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June 5, 2024

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Photo By Dennis MurphyPhoto By Dennis MurphyPhoto By Dennis MurphyThe Anthony Republican: Vol. 145 - No. 23 • The Anthony Bulletin: Vol. 125 - No. 23Established October 9, 1879: Oldest continuous business in Anthony • Wednesday, June 5, 2024To advertise your business or event in our “Hot Spot”call the Anthony Republican at 620-842-5129. Photo By: Don HoltMAY 2024 GRANT ROUND RECIPIENTS: Front Row (L-R): Jane Holzrichter, Horizons Mental Health Center; Virginia Downing, Anthony Theatre, Inc.; Leilani Wilson, Harper Public Library; Kristina Bramwell, Attica USD 511; Jennifer Wolff, Harper County Department on Aging & Transportation; Sandy Prickett, Anthony Christian Church Youth Group; Teresa Woods, Attica Long Term Care; Peyton Snodgrass, Helping Hands of Harper; Diana Busby & Jinnie Berry, Harper County Community HOPE; Holli Green, Grace To Recovery Foundation; and Katie Zimmerman, Chaparral Schools. Back Row (L-R): Barbara Thomas & Joyce Kaup, Anthony American Legion Auxiliary; Devan Ball, Harper County Core Community; Megan Smyth, Horizons Mental Health Center; Cate Jensen & Matthew Wilson, Chaparral Technology Student Association (TSA); Justin Hill, Chaparral Schools; Creighton Cullop, Anthony Community Care Center; Jerid Befort, Harper County Fair Board; Bryan Hilgemann, Main St. Ministry; Wyatt Williams, Attica USD 511; Justin McCartney, Chaparral Schools; Holly Bane, Resilient Warrior, Anthony Chamber of Commerce & Harper County 4th of July; Sid Burkholder, Anthony Gun Club; Joel Gerber, Chaparral Schools; and Jennifer Rausch, Attica USD 511.Photo By: Ross Downing/Anthony RepublicanRIBBON CUTTING AT PATTERSON HEALTH CENTER: The Anthony Chamber held a ribbon cutting ceremony to dedi-cate the opening of the Dialysis Center at Patterson Health Center this past Friday. Pictured is Lisa Apperson, RN, BSN, CCRN, Dialysis Program Coordinator for Patterson Health Center cutting the ribbon along with members of the public, PHC staff, and Harper Co. Health Foundation, Anthony Chamber, Harper Co. Community Foundation members. All the money raised for the program was matched by the Harper County Health Foundation, for a total of $150,388. By Michelle FahringHCCF AssistantThe Harper County Community Foundation re-cently recognized the grant recipients for the May 2024 round at an Awards Presen-tation held in conjunction with their Annual Meet-ing. The event was held at 6 PM, on Thursday, May 23rd at the Municipal Hall in Anthony. HCCF also cel-ebrated their second Match Day partnership with The Patterson Family Founda-tion at this event. Match Day Results: Our community raised $102,455. The Patterson Family Foundation will match $70,000 and HCCF will match the remaining monies. Donations were made to the following non-profits: Anthony Theater; The Arts Center; Country Living; Harper Histori-cal Society; Harper Coun-ty Community Founda-tion Endowment; Harper County Core Community; Harper County Fair Barn; Harper County Health Foundation-Dialysis; Main Street Ministries; Norwich Backers; Obadiah’s Pantry; Prepare to Launch Pro-gram; St. Patrick Church.For this grant round, HCCF Celebrates Second Match Day + Scholarship & Grant Round Recipients54 grant applications were submitted to HCCF with a total of $484,744.88 re-quested. The Harper Coun-ty Community Foundation awarded $153,790.40 to 39 organizations and projects that benefit Harper Coun-ty. These monies from the Waste Connection Landfill Revenues and the Harper County Board of Commis-sioners represent the 31st round of grants award-ed since the inception of the granting program in May of 2009. The Founda-tion also awarded monies from their discretionary funds along with anony-mously granting $49,000 to 9 organizations. A total of $3,517,374.00 has been awarded since the incep-tion of this granting pro-cess. The following scholar-ship recipients were recog-nized during the event: Jack and Lavera Bertholf Schol-arship // Timothy Adams, Auburn Hill, Joshua Welch, Isabel Alexander, Peytyn Carlisle; Jean L. Jensen Language Arts Scholarship // Timothy Adams, Alaina Bellesine, Kabrie Chance, Auburn Hill, Veronica Hostetler, Josef Planansky, Joshua Welch; HCCF Top Scholar Award // Innslee Albright, Darla Hennessee, Allison Redgate, Joshua Welch, Isabel Alexander, Peytyn Carlisle, Drake Schmidt; Debbie Wilkinson Trailblazer Athlete/Schol-ar Scholarship // Auburn Hill; Charles & Ella Clo-tene Masner Scholarship // Veronica Hostetler, Jo-seph Jaeger, Paul Mancilla, Atiana Mendoza-Ward; and Anthony American Le-gion Scholarship // Kenzie Haydock, Joseph Jaeger. Prepare to Launch is also awarding a $1,000 schol-arship to all 2024 Harper County graduates upon submission of their ap-plication through the link found in the Prepare to Launch Scholarships sec-tion on HCCF wishes all of these scholarship re-cipients the best of luck in their future endeavors!The Foundation would like to thank Donald Holt for serving as the event photographer and The Arts Center for providing enter-tainment for the children in attendance. More thanks go to Prepare To Launch Annual Poppy Day Raises Over $1,500 For VeteransThe Anthony American Legion Auxiliary members would like to thank every-one who helped make the poppy drive successful over Memorial Day weekend. The auxiliary members were out in full force on Friday, May 24, 2024, handing out pop-pies in exchange for your donation. Members helping on Friday included Barbara Patterson, Jessica Jaeger, Lois Bogdanovecz, Carol Barber, Kris Smith, Bar-bara Thomas, Joyce Kaup, Sheila Adams, Jan Lanie, Deniese Fawcett, and Sher-rie Eaton. Prior to poppy day, Kris, Joyce, Deniese, Barbara, and Sherrie joined Karen Ryan and Mary Lear to prepare the poppy boxes. The ladies at the Irwin Pot-ter round table, Jewell Hall and Rebecca Buck assisted with the preparation also. In addition, this year our auxiliary placed poppy do-nation cans (pictured on right) on store counters for the Memorial Day weekend. The stores who helped with the project included Larry’s Hometown Market, Country at Heart, Kristy’s Kafe, Pe-tunia’s Eatery, Gene’s Heart-land Foods, Anthony Liquor Store, Dollar General, and Shepherd’s. A big thanks for their cooperation and their staff helping to pro-mote the fundraiser. Look for the poppy can again next year. Thanks to the generos-ity of those who donated to this project, $1,536.08 was given for our veterans. The amount reflects the impor-tance that your coins, com-bined with bills, adds up to a great amount of generosity. Always remember 100% of your donation goes to help with veteran’s needs. HCCF Continued on Page 3

