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July 24, 2024

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The Anthony Republican: Vol. 145 - No. 30 • The Anthony Bulletin: Vol. 125 - No. 30Established October 9, 1879: Oldest continuous business in Anthony • Wednesday, July 24, 2024To advertise your business or event in our “Hot Spot”call the Anthony Republican at 620-842-5129. Harper, Kan. – Harper Industries, Inc. (HII) is proud to announce that the AEM Manufacturing Express will be making a significant bus tour stop at its facility on Aug. 6. This event will highlight rural Kansas, showcasing the region’s manufactur-ing diversity and growth as part of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers’ (AEM) nationwide initia-tive to celebrate the 2.3 mil-lion men and women who build, power, and feed the world.The day will begin with a morning rally featuring HII Hosts Influential Stop On Manufacturing Express Tourintroductions from indus-try leaders and political representatives. Attendees will then enjoy a lunch, of-fering an opportunity to network and discuss the future of manufacturing in rural areas. Following lunch, attendees will have the chance to tour Harper’s modernized factory, and witness firsthand the inno-vative processes and tech-nologies that drive opera-tions. "The AEM Manufactur-ing Express visit is not just a milestone for Harper Indus-tries, but a moment of pride for all of rural Kansas," said Luke Thornton, Vice Presi-dent of Operations. “We in-vite media representatives, industry professionals and community leaders to join us to see why rural Kansas is taking center stage in the manufacturing world.”One highlight of the Harper Industries’ stop will include a reflection on the company’s recent acquisi-tion of three Toro-legacy sweepers. “This diversifica-tion is not only a testament to our adaptability and forward-thinking approach County Commissioners Approve Purchase Of New AmbulanceOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted By HarperCounty Clerk’s OfficeJuly 2, 2024The Harper County Board of County Commis-sioners met in regular ses-sion, with Chairman Stru-ble calling the meeting to order with Commissioner Waldschmidt and Commis-sioner Vornauf. Ami DeLac-erda, County Clerk, and Shonda Larson, Assistant to the Board were also pres-ent. Commissioner Wald-schmidt moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $101,563.19; the motion passed unanimous-ly.Commissioner Wald-schmidt moved to approve a transfer to EMS in the amount of $9,000.00; the motion passed unanimous-ly. At 8:35 a.m., Commis-sioner Struble moved to en-ter executive session. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss per-sonnel matters of nonelect-ed personnel. The open Courtesy Photo3rd PLACE AT NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP: Members of the Chaparral High School Trapshooting Team traveled to Ma-son, Michigan to compete in the USA High School Clay Target League National Championship this past week. The top 3 teams each had a score of 487/500, but Chaparral came in 3rd Place after the tiebreaker method was used. Pictured (L-R) are Coach Sid Burkholder, Sam Foley, Levi Longbine, Max Wineinger, Ethan McIntire and Caden Smalley. Two other Kansas teams were in the Top 5, including Bishop Carrol High School (4th Place) and Cedar Vale-Dexter High School (5th Place).City To Move Forward With Sale Of Lake PropertyThe City of Anthony has posted it’s official publica-tion notice for the proposal of the sale of twelve acres (+/-) of park land located at the Anthony Lake in the last two week’s issues of the Anthony Republican.There is now a 30-day protest period until August 16, 2024, during this time a petition for intent of oppo-sition protest may be filed with the City Clerk, per K.S.A. 12-1301.In the event such a pe-tition is filed with the City Clerk within the time pre-scribed above, no such sale shall be made until the governing body shall be in-structed so to do by a major-Courtesy PhotoPROPOSED LAND DEVELOPMENT: The satellite image above shows the current location of the Salt Plains Outtters lodge and the property up sale outlined in red.ity of all the votes cast on the proposition at a regular or special election to be held at a later date.COUNTY Continued on next pageTOUR Continued on next page

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Page 2 the Anthony Republican • July 24, 2024Historic Anthony Theatre presentsStunning Custom Home w/ 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths and 3,181 sq. ., w/ Finished Basement & 2 Car Aached Garage. This is one of those MUST SEE HOMES! Call Megan Inslee, Realtor at 620-243-2938.but also plays a crucial role in sustaining and creating jobs in rural communities,” Thornton added. The event will be held Tuesday, August 6, 2024. The morning rally will be held at 11 a.m. at Harper Industries Inc., 151 E. U.S. Highway 160, Harper, KS 67058.The AEM Manufactur-ing Express visit is one of 80 stops planned at equip-ment manufacturers across 20 states. The tour provides an opportunity to engage manufacturing workers in the political process, connect with elected officials and meeting will resume at 8:45 a.m. in this room. The mo-tion was approved unani-mously. Ami DeLacerda remained in the room. The regular meeting resumed at 8:45 a.m. with no binding action taken.Mike Bennett and Janet Slankard, Public Works, gave a department update. Discussion was held related to the windfarm giving the County gravel and culverts removed during mainte-nance of the roads leading to their operations, the pos-sibility of mounting trail cameras to help enforce speed limits, and the repair of a bridge damaged by a combine being ready early next week. Concern was ex-pressed about dangerous in-tersections, due to Johnson grass overgrowth, and what chemical was being used to eradicate it. Also discussed staffing shortage in the Public Works department. At 9:01 a.m., Commis-sioner Struble moved to enter executive session. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel. The open meeting will resume at 9:30 a.m. in this room. The mo-tion was approved unani-mously. Ami DeLacerda and an employment candidate remained in the room. The regular meeting resumed at 9:30 a.m., no binding action takenThe individual scheduled for 9:30 did not attend the meeting.At 9:30 a.m. Commis-sioner Struble moved to re-cess for five minutes. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting reconvened at 9:35 a.m. The Board spoke about landowner contact regard-ing Waste Management trucks using dirt roads, rather than the established detour. Waste Management has been contacted, and is looking into it. Brooke Mantey, County Appraiser, met with the TOUR Continued from previous pagecandidates, and keep the in-dustry front and center dur-ing a critical election year.To learn more about the initiative, or view the full tour route, visit the AEM Manufacturing Express of-ficial website at: manufac-turingexpress.orgAbout Harper Industries: Harper Industries, Inc. is a diverse, values-based manu-facturing company build-ing quality products in the fields of agriculture, hydrau-lics, landscaping and sports turf management under the DewEze, Butler and Harper brand names. Call 620-896-7381 for more information on their full line of equip-ment or visit Continued from previous pageBoard and gave a depart-ment update. Discussed 2025 Appraiser, GIS, and Zoning budget requests. Also discussed use of the County credit card for all business related purchases.At 10:25 a.m., Commis-sioner Struble moved to enter executive session. The justification for clos-ing the meeting is to dis-cuss personnel matters of nonelected personnel. The open meeting will resume at 10:50 a.m. in this room. The motion was approved unanimously. Ami DeLac-erda and an employment candidate remained in the room. The regular meeting resumed at 10:50 a.m., no binding action taken.At 10:50 a.m. Commis-sioner Struble moved to re-cess for five minutes. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting reconvened at 10:55 a.m. Jan Harding, EMS Di-rector, presented the Board with a contract for a new ambulance. Commissioner Waldschmidt moved to ac-cept the Feld Fire Sales Contract for new ambu-lance in the amount of $234,000.00; the motion passed unanimously. A CMS recertification docu-ment was presented, Com-missioner Vornauf moved to sign the document; the mo-tion passed unanimously. Heather Struble, Health Department Administrator, gave a department update. She requested to imple-ment a Sign On bonus us-ing Workforce Development Grant funds to aid in hiring a new RN. A formal propos-al will be presented to the Board for review on Mon-day, July 8th. Other dis-cussion related to retention and recruitment was held. Richard Raleigh, County Counselor, met with the Board. Resolution 2024-06, prohibiting the use of unmuffled engine braking on Cemetery Road out-side of Harper was pre-sented. Commissioner Vornauf moved to pass the resolution; the motion was approved unanimously. Resolution 2024-07, estab-lishing a minimum fine of $200.00, and a maximum fine of $500.00 for semi-COUNTY Continued on next page

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the Anthony Republican • July 24, 2024 Page 3COUNTY Continued from previous pagetrailer traffic on county roads where prohibited was presented. Commissioner Waldschmidt moved to pass the resolution; the motion was approved unanimously. At 11:30 a.m., Commis-sioner Struble moved to en-ter executive session. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss mat-ters protected by Attor-ney-Client Privilege. The open meeting will resume at 11:35 a.m. in this room. The motion was approved unanimously. Richard Ra-leigh and Ami DeLacerda remained in the room. The regular meeting resumed at 11:35 a.m., no binding ac-tion taken.At 11:38 a.m., Commis-sioner Struble moved to enter executive session. The justification for clos-ing the meeting is to dis-cuss personnel matters of nonelected personnel. The open meeting will resume at 12:05 p.m. in this room. The motion was approved unan-imously. Ami DeLacerda remained in the room. The regular meeting resumed at 12:04 p.m., no binding ac-tion takenKari O’Riley, Commu-nity Development Direc-tor, gave a department up-date. Discussed various opportunities and projects the department is involved in. She will have a Com-munity Chat booth at the county fair in August, and is working on bolstering the community website and in-creasing awareness of our Community Development Grant opportunity. Josh Teel, Building and Grounds/IT Director, gave a department update. An In-ordinate Spending Request in the amount of $32,000.00 to Landwehr Roofing, to be reimbursed by insurance for repair of county roofs dam-aged during the hail storm last month was presented to the Board. Commissioner Waldschmidt moved to ap-prove the request; the mo-tion passed unanimously. An Inordinate Spending Request in the amount of $3,520.00 was presented for carpeting in the 3rd Floor offices. Commissioner Waldschmidt moved to ap-prove the request; the mo-tion passed unanimously. An Inordinate Spending Request to Bytespeed, in the amount of $9,075.00 to upgrade servers from win-dows 2012 was presented. Commissioner Waldschmidt moved to approve the re-quest; the motion passed unanimously. There was discussion about negotiations with the City of Anthony regarding the purchase of vacant lots West of the courthouse. At this time, the County Com-missioners are declining the City’s request for $4,000.00 each, for two of the open lots. There was discussion on the limited parking op-tions at the courthouse, and the increase in jury duty summonses being sent out. Josh hopes to have the Atti-ca daycare open by the time school starts in August, and is working on establishing a storm shelter for the loca-tion. The Board approved Josh’s request to look into updating door locks on the courthouse entrances. The Board reviewed the Building and Grounds and IT 2025 budget requests. Kari O’Riley reentered the meeting to review the Community Development 2025 budget request. At 1:15 p.m. Commis-sioner Struble moved for a five minute recess; the mo-tion passed unanimously. The meeting reconvened at 1:20 p.m.Ami DeLacerda, County Clerk gave a department update on the Clerk’s Office and Human Resources, and reviewed her 2025 budget requests.At 1:40 p.m., Commis-sioner Struble moved to enter executive session. