TABLE OF CONTENTSHelpful ResourcesMeet Our Team03Eight steps to prioritize yourfinances as you head towardretirement.From the Desk of Beezer04Resources and important informationbrought to you by the Fullerton pup.06Blog—Prioritizing FinancesSee some highlights from spectaculartrips a few of our clients have takenrecently.07Calendar of EventsFind out what exciting events aretaking place at Fullerton in 2023.0810Read our latest blog post aboutmaximizing your tax savings.Help welcome new employees tothe Fullerton Financial team.0911Who We AreProduct HiglightLearn the mission statement and corevalues of Fullerton Financial.Our financial advisors highlight a keyproduct for your finances.S E E W H A T ' S I N S I D EFamily Travel Highlights
2023 UPCOMING EVENTSF I N D O U T W H A T ' S G O I N G O N A T F U L L E R T O NJulySeptemberSeptemberNovemberAugust 1918201818Coffee Talk - Read Your StatementNew Client Mix & MingleMedicare WebinarBaby Boomer MovieHarvest of ThanksUnlock the secrets of your financial future at our exclusive coffeetalk. Join us as we demystify the complexities of annuitystatements, equipping you with the knowledge and confidence tonavigate your investments effectively. Take control of your financialdestiny in just one insightful session.Celebrate a new chapter in your financial journey at FullertonFinancial Planning's exclusive New Client Mix and Mingle HappyHour. Join us for an evening of networking, insights, andconnections with our expert advisors and like-minded individuals.Enjoy refreshing drinks, stimulating conversations, and take a steptowards a brighter financial future.Discover the keys to navigating Medicare with confidence at ourinformative Medicare Webinar. Join us as we unravel the complexities ofMedicare coverage, enrollment periods, and plan options. Gain valuableinsights from industry experts and empower yourself with the knowledge tomake informed healthcare decisions. Don't miss this virtual event that putsyou in control of your Medicare journey.Join us as we watch the: "Baby Boomer Dilemma." Thisgroundbreaking film explores the iconic baby boomer generation'striumphs, struggles, and dilemmas. It delves deep into the heartsand minds of a generation that reshaped history, unraveling theintricate narratives of their generational complexities, from societalshifts to personal identity crises.Join us for a festive gathering filled with live music, deliciousfood, and exciting activities for all ages. Showcasing ourgratitude, this event is a perfect opportunity to connect, enjoythe vibrant atmosphere, and celebrate YOU!! For Questions or to Register email:clientevents@fullertonfp.comOr call our office and ask to speak with Maggie. All event dates are subject to change.
How to Go About Prioritizing YourRetirement Plan and GoalsPrioritizing your finances as you head toward your retirementgoals is crucial for a comfortable and secure future. There aresome general steps you can take to both prioritize asset growthand prepare yourself for retirement.Virtually every aspect of investment management or retirement planning can be debated. One of the few truths on which there is no debateis that choosing the path that leads to higher returns and long-term sustainable income generation is the preferable outcome.Reaching that retirement income goal generally involves prioritizing some things over others based on a dispassionate analysis of yourcurrent and future financial situation.Honestly assess your current financial situation.w w w . f u l l e r t o n f p . c o mF u l l e r t o n F i n a n c i a l P l a n n i n gEIGHT STEPS TO PRIORITIZE YOUR FINANCESAS YOU HEAD TOWARD RETIREMENT1NEW BLOGIt’s necessary to be fully aware of your assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Although this may sound straightforward, there are avariety of factors that can make this exercise complicated. Having a variety of different retirement savings accounts, brokerageaccounts and investments makes getting a clear and accurate picture of your current-state financial situation difficult. It’s vital to bethorough and honest during this process so your plan is based on reality.