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Page 2 the Anthony Republican • June 5, 2024City Commissioners Discuss TheSunrise 2nd Building DevelopmentOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted ByCity of Anthony ClerkMay 7, 2024OPENINGWelcome / Call to Order. Invocation / Pledge of Al-legiance. Roll Call: Present - Mayor Greg Cleveland, Commissioner Sherrie Ea-ton, Commissioner Jan Lanie, Commissioner Eric Smith, Commissioner How-ard Hatfield, City Admin-istrator Cyndra Kastens, Police Chief Kenny Hodson, Deputy City Clerk Sherri Miller, Deputy City Clerk Ashley Twyman, Deputy Police Chief Nate Houston, Randy & Jacquie Wiseley, Twila Strong, Michael & Jody Crow and Tony Kas-tens.Approval of Agenda: A motion was made to approve the agenda. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleve-land, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Com-missioner Smith, Commis-sioner Hatfield.PUBLIC COMMENTNone.CONSENT AGENDA1. Approve April 16, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes.2. Approve April 29, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes.3. Approve April 30, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes.4. Appropriation Or-dinance No. 3189 - $381,156.41.5. Approve 04.23.2024 Payroll - $59,900.44.6. Approve 05.07.2024 Payroll - $63,061.16.7. Removed prior to meet-ing and placed as item 20.8. Appoint Dan Levens to Airport Board for Term to expire in 2026 and Tracy Copenhaver - Term to Ex-pire 2027.9. Approve Service Quote for Vac Truck to RED Equip-ment for $6,475.61.10. Approve April 2024 Court Report.11. Approve Increase of $486.00 to Strong's Insur-ance for Cyberliability In-surance (Orignal Approval $8,451, premium increased before binding to $8,937).12. Approve to get Quote and Repair Air Conditioner Compressor #56 Rescue Fire Truck (Specialty Equipment - One Vendor).Mayor Cleveland asked if any items should be removed from the consent agenda for further discussion. Com-missioner Hatfield asked to remove Item 12 - Approve to get Quote and Repair Air Conditioner Compressor #56 Rescue Fire Truck (Special-ty Equipment - One Vendor) to be paid from Municipal Equipment Fire for further discussion. Item 12 will be discussed before Item #13 in Regular Business. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda as amend-ed less Item #12. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Lanie. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Commissioner Smith, Com-missioner Hatfield.PUBLIC HEARINGSNone.REGULAR BUSINESS12. Approve to get Quote and Repair Air Conditioner Compressor #56 Rescue Fire Truck (Specialty Equipment - One Vendor): After discus-sion, a motion was made to approve item #12. Motion made by Commissioner Hat-field, Seconded by Commis-sioner Smith. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commis-sioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Hatfield.13. Approve Wayne Den-nis Committee Recommen-dation: A motion was made to approve the Wayne Den-nis Committee Recommen-dation to award the Antho-ny Chamber of Commerce $11,500 for the Balloon Fest. Motion made by May-or Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Eaton. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Com-missioner Eaton, Commis-sioner Lanie, Commissioner Hatfield. Voting Abstaining: Commissioner Smith.A motion was made to approve the Wayne Dennis Committee Recommenda-tion to award PRIDE $5,000 for City Wide Cleanup Proj-ect. Motion made by Com-missioner Smith, Seconded by Commissioner Hatfield. Voting Yea: Commissioner Lanie, Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Hatfield. Voting Abstaining: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton.14. Approve 2024 Sun-flower Balloon Fest Request: A motion was made approve the 2024 Sunflower Balloon Fest Food Vendor List and waive the fees contingent upon the City Administra-tor Approval. Motion made by Commissioner Lanie, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Commissioner Smith, Com-missioner Hatfield.15. Anthony Lake Hous-ing Development - Salt Plains Outfitters Moved to the May 21st meeting.16. Police Department Mandated Radio Upgrade Discussion: Deputy Po-lice Chief Nate Houston discussed the Police De-partment mandated radio upgrade needed to come into compliance with the required mandated encryp-tion by the first quarter of 2025. The PD will continue to gather information and report back. 17. Sunrise 2nd Building Development Discussion: The Commission discussed the Sunrise 2nd Building Development. Direction was given to share information with those on the Sunrise waiting list and discuss the builder decision at the May 21, 2024, meeting.18. 2024 Insurance Re-newal Update/Approval to Bid: A motion was made to approve to bid out the elec-tric upgrade for the Mu-nicipal Hall to come into compliance with the 2024 Insurance. Motion made by Commissioner Lanie, Sec-onded by Commissioner Eaton. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Commissioner Smith, Com-missioner Hatfield.19. Storm Damage Up-date: Administrator Kastens updated the Commission on the storm damage to build-ings from the April 30, 2024, hail storm.20. Approve ID/ECO Devo Board Recommenda-tion: After discussion, a mo-tion was made to approve the ID/ECO Devo Board Recommendation for Util-ity Rebate Incentive for Frake’s Diner and Motel at 416 W Main. Motion made by Commissioner Lanie and Seconded by Commissioner Hatfield. Voting Yea: Com-missioner Eaton, Commis-sioner Lanie, Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Hat-field. Voting Nay: Mayor Cleveland.21. On Call/Back Up Em-ployee Housing: The current arrangement for on-call/back-up employee housing at the lake will expire on May 15, 2024. The Adminis-trator was given direction to proceed formally on reclaim-ing all three houses at the power plant for current city employees and utilize one of the houses for the on call/back up housing program.22. Transient Guest Tax Committee Recommenda-tion: A motion was made to approve the Transient Guest Tax Committee recommen-dation for $2,500 to the Anthony Golf Club for the Annual Golf Event. Motion CITY Continued on Page 4

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the Anthony Republican • June 5, 2024 Page 3Photo By: Don Holt2024-2025 HCCF TRUSTEES: Front Row (L-R): Suzanne Clark, Michelle Fahring, Chief Technology Ofcer & Foundation Assistant; Nancy Trantham, Regena Hommertzheim, An-gela Baker, and Jessica Graves, Vice-President of Operations. Back Row (L-R): Kevin Al-exander, Executive Director; Bob Bary, Lee Cox, Anna Ruth Blanchat, and Mark Davis. Not Pictured: Brad Giesen and Lindsay Zimmerman.Squad members Timmy Adams, Makayla Swartz, Taryn Meek, Jocelyn Hazel, Aliya Davis, Piper Giblo, Krayton Hoy, Kendall Nel-son, and Drake Schmidt for their support and service at the Awards Presentation. A special thank you to Jack Alexander for helping grill hamburgers and hot dogs for the event.Recipients of the May 2024 grant monies include Attica Public Schools for Bulldog PRIDE, Art Depart-ment Supplies, Equipment & Art Museum Field Trips, Science Department Ro-botics Club & Field Trips, StuCo, Classroom Updates for Title I, English & Social Studies, Referee Education/RefReps, 3rd Grade STEM & Literature Enhancement and Kindness Club; Harper Public Library for Ergo-nomics for Library Patrons & Staff; Anthony American Legion Auxiliary for their Anthony Honors Street Pole Banner Project; Helping Hands of Harper Christ-mas Park Updates; Hori-zons Mental Health Center for a Harper County Child Advocacy Center; Harper County Department on Ag-ing & Transportation for At-tica Senior Center Updates; Resilient Warrior for their Retreat Project; Harper El-ementary SPARK; Chapar-ral Schools for Weight Room Flooring, Vending Ma-chines, Ag-Livestock Graz-ing Research, Cross