The Anthony Republican: Vol. 144 - No. 26 • The Anthony Bulletin: Vol. 124 - No. 26Established October 9, 1879: Oldest continuous business in Anthony • Wednesday, June 28, 2023To advertise your business or event in our “Hot Spot”call the Anthony Republican at 620-842-5129. Courtesy PhotoWILDHORSE 4-H CAMP: It was a great day for the Wildhorse 4-H Camp group on June 13th. Harper VFW Post 11449 visited the 4-Hers at Silver Maple Campgrounds to share their patriotism. To begin the evening VFW member Royal Borel was presented a Quilt of Valor that was sewn by Barber County 4-Hers. After the ceremony and a supper among campers, VFW members; Commander Paul Saliger, Roy Davis, Richard Strickland, Royal Borel and Dean Day shared proper ag etiquette. Beginning with a ag retirement ceremony the Veterans shared the history and process for retiring a ag. After the ag retirement VFW members demonstrated how to properly fold a ag. The evening ended with questions from campers and the Pledge of Allegiance being recited to the camp-ground’s American ag. The Wildhorse 4-H Camp group which consists of youth from Harper, Kingman, Barber, Comanche, Clark and Meade counties was honored to host our guests from VFW Post 11449. The veterans should be proud to share their patriotism with the impressionable minds of our youth.Securitization Charge For Atmos Energy Customers To Appear On Monthly Bills Beginning In JulyANTHONY, Kan. – June 23, 2023 – During Winter Storm Uri in February 2021, Atmos Energy was focused on providing safe and reli-able natural gas service to our most critical customers including homes, hospitals, churches, and other hu-man needs organizations. To maintain service and support system integrity throughout the storm, the company incurred extraordi-nary gas costs of $95 million on customers’ behalf. Last year the Kansas Corporation Commission reviewed the extraordinary costs, deter-mined they were prudently incurred and are eligible for recovery based on well-established legal standards, and approved a financing order to issue customer rate relief bonds that securitize costs associated with Winter Storm Uri over a period of 10 years. Beginning in July, a fixed charge of $6.49 stem-ming from the securitization of those extraordinary costs will begin appearing on resi-dential customers’ monthly bills.Securitization allows customers to pay for the extraordinary costs over a longer period of time than traditional methods – eas-ing monthly bill impacts. As a reminder, Atmos Energy does not set the market pric-ing for natural gas. Natural gas is a tradeable commod-ity, the price of which is driv-en by global supply and de-mand, and it may fluctuate daily based on market con-ditions. Atmos Energy is a regulated utility and natural gas is a “pass-through cost” to our customers – meaning no profit is added to the com-modity and transportation costs charged to Atmos En-ergy by suppliers. For customers manag-ing past due balances, Atmos Energy is here to help with financial assistance:• Budget Billing is a great tool to help manage your budget because your natural gas bill will be more predictable every month. In the winter, your bill can rise unexpectedly as the weather gets colder. However, with Budget Billing your costs are spread more evenly through-out the year, so you are not The Master Of Suspense Is Paying A Visit To The Historic Anthony TheatreBy J.K. GreggThe Historic Anthony Theatre is starting the 4th of July weekend off with a bang! On Saturday, July 1st, the theatre presents an Al-fred Hitchcock Double Fea-ture starting at 5 p.m.The 1959 classic spy thriller North by Northwest is showing at 5 p.m. Nomi-nated for three Academy Awards, it stars screen leg-ends Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, James Mason, and Martin Landau and is con-sidered one of Hitchcock’s top ten movies. The film begins with Mr. Grant un-knowingly stumbling into a government secret smug-gling operation, and he soon finds his life in danger as he struggles to understand what is happening around him. In 1995, the film was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry as being “culturally, histori-cally, or aesthetically signifi-cant.”The 1954 mystery thrill-er Rear Window will follow at 7:45 p.m. Nominated for four Academy Awards; it stars James Stewart, Grace Kelly, and Raymond Burr. It is considered Hitchcock’s finest achievement in sus-pense and drama. The plot has Jimmy Stewart, a pro-fessional photographer, re-cuperating from a broken leg and confined to a wheel-chair in his apartment. Mr. Stewart watches his neigh-bors through their open windows during a heat wave to pass the time, believing it to be innocent fun. Until he thinks he witnesses a mur-der. This film was also pre-served by the National Film Registry in 1997.The theatre plans on a half-hour break between shows and will add Kristy’s Kafe pizza by the slice to their concession stand menu for Hitchcock enthusiasts who want to experience both films. The theatre will utilize digitally remastered copies to enhance your mov-ie experience. So, grab your friends and family, and don’t miss out on your chance to witness two film classics on the big screen, as it’s been over sixty years since they debuted at the Historic An-thony Theatre.City Approves $3 Million BASE Grant Concrete Bid For Sunrise 2nd ProjectOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted ByCity of Anthony ClerkJune 6, 2023OPENINGWelcome / Call to Or-der. Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Pres-ent - Commissioner Sherrie Eaton, Commissioner Jan Lanie, Commissioner Kenny Hodson Jr., Commissioner Eric Smith, City Administra-tor Cyndra Kastens, Deputy City Clerk Sherri Miller, Superintendent Randy Moore, Chief of Police Kenny Hodson, Creighton Cullop, Dustin Stansbury, David Bradley and Jessie Hodson. Absent - Mayor Greg Cleve-land.Approval of Agenda: A motion was made to approve the agenda. Motion made by Commissioner Smith, Seconded by Commissioner Lanie. Voting Yea: Com-missioner Eaton, Commis-sioner Lanie, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.PUBLIC COMMENTCreighton Cullop was present to request an update on the demolition of 432 S Anthony.CONSENT AGENDA1. Approve May 16, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes.2. Approve May 31, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes.3. Appropriation Ordi-nance No. 3167 - $364,204.70.4. Approve 5.23.23 Pay-roll - $59,218.90.5. Approve 6.06.2023 Pay-roll - $63,414.73.6. Approve to Submit Bid to Replace Recirculating Pool Pump.Acting Mayor Lanie asked if any items should be pulled from the consent agenda for further review. Hearing none a motion was made to approve the consent agenda. Motion made by Commis-sioner Eaton, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Com-missioner Hodson Jr., Com-missioner Smith.PUBLIC HEARINGS None.REGULAR BUSINESS7. Strong's Insurance Dividend Check Presenta-tion: The Strong's Insurance Please be aware that scammers pretending to be from Patterson Health Cen-ter have called some local residents and have asked for their Medicare insurance information. If you do not recognize the person calling you, please hang up and call us back at (620) 914-1200 to verify that it was us.DO NOT trust a name Scam Alert Issued By Patterson Health Centerand number on the phone. Scammers can sound official, and they can change their phone number to Patterson Health Center’s number.Please remember to guard your insurance infor-mation. Don’t fall for it.If you question whether a phone call you received was legitimate, please call us at (620) 914-1200.ATMOS Continued on next pageCITY Continued on next page
Page 2 the Anthony Republican • June 28, 2023 Harper County Republican Committee is seeking applicants for the position of Harper County Treasurer. Submit a resume including personal information, education, employment history, leadership experiences and accomplish-ments, data processing skills and training, an a statement indicating your commitment to serving the residents of Harper County.Application/resume deadline isMonday, July 10, 2023.Mail to: Harper County Republican Committee General Delivery Anthony, Kansas 67003 All applicants will be required to meet with the Committee for an interview at a time and place to be determined by the Committee. The applicant selected by the Committee will be nominated to the Governor of Kansas for her official appointment.For additional information, contact: Jan Lanie, Chairman Harper County Republican Committee 620-532-4164annual dividend check in the amount of $30,642.13 was presented to the Com-mission by Jessie Hodson.8. One Way Street Dis-cussion South Springfield: David Bradley was pres-ent to discuss designating South Springfield by An-thony Elementary School as a one-way street due to traffic safety concerns dur-ing pick up and drop off on school days. The Adminis-trator was directed to con-tact USD 361 to open the conversation and see what their thoughts or long-term plans may be for pick up and drop off safety.9. Penn Place Cat Nui-sance Discussion: No ap-pearance.10. BASE Grant Bid Award: Administrator Kas-tens presented the EBH Bid Tabulation for the total BASE grant project which includes the water, sewer, and street infrastructure bids for Sunrise 2nd. After review and discussion from a local bidder, a motion was made to approve the BASE Grant Concrete Bid Award to Mies Construction in the amount of $3,006,647.97. Motion made by Commis-sioner Hodson Jr., Seconded surprised by high winter bills. Visit to learn more. • Installment plans are available that spread out payments of your balance over time – with no charg-es or fees to do so. Call 888.286.6700 or visit to establish a plan that meets your needs. • We also offer an online tool that compares your cur-rent bill with a previous bill so you can better un-derstand how the weather, billing days, and charges impact your bill. Log in to the Account Center and se-lect “Billing and Usage” to use the bill comparison tool. • If you need help paying your natural gas bill, finan-cial assistance is available from the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) program as well as Atmos Energy’s Shar-ing the Warmth funds. Visit to find an en-ergy assistance agency near you.ATMOS Continued from previous pageCITY Continued from previous pageby Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.11. Airport Event Closure Policy Review: The Adminis-trator reviewed the requests for flight access during NO-TAM closure events and confirmed with the Commis-sion the allowances being granted. 12. RFQ Street Selec-tion Committee: A mo-tion was made to approve the formation of the RFQ Street Selection Committee for KDOT CCLIP 039 KA-6909-01 with the following members: Administrator Kastens, Superintendent Moore, Commissioner Smith and Commissioner Hodson, Jr.. Motion made by Com-missioner Lanie, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.13. Health Nuisance: A motion was made to accept the Findings of Facts and Is-sue the order for the Health Nuisance at 611 N. Jennings - Cherry 2023. Motion made by Commissioner Lanie, Seconded by Commissioner Eaton. Voting Yea: Com-missioner Eaton, Commis-sioner Lanie, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.STAFF REPORTS14. Administrator Report: The Administrator provided a written report on Housing Assessment Update, Land Bank Presentation, CCLIP RFQ, Swimming Pool, Wa-ter Research Project, Staff Breakfast, 2023 Budget, Rec Trails Grant and Staffing.15. Chief of Police Re-port: We inspected some properties to be cleaned up. We served several weed notices. We arrested Jesie Skinner for possession of Meth and Marijuana. We arrested Harrison Gering for possession of Marijuana. We investigated a theft of a U-Haul trailer. We investi-gated a disturbance called in by the Caldwell Hospital that happened in Anthony. We arrested Cory Pierce for aggravated battery and mis-treatment of an elderly per-son. We investigated a dis-turbance in the 300 block of S. Anthony and we arrested Aletha Gilchrist for domes-tic battery. We investigated 3 minor accidents.ADJOURNMENTA motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Mo-tion made by Commissioner Hodson Jr., Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Vot-ing Yea: Commissioner Ea-ton, Commissioner Lanie, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.Gregory Cleveland, MayorCyndra Kastens, City Clerk/AdministratorHarper Co. Dept On Aging:Enjoy The 4th Of JulyBy Jennifer WolffReminder that all Coun-ty offices including Senior Meals & General Public Transportation will be closed for Independence Day Tues-day July 4th. Enjoy festivi-ties including food trucks, games, activities & fireworks at Anthony Lake all day on the 4th. The Public Transporta-tion Service assists ALL Harper Co residents of any age to stay independent with transportation to work, med-ical appointments, shopping, errands, Patterson Health Center & locations less than 70 miles. Hours of operation: 8:30am– 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday. Every Harper Co resident can ride with pub-lic transit regardless of age or mobility. Equal access is provided to the public. Al-though we are available to make trips M-F out of coun-ty, rides need to be scheduled 24 hours in advance & the bus returns to Harper Co by 3pm. CALL 620-842-5104 for ride reservations & rates. 