One of life’s great pleasures is meetingsomeone for the first time and feeling likeyou’ve already been friends forever.Amanda Marino and I first met at a Bar-o-Meter Committee meeting – some 15 yearsago. She was a new assistant districtattorney, and I was already a “seasoned”lawyer in private practice. We hit it offimmediately – sharing a sense of humorand an enthusiasm for bar service. For awhile, we also shared a day-care provider(along with a handful of other WBAfamilies). Amanda and I have worked together onBar Shows, starting with designing andwriting the 2007 program, and creatingcostumes in Jan Doran’s “sweat shop.” Forquick-costume-changes during the show,Amanda handled stage left, and I handledstage right. (Or is it the other way around?That still confuses me.) As for the programs,Amanda has a graphic design background,and I am a writer, so our skills complementeach other. Working with Amanda is alwaysseamless (no pun intended). She has saidshe thinks of me as a big sister (which isvery kind considering the age difference),and the feeling is mutual. Last February I was so excited whenAmanda joined Martin Pringle’s adoptionpractice because it meant I would get to seesee her every day. Then, of course, a globalpandemic shut down the office for twoweeks, and that turned into months. Butwe’re back now, and I’m still excited thatshe’s here. So, of course I jumped at thechance to co-edit the Bar-o-Meter withAmanda for 2021-2022. The plan going forward is to have stag-gered two-year terms for editors to lightenthe load and to balance maintaininginstitutional knowledge with encouragingnew ideas and approaches. We intend tokeep up the Bar-o-Meter’s tradition ofexcellence, while continuing to assess howto best reach and serve WBA members nowand in the future. The Bar-o-Meter has talented writer mem-bers who volunteer their time, as well asexcellent WBA staff members who keep thewheels on the bus. But the Bar-o-MeterCommittee is definitely in recruitmentmode. If you would like to join, pleasecontact us. You won’t regret it. It is themost entertaining committee to be on – ifnothing else, you get to learn the scoopsthat can’t be printed in Gabby Tattler. TheBar-o-Meter also gladly accepts articleideas and Gabby items from any WBAmember. We look forward to serving the WBA on afun and vibrant committee that is reflectedin the magazine it creates. M E E T T H E N E W C O - E D I T O R SA m a n d a M a r i n oM a r c i a W o o dBAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 3
Q: What aspects of your experience andbackground do you think will help make youa good WBA President? I’ll be starting my 40th year of law practicenext month. At the direction of my firm’sManaging Partner at the time, Phil Bowman, Ijoined the WBA on day one of my legal career.I’ve been an active member, and from time totime served in leadership roles. Over that timeI’ve established relationships with hundreds ofother local lawyers and many of our judges,and the WBA is one of the primary ways I havebeen able to do that. I’ve seen how the WBA has been operated byeach of our talented Executive Directors duringthat time—Jonalou Pinnell, Suzie Barnes, KarinKirk, and now Virdena Gilkey. I’ve seen thatthere’s no one “right way” to do it. Each of themhas brought their own unique personality andstrengths to the job. I’ve also seen how the many differentPresidents of our association have approachedthat role during their year in office. Several ofour past Presidents have been lawyers I’vebeen privileged to practice law with at my firm—Adams Jones Law Firm, P.A.: Mark Adams(1939); Charlie Jones (1952); Phil Bowman(1985); Don Bostwick (1990); Mert Buckley(1994); Roger Hughey (1995); and Laura Ice(2006). Mark and Charlie served their termsbefore I was born, but they were still practicinglaw when I joined the firm in 1981. Rogerserved his term a few years before he joinedmy firm, and Laura served her term a few yearsafter her time as my colleague—but I’mclaiming them both. Each of the WBA’s pastPresidents brought their own uniquepersonality and perspectives to the role. I’ve also seen how so many WBA membershave contributed in their own unique ways tomake the WBA the unusually strong barassociation that it has been for decades.That the WBA would get its bearings for howwe operate as we continue to emerge fromthe COVID-19 pandemic. So, as we face the need to evolve as anassociation to meet the changing times, thoseyears of experience in the WBA give