Coun-try and Vaping Curriculum with Mirror Inc.; Anthony Chamber of Commerce for the 2024 Sunflower Balloon Fest; Attica Long Term Care for Wardrobes for North Hall Residents; Harper County 4th of July; Anthony HCCF Continued from Page 1Community Care Center for Fire Safety Enhance-ment; Harper Fair Board for their Fair Barn Renovation Project; Grace to Recovery Foundation; Anthony Gun Club’s Shells Purchase for Shooting Sports; Harper County Core Community; Anthony Christian Church for their Community Youth Group Meals & “Garage” Renovation; Anthony The-atre, Inc. for Sound Equip-ment Upgrade; Chaparral TSA for a Trip to Nationals & Continuing eSports; and Harper County Community HOPE.HCCF’s Mission is fo-cused on education, human needs, health care, commu-nity improvement, or rural development projects that will enrich the communities of Harper County through support and resources. The deadline for the next grant round will be October 1, Photo By: Don HoltHCCF PRESENTATION: The Prepare To Launch Squad members Timmy Adams, Makayla Swartz, Taryn Meek, Jocelyn Hazel, Aliya Davis, Piper Giblo, Krayton Hoy, Kendall Nelson, and Drake Schmidt helped serve food at the Harper County Community Foundation event.Photo By: Don HoltFUN FOR ALL AGES: The Harper County Community Foundation’s annual meeting is an all ages event. The kids were kept busy with crafts and projects by Juliana Whisman, Director of The Arts Center.2024.More information about HCCF may be found on their website at In ad-dition, any questions may be directed to Michelle Fahring, Assistant to the Foundation, by calling 620-840-1153 (cell phone), or by sending an e-mail to EIN 48-1189755.“Entering our 28th year we'd like to express our gratitude to the gener-ous donors and volunteers who've contributed to our success. Thank you.” - Kevin Alexander, HCCF Executive Director.60 YEARS AGO - 1964 The Bluff City Boosters 4-H Club had Larry Joe An-ton with his calf, Prince Fra-zier, Laine Hanna with her calf, Tony, Mary Lou Anton with her calf, Sir Scarlett, at-tended the 4-H Harper Coun-ty Spring Livestock Show.Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, 716 E. Main, an-nounced the grand re-open-ing of their grocery store and gas station at 724 E. Main with an open house.Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Ger-ing were the new parents of a 7-3/4 lb. daughter born Sat-urday, May 16. She would be known as Sherry Sue. Doug Dusenbury, Antho-ny, had been elected presi-dent of the 1964-65 senior class at Kansas State Uni-versity, Manhattan.50 YEARS AGO - 1974April 27, Boy Scout Troop 851 had a campout at the Anthony Lake. Those pres-ent were: Clinton Jennings, Brian Shaw, Richard Coo-per, Brad Harbin, Mike El-liott, Stanley Peetoom, Mitch Starks, Jimmy LaPlant, Mark Struble, Dennis El-liott, Timmy Tomlin, Scott Giesen, Nathan Tucker, Gary Reymer, Tommy Tomlin, Kenny Seipel, Jon Warnock, Joe Wilcox, Jimmy Seiple, Brad Cooper, Roy Prather, Mark Harbin, Doug Jensen, Kenny Quick, Bobby Quick, Philip Stein and Bob Jack-son.The rural home of Beth Bird was the setting for the Thursday afternoon Bridge Club with Linda Dills, Judy Beam, Judy Parsons and Carolyn Sharp as guests. Members present were: Libby Burnet, Pat Wolff, Sue Messick, Dana Wething-ton, Kathy Francis, Susan Croft and Carolyn Buss. The high prize was won by Judy Beam and Sue Messick won the deuce prize.40 YEARS AGO - 1984Seventh grader Lori Jen-sen set a new SKL record in the girls’ high jump with a leap of 4’9”. Eighth grader Lance Menhusen set a new SKL record when he tossed the shot put a distance of 44 ft. 6-1/2 inches.Mike Shurley received a bachelor of science in biol-ogy degree at Emporia State University. He planned to continue his education in op-tometry in the fall.The National Second-ary Education Council an-nounced that Robin Harnden had been named an Academ-ic All-American.30 YEARS AGO - 1994Curt Miller, Jarold Baker and Josh Brooks, all juniors, were selected to the 57th ses-sion of Boys’ State held in June at Kansas State Uni-versity, Manhattan. Justin Hill, a McPherson College senior from Anthony, had spent the spring semes-ter student teaching art in the middle school in Linds-borg.Through a co-op program, Chaparral freshman, Jeff Hamilton, was qualified to play in varsity tournaments for Kingman High School’s golf team.20 YEARS AGO - 2004CH Dance Productions Performing Sr. Troope had returned home from Florida and a “once in a lifetime per-FILES Continued on Page 8

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Page 4 the Anthony Republican • June 5, 2024HARPER COUNTYDISTRICT COURT REPORTIndividuals listed below are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.PAID TRAFFIC CITATIONS3/24: Tommy W. Fortune: 1) Speeding - 53/40; $171.00. 24-TR-64.4/4: Michelle L. Schniepp: 1) Speeding - 78/65; $171.00. 24-TR-66.DOMESTIC CASE FILINGSValerie C. Williams vs. John P. Williams, divorce; 24-DM-30.LIMITED CASE FILINGSHospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Amanda D. Loos, debt collection; 24-LM-42.#60 - Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. John D. Sheetz, debt collection; 24-LM-60.CRIMINAL CASE FILINGSState of Kansas vs. Benjamin T. Swartz: 1) Possession of THC. 24-CR-41.COUNTY COURT DOCKETJUDGE SCOTT E. McPHERSONMonday, June 3, 20141:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Jeffery A. Corbin, bond appearance; 23-CR-107.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Gina L. Fry, rst appearance; 24-CR-37.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Benjamin T. Swartz, bond appearance; 24-CR-41.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Michael S. Downs, status conference; 24-TR-52.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Merland W. Lopez, rst appearance; 24-TR-84.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Mark J. Rohlman, status conference; 24-CR-34.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Amanda L. Carr, status conference; 24-CR-39.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Jerid D. Wilson, preliminary hearing; 24-CR-26.Tuesday, June 4, 20241:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Darrin L. Turner Jr., status conference; 22-TR-315.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Stormy D. Rother, hearing; 23-CR-55.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Kelsey A. Lear, status conference; 23-CR-300002, 23-CR-300015.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Hunter S. Gray, diversion status; 23-CR-300011.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Derek R. Vandolah, status conference; 24-CR-23.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. James D. Wanduh, status conference; 24-CR-33.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Norma Bazer, status conference; 24-CR-38.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Bradan R. Salsberry, status conference; 24-TR-59.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Reagan J. Peters, status conference; 24-TR-85.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. John P. Williams, motion; 24-CR-29.