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July 26, 2023

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The Anthony Republican: Vol. 144 - No. 30 • The Anthony Bulletin: Vol. 124 - No. 30Established October 9, 1879: Oldest continuous business in Anthony • Wednesday, July 26, 2023To advertise your business or event in our “Hot Spot”call the Anthony Republican at 620-842-5129. Courtesy PhotoSOFTBALL TOURNAMENT WINNERS: Teams competed in the annual Tanner Asper Memorial Softball Tournament that was held Saturday, July 22nd at the Anthony ball elds. Money raised during the tournament goes to the Tanner Asper Angle Memorial Scholarship fund that is awarded each year to several graduating Chaparral Seniors. Pictured is the the family of Tanner Asper presenting the 1st Place team, the Schroeder’s from Haysville, with t-shirts after the tournament.Photo By: Ross Downing/Anthony RepublicanEAGLE EYE WINNER: Jade Calvert of Anthony has won the $50 cash prize in the Anthony Republican’s monthly Ea-gle Eye Contest by correctly identifying the SSM Services ad. You can win too! Just look for the Eagle Eye Contest form on the front page of the Anthony Republican the third week of each month.Fun Is Set For Attica Saddle Club’s 75th Annual RodeoThe Attica Saddle Club is carrying on the custom-ary Attica Rodeo Days ro-deo events for the 75th year on July 27th, 28th & 29th. Folks in the area are look-ing forward to watching the talented riders and ropers who plan to enter in this year’s rodeo. The annual tradition remains a popular summer activity in the area. This will provide an op-portunity for cowboys and cowgirls from surrounding states to be in Attica enter-ing in the competition and the entertainment for the weekend. Thursday is family night, kids 12 and under get in free. The Mutton Bustin’ event will be held each night for kids ages 6 and under that weigh less than 60 pounds.There will be live music following the Rodeo each night. Hunter Spicer will be performing vocal & acoustic music on Thursday evening. On Friday night there will be live music and a dance with Jared Brown & The Dirt Road Misfits. And on Saturday night there will be a dance with live music from The Llew Brown Band.Don’t miss the daily events in downtown Attica! On Thursday there will be a Medallion Hunt, the winner will receive $250. Selma’s Annual Turtle Race starts at 9:30 a.m. There will be a free fun swim a the Attica City Pool from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and free snow cones at the Attica Scouts Building from 10 to 11 a.m. Join us at the Attica City Park at noon for a hot dog feed and ice cream treats. Kids can pick up an entry for the col-oring contest at Heartland Tri-State Bank starting Monday, entries are due by noon on Friday.Friday’s events include a Kiddie Parade with bike and foot races on Main Street starting at 9:30 a.m. Ice cream floats will be served after the races. A taco feed and ice cream treats will be served at the Attica Fire Station at noon. Then at 2 p.m. there will be a Photo Scavenger Hunt for children ages 8th grade and under, information can be found at Bulldog Supply. Saturday’s activities include a Pancake, Egg & Sausage Breakfast the Atti-ca Memorial Building from 6 to 9 a.m. A car show will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in downtown Attica. The Ro-deo Parade starts at 10:30 a.m., lineup will be north of Attica Long Term Care. After the Parade, there will be an Egg Toss, Duck Races and a free Watermelon Eat-ing Contest followed by a Sloppy Joe Feed at the Atti-ca Memorial Building. The cornhole tournament starts at 2:30 p.m., and the Attica Pool will have a free swim from 2 to 4 p.m.City Reviews Current Priorities Identified By Housing CommitteeOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted ByCity of Anthony ClerkJuly 5, 2023OPENINGWelcome / Call to Order. Invocation / Pledge of Al-legiance. Roll Call: Present - Mayor Greg Cleveland, Commissioner Sherrie Ea-ton, Commissioner Kenny Hodson Jr., Commissioner Eric Smith, City Admin-istrator Cyndra Kastens, Deputy City Clerk Sherri Miller, Chief of Police Ken-ny Hodson, Creighton and Teresa Cullop, Gina Hess, Water/WW Dept Head Matt Reed, Power Plant Super-intendent Larry Berry and Street Dept Head Bryan Struble. Absent - Commis-sioner Jan Lanie.Approval of Agenda: A motion was made to ap-prove the agenda. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commission-er Eaton, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.PUBLIC COMMENTCreighton and Teresa Cullop were present to fol-low up on the demolition of 432 S Anthony. Creighton would like on the July 18th Agenda to discuss the mat-ter.1. Welcome New Em-ployee Gina Hess as Police Dept. Admin Assistant and Recognition of Newly Pro-moted Water/Wastewater Department Head Matt Reed.CONSENT AGENDA2. Approve June 20, 2023, Regular Meeting Minutes.3. Appropriation Or-By J.K. GreggOn July 29th, the Historic Anthony Theatre is screen-ing the 2021 inspirational film, The Girl Who Believes in Miracles. Admission is free to all movie patrons. The sto-ry follows a young girl, Sara Hopkins, who starts praying after a preacher inspires her. When people in her small community are mysteriously healed, the townsfolk look Historic Anthony Theatre To Screen Free Movietowards her as the divine source for the miraculous oc-currences. But the crush of media attention soon takes its toll on the young girl, and her family is forced to pray for their own miracle to save her. The film stars veteran actors Peter Coyote, Mira Sorvino, and Austyn John-son, who portray Sara.The doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the movie starts at 7:00 p.m.CITY Continued on next page