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel. The open meeting will resume at 2:00 p.m. in this room. The mo-tion was approved unani-mously. Ami DeLacerda re-mained in the room. At 2:00 p.m., Commissioner Struble moved to extend the execu-tive session for 10 minutes; the motion passed unani-mously. The regular meet-ing resumed at 12:10 p.m., no binding action takenAs there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, July 8th, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner Room at the Harper County Courthouse. Approved: Darrin Stru-ble, ChairmanAttest: Ami DeLacerda, County ClerkLocal Students Make Honor Roll At University Of KansasLAWRENCE — More than 7,400 undergraduate students at the University of Kansas earned honor roll distinction for the spring 2024 semester. The honor roll comprises undergraduates who meet requirements in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and in the schools of Archi-tecture & Design, Business, Education & Human Sci-ences, Engineering, Health Professions, Journalism & Mass Communications, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy, Professional Studies and Social Welfare. Honor roll criteria vary among the university’s academic units.Kadence Smith, of Bluff City, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. Drew Meecham, of Harp-er, School of Business.

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Page 4 the Anthony Republican • July 24, 2024At the Patterson Fam-ily Foundation, we recog-nize that access to safe and affordable child care is a foundation of community success. Unfortunately, ru-ral communities are more likely to be classified as child care deserts — areas where the demand for li-censed child care exceeds the local capacity to pro-vide it.This lack of access can be a limiting factor for working parents who sup-port the functions that keep a community hum-ming, such as health care, education, local industry, and elder care.The Patterson Fam-ily Foundation is proud to launch a grant program for child care centers run by public school districts and nonprofit community-based organizations in our Deadline Approaching For Patterson Family Foundation Rural Child Care Grantscatchment. This funding program will help organi-zations preparing to open new child care centers, as well as existing child care centers that would like to increase capacity, ages served, or hours of opera-tion. Organizations must be a licensed child care center or have a temporary operating permit to be eli-gible for this grant.Applying public school districts and nonprofit community-based organi-zations may request funds for short-term operational needs, training and certi-fication needs, and/or mi-nor capital needs aimed at expanding or enhancing child care access. This pro-gram’s goal is to increase the capacity and number of licensed child care cen-ters in rural communities throughout our catchment.Applications will be re-ceived from June 26, 2024 through 12 p.m. CST on July 30, 2024. Funds will disbursed by the end of September 2024. Read on for more details. Interested and eligible organizations can apply via the Patterson Family Foundation Grants Portal. The purpose of this grant is to increase child care capacity, ages served, facility hours and/or other forms of increased access within your community. All net-new child care centers must have a business plan to demonstrate commit-ment to their project.Applicant organizations may request funds for: Ex-penses related to existing and net new public school district and nonprofit com-munity-based child care centers/facilities, including program materials, one-time operational needs, training, certification and other capacity-building needs, or minor capital im-provements. The maximum award amount is $175,000. Funding requests must be for year-round child care operations. Operational needs may include cover-age for utilities and even staffing-related needs, in addition to program ma-terials, but budget mak-ers should note that these funds will not be awarded on an ongoing annual basis.Funds exclude: Grant dollars may not be used to fund Pre-K and Kindergar-School Board Holds Special MeetingUnofficial Minutes from the USD #361 Board of Education MeetingJuly 12, 2024Special MeetingBoard Members Pres-ent: Lindsay Zimmerman, Via Zoom: Jan Misak, Rose-Ann Teel, Jarrett Schmidt, Samantha Troyer. Absent: Dusty Albright, Brett Walk-er. Others Present: Josh Swartz, Barbara Muse.Meeting was called to or-der at 12:00 by Jan Misak1. Discussion on who to appoint from the board to be on the AES Princi-pal Recruitment & Hiring Team. After discussion it was decided that RoseAnn Teel and Samantha Troyer would be the two board members with Lindsay Zimmerman as the alter-nate.2. Executive Session for Personnel Recommenda-tions (Action Item): Motion by Misak, second by Teel: I move to go into execu-tive session to discuss an individual employee’s per-formance pursuant to non-elected personnel exception under KOMA to include ad-ditional personnel as need-ed from 12:09 to 12:14 pm. Motion passed 5-0. Roll call vote. Others in executive session: Mr. Swartz: 12:09-12:14 pm.Motion by Zimmerman, second by Misak: I move to appoint Shawn Nulik as head Boys Tennis Coach and D Hartson as Assistant Boys Tennis Coach. Motion passed 5-0. Roll call vote.AdjournmentMotion by Misak, second by Troyer: I move to ad-journ the meeting at 12:20 pm.. Motion passed 5-0. ten classrooms, after-school programs, or summer pro-grams.Note: We understand that some public school dis-tricts may need approval from their school board to apply for grant funding. If your school board's sched-ule does not align with our application deadline, please contact us:

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the Anthony Republican • July 24, 2024 Page 5Fun Is Set For Attica Saddle Club’s 76th Annual RodeoThe Attica Saddle Club is carrying on the custom-ary Attica Rodeo Days ro-deo events for the 76th year on July 25th, 26th & 27th. Folks in the area are look-ing forward to watching the talented riders and ropers who plan to enter in this year’s rodeo. The annual tradition remains a popular summer activity in the area. This will provide an op-portunity for cowboys and cowgirls from surrounding states to be in Attica enter-ing in the competition and the entertainment for the weekend. The rodeo starts at 8 pm each night.Thursday is family night, kids 12 and under get in free. The Mutton Bus-tin’ event will be held each night at 7:30 for kids ages 6 and under that weigh less than 60 pounds.There will be live music following the Rodeo each night. Hunter Spicer will be performing vocal & acoustic music on Thursday evening. On Friday night there will be live music and a dance with Prairie Smoke. And on Saturday night there will be a dance with live music from The Llew Brown Band.Don’t miss the daily events in downtown Attica! On Thursday there will be a Medallion Hunt, the winner will receive $250. Selma’s Annual Turtle Race starts at 9:30 a.m. There will be a free fun swim a the Attica City Pool from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and free snow cones at the Attica Scouts Building from 10 to 11 a.m. Join us at the Attica City Park at noon for a free hot dog feed. Kids can pick up an entry for the coloring contest at Dream First Bank, entries are due by noon on Friday. The Attica Pool will hold a Night Swim from 10 pm to 12 am.Friday’s events include a Kiddie Parade with bike and foot races on Main Street starting at 9:30 a.m. Ice cream floats will be served after the races. Stop by the Attica Long Term Care and pick up a sweet treat at their bake sale that starts at 9 am in front of the nursing home. A free taco feed will be held at the Attica Fire Station at noon. Then at 2 p.m. there will be a Photo Scavenger Hunt for children ages 8th grade and under, information can be found at Bulldog Supply. On Saturday, the ac-tivities continue with a Pancake, Egg & Sausage Breakfast the Attica Me-morial Building from 6 to 9 a.m. A car show will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Public Transit Available Harper County ResidentsBy Jennifer WolffThe Public Transporta-tion Service assists ALL Harper Co residents of any age to stay independent with transportation to work, medical appointments, shop-ping, errands, Patterson Health Center & locations less than 70 miles. Hours of operation: 8:30am – 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday. Every Harper County resident can ride with public transit re-gardless of age or mobility. Equal access is provided to the public. Although we are available to make trips M-F out of county, rides need to be scheduled 24 hours in ad-vance & the bus returns for Harper Co by 3pm. CALL 620-842-5104 for ride res-ervations & rates. 1st come, 1st served. Advance reser-vations are recommended.Out of County Transit Schedule: Mon 7/29: WichitaTues 7/30: WichitaWed 7/31: Wichita Thurs 8/1: No Out of CountyFri 8/2: Wichita All routes are subject to change without notice. The Harper County De-partment on Aging informa-tion and assistance program provides information, as-sistance, and follow-up for the elderly and disabled of Harper County. Our goal is to equip, inform & as-sist Harper County seniors (60+) to be confident they are cared for a they age at home in their community.The Harper County De-partment on Aging Office serves as the single point of entry for all persons who request Information and As-sistance services.Requests for informa-tion and assistance services can be made by contacting the Harper County Depart-ment on Aging Office by telephone, email, personal visits, written communica-tions, or from other agency Pioneer Park on South Main Street. The Rodeo Pa-rade starts at 10:30 a.m., lineup will be north of At-tica Long Term Care. After the Parade, there will be an Egg Toss, Duck Races and a Watermelon Eating Contest followed by a free Sloppy Joe Feed at the Atti-ca Memorial Building. The cornhole tournament starts at 12:30 p.m. on the Krazy-horse patio.Local Students CompleteDegrees At Wichita StateMore than 2,380 stu-dents completed a total of 2,645 degrees and certifi-cates at Wichita State Uni-versity in spring 2024. The breakdown of de-grees and certificates granted includes:Undergraduate: 1,495 degrees and certificates for 1,361 undergraduate stu-dentsGraduate: 1,150 degrees and certificates for 1,023 graduate students For bachelor's degrees, honors were conferred to the following: Summa cum laude: 136 students; Magna cum laude: 428 students; Cum laude: 301 students.Undergraduate students who have attained a grade point average of 3.9 out of a possible 4.0 received the summa cum laude award; those with an average of 3.55 received the magna cum laude award; and those with an average of 3.25 re-ceived the cum laude.Anthony, KSJade E Calvert, Bach-elor of Business Admin., Business Administration, Cum Laude. Jarret W Fox, Graduate Certificate, Mentoring and Coaching. Jarret W Fox, Master of Education, Sport Manage-ment. Arien M Sauer, Bach-elor of Arts in Education, English-Language Arts 6-12.

