NEWSLETTERTHE OFFICIALJULY + AUGUST 2024A look at our FullertonFinancial Travel Group! F E A T U R I N G
TABLE OF CONTENTSFullerton Financial Travel group03Check out all the excitement from our latest client event.Make-A-Wish Arizona From the Desk of Beezer04Join us for our annual summer of giving helping to raise money for wishes for kidsResources and important information brought to you by the Fullerton pup.0506BINGO!! Upcoming EventsFind out what exciting events are taking place at Fullerton in the new year0711Why FullertonMid-Year Retirement ChecklistWe offer reliable financial advice with a focus on excellence, integrity, and community impactThe Importance of Getting Your Mid-Year Checkup The Importance of Estate Planning: Securing Your Legacy and Protecting Your Family Come share travel experiences, tips, and bond over the joy of exploration0910SE E WHAT ' S IN S IDEEstate Planning
JULY1730Coffee Talk: Mid-Year Retirement Check Up Make A Wish Fundraiser AUGUSTMix & Mingle: East Valley127Grandparents Day MovieCoffee Talk: Medicare21SEPTEMBERCoffee Talk: Taxes18Mix & Mingle: West Valley19A N D F I R S T T OA N D F I R S T T OR E G I S T E R H E R E !R E G I S T E R H E R E !SUMMER 2024 EVENTSFIND OUT WHAT'S GOING ON AT FULLERTON
GRAND OPENING RECAPLOO K I NG B A CK A T TH E EVE N TT H A T ’ S O N E G O O D B I N G O ! ! ! B I N G O N I G H T E V E N TA N I G H T F U L L O F F U NFriends and family gathered near the North Scottsdaleoffice for a lively bingo night filled with food, fellowship,and fun. Laughter filled the air as everyone competed forprizes and enjoyed each other's company. It was aheartwarming evening of community and camaraderie,making memories and sharing lots of love together.
Dear Friends,Woof woof! It’s your favorite office dog, Beezer, here with anotherexciting update from our team. I hope you’re all enjoying thesummer and maybe even planning some fun travels of your own.Whether you’re hitting the beach or exploring new trails, summer isthe perfect time for adventures – just don’t forget to take me withyou in spirit!Our new office in North Scottsdale is running as smoothly as awell-oiled squeaky toy, and I couldn’t be happier. The space isperfect for all our activities, from brainstorming sessions to clientmeetings, and our new teammates are settling in wonderfully.Their fresh perspectives and boundless energy are alreadymaking a positive impact, and I can’t wait for you to meet them atour upcoming events.Speaking of exciting news, we’re beyond thrilled to share that Fullerton has been recognized as one of the TopPlaces to Work for 2024 by AZ Central, part of the USA Today Network! This prestigious honor is a testament tothe amazing team we have and the positive culture we’ve built together. But that’s not all – we’ve also receivedthe Social Responsibility Award for our commitment to giving back to the community. It’s an incredible honor,and we couldn’t have achieved it without the support of our dedicated employees and wonderful clients. Thankyou for being a part of our journey and helping us make a difference.As we look ahead, keep an eye out for invitations to our upcoming events. We have some fantastic activitiesplanned, and we’d love for you to join us. If you want to make sure you’re on the list, please reach out to Maggieat our office – she’ll be happy to ensure you don’t miss a thing.As always, we’re here for you, and we’re grateful for your continued support. If you have any questions,suggestions, or just want to say hi, don’t hesitate to get in touch.Tail wags and doggie kisses,BeezerFROM THE DESK OF BEEZERRES O U RCE S + I M P ORT A N T I N F OSummer Travels, New Beginnings, andExciting News!Fullerton Financial Planning was recognized by AZ Central, a part of the USA Today network, in 2024. This award was based on employee surveys, and we believe this reflects the company's commitment to excellence and employee satisfaction.
Understanding RHOBTB2 Meet Cece: A Story of Strength and Resilience From that moment on, Cece’s life involved countless doctor and specialistappointments, therapies, tests, bloodwork, 911 calls, and extended hospitalstays, with no clear answers. In the Fall of 2022, Cece spiked a fever thatwouldn’t come down despite numerous efforts and medical interventions.She spent 36 days in the hospital, experiencing severe seizures and evenlosing movement on the left side of her body. This difficult period promptedmore aggressive research from her doctors. Finally, in the Spring of 2023,they found the answer: RHOBTB2, a rare genetic condition. Meet Cece, the 7-year-old daughter of one of our team members. Cece’s inspiring journey began at just 4 months old when she startedexperiencing seizures. It was a typical Saturday when Cece’s mom first noticed an unusual twitch. As the youngest of five, Mom didn’t thinkmuch of this, chalking it up to your typical infant movement. However, later that night, Cece’s aunt, a nurse, noticed the same twitch andurged Mom and Dad to take her to the ER immediately, suspecting seizure activity. She was right. BRINGING DREAMS TO LIFE: THE IMPACT OFMAKE-A-WISH AND OUR SUMMER FOR WISHESCAMPAIGN RHOBTB2 is a rare genetic disorder caused by mutations in the RHOBTB2 gene. This gene is responsible for encoding a protein that plays acrucial role in cell signaling pathways, which are vital for normal cellular functions. When this gene is mutated, it can lead to a variety ofneurological symptoms, including seizures, developmental delays, and movement disorders. For Cece, the RHOBTB2 mutation manifested in frequent, severe seizures and other neurological challenges. Identifying this condition was apivotal moment in her medical journey. With a definitive diagnosis, her medical team could develop a targeted treatment plan aimed at managingher symptoms and improving her quality of life.
