BAR-0-METER - JUN 2023 Page 2Bar-o-MeterW i c h i t a B a r A s s o c i a t i o nOfficersPRESIDENT: AARON BREITENBACHPRESIDENT-ELECT: SCOTT HILLVICE PRESIDENT: SYLVIA PENNERSECRETARY TREASURER: BACH HANG Bar-o-Meter Committee & Writing StaffAMANDA MARINO, CO-CHAIR AND CO-EDITORMEGAN TOWNSLEY, CO-CHAIR AND CO-EDITORWichita Bar AssociationEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: VIRDENA GILKEYMICHAEL ANDRUSAKMONIQUE K. CENTENOKRYSTLE DALKESUZANNE DWYERHON. JAMES R. FLEETWOODJACK FOCHTLACY GILMOURMATTHEW GORNEYMEL GREGORYCHRISTINA HANSENTYLER HEFFRONCHASITY HELMJENNIFER HILLSCOTT HILLHON. KELLIE E. HOGANDAVID JOHNSONNORMAN KELLYJ. MATTHEW LEAVITTBRIAN K. MCLEODSILAS MINKEVITCHSARAH NEWELLAMBER NORRISPEYTON PENDERJASON ROACHJOE SEIWERTJESSICA SUHRMEGAN TOWNSLEYMARCIA A. WOODBoard of GovernorsHON. GWYNNE E. BIRZERJACQUELINE KELLYJESSICA LEAVITTROBERT MOODYRICHARD SAMANIEGORACHEL WETTABar-o-Meter (ISSN 0893-6056) is published monthly by the Wichita Bar Association, 225 N. Market,Suite 200, Wichita, KS 67202-2023. (316) 263-2251. Inquiries should be sent to 225 N. Market, Suite200, Wichita, KS 67202-2023.Non-member subscription rate is $25.Periodicals Postage Paid at Wichita, KSPOSTMASTER Send address changes to Bar-o-Meter, 225 N. Market, Suite 200, Wichita, KS 67202-2023©2023Inside the June Bar-o-Meter:CLE Seminar Calendar ............................................................................................................................................................ 4Law Day Art Poster Contest ................................................................................................................................................... 42023 Judge Gregory L. Waller Public Interest Legal Fellows ................................................................................................. 5Law Day & Awards Luncheon ............................................................................................................................................. 6-7Lawyer League Softball ........................................................................................................................................................ 11WBA Family Event ................................................................................................................................................................. 11Inside Every Issue:From the President ................................................................................................................................................................. Criminal Jury Summary .........................................................................................................................................................WBA Events Calendar ............................................................................................................................................................Hearsay .............................................................................................................................................................................WBA Members .......................................................................................................................................................................Classified Advertising ............................................................................................................................................................3101516-171718
From the PresidentBAR-0-METER - JUN 2023 Page 3Aaron BreitenbachAs President, you know your time is running short when Virdena asks you to pick a song to accompany the year-in-review slide show. Fortunately, for those who will attend the Installation Dinner, I reluctantly agreed a 10-minute BarryManilow medley didn’t fit the occasion. Some would say that’s the first good decision I’ve made this year. Kidding aside, I look back on the past year and worry I didn’t do enough. While the position as WBA president istraditionally more pomp than circumstance, it comes with an expectation that you leave the place at least as well as youfound it. As someone who owes so much to this organization due to the love and friendships I’ve found from itsmembers, I felt honored to fill this role and continue the WBA’s traditions and service to the legal profession andbroader community. Of course, I started the year well aware of the gathering storm clouds fueled by several years of declining membershipand CLE revenue. Instead of using these columns to spread doom and gloom, my hope was that warm messages of funand fellowship might reverse those trends and bring a little sunshine back to the WBA’s financial forecast. I encouragedus all to remember the good times we shared in the not-so-distant, pre-COVID past and our shared responsibility tosupport an association that has survived for over a century. And while participation in luncheons and events didimprove, I’m sorry to report our bottom line has not. The Great Retirement and continued challenges in bringing new lawyers to Wichita and to the WBA means membershipis unlikely to dramatically improve in the foreseeable future. The CLE Commission’s decision to maintain the COVID-erafreedom to