me thestrong desire to make it an evolution that willcontinue to include the essence of the thingsthat have made the WBA so special. My area of practice is civil litigation. I chose thelaw as a career because I felt a call to helppeople resolve their conflicts—and to get themresolved in a way that they see as reasonableand just and that then allows them to move onwith their lives and thrive. I plan to bring thatsame desire and experience in resolvingconflicts to the role of President of the WBA tohelp us work through the inevitable conflictsthat will arise as the practice of law and ourassociation moves into the future.Q: How has serving as President-Electprepared you for the role of President? I’d say there were three primary ways. First, ithelped me come up to speed on the details ofhow the association functions behind thescenes. Second, it has given me insight on thecurrent issues the WBA is facing. And third, itput me in the position of chairing the WBARacial Justice Task Force for most of the pastyear. The past few years have brought issuesregarding race in our legal system to theforefront. Working with the Task Force to cometo a consensus on some specific aspects of ourlocal legal system to focus on, has given me anappreciation not only of the problem, but alsoof the need for the WBA to work on these issuestogether, with the same collegiality andrespectfulness that are the hallmarks of theWBA.Q: What are your goals and expectations asPresident? M o n t e V i n e sF R O M T H E P R E S I D E N TBAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 4
That the WBA would continue, and evenstrengthen, the many ways we have of helpinglocal lawyers get to know each otherpersonally and network regarding their lawpractices.That we find ways to continue to provide ourmembers with high-quality CLE seminars inthe evolving CLE marketplace—and other waysto support our members in their areas ofpractice.That the WBA can become recognized amongour members as a first-line resource forinformation on legal technology, especiallycybersecurity and best practices to protect ourclient and law firm data.That local lawyers of all races and ethnicitieswould see the WBA as fully welcoming andsupportive and an association that they wantto participate in to enhance their law practicesand their experiences as lawyers.That our members, from all parts of our legalsystem, would come to a point of strongsupport for many or all of the recom-mendations of the WBA Racial Justice TaskForce—and that we would deal with thoserecommendations in ways that continue ourtradition of collegiality and respect for oneanother.That, as we successfully accomplish thesegoals and continue to strengthen theresources the WBA has to offer to ourmembers, we would increase membership andmember engagement in the WBA.Q: What do you feel are the strengths of theWichita Bar Association? The general collegiality and respectfulness ofour members toward one another, and the desireof our members to achieve excellence in their lawpractices, have been hallmarks of the WBA fordecades. That didn’t come about on its own. Itwas the result of many individual members overthe years making their participation in the WBA—in serious ways and fun ways—a high priority forthemselves and their law firms. That history hasresulted in a high percentage of local lawyers being members in this voluntary association.The challenge is always to maintain and build onthat strong tradition as we face the new realitiesof the present and the coming realities of thefuture.Q: In what areas would you like to seeimprovement or change? We have work to do to achieve every one of thegoals and expectations I mentioned above. Mybottom line is that I would like to see even morelocal lawyers join the WBA and be engaged inthe association. But I expect those things toresult from the success I hope we have in thespecific goals and expectations stated above.Q: What are your favorite movie and book? Two favorite movies. My Cousin Vinny is myfavorite legal movie. It uses some extremecharacter stereotypes as opposing personalities,and yet each tries to carry out a valuable role inthe legal system in their own unique way. Andit’s funny! I also really enjoy Galaxy Quest. I’vealways been a fan of the Star Trek franchise, butnot a fanatic about it. For example, as a collegestudent I went so far as to buy a complete set ofblueprints for every level of the star shipEnterprise—but I would never, ever, get into acostume