1st come, 1st served.Out of County Transit Schedule: Mon 7/3: Wichita 8:20 de-partTues 7/4: CLOSED Inde-pendence Day!Wed 7/5: Wichita 8:20 de-partThurs 7/6: Wichita 9:00 departFri 7/7: Wichita 8:20 de-partAll routes are subject to change without notice.VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE ATWWW.ANTHONYREPUBLICANNEWS.COM
the Anthony Republican • June 28, 2023 Page 3Friendly Reminder From The Anthony Police Department Regarding FireworksThe Fourth of July cele-bration is fast approaching, here is a quick reminder of the rules to keep everyone safe.1. Fireworks can only be sold, fired, or discharged, in the city limits of Anthony (including Anthony Lake) between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., and only from June 27th to July 5th.2. You cannot sell, dis-charge, or use fireworks between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.3. Fireworks cannot be discharged: a) At any school playground, public park, at Anthony Airport, or at Anthony Lake (unless it's within a designated area at the Lake). b) Within 500 feet of any building, home, barn, storehouse, stack of grain, or feed. c) You cannot store, keep, sell, or discharge any fireworks within 50 feet of a gasoline pump, gasoline filling station, gasoline bulk station, or any building in which gasoline or volatile liquids are sold. d) You can-not discharge any fireworks within 25 feet of any person, animal, or motor vehicle. e) You cannot discharge any fireworks from a motor ve-hicle whether it's moving or not.4. Pyrotechnical displays are prohibited unless prior permission is granted by the Fire Chief or Mayor.5. You cannot set off, discharge, or use fireworks in the "Fire Limits" of the City of Anthony. The Fire Limits are located: On Main Street (from Springfield to West Ave.), including a 1⁄2 block north and south of Main Street. On LL&G Ave (from Main St. to the North City Limits), including a 1⁄2 block east and west of LL&G.Please be safe, courteous to others and help remem-ber to clean up the firework trash. Have a happy 4th of July celebration!Home Lumber & Supply Co. Donates Window Air Conditioners Back To Their Communities As Part Of The #WEAREHOMETOWNCAMPAIGNHot summer days are upon us and there are many elderlies and families with-children who don't have a way to cool their homes. This leaves them in danger-ousconditions to have heat exhaustion, heat strokes, or death. The Home Lumber & Supply Co. is donating win-dow AC units back to their-communities this month. To nominate someone in your community send a pri-vatemessage via Home Lum-ber & Supply Facebook or complete a nomination form at your local Home Lumber store by Wednesday, July 5th. Recipients and nomina-tors can remain anonymous. The recipient of the win-dow unit will be contacted on Wednesday, July 5th by the-Home Lumber store manag-er in your community. "We are calling this the "Share The Air" initiative aspect of a broader#wearehometown campaign. Share The Air kicks off one of several initia-tives HomeLumber will be doing throughout the year. We encourage area business-es to join us in giving back to our communities in ways that are meaningful to them and mostimportantly show pride in our Hometowns!" Home Lumber Hometown Committee"#wearehometown is in-tended to draw attention to local businesses, and orga-nizations who support and take pride in their local com-munities. It is a celebration of the idea that our com-munities are stronger when we support each other. We encourage all businesses and organizations to use #wearehometownwhen shar-ing exciting achievements or giving back to their commu-nities." Hervey Wright, The Home Lumber & Supply Co. President. The Home Lumber & Supply Co. was founded in 1905. It currently operates 15 stores in primary rural communities throughout Kansas. Home Lumber of-fers a full range of qual-ity products and services to contractors, tradesmen, and residential customers. To learn more about The Home Lumber & Supply Co. please visit the company's website at Firefighters Receive $16.8 Million From Kansas Insurance Department Topeka, Kan. – Kansas Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt, today, an-nounced, that the Kansas Insurance Department has made its annual distribu-tion to local Firefighter Relief Associations (FRAs). Pursuant to the Kansas Firefighters Relief Act, $16,863,037.79 has been distributed among 554 local FRAs throughout the state. “Firefighters put their lives on the line to keep us safe, and the Kansas Firefighters Relief Act ac-knowledges that by provid-ing additional protections for firefighters and their loved ones,” said Schmidt. “The Act not only gives first responders needed safety nets, but it also allows lo-cal communities to provide their citizens with im-proved firefighting equip-ment and resources.” The funds from the Kan-sas Firefighters Relief Act are generated by a two percent tax paid by insur-ance companies on fire and lightning insurance pre-miums written in Kansas. Associations primarily use their distributed funds for insurance premiums and safety enhancements. The relief funds may pay for the health, accident, dis-ability, and life insurance premiums of local firefight-ers. Safety enhancements such as new firetrucks, fire station building improve-ments, and firefighting gear INSURANCE Continued on next page