OUR RETIREMENT PLANNING TEAM IS HERE TO HELPWorking with trusted retirement planning and investment management professionals can help ensure your retirement planning prioritiesand strategy makes sense for your age, goals and expectations.Speak with one of the experts at Fullerton Financial Planning today by calling (623) 974-0300.Establish clear retirement goals.2Choosing a target retirement age and nest egg valuation may be one of the easier decisions for you to make – but things canchange. Factors such as life expectancy, inflation, performance of your current retirement savings plans and desired lifestyle inretirement may justify adjustments to your goal or compromises on some aspects of your plan. A retirement planner may be ableto help you discover options to help you gain clarity, overcome challenges or eliminate uncertainty.Create a budget.3Meeting with a retirement planner early can be hugely beneficial, even for young workers. Your retirement savings investmentstrategy or current spending habits may need to change based on the age or lifestyle targets you set when planning for yourretirement. The earlier you know those targets, the longer you’ll have to plan. Creating a realistic budget can help ensure youaren’t forced to make significant quality of life sacrifices today to meet an ambitious retirement goal.Make strategic debt reduction decisions.Review your plan regularlyBuild an emergency fund and plan for healthcare costs.Maximize retirement contributions.Diversify your investments48567Some retirement planners may have debt hurdles to overcome before they can comfortably enjoy a worry-free retirement. Everysituation is different, but it often ends up being beneficia to eliminate high-interest debt, such as credit card balances, to enhanceyour ability to save for retirement and to minimize your expenses in retirement.Some retirement planners may have debt hurdles to overcome before they can comfortably enjoy a worry-free retirement. Everysituation is different, but it often ends up being beneficia to eliminate high-interest debt, such as credit card balances, to enhanceyour ability to save for retirement and to minimize your expenses in retirement.The rule of thumb for everyone, from young families to retirees, is to have between three and six months of living expenses savedin an easily accessible emergency account. This type of fund can be of great importance for retirees, especially those who mayexperience sudden medical emergencies that may necessitate long-term or ongoing care costs. Working with an estate planningprofessional to establish a plan for medical emergencies, like Medicare supplement insurance, long-term care policies and propertrust planning, can help ensure you or your spouse’s retirement comfort isn’t derailed by unexpected emergencies.The sooner workers take full advantage of employer-sponsored retirement plans like 401(k)s or 403(b)s (especially with matchingfunds), the better off they will be when it comes time to retire. Maximizing contributions isn’t just a tip for soon-to-be retirees at theend of their working years – it’s reliably good advice for virtually every worker, whether they’re in their 20s or their 60s. If you’vemaxed out your contributions or want more self-directed control, consider supplementing your retirement savings with IndividualRetirement Accounts (IRAs) or other investment vehicles.Diversifying investments is an easy and essentially free way to boost your retirement savings. A diversified investment portfoliomay greatly reduce risk and make it less likely that specific market, industry or sector downturns won’t drastically hinder yourretirement schedule, budget or goals.Adjust your asset allocation based on your risk tolerance and time horizon until retirement. Rebalance your portfolio periodically tomaintain your desired allocation. Consider working with an investment manager to ensure your retirement savings are adequatelydiversified.