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Page 2 the Anthony Republican • July 26, 2023dinance No. 3169 - $173,242.634. Approve 07.03.2023 Payroll - $71,566.635. Reappoint Larry Berry as KMGA Director for Two-Year Term to Expire August 31, 2025.6. Appoint Laura Ken-nemer to the Planning Commission for the Unex-pired Term of Jamie Reneau to Expire in 2025. 7. Reappoint Chris Jones, Damien Fowler and Vicki Longbine to the Plan-ning Commission for a Three-Year Term to Expire in 2026.8. Approve Rescheduled Date of July 22 for Tanner Asper Memorial Softball Tournament Ballfield Alco-hol Consumption Exemp-tion Application.CITY Continued from previous pageMayor Cleveland asked if any items should be pulled from the consent agenda for further review. Hearing none a motion was made to approve the consent agen-da. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Vot-ing Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Com-missioner Hodson Jr., Com-missioner SmithPUBLIC HEARINGSNone.REGULAR BUSINESS9. 2022 Audit Presenta-tion: Alexis Crispin of Ad-ams Brown CPA presented the 2022 Audit via Zoom. After presentation and dis-cussion, a motion was made to approve the 2022 Finan-cial Report. Motion made by Commissioner Smith, Sec-onded by Mayor Cleveland. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleve-land, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.10. Open Bids for Vari-able Frequency Drive (VFD): Commissioner Hod-son opened the bids for the Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). Three Bids were received. After review, a motion was made to ap-prove H2O Drilling, local bidder, pending the vetting of the bid. Motion made by Commissioner Hodson Jr., Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commission-er Eaton, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.11. Approve to Submit Bid for Replacement Power: Larry Berry requested to go out to bid for the budgeted replacement of the power plant mower. A motion was made to approve to sub-mit bids for a replacement mower for the Power Plant. Motion made by Commis-sioner Eaton, Seconded by Mayor Cleveland. Vot-ing Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Com-missioner Hodson Jr., Com-missioner Smith.12. Approval to Submit Bids for New Street Signs: Bryan Struble presented his findings on the street sign quality types and op-tions. After the review, a motion was made to ap-prove to submit bids for new street signs with blue back-ground and white lettering. Motion made by Commis-sioner Eaton, Seconded by Commissioner Hodson Jr.. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleve-land, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.13. Approve One-Time Service Contract: Admin-istrator Kastens presented the cost to have the grader and backhoe receive over-due professional service and maintenance. A motion was made to approve a one-time service contract with Foley for grader and back-hoe, $4,902.55 plus travel. Motion made by Commis-sioner Smith, Seconded by Commissioner Eaton. Vot-ing Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Com-missioner Hodson Jr., Com-missioner Smith14. Housing Develop-ment Land Donation Con-sideration: Administrator Kastens updated the Com-mission on a prospective housing development at Lot 2 & 3 Anthony Tract. After discussion, the Administra-tor was directed to proceed with preparing an agree-ment to donate Lot 2 and the north half of Lot 3 for this purpose in accordance with the city’s land dona-tion incentive program.15. Housing Program Updates: Administrator Kastens reviewed the cur-rent action plan to address the three priority hous-ing needs identified by the Housing Committee. The Administrator also in-formed the Commission about a potential CDBG Housing Grant that could help pay for rehabilitation and demolition of Anthony properties and sought ap-proval to pause on the de-molitions long enough to de-termine if this grant could possibly be used in lieu of using tax dollars to demol-ish some of the dangerous structures. The Commission guided the Administrator to pursue the details of the grant and report back. 16. Approve Fund In-vestments: The City Ad-ministrator presented a status report of funds and an investment plan to bring some of the idle funds up to current interest rates. A motion was made to ap-prove the fund investments as presented and authorize the City Administrator and City Treasurer to execute the documents to secure the most advantageous invest-ment rate. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Hodson Jr.. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleve-land, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.17. Approve June 2023 Court Report: A motion was made to approve the June 2023 Court Report. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commission-er Eaton, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.STAFF REPORTS18. Administrator Re-port: The Administrator provided a written report on Flood Maps, BASE Grant/HCCF, Water Department, Airport, Anthony Elemen-GOT NEWS OR PICS YOU WANT TO SHARE? SEND IT TO US AT:anthonyrepublican@att.netCITY Continued on next page

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the Anthony Republican • July 26, 2023 Page 3• PRINTING •• SIGNS •• SHIRTS •• BANNERS •• STAMPS •• STICKERS •LD’S PRINTING620-842-5129Obituary...MSgt Charles E. Wells1945 ~ 2023MSgt Charles Edward Wells (Chuck), USMC Retired was born on December 25, 1945 in Okla-homa City, OK to Marjorie Rush-more Wells and Earl Edward Wells. Chuck passed away at the Clinton Veterans Home on the morning of July 17, 2023. Chuck is survived by his wife of 52 1/2 years, Lois Wells. He is also sur-vived by his daughter, Kirsten Lor-raine Mahoney and his son Chris-topher Earl Wells. He is preceded in death by his son Charles Edward Wells II (Chad) and his mother and father. Chuck is also survived by his siblings, Ellen Meyers, Linda Riley (Bob), Kenny Wells (Dalene), Bob Wells (Margaret), Betty Wells Gray, and Joann Wells Wright (Mark Kastens); sisters-in-law, Al-ice Standeven and Elizabeth Wal-lace (Stanley), as well as too many wonderful cousins, nieces, neph-ews, and adopted family members to mention.Chuck joined the Marine Corp after graduating from high school in Anthony, KS. He served as a Mortarman in India Company 3/3 on “Hill 55” in Vietnam from 65-66. After Vietnam he was a Military Po-lice Ofcer in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii from 66-67. Chuck then served as a US Embassy Guard in Belgrade, Yugoslavia 68-69. Then he served as a US Mission Guard in Gene-va, Switzerland from 69-70. After completing Counter-Intelligence school and serving stateside he deployed to Nam Phong, Thailand at the Royal Thai Airbase from 72-73. While in Thailand he was with the 7th CI Team helping to locate downed and missing pilots in Laos. Chuck and Lois moved back to Oklahoma and he went to work for the USPS as a special delivery messenger, while also serving in the Marine Reserves. He retired with 20 years and 1 day as a Mas-ter Sergeant in the USMC. After he retired from the USPS, Chuck enjoyed his animals, painting gu-rines, and cracking his nuts (pe-cans).Viewing was held from 4 pm – 8 pm, Thursday, July 20, 2023 at the funeral home. Services were held at 2 pm, Friday, July 21 at the First Baptist Church of Piedmont, with interment following at Memo-rial Park Cemetery, Oklahoma City, OK, with full military honors.In lieu of owers the family re-quests donations be sent to dis-abled service member organiza-tions, such as DAV, or organization of one’s choice or to the FBC of Piedmont, OK.tary Traffic Safety, 2023 Budget and SEED Grant.19. Superintendent Re-port: The Superintendent provided a written report on KDHE Regulations on de-molishing residences, Lake, Building permits, Cotton Gin Lease, VFD Bids and other department activities.20. Chief of Police Re-port: We inspected some properties to be cleaned up. CITY Continued from previous pageCatching Up With The County CommissionOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted By HarperCounty Clerk’s OfficeJuly 10, 2023The Harper County Board of County Commis-sioners met in regular ses-sion, with Chairman Struble calling the meeting to order with Commissioner Wald-schmidt and Recording Sec-retary Shonda Larson pres-ent. Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove July 10, 2023 accounts payable in the amount of $156,633.66; approved unanimously. Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove payroll in the amount of $166,815.15; approved unanimously.Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove July 03, 2022 minutes; approved unanimously. Mike Bennett and Bai-ley Longbine, Public Works, gave a department update and spoke about 2024 bud-gets. Melvin Matlock, J & A Materials discussed loads of used pipe and how it is priced and the range of length of pipe. Nolan Younce, Buildings and Grounds, gave a de-partment update and spoke about 2024 budget.Jan Harding, EMS, gave a department update and spoke about 2024 budget.At 9:59 Commissioner Waldschmidt motioned to take a 5-minute recess; ap-proved unanimously. At 10:03 a.m. Commis-sioner Waldschmidt mo-tioned to reconvene the meeting; approved unani-mously. Brooke Mantey, Apprais-er, gave a department up-date. At 10:18 a.m. Commis-sioner Waldschmidt mo-tioned to enter executive session. The subject to be discussed will be personnel matters. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss personnel matters of nonelected personnel. The open meeting resumed at 10:35 a.m. in this room; ap-proved unanimously. Brooke Mantey, Appraiser, was present for this meeting. No binding action was taken. Tracy Chance and Don Gebers, Sheriff and Jail, spoke about 2024 budgets.Josh Teel, IT, spoke about 2024 budget.Hannah Crowe, Clerk, spoke about 2024 budgets.At 11:50 a.m. Commis-sioner Struble motioned to enter executive session. The subject to be discussed will be personnel matters. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss per-sonnel matters of nonelected personnel. The open meet-ing resumed at 12:00 p.m. in this room; approved unani-mously. No binding action was taken. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:02 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, July 17,2023 at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner Room at the Harper County Courthouse.Approved: Darrin Stru-ble, ChairmanAttest: Shonda Larson, Recording SecretaryWe served several weed no-tices. We arrested Reesee Tambunga on a warrant. We investigated a distur-bance in the 400 block of S. Lincoln and arrested Wyne-ma Campbell for disorderly conduct. We investigated a disturbance in the 300 block of E. Main and arrested Richard Watts Jr. domestic battery. We investigated a hit and run accident in the 800 block of W. Main.EXECUTIVE SESSIONNone.ADJOURNMENTA motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Mo-tion made by Mayor Cleve-land, Seconded by Commis-sioner Hodson Jr.. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Com-missioner Eaton, Commis-sioner Hodson Jr., Commis-sioner Smith.Gregory Cleveland, MayorCyndra Kastens, City Clerk/Administrator

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Page 4 the Anthony Republican • July 26, 2023Cornerstone Group © 2023NEXT-LEVEL INTERNET LEADSTO NEXT-LEVEL EXPERIENCESOnline gaming is a fun way to connect virtually with fellow gamers and connect in-person with family members. To make the most of it, however, you need to have an internet connection that’s up to the challenge of each new adventure.SCTelcom’s next-level internet provides super-fast download and upload speeds as well as low ping and latency rates. After all, every millisecond in response time matters when you’re in the thick of things. CALL 877-723-6875 FOR AN UPGRADE. YOUR GAMEPU877-723-6875 • www.sctelcom.net124 N 5th Ave, Anthony$160,000Katie Detmer, Broker katie@genefrancis.comwww.genefrancis.comSchedule your showing today!316-214-1715FOR SALE4 bed 2 bathMother in law suiteAttached garageStorage shed 28x12Covered patioSprawling ranch has lots to offerHARPER COUNTYDISTRICT COURT REPORTIndividuals listed below are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.LIMITED CASE FILINGSLVNV Funding LLC vs. Judy Miller, debt collection; 23-LM-34.Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Gabrielle M. Hauck, debt collection; 23-LM-36.Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Stacey A. Smith, debt collection; 23-LM-37.Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Kole A. Newlin, debt collection; 23-LM-38.Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Melissa L. Teeter, et al., debt collection; 23-LM-39.CRIMINAL CASE FILINGSState of Kansas vs. Payton L. Armstrong: 1) Possession of marijuana. 2) Possession of drug paraphernalia. 3) Transporting an open container. 23-CR-73.State of Kansas vs. Dylan S. Pulliam: 1) Possession of mari-juana. 2) Possession of drug paraphernalia. 3) Transporting an open container.State of Kansas vs. Jody Bring-er: 1) Driving under the inuence - 1st conviction. 