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Vol 60 No 6 June 2024BulletinInstitute of Animal Technology●The Congress Report●2024 AGM Report60thdiamondvolume●AS-ET News●Diary Dates

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Excellence in the cage starts with exceptional enrichmentTel: +44 (0)1293 827940 Email: sales@lbs-biotech.comContact LBS - your trusted supplier, serving the needs of the Biotechnology Industry www.lbs-biotech.comDesResTM & Fun Tunnels- excellent choices to improve the cage environmentChoose from our extensive range of environmentally friendly and aordable cage additions so your research animals can enjoy an active, stimulating and comfortable environment. They are autoclavable, available irradiated and can be supplied GLP compliant i.e. batch numbered and with a certicate of analysis.A Des-Res placed in the cage increases the surface area, provides a refuge for nesting and stimulates activity. Improved breeding performance of particularly sensitive and fragile strains of mice has been reported. Clean, light to handle and easily disposed of. Available in 8 variants.Fun tunnels are ideal as a refuge and to stimulate activity. These tunnels are long lasting, clean, light and easy to handle. Available in 6 sizes.

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Vol 60 No 6 June 2024 CONTENTSEDITOR*Carole EDITOR*Paul Associates monthly by the Institute of Animal Technology *Registered Office:5 South ParadeSummertownOxfordOX2 7JLISSN 0263-2861For enquiries other than Bulletin related contact:IAT ADMINISTRATOR* BulletinThe opinions expressed in theBulletin do not necessarily reflectthose of the Editor or theInstitute.CONTENTSJul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:01 Page 3CONTENTS SOMNI RODENTNRB SYSTEMSyringe tube ≠ nose conesNo more tapeSEALEDCOMPATIBLE WITH EXISTING UK/EU:ProductsAccessoriesFittingsSOMNI Scientific is centered on the animal welfare and research community with a focus on clinical accuracy, clinician/technician safety, economic performance and intuitive functionality.SOMNI PROVIDES UNPARALLELED CUSTOMER SERVICE, CLINICAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT.IAT BULLETIN JAN22.indd 3 28/01/2022 12:11BulletinEDITOR*Carole Associates monthly by theInstitute of Animal Technology*Registered Offi ce:5 South ParadeSummertownOxfordOX2 7JLISSN 0263-2861For enquiries other thanBulletin related contact:IAT ADMINISTRATOR* 07534 105 703Final copy date for July Bulletin23rd JuneThe opinions expressed in theBulletin do not necessarily refl ect those of the Editor or the Institute.Dear Readers 5IAT – AGM 7-14Congress 2024 Report 15-58Congress 2024 Trade Competition 59AS-ET News 60-64Congress 2025: IAT’s 75th Anniversary65ATW Journal Online Information 66Situations Vacant 66Congress 2025: Invitation to Join 67Royal Mail – Insuffi cient Postage 68Congress 2024: Unclaimed Raffl e Tickets 68We Need You – BLC 69Branch News: West Middlesex Boat Party Invite 70Diary Dates 71 Excellence in the cage starts with exceptional enrichmentTel: +44 (0)1293 827940 Email: sales@lbs-biotech.comContact LBS - your trusted supplier, serving the needs of the Biotechnology Industry www.lbs-biotech.comDesResTM & Fun Tunnels- excellent choices to improve the cage environmentChoose from our extensive range of environmentally friendly and aordable cage additions so your research animals can enjoy an active, stimulating and comfortable environment. They are autoclavable, available irradiated and can be supplied GLP compliant i.e. batch numbered and with a certicate of analysis.A Des-Res placed in the cage increases the surface area, provides a refuge for nesting and stimulates activity. Improved breeding performance of particularly sensitive and fragile strains of mice has been reported. Clean, light to handle and easily disposed of. Available in 8 variants.Fun tunnels are ideal as a refuge and to stimulate activity. These tunnels are long lasting, clean, light and easy to handle. Available in 6 sizes.

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June 2024• 5BulletinANIMAL TECHNICIAN CONFERENCE 2024WEDNESDAY 10THOCTOBERBABRAHAM RESEARCH CAMPUS, CAMBRIDGE, UK                                          …     EXCELLENCE IN ANIMAL CARE – SPECIES INSIGHTSENHANCINGCAREERSTECHNICIANWELFAREREGISTER NOW AT: ŚƚƚƉƐ͗ͬͬdϮϰ͘ĞǀĞŶƚďƌŝƚĞ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬKeep Reading!Carole Here we are again, it is June and traditionally this is the Congress edition of the Bulletin. This year is, of course, no exception!For those of you who attended, I hope you had both a very informative and educational event and at the same time managed to do some useful networking and enjoy some of the social aspects of the conference. I really loved it this year – especially as it contained some subjects that we have not discussed before in any detail, but which I consider to be very important and likely to be much more in uential and relevant topics in the future. This included the sentience of other species – a topic Penny Hawkins ran a workshop on and which I attended, an issue which will become increasingly pertinent in the future. Other matters I was pleased to see addressed were education and to be given the opportunity to hear and address the changes the Home Of ce are making to the implementation of ASPA. I was also impressed to see so many posters, addressing a great variety of themes on display this year. I think my favourite part of the social side of Congress was the karaoke, well done to everyone who participated!The Congress report is on pages 15 – 58, I have tried to include images that give the best  avour of everything that happened in Aberdeen.We also have a report from AS-ET on pages 60 – 64, it looked like a very successful meeting for them. I am also going to take this opportunity to remind you, please support them if you possibly can and to remind you, if you cannot get funding for a course or something else educational which you wish to be involved in, they may be able to help with funding.Until next month,Dear Readers

