KO A8 20201008
Hi Kate Kate 2020 KO A8 10 18 A8 2020
R5 impact factor Kate Kate
Keyword Title Abstract Figure Table Whole article Attraction
Kate X Kate
Keyword Title Abstract Figure Table Whole article Attraction
Kate Keywords Title
Thomas Edison 1847 1931
covid 19 covid 19
1 1
X Y Z X Y Z X Y Z COVID 19 30 X COVID19 Y 30 Z
1 2 X Y Z X Mechanical ventilation Y Patients Z Mortality
17 452 X Y Z Y patient patient patient
1 3 15 Kate Critical Care 1 A versus B in the treatment of C a randomized controlled trial 2 X is a risk factor for Y a case control study 3 What is the impact of factor X on subject Y A systematic review Kate Retrospective Cohort Study Retrospective Observational Study
Kate A B C X Y X Y 15 20
Kate 2
Mein Kampf My Fight Mon combat
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Zoom in introduction Stay and Focused Methods Results Zoom out Discussion Conclusion
Kate Kate A8
Take a rest