The Anthony Republican: Vol. 144 - No. 27 • The Anthony Bulletin: Vol. 124 - No. 27Established October 9, 1879: Oldest continuous business in Anthony • Wednesday, July 5, 2023To advertise your business or event in our “Hot Spot”call the Anthony Republican at 620-842-5129. By Scott SmithObserving Program LeaderOn June 26, 2023 mem-bers of the National Weath-er Service presented a Length-of-Service Award to Randy Patterson for 35 years of service for the com-munity of Anthony area in Harper County Kansas. Ken Cook, Meteorologist-In-Charge and Scott Smith, Observing Program Leader National Weather Service PresentsPatterson With Certificate Of Servicefor the National Weather Service in Wichita, present-ed the award to Mr. Patter-son.Mr. Patterson is part of a National Network consist-ing of over 11,000 volunteer weather observers. For the past 35 years Mr. Patterson has provided temperature and precipitation observa-tions for the city of Anthony. This data is collected and used in daily weather fore-casts, river flood forecasts, climate studies and many other research interests. The data is also sent to the National Centers for En-vironmental Information (NCEI) and to the Weath-er Data library at Kansas State University.The National Weather Service extends our sincere appreciation to Mr. Patter-son for his 35 years of dedi-cated service.Courtesy Photo35 YEAR COOPERATIVE WEATHER OBSERVER AWARD: Observing Program Leader Scott Smith (right) and Meteorologist-In-Charge Ken Cook (left) present Randy Patterson with a Certicate of Service for 35 years of volunteer work as a weather observer. Randy is pictured holding the rst observing form he lled out back in January of 1988. The form was framed and signed by staff at the National Weather Service.Catching Up With The County CommissionersEditor’s Note: This article contains minutes frommultiple meetings.Official Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted By HarperCounty Clerk’s OfficeJune 12, 2023The Harper County Board of Commissioners met in regular session, with Chairman Struble call-ing the meeting to order to Commissioners Wald-schmidt and Commissioner Vornauf, Shonda Larson, Finance Director, Hannah Crowe, County Clerk.Commissioner Vornauf motioned to approve June 9, 2023 payroll in the amount of $133,970.38; approved unanimously.Commissioner Vornauf motioned to approve June 5, 2023 minutes; approved unanimously.Carl Schmidt entered the meeting for public com-ment at 8:38 a.m. to speak to Commissioners about road issues by his home place and speed limit signs in Freeport.Christina Cintron, Dis-patch, gave a department update. Commissioner Vornauf Warning: Scammers Targeting Utility Customers With Sophisticated SchemesANTHONY, Kan. – June 28, 2023 – Atmos Energy recently became aware of an ongoing “Search Engine Phishing” operation, where cybercriminals use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to place a fake website into a browser’s top search results. Any user who clicks on one of these “spoofed” web-sites will be redirected to what looks like a legitimate Atmos Energy page, but that fake page will feature a fake customer service number and other false in-formation. If a customer calls the fake customer ser-vice number, they may be asked to provide login cre-dentials or other sensitive information that the scam-mers can leverage to com-promise bank, credit card, or other accounts belonging to the same customer. Telephone scams are also on the rise, including one where impostors call customers directly and offer a discount on their Atmos Energy bill if they pay im-mediately over the phone. As a reminder:• Atmos Energy will never ask for payment us-ing prepaid debit cards, gift cards, cryptocurrency, or unauthorized third-party payment or mobile applica-tion.• If you ever have con-cerns about the legitimacy of a call, simply hang up and call Atmos Energy custom-er service at 888.286.6700.• Payment for an Atmos Energy bill should be made through the online Account Center or through other au-thorized payment methods. • Atmos Energy will pro-vide multiple notices and work to assist customers with payment plans and as-sistance options before any service interruptions take place.• Unless there is an emergency, Atmos Energy employees will not call be-fore 7 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Central time.“The most effective way to combat this recent in-crease in scam attempts is through education, aware-ness and extreme caution anytime someone contacts you about a utility bill pay-ment,” said Aaron Bishop, Atmos Energy manager of public affairs. “In addition to online and telephone scams, beware of impos-tors demanding payment at your door. Always ask for an employee’s identification badge which displays name, photograph, and Atmos En-ergy logo. Our employees will not collect payments COUNTY Continued on next pageSCAM Continued on next pageMember Satisfaction At WheatlandElectric Cooperative Inc. Highest to DateWheatland Electric Cooperative Inc., recent-ly completed a member-wide customer satisfac-tion survey in which over 230 anonymous members scored Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc. higher than any other measured utility company. The member responses were sent to the American Customer Satisfaction In-dex (ACSI®), a company that measures customer satisfaction across multiple industries throughout the entire United States. For 2023, Wheatland Electric received an ACSI score of 92 out of a maxi-mum score of 100, the high-est score the cooperative has received to date. “We are thrilled to re-ceive our latest ACSI score. We have been working hard over the past few years to improve member satisfac-tion through our capital credits program, new young adult member engagement events, supporting com-munity initiatives through our Sharing Success Fund, and supporting our local food banks through Cram the Van each fall,” Bruce W. Mueller, CEO/general man-ager, said. “We are thankful to our coop membership for ranking us among some of the best coops across the country!” Members at Wheat-land’s 2023 Annual Meet-ing, held on April 26, 2023, across eight meeting loca-tions in southwest and cen-tral Kansas, were asked to complete the survey, with the option of remaining anonymous prior to sub-mission. Over 230 written responses were collected and submitted to ACSI. Wheatland’s score is higher than all 2023 inves-tor-owned utility scores and municipal utility scores. It places Wheatland 20 points higher than the average in-vestor-owned utility scores score of 72, as well as 21 points higher than the mu-nicipal utilities score of 71, per the industry ratings in the 2023 ACSI Utility Sec-tor Report. For more information, please visit Students Complete Degrees At WSUWICHITA, Kan. - More than 2,060 students com-pleted a total of 2,293 de-grees at Wichita State University in spring 2023. The breakdown of degrees and certificates granted includes: Undergraduate: 1,361 degrees and certifi-cates for 1,233 undergradu-ate students. Graduate: 932 degrees and certificates for 827 graduate students. For bachelor's degrees, honors were conferred to the fol-lowing: Summa cum laude: 115 students. Magna cum laude: 407 students. Cum laude: 292 students. Undergraduate students who have attained a grade point average of 3.9 out of a possible 4.0 received the summa cum laude award; those with an average of 3.55 received the magna cum laude award; and those with an average of 3.25 re-ceived the cum laude award. Anthony, KS Malarie N. Cook, Master of Social Work, Social Work.Sydnie E. Mathes, Bach-elor of Arts in Education, Biology 6-12, Magna Cum Laude.Garrison M. Ummel, Bachelor of Applied Arts, Media Arts, Cum Laude.Local Students Earn Distinction At WSUWICHITA, Kan. - Wichita State University has an-nounced the names of 3,273 students who were on the WSU dean's honor roll for spring 2023. To be included on the dean's honor roll, a student must be enrolled full time (at least 12 credit hours) and earn at least a 3.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.Anthony, KS Sydnie E. Mathes, Kayli J. Pulliam, Sean C. Reeves, Arien M. Sauer, Mattelyn M. Swartz, Garrison M. Ummel.Attica, KS Madalynn K. Winters.Harper, KS Andrew S. Kirkpatrick.