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BulletinJune 2024 • 7MINUTES OF THE 38th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGOF THE INSTITUTE OF ANIMAL TECHNOLOGY18.00 hours on Tuesday 12th March 2024P&J Live, AberdeenThe AGM was chaired by Vice President of the IAT, Penny Hawkins (PH) and was attended by 77 members. Linda Horan (LH), IAT Chair of Council was delighted to welcome everyone to Congress 2024.LH reported that it had been a busy year for the IAT. Congress 2024 would be LH’s last one as Chair of Council. LH reported that her fi ve-year tenure as Chair were both very eventful and very productive. The cancellation of AST2020 had been a stressful time for everyone concerned, but with the help of a good lawyer, a good percentage of funds had been returned. The IAT had also been involved in supporting technicians during the pandemic, gaining recognition for them as key workers.Linda Horan LH reported that it had been a busy year for the IAT. Congress 2024 would be Penny Hawkins

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Bulletin8 • June 2024 2021 saw the Transitional Change Programme Introduced by the Home Offi ce. It was clear that Named Animal Care and Welfare Offi cers (NACWOs) needed support and LH wrote many letters on behalf of the IAT, met with two Science Ministers and signed collective letters with other stakeholders. A joint survey was also commissioned, with 98% of NACWO responses recording that they did not think the changes were for the better. One year on, a survey of NACWOs has been launched and a QR code has been produced, which could be found in the Congress handbook and on the IAT website for a link to the survey.ASRPU & ASRU presented at Congress 2024 and LH encouraged everyone to go along and ask any questions they had.LH thanked past and present Council members for all their hard work and for helping to make her tenure as Chair a productive and enjoyable one.LH reported that Robin Lovell-Badge, President of the IAT, was not able to attend Congress 2024. PH as Vice President of the IAT had kindly volunteered to step in at short notice to chair the AGM. LH handed over to PH who started proceedings and welcomed everyone to the 38th IAT AGM.1. Apologies Apologies were received from Charlie Chambers, Haley Daniels and Adele Kitching.2. Minutes of the 37th Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Animal Technology held on 21st March 2023 The minutes were unanimously accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.3. Matters arising from the minutesSimon Cumming (SAC) reported that the minutes had been published in full on the website, and an abridged version in the Bulletin (Vol 59 No 6). SAC reported that at the previous AGM a question had been posed relating to the reduction in membership numbers during 2022. SAC had discussed this with Council following the AGM and it was felt that this was a sign of the times. However, SAC was pleased to announce that there had been an increase in numbers during 2023, as would be reported in Item 5. There were no further matters arising.Simon Cumming (SAC) reported that the minutes had been published in full on the website, and an abridged version in the Bulletin (Vol 59 No 6). an increase in numbers during 2023, as would be reported in Item 5. There were no further Simon Cumming

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BulletinJune 2024 • 94. Correspondence There was no correspondence to be covered under this item.5. Annual Report SAC spoke to the Annual Report. The full report is available on the IAT website in the Members’ Section. SAC gave a fl avour of the achievements of the IAT Council during the previous year.SAC thanked the President, Robin Lovell-Badge and all the Vice Presidents for their invaluable insights during the year. Paul Sanders had stood down as a VP during 2023 and no new VPs had been elected at the 2023 AGM. There were no questions on the annual report.6. Financial ReportSam Jameson (SLJ), IAT Honorary Treasurer, spoke to the IAT annual accounts for 2023. SLJ thanked everyone for supporting the IAT and reported that Congress remains the largest source of income for the IAT each year.In 2023, there was an excess of income over expenditure of £17,431. However, SLJ added that this was due to the release of retained funds from the cancellation of AST2020.The IAT continued their investment in educational activities during 2023.Income from registration for Level 2 and 3 Diplomas and for apprenticeshipEPAs was (end point assessments) £39,450, whilst the expenditure (educational consultant, administrative support, software etc) was £100,150.12. This resulted in a net defi cit of £60,700.12 on education for 2023.SLJ announced some increases in IAT fees. IAT HE courses are now being charged at £30 per unit. They were previously charged per Level. From 1st April 2024, NACWO certifi cates and replacements will be charged at £30. From 1st May 2024, the registration fee for Level 2 and 3 qualifi cations will be £150.SLJ proposed that from 1st September 2024 the IAT Membership fee should increase from £52.50 to £55.00 per member, an increase of 4.8%. Proposed: SLJ Seconded: Glyn FisherCarried unanimously.The IAT continued their investment in educational activities during 2023.Sam Jameson

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Bulletin10 • June 2024 SLJ then proposed acceptance of the annual accounts. Proposed: SLJ Seconded: Toby Sanders Carried unanimously.7. Appointment of the AuditorThe Treasurer proposed that King Loose be re-appointed as auditors for 2024. They have done a sterling job in 2023 and have been a great asset to the Institute. Proposed: Sam Jameson Seconded: Ross Millard Carried unanimously.8. Election of Officers Linda Horan (LH), Chair IAT Council, took over as Chair of the AGM for the appointment of the President.9.i President Council wished to propose Robin Lovell-Badge FRS as President for the forthcoming year. Proposed: Council Seconded: Robin Labesse Carried unanimously.9.ii Vice-Presidents No new Vice Presidents were proposed in 2023. The following were proposed en bloc as Vice Presidents: David Anderson Stephen Barnett Miles Carroll Penny Hawkins Wendy Jarrett Judy MacArthur Clark Fiona McEwen Tim Morris Clive Page Jan-Bas Prins Vicky Robinson Gail Thompson Robert Weichbrod Senga Allan David Spillane Proposed: Council Seconded: Claire Pearce Carried unanimously with one vote against.