and go to a fan convention. So, GalaxyQuest hits my funny bone hard for where I am onthe Star Trek fan spectrum. My favorite book is God and the Gay Christian:The Biblical Case in Support of Same-SexRelationships. It is my favorite because it waswritten by my son and because it grew out ofone of the key points in the life of our family—my son’s realization that he is gay and thenworking through what that would mean for himand for our family as committed Christians. Ittakes some very sophisticated scholarship andmakes it accessible to anyone. It has preventedsuicides, led to family reconciliations, andrestored the faith of many in a loving God. I restmy case on why it’s my favorite book.Q: Tell me about your family. What activitiesoutside of the practice of law and family doyou enjoy?F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T C O N T I N U E D . . .BAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 5
My wife, Kimberly Gee Vines, and I justcelebrated our 38th anniversary. Kim is also alawyer and WBA member. She "retired" from lawpractice when our kids were young and heremployer at the time—KG&E—merged andmoved its headquarters and its lawyers toTopeka. Some years later she was appointed tofill a new judicial position in our Juvenile Courtfor a year, where she handled juvenile offendercases. Since then, she is occasionally called in toserve as a pro tem judge in Juvenile Court whenthe need arises. She also served pro tem stintsin Municipal Court, and she taught Business Lawat Newman University for several years. She hasbeen the Executive Director of Music Theatre forYoung People for the past eight years. Sheenjoys theatre and she loves kids, so it has beena very fulfilling, and a very challenging, secondcareer for her. My daughter, Christine, is a very talentedfiction writer. She has also taught at Cornell andSan Jose State University. She has had severalshort stories published and is finishing what shehopes will be her debut novel. My son, Matthew,is the Executive Director of an organization hestarted called The Reformation Project. It doesthe challenging work of helping churches andindividuals become more affirming of gayChristians. My wife and I enjoy attending hisorganization’s annual conferences where wehave gotten to know some wonderful people. I have enjoyed participating in the LeadershipWichita and Leadership Kansas programs, andhopefully I’ve gained some leadership skills touse with the WBA.IntegrityWisdomThe ability to see things from anotherperspectiveCybersecurityAddressing racial justice issues in ways thatbring us together rather than divide usAffordable access to legal services I’ve served on the board of Music Theatre ofWichita for several years, and we thoroughlyenjoy attending those shows and others. AndI’ve come to really enjoy photography—using mycell phone. More on that as my year as WBAPresident goes by.Q: What are the three most importantattributes of a good lawyer?Q: What are some future challenges for thepractice of law?Q: How does the WBA benefit lawyers andassist with the challenges facing ourprofession? I view the WBA as having three primarypurposes. First, to provide a good way for locallawyers to get to know each other personally,and to network regarding their various lawpractices. Second, to provide resources to helpus be the best lawyers and law firms we can be.Third, to provide ways for us to work together tomake our local legal system the best it can befor our community. Everything the WBA doescontributes to one or more of these purposes.F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T C O N T I N U E D . . .BAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 6
Tara Mollhagen Shepherd, Jeremy Koehler,Megan Townsley, T. Chet Compton, Amy DeWald, and Quentin AkerJudge Jennifer Jones, Virdena Gilkey, and Judge Monique CentenoMonte Vines, Judge Monique Centeno, Bach Hang, Scott Hill, Christy Campbell, and Aaron BreitenbachC. Edward Watson, II, Karin Kirk,Virdena Gilkey, and Monte VinesAaron Breitenbach, Karin Kirk, Tim Finnerty, Jennifer Hill, and Scott HillMonte Vines and C. Edward Watson, IIAt the Installation ceremony for this year’s Bar leaders, incomingPresident Monte Vines stated a theme for his term in office: "Ask BOTHwhat your Bar Association can do for you, AND what you can do foryour Bar Association!" Inspired by Kennedy’s famous inauguration line,Vines explained that this is a great statement of what the WBA is andhow it works. You will receive a link via email blast to watch his shortinstallation speech.Monte VinesWBA President2021-2022nstallation Dinner on June 17, 2021BAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 7A THEME FOR THE WBA IN 2021-2022