Page 2 the Anthony Republican • July 5, 2023in person. If you suspect an impostor, call our cus-tomer service number at 888.286.6700 to verify the employee's identity and contact local authorities.”Customers who suspect fraud or who feel threat-ened during contact with a scammer should contact local law enforcement au-thorities and Atmos En-ergy Customer Service at 888.286.6700, Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Central time.For more information and additional tips to pro-tect against impostor util-ity scams:motioned to approve Inor-dinate Spending Authoriza-tion for State Maintenance on Dispatch 911 Cad’s in the amount of $2,000.00; approved unanimously. Ginger Carlisle, Arrow-head West Inc, 2024 budget request.Brandon Hekel, Bridge Foreman, gave an update on South County Bridge.Mike Bennett & Staci Calvert, Public Works, gave a department update.At 09:27 a.m. Commis-sioner Vornauf motioned to enter executive session. The subject to be discussed will be personnel matters. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss per-sonnel matters of nonelect-ed personnel. Commission-er Waldschmidt motioned to extend 5-minutes; approved unanimously. The open meeting resumed at 9:45 a.m. in this room; approved unanimously. Ami DeLacer-da, HR, & Michael Bennett, Public Works, were present for this meeting. No binding actions were taken.Robin Struble, Harper COUNTY Continued from previous pageCounty Conservation Dis-trict. 2024 budget request.At 10:03 a.m. Brian Waldschmidt left the meet-ing.Jennifer Wolff, Depart-ment on Aging, gave a de-partment update.Ami DeLacerda, HR, gave a department update.Cheryl Adelhardt, Town-ship #5 & #6, 2024 budget request.Commissioner Struble motioned to take a 5-min-ute recess; approved unani-mously.Commissioner Struble motioned to reconvene; ap-proved unanimously.At 10:45 a.m. Commis-sioner Vornauf motioned to enter executive session. The subject to be discussed will be personnel matters. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel. The open meeting resumed at 11:00 a.m. in this room; approved unanimously. Ami DeLac-erda, HR, & Michael Ben-nett & Garrett Johnson, Public Works, were present for this meeting. Garret left the meeting at 10:50 a.m. No binding actions were SCAM Continued from previous pagetaken.Shonda Larson & Linda Langley, Finance Depart-ment, budget update.Commissioner Vornauf motioned to approve June 12, 2023 account payables in the amount of $75,117.85; approved unanimouslyAs there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:42 a.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, June 19, 2023 at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner Room at the Harper County Courthouse.Approved: Darrin Stru-ble, ChairAttest: Hannah K. Crowe, County ClerkOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted By HarperCounty Clerk’s OfficeJune 19, 2023The Harper County Board of Commissioners met in regular session, with Chairman Struble call-ing the meeting to order to Commissioner Vornauf, Randy Hofmeier, Linda Langley, and Shonda Lar-son, Recording Secretary. Commissioner Vornauf motioned to approve June 19, 2023 accounts payable in the amount of $18,747.66; approved unanimously.Commissioner Vornauf motioned to approve June 09, 2023 employee benefits in the amount of $55,625.76; approved unanimously.Randy Hofmeier, Lind-burg, Vogel, Pierce, Faris, presented the 2022 audit. Randy Hofmeier, Linda Langley, and Shonda Lar-son, gave a budget update. Richard Raleigh and Mi-chelle Eshelman, gave an update on Sandridge. Jenni Carr, Kevin Alex-ander, and Rose Ann Green, Harper County Extension, 2024 budget request.Mike Bennett & Staci Calvert, Public Works, gave a department update.At 09:58 a.m. Commis-sioner Vornauf motioned to enter executive session. The subject to be discussed will be personnel matters. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel. The open meeting resumed at 10:15 a.m. in this room; approved unanimously. Ami DeLac-erda, HR, & Brooke Man-tey, Appraiser, were present for this meeting. No binding actions were taken.Ami DeLacerda, HR, gave a department update.At 10:31 a.m. Commis-sioner Struble motioned to enter executive session. The subject to be discussed will be personnel matters. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel. The open meeting resumed at 10:45 a.m. in this room; approved unanimously. Ami DeLacer-da, HR, was present for this meeting. No binding actions were taken.Commissioner Vornauf motioned to approve May end of month transfers in the amount of $77,687.89; approved unanimously.As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:03 a.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, June 26, 2023 at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner Room at the Harper County Courthouse.APPROVED: Darrin Struble, ChairmanAttest: Shonda Larson, Recording Secretary• Visit the Atmos Ener-gy website at• Visit the Utilities Unit-ed Against Scams website at• Visit the Federal Trade Commission website at• Follow Utilities United Against Scams on Twit-ter and Facebook, and join the conversation by using #StopScams.PRINTING • SIGNS • SHIRTSLD’s PRINTING • ANTHONY • 620-842-5129GOT PICSTO SHARE?SEND IT TO