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BulletinJune 2024 • 11 Council proposed Sally Robinson as a Vice President of the Institute. Proposed: Council Seconded: Claire Pearce Carried unanimously with one vote against.9.iii Council There were seven candidates for seven vacancies on Council, so no election was held and the following candidates were appointed to serve a three-year term: Carmen Abela Richard Berks Di Hazlehurst Sam Jameson Emma Owen Allan Thornhill Adrian Woodhouse Council members are elected by the membership. Election of the above appointments was confirmed unanimously by those present. Congratulations to those re-joining Council and to Emma and Richard who are joining this year.10. Proposals for Honorary and Life Membership There was one proposal for Life Membership and four proposals for Honorary Membership. Elaine Kirkum was proposed for Life Membership by IAT Council. Nominated by Linda Horan Proposed: IAT Council Seconded: Allan Thornhill Carried unanimously. Pete Willan was nominated for Honorary Membership by Council. Proposed: Council Seconded: Alan Graham Carried unanimously.Due to personal reasons, Pete was offered the opportunity to attend Congress 2024 in order to be presented with his plaque, should the award be approved at the AGM. Unfortunately, due to ill health, Pete was not able to attend Congress 2024. Pete’s son Hayden collected the plaque on his behalf.

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Bulletin12 • June 2024 Steve Owen was nominated for Honorary Membership by Council. Proposed: Council Seconded: Martin HeathCarried unanimously.John Waters was nominated for Honorary Membership by Council. Proposed: Council Seconded: Martin HeathCarried unanimously.Kate Heath was nominated for Honorary Membership by Ken Applebee. Proposed: Council Seconded: Sally RobinsonCarried unanimously.Those who were voted as Life and Honorary Members at the 2023 AGM were then presented with their plaques. There is an article in the March issue of the IAT Bulletin on all those receiving these awards.Pete Willan’s son Hayden collecting Pete’s Honorary Membership plaque

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BulletinJune 2024 • 13Jas Barley had been awarded Life Membership of the IAT. Unfortunately, Jas was not able to attend Congress 2024 but will be offered the chance to attend Congress 2025 to collect her plaque.Andy Domone was invited to collect his plaque for Honorary Membership.Andy gave a very emotional and heartfelt thank you to all those, past and present, who had helped him throughout his career. He was delighted to receive recognition for his long service to the industry. Andy collects his Honorary Membership PlaqueSarah Reed was due to collect her Honorary Membership plaque but was running late and had not arrived. Sarah would be presented with her plaque at the Close of Congress.Martin Heath was invited to collect his Honorary Membership plaque. Martin expressed his gratitude for the award, having spent over 45 years in the Industry, which he described as a very close-knit community.Martin also gave his deepest thanks to Andy Domone, who had been very kind to him when Martin was starting out in his career.

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Bulletin14 • June 2024 11. Any Other BusinessLH reported that the ATW Journal Prize winners for 2022 had been unable to attend Congress 2023 to receive their plaque. LH was delighted that Sally Robinson was at Congress 2024 and was able to collect the plaque on behalf of herself and Catherine Wilkinson. PH presented the plaque.LH thanked everyone for attending and congratulated all those who had received an award. LH also thanked PH for stepping in at such short notice to chair the AGM. There was no other business. The meeting was closed at 18.45 hours.Martin collects his Honorary Membership PlaqueSally collects the ATW Journal 2022 Winner prize on behalf of herself and Catherine Wilkinson

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BulletinJune 2024 • 15Congress 2024 ReportCongress 2024 took place in Aberdeen – The Granite City. Aberdeen got this nickname from its sparkling granite buildings. It is a port city in north east Scotland, where the Dee and Don rivers meet the North Sea.Our venue for 2024 was P&J Live, a state-of-the-art event venue located very close to Aberdeen airport. One of the many positive reasons the Congress Committee chose the venue is its sustainability credentials. As part of the design, the venue has its own innovative energy centre which uses food and garden waste from around Aberdeen. This is then digested in an anaerobic plant and the resulting methane hydrogen gas is harvested and used to power the energy centre which supplies heating, cooling and power, not only to P&J Live but also to the onsite hotels.