This is Beezer, your furry friend and loyal companion atthe office. As I rest my paws on my trusty desk, surroundedby papers and the occasional chewed-up squeaky toy, Iwanted to take a moment to send you a special note. Afterall, you're an essential part of our lives here at the office,and your support means the world to us.At the office, I witness firsthand the dedication and passion that our team pours into their work. Fromthe tireless hours spent crafting innovative solutions to the meticulous attention to detail, theircommitment to excellence is truly inspiring. And as the official office mascot, it's my duty to keeptheir spirits high and their stress levels low. So, if you ever need a little pick-me-up or a dose ofdoggy therapy, don't hesitate to drop by—I'll be waiting with open paws.Speaking of paws, I must apologize if I've ever left my furry mark on your clothing during ourmeetings. It's not intentional, I promise! Sometimes my excitement gets the better of me, and I can'thelp but share a little bit of my golden doodle charm. But rest assured, I'm always ready to lend afriendly paw and a listening ear to help make your experience with us as smooth and enjoyable aspossible.As we continue to work together, I want to assure you that we value your feedback, suggestions,and concerns. Your perspective and insights are invaluable in helping us grow and improve ourservices. So, please don't hesitate to share your thoughts with us. After all, it's through opencommunication and collaboration that we can create the best possible outcomes for your business.In closing, let me express my heartfelt gratitude for entrusting us with your business. I look forwardto many more wag-tastic adventures together as we navigate the ever-changing world ofcommerce. Remember, if you ever need a friendly face or a furry friend to brighten your day, I'm justa bark away.Sending you my warmest tail wags and endless gratitude,BeezerPS. Keep an eye out for a PAW-py Hour coming soon! FROM THE DESK OF BEEZERF U R R Y F R I E N D & O F F I C E M A S C O TWOOF WOOF, ESTEEMEDFULLERTON FAMILY!
April ran away to Prescott to hang out withgreat friends and enjoy the beautiful weather. Here are some pictures from Sandra's trip to Kauai, HI, with her sister Becky. One day they drovearound the island, taking in the views. On another day, she played golf at The Ocean Course atHokuala. The third photo is in a cool cave that they found near Princeville.Ofelia has taken some time to celebrate her family these last few months. The first picture is hergrandkids celebrating her grandaughter's graduation from Sandra Day O'Connor high school.The second picture is her and her two children, Dave and Rachele. FAMILY TRAVEL HIGHLIGHTSS T O R I E S + A D V E N T U R E SAPRIL U.SANDRA POFELIA M.PAUL & DIANE B.PRESCOTT, AZ EASTERN CARIBBEANKAUAI, HIPHOENIX, AZPaul and Diane sailed the Eastern Caribbean on Royal Caribbean's Harmony of the Seas in April 2023.
PORTFOLIO RISK ANALYSISFIND YOUR RISK SCOREHELPFUL RESOURCESH E R E T O H E L P Y O UDoes your portfolio have toomuch risk? Or not enough?Knowing your risk score can helpyou make appropriateinvestment choices.Find out your risk score with ourRiskalyze tool!We believe that one of the most valuable things in the world is our ability to grow and learn. Knowledge is one thing that no one can take away from you, so as you continue to navigate the unknowns of retirement, spend some time educating yourself on topics that can provide you clarity.Whitepapers Find helpful investment, retirement, and financial planning documents made to help you succeed.Read the latest financial news and updates from the Fullerton Financial team. Blogs are updated on a biweekly basis.Join us for one of ourwebinars or seminars. We'llbe discussing importantmarket trends andretirement action-steps. WHITEPAPERS BLOGSMEDIALOOK AT OUR FREE RISKANALYSIS TOOLScan the QR Code to go directly to the resource library on our site.Be on the lookout for our new website coming soon!