2) Transporting an open container.COUNTY COURT DOCKETJUDGE SCOTT E. McPHERSONMonday, July 24, 202310:00 a.m. Discover Bank vs. Eric C. Smith, answer hearing; 23-LM-32.Wednesday, July 26, 20239:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Tina A. Roe, etal., aid in execution; 22-LM-18.9:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Josue Luna-Bernal, aid in execution; 22-LM-66.9:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Charles K. Jones, aid in execution; 22-LM-80.9:00 a.m. In the Matter of the Estate of HD Mayo, status confer-ence; 23-PR-5.9:30 a.m. Alliance Insurance Company Inc. vs. Ronald L. Hagar, garnishment; 14-LM-40.10:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Wendi L. Snow, et al., contempt; 22-LM-13.10:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Justin S. Chandler, status conference; 23-LM-26.10:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Dale Bak-er, et al., 23-LM-27.10:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Guymon E. Beckham, status conference; 23-LM-28.10:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Austin S. Allen, status conference; 23-LM-30.10:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Kelli R. Atha, status conference; 23-LM-29.10:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Angel R. Green, hearing; 23-LM-35.10:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Gabrielle M. Hauck, hearing; 23-LM-36.10:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Stacey A. Smith, hearing; 23-LM-37.10:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Kole A. Newlin, hearing; 23-LM-38.10:00 a.m. Hospital District No. 6 of Harper County vs. Melissa L. Teeter, et al., hearing; 23-LM-39.10:00 a.m. In the Matter of the Estate of Lana K. Frank, status conference; 23-PR-18.Wednesday, July 27, 20238:45 a.m. CKS Prime Invest-ments LLC vs. Kate L. Hankins, status conference; 23-LM-24.8:45 a.m. Capital One NA vs. Jesse A. Budd, status conference; 23-LM-25.8:45 a.m. Central Energy Co. LLC vs. Chad E. Hacker, et al., hearing; 23-LM-31.8:45 a.m. Vap Property Solu-tions LLC vs. Logan Hammill, et al., status conference; 23-LM-33.8:45 a.m. LVNV Funding LLC vs. Judy Miller, hearing; 23-LM-34.9:30 a.m. Katherine Baskins vs. Matthew Eickleberry, et al., an-swer hearing; 23-SC-3.HARPER COUNTY JAILARRESTS & BOOKINGSNathan K. Hurley, 55: Arrested: 7-17-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HPD. Charges: 1) Criminal threat. 2) Bond violation.Reesee R. Rambunga, 22: Ar-rested: 7-17-23; Released: 7-21-23. Arrested By: HPD. Charges: 1) Probation violation.Verl V. Zimmerman, 62: Arrest-ed: 7-21-23; Released: 7-21-23. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Bond violation.Stormy D. Rother, 34: Arrested: 7-21-23; Released: 7-21-23. Ar-rested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Assault. 2) Cigarette and tobacco products act - sell/give/furnish to <18 YOA.Michael E. Sowter, 35: Arrested: 7-23-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Charges pending.Jessica L. Brown, 36: Arrested: 7-23-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Charges pending.Walt J. Shrum, 56: Arrested: 7-23-23; Released: 7-23-23. Ar-rested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Criminal littering - public property.HARPER COUNTY DEEDSBOOK D108#820 - Statutory Warranty Deed: TBI Holdings to Kenneth A. Hod-son Jr. and Jessie Hodson, Lots 3-5 and the E/10” of Lot 6 in Blk. 46 in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#821 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Jan Drosselmeyer to Shania L. Goertz and Karleigh T. Goertz, the N/46’ of Lot 6 in Blk. 26 in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#822 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Kendal K. Pulliam and Luanne D. Pulliam to Kendal K. Pullliam Revocable Life Insurance Trust, Tract 1: the S/2 of the NW/4 of Sect. 30, Twp. 33 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; Tract 2: the E/2 of the NW/4 of Sect. 1, Twp. 34 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; Tract 3: the S/2 of the NW/4 and the N/2 of the SW/4 of Sect. 17, Twp. 34, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; all in Harper County, Kansas.#823 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Scott Stoughton and Kristin Stoughton to Scott Stoughton and Kristin Stoughton, a tract in the SW corner of Sect. 9, Twp. 33 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#824 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Ivan E. Trester and Briana D. Trester to Luis A. Peaz Hernan-dez, Lots 7-9 in Blk. 53 in Attica Second Supplemental, City of At-tica, Harper County, Kansas.#825 - Quit Claim Deed: Amy Sneary to Caleb Sneary, Lot 2 and the N/2 of Lot 3 in Blk. 16 of Col-lege Addition (aka 2107 Oak) in the City of Harper, Harper County, Kansas.#826 - Quit Claim Deed: Jon E. Nelson and Lona R. Nelson to Loren M. Nelson and Tasha M. Nelson, Lots 5 and 6 in Blk. 7 of Fairview Addition to the City of An-thony, Harper County, Kansas.#827 - Quit Claim Deed: Jon E. Nelson and Lona R. Nelson to Jon E. Nelson and Lona R. Nel-son, the S/25’ of the E/137’ of the S/187’ of Blk. 19 in Rasure’s Ad-dition; and the N/65’ of the N/2 of the E/2 of Blk. 24 in Rasure’s Addition; and the S/85’ of the N/2 of the E/2 of Blk. 24 in Rasure’s Addtion; all in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#828 - Transfer-On-Death Deed: Jon E. Nelson and Lona R. Nel-son transfers on death to Larissa Westmoreland, the S/25’ of the E/137’ of the S/187’ of Blk. 19 in Rasure’s Addition; and the N/65’ of the N/2 of the E/2 of Blk. 24 in Rasure’s Addition; and the S/85’ of the N/2 of the E/2 of Blk. 24 in Rasure’s Addtion; all in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#829 - Transfer-On-Death Deed: William K. Gates transfers on death to Nicholas Gates, the W/75’’ of the S/2 of the E/2 of Blk. 24 in Rasure’s Addition (aka 317 E. Gareld) in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#830 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Orval R. Zimmerman to Joseph Pester, Lots 14, 15 and 18 in Blk. 56 in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#831 - Special Warranty Deed: CBC DT LLC to Alpine Income Property OP LP, a tract in Blks. 7 and 8 of the Jennings Addition to the City of Anthony, Harper Coun-ty, Kansas.#832 - Warranty Deed: James N. Robb and Patricia A. Robb to James N. Robb and Patricia A. Robb, the NE/4 of Sect. 18, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., less a tract, Harper County, Kan-sas.#833 - Warranty Deed: James N. Robb and Patricia A. Robb to James N. Robb and Patricia A. Robb, Lot 8 in Blk. 2 of Rothwell’s Addition, Lots 11-18 in Blk. 8 of Lamunyon’s Addition, and Lot 1 in Blk. 12, and Lots 7, 10, 11 and 14 in Blk. 13 of Anderson’s Addition, and Lots 2, 3 and 6 in Blk. 13 of Anderson’s Addition, all in the City of Harper; and a tract in Lot 7 in Sect. 6, Twp. 32 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M.; and an undivided 17/24th interest in the NE/4 of Sect. 18, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; all in Harper County, Kansas.#834 - Quit Claim Deed: Kristine Casper to DJ Beebe and Heather Holden, Lots 1-4 in Blk. 48 in the City of Attica, Harper County, Kan-sas.#835 - Quit Claim Deed: John R. McDermott to JoAnn McDer-mott, the S/21’7” of Lot 9 in Blk. 36 in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#836 - Quit Claim Deed: John R. McDermott to JoAnn McDermott, Lots 9 and 11 in Blk. 1 of Cade’s Addition to the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.

