TRAINING NEEDSASSESSMENTHANDOUTCopyright reserved Szerepi Zsolt, RPM System Kft. N E G O T I A T I O N T E C H N I Q U E S / A S S E R T I O N O F I N T E R E S TC O M P E T E N C E
HOW TO CHOOSE TRAINING FOR YOURCOLLEAGUES? If, in the life of a company, atraining series does not achieveits purpose, meaning that, apartfrom the fact that colleagueshave had a good time, the resultsof the training cannot bemeasured in concrete figures, theexpenditure on development willbe money wasted.1
If, in the life of a company, a training series does not achieve itspurpose, meaning that, apart from the fact that colleagues havehad a good time, the results of the training cannot be measured inconcrete figures, the expenditure on development will be moneywasted. Not all people are the same! There is no way that a canned course/training can be good foreveryone. If as a manager you see the biggest problem withtraining as being a waste of time and money, then you cannotafford to spend days with your staff on a training course that maynot be useful for everyone. Perhaps worst of all, if your colleaguesattend training that is ineffective or not tailored to their needs, thenthe biggest loss to your company is not just the amount of moneyyou spend on training, but the time you spend! 2DO NOT BUY CANNED TRAINING!
MY MISSION AND THE ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF OPERATIONS IS TOTO BOOST THE PROSPERITY OF COMPANIES, THUS TO ACHIEVE RESULTS THAT CAN BE MEASURED IN CONCRETENUMBERS. This is precisely why my training method is based on theTraining Needs Assessment, which measures thecompetences, strengths and weaknesses of the person tobe trained. In this way I provide not only a customised training planfor the company, but also for the individual. This allowseach individual to develop in the area where they need to. 3
SOURCE OF THE TRAINING NEEDSASSESSMENTSince 1986, it has been used by the world's largest IT company. TheAssessment was based on the development of an "internal customer"management system, thereby increasing the company's efficiencyand sales volume. In 1986, the company underwent an internal auditwhich resulted in a process to increase organisational efficiency andto create self-determined organisational units, down to the smallestelements, namely employees. The essence of the sales (exchange)based organisational structure is that everyone has to sell the resultof their position, in other words they had to create a value addedservice (VAS), which was defined during the audit. 4
To measure this on an ongoing basis, an assessment was developedthat is still used in the organisation today to maintain continuousquality assurance and to select and refresh salespeople from time totime. The test shows the relationship of the organisation's employeesto the achievement of a valuable result (VP). Scores between 20 and 80 on the test are considered good.Between 20 and -20, depending on the other scores on the test, ofcourse, they need attention, meaning they need to be addressed.Below -20, the problem is such that, of course, after taking intoaccount the other scores on the test, it may not be worth addressingthe individual's development in this way, but rather to use him or herin other areas. Another important point to note is that since the mental andemotional state of the person filling in the test influences theiranswers, and different expressions mean different things in differentsocial circles, the test cannot be evaluated on its own, so a personalinterview with the person is necessary to reveal any minormisunderstandings, which makes the analysis of the test much moreprecise. It is also important that people always receive feedback on the testthey have completed.5
SAMPLE TEST6 The certainty of 37.78 on the graph indicates that we are dealing with asufficiently open yet stable individual in terms of their work.This is a graph of an individual who, in addition to having a great deal ofknowledge - experience - for their job, is open, interested, eager to learnnew things. Therefore worth developing, there is potential. The next three points are product knowledge - product liking - companyloyalty:These scores are in the high range on the individual's test, indicating thatthey have a strong belief in the company, and that the manager is not sobad because these scores do not slip. CertaintyProduct knowledgeProduct likingCompany loyaltyHunter/ProactivityFarmer/ReactivityWorkload abilitySales skillsCommunication skills
7 A hunter/proactivity score of 37.5 and a sales skills score of 38.71,which is about the same height as the hunter/proactivity score, indicatethat if the individual were to be a salesperson, they would be able to copewell with that, meaning that they are able to communicate new thoughts,opinions, ideas, even to new people, and are able to address them. Based on a farmer/reactivity score of 6.67, they can maintain goodcommunication until they are 'nagged' into doing what they want. Ifconfronted, they lose their temper easily and it is a matter of rest orfatigue whether they can control the situation. This is where the individualcould be improved with thorough communication training. SAMPLE TESTCertaintyProduct knowledgeProduct likingCompany loyaltyHunter/ProactivityFarmer/ReactivityWorkload abilitySales skillsCommunication skills
