BLACKTOWN SINHALA SCHOOL පළවන ළමා e-සඟරාව අෙග 2022කලාපය අෙ පාසැෙ නවතමෙතාරරැ හා ං අෙ දක බලාගන...
TABLE OF CONTENTS පනPage 3 - Our School Page 5 - Class Photos Page 11 - Sunfest 2022Page 12 - Minister's AwardsPage 13 - Art Exhibition Page 14 - Family Day Page 15 - Mother's DayPage 16 - Little CafePage 17 - Semester 1 AssemblyPage 18 - StageFestPage 19 - Fruit Salad Alms Giving Page 20 - Kids CornerPage 21 - Guest VisitsPage 22 - Dinner DancePage 23 - Event Calendar Page 24 - Upcoming Events
BSS IntroductionAbout Our SchoolBlacktown Sinhala School was established 27 years ago with the objectiveof teaching Sri Lankan culture and Language to the Sri Lankan community.It is being managed by the Sinhalese Cultural Forum and the Schoolmanagement committee.During this period, the school successfully achieved its objectives andbecame one of the premier Sri Lankan Culture and Language teachinginstitutes in Sydney. The school celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2019with well-wishers from the President of NSWFCLS and the past students ofthe school.Blacktown Sinhala School teaches Sri Lankan Culture and Language fromKindergarten to Year 9. During this teaching process, a student willexperience all the aspects of Sri Lankan culture and the Sinhala language. Evidently, we can understand that school helped to achieve multiculturalaspects in Australia by developing good citizens with Sri Lankan culturalvalues. At the same time, the school leadership programs help enhance the SriLankan students to build their leadership skills to promote the Sri Lankanvalues in Australia and add values and diversity to Australian multi-culturalsociety.
BSS IntroductionWe have achieved many milestones and achievements in the recent pastwhich are proof of the quality of our education program. Following aresome of such programs and achievements which were benefited thestudents and the community:1) Student leadership programs to enhance the students' leadership skills,2) Programs of teaching Sri Lankan culture and history to students,3) Aesthetic programs.In these programs, the school won competitive awards regardinghighlighting and presenting Sri Lankan cultural values.Remarkably, students of the Blacktown Sinhala School have won variouslevels of Minister’s Awards conducted by the NSWFCLS, along with TheMinister’s Award.Source - BSS 25th Year Anniversary Video
Class Photos Our Teachers & PrefectsPrefects (From Left to Right): Oshini Jayasakera, Rovinya Mendis, Ayansa Jayansinghe, Sanudi Perera, Dinel Perera, Sanuka Koswattage(Absent: Devmi Kuruppu)Principal: Mrs. Gaya Manadeniya Teachers: (From Left to Right): Mrs. Ayodhya Etipola, Mrs. Ganga Perera, Mrs. Diyana Aluvihare, Mrs. Dinali Somaweera, Mrs. HarshaniWickramarathne, Principal, Mrs. Chamindi Jayasuriya, Mrs. Vidarshani Nanayakkara, Mrs. Shayami Karunaweera(Absent: Mrs. Chandra Eriyagama)Kindergarten Class Teacher - Mrs. Dinali Somaweera
Class Photos Year 1Year 2Class Teacher - Mrs. Vidarshani NanayakkaraClass Teacher - Mrs. Diyana Aluvihare
Class Photos Year 3Year 4Class Teacher - Mrs. Shayami KarunaweeraClass Teacher - Mrs. Chandra EriyagamaTeaching Assistant - Mrs. Harshani Wickramarathne
Class Photos Year 5Year 6Class Teacher - Mrs. Ganga PereraClass Teacher - Mrs. Ayodhya Etipola
Class Photos Year 7 & 8 Class Teacher - Mrs. Chamindi Jayasuriya
2022 PrefectsCeremony Sanuka KoswattageAyansa JayasingheOshini JayasekeraRovinya MendisSanudi Perera Dinel Pereraෙමන ලැට ංහලපාසැෙ යනායකයඔ ෙ Prefect Badges ලබාගතා.
Sunfest 2022Junior DanceSenior Dance
Heartiest Congratulations to Nithum Nimalrathna for his achievement of "Highly Commended Award forExcellence in Student Achievement - CommunityLanguage Schools" in Minister's Awards 2022organized by the Dept of Education, NSW.