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the Anthony Republican • July 26, 2023 Page 5(First Published in the Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 26, 2023) 1tNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGCity of AnthonyPC 23-03Sunrise 2nd AdditionTO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN AND TO ALLPERSONS INTERESTED:NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., in the City Commission Room of City Hall, 124 S. Bluff, Anthony, Kansas, the City of Anthony Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Case No. PC 23-03, to consider the petition of the City of Anthony, to rezone a portion of land located at Sunrise 2nd Addition from B-2 Service Business to R-1 Residen-tial. A copy of the legal description in question is available for inspection at the City Building in Anthony during normal business hours.Any person wishing to be heard regarding this matter may submit written comments to the Anthony Planning Commis-sion prior to or at the public hearing or may present written and/or oral comments at such public hearing. All people wish-ing to be heard concerning this matter shall be afforded an opportunity to do so. Upon conclusion of said public hearing, the Anthony Planning Commission may make recommenda-tions on this application to the governing body. The Anthony Planning Commission may continue consideration of this matter to a future date without further notice.WITNESSED AS OF THIS 18th day of July 2023.Cyndra KastensZoning AdministratorCity of AnthonyWITNESSED AS OF THIS 18th day of July 2023.Cyndra KastensZoning AdministratorPUBLIC NOTICEHARPER COUNTY’S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPERTHE ANTHONY REPUBLICAN620-842-5129 • 121 E. Main, AnthonyWebsite: www.anthonyrepublicannews.comEmail: anthonyrepublican@att.net60 YEARS AGO - 1963Bill Fielder of Moundridge, Kan. had bought the OK Barber Shop from Roy Smith and took over the operation on July 9.Cheryl Bollman, Doug, Ruth Ann and Jan Barnard of the Pilot Knob vicinity attended the Baptist Bible Camp at Camp Sagmount, Joplin, Mo.The girls in the Piloteers 4-H Club who were enrolled in Room Improvement were Judy Wilcox, Cooki Caroth-ers and Charlene Wolff. Photography project mem-bers meeting were John Gleichman, Richard Davis, Nancy Jo Stuchal, Connie Stuchal, Beth Wilcox and Cheryl Bollman. Fred Jones met Jack Vogt in the championship bracket of the men’s handi-cap golf tournament finals and Bill Kiser played Don Jensen in the consolation bracket. Jones and Vogt played even while Bill Kis-er allowed Jensen 6 strokes on each nine. 50 YEARS AGO - 1973Among the local teenag-ers spending many pleasur-able and refreshing hours during the summer at the Anthony swimming pool were: Jo Lynn Moore, Diana Williams, Beverly Dunn, Traci Haakinson, Sarah Rhodes, Janet Morisse, Deb-bie Lipps, Sandy Morisse and LaQuita Robinson.The following boys were at Scout Camp at Sedan: Danny Jackson, Charles Scott, Jim Hall, Danny Rutherford, Bobby Quick, Phillip Stein, Clinton Jen-nings, Mich Starks, Joe Wil-cox, Brad Cooper, Richard Cooper, Doug Jensen, Brad Harbin, Brad Carmichael, Kacey Carmichael, Steven Buck and Leader Bob Jack-son. At the USD 361 meet-ing a motion was made and seconded to begin basket-ball for 7th and 8th grade girls in the fall of 1973 - at least on a limited basis as facilities and personnel made the program possible. Motion failed. Motion was made and seconded to ini-tiate competitive girls bas-ketball in both junior and senior high in the fall of 1974. Motion carried.Harry Zielke and Chris Elliott were practicing on their watermelon spitting form and was entering the Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest at Pauls Valley, Okla. Anthony was to hold the Kansas State Champi-onship on August 11.40 YEARS AGO - 1983Freeport State Bank’s vice-president and cashier, Patrick A. Kerschen, had completed the final year of the two year Kansas School of Agricultural Banking at Kansas State University in Manhattan.Michelle Williams, Shar-la Perry, Alison Burnet of Anthony and Cammi Frie-den of Kiowa attended the Lynn Dickey basketball camp at Manhattan.Announcement was made by Dr. B.L. Gardner that Dr. Jeffry B. Bond, 27, had joined his medical clinic at 625 E. Main in Anthony.Miss Ronda Meyer, a sixth grader at Lincoln Ju-nior High next school year, was chosen “Miss Hospital-ity” at the Kansas National PreTeen Pageant held at the Broadview Hotel in Wichita.30 YEARS AGO - 1993Chaparral High School graduate Jannica Beam, a senior at Washburn Uni-versity in Topeka, was one of 12 student athletes listed on the athletic director’s spring semester honor roll with a perfect 4.0 grade point average. Beam earned four letters as a member of the Lady Blues basketball team and two playing ten-nis for Washburn. In addi-tion, she was the first Wash-burn student-athlete to receive a prestigious NCAA post-graduate scholarship. She was a Phi Kappa Phi Honor Scholar and was a recipient of the Wall Street Journal Student Achieve-ment Award.Participating in the third annual Wax Museum presented by Cynda Carr’s fourth grade home room students were: Andrew Batty (Billy The Kid), Cole Beckner (Michael Jack-son), Patricia Boettcher (Carry Nation), Josh Co-ady (Eric Clapton), Sharla Dunn (Hillary Clinton), Kara Fadenrecht (Marie Tallchief, ballerina), Ran-dy Miller and Arthur Ge-bers (Wilbur and Orville Wright), Sarah Goetz (Har-riet Tub- man), Mitchell Hall (Jackie Robinson), Jen-nifer Mock (Anne Frank), Tyson Prouse (Bill Clinton), Laura Schnelle (Laura En-galls Wilder), and Angela Stevens (Martha Washing-ton). Unable to participate due to illness were Brandi Walker (Rosa Parks) and Holly Stinson (Amelia Ear-hart).20 YEARS AGO - 2003The citizens of Attica would be without a phar-macy in their community for the first time in 117 year if the current plans were completed for the sale and closing of Rogers Pharmacy in that community. Ken-neth Rogers was the fourth owner of the only pharmacy in Attica which was started to the best of his reckoning, in 1886 across the street from the present location.K-State students earn-ing semester honors and students receiving gradua-tion honors from this area included: Kendall Lee Wed-man, Danville; Lavica Lynn Gates, Attica; Amy Renee Misak, Anthony.10 YEARS AGO - 2013Three new teachers were approved for hire by USD 361. Kristen Bellesine, kin-dergarten at Anthony El-ementary; Amber Knolla was hired for the Anthony Elementary Middle School Lanuage Arts position; April Burns hired as math teacher at Chaparral High School.Jenni Carr, Ag & Natu-ral Resources Agent, along with two adult volunteers took eight youth to Alabas-ter Caverns and the Uni-versity of Central Oklaho-ma Living Laboratory for a day to learn about wild cave exploration, wildlife and native plants. The Harpr County youth included Ethan McIntire, John Agg-son, Jaci Eslinger, Aden FILES Continued on Page 8

