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Kicker Wedge

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Patio & screen door openerThe Kicker auxiliary patio and screen door opener oers an easy and cost-eective way to open a patio or screen door without using your hands. Maybe your hands are full, or maybe you’d like to minimize the transfer of germs from a dirty door handle – the Kicker has you covered either way.The unique shape of the Kicker allows you to safely open or close virtually any unlatched sliding door. Simply place your foot against the opener, apply horizontal pressure and slide the door open.NO CONTACT DOOR PULL: Eliminates the need to make contact with a door when sliding it open.SAFE FOR USE IN COASTAL AREAS:Durable plastic construction is resistant to rust and corrosion.SIMPLE D.I.Y. INSTALLATION:Fast and easy to install, simply remove the backing of the self-adhesive tape and secure in place.ADDITIONAL SAFETY BENEFIT: Helps minimize exposure to germs by reducing hand contact with door surfaces.2-1/2" 1-1/8" 4"ZZ 563(800) 255-3505primeline.netprimeline.netA 272 (White)