NEWSLETTERJuly 2023North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre
NBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 3Aniin Boozhoo, Wachay,I hope everyone is staying cool; summersure has kicked in. June was a hectic month, we had somuch to celebrate! We started with our Annual Pow-wow,with another record-setting attendance.Over 7000 people came to Lee Parkthroughout the weekend, and we had arecord number of dancers and vendorsat the event. The pow-wow committee isalready getting organized for the 2024pow-wow. To our volunteers, thank youso much for your help. You did a greatjob! And to the businesses whosupported us, chi-miigwetch, for yoursupport. We held our Annual General Meeting onJune 15, 2023, and I’d like to welcome thenew board members, and I look forwardto working with you to ensure wecontinue to improve the quality of life forIndigenous people in North Bay. We also opened the Urban Indigi-Nationart show at the WKP Kennedy Gallery onMain Street, in the Capitol Centre. Irecommend everyone take this show in.It’s the 6th year we’ve had an Indigenousart show, and every year it’s somethingto look forward to. The artist’s styles arediverse, but you can see how our identityas Indigenous people ties them alltogether. This exhibit is open to thepublic until August 4, 2024, and is free toattend. Executive Directors MessageOur Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration was agreat success, with local Singers (and somestaff) located outside to entertain the public,with hands-on activities indoors, and a greatlunch was served. I had no idea there were somany talented musicians at the Centre; it wasgreat to hear everyone. Despite beingincredibly warm, the Centre and activities likemedicine bag-making were very busy. Our first graduates from the Niizhwaas AsiniikSkoonweh Kahn (Seven Stones LearningCentre) had a ceremony on the 22nd, and Icouldn’t be prouder. Congratulations to all ourstudents; we wish you all the best in yourfuture endeavours. I wish each one of you a safe and greatsummer. Baamaapii, Kathy Fortin
JOYCE SHORTT-LAVIGNETREASURERAniin, my name is Joyce and I'm a member of Nipissing First Nation, a proudwife of 30 years, Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother. My familyhas been part of the NBIFC for the past 15 years, and I have been on the boardfor the past 12. I love this community and look forward to serving anotheryear as we work towards further building up our people. Amanda Mathias is a member of the Temagami First Nation and a lifelong resident ofNorth Bay. She values the Friendship Centre events and activities with her family andspends her free time in the Arts & Culture scene. Amanda is an Educator who prioritizesstudent success and wellbeing, with over a decade of experience in educationalleadership supporting Social Justice, Equity and Indigenous Education priorities. She isinvolved in supporting Social Justice Circles as a volunteer or working group memberand is excited to remain on the NBIFC Board of Directors to work alongside the team.AMANDA MATHIAS -MIZZISECRETARYNBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 4BOARD OF DIRECTORSAanii/Boozhoo/Sekon/Greetings!Bnesi ndizhnekaaz, Alderville ndoonjibaa.It's my privilege to again serve as president of our Friendship Centre for the comingyear.It will be an exciting one, during which we will celebrate our 50th anniversary, hold anofficial opening for our Suswin Transitional Housing project, and raise our flag over theMiskwaadesi teaching space on the Chippewa Creek EcoPath.There will be much for the 7,000 urban Indigenous residents of North Bay to celebratein the year ahead, and our dedicated board and hardworking staff invite you to join us. MAURICE SWITZERPRESIDENTKEN BROWNVICE-PRESIDENTI've been a part of the NBIFC for about six years or so, and I'm happy to be part of thecommunity. I'm proud of everything the staff, board, and membership hasaccomplished so far, and I very much look forward to seeing what great things we dotogether for the next few years. We have an amazing community here.