Megan Townsley, SaraZafar, Samantha Woods,and Jennifer HillIN OBSERVANCE OFINDEPENDENCE DAY THE WBA WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, JULY 5TH. HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE HOLIDAY FROM ALL OF US AT THE WBAnstallation Dinner Continued...BAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 8 C. Edward Watson, II and T. Chet ComptonGidget and C. EdwardWatson, II, Kim GeeVines and Monte VinesMike Andrusak, ChristyCampbell, and Sara Zafar
Lawyer League Softball is back in action this summer. Similar to minor league baseball, our teamsare working through a little consolidation and realignment. Honey Badgering the Witness(Prochaska, Bever Dye, et al) dissolved, leaving Bever Dye’s attorneys and staff to once againventure into the Coleman Middle School desert in search of a home…ultimately landing with theremnants of the former Biggs Paul team. Meanwhile the WBA’s recommitment to engaging in-housecounsel appears to be paying off with the re-emergence of the Bad News Barristers from Koch andits subsidiaries. The league itself went through some reconstitution with the formal creation of an LLC with theassistance of Corey Moomaw at Foulston Siefkin. In gratitude for protecting the league and (moreimportantly) the commissioner’s personal checking account that previously housed the league’sassets, the commissioner intended to award the Foulston team an extra five runs for the season’sfirst scheduled game on June 1st. However, as our June 1st games were canceled due to soggyfields, no benefit was received for Corey’s hard work. Tough luck, sir. At the time of this article, we have completed one week’s worth of games. Early indications are thatwhile some teams are struggling a bit to remind people why Lawyer League Softball is better thanan air-conditioned night at home with family, the crew of DeVaughn James is bursting at the seamsfor fun in the sun. They may want to consider forming two teams next year or building some form ofportable bleachers to accommodate all of their players and fans. Kudos to them for their strongsupport of one another and forming a more attractive target for the area’s chiggers than the rest ofus. Looking ahead, it appears the perennial powerhouses (We Got the Runs, Force Majeure, Hinkle,etc.) remain several rungs above the rest of their competition. Hopefully everyone can stay healthy,and we can look forward to a very competitive end to the tournament later in the summer. Play Ball!By: Aaron Breitenbach, Lawyer League Softball Commissioner BAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 9
Hite, Fanning & Honeyman L.L.P. - Erik Hageman, Washburn University School of Law, 2LU.S. District Court for the District of Kansas - Baron Hoy, Washburn University School of Law, 2L, intern forHon. Gwynne E. Birzer; Olivia Rogers, Notre Dame Law School (Notre Dame, IN), 1L, intern for Hon. EricMelgren; Jeremiah Kemper, University of Kansas School of Law, 1L, intern for Hon. Eric MelgrenDepew Gillen Rathbun & McInteer, LC - Nichole Smith, Washburn University School of Law, 1LDeVaughn James Injury Lawyers - Joseph Bryden, University of Kansas School of Law, 3L; Mackenzie Orchard,University of Nebraska College of Law (Lincoln, NE), 3L; Tymber Long, Washburn University School of Law, 3LU.S. District Court for the District of Kansas - Braxton Eck, Mississippi College School of Law (Jackson, MS), 1L,intern for Hon. Kenneth Gale; Erin Levy, University of Kansas School of Law, 1L intern for Hon. Eric MelgrenFleeson, Gooing, Coulson & Kitch, L.L.C. - Braden Sullivan, Washburn University School of Law, 1L;Courtney Klaus, Notre Dame School of Law (Notre Dame, IN), 1LMartin, Pringle, Oliver, Wallace & Bauer, L.L.P. - Front row: (left to right) Elisabeth Wilder, WashburnUniversity School of Law, 2L; Sarah Schmitz, University of Kansas School of Law, 1L - Back row: (left to right)Bryce Haden, University of Oklahoma College of Law (Norman, OK), 2L; Taryn Gray, University of OklahomaCollege of Law (Norman, OK), 1L; Zachary Smith, Washburn University School of Law, 2LHinkle Law Firm LLC - Monica Doffing, University of Kansas School of Law, 2L; Hunter Hogan, WashburnUniversity School of Law, 2LThe Wichita Bar Association Would Like to