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Page 6 the Anthony Republican • July 26, 2023(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 19, 2023) 3t IN THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICTDISTRICT COURT, HARPER COUNTY, KANSASPROBATE DEPARTMENTIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: ) ) DAVID M. FANNING, ) Case No. 2023-PR-22Deceased. ) )Pursuant to Chapter 59,Kansas Statutes AnnotatedNOTICE OF HEARINGTHE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notifi ed that a petition has been fi led in this court by Ronald L. Fanning, the heir of David M. Fanning, deceased, requesting that the descent be determined of the decedent’s interest in the follow-ing described real estate situated in Harper and Kingman Counties, Kansas:An undivided interest in the minerals in, on or under Blocks 17, 18, 19 and 20, in Bartons 2nd Addition to the City of Harper, Harp-er County, Kansas, in perpetuity, (such interest is believed to be a one-sixteenth mineral interest).An undivided interest in the minerals in, on or under all that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 32 South, Range 7 West, which lies South of a line fi fty feet distant from, southerly of and parallel to the center line of the main track of the A.T. & S.F. RR (formerly the Harper & Western Railroad) as now located and constructed, and west of a line fi fty feet perpendicularly distant from, westerly of and parallel to the center line of the main track of the Hutchinson and Southern branch of the A.T. & S.F. RR as now located and constructed, EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that por-tion of the above described real estate which was conveyed to the A.T. & S.F. RR by Deed dated June 9, 1926, and recorded in Book 54 at Page 354 in the offi ce of the Register of Deeds of Harper County, Kansas, all in Harper County, Kansas, in perpetuity, (such interest is believed to be a one-sixteenth mineral interest).An undivided interest in the minerals in, on and under Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the South Half and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter and the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, all in Sec-tion 3, Township 31 South, Range 8 West, Harper County, Kan-sas, in perpetuity (such interest is believed to be a one-sixteenth mineral interest).An undivided interest in the minerals in, on and under Lots 1 and 2 and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter, all in Section 4, Township 31 South, Range 8 West, Harper County, Kansas, in perpetuity, (such interest is believed to be a one-sixteenth mineral interest).An undivided interest in the minerals in, on and under the North-west Quarter of Lot 4 of Section 6, Township 32 South, Range 6 West, excepting therefrom a tract described as follows: Beginning at a point 30 feet South and 673 feet West of the center of a 4” x 30” concrete post located at the Northeast corner of said Lot, and running then South 660 feet, then East 20 feet, then North 660 feet, then West 20 feet to the place of beginning, the same being a strip 20 feet wide adjoining the original Harper Cemetery on the West. Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 5 in Section 6, in Township 32 South, Range 6 West, then North 10 chains and 4 links to the Southeast corner of the Cemetery, then West 10 chains, then South 1 chain and 65 links, then West 8 chains and 69 links to the Range line, then South 22 chains and 80 links to a point 23 links North of right of way of the A.T & S. F. RR, then East 12 chains and 22 links, then North 4 chains and 62 links, then East 2 chains and 1 link, then North 4 chains and 85 links, then East 4 chains and 47 links to east line of Lot 5, then North 4 chains and 80 links to point of beginning, said tract containing 39.04 acres; also commencing 40 rods South of the Northwest corner of Sec-tion 6, Township 32 South, Range 6 West, then South one chain and 65 links, then East to a point 1 chain and 65 links South of the Southwest corner of the I.O.O.F. Cemetery, then North 1 chain and 65 links, then West to the place of beginning, containing 1 and ½ acre, more or less, Harper County, Kansas, less the follow-ing tract: Beginning at a point 690 feet South of the center of a 4” x 30” concrete post located at the Northeast corner of Lot 4, Sec-tion 6, Township 32 South, Range 6 West, then South 320.77 feet, then West 680 feet, then North 320.77 feet, then East 680 feet to the place of beginning, adjoining the original Harper Cemetery on the South and containing exactly 5 acres, containing in all 35.54 acres. A tract of land lying South of a line running parallel with the South side of Fourth Street of the City of Harper, Kansas, and lying North of the Southern Kansas Railway right-of-way and bounded on the East by the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 6 in Township 32 South, Range 6 West, known as the J.W. Wolcott land, all the said described strip or tract of land being located in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 6 in Township 32 South, Range 6 West; also a tract of land in Lot 5 of Section 6 in Township 32 South, Range 6 West, described as follows: Beginning 4 chains and 85 links South of the Northeast corner of Lot 5, in Section 6, Township 32 South, Range 6 West, running then West 4 chains and 47 links, then South 4 chains and 85 links, then West 2 chains and 1 link; then South 4 chains and 62 links, then East 6 chains and 48 links to the East line of said Lot 5; then North along the said East line of said Lot 5, to place of beginning and containing about 4 acres, more or less, less land heretofore deeded to the Harper Cemetery Association and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, all in Harper County, Kansas, in perpetuity, (such interest is believed to be a one-sixteenth mineral interest).An undivided interest in the minerals in, on and under the East Half of Section 11, Township 31 South, Range 8 West, Harper County, Kansas, in perpetuity, (such interest is believed to be a one-sixteenth