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Bulletin16 • June 2024The venue is celebrating its fi fth birthday this year, so is still relatively new. Feedback indicated that our delegates were very happy with this venue and with the food served during the event.As always, Congress 2024 began in earnest with the AGM on Tuesday evening. This was chaired by Penny Hawkins, who is one of the IAT Vice Presidents. The minutes of which can be found on pages 7 – 14.A brief overview of the IAT Annual Report for 2023 was given by Simon Cumming, Honorary Secretary. A full version of which can be found on the Members’ Section Delegates arrivingPenny Hawkins

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BulletinJune 2024 • 17of the IAT website. This was followed by the report from the Honorary Treasurer,Sam Jameson. Sam spoke to the Annual Accounts for 2023, highlighting various areas including education and proposed membership fees. The accounts and Sam’s report can also be found in the Members’ Section of the IAT website.Alan Graham, Chair of the Congress Committee, opened Congress 2024 on Wednesday morning and this was followed by the Stephen Barnett First Time Presenters’ Session.Simon CummingSam JamesonAlan GrahamWendy Steel chairs the First Time Presenters’ SessionAimee PatersonThomas Berriman

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Bulletin18 • June 2024Mark CampbellKirsty Kemp & Carolyn KaramStephanie Natario

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BulletinJune 2024 • 19This session was sponsored by AS-ET and the prize for the Best First Time Presenter was sponsored by Marshall BioResources. Marshall BioResources have been a long-time supporter of this prize and we are grateful for their continued support. There were fi ve entries for the session and the judges had a diffi cult job identifying a winner. The prize was awarded to Aimee Paterson, for her presentation entitled ‘Hands on refi nement’. See the awards section of this article for further information. The platform presentations continued throughout the day and included a variety of topics, including a fascinating insight into working with seals and how to establish and maintain a colony of pale spear-nosed bats. AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18Trevor Hawkey discusses batsSimon Moss discusses seals

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Bulletin20 • June 2024The afternoon concluded with a presentation by members of the Home Offi ce, who gave an update on the Home Offi ce’s positive progress of reforms to increase the effi ciency and effectiveness of the Regulator’s service to the regulated community. This was a well-attended session, with questions from the audience invited at the end.

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BulletinJune 2024 • 21Other platform presentations included – Supporting the NIO The Impact of the ASRU Change ProgrammeTechnician Commitment: Progress and Impact The use of saliva as a non-invasive biological sample in poniesBusiness Education Programme

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Bulletin22 • June 2024Platform presentations continued on Thursday with the Kevin Dolan Memorial Lecture being delivered as the fi nal afternoon presentation. Floating issues, Animals in Micro-gravity Determining cage change intervals A decade of openness on animal researchGuide to GuppiesBuilding an animal research community

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BulletinJune 2024 • 23Improving the lives of rodentsUnderstanding the role of compassion fatigueEvolution of a decentralised animal care programmeCLAST CPD

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Bulletin24 • June 2024This paper was given by Professor Paul Thompson, Professor of Zoology at the University of Aberdeen. Paul’s paper was entitled ‘Ocean Wanderers – insights into a life at sea’ and explored some of the challenges and opportunities of working in natural systems, focussing on Aberdeen’s 75 year study of a colony of Northern Fulmars in Orkney. Paul explained how techniques and tools have evolved to help ecologists increase their understanding of these birds’ behaviour at sea.challenges and opportunities of working in techniques and tools have evolved to help The Kevin Dolan Memorial lecture

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BulletinJune 2024 • 25The guest lecture session was sponsored by IPS and we are extremely grateful for their ongoing support.There were ten workshops held over the three days of Congress. For those arriving early on Tuesday, Penny Hawkins and Marine Barnabé from the RSPCA, delivered a workshop on ‘Emotional aspects of an Animal Technologist’s role – burnout and compassion fatigue’. There is an increasing recognition that Animal Technologists can suffer from compassion fatigue and the IAT has worked hard to raise awareness of this issue. This workshop included case studies, resources to help identify and alleviate compassion fatigue and plenty of opportunities for open discussion in a supportive environment.AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18environment.Emotional aspects of an Animal Technologist’s role – burnout and compassion

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Bulletin26 • June 2024Other workshops included ‘Refi ning the life of a Zebrafi sh’, ‘Surgical asepsis in practice’ and ‘Rat handling in a cage change station’. Other workshops included ‘Refi ning the life of a ebrafi sh’, ‘Surgical asepsis in Other workshops included ‘Refi ning the life of a Other workshops included ‘Refi ning the life of a 26 • June 2024

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Julie Keeble and Jayne Morgan from King’s College London ran a workshop aimed at those who have never had the opportunity to attend an Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body (AWERB) meeting and those who do attend but are yet to fi nd their voice. The aim was to encourage contributions and empower attendees for future AWERB experiences.There were also two workshops to complement online training for trainers and assessors. UAR delivered a workshop on fi lming with a smartphone and NC3Rs offered a workshop on ‘Practical advice on performing Animal Technician-led welfare trials’. Turning up the volume at the AWERB – voices that are yet to be heardThere were also two workshops to complement online training for trainers and June 2024 • 27

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BulletinJune 2024 • 29Penny Hawkins also ran a workshop on some current thinking and policies around animal sentience.Congress 2024 saw a record number of 43 posters submitted and displayed, covering a huge variety of topics. Penny Hawkins also ran a workshop on some current thinking and policies Penny Hawkins also ran a workshop on some current thinking and policies Animal Sentience