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Page 6 the Anthony Republican • July 24, 2024Wes Higgs Agency, LLC125 W. Main St., Anthonywhiggs@amfam.comHARPER COUNTYDISTRICT COURT REPORTIndividuals listed below are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.PAID TRAFFIC CITATIONS6/3: Jasmine D. Schwanke: 1) Speeding - 74/65; $153.00. 24-TR-105.6/6: David Martinez: 1) Speeding - 95/65; $303.00. 24-TR-106.6/12: Jozsef A. Nagy: 1) Speeding - 79/65; $177.00. 24-TR-108.6/25: Doss C. Grigsby: 1) Speeding - 81/65; $189.00. 24-TR-123.6/27: Darniece M. Blair: 1) Speeding - 75/65; $153.00. 24-TR-136.7-6: Haylie R. Swindler: 1) Speeding - 90/65; $258.00. 24-TR-105.LIMITED CASE FILINGSMidland Credit Management Inc. vs. Tania R. Baker, debt collection; 24-LM-70.338 N. Elder Street LLC vs. Stormy D. Rother, landlord/tenant - forcible detainer; 24-LM-71.CRIMINAL CASE FILINGSState of Kansas vs. Michael M. Helm: 1) Battery. 2) Assault. 24-CR-42.State of Kansas vs. Meagan D. Guile: 1) Possession of THC. 2) Possession of paraphernalia. 24-CR-50.State of Kansas vs. Nathan W. Fisher: 1) Driving under the inuence - 1st conviction. 2) Endangering a child. 24-CR-52.State of Kansas vs. James L. Rouse: 1) Criminal restraint. 2) Domestic battery. 24-CR-53.State of Kansas vs. Alvin M. Sanders: 1) Through commercial trafc prohibited. 24-CR-54.COUNTY COURT DOCKETJUDGE SCOTT E. McPHERSONMonday, July 22, 20141:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Rana J. McGrew, bond appearance; 24-TR-28.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Ivan Gallardo, rst appearance; 24-TR-111.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Jonah Wootonn, rst appearance; 24-TR-121.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Spencer Reed, rst appearance; 24-CR-47.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Greg A. Hekel, rst appearance; 24-CR-49.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Meagan D. Guile, rst appearance; 24-CR-50.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. James Rouse, pay or appear; 24-TR-60.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. David E. Studebaker, status conference; 24-CR-51.Tuesday, July 23, 20141:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. James D. Wanduh, status conference; 24-CR-33.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Gina L. Fry, status conference; 24-CR-37.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Norma Bazer, status conference; 24-CR-38.Thursday, July 25, 20249:00 a.m. Midland Credit Management Inc. vs. Stacey McGinnis, answer hearing; 24-LM-23.9:00 a.m. Midland Credit Management Inc. vs. Rosalie R. Ture, answer hearing; 24-LM-33.10:00 a.m. In the Matter of the Estate of Kathy E. Maltbie, determination of descent; 24-PR-16.HARPER COUNTY JAILARRESTS & BOOKINGSJeffery A. Corbin, 47: Arrested: 7-16-24; Released: 7-21-24. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Serving 5 day quick dip.Ciera L. Harris, 28: Arrested: 7-17-24; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Probation violation.Robert J. Schinstock, 67: Arrested: 7-21-24; Released: N/A. Arrested By: Barber Co. Sherrif’s Ofce. Charges: 1) Holding for Barber County.HARPER COUNTY DEEDSBOOK D108#1373 - Quit Claim Deed: Donna R. Ownbey and Jerry Ownbey to Jody Winchell and Angela Winchell, Lot 1 and the S/30’ of Lot 2 in Blk. 3 of Fairview Addition to the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#1374 - Statutory Warranty Deed: GGP Group LLC to Jody Winchell and Angela Winchell, Lot 1 and the S/30’ of Lot 2 in Blk. 3 of Fairview Addition to the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#1375 - Transfer-On-Death Deed: Steven L. Wilkinson transfers on death to Jordan L. Potts and Janna L. Kleweno, Lots 1 and 4 in Fractional Blk. 22 (aka 402 S. Pennsylvania); and Lot 5 in Blk. 22 Fractional (aka 406 S. Pennsylvania); both in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#1376 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Brandon C. Hazel and Misty D. Hazel to Lori E. Mackey, Lots 7-9 in Blk. 54 in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#1377 - Trustee’s Warranty Deed: J. C. Long and Carol V. Long, co-trustees of the W. C. Long Jr. Family Trust and the Carol V. Long Living Trust, to Ross S. Ballard and Emily L. Ballard, a .13 acre tract in the SW corner of the SE/4 of Sect. 34, Twp. 31 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1378 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Justin C. Wilcox and Megan L. Wilcox to William W. Grant, a tract in the NW/4 of Sect. 24, Twp. 33 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1379 - Trustee’s Deed: Debbie Francis, Patsy McCoy and Karen Habiger, Trusees of the Karna S. Bruey Living