WHO WE AREO U R M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T + C O R E V A L U E SMISSION STATEMENTFullerton Financial Planning serves andempowers our community throughfinancial stewardship, so that together, wecan impact all generations. CORE VALUES
NEW EMPLOYEESH E L P U S W E L C O M E T H E M !ANTHONYBILLTYLERMAGGIEService Team AssociateMeet Anthony, the enigmatic member of our service team. With aunique claim to fame of being quilled by a porcupine, he adds a touchof adventure to our group. Anthony is a man of many hidden talents,ask him about his hobbies, and I am sure you will be surprised. Heshares that the first-ever voice recording featured "Mary Had a LittleLamb" on Thomas Edison's phonograph. We are so grateful to have youon our team! Please welcome to the team Bill Drogo, Wealth Advisor and Supervisorof Product and Training. As a father of eight and an advocate ofsimplicity, he proudly uses a flip phone in our smartphone-driven world.Additionally, his party trick of flawlessly playing "Stairway to Heaven"on the guitar leaves everyone in awe. Bill will leave you smiling fromear to ear. Stop by and say high next time your in the Tempe office.Please help us welcome BACK Tyler Price!!! Tyler is an InvestmentAdvisor Representative with a unique set of qualities. Tyler's keensense of smell sets him apart, as he has a habit of sniffing everythingin his surroundings. When it comes to parties, his signature trick isserving an abundance of food, ensuring no guest leaves hungry. Weare super lucky to have Tyler back with us. He is hard-working, kind,and an all-around rockstar. Welcome back. Say hi to one of the sweetest people you will ever meet, Maggie Cady,our remarkable Seminar and Event Supervisor. While she may not seekthe limelight, her biggest claim to fame lies in being a devoted motherto eight children. Instead of party tricks, she prefers to blend into thebackground, shying away from attention. We couldn’t be more honoredto have her on our team. Come check out our next event and introduceyourself to Maggie! Investment AdvisorRepresentativeWealth AdvisorSupervisor of Product and TrainingSeminar and EventsSupervisor
PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTH E L P F U L P R O D U C T S F O R Y O U R F I N A N C E SAs Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell signals that there are likely more interestrate hikes to come this year, you may be left wondering: “How much higher caninterest rates go?” For the Fed, it’s a delicate balance between taming post-Covidinflation and keeping the economy from tipping into a recession. That meanspotentially one or two more rate hikes—only time (and economic data) will tell. Asinvestors, it’s yet another one of those factors that we can’t control, yet it impactsour financial planning decisions. One thing we can do, however, is look to history tohelp give us some perspective.It’s true that rates have risen significantlysince 2020. It’s becoming harder onborrowers who are looking for that next autoloan or trying to get into the starter home oftheir dreams. But for those looking to parktheir cash reserves somewhere safe and earna decent return (think CD’s or MoneyMarkets), conditions are very favorable.So here comes some history: You may rememberthe early 80’s when 30-year fixed mortgage ratespeaked above 18%. Talk about a rough entry intohome-owner status! On the flip side, you could walkdown to your local bank and get a CD paying 12%.While we are not likely to see rates climb back upto 1980’s levels, in comparison, a 7-8% mortgagerate doesn’t seem so bad. And compared to hidingyour cash in that old coffee can and earningnothing, a 5% return on a CD looks like a greatoption.INTEREST RATES: HOW HIGH WILL THEY GO?!
Contact UsLet's Get Social!Corporate Phone: (623) 974-0300 · Tempe Phone: (480) 912-4500Fax: (623) 974-0330 · Email: Info@fullertonfp.comAs Seen & Heard OnWatch us weekly on Sundays on 12News at 4:30 am and 4 pm, CBS Channel 5 at 9:00 am, or KUTP FOX 10 at 9:30 am.Listen to us weekly on 550AM KFYI Sunday from 8 am to 9 am.Stream the Fullerton Financial Hour podcast on both Apple Podcast and Spotify.Watch us nightly on NBC Channel 12 News.Grab Stephanie and Steve's newest book, “Financial Literacy in Retirement: An insider's guide to living well, investing wisely,and making your money LAST" online at Amazon.comFullerton Financial Planning is an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply any level of skill or training. Formore information please visit: This presentation has been provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal or investment advice or arecommendation of any particular security or strategy. The investment strategy and themes discussed may be suitable for everyone, it depends on each person’s specific investment objectivesand financial situation. Information obtained from third-party sources is believed to be reliable though its accuracy is not guaranteed. Opinions expressed in this commentary may reflectsubjective judgments of the author based on conditions at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice. Past performance is not indicative of future results. 14155 N. 83rd Ave.Suite 144Peoria, AZ 85381Corporate Office:Tempe Office:600 E. Rio Salado Pkwy.Suite 102Tempe, AZ 85281F A C E B O O W I T T E N S T A G R A O U T U B Eyoutube.comSearch: Fullerton FinancialPlanningL I N K E D I