attend continuing legal education remotely and on-demand and the amount of free CLE (particularly ethics)approved for Kansas attorneys have significantly eroded the ability for the WBA and most other bar associations tocompete in the marketplace. But for the largess of our Federal government through programs like the PPP “loans” andmore recent Employee Retention Credit, the WBA would be on the brink of insolvency. I had hoped to grow ourselves out of the problem, but the past year has re-illustrated the fact that hope is not astrategy. In light of this, the Board has authorized our executive director, Virdena, to take dramatic steps to cut theWBA’s expenses. As I’m writing this, much remains to be decided, but everything is on the table. These conversationsand decisions will affect those who work for the WBA and the relationship we have with our fellow members andcolleagues with whom we share the Sedgwick County Law Center. Given the sensitive nature of these topics, it wouldnot be appropriate to forecast every conceivable outcome, but I trust Scott and the incoming Board to assist Virdenathrough the hard choices to come for the short and long-term sustainability of the WBA. Due to the timing of membership renewals, the first of these difficult choices has already been made. Unfortunately, wemust increase dues across the board for 2023-2024 by $20. While we are committed to cutting our overhead, somefixed costs will remain. We recognize this increase is on the heels of a $10 increase last year, but the Board and I areasking more of all members at this difficult time. As I wrote months ago, we cannot take for granted the Wichita Bar Association will always exist. If we want a place forpractice area committees and other committees vital to the health of our profession (Service to the Bar, LawyerAssistance, Ethics, etc.) to exist and meet, we need the WBA. If we want an opportunity to develop healthy relationshipswith lawyers within and beyond our firms and areas of practice, we need the WBA. If we want someone to speak onbehalf of our profession and its role in civil society, we need the WBA. And that is my final message to you as president. We need the WBA, and the time has come for us all to do our part tosustain it for our generation and those to come. When your membership renewal notice arrives, don’t put it aside.Please fill it out and respond as soon as you can. In addition to membership dues, for those who can, please considertaking the additional step of becoming an individual or firm sponsor at any level you can. I will admit I’ve never been anindividual sponsor. I’ve just mooched off the good name of the FLOWBA. While that will continue for as long as Joni willlet me in many other ways, I have decided to get off the sidelines and become an individual WBA sponsor in the comingyear. I hope you will join me. We have all clearly been cursed to live in interesting times, but we cannot shrink from the moment. Now is the time toensure this association will endure. Now is the time for us to add our names to those prior pillars of the Bar that wehear awards named for. Now is the time for us to do our part, for, together, we are the WBA. The Time Has Come
(316) 263-2251 ext. 101cmartin@wichitabar.orgCameron MartinCLE DirectorUpcoming CLE SeminarsPlease note: Discount Programs are not applicable to thepurchase of the On Demand CLE Seminars. On DemandSeminars must be paid in-full in order to receive credit. Upon registration of the CLE On Demand, an email will besent to you that includes the link and the directions onhow to view your purchase. If you do not receive thatemail, please contact our CLE CLE - On DemandSuccession Planning: Beginning With the End inMind (1.0 hr. of Ethics)Diversity (3.0 hrs., including 2.0 hrs. of Ethics)C O N T I N U I N G L E G A L E D U C A T I O NDIVERSITYFRIDAY, JUNE 9, 2023 / 9 AM - 12 PM(3.0 HRS., INCLUDING 2.0 HRS OF ETHICS)ECOURTS RULESFRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2023 / 12 PM - 12:50 PM(1.0 HRS.)BAR-0-METER - JUN 2023 Page 4Law Day Art Poster ContestThe WBA Law-in-Education Committee sponsored its second annual Law Day art poster contest for local K-12students. In line with the American Bar Association 2023 Law Day theme, this year’s theme for the postercontest was “Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration.”All 11 submissions utilized wonderful artistic expression to convey the students’ ideas and messages aboutthe judicial branch. This statement is particularly apt for the posters submitted by award recipients. The firstplace award winner was Vivian Nguyen. Isabella Ahmed and Liberty Thompson placed second and third,respectively. All three students attend Northeast Magnet High School.The award recipients were honored with a pizza party and the presentation of their framed posters. The Law-in-Education Committee appreciates and extends a hearty “thank you” to all students who submitted entriesand also to their teacher, Dean Kuckelman.By: Justin Waggoner, Law in Education Committee ChairVivian Nguyen, First Place Isabella Ahmed, Second Place Liberty Thompson, Third PlaceREAL ESTATEFRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2023 / 8 AM - 12 PM(4.0 HRS.)