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Christian J. Randleman, evidentiary; 24-CR-5.Thursday, June 6, 20249:00 a.m. In the Matter of the Estate of Jack L. Huenergardt, nal settlement; 23-PR-32.9:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Jessica Pauly, et al., answer hearing; 24-LM-39.HARPER COUNTY JAILARRESTS & BOOKINGSSpencer J. Reed, 19: Arrested: 5-28-24; Released: 5-28-24. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Endangering a child 2) Driving under the inuence - 1st conviction. 3) Transporting an open container.Jonah W. Wootonn, 22: Arrested: 5-31-24; Released: 6-1-24. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Vehicle liability insurance required. 2) Driving while suspended - 1st conviction. 3) Operate vehicle without registration or w/ expired tag.HARPER COUNTY DEEDSBOOK D108#1283 - Statutory Warranty Deed: John R. Gates to Mark H. Kerstner and Shannon K. Kerstner, Lots 9-12 in Blk. 8 in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#1284 - Quit Claim Deed: James L. Ewertz to James L. Ewertz, Trustee of the James L. Ewertz Trust, the NE/4 of Sect. 29, Twp. 32 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M., and a 31.06 acre tract in the NW corner of the SE/4 of Sect. 29, Twp. 32 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M., both in Harper County, Kansas.#1285 - Trustee’s Deed: Randal L. Blanchat, Trustee of the Randal L. Blanchat Gifting Trust, to Randal L. Blanchat, an undivided .93 interest in the NW/4 of Sect. 2, Twp. 32 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., less railroad right of way; and an undivided .93 interest in the NE/4 of Sect. 16, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; and the W/2 of the SE/4 of Sect. 12, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; and an undivided .93 interest in the E/92.87’ of Lots 15-18 in Blk. 18 in the Original City of Danville, including the W/2 of vacated Wilson Ave. located along the E side of said Lots, and all of Lots 5-12 and the W/49.3’ of Lots 15-18, all in Blk. 18 in the Original City of Danville, including the vacated alley between said Lots and the E/25’ of vacated Central St. adjoining to the W, except the N/100’ thereof, all in the City of Danville, less and except all of Lots 5-12 and the W/49.13’ of Lots 15-18, all in Blk. 18 in the Original City of Danville, including the vacated alley located between said Lots and the E/25’ of vacated Central St. adjoining on the W; all in Harper County, Kansas.#1286 - Quit Claim Deed: Randal L. Blanchat and Debra L. Blanchat to Randal L. Blanchat and Debra L. Blanchat, Trustees of the R&D Blanchat Revocable Trust, an undivided .93 interest in the NW/4 of Sect. 2, Twp. 32 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., less railroad right of way; and an undivided .93 interest in the NE/4 of Sect. 16, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; and the W/2 of the SE/4 of Sect. 12, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; and an undivided .93 interest in the E/92.87’ of Lots 15-18 in Blk. 18 in the Original City of Danville, including the W/2 of vacated Wilson Ave. located along the E side of said Lots, and all of Lots 5-12 and the W/49.3’ of Lots 15-18, all in Blk. 18 in the Original City of Danville, including the vacated alley between said Lots and the E/25’ of vacated Central St. adjoining to the W, except the N/100’ thereof, all in the City of Danville, less and except all of Lots 5-12 and the W/49.13’ of Lots 15-18, all in Blk. 18 in the Original City of Danville, including the vacated alley located between said Lots and the E/25’ of vacated Central St. adjoining on the W; all in Harper County, Kansas.#1287 - Quit Claim Deed: Debra L. Blanchat and Randal L. Blanchat to Randal L. Blanchat and Debra L. Blanchat, Trustees of the R&D Blanchat Revocable Trust, Lots 1, 2 and the S/2 of the NE/4, less railroad right of way, of Sect. 2, Twp. 32, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; and the NE/4 of Sect. 36, Twp. 34, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; Lots 1, 2 and the N/20 acres of the S/2 of the NE/4 of Sect. 5, Twp. 34, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; and the SW/4 of Sect. 2, Twp. 35, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; and the SE/4 of Sect. 17, Twp. 32, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; and the SW/4 of Sect. 25, Twp. 34, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M.; and the NE/4 of Sect. 8, Twp. 32, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., less a tract in the NW corner of said NE/4; all in Harper County, Kansas.#1288 - Quit Claim Deed: Randal L. Blanchat and Debra L. Blanchat to Randal L. Blanchat and Debra L. Blanchat, Trustees of the R&D Revocable Trust, the SW/4 of Sect. 3, Twp. 32 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; and a 1 acre tract in the SW corner of the SW/4 of Sect. 3, Twp. 32 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; and the NE/4 of Sect. 34, Twp. 31 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; and the N/2 of the SW/4 and all that part of the NW/4 lying S of the railroad right of way in Sect. 8, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; and the SW/4 of Sect. 21, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; and the N/2 of the SE/4 of Sect. 8, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; all in Harper County, Kansas.made by Commissioner Eaton and Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Vot-ing Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Com-missioner Smith, Commis-sioner Lanie, Commissioner Hatfield.STAFF REPORTS23. Chief of Police Re-port: Served some weed notices. We arrested Dar-rin Turner on a warrant. Investigated a domestic dis-turbance in Campsite A and arrested Mark Rohlman for domestic battery. We ar-rested Victor Sleeper on a warrant. We investigated two minor traffic accidents. We served a search warrant at 620 North Anthony and arrested Eddie Fry, Richard Fogel and Gina Fry on drug related charges.24. Department Reports: Department activity up-dates were given from the Power Plant/Lake, Water, Electric and Street.EXECUTIVE SESSION25. Executive Session: At 7:25 p.m., Mayor Cleve-land made a motion to go into Executive Session for ten minutes until 7:35 p.m. to Discuss Staffing Pursu-ant to “Personnel Matters of Non-Elected Personnel, K.S.A. 75-4319 (b) (1).” Com-missioner Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. The Commission cham-bers were cleared with the Commissioners and City Administrator remaining present. At 7:35 p.m. Mayor Cleveland called the regular meeting back to order. No binding action was taken.ADJOURNMENTA motion was made to adjourn the meeting.Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Hatfield.Voting Yea: Mayor Cleve-land, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Com-missioner Smith, Commis-sioner HatfieldGregory Cleveland, MayorCyndra Kastens, City Clerk/AdministratorCITY Continued from Page 2