ංහල පාසෙ අ ෙවස,අරැ සැමරැවා. ෙබාෙහළම දෂතා ෙපමටඔෙ ත කලා කෘෙගනාවා. එ , ව,ර ෙවස සහ තවෙබාෙහ ෙ . සෑමෙකෙනටම තම දෂතාසහ සලතා ෙපමට එයෙහාඳ අවථාව ය.Art Exhibition forVesak & Avurudu
Family Day!2022.04.10 ෙවදා, ලැට ංහල පාසෙ අරැ උෙළලපැවැවා.එදා උදෙයම අ ඉෙරවා. ඉප අ රබගැම, අයට ඇස තැම, අවරැ මාරයා සහ මය ෙම,කඹ ඇම සහ Cricket ඩාවට සහභා නා. ඒ වෙම,Mickey Mouse ලැට ංහල පාසලට ඇ අෙ ංළමව හබ නා. සැම ෙදනාම ෙ නය ඉතා සෙට ගතකළා. දවස අවසානෙ සහභා අයට තෑගි ලැණා.
Mother's Dayඉදා උදෑසන (මැ 8) ලැට ංහල පාසෙෙදමාය, රැවරැ සහ මවරැෙ නයසැමමට එය. අ දවස ආරභ කෙ ංහල පාසැෙන යම කාරැක මවරැ සඳහා ෙෂ ෙපානය සම, එයට ක ෙ ඇ පැරස කෑමසහ ධ පලරැ වග ඇළ ය. ෙකය අතරර,ෙමම නය සැමම සඳහා ෙෂ ෙ සහ රසව ආහාර න යම මවරැට සහ රැවරැටආරාධනා කරන ල. මවරැෙ න ෙ ෙගයකැෙම ෙ පැ සංරහය අවස ය. ඒ යලට මඉහ, අප ෙවෙව කළ ය ට ෙ සඳහා මවරැට ෙෂ නැය. අවසාන වශෙය, තම මවරැ සමඟ ඡායාරෑප ෙගන මදවස අවස කළහ.
Our LittleCafeOur Little Cafe ෙ වසෙ ංහල පාසෙඅ ආරභ කරන ලද අතර එයපවවාෙගන ය ලබෙ ෙකකාලෙ දරැවට ආහාර ල ගැමටය.ෙම අෙල කරන ආහාරවලට ංහලපාසෙ ෙදමාය සාදන ලද රසවවෙ සෑ කෑම සහ ෙක කෑම ඇළෙ. ඩා ආපන ශාලාව අපට රසව කෑමවග ලබා නා පමණ ෙනාව, එය ඉතාසාථක ඇ අතර ලැට ංහලපාසල වැ මට අරද රමට උපකාර ෙ.
Semester 1 Assembly 5 ෙවදා අ ෙ වසරට පළවන සව පැවැවා. ෙමම නෙධ සහ කතා ඉප කළා. අමල තාතල ලැටංහල පාසෙ දෂ ළමෙ ඉතා ලසන රංගනය බල එදානය ගත කළා. තව අෙ පාසෙ 7/8 පය රන චාරකවැඩසටහන ඉප කරා. ෙ වැඩසටහනට සැමෙදනාම ආස නා. අෙෙපා ළම ෙෂෙයම ෙකට ආශාව දැවා.
StageFest 2022Our senior students performed in theStage Fest 2022 organized by theSinhalese Cultural Forum of NSW.
පළරැ දසලසෑම වසරකම ෙවසඋසවයට ලැටංහල පාසෙ යෙදනා එකවලංකාරාමහාරථානෙ සමාදවන බැමෙවෙව පලරැදසල දාන කර.ෙ අරැෙ අෙඅමලා තාතලාසබධ ෙවලා එම දසල සාථක කරගැම සඳ හා උද කළා.
ෙමම වසෙ BSS ෙව අ හවා ඇත. දැම වැර ලබාගන සහ ඉෙගන ගැමට උපකාර වනෙබාෙහ සප හා ෙතාරරැ ෙ ෙ ඇත. ඔබට සහ ඔෙදරැවාට ඉෙගන ගැමට ශාල ලාර ඇ බැ කරැණාකරෙමම ෙව අඩය ෙසායා දැම ලබාගන. Please Click Here for The KidsCornerkids corner
Guest visit by MasterPrasannajith Abeysuriya
ලැට ංහල පාසෙලඅෙග 6 ෙවදාWinter Dinner Dance එක අසාථකව පැවැවා.Masquerade WinterBall 2022
School Calendar
Please click here for more infoUpcoming Events
ItemGuidelinesArtsA properly scanned copy of the artwork shouldbe provided. We accept both .pdf or .jpgversionsPoems, Stories &EssaysA properly scanned copy of the documentshould be provided. We accept both .docx or.pdf versionsEducational Videos &SpeechesKeep the length of the video to be around 3 - 5minutes. We accept .mp4 versionsAccomplishments andAwardsA clear photo of the accomplishment along witha short write-upProjectsPhotos along with a short write-upDancing & SingingvideosKeep the length of the video to be around 3 - 5minutes. We accept .mp4 versionsSend your creations by the students of Year 7&8 ofThe Blacktown Sinhala SchoolHow you can showcase yourhighlights and creations?Criteria