HOW YOU CAN HELP Join us in our Summer for Wishes campaign and help us reach our goal of raising $5,000 for Make-A-Wish. Yoursupport can make a world of difference. Let's make this summer truly magical for children in need. The diagnosis of RHOBTB2 led to a significant decision: brain surgery. The goal of the surgery was to reduce or eliminateCece’s seizures, which had been a constant and debilitating part of her life. In August, Cece underwent the major brain surgerythat her doctors hoped would bring her much-needed relief. Ten months post-surgery, Cece is thriving. She is now seizure-freeand enjoying life away from hospitals and the uncertainty that marked her early years. This transformation has been nothingshort of miraculous for Cece and her family. After this challenging journey, Cece’s story took a magical turn. Recently, Make-A-Wish granted her a dream trip to DisneyWorld! Cece and her family enjoyed an unforgettable 7-day stay at Give Kids the World Village. They had exclusive access toDisney World and tickets to Universal Orlando and Sea World. This trip was a dream come true for Cece and her family, whohave faced immense challenges over the past 7 years. The impact of Make-A-Wish goes far beyond simply granting wishes. It's a powerful force that brings hope, strength, and joy tochildren like Cece and their families. Here’s how Make-A-Wish creates lasting positive effects: Celebrating Resilience: Make-A-Wish celebrates the resilience of children like Cece facing severe medical challenges.Every day can be a struggle against illness and uncertainty, and granting a wish provides these children with a sense ofempowerment and something positive to look forward to. It recognizes their bravery and determination. Recognizing Family Strength: A serious illness affects the entire family. Make-A-Wish acknowledges this reality and offersfamilies a chance to come together in joy and celebration. It’s a break from constant stress, allowing families to createprecious, happy memories together. Bringing Joy During Difficult Times: Battling severe illness often means hospital stays and missed childhood experiences. Agranted wish injects happiness and excitement into the lives of these children and their families. Whether it’s a trip to DisneyWorld or meeting a favorite celebrity, these joyful moments are incredibly impactful. Creating Lasting Memories: The memories created during a Make-A-Wish experience are cherished by families. Thesememories provide comfort and strength during tough times, serving as a reminder of the good that exists even in adversity.Families look back on these experiences with immense gratitude. Offering a Sense of Normalcy: Children with complex medical conditions often miss out on many aspects of a typicalchildhood. Make-A-Wish helps to provide a sense of normalcy, giving these kids the chance to do something extraordinary.It helps them feel like they belong and are not defined solely by their illness. Psychological and Emotional Benefits: Numerous studies have shown the psychological and emotional benefits of wishfulfillment. Children who have their wishes granted often experience reduced anxiety, improved mood, and a renewedsense of hope. These positive psychological effects can contribute to better overall health and well-being, supporting theirongoing medical treatment and recovery. THE JOURNEY TO RECOVERY A MAGICAL TURN THE JOURNEY TO RECOVERY Make-A-Wish’s mission goes beyond just making dreams come true; it brings hope, joy, and strength to families navigating thetoughest of journeys. By celebrating the resilience of children like Cece and recognizing the strength of their families, Make-A-Wish makes an indelible impact on their lives. If you are inspired by Cece's story and wish to learn more about how you can support Make-A-Wish or help children with severemedical conditions, please reach out. Together, we can continue to bring dreams to life and provide much-needed hope and joyto those who need it most. Donate: Any amount you can contribute will make a difference. To donate, 1.Spread the Word: Share our campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues to help usreach a wider audience. 2.Get Involved: Participate in our fundraising events or create your own to support the cause. 3.
