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Kindergarten Registration Flyer

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A N N O U N C I N G K I N D E R G A RT E N R E G I S T R AT I O N O P E N H O U S E FOR BOISE SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSDAY MARCH 10 2016 AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL Please Check Your School s Website for Exact Time endent The Indep City t of Boise ool Distric Sch Here s How to Prepare sBring your child sBring certified birth certificate ever before more than Teachers and hallenge e future nts sBring immunization records ting the c st he Dear Pare ict is mee and prepare for thild become the be ol Distr grow Make sure all vaccines are Scho ur ch The Boise ung people learn igently to help yo g dil lp yo begin up to date in n to he aching ca ff are work fore any te arten Registration upport sta be s help Be r Kinderg need your ou or she can onal time sBring address verification essful we d and go through lts in lost instructi be succ registere resu r us to ust be Fo m ood start last minute on or Here s What You ll your child Waiting until the ds to get off to a g years old gram st be five ust be six years ild nee pro your ch rten mu grade m See and Do a me rst ng kinderg valuable ti nts enteri tudents entering fi w stude S istration By state la tember 1 2016 1 2016 sReceive the 2016 2017 March reg ep efore S efore September before the ation day Contact b vailable re registr b calendar with important will be a s befo g these old on or rm tion forms ut obtainin times and dates for the en registra to complete the fo l for details abo dance area please Kindergart who wish tten 167 schoo borhood school is in your a s Office at 854 4 rents school year eigh for pa at your n ndarie which the office you aren t certain portation and Bou tudents forms If e District s Trans ur questions sLearn how to prepare your whereby s nt Policy ll in our schools ntact th py to answer yo co nrollme d to enro ap child for kindergarten pen E allowe e at We ll be h t has an O ulum Offic re the Distric trict boundaries as at the BSD Curricnts Patrons ow u re Please kn utside the Dis sMeet teachers and staff at ck on Pa tion call ctions ho live o For more informaoiseschools org cli llment for instru w your child s school n free eaning www b n on Open Enro m tuitio r log on to program the 54 4112 oow to Enroll and dergarten additional half day 8 ll day kin ate in the n sAsk questions and get then on H n based a instructio rs a tuitio their child particip extra half day of ds Liberty ict offe to have hlan rt the e Distr desire answers about your ig o Th e to supp prings H lementary ho parents w en pay a tuition feinclude Hidden S d Shadow Hills e Boise School District kindergartindergarten sites Park Roosevelt an by e y k of 2016 All da w Lowell Pierc Here s What You ll Get in the fall Longfello great starttration in March to a schools r gets off dergarten Regis rgartne nd Kin sFree Kindergarten e our kinde l District Be sure y our calendar to att ise Schoo y f Your Bo Readiness packet marking en Staff o Tomorrow Kindergart r a Better Educator rely The Since Today Fo Educating portunity EmployerOp An Equal www boiseschools org s Guardian Go to www boiseschools org click on Parents and Patrons then on Health Services and then on Immunizations for immunization requirements