2023 Judge Gregory L. Waller Public Interest Legal FellowsBAR-0-METER - JUN 2023 Page 5My name is Jade Morgan, I am from Atlanta, Georgia but havemade one of my best decisions thus far to begin a new journey inWichita, Kansas. I aspire to serve the state of Kansas, specificallythe city of Wichita through working within the public sector of thelegal community. One of my biggest passions is advocacy. Havingthe opportunity to represent those with little or no voice bringsme purpose beyond measure. It is my honor to have theopportunity to become a Waller Fellow and indulge myself in alegal community filled with so many successful and passionateindividuals! I am currently finishing up my last year of law school at WashburnUniversity School of Law. I was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas,and I attended Wichita State University for my undergraduatedegrees. I graduated from Wichita State University with twobachelor’s degrees—the first, with a major in Criminal Justice andminor in Psychology, and the second with a major in HomelandSecurity and a minor in Anthropology. I always knew I wanted tobe a lawyer—I remember when I was around five years old, Iwould make my siblings play court with me. Throughout my time in law school, I served as the Vice Presidentof the Moot Court Council and promoted the opportunity tocompete, improve, and learn better advocacy skills to otherstudents. I also served as the Secretary of the Christian LegalSociety, an organization that provides students a place forfellowship with each other during the stress of law school. I’ll be graduating from Washburn University School of Lawthis May, with my Juris Doctorate and a certificate in Law & Jade MorganNoelle RelphGovernment. This past summer I worked with the Sedgwick County District Attorney’s Office andexperienced what it was like to work as a criminal prosecutor. I even got to participate in a jury trial alongwith some very skillful attorneys! Earlier this year, I happily accepted a post-graduation position with theSedgwick County District Attorney’s Office and can’t wait to start my legal career with them this fall!
