Volume 10 | Issue 4June & July 2024LeagueSpotlightLeagueSpotlight
Dear League Team,It is not easy to say farewell, even though retirement will allowmore time with family, more tango, and more newadventures. But it’s time for a fresh start and the new CEOGreg Kovacs can bring that to the League! I am overjoyedthat League staff and members are flourishing, programsmaking a great impact in the community, and a solid financialfoundation to support the League has been firmlyestablished. I am confident that the League is in an excellentposition to advance even further. I am truly honored to have served as your CEO for the lastdecade. Your efforts and professionalism not only made mywork easier, but you also gave me the support needed toaccomplish major goals for the League. Together, our hardwork has advanced the League to achieve greataccomplishments, and L.A.’s most vulnerable children havebenefited from our efforts. Congratulations and thank you.As shared in our All Staff Zoom meeting on July 12, eligibleemployees will receive an annual merit increase, retro to July1, in the August 20, 2024, paycheck. In addition to the meritincrease, ALL staff will receive a 3% Cost of Living Adjustment(COLA). We truly appreciate all you do. Many thanks also toour Board of Directors for approving the COLA for all staff.The new League CEO, Gregory Kovacs, officially joined us onTuesday, July 16. Greg and I are working closely together untilFriday, August 2. During this time, we will visit every Leaguelocation so he can meet all staff, have an opportunity to talkwith you, and learn firsthand about our programs. Please joinme in extending a warm welcome to Greg. Thank you for an amazing ten years! I will truly miss you.With warm regards,MelanieThank you, Melanie.Words cannotexpress ourgratitude! MESSAGEFROM THE CEOMESSAGEFROM THE CEO
The rich, 105-year history of the League includes countlessdynamic, smart, caring women – movers and shakers with apassion for helping others in their community. First andforemost are Assistance League Founders Anne Banning andAda Laughlin. Building upon the legacy they created, andthousands of others contributed to, is outgoing ChiefExecutive Officer Melanie Merians. With her transformational leadership, Melanie joins the veryhighest ranks of League advocates, supporters, andvisionaries. During her ten-year as CEO, the League’sfinances have stabilized, corporate and community supporthas grown exponentially, staff has flourished, membershiphas significantly diversified, hundreds of thousands of youthhave participated in League services, program haveexpanded, and strong branding, marketing, andcommunications established. Last year the League helpedmore than 22,000 deserving youth; this year the League willprovide life-changing assistance to even more impoverishedchildren and young adults. Assistance League of Los Angeles will continue fulfilling itsgreat mission of improving the lives of impoverished childrenand young adults in our community through philanthropy,dedicated service, and compassionate programs. Thank you,Melanie, for your tireless work to make the League’s missiona reality for hundreds of thousands of youths! LEAGUE SPOTLIGHTLEAGUE SPOTLIGHTMelanie Merians, Chief Executive Officer
Meet our incoming Chief Executive Officer, Gregory Kovacs:Welcome to the League, Greg Kovacs! Greg brings a wealthof experience and a passion for making meaningful changesin the lives of underserved youth. For more than two decades,he built and managed programs that positively impactedsome of our nation’s most challenged communities. Greg’sexpertise is in non-profit leadership, strategic operations,business development, fundraising, and leadershipdevelopment. Most recently, Greg served as CEO for the Boys and GirlsClubs of Greater Conejo Valley, responsible for theleadership and management of nine program sites servingover 4,000 youth and 100+ employees. Previous workexperience includes Head of School for Ilan Ramon DaySchool and Executive Director for the C5 Youth Foundation ofSouthern California where he worked closely with the LosAngeles Unified School District. Greg founded a youthdevelopment program which served as the pilot program forone of Coca-Cola’s signature charitable efforts, known as theCamp Coca-Cola Foundation. As VP of Operations there,Greg developed a youth development, mentorship, andleadership program that gained nationwide success, helpingmore than 10,000 students develop the skills to graduatefrom high school, pursue higher education, and becomeactive leaders in their communities. Greg’s extensive philanthropic experience is well suited tosteer the League toward continued prosperity and impactfulservice delivery. He will work side by side with MelanieMerians for three weeks, to acquire a thoroughunderstanding of all operations, membership, staff,programs, facilities, and corporate, foundation, andcommunity supporters. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Greg. We areconfident that together, under Greg’s leadership, the Leaguewill continue to prosper and serve our community in meaningful ways.LEAGUE NEWSLEAGUE NEWS
July is the only month of the year when no League staff celebrate a birthday!So let’s send warm, happy birthday wishes to Kathy Tenorio, Maria Sedano,and Madi Jennings, who celebrated their birthdays in June! Happy birthday,ladies, we hope your birthday cake was extra-delicious!Annual performance reviews are underway! This year theprocess has been digitalized, streamlining and making iteasier to share documents with less paper waste.As in years past, eligible employees are evaluated onindividual performance and are eligible to earn a meritincrease up to 3%. In addition to the merit increase, the Boardof Directors has approved a 3% Cost of Living Allowance(COLA) for ALL eligible employees this year! Huge thanks toour Board!!Pay increases are effective July 1, 2024. Supervisors and amember of the HR team will meet with each employee for aninteractive performance discussion. During this in-personmeeting employees will have the opportunity to sharefeedback, ideas, and ask questions. Increases will be includedon the August 20, 2024, paycheck, retroactive to July 1, 2024.Please see your supervisor or a member of Human Resourceswith any questions.A huge “thank you!” to all staff for your commitment andefforts during FY2024. Keep up the excellent work! NEWS FROM HRNEWS FROM HREMPLOYEE BIRTHDAYSEMPLOYEE BIRTHDAYSEMPLOYEE ANNIVERSARISEMPLOYEE ANNIVERSARISCelebrating June and July League hire dates are Rafael Castellanos,Sonia Jimenez, Jules Berg, Pamela Zarate, Kathy Tenorio, and KatieRodriguez! Thank you, ladies and extreme Forty-Niners fan, for allyou do for the League – we appreciate you!