mineral interest).An undivided interest in the minerals in, on and under the South Half of the Southwest Quarter, less Railroad right-of-way and di-agonal highway, of Section 28, in Township 31 South, Range 6 West of the 6th P.M., in Harper County, Kansas, in perpetuity, (such interest is believed to be a one-sixteenth mineral interest).An undivided interest in the minerals in, on and under the West 115 acres of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 32 South, Range 8 West, Harper County, Kansas, in perpetuity, (such interest is believed to be a one-sixteenth mineral interest).An undivided interest in the minerals in, on and under the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 30 South, Range 8 West, Kingman County, Kansas, in perpetuity, (such in-terest is believed to be a one-sixteenth mineral interest).An undivided interest in the minerals in, on and under the South Half of Section 34, Township 30 South, Range 8 West, Kingman County, Kansas, in perpetuity, (such interest is believed to be a one-sixteenth mineral interest).And that such property be assigned pursuant to the laws of intestate succession. You are hereby required to fi le your written defenses thereto on or before the 16th day of August, 2023, at 9:00 o’clock a.m. of such day, in such court in Anthony, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. Ronald L. Fanning, PetitionerTad Patton, #10879TRIPLETT WOOLF GARRETSON, LLC2959 N. ROCK ROAD, SUITE 300WICHITA, KS 67226(316) 630-8100Attorneys for PetitionerLEGAL NOTICEBANNERS • SIGNSVINYL STICKERSLD’s Printing • 620-842-5129Several heat-related ill-nesses can affect workers. Some of the symptoms are non-specific. This means that when a worker is per-forming physical labor in a warm environment, any unusual symptom can be a sign of overheating.Employers and work-ers should become familiar with the heat symptoms. When any of these symp-toms is present, promptly provide first aid. Do not try to diagnose which ill-ness is occurring. Diagno-sis is often difficult because symptoms of multiple heat-related illnesses can occur together. Time is of the es-sence. These conditions can worsen quickly and result in fatalities.When in doubt, cool the worker and call 911.OSHA’s Medical Services Be Prepared: Heat-Related Illnesses & First Aidand First Aid standard and the Medical Service and First Aid in Construction require the ready avail-ability of first aid person-nel and equipment. First aid for heat-related illness involves the following prin-ciples:Take the affected worker to a cooler area (e.g., shade or air conditioning).Cool the worker imme-diately. Use active cooling techniques such as:Immerse the worker in cold water or an ice bath. Create the ice bath by plac-ing all of the available ice into a large container with water, standard practice in sports. This is the best method to cool workers rap-idly in an emergency.Remove outer layers of clothing, especially heavy protective clothing.Place ice or cold wet tow-els on the head, neck, trunk, armpits, and groin.Use fans to circulate air around the worker.Never leave a worker with heat-related illness alone. The illness can rapid-ly become worse. Stay with the worker.When in doubt, call 911!Confusion, slurred speech, or unconsciousness are signs of heat stroke. When these types of symp-toms are present, call 911 immediately and cool the worker with ice or cold wa-ter until help arrives.Workers who are new to working in warm environ-ments are at increased risk of heat-related illness. See the Protecting New Work-ers section of this website for more details. Especially during a worker’s first few days, absolutely all symp-toms should be taken seri-ously. Workers who develop symptoms should be al-lowed to stop working. They should receive evaluation for possible heat-related ill-ness.By Jennifer WolffTEFAP Food commodi-ties will be available Thurs-day July 27th at the Harper County Courthouse 201 N. Jennings 8:30 – Noon. Food is distributed on a 1st come, 1st served basis. This program is available to all Harper County resi-dents who meet the income guidelines. Distributions are every ODD month in 2023. Just park out front & Harper Co. Dept. On Aging: TEFAP Commodities July 27thwe will bring a food box to you. Area food banks also provide food to residents who are in need. Anthony: Obediah’s Pantry on Main St. distributes the 1st Mon-day & Thursday. Attica Food Bank distributes the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month. Harper Food Bank is open the 1st Tuesday of the month. Contact Jenni-fer in the Aging office for more information 842-5104.The Public Transporta-tion Service assists ALL Harper Co residents of any age to stay indepen-dent with transportation to work, medical appoint-ments, shopping, errands, Patterson Health Center & locations less than 70 miles. Hours of operation: 8:30am– 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday. Every Harper Co resident can ride with pub-lic transit regardless of age or mobility. Equal access is provided to the public. Al-though we are available to make trips M-F out of coun-ty, rides need to be sched-uled 24 hours in advance & the bus returns for Harper Co by 3pm. CALL 620-842-5104 for ride reservations & rates. 1st come, 1st served.Out of County Transit Schedule: Mon 7/31: Wichita 8:20 departTues 8/1: Wichita 8:30 departWed 8/2: Wichita 8:20 de-partThurs 8/3: Out of county availableFri 8/4: Wichita 8:20 de-partAll routes are subject to change without notice. * * WWW.ANTHONYREPUBLICANNEWS.COM * *