Introduce the 2021 Summer Law Clerks to the Wichita Legal CommunityFoulston Siefkin LLP - Back row: (left to right) - Joe Steinbronn, University of Iowa College of Law (Iowa City, IA), 1L;Keiteyana Parks, University of Oklahoma College of Law (Norman, OK), 1L; Madison Moore, University of KansasSchool of Law, 2L - Front row: (left to right) - Lauren Watson, University of Oklahoma College of Law (Norman, OK),2L; Lauren Page, University of Kansas School of Law, 1L; Ashley McCall, Washburn University School of Law, 2LMorris, Laing, Evans, Brock & Kennedy, Chartered - Dominick Decker, University of Kansas School of Law, 1L;Rachel Gonzalez, Washburn University School of Law, 2LOffice of the District Attorney - Brittany Paschal, University of Kansas School of Law, 2L; Cathryn Lind, Universityof Kansas School of Law, 2L; Tara Terwilliger, William & Mary Law School (Williamsburg, VA), 2L; Hunter Johnson,Marquette University Law School (Milwaukee, WI), 2LTriplett Woolf Garretson, LLC - Piper Hampton, University of Oklahoma College of Law (Norman, OK),2L; John Ralston, Washburn University School of Law, 2LBAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 10
Who has organized a job fair? Anyone? Well, Ihave ZERO experience doing so, but could notsay "No" to Ed Watson when he approached me12 months ago with his vision of bringing a legaljob fair to Wichita. The initial vision was for thejob fair to focus on the small to medium-sizedlaw firms in the area. To bring candidates toWichita so that law firms that normally do nothave the budget or infrastructure to participatein on-campus interviews, have the ability tomeet and possibly hire outstanding talent. I toldEd that I would be happy to head an"Information Gathering Committee." That ofcourse turned into much more and theSunflower Legal Job Fair was born. The goal was to reach out to local and regionallaw schools to recruit candidates for theinterviews. I sent letters to 25 schools, and 55candidates registered to interview. Fourteenfirms initially signed up to participate in theinterview process. Most were from the Wichitaarea, but firms from Ark City, Marion, and theKansas City area also participated. I held a "matching" event at my house to pairinterview candidates with firms. Thank you toThe Honorable Gwynne Birzer, The HonorableMonique Centeno, Richard Samaniego, and EdWatson for your help in this process. It was adaunting task, but one completed with muchlaughter. At the end, we realized that becausewe had so many candidates who wanted tointerview, we needed more firms to participate.This was an exciting (and scary) problem tohave. A second call went out to firms to participateand an additional four firms signed up, makingthe final total eighteen law firms. (Barton &Burrows, Brookens & Robson, Cordell & Cordell,DeVaughn James, Federal Public DefendersOffice, Fleeson Gooing, Foulston Siefkin,Galdean Law Firm, Gibson Watson Marino, HiteFanning, Lautz Mueller & Osborn, MartinPringle, Patterson Legal Group, Sedgwick CountyPublic Defenders Office, Stinson Laswell &Wilson, Ward Potter, Wilson Brewer & Munson,and Young Bogle) We were set!Sunflower Legal Job Fair RecapBy: Rebecca Mann The Sunflower Legal Job Fair was held onSaturday, June 5th. Virdena Gilkey, and heramazing staff, worked tirelessly to organize thecandidate and employer interview packets,name tags, interview spaces, Zoom interviews,and most importantly snacks! Students startedarriving at 8:00 am and interviews startedpromptly at 8:30 am. Immediately, I realizedthat things would not be as we had anticipated. Although all of the firms showed up on time,there were a lot of candidate "no shows."Several registered candidates contacted me theweek leading up to the event to inform me theyhad obtained employment and would not beable to participate. There also was an apparentpresumption that this event was virtual, and allthe interviews would be done by video. Thus,the explanation for the 40+ "no shows." (Insertforehead slap here). Twelve candidatesparticipated in person and one candidateparticipated via Zoom. Candidates were fromCreighton, KU, Tulsa, Washington University inSt. Louis, and Washburn. The firms were gracious and understanding,and the candidates were flexible and excited forthe opportunity to have more interviews withmore employers. By noon I re-worked theschedule, and it was smooth sailing after lunch.The candidates each interviewed with 6-8employers and the employers interviewed 8-10candidates. Overall, I