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Kepler's Summer Catalog 2024

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SummerSummerReadsReads1010 EL CAMINO REAL #100, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 • 650-324-4321 • KEPLERS.COM

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An ingenious retelling of and response to) Mark Twain’sThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn—Everett takes on the classic from theperspective of the enslaved Jim, givingthe character far more nuance anddepth than Twain did. James’s odysseyin the pursuit of freedom is riveting,heartrending, and bursting withcompassion; this is a monumentalachievement that will leave you foreverchanged. JamesPercival Everett(Doubleday Books, $28)Cline is a maestro at ratcheting up psychological drama—her sentencesentice and allure, but bubbling awaybelow the surface there’s usually anunnerving layer of menace. Herportrayal of Alex, a beautiful but deeplytroubled grifter who is always on thelookout for her next mark, makes fortense, unputdownable reading.The GuestEmma Cline(Random House Trade, $18) Decadent, dishy, and drop deadhilarious! The author of Crazy RichAsians returns in a big, big way with hislatest satirical send-up of thescandalously ultra-rich—it’s the perfectpoolside companion, loaded withdeception, romance, and sharp,sophisticated wit. Lies and WeddingsKevin Kwan (Doubleday Books, $29)This simple yet luminous story about a kind-hearted oldwoman and her out-of-the-ordinarycompanion will stay in your memorylike an unforgettable poem or abeautiful watercolor painting. You’lllove this book for its charmingdescriptions of tea rituals, biscuits,and the beauty of ordinary days, butmainly for the miraculous retelling ofthe power of love and kindness.SipsworthSimon Van Booy (David R. GodinePublisher, $26.95)Already a cult hit in Japan, thissubversive, spellbinding story of afemale chef and convicted serial killer—and the journalist hell-bent on findingout her motives—also offers provocativemeditations on misogyny, hunger, andthe often-conflicting expectationssociety places on women. Oh, and themany food descriptions are absolutelytantalizing!Butter:A Novel of Food and MurderAsako Yuzuki (Ecco Press, $30)The HusbandsHolly Gramazio(Doubleday Books, $29)What makes a good life? What constitutes a fulfilling marriage? Howdo we know when we’re making theright choice? These are just a few of thebig life questions Lauren asks herselfonce she discovers that her atticsomehow has begun producing anonstop parade of interchangeablehusbands. Witty, addictive, and verythought-provoking!FictionFiction1010 EL CAMINO REAL #100, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 • 650-324-4321 • KEPLERS.COM

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Here’s a tale you’ll want to lose yourselfin. Bardugo’s latest is a magical realismtinted historical romance set during theSpanish Inquisition. Luzia is a poorservant girl who has been hiding hertalent for magic; once her secret hasbeen discovered, however, she is thrustinto a world of alchemists, soothsayers,and power-hungry royalty. Anenchanting, immersive read.The FamiliarLeigh Bardugo(Flatiron Books, $29.99) Steamy and scintillating and so very smart. Hazelwood shows usonce again that science and love canand should coexist, this time with thewill-they-or-won’t-they story of Rue, abiotech engineer, and Eli, the magneticfrontman of an enterprise seeking tobuy out her company. It’s a steamy andforbidden workplace romance that issure to get the heart racing!Not in LoveAli Hazelwood (Berkley Books, $19) A breathtakingly original multi- genre debut, Bradley’s superbly constructed mash-up of time-travel adventure, quirky romance, andspy thriller is a ton of fun while alsoserving up savvy commentary oncolonialism and bureaucracy. Smart,gripping, and truly singular, this is a novelthat resonates on many levels.The Ministry of TimeKaliane Bradley(Avid Reader Press, $28.99)An espionage thriller set in abookstore? Yes, please! This dual-timeline page-turner of state secrets,undercover agents, and gutsyheroines is a sweeping, seamlesslywritten work of historical fiction and amoving tribute to the power of familiallove.The London Bookshop Affair: A Novel of the Cold War Louise Fein (William Morrow & Company, $19.99)FictionFiction An eerie nail-biter, drenched in brooding atmospherics—Moreno-Garcia is a true master of crafting a senseof creeping dread, and this thriller about acurse surrounding a legendary filmbrilliantly captures why so many of us aredrawn to horror movies.Silver NitrateSilvia Moreno-Garcia (Del Rey Books, $18)Crime fiction at its finest! Funny, fast-paced, and flush with vivid imagery, Whitehead’s rich panorama of1970s Harlem dazzles with tales of heists, conjobs, and everyday people trying to keeptheir heads above water while the citystruggles to keep itself together. It’s grittyand stylish and full of love for a New York ofa bygone era.Crook ManifestoColson Whitehead(Vintage, $18)Get ready to be charmed! This cozy, whimsical tale of witchy women, bee magic, andforbidden love is a delightful additionto the romantasy genre. It’s pureescapism, with so much heart!The Honey WitchSydney J. Shields(Redhook, $18.99)1010 EL CAMINO REAL #100, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 • 650-324-4321 • KEPLERS.COM

