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Digital Expo GuideNovember 16, 2024Jersey City, NJ Message

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Welcome to the Kids Biz Expo Today marks an incredible beginning – one where youngdreams take flight and entrepreneurial spirits soar! Whenwe first envisioned Kids Biz Expo, we imagined a spacewhere children could transform their creative ideas intoreality, where their entrepreneurial spirit could becelebrated, and where our community could come togetherto support these inspiring young minds.What began as a spark of an idea has blossomed into thisamazing showcase of young talent. Today, you'll meetremarkable kidpreneurs who have taken their passions andturned them into real businesses. Each booth representscountless hours of planning, creating, and dreaming big.As you explore today's expo, you'll discover much more thanproducts and services – you'll witness the future ofentrepreneurship. These young business leaders are learningvaluable life skills: creativity, problem-solving, financialliteracy, and the confidence to present their ideas to theworld.We invite you to engage with our kidpreneurs, ask questionsabout their businesses, and show them that their dreamsmatter. Every purchase, every word of encouragement,helps build the foundation for their future success.Welcome to where dreams begin!

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(201) 892-2175

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Page 8 Ayrton is also an entrepreneur! He creates cool custom merchandise to goalong with his books, so fans can enjoy even more of his stories. Ayrton Mahabir is a talented 4th grader who loves to write stories! When he wasonly 8 years old, he created the company Sketch Craft Studios and self publishedhis first children's picture book and a chapter book for pre-teens. Now, he's busyworking on his third book in the fun Ice Kitty Series, which is part of the CliftonLocal Author Collection. Besides being a writer, Ayrton is learning martial arts and isworking hard to earn his blue belt. In his spare time, Ayrtonloves coding and makes his own games on Roblox. He alsoenjoys bringing his ideas to life by animating on FlipaClip. With his creativity and passion, Ayrton Mahabir is a rising star in writing, gaming, and animation! Subscribe to Ayrtons’s website to learn more about his projects.

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Lovebloomseternalby Liora

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Demi’s PetsittingService

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Handmade by Mia

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Kaiya’s Treats

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SPONSORYesenia Cruz

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Dear Kids Biz Family,What an extraordinary milestone! Our first-ever Kids Biz Expo has exceededall expectations, thanks to our incredible community of youngentrepreneurs and supporters.To our pioneering group of kidpreneurs: You are trailblazers! Taking thatfirst step into entrepreneurship takes tremendous courage, and you'veshown everyone what young minds can achieve. Each one of you broughtsomething unique and wonderful to this expo.To the families who came to support these young visionaries: Yourpresence made this day extra special. The proud smiles, encouragingwords, and enthusiastic support created an atmosphere of pure magic.Our generous sponsors and dedicated volunteers turned this dream intoreality. Without your belief in youth entrepreneurship and your willingnessto invest in our community's future, none of this would have been possible.To everyone who attended our inaugural expo: Thank you for being part ofhistory! Your support helps establish a foundation for what we hope willbecome a cherished community tradition.And to all future kidpreneurs watching and dreaming: You've seen what'spossible! We're already excited to see what amazing ideas you'll bring tofuture expos.Remember: Every great journey begins with a single step. You've proventhat age is no barrier to entrepreneurship – only imagination sets the limits!With gratitude and excitement for the future,Jennifer RiveraChief Empowerment OfficerKids Biz ExpoJoin us: Raising Young Entrepreneurs