believe this event was a success. Ireceived good feedback from employers andfrom the candidates. I hope that the SunflowerLegal Job Fair becomes an annual fall event andcontinues to grow in numbers of candidates aswell as firms. If only one candidate is hired, thatis a success for the Wichita Bar and for theWichita community. Thank you to the firms that interviewedcandidates, thank you to the firms thatsponsored this event, thank you to the studentswho participated in the interviews, and a hugethank you to Virdena Gilkey, Robin Burnside,Ashley Watson, Cameron Martin, Lori Gardner,and John Lewellen for their hard work in gettingthis event off the ground. BAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 11
The WBA Fee Dispute Committee works to confidentially resolve disputes between attorneys andclients. The vast majority of disputes are directed to the committee by former clients whoquestion a bill received from their attorney or an accounting of a retainer. However, thecommittee also receives fee disputes from attorneys who have a billing issue with a current client,referrals from a court, as well as from the Disciplinary Administrator as part of a disciplinaryproceeding. A dispute is assigned a committee member who investigates and interviews the pertinent parties.Once the investigation is complete, the committee member then mediates the dispute and if itimpasses, suggests the parties arbitrate. The process is completely voluntary (except for thosereferrals that are part of a disciplinary proceeding). The committee meets the third Wednesday of the month and reviews the docket of open caseswhile discussing issues involved in each case. The committee is looking for new members and ifinterested, please contact Rick Thompson. As a committee member, you receive experiencemediating matters, learn the ethics regarding attorney fees issues, and could very well sit on abinding arbitration panel. Sunflower Legal Job Fair Recap Continued...Sunflower Legal Job Fair on Saturday, June 5, 2021WBA Committee Spotlight: Fee Dispute CommitteeBy: Rick ThompsonBAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 12C. Edward Watson, IIand Rebecca MannCameron Martin, Tim Finnerty,Lori Gardner, Ashley Watson, SLJF Participant and Christy Campbell Rebecca Mann and Virdena GilkeyChristy Campbelland Ashley WatsonAshley Watson at theParticipant check-in tableTeresa Shuldaand Tim FinnertyRobin Burnside at theEmployer check-in tableAshley Watson, Lori Gardner,and SLJF Participant
"While impressing the attorneys in your office is important, how you treat thesupport staff will have a greater impact on the impression you leave at the office. Atticus Disney - Assistant District Attorney, 18th Judicial District1. 2. Handle the small assignments well, then ask for more. 3. Nerves are boring, go for it.""Go to as many hole in the wall restaurants as possible, Wichita has a lot ofgreat ones."Ryan Meyer - Fleeson, Gooing, Coulson & Kitch, L.L.C. Quo d e s t q u od d ix e run t -Th a t' s Wh a t T h ey Sai dW hat adv i ce o r ti p s d o you hav e fo r cle r ks t o g e t th e mo s t ou t of the i r su m mer i n W i chi t a?"Live downtown....Love on a great burger from a local restaurant....Laugh asyou catch performances and showings by the Wichita Arts community, or with afriends while taking in some Wichita Wind Surge baseball!"Hon. Gwynne E. Birzer - U.S. Magistrate Judge "Always treat staff with the utmost respect because it’s the right thing to doand because they know more than you do.Also, do yourself a favor and mix in a Monday or two at Mort’s Martini Barfor ½ price ‘tinis!"Robert Moody - Martin, Pringle, Oliver, Wallace & Bauer, L.L.P."Firms want to get to know their clerks over the summer outside of just theirwork. So, say YES to as much as you can, whether that is for an assignment ora social event. Both aspects of the clerkship are important."Kelly Schodorf - Adrian & Pankratz, P.A. "Invite as many lawyers to lunch as possible. (And make them pay for it.)"Frank Basgall - Stinson LLPBAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 13
Wichita Bar Association Young Lawyers Section Board 2021-2022 Wichita Women Attorneys Association Officers 2021-2022 Karin AmyxAdrienn ClarkTreasurerPresident-ElectJanuary BaileySecretaryPresidentAshlyn LindskogClara MeleroSocial ChairPresident-ElectMegan TownsleySecretaryAmy DeWaldSocial ChairQuentin AkerTreasurerTara Mollhagen ShepherdVice PresidentJeremy KoehlerPresidentT. Chet ComptonBAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 14