the Anthony Republican • July 5, 2023 Page 3(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, June 28, 2023) 3t IN THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICTDISTRICT COURT, HARPER COUNTY, KANSASIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: )LANA KAY FRANK, deceased. ) Case No. HP-2023-PR-18Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 59NOTICE TO CREDITORSTHE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notifi ed that on June 23, 2023, a Petition for Is-suance of Letters of Administration was fi led in this Court by Russell Allen Frank, surviving son of the Decedent, requesting that Letters of Administration be issued to him, without bond. You are required to fi le your written defenses to the petition on or be-fore July 26, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. in the District Court of Harper County, Anthony, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail to fi le your written defenses, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the petition. All creditors of the decedent are notifi ed to exhibit their demands against the Estate within the latter of four (4) months from the date of fi rst publication of notice under K.S.A. 59-2236 and amendments thereto, or if the identity of the creditor is known or reasonably ascer-tainable, 30 days after actual notice was given as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. Russell Allen Frank, PetitionerMandi J. StephensonAttorney for PetitionerSTEPHENSON LAW OFFICE LLC227 N Main, PO Box 204Kingman, KS 67068620-532-5156 telephoneLEGAL NOTICEHospital CEO Meets With Community Members About Affordable ChildcareHD#6 Hospital Board Regular MeetingOfficial MinutesMay 25, 2023PresentBoard of Directors – Tim Penner, Amy Walker, Jan Lanie, Kristin Stoughton. PHC – Sarah Teaff, CEO; Lori Allen, COO; Sandra Owen, Controller; Paige Wise, Senior Executive As-sistant. Guests – Dolores Seifert, Cheryl Moon Call To OrderLanie called the meeting to order at 5:15 pm. Board Education Or PresentationsNone .Public CommentsNone.Approval Of MinutesMinutes of the April 27, 2023, regular board meet-ing was presented for ap-proval. Motion by Penner; seconded by Walker to ap-prove minutes as present-ed. Motion carried unani-mously.Department Reports, Policy Review &ApprovalHousekeeping Policy - Julie Abel discussed the ad-dition of the Mobile Clinic Cleaning policy. The policy is like the main clinic clean-ing policy with a few chang-es to accommodate the mo-bile clinic. For example, it will be cleaned after each use whereas the PHC clinic is cleaned every day. HIPAA & Medical Staff Peer Review Policy - PHI use and disclosure policy has been updated to be in-clusionary of the new In-formation Blocking rules which state requests for records must be responded to in a timely manner. The Medical/Peer Review poli-cy sets out the process for external medical chart re-views. The policy includes provisions for “automatic” triggers as well as manual triggers.Medical Staff AndCredentialing Report Credentialing appoint-ments, reappointments and resignations were pre-sented as approved by the Executive Medical Staff on May 24, 2023 – there were three new appointments, twelve reappointments, and no resignations. The Board approved the medical staff and privileges as presented. Motion by Walker; seconded by Penner. Motion carried unanimously.Operations ReportTeaff welcomed Kristin Stoughton to the Board of Directors. Stoughton com-pleted her oath of office this morning and will bring a unique and fresh perspec-tive to healthcare delivery in Harper County. Teaff is thrilled to have her on the board.The annual meeting was held May 22, 2023, and went well with a good turn-out. Teaff looks forward to working more closely with Lanie in her new role as Board Chair given her pre-vious years of experience on the Hospital Board. The Mobile Clinic ar-rived the previous week and preparations are underway to get it outfitted in order to provide remote clinic visits in the coming weeks. Teaff reminded the board that our contract re-newal date with Cerner is approaching 2024. Kevin Faucett, IT Director, is in-vestigating viable options. An internal committee will be formed to present rec-ommendations to the lead-ership team who will then provide the board with recommendations. EMR transitions can cause very high stress levels for staff. No changes are happening right now, PHC is only in an exploratory phase. Te-aff will continue to provide updates to the board as this process continues.Teaff attended a meet-ing with other community members concerning child-care challenges in the area. Participants included three current childcare providers, one future childcare pro-vider, a representative from KDHE, a grant administra-tor from KDHE, the Harper County Community Foun-dation, the City of Harper, Harper Industries, and the school superintendent. Cox Machines was unable to make the first meeting but plans to attend the next meeting scheduled for June 1. The main objective is to expand affordable access to childcare services in Harp-er County. During COVID, childcare providers were getting additional support, but funding opportunities are no longer available to childcare providers who are dealing with an 8% in-flation rate. Skyrocketing costs will force daycare pro-viders to either pass that increased expense back onto families or close. Ideas include employers paying into a fund that will sub-sidize rising daycare costs in exchange for guaranteed spots available for our staff when needed. Paula Hicks is writing a grant that will fund planning costs and will also provide $45,000 in the first year. The coalition has submitted a letter of support. PHC will continue to participate in this coali-tion of childcare providers, employees, and the school district.Allen provided an up-date on the 304B revenue. There are still propos-als and legislation being brought forth to place ad-ditional restrictions on the program. As of June 1st, a contract pharmacy will be required. Kansas is rede-fining patient eligibility requirements. Legislation is being brought forth that will place restrictions on what the revenue can be used for. Allen touched on the employee blood drive held on May 12th which col-lected 11 points of blood with seven new donors par-ticipating. The hospital will continue hosting employee blood drives regularly. The next one is scheduled for July 21st, 2023. ER revenue has de-creased compared to last year. Dr. Potter will exam-ine any changes made to the ER to see what differ-ences have occurredFinancial Statements Owen reported on the April 2023 Financials. April’s