As Melanie prepares to depart, League staff shared their thoughts about her leadership and impact on the League: Thank you for your generosity during the pandemic, theholidays, inflation and your dedication to your employeesand our families has been highly appreciated. Thank youfor everything you have done at the Assistance League,including the CRVC program. You will be missed 💕 --Maria Gaucin, CRVCWhen I first met Melanie, at the preschool, I admired herenthusiasm for supporting teachers, children, and theirfamilies. I was also excited that she spoke Spanish and shehad worked in a circus before😊. --Kathy Tenorio,Preschool Thank you for your exemplary leadership and unwaveringadvocacy for the children we serve. Your impact in thenonprofit sector has been a profound source of learningand inspiration for me. Wishing you a restful andadventurous retirement. -- Paloma Pozos, ChapterHouse Whether reading your palm dressed in fortune teller’sgarb the first time you two ever meet or sitting inconference with her in a business setting, Melanie seesyou. --Jela Javier, Chapter HouseThank you for all you’ve done and your kindness. I wishyou the best. Have a wonderful journey. Love, laugh andplay, don’t forget to have fun. --Ana Schick, PreschoolSince the first time I met Melanie, she was happy and waseasy to have a conversation with. --Edith Sosa, PreschoolThank you for caring and making All employees feelimportant and appreciated. --Maria Sedano, CRVCFUN STUFFFUN STUFF
I have been fortunate to know Melanie for over 15 years invarious nonprofit leadership capacities. She is a warm,caring, fun-loving person who always operates with thehighest level of integrity and concern for theorganizations she has worked for as well as the staff andvolunteers she has worked alongside. She has an amazingcapacity to stay calm and focused even in the moststressful situations. Melanie is so deserving of all theaccolades as the League has flourished under herinsightful guidance. Melanie – I wish you all the best in yourfuture endeavors and thank you for our years offriendship. It has been an honor and a privilege to workwith you! -- Shelley Blechman, the League’s GrantsManagerI will miss Melanie taking her time to visit our offices and Iwill miss my birthday cards every year, it made me feelspecial and seen from my CEO. --Darleim Castillo, CRVCI will truly miss how Melanie tears up every time she talksabout the children we serve, her generosity, contagiouslaughter, and her beautiful spirit. Oh, and of course hershoulder rolls!!!! --Kai Tramiel, Chapter HouseThank you, Melanie, for everything you did for us, we willmiss you. 💜 --Lizbeth Sagastume, CRVCThank you, Melanie, for all those wonderful years, I willalways forever be truly grateful. --Sonia Jimenez, CRVC I admire your legacy of kindness and continuous advocacyfor our school, program, and most of all our students. Iwould like to express my deepest gratitude for yoursupport. Thank you, Ms. Melanie. Wishing you in your nextchapter filled with dancing, fun and relaxation. -- PatCollins, PreschoolFUN STUFF CONT’DFUN STUFF CONT’D
Melanie, you are a mentor and an inspiration to me. Iadmire your joyful optimism and determination to alwaysmake the world a better place – and you do! -- YvonneBradshaw, Chapter House When I got hired to work at the Assistance League of LosAngeles Preschool Learning Center, I was very gratefulbecause Melanie made me feel welcome. --KatieRodriguez, PreschoolYou are going to be missed, especially the big smilealways brightening your face & making us feel welcome,thanks Melanie. --Yolanda Hermosillo de Avila, CRVC Melanie was always very pleasant with a smile on herface. She was kind to everyone, and she always gave usgood news about increases. --Lana Tatiyants, PreschoolMelanie, you have been a true inspiration to us all. Eventhough we didn't see each other often you were alwayssweet and kind. Thank you for everything. -- Ana Fausto,CRVCWhat I admire about Melanie is that even though she isthe CEO she is approachable, she socializes witheveryone, and never makes us feel less. She is a GoodCEO that looks out for her employees, she got rid offurloughs and is fair with raises. She will be missed. --Isabel Rodriguez, CRVC FUN STUFF CONT’DFUN STUFF CONT’D