Page 4 the Anthony Republican • June 28, 2023can be purchased via relief funds loaned to local gov-erning entities. Harper County fire de-partment received a total of $40,820.28.FRA #106 - Anthony: $17,755.46FRA #113 - Attica: $10,556.16FRA #232 - Harper: $12,508.66The statewide distri-bution of the 2023 Kan-sas Firefighters Relief Act funds can be viewed at Kansans can learn more about the Firefighter Relief Act by visiting Continued from previous pageTOPEKA – July 4th is a time to celebrate, but never a time to drink and drive. Throughout the Indepen-dence Day holiday and weekend, law enforcement officials will focus on im-proving roadway safety for those traveling across the state as part of the Kansas Department of Transporta-tion’s annual safety cam-paign.KDOT, the Kansas Turnpike Authority and the Kansas Highway Patrol also encourage motorists to concentrate on safe driving habits and plan ahead be-fore the festivities begin.“Remember to celebrate safely this upcoming holi-day weekend,” said Cap-tain Candice Breshears, Kansas Highway Patrol. “Please make sure you and Drive Responsibly This IndependenceDay: Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Drivingyour loved ones are always buckled up when you get in a vehicle, and don’t drive impaired or distracted. If you plan on drinking over the weekend, make ar-rangements to get home safely by designating your sober driver before you cel-ebrate.”According to KDOT, the state recorded a total of 2,158 alcohol-related crash-es in 2021, with 86 people losing their lives in those crashes. These crashes can happen any time of day, but more than three-fourths of the ones involving alcohol in 2021 occurred at night."Anytime you are oper-ating a vehicle, it’s always a priority to focus on driving safely,” said Vanessa Spar-tan, KDOT Transportation Safety Bureau Chief. “And with many Fourth of July activities taking place at night, it’s an especially im-portant time to pay atten-tion to the roadway and be aware of other motorists.”Drivers with a blood al-cohol concentration (BAC) above Kansas’ legal limit of .08% are considered alco-hol-impaired by law. How-ever, a small amount of al-cohol is considered buzzed driving because it can affect a person’s ability to drive. Across the United States in 2021, there were 2,226 peo-ple killed in alcohol-related crashes where the driver had a BAC between .01% to .07%, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.“We encourage drivers to plan ahead to minimize summer travel stress,” said Steve Hewitt, Kansas Turnpike Authority CEO. “Besides having an emer-gency kit with extra water in your vehicle, a K-TAG makes travel easy and con-venient. With a K-TAG, you can move through toll zones without stopping, which improves overall safety, and it also works in Oklahoma, Texas and near-ly all of Florida.”For assistance on a Kan-sas highway, call KHP at *47 (HP) or *582 (KTA) for the Kansas Turnpike. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! THEY GET RESULTS!EMAIL YOUR NEWS TO:anthonyrepublican@att.net60 YEARS AGO - 1963Thieves entered the Freeport State Bank early last Friday morning and after several hours of work, left empty-handed.May 15th was gradu-ation night for Manches-ter 8th graders: Nancy Schmitz, Janie Dewell, Di-ana Benson, Neal Patterson and Joe McCray.The annual basket din-ner for pupils and patrons of the Berlin R18 School was on Thursday noon, May 23. Barbara Scott, Margie Adams, and David Heiser received their eighth grade diplomas that evening at the Anthony Municipal Hall.Charlene Wolff, secre-tary-treasurer to the Pilo-teers 4-H Club had been named a delegate to attend 4-H Roundup on the cam-pus of Kansas State Uni-versity, Manhattan. 50 YEARS AGO - 1973Coach Harvey Romans had another Roadrunner sign a letter of intent to play football for Hutchin-son Community College Blue Dragons. He is Gary Misak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Misak of Bluff City.Oath of Office was ad-ministered to new Anthony Councilmen Charles Poston and Alvin Patterson and Councilwomen Pat Wil-liams by City Clerk, Bob Henderson. Chaparral High School students elected A and B-team cheerleaders after try-outs in the gym during fifth hour. The A-team cheerlead-ers elected were the follow-ing: Carol Shadley, Doro-thy Naffziger, Susan Latta, Patty Bruey, Cindy Gasper and Tammi High. The B-team cheerleaders elected were the following: Connie Cather, Shirley Bruey, Traci Haakinson, Debbie Lipps and Ginger Cooper.Mrs. Richard Wood, of Harper, piano faculty mem-ber of Friends University, Wichita, conducted a Mas-ter Class Piano Workshop in the Fellowship Hall of the First United Method-ist Church. The student of Mrs. Charles Wood, An-thony performed repertoire details. Those performing were: Doug Jensen, Dana Green, Meg Hunt, Connie Cather, Rachel Meyer and Carol Sheel Mrs. Don Jen-sen and Mrs. Wood closed the afternoon with Sonata in C, 1st movement, K.521, Mozart.40 YEARS AGO - 1983Another big name in country music had been signed to perform at the 1983 Kansas State Fair. FILES Continued on Page 6
the Anthony Republican • June 28, 2023 Page 5HARPER COUNTYDISTRICT COURT REPORTIndividuals listed below are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.PAID TRAFFIC CITATIONS4/15: Jason D. Alfrey: 1) Speed-ing - 80/65, $183.00; 23-TR-152.5/10: Jared E. McCaslin: 1) Speeding - 78/55, $240.00; 23-TR-178.5/15: Gary D. Theurer: 1) Speeding - 76/65, $159.00; 23-TR-182.5/18: Imani C. Nobles: 1) Speeding - 87/65, $231.00; 23-TR-185.5/25: Eugene N. Cleveland: 1) Speeding - 82/65, $195.00; 23-TR-187.5/31: Joshua R. Padgett: 1) Speeding - 80/65, $183.00; 23-TR-197.5/15: Kindyll L. Melton: 1) Speeding - 79/65, $177.00; 23-TR-188.LIMITED CASE FILINGSCKS Prime Investments LLC vs. Kate L. Hankins, debt collec-tion; 23-LM-24.Capital One NA vs. Jesse A. Budd, debt collection; 23-LM-25.Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Justin S. Chandler, debt collection; 23-LM-26.Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Dale Baker, et al., debt collection; 23-LM-27.CRIMINAL CASE FILINGSState of Kansas vs. Corey R. Limbock: 1) Possession of con-trolled substance - alprazolam. 2) Possession of drug parapherna-lia. 3) No proof of motor vehicle liability insurance coverage. 4) Expired or no registration. 23- CR-62.State of Kansas vs. Asentcean-na J. Buttereld: 1) Aggravated indecent liberties with a child - 3 counts. 2) Criminal sodomy - 2 counts. 23-CR-64.State of Kansas vs. Cynthia M. Hull: 1) Possession of meth-amphetamine. 2) Possession of marijuana. 