activity in cash ac-counts was reviewed that included payments received and expenses paid out. Revenue included SHIP Milestone grant funds and miscellaneous income. Pay-ments received from in-surance and patients were $1,201,066. April included two payrolls. Days Cash on Hand remain strong at 166 days. Patient Accounts Receivable increased with a total AR balance of $2,683,147 and AR Days at 30. Gross Patient Revenue for April was $1,898,059; a YTD decrease of $33,888 compared to April 2022. In-patient Revenue has a YTD decrease of $38,060 or a dif-ference of 58 patient days compared to April 2022. Outpatient revenue has a YTD increase of $430,845 or 10.69%. Total Operat-ing Revenue has a YTD in-crease of $201,958 or 3.03% over April 2022. Total Op-erating Expenses increased for the month with a total of $2,049,827; YTD shows an overall decrease in ex-penses of 5.71%. Areas of YTD decrease in expenses include drugs, medical supplies and utilities. A Net Loss of $238,636 was reported for the month of April with a YTD Loss of $695,006.00Owen provided some graphical reports on 2022 Rural Health Clinic New Patients. Data included graphs that showed new patients by clinic, provider, age, zip code and financial class.The 2022 Medicare Cost HOSPITAL Continued on Page 5GOT NEWS???Send It To Us
Page 4 the Anthony Republican • July 5, 2023HARPER COUNTYDISTRICT COURT REPORTIndividuals listed below are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.PAID TRAFFIC CITATIONS2/5: Porsha R. Binning: 1) Speeding - 75/65, $153.00; 23-TR-66.5/29: Barry S. Vierheller: 1) Speeding - 41/30, $159.00; 23-TR-192.5/26: Nathan P. Dooley: 1) Speeding - 65/55, $153.00; 23-TR-194.6/8: Evan P. Jefferis: 1) Speed-ing - 75/65, $153.00; 23-TR-209.6/15: Beverly J. Grimm: 1) Speeding - 78/65, $171.00; 23-TR-223.6/20: Margie C. Perry: 1) Child passenger safety - restraining systems & seat belts, $60.00; 23-TR-1972265/15: Kindyll L. Melton: 1) Speeding - 79/65, $177.00; 23-TR-188.DOMESTIC CASE FILINGSState of Kansas DCF vs. Weston C. Hoover, support petition; 23-DM-34.CIVIL CASE FILINGSIn the Matter of the Name Change of Steven E. Pouliot, name change; 23-CV-3.Morgan Diesel Inc. vs. Terry Mill-er, other contract; 23-CV-11.LIMITED CASE FILINGSHospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Austin S. Allen, debt collection; 23-LM-29.Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Kelli R. Atha, debt col-lection; 23-LM-30.Central Energy Co. LLC vs. Chad E. Hacker, et al., debt collec-tion; 23-LM-31.Discover Bank vs. Eric C. Smith, debt collection; 23-LM-32.Vap Property Solution LLC vs. Logan Hammill, et al., landlord/tenant dispute; 23-LM-33..CRIMINAL CASE FILINGSState of Kansas vs. Patrick E. Clingerman: 1) Criminal dam-age to property - value $1,000-$25,000. 22-CR-167.State of Kansas vs. Kirby L. Moore: 1) Domestic battery. 23-CR-69.State of Kansas vs. Lindsey R. Greening: 1) Domestic battery. 23-CR-70.COUNTY COURT DOCKETJUDGE SCOTT E. MCPHERSONMonday, July 3, 20231:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Aletha R. Gilchrist, status confer-ence; 23-CR-58.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Kristopher L. Kienzle, status con-ference; 23-CR-67.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Michael W. Eslinger, rst appear-ance; 23-TR-201.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Johnny T. Cummings, status con-ference; 23-CR-7.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. William N. Hamill Jr., preliminary; 23-CR-47.Thursday, July 6, 202311:30 a.m. In the Matter of the Estate of Alan S. Bobbitt, status conference; 23-PR-17.9:00 a.m. In the Matter of Patri-cia A. Kerwood, hearing; 22-PR-18.HARPER COUNTY JAILARRESTS & BOOKINGSMatthew D. Brooks, 20: Arrested: 6-27-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Probation violation.Wynema K. Campbell, 43: Ar-rested: 6-29-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: APD. Charges: 1) Disorderly conduct.Shane T. Fortune, 39: Arrested: 7-2-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: Barber Co. Sheriff’s Ofce. Charges: 1) Serving 48 hour quick dip.Richard A. Watts Jr., 31: Arrest-ed: 7-2-23; Released: N/A. Arrest-ed By: APD. Charges: 1) Domestic battery.Kyle R. Rose, 23: Arrested: 7-2-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Domestic bat-tery.HARPER COUNTY DEEDSBOOK D108#787 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Garrell K. Dombaugh, manager of Dombaugh 3 LLC, to Ancel L. Shil-ling and Tiffany J. Shilling, the NE/4 of Sect. 17, Twp. 32 S, Range 9 W of the 6th P.M., less a tract, Harper County, Kansas.#788 - Quit Claim Deed: Chris-tine and Timothy Garancosky to Swen Dueigen and Chia-Yu Fang, Lots 7-12 and the N/2 of the vacat-ed alley, in Blk. 57 (aka 502 Elev-enth) in Bluff City, Harper County, Kansas.#789 - Debtor-In-Possession Deed: Ronald D. Mathes and Shelle R. Mathes to Cole Koster and Madison Koster, the E/50 acres of the NE/4 of Sect. 29, Twp. 31 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#790 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Kathy S. Smith and Eric C. Smith, members of the Anthony Motel LLC, to Jeff Andrews and Carrie Andrews, the S/2 of Lot 3 and all of Lot 5 in Blk. 8 in Cade’s Addition to the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#791 - Trustee’s Deed: Ronald J. Grundman and Karen S. Grund-man, Trustees of the Grundman Family Living Trust, to Jason A. Noble and Holly D. Noble, Lots 5 and 6 in Blk. 85 (aka 121 S. Graph-ic) in the City of Attica, Harper County, Kansas.#792 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Marsha G. Warner to Thomas Land & Cattle LLC, the SW/4 of the NW/4 of the SE/4 of Sect. 23, Twp. 33 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M.; and a tract in the NW/4 of the SE/4 of Sect. 23, Twp. 33 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M.; and the NE/4 of the NW/4 of the SE/4 and the N/2 of the SE/4 of the SE/4, all in Sect. 23, Twp. 33 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M.; all in Harper County, Kansas.