Trust, to Linda Davis Gowdy, Sarah Davis Ethridge, and Sally Davis, an undivided 1/3 interest each in the E/2 of the NE/4 of Sect. 11, Twp. 35 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1380 - Trustee’s Deed: Debbie Francis, Patsy McCoy and Karen Habiger, Trustees of the Karna S. Bruey Living Trust, to Roy Folk and Shannon McCoy Kuehny, an undivided 1/3 interest in the SE/4 of Sect. 36, Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1381 - Trustee’s Deed: Debbie Francis, Patsy McCoy and Karen Habiger, Trustees of the Karna S. Bruey Living Trust, to Cindy Francis, an undivided 1/3 interest in the SE/4 of Sect. 36, Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1382 - Trustee’s Deed: Debbie Francis, Patsy McCoy and Karen Habiger, Trustees of the Karna S. Bruey Living Trust, to Donnie Bonham, Cindy Francis, and Justin Nulik, an undivided 1/3 interest in the SE/4 of Sect. 36, Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1383 - Trustee’s Deed: Debbie Francis, Patsy McCoy and Karen Habiger, Trustees of the Karna S. Bruey Living Trust, to Debbie Francis, Tyler Habiger, and Kevin Thielen, an undivided 1/4 interest in the SW/4 of Sect. 36, Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1384 - Trustee’s Deed: Debbie Francis, Patsy McCoy and Karen Habiger, Trustees of the Karna S. Bruey Living Trust, to Linda Nulik, an undivided 1/4 interest in the SW/4 of Sect. 36, Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1385 - Trustee’s Deed: Debbie Francis, Patsy McCoy and Karen Habiger, Trustees of the Karna S. Bruey Living Trust, to Karen Habiger, and undivided 1/4 interest in the SW/4 of Sect. 36, PRINTING • SHIRTSBANNERS • SIGNSLD’s Printing • 620-842-5129Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1386 - Trustee’s Deed: Debbie Francis, Patsy McCoy and Karen Habiger, Trustees of the Karna S. Bruey Living Trust, to Patsy McCoy, an undivided 1/4 interest in the SW/4 of Sect. 36, Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1387 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Swen Duerigen and Fang, Chia-Yu to Travis L. Nichols and Allison M. Walker, Lots 1-6 in Blk. 58 in the Town of Bluff City, Harper County, Kansas.

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the Anthony Republican • July 24, 2024 Page 7FOR RENT - Low income housing for people age 55 and older. Mainte-nance lives on site. Water, sewer and trash paid. Storm shelters. Contact Meadowlark Housing, 924 E. Spring in Anthony, KS 67003. Phone: 620-842-5331. 32-4-5-tfcFOR RENTKCAN ADSKCAN ADSFor SalePlace your 25-word classied in the Kansas Press Association and 135 more newspapers for only $300/ week. Find employees, sell your home or your car. Call the Kansas Press Association @ 785-271-5304 today! kpa-7-24Misc.INJURED IN AN ACCIDENT? Don’t Accept the insurance company’s rst offer. Many injured parties are entitled to cash settlements in the $10,000’s. Get a free evaluation to see what your case is really worth. 100% Free Evaluation. Call Now: 1-888-920-1883. kpa-7-24Misc.TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUI-TARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 1-877-560-1992. kpa-7-24Misc.PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Day-tona, GMT, Submariner and Speed-master. Call 1-866-481-0636. kpa-7-24Misc.Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration and mosquito control. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our rst application special! 1-877-559-9593. kpa-7-24Misc.Attention: VIAGRA and CIALIS US-ERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - Only $99! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-866-481-0668. kpa-7-24Misc.BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Life-time warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 1-866-481-0747. kpa-7-24(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 10, 2024) 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HARPER COUNTY, KANSASCIVIL DEPARTMENTPMorgan Chase Bank, )National Association ) ) Case No. HP-2024-CV-08 Plaintiff, ) ) Court Number:vs. ) ) Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 60B. Jay Vincent a/k/a B.J. Vincent; )Susan J. Vincent; State of Kansas, )Department of Revenue; John Doe )(Tenant/Occupant); Mary Doe )(Tenant/Occupant) ) )Defendants. )NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Harper County, Kansas, the undersigned Sheriff of Harper County, Kansas, will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the Front Door of the Court-house at Anthony Harper County, Kansas, on August 1, 2024, at 10:00 AM, the following real estate: Lot Eighteen (18) in Block Eight (8) in the City of Anthony, Kansas, as shown by the recorded Plat thereof, Harper County, Kansas, commonly