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Bulletin30 • June 2024

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BulletinJune 2024 • 31

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Bulletin32 • June 2024One of the posters on display was by Tom Bosley, from Manchester University. He was the winner of the Andrew Blake Tribute Award (ABTA) and received a glass plaque and a monetary award, along with free attendance at Congress 2024 as his prize. Thank you to all those who submitted posters, contributing to the fantastic display.Following the Kevin Dolan Memorial Lecture on Thursday afternoon was the Close of Congress where several awards were made.Tom received his prize for theposter entitled ‘A collaborativeeffort to improve the welfareof SKH1 mice’. We are verygrateful to the NC3Rs, whosponsored the Andrew BlakeTribute Award this year.Tom Bosley receiving the ABTANational Centre for the Replacement Refi nement & Reduction of Animals in Research

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BulletinJune 2024 • 33Each year, a panel judge the posters in two categories. The fi rst is for animal welfare and the second for scientifi c basis. Posters are judged according to best content, clarity and quality of science and covers improvement in animal welfare, innovation, ease of replication of work, presentation and layout.Aimee Patterson receiving her poster awardThe prize for Best Poster – Animal Welfare was awarded to Aimee Paterson for her poster ‘Hands-on refi nements: establishing improved husbandry routines for aged C57BL/6 mice’. Karla Esparza was awarded the prize for Best Poster – Scientifi c Basis, for her poster ‘Can a rabbit-human habituation programme reduce stress and aggressive behaviour?’.Both Aimee and Karla received a monetary prize of £250 each and thanks to LBS (Serving Biotechnology) who continue to sponsor the Best Poster Awards. Karla Esparza receiving her poster awardAimee Paterson receiving the fi rst time presenter awardThe Stephen Barnett First Time Presenter Award was made, alongside the two Best Poster Awards. The Marjorie (Sandiford) Whittingham Memorial Prize for the Journal Article 2023 was awarded to Dr Rudy C Flores, from the Phillipines. Rudy was unable to attend Congress 2024 but has been invited to attend Congress 2025.The winners of the 2022 Journal Article Prize had been unable to

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Bulletin34 • June 2024attend Congress 2023 to collect their award but Sally Robinson was attending Congress 2024 and was invited to receive the plaque on behalf of herself and Catherine Wilkinson, the joint authors of the 2022 winning paper, at the AGM.Sarah Reed presented with her Honorary Membership PlaqueSarah Reed had been unable to attend the AGM on Tuesday evening, and so was presented with her Honorary Membership plaque at the Close of Congress.The 2024 USA recipient of the AAALAC International Fellowship was invited up to say a few words about her trip. Jennifer McMillan had spent the previous week visiting various establishments in the UK, before arriving in Aberdeen for Congress 2024. Jennifer wished to thank all those who had hosted her during her visit and who had made it such an enjoyable and interesting trip. Applications were invited for UK candidates and further details were found on the IAT website or byJennifer McMillan, The US recipient of the AAALAC FellowshipReports from previous recipients can also be found on the AAALAC site and are published in the IAT Bulletin. It is an exceptional prize to win, with an all-expensespaid trip to the USA, visiting various facilities and culminating in attending theannual AALAS National Meeting.No Congress would be complete without the incredible support of our Trade Exhibitors. Every year, they arrive with new ways to attract people to their stands and new ideas and innovations to share. This year was no different!visiting the AAALAC website –

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BulletinJune 2024 • 35FLASH TRADE PRESENTATIONSPlex AgendaDatesandGruenbergScanburMMM MedicalTecniplastCharles Rivervisiting the AAALAC website –

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Bulletin36 • June 2024IPS ScionicsS3 Science a-tuneUnoInivosNKP-IsotecAvidityScienceLBSSychemFLASH TRADE PRESENTATIONS

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BulletinJune 2024 • 37On Tuesday evening, following the AGM, the offi cial Opening of Trade took place. There was a wine reception, followed by a buffet dinner. Delegates were able to wander around the trade exhibition, check out the latest products and chat to exhibitors.

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Bulletin38 • June 2024The Exhibition Hall was very spacious, allowing the stands to be slightly more spaced out than usual. It also allowed for a casual meeting area in the centre and a large area for refreshments and meals to be served. This encouraged delegates to move through the Exhibition Hall during break times. Thank you to all those exhibitors who sponsored items for the delegate ‘goodie bags’. DBM Scotland sponsored the actual bags and Inotiv sponsored the mugs. CCTech sponsored the very handy notebooks and the IAT sponsored the pens. Nicky Windows once again organised the Trade Competition – see pages 00-00, which this year went digital! Proceeds from the competition covered the prizes with the additional funds being donated to AS-ET.Sponsored by:Please email Robert Orvis: to book your team and their meal option. Choices are: Beef or Chicken or Spicy-Bean burger meal.6 persons per team at £10.00 each as Agenda Life Sciences is generously sponsoring the remaining £8.95 per person.Note: Teams of fewer than 6 in a team are welcome, but the minimum cost is £60. Prizes for the highest scoring team and individual.Booking & Payment - in advance.Latest booking date: 10th May BACS payment to: HSBC - Cambridge I.A.T. branch 40-40-45 41322745 Reference: Your team nameWednesday 17th May 2023Tenpin Cambridge Leisure Park, Clifton Way, Cambridge, CB1 7DYArrive at 5.30 - Bowling starts at 6pmWhilst there is plenty at Congress to educate and inspire delegates, it is also a chance to socialise with friends old and new.

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BulletinJune 2024 • 43Wednesday evening saw the return of the ever-popular Ken’s Quiz, albeit a slightly shortened version. This was due to the inaugural Karaoke Evening taking place immediately after the quiz.