#793 - Warranty Deed: John B. Lamm and Khristi H. Lamm, Jason K. Lamm and Paula M. Lamm, and John K. Lamm and Anna M. Lamm, to JMO Land Holdings LLC, the E/2 of Sect. 23, Twp. 31 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M., less 2 tracts, Harper County, Kansas.#794 - Statutory Warranty Deed: James R. Marshall and Lanette M. Marshall to Mitchell D. Hall and Tavish A. Hall, the S/2 of the SE/4, less 24’ off the W side, Sect. 10, Twp. 31, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#795 - Quit Claim Deed: Jennifer Alexander to Jennifer Alexander, Lots 4-8 in Blk. 2 of Ultch’s Addi-tion to the City of Duquoin, Harper County, Kansas.#796 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Orval R. Zimmerman to the Ken-neth D. Seipel Revocable Trust, Tract 1: the S/2 of the NE/4 of Sect. 26, Twp. 33 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M., less a tract; Tract 2: a tract in the SE corner of the NW/4 of Sect. 26, Twp. 33 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M.; all in Harper Coun-ty, Kansas.#797 - Quit Claim Deed: Gary M. Grigsby and Rogena A. Grigsby, and David N. Grigsby and Sherry R. Grigsby to Gary M. Grigsby and Rogena A. Grigsby, an undivided 1/2 interest in the following: the S/2 of the NE/4 of Sect. 29, Twp. 32 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M.; and the E/2 of the SE/4 of Sect. 29, Twp. 32 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M., less a tract; and the NE/4 of Sect. 29, Twp. 32 S, Range 9 W of the 6th P.M.; all in Harper County, Kansas.#798 - Quit Claim Deed: Gary M. Grigsby and Rogena A. Grigsby, and David N. Grigsby and Sherry R. Grigsby to David N. Grigsby and Sherry R. Grigsby, an undivided 1/2 interest in the following: the S/2 of the NE/4 of Sect. 29, Twp. 32 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M.; and the E/2 of the SE/4 of Sect. 29, Twp. 32 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M., less a tract; and the NE/4 of Sect. 29, Twp. 32 S, Range 9 W of the 6th P.M.; all in Harper County, Kansas.#799 - Quit Claim Deed: Jeffrey Todd and Krystina Todd to Donna Bagnell, Lots 22 and 24 in Blk. 7 of Meig’s Addition to the City of An-thony, Harper County, Kansas.#800 - General Warranty Deed: Jessica J. Martinez-Rojas to Mi-chelle E. Kuhn and Robert Kuhn, Lot 10 in Blk. 2 k(aka 431 S. Lin-coln) in Meig’s Addition to the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kan-sas.#801 - Deed: Terry M. Ricke to the Terry M. Ricke Revocable Trust, the SE/4 of Sect. 6, Twp. 33 S, Range 9 W of the 6th P.M.; and Lots 3, 4 and the E/2 of the SW/4 of Sect. 31, Twp. 32 S, Range 9 W of the 6th P.M.; and the SE/4 of Sect. 19, Twp. 32 S, Range 9 W of the 6th P.M., and the W/2 of the SW/4 of Sect. 20, Twp. 32 S, Range 9 W of the 6th P.M., less a tract; all in Harper County, Kansas.#802 - Warranty Deed: Andrew L. Burns and Tammy Hankcock Burns to Sammy J. Schrimsher, Steven J. Whitesides, and Robert R. Story, an undivided 1/3 interest each in the SE/4 of Sect. 36, Twp. 33 S, Range 9 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.
the Anthony Republican • July 5, 2023 Page 5620-842-5129 • 121 E. Main, Anthonywww.anthonyrepublicannews.comEmail: anthonyrepublican@att.netANTHONYREPUBLICANCommunities with a local newspaper are smarter, stronger and closer. eir citizens are connected to one another, and invested in what happens around them.e local paper is also one of the only places you can nd timely news on what’s happening right where you live. at’s why 152 million Americans read local newspapers each week.By Jennifer WolffTEFAP Food commodi-ties will be available Thurs-day, July 27th at the Harper County Courthouse 201 N. Jennings 8:30 – Noon. Food is distributed on a 1st come, 1st served basis. This program is available to all Harper County residents who meet the income guide-lines. Distributions are ev-ery ODD month in 2023. Just park out front & we will bring a food box to you. We average approximately 75 food boxes to the public. Volunteers & Aging staff un-load the food truck the day prior & pack all the boxes. They come back the next day to help prep cold food items & shuttle boxes to partici-pants. We are so thankful for our tireless, dedicated volun-teers! Volunteer delivery driv-ers are still needed at all 3 Harper Co. Dept. On Aging: Food Commodities Available July 27th Senior Meal locations M-F. This fulfilling opportunity to serve our community takes about 45 minutes once a week. Requirements: valid driver’s license, vehicle, a smile & good humor. With-out all our Senior Meal vol-unteer drivers, homebound participants would not be able to receive their hot, nutritious meals. Contact the location nearest you for more information & even shadow a current volunteer. Anthony: 620-842-3008, Em-ily Attica: 620-254-7371, Shannon Harper: 620-896-2063, Jan The Public Transporta-tion Service assists ALL Harper Co residents of any age to stay independent with transportation to work, med-ical appointments, shopping, errands, Patterson Health Center & locations less than 70 miles. Hours of operation: 8:30am– 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday. Every Harper Co resident can ride with pub-lic transit regardless of age or mobility. Equal access is provided to the public. Al-though we are available to make trips M-F out of coun-ty, rides need to be scheduled 24 hours in advance & the bus returns for Harper Co by 3pm. CALL 620-842-5104 for ride reservations & rates. 