3) Possession of drug paraphernalia. 4) Transporting an open container. 5) Speeding. 23-CR-66.State of Kansas vs. Kristopher L. Kienzle: 1) Possession of methamphetamine. 2) Posses-sion of marijuana - 3rd offense. 3) Criminal possession of weapon by a felon. 4) Possession of drug paraphernalia. 5) Expired or no registration. 23-CR-67.COUNTY COURT DOCKETJUDGE SCOTT E. MCPHERSONMonday, June 26, 20231:00 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Sonia Y. Conteras Duran, status conference; 23-TR-193.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Xavier A. Salas, status confer-ence; 17-TR-342.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Terry D. Tolbert Sr., hearing; 22-CR-12.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Andrew A. Maize Jr., hearing; 22-CR-22.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Sean A. Wallace, hearing; 22-CR-139.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Ashly K. Rogers, status confer-ence; 22-CR-162.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Ginger D. Young, status confer-ence; 23-CR-21.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Michael R. Loree, hearing; 23-CR-26.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Rowdy W. Bazer, status confer-ence; 23-CR-46, 23-TR-195.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Harrison L. Gerling, rst appear-ance; 23-CR-60.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Harley D. Stark, status confer-ence; 23-TR-62.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Hunter Coward, hearing; 23-TR-80.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Kelson M. Starks, status confer-ence; 23-TR-139.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Francis E. Ohmart, status confer-ence; 23-TR-143.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Sarah S. Ford, status conference; 23-TR-160.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Bradtee R. Witt, status confer-ence; 23-TR-174.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Nathali C. Mendoza, status con-ference; 23-TR-186.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Mackenzie B. Graves, status con-ference; 23-TR-166.Tuesday, June 27, 20231:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. David S. Little, status conference; 22-CR-173.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Nikolas R. Belcher, status confer-ence; 22-CR-175, 23-CR-35.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Bethany L. Graves, status confer-ence; 23-CR-18.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Eric C. Little Coyote, status con-ference; 23-CR-20, 23-CR-31.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Kegan D. Boice, status confer-ence; 23-CR-29, 23-CR-32, 23-CR-37.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Jason K. Ramsey, status confer-ence; 23-CR-45.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Amber J. Grossberndt, status conference; 23-CR-50.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Patience L. Corley, sentencing; 23-CR-52.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Nathan K. Hurley, status confer-ence; 23-CR-63.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Verl V. Zimmerman, status confer-ence; 23-TR-159.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Jamaica D. Dunn, hearing; 22-CR-57.Wednesday, June 28, 20239:00 a.m. Crecencio R. Padilla Jr. vs. Reesee R. Tambunga, aid in execution; 22-SC-7.9:00 a.m. Citibank NA vs. John V. Meyer, answer hearing; 23-LM-22.9:30 a.m. State of Kansas vs. Corey D. Pierce, evidentiary; 23-CR-56.Thursday, June 29, 20239:00 a.m. In the Matter of the Estate of Elizabeth A. Jones, nal settlement; 08-PR-20.9:00 a.m. In the Matter of the Estate of David B. Anderson; 23-PR-16.HARPER COUNTY JAILARRESTS & BOOKINGSMisty D. Latta, 43: Arrested: 6-20-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Probation violation.Gary A. Holt Jr., 56: Arrested: 6-21-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Failure to appear.Brent A. Berens, 38: Arrested: 6-21-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Failure to appear.Reese R. Tambunga, 22: Ar-rested: 6-23-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: APD. Charges: 1) Probation violation.Joseph E. Rugg, 42: Arrested: 6-23-23; Released: 6-25-23. Ar-rested By: Barber Co. Sheriff’s Ofce. Charges: 1) 48 hour quick dip.Lindsey R. Greening, 41: Ar-rested: 6-25-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Domestic battery.Kirby L. Moore, 31: Arrested: 6-25-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Domestic battery.HARPER COUNTY DEEDSBOOK D108#766 - Quit Claim Deed: Sta-cie J. Ricke and Daniel E. Ricke to Stacie J. Ricke, Trustee of the Pomeroy Farm Living Trust, Lots 2-6 in Blk. 5 in the Town of Ham-ner; and the S/2 of the NE/4 of Sect. 5, Twp. 31 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; and Lots 1 and 2 of the NE/4 of Sect. 5, Twp. 31 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M. except-ing Lots 2-6 in Blk. 5 in the Town of Hamner; all in Harper County, Kansas.#767 - Special Warranty Deed: Neil J. Youngers and Sandra Youngers to NS Land LLC, Lot 3 and the SE/4 of the NW/4 and the E/2 of the SW/4 of Sect. 2, Twp. 31 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; and Lot 4 and the SW/4 of the NW/4 and W/2 of the SW/4 of Sect. 2, Twp. 31 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; all in Harper County, Kansas.#768 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Robert L. Adams, Trustee of the Robert L. Adams share under the Robert G. Adams Liv-ing Trust, and Janeen A. Adams Bailey, Trustee of the Janeen A. Adams Bailey share under the Robert G. Adams Living Trust, to Schmidt Family Land and Cattle LLC, the E/2 of Lot 1 and the E/2 of the SE/4 of the NE/4 in Sect. 3, Twp. 33 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; and the part of the SE/4 of Sect. 3, Twp. 33 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M. lying N of the RR right of way; all in Harper County, Kansas.#769 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Carl M. Schmidt, Managing Mem-ber of Schmidt Family Land and Cattle LLC to Scott Stoughton, a tract in the SW corner of Sect. 9, Twp. 33 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#770 - Warranty Deed: Curtis G. Nelson and LaNiece M. Nel-son to Rani L. Bryant and Shela S. Sanders, Lots 11 and 12 in Blk. 26; Lots 1-12 in Blk. 27; Lots 1-24 in Blk. 28; all in the Town of Wal-dron, Harper County, Kansas.