T H E O F F I C I A L N E W S L E T T E R O F F U L L E R T O NF I N A N C I A L P L A N N I N G J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2
INDEXW H A T ’ S I N S I D E030608040811NEWS YOU CAN USEREFERRALSFULLERTON TEAMLETS GIVE BACK!RESOURCES2022 EVENTSA peek at some usefulinformation! Meet some new faces!! Check out your retirementresources!Check out our remaining 2022events! We have added somenew ones to the calendar! Our next service project ishere!! Ready to introduce us to anew friend? Check out ourreferral program.
We've found it so rewarding to help people likeyou pursue financial freedom. Thank you forchoosing us - and for trusting us with your hard-earned assets.REFERRALFor Every Referral WhoBooks An Appointment We want to say thank you every time youshare us with your family and friends. Eachquarter all clients who have referred afriend that quarter will be entered into aprize drawing. But Wait, There's MoreEvery client who sends us a friend orfamily member will ALSO be invitied to an exclusive referral event at the end of the year. We Want to Say THANK YOU Furthermore, with every referral you sendus, who becomes a client, you can expect toreceive a small token of our appreciationfollowing their appointment. To learn more about our exciting referralprogram please visit, FullertonFP.com/Referor call our office today and ask for Kristin. REFER A FRIEND!!!Many of our clients want to share their positive financialexperiences with friends and family. But oftentimes theyfind it hard to figure out just the right way to do it. Ourhope is for Fullerton Financial to be the place yourecommend to others because chances are, the folks youlike, will be a great fit for us too. What Do You Say?We believe the beauty of our referral program is that it's awin-win-win. You get to help someone you care about. Theperson you referred gets help with their retirementstrategy. And we get to help another pre-retiree pursuetheir dreams. Here's how to start the conversation: Tell your friend orfamily member how Fullerton Financial Planning hashelped you with retirement planning. Then, say that you'd like for them to have the opportunityto talk with us. Perhaps you've heard them expressconcerns about:Running out of moneyPaying for long-term careReducing taxes in retirementAnother easy way to break the ice is byinviting them to attend one of our dinnerworkshops with you! For moreinformation and a list of our upcominginvestment workshops, scan here. Fullertonfp.com/seminars
The metaverse is a virtual, online world inwhich each person engages via an avatarcharacter that visually represents him. Yourpersona may live in a virtual house and drivea virtual car in one of many virtualneighborhoods. To get an idea of the investmentopportunities related to the metaverse, it may help to think of this world as an alternate universe to our own. You can buy things there with real money, so popular retailers such as Nike are already exploring how to extend their brands into the metaverse. However, most of today’s investment opportunities are related to the technological development of the metaverse, such as:• Video game developers creating platformswithin the metaverse (e.g., Fortnite, Minecraft)•Technological accessories, such as virtual reality headsets and controllers• Cloud computing companies• Silicon manufacturers to power metaverse servers• High-speed internet providers (e.g., broadband, 5G)• Content delivery networks (CDN)While the foundation has been under construction for many years, the metaverse represents a brand-new industry. Remember that there will be winners and losers among companies entering this field, just as in any other market sector.Brad Moon. Fidelity. Jan. 7, 2022. “What is the metaverse(and how can I invest in it?).” https://www.fidelity.com/insights/investing-ideas/what-is-metaverse. April 11, 2022.Investment Opportunities in the MetaverseNEWS YOU CAN USEw w w . f u l l e r t o n f p . c o mF u l l e r t o n F i n a n c i a l P l a n n i n g
According to a recent study, the daily workcommute can contribute to workday stress,anxiety and frustration. Even worse, job-related stress can lead to compromisedefficiency and counterproductive behaviorsat work. The study used a smartphone-based sensing app to record data related tophysiological and behavioral patterns duringwork commutes, including heart rate andstress, as well as external factors, such asweather, commute duration and variability.(1) In a separate study, scientists found thatexcess stressors like those experienced by today’s young adults may be directly linkedto increased dementia risk. Research out ofthe University of San Francisco concludedthat early adulthood depression may lead tolow cognition within just 10 years and apropensity for greater cognitive decline inold age.