DOT BEAUCAGE -KENNEDYDIRECTORAniin Boozhoo, my name is Dot Beaucage Kennedy, a grandmother and businessowner from Nipissing First Nation, I am so happy to be on the board of directors again.I’ve been a part of the NBIFC for a very long time and have had the pleasure of seeingfirsthand the difference the workers and volunteers make to the lives of our people. I’m very pleased to be part of the Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Program thatthe Community Justice Program worker is building and seeing the beginnings of theIndigenous Peoples Court in North Bay. These are exciting times, and I look forward toserving my urban Indigenous community this way. NBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 5AARON ST.PIERREDIRECTORAaron St.Pierre is Anishinaabe from Moose Deer Point First Nation. Aaron waspreviously the Executive Director for the Native People of Nipissing HousingCorporation in North Bay, and is now the Director of the Four Directions IndigenousStudent Centre at Queen's University. Aaron has varied and extensive experienceserving Indigenous communities and organizations across Ontario and he is excited tocontinue to support the North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre as it continues to growand offer exceptional services to the local North Bay Indigenous community. As a boardmember, Aaron hopes to help the NBIFC adopt and implement its new Strategic Plan, asthese priorities will help the NBIFC continue the amazing work it is already doing andhelp guide it into the future.Aniin, I'm originally from Temagami First Nation, but have lived here in North Bay formany years. I've been a member of the NBIFC for over 20 years and am so pleased tobe on the board. I've always enjoyed taking part in the Life Long Care Program, I haveso much respect and admiration for the workers here, and I'm happy to give back tothe community by volunteering. I'm very proud of our Centre and everything that hasbeen done in the city for our people. I hope to continue that work as we move forwardwith our new strategic plan. BRIAN NELLESDIRECTORBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Pow-Wow2023The City of North Bay TD Banking GroupPraztek ConstructionNipissing First NationTemagami First NationYoungs ForestryTourism North Bay Browns Moving Domes Electric5th Wheel Training InstituteNear North Business YES EmploymentVaughan PaperIndependent GrocersA&S TowingBurrows Country StoreThe North Bay-MatttawaConservation AuthorityMadison SutherlandHorse AbilityCanada Helps.orgNorth Bay Chamber ofCommerceColes Signs and GraphicsCaisse AllianceDonald M. Seguin Ltd.Supplies for the SoulLes Compagnons des francsloisirs Jessica Michelle AestheticsAction MMA A1 Driving SchoolNorth Ontario Food SalesHome DepotM iig wetchM iig wetchNBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 6To Our Pow-WowSponsors!To Our Pow-WowSponsors!Above: Jennifer Seguin, pow-wow committee Chair, andKathy Fortin, speak with DanGray from YourTV. Right and below: The 33Service Battalion Detachmentonce again was on hand tohelp with the set-up and teardown of the pow-wow. Theyare always looking for parttime staff, be sure to get intouch.
Pow-Wow2023Miigwetch to our communitymembers and Wolf EyeProductions for sharing theirincredible photos from the pow-wow.
In Cree we say milo-baba key-sha-gow Happy Father’s Day On Friday, June 16, 2023, the Life Long CareProgram invited fathers out for a luncheon atBEEF N’ BRAND, a nice restaurant just towardsCallander on Pinewood Park Drive. The program has 10 fathers registered and I know some of them do not do much but stay home.5 of them came out and enjoyed each other’s company. The Health Outreach fathers joined in aswell and we had a few laughs and shared stories. Of course, everyone picked out their favoritedish, and some even had room for desserts. Some cannot afford to go out to a niceestablishment these days with the high cost of everything post-pandemic. It was a good treat forthose that came out. Not only did they get a delicious meal, but the program also issued a$25.00 PC gift card along with a nice Father’s Day card, to acknowledge every one of them. Theyare all special. The other fathers that could not come out got a $25.00 PC gift card delivered tothem. The program considers with the high cost of living and everything going up these days, agift card can come in handy. It was a good turnout, and everyone had a smile on their face, it wasnice to see. Happy Papa Day missaway! Let us remember the importance of the male role modelin the family unit. Prenatal and Family Support Programstreated a few fathers with a round of mini putt, with littleones in tow. It was a fun filled time for all who attended,including the program coordinators!. Father's Day with the NBIFC Life Long Care ProgramPRENATAL AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMNBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 8 PART OF THE TEAM!HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATORPlease Send Cover Letter, Resume and References to:Email: hrc@nbifc.orgINCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDEREDINCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDEREDWAABAN WORKERINDIGENOUS CHILDREN’S WELLNESS WORKER INDIGENOUS MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROGRAM COORDINATORAPNP/ FAMILY SUPPORT ASSISTANT CULTURAL RESOURCES COORDINATORINDIGENOUS CHILD & YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTIONS WORKER - SHORT TERM CONTRACTSUSWIN VILLAGE TRANSITIONAL HOUSE - NIGHT CLIENT CARE - FULL TIMESUSWIN VILLAGE TRANSITIONAL HOUSE - NIGHT CLIENT CARE - CASUALFor more informations on these postings, go to:
NBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 11Rather than sharing all the artwork here in the newsletter, we'll give youa sneak peek of the great works on display at the WKP Kennedy ArtGallery. It is best experienced in person, be sure to check it out! Indigi-Nation Group Exhibition is on display until August 4th! The reception held on the 16th of June was well attended by over 120people and the artists were all present to share about their work. This Year's Artists, clockwise are Jessica Somers, Grant Neegan andReno Couchie. Indigi-Nation Reception a Success
NBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 12NBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 12Youth CouncilAt the last meeting, Youth Council began working on squares for a Community Quilt. Additionalsquares were painted by NBIFC Members, guests and program participants during IndigenousPeoples Day. Now, the work begins in assembling the squares into wwhat will surely be a beautifulend result. Stay tuned for updates on the project.
NBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 13 INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAYINDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAYA beautiful day of our community coming together tocelebrate everything we are today. Above, the staff did such a great jobwith decor. Right: Opening words from RichardAssinewai and Maurice Switzer arealways appreciated, and start thingsin such a good way. We were sothrilled to have this lovely group ofyoung women come and sing for us.All these young ladies grew up hereat the Centre, time flies! The fashion show was a big hit,with members and staffshowing off their projects. ChiMiigwetch to everyone whoparticipated. The skirts werefeatured on CTV news thatnight.
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAYINDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAYLeft: Anishinaabe kweDebbie Favreau wason hand to sing andentertain the crowds.Staff and one boardmember hopped in tojoin in on the show, itwas great! Right:people enjoyedmaking medicinebags, and beading inthe nice coolbasementThe photo booth was busy with all the deadlyaunties uncles and our incredible students! Atthe end of the day, we all tried to fit in theframes. It didn't work, but we had fun trying. NBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 14
Contact: George Hughie 472-2811 Ext. 209 NORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTRENORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTRELegal Services Tenant LandlordsJuly 24, 2023 Men’s DrummingJuly 12 & 266:00 – 8:00 PM Cree Talking CircleJuly 29, 20232:00 – 4:00 PM OPEN MIC NIGHTJuly 24, 20235:00 - 8:00 PM Monthly TripSudbury StatusCards & Renewal Drinking WaterClass Action Formsare available now Provide Bus Passes& Taxi services forDoctor Appts. Clients Only Men’s & Youth Night DrummingBy-weekly Wednesday’s 6:00 - 8:00 PMAboriginal Health Outreach ProgramMonthly Newsletters Events & ProgramsAboriginal Health Outreach ProgramMonthly Newsletters Events & ProgramsMONTH OF JULY 2023
ClassOFOur school year is coming to an end here at NiizhwaasAsiniik Skoonweh Kahn – Seven Stones LearningCentre. Feelings of sadness as well as happinesssurface because we are saying goodbye to ourstudents for the summer. For some they will becoming back next fall. Our graduates will be leaving usto move on to improved things. We wish them all wellin their future endeavors. We had a Graduation Barbecue for them on ThursdayJune 22, 2023, from 11am to 2pm. The celebrationcommenced with a variety of games. Washer toss,artistic drawing, ice breakers and 1 to 100 were playedjust to name a few. Lots of laughter was heard as weparticipated together in these games. Lunch was held at 12pm. It had hot dogs, hamburgers,salads, cupcakes, and various drinks. The food wascooked to perfection so much so that Gordon Ramsaywould have been impressed. Family and friends joinedus for the event. The main event was the graduation of our students.We did an official presentation of their diplomas andtook lots of photos. The staff are super proud of thesepeople. They worked hard and accomplished theirgoals. Bravo! In the word of Malcolm X: “Education is the passportto the future, for tomorrow belongs to those whoprepare for today.” NBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 16
Akwe:Go ProgramUAHLK Program
Celebrating Indigenous Month has beenapparent in the Family Support andPrenatal Program. Keeping busy withplanning, organizing, and fulfilling ourgoals has provided a fun andeducational month for participants andsome of our Indigenous communitymembers. Fulfilling a plan with a Grandmother thatwas expected to happen a few years agobut was put on hold due to Covidrestrictions, has now come to pass. Itwas an honour to host the 1st Women’sGathering with our Kokmis LorraineLiberty. The gathering was hosted at theEcology Centre in Mattawa, includingceremonies and teachings with Lorraine.It was a guarantee that not one womanwent away hungry. The event includedmany nutritional snacks and atraditional feast. We celebratedtogether the strengths that we have aswomen. There were healing tears,smiles, and laughs as we joined togetherto honour each other and ourgrandmothers. Chi-miigwetch toGrandmother Lorraine for sharing yourknowledge and compassion andassisting in building a strong AnishnabeKwe. In preparation for our 15th AnnualMaamwi Kindaaswin Pow Wow, ourparticipants enjoyed making ribbonskirts and shirts for the entire family.What a proud time to witness thefamilies wearing the garments theyspent hours creating. It was a fantasticPow Wow; kudos to the Pow Wowcommittee, staff, and volunteers forworking so hard. NBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 18Prenatal and Family Support Programs Anishinaabe Kwewag Gathering, Pow-Wow and Changes in the team.Top: These young ladies havebeen a part of the NBIFC formost of their lives, and nowhave formed their own singingand drumming group. Theysound so beautiful! Middle:The Women's Gathering Groupwas a great success! Bottom:The feast did not dissapoint!
NBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 19In preparation for our 15th Annual Maamwi Kindaaswin Pow Wow,our participants enjoyed making ribbon skirts and shirts for theentire family. What a proud time to witness the families wearingthe garments they spent hours creating. It was a fantastic PowWow; kudos to the Pow Wow committee, staff, and volunteers forworking so hard. In closing, we would like to say congratulations to Sam on hernew position as an Apatisiwin Employment Councillor, alsocongratulations to Cindy for her new position as the FamilySupport Worker. We look forward to continuing to walk with youin your parenting journey and to spending the summer monthswith your beautiful, smart, and creative families. With Gratitude Miigwetch From the desk of: Cindy Guilbeault/Family Support Worker Annette Manuel/Prenatal Nutrition Worker Prenatal and Family Support Programs continued
NBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 21sweetgrass planting with suswin helpersA small crew of workers gathered to plant sweetgrass for a specialevent planned later this summer for Miskwaadesi. The sweetgrasswill spend the summer in holding beds until then. Miigwetch to theNBMCA and Willie and Ian from Suswin for their help! miskwaadesi gets a generous donationA very special chi-miigwetch goes out the family ofGeorge Stockfish, who so generously donated theremaining funds required to finish the seating of theMiskwaadesi Ampitheatre Project, in honour of hismemory. Jayne Stockfish-Irwin stopped by on June 26for a little tour of the NBIFC and to present the cheque,and the family's heartflet commitment to helping outwith the project is so appreciated.
The residents at Suswin Village put in a hard dayswork with NBIFC Staff learning to sew their ownbrand new ribbon shirts. Ribbon shirts are muchlike ribbon skirts, they can represent many things,such as clans, or personal colours or just be awork of art that the maker was inspired to createNBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 22
Hello Wachiye! My name is AndrewSutherland, and I am a Swampy Cree fromJames Bay. My community is AttawapiskatFirst Nation. I am a father of three and agrandpa to three beautiful grandbabies. Irecently started as the new Healing andWellness Coordinator for the North BayIndigenous Friendship Centre on the 19thof June, 2023. I am excited and lookingforward to working with the urbanIndigenous population to promote ahealthy lifestyle through culturally basedhealing practices and programming.Finding balance and learning to walk inWestern and Indigenous ways is veryimportant to me. welcome New Staff - Andrew SutherlandIts always great to hear some impromptu drummingand singing, Jacob Dayfox (left) and AndrewSutherland (right) on Indigenous Peoples Day. Anishinabek EducationalInstitute Day at the North Baywaterfront was filled with familyfriendly activities and fun. Onhand was Samantha Cooper,Steve Guilbeault and BerthaSutherland, with our NBIFCInformation Booth. Indigenousservices from across the citywere on hand to shareinformation with attendees. Anishinabek Education Institute Celebrates29 yearsNBIFC NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 | Page 23
AuntiesSend your confidential question toask.auntie.nbifc@gmail.comor text(249)358-3672Send your confidential question toask.auntie.nbifc@gmail.comor text(249)358-3672ADVICE FROM THE AUNTIES OF THE NBIFC ASK theYour question could be featured in one of ournewsletters as the Aunties dish out honest,caring, and usually entertaining advice. Our opinions are as strong as our tea.