ESTATE & LEGACY PLANNINGA L O O K A T THE S ERV I C ES W E OF F E RTHE IMPORTANCE OF ESTATE PLANNING: SECURING YOURLEGACY AND PROTECTING YOUR FAMILY Recent data highlights a concerning trend: the percentage of Americans with an estate plan has dropped for the firsttime since 2020. Currently, only 32% of Americans have an estate plan, down from 38% just a year ago. This declineunderscores the critical role of estate planning in safeguarding your legacy and the future well-being of your loved ones. Control Over Asset Distribution:A well-crafted estate plan gives you control over how your assets are distributed, ensuring your wishesare executed precisely.BENEFITS OF ESTATE PLANNINGProtection for Loved Ones: Estate planning provides financial security for your loved ones, including minor children anddependents, ensuring they are cared for in your absence.Minimization of Taxes and Expenses:Proper estate planning can reduce estate taxes and probate costs, preserving more of your estate foryour beneficiaries.Avoiding Family Disputes:Clear estate planning documents decrease the likelihood of family disputes over asset distribution,minimizing potential conflicts.Ensuring Business Continuity:For business owners, estate planning guarantees the continuity of business operations and facilitatesthe seamless transfer of ownership or management to successors.Take Action Today We are committed to guiding you through the complexities of estate planning and securing your financial future. Now isthe time to take proactive steps to protect your assets, provide for your loved ones, and ensure your wishes are honored.
MID-YEAR CHECKUP COF F E E T A L KThe Importance of GettingYour Mid-Year Checkup As we enjoy the sunny days of summer, it's the perfect time to take a moment for a mid-yearfinancial checkup. This essential review can help ensure that your retirement plan remains on trackand adaptable to any changes in your life or the market. Here’s why a mid-year checkup is crucial: A mid-year checkup is an excellent opportunity to assess your progress toward your retirementgoals. During this review, we can evaluate your current savings, investments, and overall strategy.This assessment helps ensure that you’re on the right path and making the necessary stridestoward a secure and comfortable retirement. By reviewing your contributions, we can help you optimize your savings strategies. This processincludes maximizing benefits such as employer matches and tax advantages. Ensuring you aremaking the most out of your savings potential is crucial to building a robust retirement fund. Thisoptimization can significantly enhance your financial readiness for the future. Life is full of unexpected changes, whether it’s a new job, significant life events, or shifts in themarket. A mid-year checkup allows us to adjust your retirement plan to accommodate thesechanges. Keeping your strategy relevant and effective is vital in navigating through life'sunpredictability and ensuring that your retirement goals remain achievable. Don't miss out on this opportunity to give your retirement plan a thorough check-up this summer.By assessing your progress, optimizing your savings, and adapting to any changes, we can helpyou stay on track for a secure and fulfilling retirement. Schedule your mid-year checkup today and make the most of your summer by ensuring your financial future isbright. To set up an appointment, please contact us at (623) 974-0300. We look forward to helping you achieveyour retirement goals. Reviewing Your Progress Optimizing Your Savings Adapting to Changes Conclusion
Share Your Adventures:Show us the world throughyour lens and include FlatFullerton for some addedfun!Connect with Fellow Travelers: Connect with like-mindedadventurers and bond overshared experiences.Discover New Destinations:Get inspired, plan your nextadventure, and discover newdestinations.Joining is easy! Simplyscan the QR code torequest access to ourFacebook Travel Groupand start your nextadventure today!W e a r e a l s o e x c i t e d t o announce thatw e h a v e b r o u g h t b a c k F lat Fullerton!C a l l o u r o f f i c e t o d a y or stop by thef r o n t d e s k t o g e t y o u r s!
Financial Literacyin RetirementGET YOUR COPY TODAY!Let's Get Social!F A C EB OO N S TA GR O U TU BEyoutube.comSearch: Fullerton FinancialPlanningL I N KE DI Seen & Heard OnWatch us weekly on Saturdays on 12News at4:30am, and on Sundays on CBS Channel 5 orKUTP FOX 10 at 09:30am.Stream the Fullerton Financial Hour podcaston both Apple Podcast and Spotify.Watch us nightly on NBC Channel 12 News.STAY INVOLVED WITH FFPWE W A NT T O CO N N ECT W ITH Y OU Fullerton Financial Planning is an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply any level of skill or training. For moreinformation please visit: This presentation has been provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal or investment advice or a recommendation of anyparticular security or strategy. The investment strategy and themes discussed may be suitable for everyone, it depends on each person’s specific investment objectives and financial situation.Information obtained from third-party sources is believed to be reliable though its accuracy is not guaranteed. Opinions expressed in this commentary may reflect subjective judgments of the authorbased on conditions at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Contact UsFax: (623) 974-0330 · Email: Info@fullertonfp.com14155 N. 83rd Ave. Suite 144 | Peoria, AZ 85381(623) 974-0300Corporate Office:600 E. Rio Salado Pkwy. Suite 102 | Tempe, AZ 85281(480) 912-4500Tempe Office:18655 North Claret Drive Suite 105 | Scottsdale, AZ 85255(480) 912-4500Scottsdale Office: