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Your liver and its millions of microscopic liver cells perform mini miracles processing and detoxifying everything you choose to eat and drink plus air fumes and sprays you breathe and get on your skin Your selection of unhealthy foods drugs and alcohol and exposure to germs and viruses through broken skin and sensitive mucous membranes that line your body eyes nose mouth and genitals can lead to liver cell damage cirrhosis and the development of many chronic diseases You can prevent many of these diseases including obesity fatty liver diabetes plaque build up in blood vessels leading to heart attacks and strokes cirrhosis due to alcohol and drug misuse and abuse and especially 13 types of cancer all liver related and preventable Love your liver Start today Created by Thelma King Thiel Illustrated by Ib Ohlsson Distributed by Liver Health Initiative www liver health org Originally produced by American Liver Foundation

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Remember I have to detoxify what you