8 The workload ability (60) indicates that the individual is comfortablein their job and can soon face new challenges. With a communication skills score of 57.14, the individual is not onlyable to listen well, but also to make strong messages that effectivelysupport their work. SAMPLE TESTCertaintyProduct knowledgeProduct likingCompany loyaltyHunter/ProactivityFarmer/ReactivityWorkload abilitySales skillsCommunication skills
Below +20, the individual may haveknowledge of communication, sales,etc., but for some reason does notdare to use it or is unable to use it.Thus, their success is highlycontingent, i.e. relying on hunches,which is not a bad thing, butunfortunately they have no otherreference point. This is when ithappens that if a deal fails, it iscaused by a mystical force or the'idiocy of the client'. This is not to beconfused with high certainty, wherethe individual claims with certaintythat it was something wrong with theconstellation of circumstances, butthey know with certainty that they aredoing everything right. CERTAINTY9
1 8If the certainty is above +80, theindividual knows everything. Theindividual has a so-called knowbarrier. They are not curious aboutanything and does not want to learnanything. Certainty is a measure ofwhether the person has abackground of knowledge, eitherlearned or self-developed, about theissues under further study. In otherwords, if the person has a strongcertainty that it is extremelyimportant to get on the customer'sfeet in sales, and this is a tried andtested method, then whatever youtell him, and whatever customer hemay meet, he will always get on thecustomer's feet. You could put it interms of he has some kind oftechnology or trick that he thinks istried and tested, effective.CERTAINTY10
At a certainty of around 20, the individual is open to learning andwill of course say so in the personal interview. Certainty is the value that forms the backbone of the test. Allother values are compared to it. The main question is whether thevalue is approximately in the same range as certainty. CERTAINTY11
These factors must be interpreted as one. Which means that theperson has an overall idea of the purpose of the service or job thatthey represent in the organisation. That is, how consciously they areworking towards a higher goal, i.e. to achieve the department'sobjectives or just to get on with the day-to-day tasks. 12PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE,PRODUCT LIKING, COMPANYLOYALTY TRIAD
HUNTERPROACTIVITYIt means, in this case, the degree to which the person is adoer, i.e. how much they seek to solve the tasks that arisein the organisation and the level of their overallresponsibility for them, as a salesperson, a hunter in salesor more of a farmer. 13
FARMERREACTIVITYFarmer/reactivity means that for employees reflects conflicts withcustomers, complaints handling and difficulties in communication.That is, the ability of the individual to identify, understand andresolve communication and conflict situations withcustomers/colleagues. 14
It illustrates on the graph how much an individual is using theirresources. So who else can be given new tasks and who is makingthe best use of their resources. WORKLOAD ABILITY15
For the individuals assessed, it means the extent to which they canget their will and point of view accepted by clients/colleagues. Thatis, how well they can communicate with clients/colleagues in a waythat is understandable and effective. SALES SKILLSSUGGESTIVE TENDENCY16
COMMUNICATION SKILLS Communication skills show how and at what levelemployees are able to communicate, and thus to transmitand exchange information. 17
PERSONALCONSULTATION What is important to note is that values in themselves, individually,are only indicative. A complex technical analysis is used to examinethe combination of different values, and thus the existence ofdifferent "syndromes". However, what the individual says/said during the face-to-faceinterview is extremely important, because it can also reveal the pointof view from which they approached the test, thus further refining thepicture of the person. 18
1EMPLOYEES COMPLETE A 90-QUESTION TEST.SERVICE PROCESSThis test assesses the students' skills in terms of sales,communication, etc. 2I CARRY OUT A PERSONAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT WITH ALLSTAFF. (ABOUT 30 MINUTES)This will tell me what are the points to pay attention to, and possiblyimprove, in order to make their work more efficient and successful. 3FEEDBACK TO THE LEADER.Here I give feedback to the leader about the employees, their exactneeds.Problem areas that arise can be addressed in several ways, throughtraining or simple communication. Best regards, +36 70 65 65 000 19