1st come, 1st served.Out of County Transit Schedule: Mon 7/10: Wichita 8:20 departTues 7/11: Wellington 9:00 departWed 7/12: Wichita 8:20 departThurs 7/13: Out of county availableFri 7/14: Wichita 8:20 de-partAll routes are subject to change without notice. Report has been filed and a receivable of $609,727 is expected. Factors that contributed to the receiv-able included segregating certain departments into their own cost center and increased swingbed patient days. Changes in Medicare rates are expected with in-creases in Swingbed and the Outpatient percentage while Acute and the RHC rate are expected to de-crease slightly.Accounts payable for April were $1,602,046.75. Motion to approve by Lanie; seconded by Penner. Motion carried unanimously. Harper County Health Foundation (HCHF)None.Unfinished BusinessTeaff discussed PHC’s previous action to join Country Care Hospice re-questing approval to table the decision for 12 months. Country Care Hospice has been asked to provide pro-jections on the potential in-vestment and how it would impact not only them but other participants who HOSPITAL Continued from Page 3might join. Motion to table PHC investment in Coun-try Care Hospital. Mo-tion by Penner; seconded by Walker. Motion carried unanimously. New BusinessNone.Executive SessionNone.AdjournmentThere was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 6:20pm. Mo-tion made by Walker; sec-onded by Penner. Motion carried unanimously.Approved by the BoardKara Bello, SecretaryObituary...Alyce L. Park1938 ~ 2023Alyce L. (Coder) Schroeder Park, 85, of McPherson, KS, peacefully entered her heavenly home on Thursday, June 29, 2023, surrounded by family at Wesley Medical Center, Wichita. Alyce was the youngest of six born on March 5, 1938, in Washington County, KS, the daughter of Omar and Cora (Huffman) Coder. She graduated from Morrowville High School and attended Manhattan Bible College.On August 23, 1959, Alyce was united in marriage to Larry A. Schroeder. He passed away on January 31, 1988. She married Robert “Bob” H. Park on June 30, 1990, at the Harmony Christian Church in McPherson. Alyce worked as a receptionist at Harper Hospital, was a grand-mother gure for needy children at Cookson Hills Christian Ministries in Kansas, OK, and was a house parent with her rst husband, Lar-ry, at Eagle Children’s Ranch in Eagle, ID. Alyce was a longtime piano teacher, giving lessons to hundreds of students. She loved being a wife of a minister, serving in Kansas, West Virginia, Virginia, Nebraska, Idaho, and Oklahoma.Survivors include: her lov-ing husband of almost 33 years, Bob of the home; children, Tamra Schroeder of Springeld, IL, Tim Schroeder (Kristin Vanderbilt) of Albuquerque, NM, Troy Schroeder (Michele) of Galva, KS, Scott Park (Kimberly) of Woodland Park, CO, Kelly Pittman (Harold) of Manhat-tan, KS, and Barry Park (Marcie) of Manhattan, KS; 12 grandchildren, Malachi Schroeder, Micah Schro-eder, Joseph Schroeder, Saman-tha Dockery, Ethan Park (Elissa), Garrett Park, Bryant Pittman (Tandra), Logan Pittman, Tren-ton Pittman, Emily Park, Hannah Park, and Jenna Breshears (Zach-ary); four great-grandchildren; and many nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.She was preceded in death by her parents; rst husband; a daughter, Terel Dockery; and ve siblings, Opal Jones, Dean Coder, Earl Coder, Roy Coder, and Shirley Wood.The family will receive friends from 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM, Tues-day, July 4, 2023, at Stockham Family Funeral Home. The funeral service will be held at 10:00 AM, Wednesday, July 5, at Harmony Christian Church with Pastors Bar-ry Park and Scott Park ofciating. A graveside service will be held at 9:00 AM, Thursday, July 6, at Harper Cemetery (Harper, KS) with Pastor Troy Schroeder ofciating. Memorial donations may be given to Harmony Christian Church in care of Stockham Family Fu-neral Home, 205 North Chestnut, McPherson, KS 67460.Personal condolences may be sent to the family at July 10 to July 16, law enforcement across the state will participate in the Speeding Slows You Down campaign and will increase enforcement for speeding vehicles to improve traffic safety. The Kansas Depart-ment of Transportation funds this campaign to raise awareness on the dangers of speeding and urges drivers to obey posted speeds.“If you speed you aren’t just breaking the law,” said Vanessa Spartan, KDOT Transportation Safety Bu-reau Chief. “Speeding in-creases the odds you’ll lose control of the vehicle, reduc-es the effectiveness of seat belts and child safety seats, increases stopping distance, KDOT, Law Enforcement Urge Drivers To Slow Downincreases odds of serious injury or fatality, increases fuel consumption and costs for the driver, and increases the economic implications from speed-related crashes.”In 2021 in Kansas, 76 people lost their lives in speed-related crashes. In addition, of the nearly 4,500 crashes attributed to speed-ing that year, drivers ages 15-29 were behind the wheel more than 50% of the time.Drivers offer various rea-sons for speeding – such as running late, traffic conges-tion and a general disregard for other road users. Howev-er, speeding significantly in-creases both the likelihood of a crash and the crash severity, particularly affect-ing the time it takes to slow down the vehicle. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administra-tion, it takes about 221 feet to stop a vehicle traveling 50 mph. Increase the vehi-cle speed to 80 mph, and it takes about 460 feet to stop.“Speed kills, which is why we encourage mo-torists to abide by posted speed limits,” Spartan said. “Please slow down, saving a minute or two is not worth your life or the life of others you share the road with.”Choices made while driv-ing can have life-altering impacts. Drivers are re-minded to follow posted speed limits, obey all traf-fic laws and pay attention. For more information on the risks of speeding, go to