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FictionFiction Tense, captivating spy fiction,with one eye fixed on current geopoliticsand the other on future spaceexploration. Ignatius envisions a spacerace involving satellite technology thatmight be in our not-too-distant future,and his depictions of growinginternational conflict and globetrottingintrigue are masterfully plotted.Phantom Orbit David Ignatius (W.W. Norton & Company, $29.99)This romcom is quite the clever little charmer! Dubb injects new life into the old fake-relationship tropewith her playful, whip-smart take on thefamiliar storyline. Recently divorcedCeleste decides, “why not?”, when askedto join a friend as his partner for a birdwatching contest in Tucson; thanks tovarious misunderstandings, suddenlythey are confused for an actual couple. So,they play along at first…but what happenswhen it no longer feels like an act?Birding with BenefitsSarah T. Dubb (Gallery Books, $18.99)Fans of Agatha Christie, Lucy Foley, andPaula Hawkins, have we got a book foryou! Murder, secrets, lies, and opulenceare the main ingredients of this nervy,atmospheric mystery set on a luxurytrain touring the Italian coast. A stylish,suspenseful whodunit with plot twistsgalore, it will keep you on the edge ofyour seat right to the very end.The Main Character Jaclyn Goldis (Atria Books, $28.99)The vacation vibes are strong in this flirty, feel-good read set in a coastal town on Prince Edward Island.Lucy is loving her beach getaway, butthings get a bit complicated whensparks fly between her and local sweettalker Felix. The problem? Felix is herbest friend’s brother. A fun, breezyromance with a lot of heart.This Summer Will Be Different Carley Fortune (Berkley Books, $19)The Last Murder at the End of the WorldStuart Turton (Sourcebooks Landmark, $27.99)A brainy, endlessly surprising, genre-juggling, post-apocalyptic mystery,plotted with the precision of a puzzlemaster, the author of The 7 1/2 Deaths ofEvelyn Hardcastle has wowed us again!After an inexplicable fog destroyshumankind, only one small Greek islandhas been spared; its peaceful paradiseis suddenly thrown into chaos, however,when a beloved scientist is foundbrutally murdered. Now that we have your attention—what a title!—let’s just say you’re in for atreat with this snappy, deeply absorbingmystery set during a suspense author’sbook tour of Italy. Sun-kissed villas, asplash of romance, and a trulymemorable cast of characters make thiscozy mystery a delightful beach read.Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies Catherine Mack (Minotaur Books, $28)1010 EL CAMINO REAL #100, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 • 650-324-4321 • KEPLERS.COM

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Beauty is all around us; sometimes wejust need to be reminded to pay attentionto it. Here, the beloved Bay Area authordocuments her journey of finding solaceand wonder in trying times throughjournaling the many birds who visit heryard. Sweet, insightful, and sometimessurprisingly witty, this is a real gem.The BackyardBird Chronicles Amy Tan (Knopf Publishing Group, $35)Larson is one of our greatest nonfictionstorytellers: his historical narratives arealways in cinematic in scope andloaded with vividly rendered heroesand villains and dramatic plot turns.Here, he turns his astute eye to the five-month span between AbrahamLincoln’s election and the start of theCivil War; the result is an enthrallingread.The Demon of Unrest:A Saga of Hubris,Heartbreak, and Heroism at theDawn of the Civil War Erik Larson (Crown PublishingGroup, $35)A wild ride set during the early days ofthe automobile—at the time, road tripswere almost unheard of, never mindtransglobal races spanning thousandsof miles. This gripping narrative ischock-full of eccentric racers and hair-raising adventures on remote,treacherous roads barely able toaccommodate cars.The Race to the Future: 8,000 Miles to Paris - The Adventure ThatAccelerated theTwentieth CenturyKassia St. Clair(Liveright PublishingCorporation, $29.99)Can’t argue with that! Think of KacieRose as your new expat friend who cutsthrough the noise and inspires you toget out and see the world. With equaldoses of candor and humor, she givesthe lowdown on what it’s like to be anAmerican living in Italy. And yes, thereare pro tips for finding good gelato!You Deserve Good GelatoKacie Rose (DK Eyewitness Travel, $18)If you loved Bourdain’s exhilarating andglobetrotting TV series Parts Unknown—and who didn’t?—then this inspiringcollection from the late culinaryadventurer and his longtimecollaborator Laurie Woolever belongs onyour bedside table. With its tempting mixof travel tips and foodie trips downmemory lane, there’s plenty to savor inthese pages.World Travel: An Irreverent Guide Anthony Bourdain, Laurie Woolever (Ecco Press, $22)Non-FictionNon-Fiction1010 EL CAMINO REAL #100, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 • 650-324-4321 • KEPLERS.COM