(2) To help employees cope with work-related stress, many employers are toying with a permanent work-from-home or hybrid arrangement, as well as the accelerated four-day work week. These solutions maybe effective in helping alleviate stressfactors that young adults have had todeal with in their careers thus far,including the burden of student loan debt,limited in- person access to experiencedcolleagues and working through apandemic — either alone or in closequarters with roommates.Many of today’s employers are doingmore to help workers preserve goodmental health and maintain a positiveattitude both on and off the job. Not onlycan these efforts help reduce health carecosts and improve job productivity, butthey may also help ward off a challengedsenior generation in the future.1 Science Daily. Nov. 19, 2021. “Wearable tech confirms wear-and-tear of work commute.” https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/11/211119085150.htm. Accessed April 4, 2022.2 Science Daily. Sept. 28, 2021. “Happiness in early adulthood may protect against dementia.” https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/09/210928121341.htm. Accessed April 4, 2022.Feb. 3, 2022.Game RulesFill in each square with one of the numbers 1 to 9 such that no number repeats in any row, column or 3 by 3 box. Grade is EasyEarly Adult Stress and DepressionLinked to DementiaSudokuBRAIN GAMESw w w . f u l l e r t o n f p . c o mF u l l e r t o n F i n a n c i a l P l a n n i n g
DonationsNeeded We are collecting new shoes, socks,and undergarments for 20 fosterhomes. Our goal is to serve 200children ages 8-18.Starting July 15th you can stopby one of our offices to select achild(ren) you would like tosponsor. If you are not able tostop by, you can emailClientEvents@fullertonfp.com to select one or you can donateby visiting FullertonFP.com/Clothing-Drive F U L L E R T O N F P . C O M / C L O T H I N G - D R I V E Are you interested in the possibility ofvolunteering to package and distribute theseitems? Email ClientEvents@fullertonfp.com
RETIREMENTYear-End ChecklistResourcesFullerton Financial'sWe believe that one of the most valuable things inthe world is our ability to grow and learn. Knowledgeis one thing that no one can take away from you, soas you continue to navigate the unknowns ofretirement, spend some time educating yourself ontopics that can provide you clarity.010203Don't be surprised by an unwanted taxbill in April. Recalculating yourwithholding could help you avoid anunderpayment.QCDs can count as satisfying yourrequired minimum distributions for theyear. They could also lower youradjusted gross income, resulting in taxadvantages.If you're turning 72 next year and havetax-advantaged accounts, schedule atime to meet with your advisor to goover your RMDs. Before the year comes to a close, haveyou finished your "financial to-do list?"Since year-end planning opportunitiesare often deadline driven, here are afew ideas to get you started.Tax PlanningQualified CharitableDistributions (QCD)Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)WhitepapersFind helpful investment, retirement, andfinancial planning documents made to helpyou succeed.BlogsRead the latest financial news and updatesfrom the Fullerton Financial team. Blogsare updated on a biweekly basis.Seminars & WebinarsJoin us for one of our webinars or seminars.We'll be discussing important markettrends and retirement action-steps. Scan the QR Code to godirectly to the resourcelibrary on our site.
Preferred stock is a hybrid security that combines features of bothdebt and equity. Given today’s low-interest-rate environment,preferred stocks offer a relatively low-risk option for higher yieldsthan other high-quality income vehicles. Preferred securities offerhigher yields because they land lower on a bank’s debt capitalstructure yet are senior to the issuer’s common stock.Another advantage preferred securities offer is tax-advantaged income via qualified dividends. This type of income is taxed at alower long-term capital gains rate (0% to 20%, depending on the taxbracket, with a 3.8% net investment income tax for high earners)compared to traditional corporate bonds, which are taxed as ordinaryincome. For perspective, consider that a corporate bond investor inthe top tax bracket must earn around 5.15% to match the 4% after-taxyield of preferred security. Preferred securities are primarily issued by financial institutions, which are generally regarded as reliable and financially strong. An investor’s greatest risk with preferred securities would be that they are subject to the (comparatively low) risk of bank liquidation. However, the bigger concern for investors is duration risk. Because preferred securities have no