Page 6 the Anthony Republican • July 5, 202360 YEARS AGO - 1963Qualifying as a student ambassador, Judy Schmidt of Freeport was making fi-nal preparations for a sum-mer in Europe as one of 24 Kansas State University students participating in the People-to-People Stu-dent Ambassador Program.Kenneth Palmer has purchased the Wilson farm which had been occupied by the Herndon Tague family for several years. Palmer’s son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stew-art and little daughter of Anthony, will move on the place about the first of Au-gust. The Tagues will live on the property of her late father, Luther Frazier at 315 North Jennings in An-thony until they make defi-nite plans about their fu-ture home.Earl Stegall of Conway Springs had announced the purchase of Van’s Cafe on South Jennings, which would be known as Earl’s Cafe.50 YEARS AGO - 1973Members of the Bluff City Girls Softball team were: Gwen Taylor, Deanna Bruey, Doris Mayo, Jane Jelinek, Patty Bruey, Karna Sue Bruey, Debbie Netahla, Janice Mayo Janeen Ad-ams, Gayle Bruey, Lou Ann Conrady, Shirley Bruey, and Carol Sheen.Kathy Schmidt was coach and manager, La-Verne Marks.Solo ratings for Lincoln students participating in the SKL Music Festival held in Kingman were: Debbie Davis I; Cindy Cart-mill II; Brenda McKaig II; Sandy Morisse II; Sarah Rhodes II; Charlotte Hixon II; Melanie Jones II and JoLynn Moore III.Chaparral’s Mike Vogt and Tim Johnson captured the two-man State Golf Championship trophy at Lincoln. Played on a sand-green, Johnson shot one over par and Vogt, nine over par. Competition was in the combined class of 1-2 and 3A. Chester Barber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bar-ber, had a stag party “Las Vegas Style” at the “Pair-O-Dice Casino” in the garage of his home. Debbie Barber was the “pit-boss” of the ca-sino and Marge Barber was the waitress. Bill Green and Joe Burchfiel assisted Richard Barber with the recreation games. Guests included: Mike Goddard, Tony Duran, Mike Gallo-way, Terry Cupps, Kendall Pulliam, Steve Bellesine, John Meyer, Will Linn, Randy Moore, Ed Denton and Ed Masner. 40 YEARS AGO - 1983Anna Ruth Wilcox was awarded the Order Of The Tower at Friends Univer-sity commencement excer-cises in Wichita. This is an honorary society of the col-lege open to seniors gradu-ating with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.60 or above. At a special meeting of USD #361 Board of Edu-cation, the board approved five resignations and their replacements. Those re-signing, followed by their replacements were: Eva Hodges, Washington Grade School, replaced by Toni McKee; Arlene Williams, Washington, replaced by Mary Beth George; Myrel Carr, Chaparral High School, no replacement as of yet; Gloria Piersall, Chap-arral, replaced by Lonnie Allen; Bucilla Blair, Chap-arral, replaced by Robert Ardery, Jr. Dan Levielle was given the head boy’s varsity basketball position after Sam Beam requested that he be relieved of the post. Two Chaparral gradu-ates of 1974 had returned to Anthony. Bob and Carol Hamilton had purchased the FaStop from Dick and Betty Marchant. The Marchants established the fast food establishment in May of 1982.30 YEARS AGO - 1993Forty-six teachers, stu-dents and guests enjoyed a basket dinner and program at the Owls Center in Ha-zelton for the annual Rural School Reunion. There were 16 schools represented.At the invitation of Gov-ernor Joan Finney, Jody Gates and Julie Davis, both of Chaparral High School were selected to attend the Tenth Annual Governor’s Scholars Award Program at Cedar Crest.The Anthony Hospital sponsored a come and go farewell reception for Doc-Online SubscriptionsAre Now Available! Visit Our Website To Subscribe! www.anthonyrepublicannews.comThe Anthony RepublicanTHE ANTHONY REPUBLICAN Want To Share Your Pictures? Share Them With The Original Social Media!SEND IT TO: ANTHONYREPUBLICAN@ATT.NETtors Robert Ludwick and Jerry Hall. Dr. Ludwick and his family were moving to Georgia and Dr. Hall was FILES Continued on Page 8
the Anthony Republican • July 5, 2023 Page 7FOR RENT - Low income housing for people age 55 and older. Mainte-nance lives on site. Water, sewer and trash paid. Storm shelters. Contact Meadowlark Housing, 924 E. Spring in Anthony, KS 67003. Phone: 620-842-5331. 32-4-5-tfcFOR RENT - Penn Place Apartments - Furnished, 1 bedroom, 1 bath OR furnished/unfurnished, 2 bedroom, 2 bath. All utilities included, includ-ing cable TV and WiFi. Short term leases and weekly rates available. Call Carol at 620-842-3484 or visit for leasing specials or to apply. 45-4-22-tfcFOR RENTKCAN ADSHELP WANTEDKCAN ADSHELP WANTED: Larry’s Hometown Market is looking for weekend help. Apply in person. M-5-17-tfcMOVING SALE: 514 S. Springeld in Anthony. Friday, July 7th from 8am-5pm. Saturday, July 8th from 8am-3pm. M-7-5-1tpFOR SALEFor SalePlace your 25-word classied in the Kansas Press Association and 135 more newspapers for only $300/ week. Find employees, sell your home or your car. Call the Kansas Press Association @ 785-271-5304 today! kpa-7-5Misc.BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Beautiful walk in showers with no slip ooring. Also, grab bars and seated showers avail-able. Waiving All Installation Costs, Plus No Interest and No Payments for 1 Year: 855-382-1221. kpa-7-5Misc.NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Em-pire Today®to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Floor-ing. Call Today!844-580-2974. kpa-7-5Misc.PROFESSIONAL LAWN SER-VICE: Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration and mosquito con-trol. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our rst application special! 855-288-8649. kpa-7-5Misc.Looking for beautiful, energy ef-cient new windows for your home? Call now and set up your free, no-obligation estimate. Beautify your home today! 855-727-0043. kpa-7-5Misc.LONG DISTANCE MOVING: Call to-day for a FREE QUOTE from Ameri-ca’s Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Speak to a Relocation Specialist, call 888-788-0471. kpa-7-5Misc.Never Pay For Covered Home Re-pairs Again! Complete Care Home Warranty COVERS ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES. 30 DAY RISK FREE. $200.00 OFF + 2 FREE Months! 