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KbPort™ SimEMR® Telehealth

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KbPort LLC 882 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15223 412.487.4663More and more medical facilities are turning to telehealth systems as a patient care option. As the use and demand for these systems continue to skyrocket, learners need access to interactive telehealth practice. KbPort™ has created a new SimEMR® Telehealth feature to meet these needs.SimEMR®Introducing our Telehealth Solution!Simulate, educate, improve.R0210201-02BRAND NEW FEATURE!!

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KbPort LLC 882 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15223 412.487.4663The SimEMR® Telehealth feature enables learners to simulate conferencing with a patient to practice verbally extracting information from the patient to document, assess, and treat.SimEMR® Telehealth allows learners to gain condence with patient interactions while acquiring charting experience. Instructors can serve the role of patient to evaluate learners’ interpersonal skills and can utilize the Review Learner Work feature within a patient record, to evaluate the efcacy of the charted data.Features & BenetsTelehealthConferencingChatScreen SharingCloud-based (accessible & secure)User-friendly designConferencingMulti-channel Peer-to-peerVideo & audioChatImproves learner skillsPatient engagement Clinical workows Technology efciencyEnhance the reality & depth of your simulation-based education with SimEMR® Telehealth!