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the Anthony Republican • July 26, 2023 Page 7FOR RENT - Low income housing for people age 55 and older. Mainte-nance lives on site. Water, sewer and trash paid. Storm shelters. Contact Meadowlark Housing, 924 E. Spring in Anthony, KS 67003. Phone: 620-842-5331. 32-4-5-tfcFOR RENT - Penn Place Apartments - Furnished, 1 bedroom, 1 bath OR furnished/unfurnished, 2 bedroom, 2 bath. All utilities included, includ-ing cable TV and WiFi. Short term leases and weekly rates available. Call Carol at 620-842-3484 or visit for leasing specials or to apply. 45-4-22-tfcFOR RENTKCAN ADSHELP WANTEDKCAN ADSHELP WANTED: Larry’s Hometown Market is looking for weekend help. Apply in person. M-5-17-tfcHELP WANTED: Harper County is hiring for the following positions:* Attendant Care Providers, Health Department* 911 Dispatcher* Detention Deputies* EMTs, AEMTs, Paramedics* Equipment Operators & Truck Drivers, Public Works* Election/Deeds Clerk, County Clerk’s Ofce* Field Appraiser I & Senior Appraiser* Right of Way/Landll Tech, Public WorksAll Full Time positions are eligible for our benet package, consisting of KPERS Retirement, Multiple Health, Dental and Vision Insurance options, premiums starting as low as $4.64 per check, Longevity Increases, Quarterly Employee Recognition/Ap-preciation Awards, Robust PTO pro-gram, Employee Referral Program.Please visit our website for more information, and to submit your re-sume. 101-7-19-2tcKCAN ADSFor SalePlace your 25-word classied in the Kansas Press Association and 135 more newspapers for only $300/ week. Find employees, sell your home or your car. Call the Kansas Press Association @ 785-271-5304 today! kpa-7-26Legal ServiceCHEATING SPOUSE? Call Barry & Associates Investigative Services. We will nd out the truth! (913) 944-8804 kpa-7-26Pets/LivestockUse Xylecide® anti-fungal sham-poo to provide heat relief on dogs & horses. Eliminates shedding & dog-gy odor. At Orscheln Farm & Home ( kpa-7-26Misc.PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Dayto-na, GMT, Submariner and Speedmas-ter. Call 844-575-0691. kpa-7-26Misc.NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Em-pire Today®to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Floor-ing. Call Today!844-580-2974. kpa-7-26Misc.PROFESSIONAL LAWN SER-VICE:  Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration and mosquito con-trol. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our rst application special! 855-288-8649. kpa-7-26Misc.Looking for beautiful, energy ef-cient new windows for your home? Call now and set up your free, no-obligation estimate. Beautify your home today! 855-727-0043. kpa-7-26Misc.LONG DISTANCE MOVING: Call to-day for a FREE QUOTE from Ameri-ca’s Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Speak to a Relocation Specialist, call 888-788-0471. kpa-7-26Misc.Never Pay For Covered Home Re-pairs Again! Complete Care Home Warranty COVERS ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES. 30 DAY RISK FREE. $200.00 OFF + 2 FREE Months! 844-237-1432. kpa-7-26Misc.DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 844-268-9386. kpa-7-26Misc.BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Beautiful walk in showers with no slip ooring. Also, grab bars and seated showers avail-able. Waiving All Installation Costs, Plus No Interest and No Payments for 1 Year: 855-382-1221. kpa-7-26Misc.NEW AUTHORS WANTED!  Page Publishing will help you self-publish your own book. FREE author sub-mission kit!  Limited offer!  Why wait? Call now:855-939-2090. kpa-7-26Misc.DirecTV Satellite TV Service Starting at $64.99/mo For 24 mos, Free In-stallation! 165+ Channels Available. Call Now For The Most Sports & En-tertainment On TV! 888-721-1550. kpa-7-26Misc.Never clean your gutters again! Af-fordable, professionally installed gutter guards protect your gutters and home from debris and leaves forever! For a FREE Quote call: 844-607-1363. kpa-7-26Misc.TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUI-TARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 855-454-6658. kpa-7-26Misc.DISCOUNT AIR TRAVEL. Call Flight Services for best pricing on domes-tic & international ights inside and from the US. Serving United, Delta, American & Southwest and many more airlines. Call for free quote now! Have travel dates ready! 833-381-1348. kpa-7-26Misc.SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind paying your MORTGAGE? Denied a Loan Modication? Threatened with FORECLOSURE? Call the Home-owner’s Relief Line now for Help! 888-975-1473. kpa-7-2620-842-5129 • 121 E. Main, Anthonywww.anthonyrepublicannews.comTHE ANTHONY REPUBLICAN620-842-5129 • 121 E. Main, Anthonywww.anthonyrepublicannews.comTHE ANTHONY REPUBLICANanthonyrepublican@att.netGOT NEWS???Send It To Us

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Page 8 the Anthony Republican • July 26, 2023PROSPER MONEY MARKET4.30%APY*14 MONTH SPECIAL CD5.25%APY*OPEN ONLINE TODAY AT KANZA.BANK!Map released: Thursday, July 20, 2023. Source: droughtmonitor.unl.eduRausch, Jaden Eslinger, Bradey McIntire, Dallton Blair and Cale Carlise. 5 YEARS AGO - 2018The Chaparral High School Trapshooting Team earned 2nd place as a Var-sity Team at the Kansas State High School Clay Target League State Tour-U.S. Department of Agri-culture (USDA) Kansas Ru-ral Development Director Christy Davis announced that USDA is making $21 million in technical as-sistance grants available through the Rural En-ergy for America Program (REAP) to help agricultural producers and rural small businesses access federal funds for renewable energy and energy efficiency im-provements. “These new grants can assist rural Kansas busi-nesses navigate renewable Program To Assist Rural Business Owners & Agricultural Producers With Energy Needsenergy systems and make their energy more afford-able while boosting their independence,” Davis said. “These technical assistance grants will help provide hands-on support to farm-ers, ranchers and rural small business owners for systems, like wind and so-lar, and energy efficiency measures. Eligible recipients for these grants include state, Tribal or local governments; colleges and universities; electric cooperatives and utility companies; and for-profit and nonprofit organi-zations. Recipients may use the funds to:• Help rural agricul-tural producers and small business owners apply for REAP funding.• Provide information on how business owners and agricultural producers can improve the energy ef-ficiency of their operations and use renewable energy technologies and resources. • Conduct required en-ergy assessments and au-dits.• Help agricultural pro-ducers and small business owners plan, build or de-velop renewable energy or energy efficiency projects.USDA will give fund-ing priority to applicants proposing to assist disad-vantaged communities, ap-plicants pursuing projects using underused technolo-gies and applicants seeking grants under $20,000.To learn more about investment resources for rural areas, visit Continued from Page 5nament. Team members included Scott Owen, Slat-er Blick, Logan Rugg, Ky-ler Acord, Zachary Acord, Casey Koehn, Jacob Hamil-ton, Nick Malone, Kydrenn Hightree and Chloe Blunk.Chaparral students Jackson Swartz, Austin Clark and Jonathan Welch competed at the TSA Na-tional Conference held in Atlanta Georgia.• PRINTING •• SHIRTS •• SIGNS •• BANNERS •• STICKERS •• COPIES •• STAMPS •• APPAREL •• KOOZIES •• PENS •LD’S PRINTING620-842-5129