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keloglan english hamza

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KELOĞLAN AND HIS DONKEY Burak Karçığa Ecrin Yiğit Hamza Önsoy Hiba Zibak Mehmet Altınkaya Mehmet Şenyurt Mohamad Abdi Muhammed Emin Yıldız Mustafa Abdi Sudenur Önsoy Zehra ÖzenAbdürrahim SükutGöksel YilmazYapay Zeka

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Keloğlan and his old mother lived a happy and peaceful lifein their small house. One day, they went to the stable to gettheir donkey, Karakaçan, to go to the city. They wanted toride the donkey and go to the market because they had a lotof things to buy from there. They mounted the donkey andset off. However, the donkey quickly became tired becauseit was old. They stopped by a stream to rest and water thedonkey. They let the old donkey graze by the stream whilethey went a little further to look around. They saw an appletree planted by a benefactor for the benefit of people.Keloğlan climbed the tree and started picking apples, whichhe threw into the basket in his mother's hand. Afterenjoying the apples, they brought the rest to Karakaçan.When the donkey saw the apples in the basket, tears cameto its eyes and it suddenly started to bray with joy. Aftergulping down the apples in one go, the donkey seemed toregain strength.

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Without wasting time, they gathered their belongings andset off. However, they had lost a lot of time, and the sun wasslowly setting. When they reached the market, it was alreadylate and dark. They did their shopping quickly. They did notdare to return to the village in the dark. Meanwhile, the rain,which had slowly begun to fall, increased in intensity andstarted pouring down. While Keloğlan and his mother werestill wondering what to do, their old neighbor Aunt Zeynepsuddenly appeared. She had also come to the market toshop, and after finishing her errands, they coincidentallymet.

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Aunt Zeynep invited them to her house. When they arrivedhome, they took the donkey to the stable with the cows andtied it up. Then they drank the hot lentil soup that Aunt Zeynephad cooked. Meanwhile, chestnuts were cooking on the stove.The rain was still very heavy and relentless. Suddenly, therewas a loud thunder and a very bright light illuminated theroom. They were almost blinded by the brightness of the light.The lightning must have struck somewhere nearby. They all ranoutside together. The lightning had struck the barn, and thenthe fire broke out.

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Aunt Zeynep, Keloğlan, and his mother hurriedly ran to thebarn. But the fire was spreading rapidly. They had to gothrough the thick smoke to get inside. Keloğlan, his mother, andAunt Zeynep hesitated for a moment, but then they huggedeach other tightly and encouraged each other and wentthrough the smoke together. Inside the barn, the donkey, cows,and other animals were wriggling in fear. Keloğlan, his mother,and Aunt Zeynep immediately took action to save the donkey.While Aunt Zeynep was soothing the animals, Keloğlan and hismother did their best to free the donkey. After a while, thedonkey was freed and immediately ran outside. Then the cowscame out one by one. They were all saved. No living being washarmed. As the fire grew bigger and spread to the barn, theneighbors came with buckets to extinguish the fire. Meanwhile,the rain intensified even more, and soon the fire wasextinguished.

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Aunt Zeynep, Keloğlan, and his mother hugged each otherand relaxed a little after the moments of terror they hadexperienced. Aunt Zeynep took Keloğlan and his motherinto her house. The next morning, the rain stopped, and thesun rose again. Keloğlan and his mother set off for home.Along the way, they hugged each other tightly and drewstrength from the moments of fear they had experiencedtogether. When they reached their home, they were veryhappy. They had narrowly escaped the incident they hadexperienced the night before. They were very glad that noone, including Karakaçan, was harmed. Was it only Keloğlanand his mother? No! Karakaçan too... After that stormy,thunderous night, something had happened to him too. Itwas as if he had regained the strength and agility of hisyouth.

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One day, Keloğlan saw roosters and hens gatheredaround Karakaçan. Karakaçan was telling themsomething, and they were all listening to him inamazement. I wonder what Karakaçan told thechickens and roosters that amazed them?

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This book was written by the students of the Turkish language class at Schopenhauerstraße 79secondary school. It was created with the active participation of the same students using variousAI applications such as DeepL, Canva, ChatGPT, CoPilot Designer and traditional tools as a simplestorybook. Vienna, Mai 2024.Bu kitap Schopenhauerstraße 79 ortaokulundaki Türkçe dersi öğrencileri tarafından yazılmıştır.Aynı öğrencilerin aktif katılımıyla DeepL, Canva, ChatGPT, CoPilot Designer gibi çeşitli yapayzeka uygulamaları ve basit bir hikaye kitabı olarak geleneksel araçlar kullanılarakoluşturulmuştur. Viyana, Mai 2024.