#771 - Quit Claim Deed: Bank of Commerce and Trust Company to the City of Harper, Kansas, a .05 acre tract in the NW/4 of Sect. 12, Twp. 32 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#772 - Transfer-On-Death Deed: Christopher L. Rorabaugh transfers on death to Patrick Rorabaugh, Lot 23 and the N/25’ of Lot 22 in Blk. 4 of Gray’s Addi-tion (aka 504 N. Pennsylvania) in the City of Anthony, Harper Coun-ty, Kansas.#773 - Quit Claim Deed: Craig and Brenda Feist to Ronalda Weston, Lots 11 and 12 in Blk. 63 (aka 213 S. Jennings) in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kan-sas.#774 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Edward J. Bennett and Karen Studebaker to Edward J. Bennett and Karen Studebaker, Lot 21 and the S/2 of Lot 22 in Blk. REPORT Continued on Page 7
Page 6 the Anthony Republican • June 28, 2023The Kansas State Fair en-tertainment committee announced that the Oak Ridge Boys would head-line the grandstand show on Saturday, September 10. The Oak Ridge Boys joined an already impres-sive entertainment line-up of Alabama,. Mickey Gilley, T.G. Sheppard and Charlie Daniels.Connie Kay Kastens, Anthony, had been hired as Inter-related Level IV for Chaparral High School by the South Central Kansas Spec. Ed Co-Op, Pratt, ac-cording to Emporia State FILES Continued from Page 4University director of placement, Virginia Mus-grave. She had graduated from Emporia State in May, 1983 with a B.S.E.Robin Dawn Harnden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harnden of Attica, was among the 125 can-didates competing for the title of Miss Teen of Kansas at the State Pageant held in Salina.30 YEARS AGO - 1993Six Chaparral High School advanced biology students ranked at the top in the annual Kansas Ju-nior Academy of Science State Meet. Competing were: Bob Coats, Jennifer Cox, Jody Gates, Marcy Mason, Matt Busby and Emily Knorp-Brown.Walter and Mary Lou Hunt, longtime owners of Anthony Floral on East Main, sold their business to David and Evon Hoopes of rural Anthony.Chaparral’s Manufac-turing class took top hon-ors at the Western Kan-sas Technology Fair. Class members were Keith Mer-win, Michael Laspisa, Chris Drouhard, Jeremy Troyer, Brian Waldschmidt, Bran-don Hazel, Mike Boyle, Jeff Bonham, Josh Brooks, Dusty Oller, John Robb, Jer-emy Graves, Amy Hightree, Eric Calderon, Dan Batty, Bobby Waldschmidt, Bruce Adams, Jason Francis and David Maunz. 20 YEARS AGO - 2003Top chess players from both Anthony Elementary and Harper Elementary competed in the Anthony vs. Harper Chess tourna-ment held at Anthony El-ementary.Anthony students swept all of the top six individual standings. Mark Bonetti earned first place; Andrew Brogan, second place; Mi-chael Stainbrook third place; Jameson Reber, fourth place; Daniel Stain-brook, fifth place and Na-than Davis, sixth place.Anthony Elementary students John Jones, Bay-lee Stitt and Caitlin Kon-kel, were place mat design winners at the Anthony Community Care Center.At the invitation of Gov-ernor Kathleen Sebelius, Reyna Lanae Smoker of Harper was selected to at-tend the 20th Annual Gov-ernor’s Scholars Award Program in Topeka. The recognition ceremony hon-ored the top academic one percent of Kansas high school seniors. 10 YEARS AGO - 2013Instructor, Justin Hill took 15 art students and 25 works of art to League art held at Wichita Trinity and received 14 awards. Win-ners were: Taylor Mathes, 1st place collage and hon-orable mention ceramics; Clarisa Akred, 2nd place pencil and 3rd place ink; Kaitlyn Schrant, 3rd place ceramics; Morgan Drou-hard, 1st place colored pen-cil and runner-up Best of Show; Makayla Norwood, 2nd place colored pencil; Haley McKee, 2nd place 3-d assemblage; Ravin Coffey, 3rd plae 3-d assemblage; Hope Clark, honorable Mention pastels; Baylee Pletcher, 2nd place miscel-laneous; Brandace Albight, 2nd place scratchboard and 1st place fibers.The Anthony Wild-cats took home the cham-pionship in the Dugout Shootout that was held at Spouthwest Boys Club in Wichita. Team members were: Mason Miller, Gar-ret Burdon, Tanner Asper, Hunter Turner, Jake Burke, Kole Newlin, Quinton Pfaff, Drake Whealy, Mason Mc-Daniel and Lucan Farzi. Coaches were Britt Whealy and Monte Miller. 5 YEARS AGO - 2018Michelle Eshelman was officially sworn in as the new Harper County Trea-surer by the County Clerk, Ruth Elliott with employ-ees Kelsie Murphy and Hannah Lumpkin witness-ing. Ben Cather, represent-ing Harper County Farm Bureau, presented the AG Ambassador Scholar-ship Award to Chapar-ral seniors, Tyler Pollard, Kavin Hess, Ryan Rucker and Hunter Smith during Chaparral’s awards assem-bly. HARPER COUNTY’S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPERTHE ANTHONY REPUBLICAN620-842-5129 • 121 E. Main, AnthonyWebsite: www.anthonyrepublicannews.comEmail:
the Anthony Republican • June 28, 2023 Page 7FOR RENT - Low income housing for people age 55 and older. Mainte-nance lives on site. Water, sewer and trash paid. Storm shelters. Contact Meadowlark Housing, 924 E. Spring in Anthony, KS 67003. Phone: 620-842-5331. 32-4-5-tfcFOR RENT - Penn Place Apartments - Furnished, 1 bedroom, 1 bath OR furnished/unfurnished, 2 bedroom, 2 bath. All utilities included, includ-ing cable TV and WiFi. Short term leases and weekly rates available. Call Carol at 620-842-3484 or visit for leasing specials or to apply. 