HOLD THE INSPIRATION 8:04 PM June 14, 2019 י“עשת ןויס א“ט אשנ תשרפ June 18 - Girls’ graduation 8:00 PM June 19 - Boys’ graduation 8:00 PM June 19 - last day for Preschool, dismissal at 12 noon, no aftercare June 20 - last day for 1-8B/G, 12 noon dismissal September 4 - new school year starts for grades 1-8B/G September 5 - first day for Preschool Baruch Hashem we have spent a very productive year together. The children have ה״עק learned and developed so much in both Kodesh and General Studies. Thank you to the Rabbeim, Moros, Teachers, and Administration for going above and beyond nurturing each child and helping them grow and produce in the way they did. Enjoy a restful summer with family and friends. Please take part in the different summer programs that your children’s teachers are offering which help reinforce and retain what was learned over the year. Chazarah is such a critical component of our children’s success, and we cannot overemphasize its importance. The Chortkover Rebbe, ל״צז לארשי ברה would tell his Chassidim on the Shabbos after the Yom Tov of Shavuos that רעד זיס תועובש ךונ תבש רעד טשינ זיס תועובש ךאנ תבש– a play on the words ךונ and ךאנ which sound the same but have dissimilar meanings. It is not the Shabbos תועובש ךונ, after Shavuos, but is rather תועובש ךאנ, the Shabbos of more Shavuos. The impact of the lesson of Shavuos needs to make a lasting impression on the individual. The Yom Tov should be absorbed and internalized into one’s daily life. In the הילדג רוא רפס from Rav Gedalya Schorr ל״צז, he recounts how a chossid of the Chortkover Rebbe asked the ם״שרהמ why the Rebbe emphasized this message on Shavous over other Yomim Tovim. The Maharsham responded that the ארמג in הגיגח relates that when the לגר ילועwould come thrice yearly to the Beis HaMikdash, the Kohanim would lift the Shulchan with the םינפה םחל and declare: ואר םוקמה ינפל םכתביח, see how beloved you are before Hashem, as the םינפה םחל were as fresh and warm when removed on Shabbos as they had been when initially placed on the Shulchan a week prior. On Pesach and Sukkos, explained the Maharsham, the length of the Yom Tov insured that Klal Yisrael remained over one Shabbos and were able to thus experience the miracle. However Shavuos was one day and could fall out on a weekday, which would mean Klal Yisrael would not witness the miracle of the םינפה םחלbecause the breads were only removed on Shabbos. He then indicated a ז״בדר who writes that the Yidden would stay from Shavous until after the following Shabbos in order to experience the miracle of the Shulchan. It was worthwhile for Klal Yisrael to extend their stay beyond the length of the yom tov to reinforce the idea of their belovedness. And this is why, said the Maharsham, the Rebbe emphasized the kesher between the Shabbos after Shavuos to Shavuos over other Yamim Tovim. Looking forward to greeting students on September 4. Have a תבש טוג! Rabbi Ochs The bulletin is sponsored by: It has been a busy few weeks since the last bulletin. With end of year trips, performances and activities. The boys annual Millenium Park Lag B’Omer took place a week late. A fun time was had by all. Thank you to all the Rebbeim for transporting the boys. 4B visited Old Sturbridge Village. The boys searched for the Lamed Tes Melachos and enjoyed a class on how to make cloth from shearing to carding, to spinning, and, of course ,weaving. Thank you Rabbi Rodkin. Every year there is a siyum for the boys who participated in the nation wide Masmid Govoha Program - extra learning done outside of regular school curriculum. This year the New England siyum was held in Waterbury, CT. We are especially proud of the 45 boys who participated in the program. Thank you to Rabbi Hain for managing the program in our school. The sixth grade girls participated in a special bas mitzvah celebration, based on their in depth study of הנח תריש. The girls performed beautifully. It was an extremely emotional evening for the mothers in attendance. Thank you Miss R. Fireman and Mrs. Frohlich for organizing the celebration What a nachas we have had from all the performances in the girls building. It began with the second grade girls, Rus play. The girls sang and acted out the story of Megilas Rus. Thank you Mrs. Fontek for the expert directing. PreK1 kinderlach sang songs with such confidence at their Aleph Bais siyum. Thank you Morah Brachi Fontek and Morah Kagan. After a beautiful choral presentation Kindergarten students received their first siddurim from Rabbi Ochs at the siddur play on Wednesday. Thank you Mrs. Frohlich, Miss Wilhelm, Miss Gould, Mrs. Roditi and Mrs. Gluckin. The third grade girls displayed their learning of the importance of Shmoneh Esrei in their presentation. Thank you Mrs. Posy. A special thank you goes to Morah Leah (Linda Nussbaum) for going above and beyond with the many practices sessions for all the performances. Thank you as well for the 6th grade medieval history lessons.