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0345 050 4556 | info@tecniplastuk.comThank you!Thank you for taking the time to comeand see us on the Tecniplast stand atIAT Congress 2024.As always, your support andfeedback is invaluable, and we lookforward to welcoming you next year!Ciao for now...

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0345 050 4556 | info@tecniplastuk.comThank you!Thank you for taking the time to comeand see us on the Tecniplast stand atIAT Congress 2024.As always, your support andfeedback is invaluable, and we lookforward to welcoming you next year!Ciao for now...

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Bulletin46 • June 2024For some years, there have been a few requests in the feedback for a karaoke evening, but the Congress Committee had always shied away, fearing that it would be a disaster, with either no-one taking part or people not wanting to be there. How wrong were they?! There is a wealth of talent amongst IAT delegates and they were not afraid to get up and make the most of it! Congratulations to everyone who took part – you really made the evening. Huge thanks to both IPS and Tecniplast for their sponsorship of this very successful evening’s entertainment generously supporting the quiz session and the debut karaoke at Congress.AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18

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BulletinJune 2024 • 51The Gala Dinner on Thursday evening is always popular and a chance to get upon the dance fl oor and dance the night away. Live music was provided by Waterfront, who played a two-hour set and were followed by an excellent DJ.

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BulletinJune 2024 • 57As in previous years, a feedback survey was sent out to all delegates following the event. Thank you to all those who completed the survey. It is important that the Congress Committee hear back as to what was good and what was not so good about a venue and the Congress programme.Feedback in general was excellent this year. Whilst we realise that Aberdeen is not exactly a central location, it did give those living in more northern areas a shorter trip to Congress. The weather was also kind to us, in that it did not snow – unlike Eastbourne that fateful year, when we had snow on the beach and people stuck in cars due to snow drifts!The majority of survey respondents felt the location was good and that the food and refreshments were also to a high standard. The scientifi c programme, workshops and posters all received an excellent rating, as did the social events. Value for money was rated as good and the trade exhibition and overall satisfaction were both regarded as excellent.As in previous years, a feedback survey was sent out to all delegates following As in previous years, a feedback survey was sent out to all delegates following As in previous years, a feedback survey was sent out to all delegates following

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Bulletin58 • June 2024There were some general suggestions and comments included in the feedback. Some people felt that the poster area was a little distanced from the rest of the event. It was opposite the main lecture theatre, so people could look at them before and after platform sessions or workshops. There was a suggestion that the posters could have been displayed in the main foyer outside the trade hall but as the IAT Congress was not the only event taking place at P&J Live, the main foyer was a communal thoroughfare and hence could not be restricted to IAT delegates only.There were also comments about using venues where accommodation can be all on one site with the conference facility, such as Celtic manor. There are a couple of issues with this, these venues tend to be very expensive and there are not that many around. Most conference centres now tend to offer the conference facilities, but not hotel facilities. Also, delegates are now used to arranging their own accommodation at whatever budget suits them. If the IAT arranges accommodation and does not sell all the rooms, we are left with a huge bill for unsold rooms and we are charged regardless of whether they are used or not.We asked in the survey whether people wanted to have the middle night of Congress (i.e. the Wednesday evening) as a free evening. 24% did want the evening left free for delegates to make their own arrangements, but 55% did not want this and would prefer to have an organised event/meal. One of the main comments often made in our previous feedback surveys was that IAT Congress is so good because everyone stays together. All the social events are included for everyone. This year’s survey was no exception, with comments asking to keep delegates together for evening functions. However, there were also comments asking for central city locations to be used, allowing people to go out and explore. This would inevitably lead to delegates deciding to go out on Wednesday evening or during the day and not stay for any arranged activities, meals and, of course, the main scientifi c programme.We are very grateful to all those who contributed to Congress 2024 – by presenting, running a workshop, displaying a poster, exhibiting in the trade hall and sponsoring various elements and giveaways. We are also extremely grateful to all the delegates who attended. Without you, there would be no Congress!We hope that we will see you at Congress 2025, which will take place on 4th – 7thMarch 2025, in a North West venue.Reporter: Nikki Stevens

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BulletinJune 2024 • 59Congress 2024Trade CompetitionBack again in 2024, the ever-popular Trade Competition took place throughout the trade exhibition at Congress in Aberdeen. With 15 trade stands taking part and a prize of £100 in Amazon vouchers, it proved popular with delegates.This year was the fi rst year we had gone paperless and entries were via a QR code. The reduction in print costs meant that we could increase our AS-ET donation to £350.This year’s winner was Kaya Griggs from University of Cambridge.Many thanks to everyone who took part and to the following companies for their continued support:a-tune, Agenda, Charles River, Clinipath, Datesand, Inotiv, IPS, LBS, Marshall BioResource, MMM Medical Ltd, S3 Science, Scanbur, Scionics, Sychem and Tecniplast.Sponsored by:Please email Robert Orvis: to book your team and their meal option. Choices are: Beef or Chicken or Spicy-Bean burger meal.6 persons per team at £10.00 each as Agenda Life Sciences is generously sponsoring the remaining £8.95 per person.Note: Teams of fewer than 6 in a team are welcome, but the minimum cost is £60. Prizes for the highest scoring team and individual.Booking & Payment - in advance.Latest booking date: 10th May BACS payment to: HSBC - Cambridge I.A.T. branch 40-40-45 41322745 Reference: Your team nameWednesday 17th May 2023Tenpin Cambridge Leisure Park, Clifton Way, Cambridge, CB1 7DYArrive at 5.30 - Bowling starts at 6pmTrade CompetitionWin £100Amazon VoucherAnswer each question and return your entry for your chance to win