45-4-22-tfcFOR RENTKCAN ADSHELP WANTEDKCAN ADSHELP WANTED: Larry’s Hometown Market is looking for weekend help. Apply in person. M-5-17-tfc(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, June 14, 2023) 3t IN THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICTDISTRICT COURT OF HARPER COUNTY, KANSASIN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF )Steven Eric Pouliot ) ) Case No. 2023-CV-9TO CHANGE HIS/HER NAME TO: )Lily Iris Lynn Crystal )PURSUANT TO K.S.A CHAPTER 60NOTICE OF HEARINGTHE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL WHO ARE OR MAY BE CONCERNED: You are hereby notifi ed that Steven Eric Pouliot, fi led a Petition in the above court on the 8th day of May, 2023, requesting a judgement and order changing his/her name from Steven Eric Pouliot to Lily Iris Lynn Crystal. The Petition will be heard in Harper County District Court, 201 N. Jen-nings, Anthony Kansas, on the 7th day of August, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. If you have any objection to the requested name change, you are required to fi le a responsive pleading on or before July 26, 2023 in this court or appear at the hearing and object to the requested name change. If you fail to act, judgement and order will be entered upon the Petition as requested by Petitioner. Steven E. PouliotPetitioner, Pro SeAnthony, KS 67003LEGAL NOTICE(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, June 14, 2023) 3t IN THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICTDISTRICT COURT, HARPER COUNTY, KANSASIn the Matter of the Estate of ) ) Case No. HP-23-PR-000017 Alan Scott Bobbitt, deceased. ) )NOTICE OF HEARINGTHE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notifi ed that a Petition has been fi led in this Court by Patti L. Bobbitt, wife of Alan Scott Bobbitt, deceased, requesting: Descent be determined in all personal property and Kansas real estate owned by decedent at the time of death. And that all personal property and Kansas real estate owned by the decedent at the time of death be assigned pursuant to the laws of intestate succession. You are required to fi le your written defenses to the Petition on or be-fore July 6, 2023, 11:30 a.m. in the District Court in the city of Anthony, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail to fi le your written defenses, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. Patti L. Bobbitt, Petitioner Philip W. Unruh #09217Attorney at Law1216 CentralHarper, KS 67058Tel: 620-896-7301Fax: 620-896-7954E-mail: philunruh@outlook.comAttorney for PetitionerLEGAL NOTICE(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, June 28, 2023) 3t IN THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICTDISTRICT COURT, HARPER COUNTY, KANSASIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: )LANA KAY FRANK, deceased. ) Case No. HP-2023-PR-18Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 59NOTICE TO CREDITORSTHE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notifi ed that on June 23, 2023, a Petition for Is-suance of Letters of Administration was fi led in this Court by Russell Allen Frank, surviving son of the Decedent, requesting that Letters of Administration be issued to him, without bond. You are required to fi le your written defenses to the petition on or be-fore July 26, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. in the District Court of Harper County, Anthony, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail to fi le your written defenses, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the petition. All creditors of the decedent are notifi ed to exhibit their demands against the Estate within the latter of four (4) months from the date of fi rst publication of notice under K.S.A. 59-2236 and amendments thereto, or if the identity of the creditor is known or reasonably ascer-tainable, 30 days after actual notice was given as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. Russell Allen Frank, PetitionerMandi J. StephensonAttorney for PetitionerSTEPHENSON LAW OFFICE LLC227 N Main, PO Box 204Kingman, KS 67068620-532-5156 telephoneLEGAL NOTICEFor SalePlace your 25-word classied in the Kansas Press Association and 135 more newspapers for only $300/ week. Find employees, sell your home or your car. Call the Kansas Press Association @ 785-271-5304 today! kpa-6-28Misc.BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Beautiful walk in showers with no slip ooring. Also, grab bars and seated showers avail-able. 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Call the Home-owner’s Relief Line now for Help! 888-975-1473. kpa-6-28REPORT Continued from Page 54 of Gray’s Addition to the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#775 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Tammie J. Zittel to Michelle D. Barnett and Jacob L. Witters, a tract of land in the SE corner of the N/2 of the SW/4 of Sect. 24, Twp. 33 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#776 - Quit Claim Deed: D. Jean Hakanson to Teryl J. Hakan-son Kerr, the S/2 of Lot 8 and all of Lots 9 and 12, less a tract, all in Blk. 3 of McKay and Darrough’s Addition to the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#777 - Trustee Deed Clifford E. Roderick, Trustee of the Elbert E. Roderick Revocable Trust, to Danny D. Moore and Shirley K. Moore, the NW/4 of Sect. 36, Twp. 34 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#778 - General Warranty Deed: Robert Kuhn and Michele Kuhn to Harrison L. Gerling II, Lot 12 in Blk. 2 in Meig’s Addition to the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#779 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Daniel A. Farmer and Beth A. Farmer to Ronald E. Bush and Lori L. Bush, Lot 17 in Blk. 8 in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#780 - Quit Claim Deed: Scott Blubaugh and Mollie Blubaugh to Jennifer Stephan, Lot 1 in Blk. 3 in the City of Danville, Harper County, Kansas.#781 - Executor Deed: Bryon Wencl, executor of the estate of Robert L. Baker, to Jelinek Farms Inc., a 1/3 undivided interest in the SW/4 of Sect. 34, Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harp-er County, Kansas.#782 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Jennifer L. White and Paul E. White, Bryon Wencl and Wan-da Wencl, and Mickey A. Mayo to Jelinek Farms Inc., the SW/4 of Sect. 34, Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#783 - Executor Deed: Bryon Wencl, executor of the estate of Robert L. Baker, to Wanda Wencl and Bryon Wencl, the NE/4 of Sect. 36, Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#784 - Executor Deed: Bryon Wencl, executor of the estate of Robert L. Baker, to Jared Kolarik and Sheena Kolarik, the S/2 of the NE/4, and the N/2 of the SE/4 of Sect. 23, Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#785 - General Warranty Deed: Robert Kuhn and Michele E. Kuhn to Victor Lovett and Kellie Lovett, Lot 10 in Blk. 2 of Meig’s Addition (aka 431 S. Lincoln) in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.• PRINTING •• SIGNS •• SHIRTS •• BANNERS •• STICKERS • • STAMPS •• FLYERS •LD’S PRINTING620-842-5129GOT NEWS???Send It To Us Atanthonyrepublican@att.net620-842-5129 • 121 E. Main, Anthonywww.anthonyrepublicannews.comTHE ANTHONY REPUBLICAN