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the Anthony Republican • June 5, 2024 Page 5• PRINTING •• SIGNS •• SHIRTS •• BANNERS •• STICKERS • • STAMPS •LD’S PRINTING620-842-5129County Commissioners GetUpdate On Bridge RepairsOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted By HarperCounty Clerk’s OfficeMay 13, 2024The Harper County Board of County Commis-sioners met in regular ses-sion, with Chairman Struble calling the meeting to order with Commissioner Wald-schmidt and Commissioner Vornauf. Shonda Larson, Assistant to the Board, and Ami DeLacerda, County Clerk, were present. Commissioner Struble motioned to enter execu-tive session at 8:31am. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss person-nel matters of nonelected personnel. The open meet-ing will resume at 8:41am in this room. The motion was approved unanimously. Ami DeLacerda remained in the room. At 8:41am, Com-missioner Struble moved to extend the executive session for 5 minutes; the motion passed unanimously. The meeting resumed at 8:46am, no binding action taken.When the regular meet-ing resumed, Delta Pat-terson and Fred Winter were present for the Public Comment period. They ex-pressed concern about flood-ing on their property located on South LL&G Road in An-thony. Mike Bennet, Public Works Supervisor was pres-ent at this time, and stated that they had cleaned out the ditches on one side of the road and had recently veri-fied that county ownership of the other side as well. He plans to work with the city to get things cleaned up, so the property no longer floods. Mr. Winter and Ms. Patterson also expressed ap-preciation for the sand re-cently spread on the road.Mike Bennett and Ja-net Slankard, Public Works, gave a department update. In a recent bridge inspec-tion, only one did not pass. The Mayo bridge has been repaired and is now open, work will begin on the Berg-man bridge in August of this year. There was more dis-cussion on vacating certain low traffic bridges around the county in return for funding from the State, to then be used to repair or re-place other damaged bridges in higher trafficked areas. It was decided to vacate the mile of NW 120 Road between NW 60 Ave and NW 70 Ave, which includes a bridge that falls into this category, and would cost an excessive amount to repair or replace. The surrounding landowners have verbally expressed agreement with this decision.An agreement for Pre-liminary Engineering (PE) Design Services from Kaw Valley Engineering was pre-sented to the Board for sig-nature. Commissioner Vor-nauf motioned to approve signing the document; the motion passed unanimously. Ginger Carlisle, Arrow-head West, presented their 2025 budget request to the Board for $41,658.00, and gave an update on services rendered.Kevin Alexander, with the Harper County Commu-nity Foundation, presented recent audit findings and ex-plained how any deficits in-dicated are being addressed. He also gave an update on recent awards issued by the Foundation. On 4/15/2024, $5000 was gifted to each licensed daycare provider in Harper County, paid for with discretionary funds, of which the donor had asked be used to help with child-care. On 5/23/2024, the Foundation will hold their grant award celebration, be-ginning at 6:00 at Municipal Hall in Anthony. The Patter-son Family Foundation has offered to match up to $70K in donations again this year. The Prepare to Launch pro-gram awarded $1000 to each 2024 High School graduate in the county. $153,790.40 in grant funds, plus an ad-ditional $49,000.00 in dis-cretionary funding was awarded to the community through the Foundation grant cycle this month. At 9:25am, Commis-sioner Waldschmidt moved to take a 5 minute recess; motion passed unanimous-ly. Commissioner Wald-schmidt moved to reconvene at 9:30am, motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Vor-nauf motioned to approve 5/13/2024 accounts pay-able in the amount of $129,700.37; the motion passed unanimously.Nathan Cruzen, with Hoidale Co., Inc., presented quotes for diesel fuel tanks to be purchased by the county and placed at the various public works shop and storage locations. Tank monitors, pumps, adapters, and installation is included in the bid for each tank. The total quote amount of $50,188.63 was submit-ted for all three locations (Anthony, Attica, Harper). There was discussion about moving a 1,000 gallon tank owned by the county from Freeport, and using it, rath-er than purchasing an ad-ditional tank of that size. Removing that tank from the quote reduced the total amount by $5,576.00. The quote for just the tanks was $5576 for each 1,000 gallon tank, and $12,534.88 for each 3,000 gallon tank, plus freight. Mr. Cruzen warned that we would be responsi-ble for ensuring compliance with KDHE regulations if we install the tanks our-selves. If Hoidale were to install the tanks, they would assume that responsibility. The Board will review the information and touch base again next week. Emily Tompkinson, Day-care Director, submitted an inordinate spending request in the amount of $4,169.68 for appliances for the Attica facility, Commissioner Stru-ble motioned to approve the request; the motion passed unanimously. We continue to look for storage space un-til the facility is ready. Em-ily confirmed that there are currently 9 clients enrolled in the Anthony facility, and there will be some shifting soon (due to age) which will create some more openings. There are 15 children cur-rently on the wait list, and she has been fielding calls for the Attica location.Shonda Larson, Finance Director, gave a department update. Our CDs are com-ing due; the Treasurer has researched the local bank of-ferings and determined that we will stay with Bank of the Plains at 5.27%. Depart-ment specific budgets were discussed, along with justifi-cation for those over budget. Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove $89.47 in transfers for the month of April; the mo-tion passed unanimously. Discussion was held on current and potential utili-zation of the Capital Road Improvement and Special Highway funds, as well as capital equipment funds and projections. Shonda reviewed the potential im-pact of the Sandridge Board of Tax Appeals case on the county and other taxing en-tities. Shonda requested Com-missioner Waldschmidt sign off on CMS reverification pa-perwork for EMS; Commis-sioner Waldschmidt moved to approve signing the docu-ment; the motion passed unanimously. Ami DeLacerda, County Clerk, gave a department update. Several Personnel Status Forms were present-ed and signed. The county credit card will be paid off on Monday, May 20th, with the Courthouse Contingency Fund paying $15,456.28 in finance charges and unpaid balances. The County Farm Lease was discussed, the Board requested that we ask the County Counselor to ad-just the terms of the lease, changing the start and end dates to better suit planting and harvesting schedules and including stronger ter-mination language. Hail damage to ve-hicles and buildings from the 4/30/2024 storm will be inspected this week by KCAMP adjusters. There is damage to several county vehicles and the roofs of the Health Department, Jail, Daycare and Courthouse buildings. Commissioner Vornauf motioned that The Board certify a request for reimbursement to the Kan-sas Secretary of State in the amount of $6,646.36 for ex-penses from the 3/16/2024 Presidential Preference Pri-mary. The motion passed unanimously. The most recent Adds/Abates/and Escapes were not approved in time for the 5/10/2024 due date, due to miscommunication be-tween the Appraiser’s and the Clerk’s offices. This pro-cess has been corrected and procedures put in place to avoid the same error in the future. In order to allow the Treasurer’s Office to process them before the payment deadline, Commissioner Struble signed off on them on Thursday, May 9th. This is not in compliance with Harper County policy, how-ever, the Internal Auditor suggested this path, to allow for the tax payers affected to pay the correct amount due timely. This oversight will be noted in our 2024 audit.Commissioner Wald-schmidt moved to approve a total of -$7.34 Adds/Abates/Escapes for gas; the motion passed unanimously.COUNTY Continued on Page 7