known as 323 N Bluff Ave, Anthony, KS 67003-2907 (the “Property”)to satisfy the judgment in the above-entitled case. The sale is to be made without appraisement and subject to the redemption period as provided by law, and further subject to the approval of the Court. For more information, visit Tracy Chance, Sheriff Harper County, KansasPrepared By:SouthLaw, P.C.Blair T. Gisi (KS #24096)13160 Foster,, Suite 100Overland Park, KS 66213-2660(913) 663-7600(913) 663-7899 (Fax)Attorneys for Plaintiff(244482)LEGAL NOTICE(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 17, 2024) 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HARPER COUNTY, KANSASFlagstar Bank, N.A., ) Case No. HP24CV10 Plaintiff, ) ) K.S.A. 60 vs. ) ) Mortgage ForeclosureJohn C Klein, et al., ) Defendants. ) (Title to Real Estate Involved)NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALEUnder and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court in and for the said County of Harper, State of Kansas, in a certain cause in said Court Numbered HP24CV10, wherein the par-ties above named were respectively plaintiff and defendant, and to me, the undersigned Sheriff of said County, directed, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at 10:00 am, on 8/8/24, at the front door of Harper County Courthouse, the following described real estate located in the County of Harper, State of Kansas, to wit: LOTS 8, 9, AND 12, BLOCK 33, CITY OF ANTHONY, HARPER COUNTY, KANSAS. SHERIFF OF HARPER COUNTY, KANSASRespectfully Submitted,By: /s/Sara PelikanShawn Scharenborg, KS # 24542Sara Pelikan, KS # 23624Dustin Stiles, KS # 25152Bryan Cardwell, KS # 21478Bonial & Associates, P.C.12400 Olive Blvd, Suite 555St. Louis, MO 63141Phone: 314-991-0255Fax: 972-764-5752Email(s):; sara.pelikan@bonialpc.comAttorney for PlaintiffLEGAL NOTICEMisc.GOT AN UNWANTED CAR??? DO-NATE IT TO PATRIOTIC HEARTS. Fast free pick up. All 50 States. Patri-otic Hearts’ programs help veterans nd work or start their own business. Call 24/7: 1-877-560-5087. kpa-7-24Misc.STOP OVERPAYING FOR HEALTH INSURANCE! A recent study shows that a majority of people struggle to pay for health coverage. Let us show you how much you can save. Call Now for a no-obligation quote: 1-888-519-3376 You will need to have your zip code to connect to the right provider. kpa-7-24Misc.AGING ROOF? NEW HOMEOWN-ER? STORM DAMAGE? You need a local expert provider that proudly stands behind their work. Fast, free estimate. Financing available. Call 1-877-589-0093 Have zip code of property ready when calling! kpa-7-24Misc.WATER DAMAGE CLEANUP & RESTORATION:  A small amount of water can lead to major damage in your home. Our trusted profession-als do complete repairs to protect your family and your home’s value! Call 24/7: 1-877-586-6688. Have zip code of service location ready when you call! kpa-7-24Misc.NEED NEW WINDOWS? Drafty rooms? Chipped or damaged frames? Need outside noise reduc-tion? New, energy efcient windows may be the answer! Call for a consul-tation & FREE quote today. 1-866-766-5558 You will need to have your zip code to connect to the right pro-vider. kpa-7-24KCAN ADSGOT NEWS OR PICS TO SHARE?Send It To Us Atanthonyrepublican@att.netFILES Continued on next page60 YEARS AGO - 1964Final touches on the demolition of the Anthony First Baptist Church had begun and the new building would soon be underway.Ten Anthony students had registered for the tenth annual Southwestern Col-lege fine arts festival. An-thony students registered were: Judy Miller, David and Cherlene Hodges, Ma-ria and Marsha Graves, Debbie Mangen, Mary Ru-nyan, Kathleen Williams, John W. Marshall and Cyn-thia Clerk.Douig Dusenbury had a good turnout for his golf class with ten boys and one girl participating. Claudia Clark was the only girl with boys, Steve and Charles Masner, Rich Stone, Pete Meador, Terry Kiser, Doug Warbinton, Greg Downing, David Wyssman, Rod Ru-nyan, Kirk Brown, LeRoy Griesinger and Bill Green.50 YEARS AGO - 1974Ronnie and Richie Gie-sen, 13-year old sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Giesen of An-thony, participated in the junior division of the Mis-souri Valley Junior Olym-pics at Lawrence. Richie was second in the 440 yard run with a time of 56 sec-ond. Ronnie was fourth in the 880 yard run with a time of 2:12.8. A week ear-lier, Dennis Smithhisler, 9-year son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Smithhisler of Harper, set a state record in the 440 yard walk with a time of 2:10.9.Debbie Warbinton and Lynn Rhodes had returned from a week in Lawrence where they, with 408 other

