perfect for any studentlooking to complete a one-creditorientation, but with a unique twist: it’soffered in a dynamic Spanish-Englishbilingual setting! This course is appropriatefor native and heritage speakers of Spanishand for learners of Spanish at a mid-intermediate level or above. All studentsshould be able to place into SPAN 301(fourth-semester Spanish) or above.Not sure if this course isappropriate for you?Take the placement survey usingthis QR:Students enrolled in this section DAS 101 do not have toenroll concurrently in a SPAN course, but they arecertainly invited to do so.Contact Dr. Jeffrey Zamostny at jzamostny@ksu.eduJoin us in the Spanish-English bilingualorientation course Únete al curso de orientación bilingüe español-inglés DAS 101 ¡K-State enespañol!Scholarships Available!Students who enroll in DAS 101 ¡K-State enespañol! will be eligible to apply for ascholarship of up to $400 in connectionwith their participation in the course.
Our faculty and instructors have allexperienced learning languages and living inmultiple cultures. Because of this, in ourclasses, we focus on communication andcultural knowledge for deeperunderstanding of world cultures. We arehere to support you as you become abilingual/multilingual citizen of the U.S. andthe world. Who We AreAbout Modern LanguagesThrough quality research and teaching inworld languages and literatures, we preparea linguistically competent and culturallyaware citizenry poised to live and work in anincreasingly global and diverse society, inaccordance with Kansas State University’sland grant mission.Modern Languages MissionStatementContact UsEmail: modlang@k-state.edu Web: www.k-state.edu/languages Blog: www.kstatespanish.wordpress.com Facebook: @KStateSpanish X (previously known as Twitter):@KStateSpanish Instagram: @KStateSpanish DAS 101 ¡K-State en español!Bilingual Orientation Course Department of Modern LanguagesEisenhower Hall 207Kansas State UniversityManhattan, Kansas 66506Miércoles de Café OléDAS 101 ¡K-State EnEspañol!What? ¿Qué?This course is a section of DAS 101:Discover, Create, and Thrive: Arts &Sciences Orientation. As such, the coursewill share the description, learningoutcomes, and many of the assignmentswith other course sections. What? ¿Qué?This course is perfect for any studentlooking to complete a one-creditorientation, but with a unique twist: it’soffered in a dynamic Spanish-Englishbilingual setting! This course is appropriatefor native and heritage speakers of Spanishand for learners of Spanish at a mid-intermediate level or above. All studentsshould be able to place into SPAN 301(fourth-semester Spanish) or above.Not sure if this course isappropriate for you?Take the placement survey usingthis QR:Students enrolled in this section DAS 101 do not have toenroll concurrently in a SPAN course, but they arecertainly invited to do so.Contact Dr. Jeffrey Zamostny at jzamostny@ksu.eduJoin us in the Spanish-English bilingualorientation course Únete al curso de orientación bilingüe español-inglés DAS 101 ¡K-State enespañol!Scholarships Available!Students who enroll in DAS 101 ¡K-State enespañol! will be eligible to apply for ascholarship of up to $400 in connectionwith their participation in the course.