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Page 6 the Anthony Republican • June 5, 2024Courtesy PhotosSCOUTS HELP WITH MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE: Left photo: Pictured is Cub Scout Cameron Cox at the Bluff City Memorial Day service. Center photo: Cub Scouts Quorum and Cell Field honor our Veterans by helping with Memorial Day Service at Spring Grove Cemetery west of Anthony last Monday. Right photo: Girl Scouts were honored to help pass out programs at the Memorial Day Service this past Monday at Forest Park Cemetery in Anthony. Pictured (L-R): Nova Frye, Kamille Cox and Devyn Cox.Courtesy PhotoNINJA RED RIDING HOOD: The Arts Center kicked off June with a performance of ‘Ninja Red Riding Hood’ at the Historic Anthony Theatre this past Saturday. The performance was a culmination of a week-long summer theatre camp. The cast included: Front row (L-R): Sadie Waldschmidt, Remi Francis, Ember LePard, Claire Boese, Ferris White, and Carson Moritz. Back row (L-R): Harper White, Jesse Moritz, Kamille Cox, Lyle Bauer, Ivan Whisman, and Sam DeLacerda.By Phyllis WiersigChapter ReporterThe DAR Good Citizens program is a way to recog-nize outstanding young peo-ple who exhibit the qualities of good citizenship in their homes, schools, and commu-nities.The DAR Good Citizens program and Scholarship Contest is intended to en-courage and reward the sparkling qualities of good citizenship in our students. The program is open to all high school seniors enrolled in public or private schools accredited and in good standing with their state board of education. Stu-dents are not required to be United States citizens.The student selected as the school’s DAR Good Citi-zen must have the following qualities:Dependability (truthful-ness, honesty, punctuality, etc.)Service (cooperation, helpfulness, responsibility, etc.)Leadership (personality, self-control, initiative, etc.)Patriotism (unselfish loy-alty to American ideals)Courtesy PhotoGOOD CITIZEN AWARD: Martha Vail KSDAR regent Deniese Fawcett presents the Good Citizen Award to Alaina Bellestine.Martha Vail KSDA Recognizes Good Citizen Award WinnerEach school's DAR Good Citizen receives a DAR Good Citizens pin, certifi-cate, and wallet recognition card. This student is then eligible, if they wish, to en-ter the DAR Good Citizens Scholarship Contest.This year the recipient, a senior at Chaparral High School, daughter of Bran-den and Kristen Bellesine is Alaina Bellesine. Alaina’s activities include Varsity Chaparral Cheer, National Honors Society, Student Council, Key Club, Elemen-tary teaching internship, Live to Lead, Student Lead-ership Group, Advanced Art and Band. Outside of school Alaina leads a bible study group for young girls.Alaina’s essay was titled “Our American Heritage and Our Responsibility for Preserving It.” Her future includes the dream of at-tending Wichita State Uni-versity to major in Elemen-tary Education, becoming a teacher and some day a wife and mother.The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution was founded in 1890 to preserve the memory and spirit of those who con-tributed to securing Ameri-can independence. For more than 130 years, the DAR has strived to bring aware-ness to the honorable sacri-fices and enduring legacy of all patriots who fought for America’s freedom. Through the DAR Genealogical Re-search System (, the public can access a free database of in-formation amassed by the DAR about these patriots. DAR is a nonprofit, nonpo-litical women’s service or-ganization with more than 185,000 members in ap-proximately 3,000 chapters worldwide. Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution is eligible for membership. DAR members passionately carry out the timeless mis-sion of promoting historic preservation, education and patriotism. To learn more about the work of today’s DAR, visit you would like more information about this top-ic, please call at Deniese Fawcett at 620-842-2528 or email denfaw44@yahoo.comRUBBER STAMPS BANNERS • SIGNSLD’s Printing • 620-842-5129

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the Anthony Republican • June 5, 2024 Page 7FOR RENT - Low income housing for people age 55 and older. Mainte-nance lives on site. Water, sewer and trash paid. Storm shelters. Contact Meadowlark Housing, 924 E. Spring in Anthony, KS 67003. Phone: 620-842-5331. 32-4-5-tfcFOR RENTKCAN ADSKCAN ADS(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, May 22, 2024) 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HARPER COUNTY, KANSASMelissa Orebaugh, Plaintiff ) and ) Case No. HP 2024 CV 13Kansas Department of Revenue, )Chad Tylicki, Defendants )Pursuant to Chapter 60 of Kansas Statutes AnnotatedNOTICE OF SUIT To the Kansas Department of Revenue, Chad Tylicki, and all other persons concerned: You are notifi ed that a Petition has been fi led in the District Court of Harper County by Melissa Orebaugh praying that title to property state in the Petition be awarded to the Plaintiff and you are hereby required to plead to the Petition on or before July 1, 2024. If you fail to plead, judgment will be entered upon the Petition.Melissa Orebaugh, Petitioner701 N. AnthonyAnthony, Kansas 67003LEGAL NOTICE(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, May 29, 2024) 3t IN THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICTDISTRICT COURT, HARPER COUNTY, KANSASDIVISION NO. 4IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ) ) Case No. HP-2024-PR-13 PATSY LOU OLIVIER, Deceased ) Filed pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 59NOTICE OF HEARINGTHE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notifi ed that a Petition has been fi led in this Court by Francis Marc Olivier, son and one of the heirs of Patsy Lou Olivier, deceased, praying: Descent be determined of decedent’s interest in the following described real estate, in Harper County, Kansas to-wit: An undivided one-half interest in and to: THE WEST HALF (W/2) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION TWO (2), TOWNSHIP THIRTY-TWO SOUTH (32S), RANGE FIVE (5) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.; THE WEST HALF (W/2) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF SECTION TWO (2), TOWNSHIP THIRTY-TWO SOUTH (32S), RANGE FIVE (5) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.and all other Kansas real estate and personal property, if any owned by the decedent at the time of death be assigned pursuant to the laws of intestate succession. You are required to fi le your written defenses to the Petition thereto on or before June 24th, 2024 at 4:00 o’clock p.m. in the District Court, City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein to fi le your written