Clayton Kaiser (Foulston SiefkinLLP), Melissa Mangan (Hinkle LawFirm LLC), Laura Hands (KochCompanies Public Sector, LLC), andBlake Shuart (Hutton & HuttonLaw Firm, L.L.C.) for being named a40 Under 40 by the WichitaBusiness Journal. Gloria FarhaFlentje (retired) is the next chairof the Supreme Court NominatingCommission. Jeff Leonard (TriplettWoolf Garretson, LLC) and wife,Ronnie, were named 2021Honorees of the year by theCaritas Society. Kelly Rundell(Hite, Fanning & Honeyman L.L.P.)had her art featured at Art House310. Matt Leavitt (Hulnick, Stang,Gering & Leavitt, P.A.) was the2021 Leukemia & LymphomaSociety’s Man of the Year andraised over $90,000. FoulstonSiefkin LLP’s partners have electedJason Lacey as the firm’smanaging partner effective June1st. Jason succeeds Kevin Arnel.Hearsayby Gabb y Tat tlerJason LaceyCondolences go out to...Family, friends and colleagues ofthe legendary lawman Vern Miller(retired) who passed on June 11,2021. Our thoughts also go out toJon Newman (Hite, Fanning &Honeyman L.L.P.) and family onthe passing of his mother, Wanda,on May 30, 2021. To the family,friends and former colleagues onthe passing of Don Cordes(retired) on May 29, 2021. Also, tothe family, friends and former col-leagues on the passing of William"Bill" Ross Smith (retired veteran,previously with Hershberger,Patterson, Jones & Roth) on June 5,2021. Our thoughts also go out toMark Jordan (Sedgwick CountyDistrict Attorney’s Office) andfamily on the passing of his father-in-law, Thomas Allen, on June 4,2021.WBA members gettingtogether...Morris, Laing, Evans, Brock &Kennedy, Chartered held a familyevent at Botanica. McDonaldTinker PA held their own icecream social since the RiverFestival Ice Cream Social was re-scheduled to a later date. Congratulations are in order...Melissa ManganLaura HandsExtraordinary WBAmembers...Steve Ariagno (Ariagno, Kerns,Mank & White, IndividualPractitioners) had ingenuity anddetermination to keep his lawn inaward-winning shape despite afoot injury. Some people will doanything to keep the HOA off theirbacks!Clayton KaiserMatt LeavittBlake ShuartSteve AriagnoRobert Moody (Martin, Pringle,Oliver, Wallace & Bauer, L.L.P.)and Marilyn Harp (Kansas LegalServices) were panelists for theCommunity Voice, a live, virtualwebinar sponsored by the KansasAfrican American Affairs Com-mission. Jim Rankin, Matt Bish,and Chris Grause (FoulstonSiefkin LLP) played in the 2021Kansas Farm Bureau Foundation’sGolf Tournament to benefitagricultural education, leadershipdevelopment, and legal advocacy.Kevin Arnel (Foulston Siefkin LLP)helped cut the ribbon on the newSedgwick County Zoo entrance incelebration of the Zoo’s 50thbirthday. Kurt Kerns (Ariagno,Kerns, Mank & White, IndividualPractitioners) and his wife, Nicole,attended the Light Your Heart2021 for Heartspring. DeenaHyson Bailey (Cargill) and RickBailey (Conlee Schmidt &Emerson, LLP) attended NapaValley Wine Tasting to benefit theWichita Family Crisis Center atMark Arts.WBA members giving back...Kurt Kerns and his wife, NicoleBAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 16
Welcome new members...Cathleen Gulledge (Law Officeof Cathleen A. Gulledge, LLC)took time off for some family funin St. Thomas. Whitney Hobson(Donnelly-Mills & Hobson, LLC)and family visited the MagicKingdom. Jeff Jordan (FoulstonSiefkin LLP) visited WashingtonD.C. and North Carolina withfamily and friends. LindaPeterson (Conlee Schmidt &Emerson, LLP) and Don Peterson(Graybill & Hazlewood L.L.C.)visited the big apple, New YorkCity. Roger McClellan (WildcatConstruction) visited OklahomaCity during Memorial DayWeekend. Benjamin Winters(Patterson Legal Group, L.C.) andhis wife, Ashley, visited HooverDam. The Honorable ClarkOwens took his grandson fishingin Minnesota. Eric Hartenstein(Hartenstein Poor LLC) and hiswife, Shawna, finally made it toYellowstone National Park andIsa Lake on the ContinentalDivide. Paula Langworthy(Reddick Langworthy Family Law)and family spent time exploringMoab, Utah. Mark Lazzo (Mark J.Lazzo, P.A.) and family spenttime on the Florida beaches. TheHonorable Kevin Mark Smithand daughter ventured to Alaskafor a college graduation trip.Matt Flesher (Textron Aviation,Legal Dept.) and Amber Norris(Butler County Attorney’s Office)went to Montana throughKansas, Nebraska, Colorado, andWyoming and visited MonumentRocks, Little Jerusalem, Cathedralof the Plains, Arikaree Breaks,Devil’s