specified maturity date (they are issued with five- or 10-year call provisions), changes in interest rates can affect their market value. Morgan Stanley. Feb. 2, 2022. “Understanding Bank Preferreds.” https:// www.morganstanley.com/ideas/understanding-bank-preferreds. Accessed April 10, 2022.Preferred Securities: A PrimerOne tactic to help you meet long-termfinancial objectives is to set benchmarksat the beginning of each year (e.g.,savings goals, investment earningstargets, debt payments). Review yourprogress at mid- year. If you find you’recoming up short, consider these tips:• If your portfolio has not performed wellto date, consider increasing yourinvestment contributions to make up forlosses. Buying shares at lower pricespositions those investments for higher earnings.• Re-examine your household budget forways to reduce expenses and increasesavings.• • • • Step up debt payments, so you’repaying more than the minimumrequirement.Review your asset allocation to gauge if it’s too conservative or too aggressive for your risk profile.Rebalance your portfolio and use proceeds to position your allocation for stronger performance by year-end.If you have withdrawn funds fromyour liquid emergency account, besure to replace them as soon aspossible.HOW TO ...How to Conduct a Midyear Financial Checkup
June Employee(s) of the MonthJune Employee(s) of the MonthWe just couldn't pick one this month. Kris andRomney have gone above and beyond exhibitingour core values! Thank you for your excellent work! ANSWER KEY:BRAIN GAMESMeet The Team!Meet The Team!Angie JimenezAngie is the newest member of our First Impressions Team. You willreceive the warmest welcome the next time you visit our Peoria location. Iguarantee you will walk away loving her as much as we do. If you happen tocatch her singing Karaoke, she will be belting out her favorite, "Aint' NoMountain High Enough", by Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell! Connie WhetstineThat's right, she is back!! Connie will be working as one of your AUMService Associates. Connie comes to us with a wealth of knowledge! Sheis independent, feisty, and fun! If she could write a book about her life itwould be titled, "CEO of Overthinkers Anonymous." Make sure to stopand hug her as we welcome her back to our team! Kris Pitrat & Romney HarkerDo You Know Someone WhoDo You Know Someone WhoWants To Work at FFP?Wants To Work at FFP? We believe it is the people that set usapart! We are hiring caring andqualified people! Visit our hiring pagefor more details! fullertonfp.com/careers
JULY 15th Pick Me Date For Clothing Drive JULY 28thCoffee Talk - Tax Strategies AUGUST 8th - 12th (TBD) Clothing Drive Volunteer Opportunity AUGUST 24Coffee Talk - Technology Tips &Tricks OCTOBER 12Coffee Talk - Medicare NOVEMBER 11Veteran's Day Event NOVEMBER 19Harvest of Thanks**Toy & Bike Drive** TBDEXCLUSIVE Referral Event2022 Events________Have a question about one of our events?Email: ClientEvents@fullertonfp.com
Contact UsLet's Get Social!Corporate Phone: (623) 974-0300 Tempe Phone: (480) 912-4500Fax: (623) 974-0330Email: Info@fullertonfp.comAs Seen & Heard OnWatch us weekly on Saturdays on 12News at 4:30am, and on Sundays on CBS Channel 5 or KUTP FOX 10 at 09:30am.Listen to us on 92.3 KTAR FM on Saturdays at 1:00pm or Sundays at 6:00pm.Stream the Fullerton Financial Hour podcast on both Apple Podcast and Spotify.Watch us nightly on NBC Channel 12 News.Grab Stephanie Fullerton’s book, “What to Look for in an Advisor”, available in our office or online at Amazon.comFullerton Financial Planning (FFP) is an independent financial services firm and uses a variety of different investment methods. Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. Bycontacting FFP, you may be provided strategies that utilize insurance products, those guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurancecompany. Investment advisory services are offered through Kingdom Financial Group, LLC (KFG), an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. KFG maintains a co-advisory relationship with AE WealthManagement.Neither the firm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.The information contained is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation. None ofthe information contained on this website shall constitute an offer to sell or solicit any offer to buy a security or any insurance product.14155 N. 83rd Ave.Suite 144Peoria, AZ 85381Corporate Office:Tempe Office:600 E. Rio Salado Pkwy.Suite 102Tempe, AZ 85281F A C E B O O Kfacebook.com/fullertonfinancialplanningT W I T T E Rtwitter.com/fullertonfpI N S T A G R A Minstagram.com/fullertonfinancialplanningY O U T U B Eyoutube.comSearch: Fullerton FinancialPlanningL I N K E D I Nlinkedin.com/company/fullerton-financial-planning