Bulletin Board WEEK OF LEARNING 11-17 Sivan — sponsored by Ms. Arlene Rosenbaum, in loving memory of Florence & Coleman Rosenbaum a”h, Kalman ben Yosef & Esther z”l and Frima bas Binyomin & Malka a”h DAY OF LEARNING 4 Sivan– sponsored by a friend in memory of Avrohom ben Mordechai z”l 10 Sivan — sponsored by Torah Academy in memory of Mondany bas Shimon a"h, mother of Mr. Bobby Sanieoff 11 Sivan - sponsored by Torah Academy L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel ben Noach Hellman HaLevi z"l, brother of Mrs. Edith Dovek 13 Sivan - sponsored by Torah Academy in honor of all the selfless and dedicated Volunteers of Torah Academy Their devotion, passion, and hard work have helped make this year such a successful and great one at Torah Academy. Thank you! CONDOLENCES TO: Rabbi Yaakov Beker and family on the petira of his mother Dr. Yitzchak Metchik and family on the petira of his mother Mr. Bobby Sanieoff and family on the petira of his mother, Mondany bas Shimon a”h Mrs. Edi Dovek and family on the petira of her brother, Shmuel ben Noach Hellman HaLevi z”l MAZEL TOV TO: Binyamin & Rivka Devora (‘95) (Goldstein) Muntner on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents, Mr. Shaul & Mrs. Barbara (Hamilton Office) Goldstein Binyomin (’08) & Rochel Wilhelm on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents, Rabbi Moshe Dovid & Mrs. Bassie Wilhelm LOST & FOUND NOTICE Any personal possessions left in school after noon on June 20th will be considered hefker and will be disposed of. NEXT BOXTOP CONTEST The next contest is Boxtops by Family Save you Boxtops over the summer. The contest ends after Sukkos. COMMUNITY EVENTS June 20 - community is invited to a םולשל םכתאצ in honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Nochum Murik at the Kollel of Greater Boston at 8:30 PM,
PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 1. K students davening from their siddurim for the very first time 2. Kindergarten Siddur Play 3. Zoo in PreK for letter Z week 4. PreK1 Aleph Bais Siyum 5. 8th grade girls reading their story books to K2. What a treat! 6. The PreK classes marveled at the process of metamorphosis of caterpillars changing into butterflies. Then they went to the park and set them free. 5. 6. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 4. 4. 3. 3.
1. 3. 2. 8. 1. 6G art– drawing skills,-penguins. 2. 2G Rus Play 3. The girls in grade 5 display their Kohen Gadol models made in conjunction with their parsha study. 4. 3G Shemoneh Esrei Play 5. 6G Bas Mitzvah Program 6. 2G using fruit loops to learn about division 7. 8G boating trip HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 5. 6. 4. 4. 7.
1. Watercolor Friday in grade 1. 2. Torah Academy Administration presents a thank you gift to Alan Oliff upon his retiring from CJP 3. As part of their Sefiras Haomer learning, second grade boys prepared a special song. 4. 4B trip to Old Sturbridge Village 5. Field Day! 6. 3B on their social studies trip 7. 4th grade boys had a fabulous time making cheesecake for Shavuos, while solving challenging yet engaging math problems WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 4. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 5. 1. 2. 4. 1. 6.
Torah Academy is proud to “menschen” the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY, in both Kodesh and General Studies. The following boys have achieved menschen status 14 or more times out of 28 weeks. Natanel Atar ( 02B ) Eli Benmergui ( 02B ) Nechemia Berzansky ( 01B ) Zelig Bier ( 01B ) Yaakov Bier ( 02B ) Mordy Bier ( 04B ) Ari Block ( 02B ) Moishy Blumberg ( 05B ) Nochum Dessler ( 01B ) Yoni Faintuch ( 06B ) Yisrael Feldman ( 06B ) Yehuda Leib Feldman ( 05B ) Yehoshua Feldman ( 05B ) Yehuda Feuerstein ( 05B ) Elchonon Frohlich ( 02B ) Yehuda Greenblatt ( 01B ) Yisroel Leib Greene ( 05B ) Meir Hain ( 08B ) Avrohom Halpern ( 01B ) Yosef Hoffman ( 02B ) Levi Yitzchok Horowitz ( 01B ) Yehoshua Kashnow ( 02B ) Levi Meir Klompas ( 01B ) David Knisbacher ( 03B ) Dovid Tzvi Krochmal ( 06B ) Moishe Leff ( 06B ) Shmuel Loketch ( 04B ) Aron Luria ( 03B ) Nesanel Luria ( 01B ) Ezi Markov ( 07B ) Baruch Marshall ( 01B ) Malkiel Miara ( 07B ) Asher Nesanel Mintzes ( 01B ) Naftoli Ochs ( 04B ) Aaron Sanieoff ( 05B ) Dovid Sebbag ( 01B ) Moshe Segal ( 01B ) Binyomin Septimus ( 06B ) Daniel Simnegar ( 05B ) Shmuel Meir Solomon ( 08B ) Tuvya Sternfield ( 01B ) Tzvi Sussman ( 01B ) Manny Tarlin ( 08B ) Yaakov Wallin ( 01B ) Yishai Wasserman ( 08B ) Nesanel Wilhelm ( 08B ) Chatzkel Wilhelm ( 06B ) Yehuda Wolf ( 05B ) Eliyahu Youshei ( 02B ) Daniel Youshei ( 08B )