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Page 8 the Anthony Republican • July 24, 2024Photo By: Ross Downing/Anthony RepublicanEAGLE EYE WINNER: Shannon Stephenson of Anthony has won the $50 cash prize in the Anthony Republican’s monthly Eagle Eye Contest by correctly identifying the Red Dragon Quilts ad. You can win too! Just look for the Eagle Eye Contest form on the front page of this week’s issue!Courtesy PhotoNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS: Levi Longbine, Chaparral High School Trapshooting Team member, shot a 100-Straight in the National Championship that put him in a shoot-off with 15 other athletes. Levi ended up nishing in 12th place in the Individual Championship at the National Championship this past week in Mason, Michigan.girls, attended Girls State.Amy Zielke was hostess to the Wednesday After-noon Bridge Group in her home. Three guests, Lee Cox, Sherrie High and Mary Mize and members, Mar-cie Fleming, Mary Elliott, Dana Wethington, Barbara Harmon, Anita Adams, Judy Beam, Linda Dills and Mary Ann Elmore, enjoyed refreshments before an af-ternoon of cards.Among the new students completing requirements for fall semester enrollment at Kansas State University, Manhattan, were Kevin L. Weiberg and Tony Duran, both of Anthony and Ken-dal K. Pulliam from Free-port.40 YEARS AGO - 1984Among the 1,400 stu-dents at Wichita State Uni-versity named to the Dean’s Honor Roll were Sherry Houston, Don Medlam, April Redfern, Mary Rhodes and Stephanie Ricker all of Anthony and from Harper, Richard Alldritt, Janice Gaug, Lea Ann McMichael and Lynne Marie Olivier.A new area for possible future businesses appeared to be unfolding at the southwest corner of inter-sections K-2, North LL&G, and Main Street. A newly built convenience store, An-thony Stop and Shop, was sitting almost in the center of about three acres which had been rezoned for com-mercial business. The store would be managed by Bill and Marilyn Warnock, for-mer Anthony residents.30 YEARS AGO - 1994Brian Waldschmidt, Waldron, and Brad Davis, Harper, represented Harp-er County at Leadership America ‘94 held at Barton County Community College in Great Bend and spon-sored by Kansas Farm Bu-reau.The Soil Conservation Services office in Anthony had a new district con-servationist, Greg Bauer. Bauer ,36, lives in Anthony with his wife Shelly and two children, Jason, 13 and Lisa 10. He replaced Kevin Religa, who transferred to Manhattan to become the district conservationist for Riley County20 YEARS AGO - 2004The Kansas Volleyball Association announced the KVA coaches all-state hon-ors. Chaparral’s Leslie Gie-sen received an honorable mention spot in the 4A divi-sion. She was also selected to play in the KVA All-Star game in the summer. Gie-sen was the second player FILES Continued from previous pagefrom Chaparral to play in the all-Star match. Ashley Inslee was selected in 2001.Jameson Reber was the champion in the Anthony-Harper USD 361 Chess Championship. Second place honors went to Cade Beckner; third place Dev-on Sona; Amanda Wilson, fourth place, Cooper Teel; fifth place, Michael Stain-brook, Daniel Stainbrook, seventh, Joslle Fronzaglie, eighth, Jerred McKee ninth and Sarah Collvins, tenth.Five students athletes at Chaparral High School were selected to the Cen-tral Plains All-League Soft-ball Team. Three players were selected to first team honors and two made the honorable mention team. First team were Samantha Hostetler, Ashley Podschun and Sara Easter. Honor-able mention were Rebekah Jones and Sara Patterson.10 YEARS AGO - 2014Attending 4-H Camp at Rock Springs Ranch were: Aden Rausch, Miles Mann, Carl Carlisle, Will Rogers, Carl Lilja, Colby Green, Ethan Bergman, Kayleigh Rausch, Maddie Winters, Kylin Newberry, Ryleigh Fly, Maggie Lilja, Jillian Hargis, Calli Howell, Lily Bohnert, Brecklyn Kuntz, Suzann Hager, Shayla Jack-son and Jerica Hargis. Toni McKee, teacher at Anthony Elementary, retired after 26 years of teaching. In the Girls 10 and Un-der division, The Phillies coached by Phil Hodson, placed second in league and won against Attica in the Championship game to bring home their trophies. Team members included: Kadence (KK) Smith, Cas-siday Deen, Lily Allen, Calista Vincent, Rhyan Marshall, Emilie Rothen-busch, Trenity Kerr, Alexis Carrol, Bridget Mattingly, Ella Holden, Kieran Burke, Mida LeFort and McKensie Hoopes.5 YEARS AGO - 2019A trendy weaving class was held by the Arts Cen-ter at the Anthony East Park. Participants included Melody Antoine, Joselyn Hazel, Emalie Graves, Avry Carothers, Madelyn Gates, Katelyn Reames, Henson Reames and Kale Greve. Anthony Public Library announced an exciting new program for kids in kinder-garten through sixth grade. Thanks to a grant from the South Central Kansas Li-brary System, and some generous donations in the community, the library could offer a Lego Club on the last Monday of each month.