Page 8 the Anthony Republican • June 28, 2023KEEP INTOUCHIT’S EASIER TOHello Michael. Your appt. is conrmedfor Tue May 8 at 8:30am. Pleaseremember to bring a list of medications.Have questions? Text us back!- Patterson Health Center Thank you. I have a meeting that dayat 10am. Will that be a problem?Totally understand. You are the 1stappt. You’ll be on your way in time. Please arrive early to ll out paperwork.Let us know if you have any questions!We are pleased to introduceArtera at Patterson Health Centerour newest communication tool that connects you toPatterson Health Center withtwo-way text messaging.Aer you schedule an appointment,we’ll stay in touch with you by text to: Conrm the date, time and location of your appointment Allow you to cancel or reschedule your appointment Remind you about your appointment and request conrmation.Welcome to Artera at Patterson Health CenterThere’s nothing you need to do - you are automatically enrolled in this patient communications solution. You may opt out at any time.Aer you schedule an appointment,we’ll stay in touch with you by text to: Conrm the date, time and location of your appointment Allow you to cancel or reschedule your appointment Remind you about your appointment and request conrmation.Welcome toWelcome to Artera at Artera at Patterson Health Center Health CenterThere’s nothing you need to There’s nothing you need to do - you are automatically do - you are automatically enrolled in this patient communications solution. communications solution. You may opt out at any time.You may opt out at any time.Photo By: Don HoltFAREWELL GATHERING FOR CHS TEACHER: Current and former members of the Chaparral High School band gathered at the Anthony Lake on June 25th in a send off as Rhonda Harrison (sitting on the stage, third for the right) leaves Chaparral to teach in Hawaii. Rhonda has been the CHS band teacher for the 6th though 12th grades for the last eight years. Photo By: R. Downing/ RepublicanEAGLE EYE WINNER: Rhett Cashier of Anthony has won the $50 cash prize in the An-thony Republican’s monthly Eagle Eye Contest by correct-ly identifying the Kristy’s Kafe ad. You can win too! Just look for the Eagle Eye Contest form on the front page of the Anthony Republican the third week of each month.An Evening Of History Includes Movie And BirthdayCelebration, Coming July 8 To The Anthony TheatreOn Saturday July 8th, 2023 the Anthony Theatre will present a three part evening to remember! The evening will begin at 6 pm with a special presenta-tion by local historian Jim Bales and author Amber Countryman when they bring to you the story of a “once popular local re-sort area” named Drury, Kansas. Once called the playground of Kansas and Oklahoma, you ask, ‘Where is Drury, Kansas?’ The once popular tourist spot is located a short distance east of Caldwell, Kansas alongside the old cement 81 highway. You will know you are there when you see the remains of what used to be a beautiful old mill along-side a hand laid rock dam. Jim will be showing his sce-nic collection of what made Drury, Kansas a place to remember on the Theatre’s big screen. In the 1920’s it was the site of a very large elegant 46 room hotel built out over the local Chikaskia River, the place to stay and dine while enjoying the beautiful sights of Drury. The Southwestern Rail-road passed through this area and it was said that former President Eisen-hower would ask the train to stop to view this very sce-nic area. You won’t want to miss the scenes when disas-ter hits the popular resort area and almost places an end to this tourist attrac-tion. To this day people still come to this location to build their cabins upon the banks of the Chikaskia Riv-er. Jim Bale’s documentary will provide great pictures that will cover many more of the establishments that made this area so popular. You won’t want to miss this story in pictures on the big screen of a nearby location that once attracted so many tourists.Part two of the evening will be the showing of the movie “Americana”. In 1973, Drury, Kansas once again came back to life when movie actor David Carradine and Barbara Hershey chose Drury to be the very location for filming the entire movie “Around”. In 1983 the movie was re-named “Americana” . It in-volves the life of a Viet Nam Veteran that returns home to the States and is wanting to find his place in life again when David Carradine came upon the Drury, Kan-sas location and found this quaint location perfect to produce, edit and direct this entire film based on his obsession to return a di-lapidated carousel into run-ning once again. The film-ing of this movie aroused the curiosity of many local residents. “I have to admit, even my family got curious, BarBara Wright shares, “as on the day they were want-ing locals for a particular shoot, my husband , son and brother-in-law ended up in one of the scenes. Yours truly was also sup-posed to be a part of a par-ticular scene and didn’t re-alize talking was prohibited and would you believe, I lost my part in the making of this movie!!! “And last but not least, the third part of the eve-ning, BarBara Wright, wants you all to be a part of the fact that age 90 has ar-rived much to her surprise. On July 9th BarBara turns 90 and this is her way of cel-ebrating, the night before, with you, the community, her friends and her wonder-ful family. As a child she lived a short distance from Drury, Kansas and to this day, if all is well, you just might get invited to take a road trip to Drury to hear how her Grandfather and the family all played mu-sical instruments and on Sunday afternoon The Bu-resh Orchestra would be asked to play on the bal-cony of the elegant Drury Hotel that over looked the Chikaskia River. BarBara was told her Mother, Pau-line (Buresh) Vavra was her father’s lead singer for the Buresh Orchestra.BarBara Wright is really looking forward to seeing you at the Anthony Theatre to enjoy this FREE admis-sion event on Saturday July 8th 2023. Doors will open at 5:30 pm. In place of Birthday cake, you will be treated to a FREE SMALL Popcorn! Your presence will be a gift BarBara will cher-ish for a long time. PRINTING • SIGNS • SHIRTSRUBBER STAMPS & MORE!LD’s PRINTING • ANTHONY • 620-842-5129