BAR-0-METER - JUN 2023 Page 6Law Day & Awards LuncheonThe WBA hosted this year’s Law Day and Awards Luncheon on May 10, 2023, at the Lotus Hall Meeting Roomat Botanica Gardens. May 1 is recognized throughout the United States as “Law Day.” First proclaimed by President Eisenhower in1958 and later codified into law in 1961, Law Day has grown into a nationwide effort to educate the publicabout the role of law in our country. Every year, the American Bar Association designates a theme for LawDay. This year’s theme was “Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration,” which focusedon rebuilding trust in our institutions, respect for one another, and emphasizing our willingness tocollaborate to address the challenges that face our nation. On a local level, many Wichita lawyers volunteered to give presentations to students in classroomsthroughout the city. The WBA also sponsored its second poster contest where local students submitted artexemplifying the theme for the year. The winning submissions were displayed throughout the event andreceived recognition as well.The event this year was kicked off with a performance by Lawyers Pulling Strings and the WBA Ensemble’sperformance of The Star Spangled Banner.The Liberty Bell Award, which is the annual award presented by the WBA Young Lawyers Section inrecognition of an individual’s outstanding community service and dedication to the rule of law, waspresented by Megan Townsley (Fleeson Gooing) to this year's recipient, Bach Hang (Sedgwick County PublicDefender Office).The Benson-Batt Award, which is given by the Law-in-Education Committee in recognition of thecontributions to law-related contributions, was awarded by Justin Waggoner (Sedgwick County Counselor’sOffice) to Katy Olson (McDonald Tinker). President Aaron Breitenbach presented the Jonalou Pinnell Distinguished Service Award, which is given foroutstanding services to the WBA by a non-lawyer, to Cherrie Holder. Breitenbach next presented his President’s Awards, which are awarded by the President in recognition ofoutstanding service in the current year or within the past few years to recognize the successfulaccomplishment of law-related projects or services where the recipient goes beyond normal expectations.Awardees this year were Joni Franklin (Franklin Law Office), Richard Ney (Ney & Adams), Stacy Ortega(McDonald Tinker), Richard Samaniego (Gibson Watson Marino), and Samantha Wood (Martin Pringle). The Chester I. Lewis Award, which recognizes an individual, law firm, or organization’s significantcontributions to the advancement of diversity in the legal profession, was presented to Sara Zafar (FranklinLaw Office). This year’s Howard C. Kline Distinguished Service Award was presented to William Townsley (FleesonGooing). The award is given to a member who through the years of his or her practice has exemplifiedintegrity, professionalism, and service to the Bar. Townsley was honored by video presentations by LyndonVix (Fleeson Gooing), Laura Ice (Textron), and Bill Tretbar (Fleeson Gooing).The Lifetime Achievement is presented to a member whose sustained superior performance recognizablysets that member apart from his or her peers. This year’s recipient was Cyd Gilman (retired). Gilman washonored by video presentations by Dan Monnat (Monnat & Spurrier), Honorable J. Thomas Marten (retiredU.S. District Court Judge) and Shannon Krysl (retired).Finally, Jade Morgan and Noelle Relph were recognized as the 2023 Waller Fellows.By: Megan Townsley
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JUDGECASEPROSECUTORDEFENSEATTYMOST SERIOUSCHARGERESULTKaufman21CR1321Josh StewardPro Sect 1-rapect 2-aggravated crim. sod.ct 3-kidnappingct 4-crim. poss. of weaponct 5-theftct 6-rapeGuilty;Guilty;Guilty;Guilty;Guilty;Guilty Williams22CR0952Tyler FixTravis Foxct 1-DUINot GuiltyRundle21CR1697Mike PhillipsJama Mitchellct 1-poss.THC intent dist. ct 2-distribute marijuanact 3-poss. para w. intentct 4-possession of methct 5-acquire proceeds drugct 6-possession of cocainect 7-poss. hallucin. drugct 8-possession EcstasyNot Guilty;Guilty of Lesser;Not Guilty;Not Guilty;Not Guilty;Not Guilty;Not Guilty;GuiltyRoush21CR1350Aaron BreitenbachTyler FixPhilip WhiteSteve Mankct 1-1st degree murderct 2-2nd degree murderct 3-aggravated batteryct 4-flee/attempt to eludect 5-crim. poss. of weaponct 6-crim. poss. of weaponct 7-failure to stop at acc.ct 8-drive while suspendedct 9-drive while suspendedMistrial;Mistrial;Mistrial;Mistrial;Mistrial;Mistrial;Mistrial;Mistrial;Mistrial Kaufman21CR0574Justin EdwardsJosh StewardCasey Cottonct 1-agg. assault on LEOct 2-aggravated assaultct 3-aggravated batteryct 4-criminal threatct 5-criminal threatct 6-aggravated kidnappingGuilty;Guilty;Guilty;Guilty;Guilty;Guilty Brown20CR1217Alice OsbornSophia BrunettiBrad Sylvesterct 1-aggravated kidnappingct 2-aggravated batteryct 3-rapect 4-aggravated batteryct 5-att. 1st degree murderGuilty;Guilty;Guilty;Guilty;Not GuiltyCriminal Jury SummaryThank you to the District Attorney’s office for providing criminal jury results each month!BAR-0-METER - JUN 2023 Page 10
BAR-0-METER - JUN 2023 Page 11Lawyer League Softball returns for its 2023 edition at anew location, the West Side Athletic Fields located at571 N. McLean Blvd. The first games are scheduled forJune 1 at 6:30 p.m., and the season will continue untilthe championship game on August 3. Lawyer League SoftballWBA Family EventWichita Bar Association members gather at Eck Stadium for the WBA Family Event on April 29th. The WichitaState University Men's Baseball team won against the University of Memphis.