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Ages 9–12 KidsKidsAges 8–11Ages 5–8 Oh, that cover—we’re smitten! Sam is a slightly contrary butwell-meaning pug who is regularlycorrected by his family—hence the title—due to his overzealousness aboutprotecting them, even when there’s nodanger to be found. Well, until heaccidentally saves the day, that is! Sosweet and charming—middle gradereaders will have a lot of fun with this.Ages 8–12Parents, don’t forget to add this to yoursummer vacation packing checklist!Kids will have so much funpersonalizing this travel journal withtheir own lists, drawings, andobservations. The writers at LonelyPlanet have whipped up a fantasticbunch of activities and open-endedquestions to keep young vacationersbusy for hours on end.Lonely Planet Kids:Create Your OwnTravel JournalLonely Planet Kids(Lonely Planet, $14.99)Say hello to your newest travelmate!The best part? No screen required! Thiswhopping collection of games, puzzles,and trivia—oh, and a super-top-secrettreasure hunt, too—will tickle everycorner of your kids’ brains. Parents canjoin in the fun as well—many of thesegames are designed for any age.Family Road Trip Games: A Pocket Book ofGames, Puzzles,Activities and Trivia toPlay on the GoJack Henseleit(Hardie Grant Books, $19.99)The foolproof antidote to cries of “there’s nothing to do” from your little ones in the slower summermonths. This smart little idea boxcontains 50 inspired suggestions for kidsto channel their creativity and engage inquiet activities—ideal for road trips, cabingetaways, or just quiet days at home withthe TV off and screens put away.Calm Ideas for BusyKids: Mindful EditionPetit Collage(Petit Collage, $10)The Book That CanRead Your MindMarianna Coppo(Chronicle Books, $17.99)Sink or SwimVeronica Agarwal,Lee Durfey-Lavoie (Random HouseGraphic, $14.99)Yay, a companion book to the oh-so-lovely Just Roll With It! This sweet, insightful graphicnovel can be read independently of itspredecessor, though. Kids will find muchencouragement and empathy in thestory of Max, a twelve-year-old withworries about going to summer camp ashe recovers from a broken arm.Wonderful illustrations, too!One of our favorite interactive books inquite some time! It’s so cleverlyconceived and executed and stands upto many, many rereads. Filled withquirky characters and much wit, thisdelightfully illustrated magic-trick-in-a-book will keep young puzzle lovers inrapt attention, and might even inspire anew hobby in the process.They Call Me No Sam!Drew Daywalt,Mike Lowery (Clarion Books, $15.99)Ages 8–12Ages 4+1010 EL CAMINO REAL #100, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 • 650-324-4321 • KEPLERS.COM

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Fast-paced, mischievous, and boastinga massive heart, Lim’s debut novelfollows Evie Mei Huang. The feistytwelve-year-old must brave theChinese netherworld to find her recentlypassed mother, a magical weaver withthe ability to change one's fate usingonly a spool of thread. It’s a sweet,captivating fantasy about family andfinding inner strength. The Spindle of FateAimee Lim (Feiwel & Friends, $17.99)KidsKidsAges 8–12 A new Chris Colfer book isalways a pretty big deal for us, and hislatest—an intergalactic race-against-time adventure—is no exception. RoswellJohnson’s obsession with space traveland extraterrestrials takes on a wholenew dimension when he not only getsaccidentally abducted by aliens, butdiscovers that he must work with them tosave the planet Earth from disaster.Roswell Johnson Saves the World!Chris Colfer (Little, Brown Books ForYoung Readers, $18.99)Ages 8–12A fabulous reworking of several fairy tales, as well as acelebration of self-discovery andfinding your voice. Middle grade graphicnovel readers will be cheering for PlainJane, a misunderstood girl who mustventure deep into the sea to rescue herboyfriend, who has been kidnapped bya mermaid. So much fun!Plain Jane and the MermaidVera Brosgol (First Second, $14.99)Ages 10–14 A wildly entertaining, genre- hopping young adult graphic novel unlike anything you’veever read—a mismatched pair of femalesamurai warriors, armed with mightyswords and strong Wi-Fi connections, fightthe good fight in feudal Japan and learnsome things about themselves (and eachother) in the process.The Worst RoninMaggie Tokuda-Hall,Faith Schaffer(Harperalley, $18.99)Ages 14+ A young adult romcom servingsass, sparks, and a healthy dose of drama,this is a wickedly funny enemies-to-loversstory that is both smart and insightful. Whena famous pop star invites his two formergirlfriends to join him on a reality TV show,they each have their own motives for sayingyes; what happens next, however, doesn'tfollow anyone's plans.Never Ever GettingBack TogetherSophie Gonzales(Wednesday Books, $12)Ages 14–18Pure escapism with much to love, this engrossing tale of teleportation, deep space exploration, and against-all-odds survival is perfect for teens andadults alike looking for suspensefulscience fiction. You’ll be rooting forJessica Mathers, the seventeen-year-old interplanetary traveler who crash-lands on a destroyed planet and mustsolve the mystery of what hashappened.Star SplitterMatthew J. Kirby(Dutton Books, $12.99)Ages 12+1010 EL CAMINO REAL #100, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 • 650-324-4321 • KEPLERS.COM

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