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Bulletin60 • June 2024 AS-ET Report from IAT Congress in AberdeenAS-ET is incredibly appreciative to benefit from the IAT Congress Raffle for another year.The Trust appreciates the efforts of the Edinburgh Branch for organising it, every Branch for donating the wonderful prizes and ALL OF YOU for your support by buying tickets.By awarding bursaries to enable individuals to attend courses to improve their own knowledge and skills, directly leading to ever improving standards of animal welfare, AS-ET has also awarded grants to support research projects and the development and provision of short courses and educational meetings.To date, our bursary applicants have benefitted from around £200K in grants to support education and welfare activities but we are entirely dependent on funds donated from those employed in or having an interest in Animal Technology.Patrons: Professor Lord Naren Patel KT, Professor Sir Richard Gardner FIAT (Hon) FRSChair of Trustees: Ken Applebee OBE FIAT FRSB Secretary to the Trust: Wendy Steel BSc (Hons) FIATTrustees: Jasmine Barley MSc FIAT, Charlie Chambers MIAT, Karen J Gardner, Allan Thornhill FIAT RAnTech, Nicky Windows BSc (Hons) Registered Charity Number 1133119Registered Ofce: 5 South Parade, Summertown, Oxford OX2 7JL2024 CHARITY NOMINATED BY EDINBURGH BRANCHHere’s what some of our bursary winners have to say:“I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the bursary that AS-ET awarded me to complete IAT level 3. I am grateful for the knowledge and skills I have learned throughout my studies. This has helped me to be a better manager and my knowledge in animal research has improved a lot.”“Unfortunately, with rising prices everywhere our departmental budget wasn’t able to stretch to allow me to continue my studies. I turned to AS-ET for help and they willingly agreed to fund 50% of my module with my department paying the rest. For anyone on the fence as to whether to give a Level 4 course a try I would say go for it! You will learn so much about the work going on in your facility as well as essay writing techniques and working to deadlines. I’m already in the process of signing up for the next module!”“The Masters programme is the end of my HE journey, but this does not mean that I will stop learning and enquiring as a part of my role and love of animals. I hope it permits me to be an example to my fellow technicians, proving that with hard work and at any age, anything is achievable. Once again this would not have been possible without the financial support of AS-ET and I am indebted to the trustees for enabling me to achieve my aims.”“Thanks to AS-ET, I was able to attend an NTCO workshop which has given me more insight into the NTCO role and given me areas of focus that I can develop in the future, while providing me with a support network of experienced NTCOs. The skills and support I have gained have empowered me to further influence and inspire others working with animals and to achieve the highest standards of training and welfare.” is a charity with the purpose to further the advancement of education and promotion of excellence in the welfare of animals in science Kyle O’Sullivan MIATUniversity College London being awarded the Tecniplast prize for IAT HE Level 5 Victoria Roberts MIAT DSTLreceiving the AS-ET/West Middlesex Branch IAT HE Level 4 prize from Ken Applebee, Chair of TrusteesIt was an immense pleasure for AS-ET Trustees to be able to meet up with friends, colleagues and supporters in Aberdeen. It was particularly special to be able to hand out certifi cates to our corporate sponsors – some of whom are photographed here and to host the AS-ET reception prior to the Gala dinner.As always, AS-ET is extremely grateful to the IAT for making this happen.Alison Hopkins, a-tuneAlistair Vincent,MMMDan Harding and his team, Sychem

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BulletinJune 2024 • 61Patron: Professor Lord Naren Patel KTChair of Trustees: Professor Sir Richard Gardner FIAT (Hon) FRSSecretary to the Trust: Ken Applebee OBE FIAT FRSBTrustees: Jasmine Barley MSc FIAT, Charlie Chambers MIAT,Karen J Gardner, Wendy Steel BSc (Hons) FIATRegistered Charity Number 1133119Registered Office: 5 South Parade, Summertown, Oxford OX2 Griebenouw, CastiumJonathon Wood, DatesandSimon Mizen, TecniplastToby Sanders, AgendaMirren Allan, IPS

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BulletinJune 2024 • 63We are also grateful to Professor Sir Richard Gardner, Cathy Godfrey, Karen Roberts and Wendy Steel for donating prizes for the annual auction on the AS-ET stand. The auctioned items raised £197 with all proceeds going to AS-ET. Indeed, the auction proved to be so popular that there was a ‘bidding war’ for the owl scraperboard, whereby Stephen Cassidy gallantly allowed Susan Hindmarsh to have it after the raffl e had closed, provided that Susan matched his fi nal bid! We are already looking for desirable items for future auctions – if any of you out there have any treasures you would like to donate we would be delighted to hear from you.Reporter: Wendy Steel Tawny Owl Scraper BoardTawny Owl Scraper BoardWendy Steel, an AS-ET Trustee and Cathy Godfrey, an AS-ET supporter with the stand and auction items.One of the Auction Prizes – a Rat Vase!