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J U N e 2 0 2 3W B A e v e n t s C a l e n d a rAll committees meet at the WBA at Noon unless otherwise noted.J u l y 2 0 2 3M/3 Medical Legal Committee MeetingReal Estate Practice & Business Law CommitteeMeetingT/4 WBA and SCLL Closed in Observance ofFourth of JulyTh/6 Bar-o-Meter Committee MeetingW/12 Executive Committee MeetingFamily Law Committee Meeting 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. via ZoomTh/13 Bankruptcy Committee MeetingF/14 Inn of Court Committee Meeting W/19 Fee Dispute Committee MeetingTh/20 Board of Governors Committee MeetingEthics Committee Meeting 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.T/25 Continuing Legal Education CommitteeMeeting W/26 Criminal Practice Committee MeetingTh/1 Bar-o-Meter Committee MeetingF/2 Inn of Court Executive Committee MeetingM/5 Medical Legal Committee MeetingReal Estate Practice & Business LawCommittee MeetingT/6 Professional Diversity Committee MeetingEstate Planning & Probate Committee MeetingService to the Bar Committee MeetingYLS Nuts & Bolts 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.Reception to FollowW/7 Civil Practice Committee MeetingTh/8 Bankruptcy Committee MeetingF/9 Diversity CLE (3.0 Hrs) 9 - 12 p.m.W/14 Executive Committee MeetingFamily Law Committee Meeting 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. via ZoomTh/15 Board of Governors Committee MeetingJuvenile Committee Meeting - CSO ConferenceRoom at the Juvenile CourthouseEthics Committee Meeting 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. F/16 eCourt Rules CLE (1.0 Hr) 12 - 12:50 p.mW/21 Fee Dispute Committee MeetingInstallation DinnerPetroleum Club, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.T/27 Continuing Legal Education CommitteeMeetingW/28 Criminal Practice Committee MeetingWALA June MeetingTuesday, June 20th, 202312:00 PM - 1:00 PMSedgwick County Law CenterConference Rooms225 N. Market St.Wichita, Kansas 67202If interested in attending please contactPresident Amanda Gorney at agorney@fleeson.comSpeaker: Laura Fent - Hinkle Law FirmTopic: What's New with MarijuanaChallenges for HRBAR-0-METER - JUN 2023 Page 15
HearsayCongratulations are in order...Kelly Rundell (Hite Fanning) had her art featured in the ArtHouse 310 First Friday. Tyler Patterson (Patterson Legal)ran and finished the Boston Marathon like a boss.Cameron Michaud (Morris Laing) was “gifted” a toilet toFlush Away Poverty which was a benefit for HumanKindMinistries. Christy Campbell (Frankin Law) and WesKimmel (Foulston Siefkin) were awarded Wichita BusinessJournal’s 40 Under 40 honor. Brooke Bennett Aziere andJeff DeGraffenreid (Foulston Seifkin) were WBJ’s Hall ofFamers for 2023. The partners of law firm Foulston SiefkinLLP have elected David Rogers as the firm’s managingpartner, effective June 1. Parents Karlee Williams (StinsonLLP) and husband Nate welcomed Josie Kay Williams (8 lbs3 oz and 19 in) on April 7th. b y G a b b y T a t t l e rAttorneys getting together...WBA members giving back...WBA members John Lewallen (Sedgwick County LawLibrary), Matt Maloney (District Attorney’s Office) andBenjamin Winters (Patterson Legal) coached the littleleaguers in League 42 baseball. Jeff DeGraffenreid(Foulston Siefkin) attended the Alzheimer’s AssociationMemory Gala. Marty Keenan (GraceMed) was a judge atthe State Forensics Tournament in Valley Center, Kansas.Todd Tedesco (Graybill & Hazlewood) attended Wine,Whiskey & Whimsy. A Naturalization Ceremony took placeon May 18th where 165 new