de-fenses, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. Francis Marc Olivier PetitionerJim Forsyth, #13123NEWTON and FORSYTH112 E. Main – P.O. Box 68Anthony, Kansas 67003Attorney for Petitionernewtonandforsyth@att.net620-842-5101LEGAL NOTICE(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, June 5, 2024) 1tNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGCONCERNING TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THEUNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE CITY OF ANTHONYNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., the PLANNING COMMISSION of the City of Anthony, Kansas, will hold a Public Hearing in the Commission Meeting Room at 124 S. Bluff Ave to consider the following:Proposed Text Amendments: Proposed text amendments to the Unifi ed Development Code of the City of Anthony concerning Billboards/Off-Site Signs. The proposed text amendments were prepared in accordance with K.S.A. 12-741 et seq. and amendments thereto, by the Anthony Planning Commission, to promote the health, safety, comfort and general welfare of the citizens of Anthony, Kansas. Other amendments to the Unifi ed Development Code may be considered by the Planning Commission for amendment at this public hearing and may be included with any recommendations regarding the same to the governing body.Any person wishing to be heard regarding this matter may submit written comments to the Anthony Planning Commission prior to or at the public hearing or may present written and/or oral comments at such public hearing. All persons wishing to be heard concerning this matter shall be afforded an opportunity to do so. Upon conclusion of said public hearing, the Anthony Planning Commission may make recommendations concerning the adoption of the proposed amendments to the Unifi ed Development Code to the Anthony City Commission. The Anthony Planning Commission may continue consideration of this matter at the conclusion of the public hearing to a future date without further notice.A copy of the proposed amendments to the Anthony Unifi ed Development Code concerning Billboards/Off-Site Signs is available for inspection in the offi ces of the Anthony Zoning Administrator Monday through Friday during normal business hours.WITNESSED AS OF THIS 28th day of May, 2024. Cyndra KastensZoning AdministratorCity of Anthony(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, June 5, 2024) 1tCase No. BZA 24-01OFFICIAL NOTICETO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN AND TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED:NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of the City of Anthony, Kansas, will hold a Public Hearing in the Commission Meeting Room at 124 S. Bluff Ave to consider the following application:CASE NO. BZA 24-01 – Nolan and Crystal Younce request a variance of 2 feet from the required 5-foot side yard setback for a shed on property zoned as R-1 Residential and legally described as Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 in Block 78, Original Townsite to the City of Anthony, Harper County Kansas and located at 311 S Jennings Ave. Any person wishing to be heard regarding this matter may submit written comments to the Anthony Board of Zoning Appeals prior to or at the public hearing, or may present written and/or oral comments at such public hearing. All persons wishing to be heard concerning this matter shall be afforded an opportunity to do so. WITNESSED AS OF THIS 30th day of May, 2024. Cyndra KastensZoning AdministratorCity of AnthonyPUBLIC NOTICEPUBLIC NOTICEFor SalePlace your 25-word classied in the Kansas Press Association and 135 more newspapers for only $300/ week. Find employees, sell your home or your car. Call the Kansas Press Association @ 785-271-5304 today! kpa-6-5Misc.Attention: VIAGRA and CIALIS US-ERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - Only $99! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-866-481-0668 kpa-6-5Misc.Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration and mosquito control. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our rst application special! 1-877-559-9593. kpa-6-5Misc.TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUI-TARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 1-877-560-1992. kpa-6-5Misc.PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Day-tona, GMT, Submariner and Speed-master. Call 1-866-481-0636. kpa-6-5Misc.AGING ROOF? NEW HOMEOWN-ER? STORM DAMAGE? You need a local expert provider that proudly stands behind their work. Fast, free estimate. Financing available. Call 1-877-589-0093 Have zip code of property ready when calling! kpa-6-5Misc.STOP OVERPAYING FOR HEALTH INSURANCE! A recent study shows that a majority of people struggle to pay for health coverage. Let us show you how much you can save. Call Now for a no-obligation quote: 1-888-519-3376 You will need to have your zip code to connect to the right provider. kpa-6-5Misc.INJURED IN AN ACCIDENT? Don’t Accept the insurance company’s rst offer. Many injured parties are entitled to cash settlements in the $10,000’s. Get a free evaluation to see what your case is really worth. 100% Free Evaluation. Call Now: 1-888-920-1883. kpa-6-5Misc.WATER DAMAGE CLEANUP & RES-TORATION: A small amount of water can lead to major damage and mold growth in your home. Our trusted professionals do complete repairs to protect your family and your home’s value! Call 24/7: 1-877-586-6688. Have zip code of service location ready when you call! kpa-6-5Misc.NEED NEW WINDOWS? Drafty rooms? Chipped or damaged frames? Need outside noise reduc-tion? New, energy efcient windows may be the answer! Call for a consul-tation & FREE quote today. 1-866-766-5558 You will need to have your zip code to connect to the right pro-vider. kpa-6-5Misc.BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Life-time warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 1-866-481-0747. kpa-6-5Misc.GOT AN UNWANTED CAR??? DO-NATE IT TO PATRIOTIC HEARTS. Fast free pick up. All 50 States. Patri-otic Hearts’ programs help veterans nd work or start their own business. Call 24/7: 1-877-560-5087. kpa-6-5Advertise your business or eventwith the AnthonyRepublican!Email or call today for rates:anthonyrepublican@att.net620-842-5129Commissioner Vornauf moved to approve a total of -$41,103.68 Adds/Abates/Escapes for oil; the motion passed unanimously.Commissioner Wald-schmidt moved to approve a total of -$4,901.13 Adds/Abates/Escapes for real estate; the motion passed unanimously.At 10:45, Commissioner Vornauf moved to recess for 5 minutes. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting resumed at 10:50am.Josh Teel, IT/Building & Grounds, met with the board to request that they com-bine the IT and Building & Grounds departments for 2025. The Board will consid-er his request and get back to him before the budget is complete for 2025. He con-tinues to research weather shelter options for the day-cares. For now, they will come to courthouse in the case of inclement weather.The Commissioners, Shonda Larson, Ami DeLac-erda, and Josh Teel toured the 5th floor of the court-house, to determine which items to place in the surplus sale. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:37am. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, May 20, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner Room at the Harper County Courthouse. Approved: Darrin Stru-ble, Chairman Attest: Ami DeLacerda, County ClerkCOUNTY Continued from Page 7Harper Co. Dept On Aging: We Keep You Moving By Jennifer WolffThe Public Transporta-tion Service assists ALL Harper Co residents of any age to stay indepen-dent with transportation to work, medical appoint-ments, shopping, errands, Patterson Health Center & locations less than 70 miles. Hours of operation: 8:30am– 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday. Every Harper Co resident can ride with pub-lic transit regardless of age or mobility. Equal access is provided to the public. Al-though we are available to make trips M-F out of coun-ty, rides need to be sched-uled 24 hours in advance & the bus returns for Harper Co by 3pm. CALL 620-842-5104 for ride reservations & rates. 1st come, 1st served. Advance reservations are recommended.Out of County Transit Schedule: Mon 6/10: WichitaTues 6/11: WichitaWed 6/12: Wichita Thurs 6/13: WichitaFri 6/14: Wichita All routes are subject to change without notice. PRINTING • SIGNS • SHIRTSLD’s PRINTING • ANTHONY • 620-842-5129

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Page 8 the Anthony Republican • June 5, 2024• • • LETTER TO THE EDITOR • • •Hello,I would like to tell you about a great honor that I was given on April 29th through May 1st, 2024.I was on the Kansas Honor Flight #98. On this flight, there were 104 brothers and sister's Vet-erans. There were 4 Ko-rea Veterans and 4 women Veterans from the Vietnam Era.Kansas Honor Flight is for Veterans of WWII, Ko-rea and Vietnam Era. They have a charter flight that took us from Wichita, KS to Baltimore, MD. There we stayed at the Baltimore Hilton Hotel. We were div-vied up on to three differ-ent buses to take a tour of Washington, DC.We took trips to see Fort McHenry, the WWII, Viet-nam, Air Force, Navy and Marine Memorials. We also saw the Eisenhower Me-morial. We had great leaders from the KHF. They took great care of all Veterans on the trip. It was a warm day and they made sure we had water to drink and there were medical people to ensure our health. They would point things out to us about different places to look at on our bus ride.All the meals we had were outstanding. I got meet Veterans from all over Kansas. On my bus were 6 other Marine Brothers. It was a trip of a lifetime, a trip that I will never forget.When we got back to Wichita, KS upon taxing up to the terminal, the fire department gave us a wa-ter canon salute. We then went to a Welcome Home event. There were people that filled the room with signs to welcome us home. A cheer squad from Maize High School was there too.I would like to urge that anyone that has a Veteran in their family to contact the KHF and sign them up for a flight. You can call KHF @ 620-546-3509 or 620-546-2400, or online at Kansas Honor Flight. It cost about $900.00 to send a Veteran on this trip. And if you like to help by donating to the KHF, you can do that on their web-site. And this Kansas Hon-or Flight is FREE to the Veteran!Thank you,Gary ApplingAnthony, KSSergeant USMCKHF #98The Anthony Ameri-can Legion Auxiliary will be accepting applications for the veterans & service members banner project thru the end June 30, 2024. This deadline will allow for the banner printing to be completed in time to be displayed in November for Veterans Day.There are 55 poles avail-able for banners to be dis-played. Currently, we have sold 35 banners. If you have been considering ordering a banner, now is the time. Anthony Street Pole Banner Project Deadline ApproachingAny applications received after June 30, 2024 will be placed on a waiting list and will not be hung before Me-morial Day next May. If you do not have an ap-plication or would like more information, please contact Sherrie at 620-842-3575 or you can pick up an applica-tion at Country at Heart or the City of Anthony office. Our appreciation to those who have already ordered a banner. The sup-port of this project has been heartwarming.Courtesy PhotoAPPLING TAKES HONOR FLIGHT: Pictures is Gary Ap-pling, USMC Sergeant, of Anthony on his way to Washing-ton D.C. as part of the Kansas Honor Flight program.WWW.ANTHONYREPUBLICANNEWS.COMCourtesy PhotoBEBERMEYER GRADUATES FROM ASU: Audrey Beber-meyer graduated Magna Cum Laude from Arizona State University on May 8th, 2024, in Tempe, AZ with a bachelor’s degree is in Speech and Hearing Science. In her senior year, Audrey was selected to work on a research team with two ASU professors and a researcher from an earplug com-pany. She presented the data and results in March. She is a member of Kappa Delta sorority. Audrey will begin the 4-year Doctorate of Audiology program at Purdue Univer-sity, West Lafayette, Indiana in August. She is the daughter of Jennifer Cox, Fountain Hills, AZ and Dale Bebermeyer, Harper, KS, and the granddaughter of Jerry and Lee Cox, Anthony, KS. Audrey wants to thank everyone in Harper County and beyond who believed in her by providing schol-arship funding to make her dreams a reality!Photo By: Ross Downing/Anthony RepublicanBUGGIN’ OUT: The Jolly Green Bug is located at Sky-Pal-ace Inn and was created by Mike and Tammy Potter. By LeAnn HodsonThe Krazy Quilt Guild continues to dig through Grandma's Attic to Rescue items for creating blocks and other projects for the year. This month was no exception. Items that showed up in blocks this month were lace from a wedding dress, an old slip edge, Chambray shirt, but-tons from a cuff, neckline lace, and fabric from great grandpa's coveralls. Many other items were also shown for inspiration. The group was also given a demonstration on machine embroidery by LeAnn Hodson. Pauline Oliver gave an informa-tive talk on using the back of fabric for other possible choices in projects and quilts. Those able to make it to this month's meeting were Connie Troyer, Jean Lyman, Dollie Mathes, LeAnn Hodson, Barbara Conrady, Sherry Rishell, Cheryl Adelhardt, Inga All-dritt, Pauline Oliver, and Dana Koehler.Krazy Quilters Quilt Guild MeetGOT NEWS YOU WANT TO SHARE?Email us at: anthonyrepublican@att.netformance” in Magic King-dom at Disney World. The Sr. Troop represented girls from Alva, Harper, Danville, Anthony, Sharon and Kiowa. Troop members were: Me-gan Blanchat, Hope Blevins, Allison Eck, Angela Gregg, FILES Continued from Page 3Brittney Kletke, Daniella Smart, Monica Yazel, Nata-lie Olds, Shelby Williams, Sara Jelinek, Sadee Terwort and Kentra Rathgeber. 10 YEARS AGO - 2014Chaparral boys ten-nis hosted a 6-team meet with teams from Chapar-ral, South Barber, Conway Springs, Pratt, Douglass and Haven competing. Chaparral team members, Shawn Nulik finished 1st in #1 singles; Garret Berry finished 1st in #2 singles; Jaden Miller/Ryley Menhu-sen finished 3rd in #1 dou-bles; Seth Wiliams/Derek Douglas finished third in #2 doubles. 5 YEARS AGO - 2019Chaparral’s FFA food sci-ence greenhand deviation team consisting of Jared Braisliar, Halley Redgate, Kadence Smith, Ely Gates, Jacob Clark, Joe Ord, Ryley Meyer and Carter Hedlund placed first overall at the Kiowa meet.Chaparral High School valedictorians were Jammie Manning, Maggie Mathes and Leilani Wilson. Saluta-torian was Abby Graves.