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Bulletin64 • June 2024 AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014•15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18

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BulletinJune 2024 • 65 AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the careand welfare of animals used in science. Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit thewebsite is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15AS-ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence inthe care and welfare of animals used in science.To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website ( companies listed below sponsor AS-ET. If you would like to join themfind out how to support us by looking at our website.BulletinMay 2014• 15Bulletin18 •July 2020Jul20:IATB NEW 10/7/20 10:02 Page 18Congress 2024 came and went and, according to the feedback survey, was deemed a great success! So now is the time to start thinking about 2025, which will be the 75th anniversary of the IAT.If you work with a novel species, have made refinements to the way you do something or have experience with any of the above, share your expertise at Congress 2025.Contact: Allan – can you make this all t on one page? Thanks Carole Congress 2024 came and went and, according to the feedback survey, was deemed a great success! So now is the me to start thinking about 2025, which will be the 75th anniversary of the IAT. If you work with a novel species, have made refinements to the way you do something or have experience with any of the above, share your expertise at Congress 2025.

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Bulletin66 • June 2024 SITUATIONS VACANTVisit the Careers pages on the IAT Website for the latest vacancies advertising details from by:Please email Robert Orvis: to book your team and their meal option. Choices are: Beef or Chicken or Spicy-Bean burger meal.6 persons per team at £10.00 each as Agenda Life Sciences is generously sponsoring the remaining £8.95 per person.Note: Teams of fewer than 6 in a team are welcome, but the minimum cost is £60. Prizes for the highest scoring team and individual.Booking & Payment - in advance.Latest booking date: 10th May BACS payment to: HSBC - Cambridge I.A.T. branch 40-40-45 41322745 Reference: Your team nameWednesday 17th May 2023Tenpin Cambridge Leisure Park, Clifton Way, Cambridge, CB1 7DYArrive at 5.30 - Bowling starts at 6pm, ATW aims to be the medium for Animal Technologists and all thoseconcerned with the care and welfare of animals used for research purposes to communicate ‘good practice’. In particular, it aims topromote and develop the 3Rs, particularly in respect of refi nement. The journal also promotes the generally accepted 4th R – responsibility;The responsibility that all Animal Technologists have in ensuring dissemination of ‘good practice’ to every institution using animals in research. ATW enjoys a unique position as the scientifi c publication for leading organisations for the welfare of animals used in research.To Read Online – Technology and Welfare (ATW) Journal Online

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Enquiries to Congress Committee via and celebrate the IAT’s75th anniversary with us atCongress20254th - 7th MarchNORTH WEST VENUEDelivering a Full Scientific Programme addressing current themes Attend the wide range of Scientific Papers and Poster DisplaysVisit one of the largest Trade Exhibitions in the UKDetails for Congress 2025 will be available on the IAT and published in the monthly BulletinBookings will open September 2024The largest UK event run entirely for Animal Technologists and TechniciansCongress2025CONGRESS

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Bulletin68 • June 2024 UNCLAIMED RAFFLE TICKETSPlease check your Congress raffl e tickets, as the following two prizes are unclaimed:- GIN AND GIN GLASS Green raffl e tickets strip – numbers 26 – 30 (1P91 VU6S)WHITBY BAKERY VOUCHER Green raffl e tickets – strip numbers 126 – 130(1P91 VU6S)It has come to our attention, following several members contacting us recently, regarding being notifi ed of insuffi cient postage on the envelope for the delivery of their monthly IAT Bulletin or a copy of the Congress 2024 Handbook.If you have received, or do receive, a request to pay a fee from Royal Mail online, or asking you to collect the item from your sorting offi ce, etc, bringing identifi cation with you, then please DO NOT pay it. Instead contact the IAT Administrator to pass on the details you have been given from Royal Mail and we will make sure the missing item will be posted separately to you as soon as possible.Nikki StevensIAT AdministratorROYAL MAIL – INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE

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BulletinJune 2024 • 69WE NEED YOU!Have you made a difference in your work place?The IAT Branch Liaison Committee are looking for 100 greatimprovements that have been made in the industry. This couldbe anything.Follow the link or the QR code to submit your idea NEED YOU!Have you made a difference in your work place?The IAT Branch Liaison Committee are looking for 100 greatimprovements that have been made in the industry. This couldbe anything.Follow the link or the QR code to submit your idea

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Bulletin70 • June 2024

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BulletinJune 2024 • 71Front cover: Congress 24 Courtesy: Adrian Newman DIARY DatesTo View NowProcedures with Care To view: View NowEnvironmental Health Monitoring is a 3Rs Replacement for Live Sentinel RodentsNA3RsC 2021To view: health-monitoring/presentations/ Available on applicationNC3Rs TrainingIncludes: Introduction to ethics and the 3Rs and EDA workshops Details: – 11th July 2024UFAW International Animal Welfare Conference 2024 Porto, PortugalDetails: July 2024River Cruise West Middlesex Branch LondonDetails: Page 7018th July 2024Nectar 2024 Newcastle University NewcastleDetails: August 2024Train the TrainerUBSS CambridgeCambridgeDetails: August 2024RAnTech WorkshopThe Learning CurveOnlineDetails: October 2024Animal Technician ConferenceCambridgeDetails: Page 43rd – 7th November 2024AALAS ConferenceNashville, USADetails: – 20th November 2024LASA ConferenceWest MidlandsDetails:

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