citizens took their oath. BenWinters (Patterson Legal Group) was the vocalist and BachHang (Sedgwick County Public Defender Office) providedthe address to the new citizens. Members of WWAA spenttime volunteering on May 12 at Giving the BasicsFleeson Gooing celebrated Administrative ProfessionalsDay at a Wichita Wind Surge game. Morris Laingcelebrated Administrative Professionals Day with anoffice lunch at Larkspur Bistro and Bar. Ed Watson(Foulston Siefkin) and his government affairs colleaguesfrom across the country got to experience RaidersStadium in Las Vegas, Nevada. Jerry Hawkins (HiteFanning) and Sara Zafar (Franklin Law) ran in the PrairieFire 5K. Balderas Law and Penner Lowe Law Groupparticipated in the Interlingual Interpreting ServicesEvent. Traveling attorneys...Paula Langworthy (Langworthy Law Office) attended aNY Yankee baseball game in New York, NY. RussHazlewood, Jacob Graybill, and Todd Tedesco(Graybill & Hazlewood) visited London, England.Christy Campbell and Joni Franklin (Franklin Law),Amanda Marino (Martin Pringle), Rachael Pirner(Triplett Woolf), and Kayla Stavinoha (Hinkle) attendedthe ABA/ART conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. ChristyCampbell (Franklin Law) enjoyed some downtime atRed Mountain Resort in Ivins, Utah. Suzanne Dwyer(Kansas Legal Services) and Blake Cooper (CooperLaw) attended the NFL Draft in Kansas City, Missouri.Julia Craft (Joseph, Hollander & Craft) vacationed in Tyler PattersonBrooke Bennett Aziereand Wes KimmelCameron Michaud Sara Zafar, Christy Campbelland Joni FranklinDavid RogersJosie Kay WilliamsFleeson Gooing Morris LaingBAR-0-METER - JUN 2023 Page 16Jerry Hawkins and Tambra Perla Soria and Sylvia PennerBen WintersTodd and Kelly TedescoBen Winters Bach HangWWAA
NEW MEMBERS:Kenneth Van Blaricum, Attorney at Law.Moves/Changes:Martin Keenan is now at GraceMed Health Clinic.WBA MembersPlease send news, gossip, pictures, et cetra to Gabby or you can also reach Gabby at theWBA, 225 North Market, Suite 200, Wichita, Kansas 67202 or by fax316/263-0629.Cozumel, Mexico. Kurt Kerns (Ariango, Kerns, Mank,& White) celebrated a family birthday in Plano,Texas. Dennis Phelps (Phelps Law) took in a collegebaseball game in Alva, Oklahoma. Dustin DeVaughn(DeVaughn James) shucked some oysters in NewOrleans, Louisiana. Holly Dyer (Foulston Siefkin) andGary Owens (Death Penalty Defense Unit) took in aB-52 concert and went hiking in Las Vegas, Nevada.Tyler Patterson (Patterson Legal) chased sunsetsand collected memories in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.Jeff DeGraffenreid (Foulston Siefkin) vacationed inthe nation’s capital. Scott Sanders (McDonaldTinker) enjoyed some K-State baseball in Manhattan,Kansas. Casey Cotton (Cotton & Pittman) attendedhis 30-year law school reunion in Oklahoma City,Oklahoma. Hon. Gregory Keith and his wife Allisonsaw Elton John at the O2 in London.BAR-0-METER - JUN 2023 Page 17Paula and KurtLangworthyHolly Dyer andGary OwensCasey CottonBlake Cooper Dustin and Susan DevaughnChristy Campbell Paul and Suzanne Dwyer Hon. Gregory and AllisonKeith