844-237-1432. kpa-6-28Misc.Never Pay For Covered Home Re-pairs Again! Complete Care Home Warranty COVERS ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES. 30 DAY RISK FREE. $200.00 OFF + 2 FREE Months! 844-237-1432. kpa-7-5Misc.DISCOUNT AIR TRAVEL. Call Flight Services for best pricing on domes-tic & international ights inside and from the US. Serving United, Delta, American & Southwest and many more airlines. Call for free quote now! Have travel dates ready! 833-381-1348. kpa-7-5Misc.DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 844-268-9386. kpa-7-5Misc.NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Page Publishing will help you self-publish your own book. FREE author sub-mission kit! Limited offer! Why wait? Call now:855-939-2090. kpa-7-5Misc.DirecTV Satellite TV Service Starting at $64.99/mo For 24 mos, Free In-stallation! 165+ Channels Available. Call Now For The Most Sports & En-tertainment On TV! 888-721-1550. kpa-7-5Misc.Never clean your gutters again! Af-fordable, professionally installed gutter guards protect your gutters and home from debris and leaves forever! For a FREE Quote call: 844-607-1363. kpa-7-5Misc.TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUI-TARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 855-454-6658. kpa-7-5Misc.PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Dayto-na, GMT, Submariner and Speedmas-ter. Call 844-575-0691. kpa-7-5Misc.SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind paying your MORTGAGE? Denied a Loan Modication? Threatened with FORECLOSURE? Call the Home-owner’s Relief Line now for Help! 888-975-1473. kpa-7-5620-842-5129 • 121 E. Main, Anthonywww.anthonyrepublicannews.comTHE ANTHONY REPUBLICAN620-842-5129 • 121 E. Main, Anthonywww.anthonyrepublicannews.comTHE ANTHONY REPUBLICANVISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE! ONLINESUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE AT:WWW.ANTHONYREPUBLICANNEWS.COM
Page 8 the Anthony Republican • July 5, 2023* * WWW.ANTHONYREPUBLICANNEWS.COM * *HARPER COUNTY’S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPERTHE ANTHONY REPUBLICAN620-842-5129 • 121 E. Main, AnthonyWebsite: www.anthonyrepublicannews.comEmail: anthonyrepublican@att.netNational Weather ServiceWichita, KansasJune 2023 PrecipitationSiteJune Precipitation (Inches)Departure from AverageRank Wettest/Driest SinceWichita Eisenhower 4.70 -0.23 55th Wettest Wettest Since 2021Salina Airport 5.80 +2.05 31st Wettest Wettest Since 2019Chanute Airport 3.50 -2.12 38th Driest Driest Since 2020Russell Airport 3.40 +0.09 26th Wettest Wettest Since 2020Winfield COOP 4.24 -1.45 55th Driest Driest Since 2020Newton COOP 5.30 +0.29 48th Wettest Wettest Since 2022Cottonwood Falls COOP 3.02 -1.70 37th Driest Driest Since 2020Anthony COOP 10.45 +5.49 4th Wettest Wettest Since 2007Sedan COOP 4.78 -0.80 61st Wettest Wettest Since 2021Independence COOP 2.51 -3.75 21st Driest Driest Since 2020National Weather ServiceWichita, KansasJanuary–June 2023 PrecipitationSiteJan-Jun Precipitation (Inches)Departure from AverageRank Wettest/Driest SinceWichita Eisenhower 11.09 -6.46 26th Driest Driest Since 1998Salina Airport 11.90 -3.01 37th Driest Driest Since 2018Chanute Airport 11.05 -9.93 5th Driest Driest Since 1980Russell Airport 8.21 -3.81 11th Driest Driest Since 2015Winfield COOP 11.54 -9.77 21st Driest Driest Since 2011Newton COOP 10.66 -6.59 18th Driest Driest Since 2018Cottonwood Falls COOP 13.18 -5.65 29th Driest Driest Since 2018Anthony COOP 17.94 +0.21 34th Wettest Wettest Since 2022Sedan COOP 12.93 -8.92 12th Driest Driest Since 2014Independence COOP 12.93 -10.73 12th Driest Driest Since 1972National Weather ServiceWichita, KansasLatest Kansas Drought (As of June 27th)Latest Kansas Drought (As of June 27th)Percentage of Kansas in Drought by IntensitySignificant drought improvements seen this month.30%8%23%24%13%2%headed for retirement. 20 YEARS AGO - 2003Nathan Stitt performed “Wonder Wall” by Oasis during the Chaparral High School Pop Concert.Randy Dieker presented Paige Hoskinson with a “Boom Box” for raising the most funds for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Paige, a student in Mrs. Pat-terson’s first grade class, raised $260 out of the $1,743 raised by all the stu-dents at Anthony Elemen-tary School.Caleb E. Ediger was among the record 400 mem-ber graduating class of 2003 at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrison-burg, Virginia. He received a bachelor of science degree in nursing.10 YEARS AGO - 2013Chaparral FBLA stu-dents placed in the top 10 in 7 events at the State Convention held in Topeka. The top finishers included: Jake Brannon, 1st, Job In-terview; Dylan Hall, 1st, Sports Management; Chis Jacobs, Carlos Martinez, Dylan Hall, 2nd Global Business; KT Molina, 3rd, Public Speaking I; Grecia Rucomba, Jake Brannon, 4th, Emerging Business Is-sues; Chris Jacobs, Carlos Martinez, Dylan Hall, 5th, Entrepreneurship; Kori Harbin, 6th, Accounting II.The Brownie Girl Scouts who crossed over to Juniors at the East Park ceremony were: Alora Ricker, Brae-lynn Langston, Maddy Barker, Gillian Struble, Ni-cole Borrassard, Carrie Ca-dette and Jade Sponaugle.When Chaparral doors open in August, a new face waiting to greet students included that of recently hired principal, Ron Levan. 5 YEARS AGO - 2018A retirement reception was held at the Argonia Elementary Gym honor-ing Bonnie Dunn and Terry Lawrence for their 20-plus years of teaching at Argo-nia Elementary.Receiving new bikes at the Kiwanis Bike Giveaway were: Kaylee Swartz, 5th grade; Leah Oliphant, 4th grade; and Cate Kenney, 3rd grade.Roger Clark, Anthony, and a master’s student in architecture at Kansas State University, received a $5,000 Goss Discovery Scholarship to study in It-aly.Dan and Beth Bird were awarded the Medal of Ex-cellence at the Kansas State University Founda-tion board of trustees meet-ing.FILES Continued from Page 6SHIRTS • SIGNSLD’S PRINTING 620-842-5129