KbPort LLC 882 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15223 info@kbport.com 412.487.4663More and more medical facilities are turning to telehealth systems as a patient care option. As the use and demand for these systems continue to skyrocket, learners need access to interactive telehealth practice. KbPort™ has created a new SimEMR® Telehealth feature to meet these needs.SimEMR®Introducing our Telehealth Solution!Simulate, educate, improve.R0210201-02BRAND NEW FEATURE!!
KbPort LLC 882 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15223 info@kbport.com 412.487.4663The SimEMR® Telehealth feature enables learners to simulate conferencing with a patient to practice verbally extracting information from the patient to document, assess, and treat.SimEMR® Telehealth allows learners to gain condence with patient interactions while acquiring charting experience. Instructors can serve the role of patient to evaluate learners’ interpersonal skills and can utilize the Review Learner Work feature within a patient record, to evaluate the efcacy of the charted data.Features & BenetsTelehealthConferencingChatScreen SharingCloud-based (accessible & secure)User-friendly designConferencingMulti-channel Peer-to-peerVideo & audioChatImproves learner skillsPatient engagement Clinical workows Technology efciencyEnhance the reality & depth of your simulation-based education with SimEMR® Telehealth!