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGMonnat & Spurrier, Chartered - Criminal Defense Trial Lawyer - Interested in working at a firm that handles many high-profile criminal jurytrials? Monnat & Spurrier, Chartered is seeking an associate attorney who will be involved in the frequent preparation and trial of criminal casesthroughout the state and elsewhere. Salary is commensurate with trial experience and abilities ($90,000 to $125,000). Apply by sending resume OpportunitiesTHE LAW OFFICE OF SEAN M. DWYER handles all types of employmentlitigation for plaintiffs and defendants, including discrimination, sexualharassment, wrongful termination matters, and federal employee civilservice or discrimination claims. Please call 316/689-4268.Referrals AcceptedSANTO LAW OFFICE, P.A. handles copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets,business/corporate law, and civil litigation. Please call 316/689-4245 orvisit for more information. Convenient east sidelocation.Office SpaceSHARED OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE at 2121 W. Maple; use of copymachine, internet and conference room. Davis & Jack, L.L.C. ContactKenneth Jack at 316/945-8521.Prime office space for rent in the Warrior Lawyer building at 328 N Main.Includes large conference room, library, receptionist, wifi, and parking.Short walk to all three courthouses. Contact Adam or Kurt at 316-265-5511.Associate Attorney - Olson Henry, Attorneys at Law, is a family lawfirm based in Wichita, Kansas that is dedicated to helping clientsachieve practical and successful outcomes when faced with difficultfamily issues. Our firm has an immediate opening for a dynamic, highlymotivated attorney interested in family law. This position offers a competitive starting salary, benefits package(health care, dental and vision insurance), and employer matched 401Kafter six months. There is the potential for bonuses on top of basesalary based on productivity. Olson Henry will provide a laptop and employer-paid malpracticeinsurance, Bar and CLE dues along with a free parking space. To be considered for our position, please submit your application,resume, transcript, writing sample and references and/or we accept your application, we will be in touch to schedule aninterview. We look forward to hearing from you.Associate or immediate partnership possible! Unique opportunity in Newton, just north of Wichita, to join our two lawyer firm with a view towardassuming our clients and practice over time. We think we have a lot to offer here! We focus on school law, estate planning and administration,corporate formation and ongoing advice, some employment law, dispute resolution services and general business and real estate representationand day to day advice. We’ll also offer lots of flexibility to pursue other practice areas should you desire. We’re small town family friendly andcommitted to being a great place to be. $85,000 to $125,000 depending upon experience. Send resume and cover letter to Joe Robb; Somers, Robb and Robb; joerobb@robblaw.comBAR-0-METER - JUN 2023 Page 18Assistant City Attorney/Prosecutor – City of Newton is looking for alicensed attorney with integrity, diligence, empathy, and strongcommunication skills to serve as our next Assistant City Attorney. Thisposition works closely with the City Attorney and stands in as legalcounsel in the City Attorney’s absence. This position also serves as theprimary prosecutor in Newton Municipal Court and supervises theVictim/Witness Coordinator and Prosecutor’s Clerk. City of Newton is a great place to work. You’ll build your career whileserving the community and the public good alongside other amazingpeople.We offer competitive wages, $500 sign-on bonus at hire and $500 afterfirst year, reimbursable moving expenses, longevity pay, 11 paid holidaysa year, an outstanding medical, prescription & dental plan, KPERSretirement and deferred compensation plans. Apply today
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