Tower, Little Big Hornalong with a few breweries,cideries and distilleries. Mattthen sent Amber home(somebody has to work!) and metup with his dad, Jack Flesher(retired), mom and siblings totravel through North Dakota andSouth Dakota. Washburn University School of Lawstudent, Braden Sullivan; ColemanYounger has joined Patterson LegalGroup, L.C., 45 N Waco, Ste #405,Wichita, Kansas 67202.On the move andchanges...Ross Alexander has moved to 121S. Whittier Road, Wichita, Kansas67207-1048; Matt Coleman, Cityof Wichita, Prosecutor's Office, isbidding adieu to Wichita andmoving to Seattle, Washington;Audrey Koehler is now with theU.S. District Court, 410 N. MarketStreet, Suite 414, Wichita, Kansas67202; Matthew Mantyla is nowwith Cordell Law, LLP, 301 NorthMain Street, Suite 900, Wichita,Kansas 67202; The Law Office ofDavid L. Miller LLC has moved to200 W. Douglas Avenue, Suite 350,Wichita, Kansas 67202; MarcosMontemayor, AM Law, LLC, hasmoved to the Sedgwick CountyLaw Center, 225 N. Market, Suite230, Wichita, Kansas 67202;Melissa Moodie is now withHinkle Law Firm LLC, 1617 N.Waterfront Parkway, Suite 400,Wichita, Kansas 67206-6639.Traveling attorneys...Don and Linda PetersonBen and Ashley WintersJeff JordanHon. Clark Owens andgrandsonPaula and Kurt LangworthyMatt and Jack Flesher Matt Flesher and AmberNorris at Devil's TowerEric and ShawnaHartensteinBAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 17
Th/1 Bar-o-Meter Committee Meeting 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. at Martin, Pringle, Oliver, Wallace & Bauer, L.L.P.M/5 SCLL and WBA Closed in Observance ofIndependence DayT/6 Estate Planning & Probate Committee MeetingProfessional Diversity Committee MeetingService to the Bar Committee Meeting Senior Lawyers Section Meeting 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.W/7 Civil Practice Committee Meeting Lawyers Assistance Committee Meeting 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.Th/8 Bankruptcy Committee Meeting Executive Committee MeetingYoung Lawyers Section Meeting (TBD)F/9Inn of Court Executive Committee MeetingM/12 Technology Committee MeetingT/13 Food Trucks at the WBA Th/15 Board of Governors MeetingEthics Committee MeetingM/19 Membership Committee MeetingPro Bono Committee MeetingT/20 Building Management Committee MeetingW/21 Fee Dispute Committee MeetingMentoring Committee MeetingTh/22 Juvenile Law Committee Meeting at Juvenile Court1900 E. MorrisT/27 Continuing Legal Education Committee MeetingW/28 Criminal Practice Committee MeetingM/2 Real Estate & Business Law Committee Meeting(Canceled)Medical-Legal Committee Meeting T/3 Estate Planning & Probate Committee Meeting Professional Diversity Committee Meeting Service to the Bar Committee Meeting Senior Lawyers Section Meeting 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.W/4 Civil Practice Committee Meeting Lawyers Assistance Committee Meeting 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. via ZoomTh/5 Bar-o-Meter Committee MeetingM/9 Technology Committee Meeting W/11 Family Law Committee Meeting 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.Th/12 Bankruptcy Committee MeetingExecutive Committee Meeting Young Lawyers Section Meeting (TBD)F/13 Inn of Court Executive Committee Meeting JULY 2021 AUGUST 2021WBA Events CalendarBAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 18All committees meet at the WBA at Noon unless otherwise noted.
REFERRALS ACCEPTEDTHE LAW OFFICE OF SEAN M. DWYER handles alltypes of employment litigation for plaintiffs anddefendants, including discrimination, sexualharassment, wrongful termination matters, andfederal employee civil service or discriminationclaims. Please call 316/689-4268.SANTO LAW OFFICE, P.A. handles copyrights,trademarks, trade secrets, business/corporate law,and civil litigation. Please call 316/689-4245 or for more information.Convenient east side location.Classified AdvertisingOFFICE SPACESHARED OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE at 2121 W.Maple; use of copy machine, internet andconference room. Davis & Jack, L.L.C. ContactKenneth Jack at 316/945-8521.JOB OPPORTUNITYThe City of Wichita’s Law Department is acceptingapplications for a Municipal Court Prosecutor.Position is responsible for prosecution of violationsof municipal ordinances. Graduation from lawschool and admission to Kansas Bar required.Applications may be submitted at: www.wichita.govSalary Range: $50,531-$89,845 EOEBAR-O-METER - JULY 2021 PAGE 19