Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 01 Page 1 Institute of Animal Technology Bulletin G G Welcome to the new membership database CLAST information G G AS ET News BING and Branch Reps meeting Vol 56 No 7 July 2020
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Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 01 Page 3 Bulletin Vol 56 No 7 July 2020 EDITOR Carole Wilson bulletineditor iat org uk ASSISTANT EDITOR Paul Barwood bulletinassistant iat org uk ADVERTISEMENT MANAGERS PRC Associates Ltd mail prcassoc co uk Published monthly by the Institute of Animal Technology Registered Office 5 South Parade Summertown Oxford OX2 7JL ISSN 0263 2861 For enquiries other than Bulletin related contact IAT ADMINISTRATOR admin iat org uk or 0800 085 4380 Final copy date for August Bulletin 23rd June The opinions expressed in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or the Institute CONTENTS Dear Readers 5 ___________________________________ CLAST information 6 7 ___________________________________ Welcome to MySociety 8 11 The IAT Membership Database ___________________________________ BING and Branch Reps 14 15 first joint meeting ___________________________________ AS ET News 16 18 ___________________________________ Diary Dates 19 ___________________________________
Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 01 Page 4 Institute of Animal Technology Religion or Belief Sexual Orientation IAT LAUNCHES Rac e Gender EQUALITY Disability Sex AND DIVERSITY Fair Discrimination GROUP Rights Youth Work Equal Age C lass Status Poverty Legislation Beliefs Societ y Values Differenc e Empowerment Opportunities Education Anti oppres sive practice Ethnicity Fair Advancing and promoting excellence in the care and welfare of animals in science Ens uring pol icies procedures and proc es s es don t dis c r iminat e Education equal access t o oppor t unit ies Creating an inclusive c ult ure f or all NOB ODY IS T HE SA ME BUT E V E R YONE IS E QUAL www iat org uk equality
Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 01 Page 5 Bulletin July 2020 nce al e Dear Readers Two things to tell you as we gradually come out of hibernation The first thing to say we are now back in printed form so I do hope you are now returning back to a more structured way of working and reading this in the tea room The second thing something you will have already noticed the July edition of the Bulletin is much smaller than usual There are a couple of reasons for this obviously while we have been in lockdown we have not been attending any conferences meetings seminars or workshops in person these have all been postponed or pushed into virtual meetings Most of which have been done at very short notice so currently there is nothing much to report Additionally because of the unscheduled changes to our lives the Bulletin has begun to get very behind in our print schedule which we now need to get back as we return to printed format Our August edition will also be small but I guarantee our September edition will be back to normal Back with this edition we do have some articles of interest to you let s start with MySociety the IAT membership database Read pages 8 11 for an explanation of how this works and how you can use it This is of interest to us all but especially so to those of us who are RAnTechs we can use the database to track and keep records of our CPD Elsewhere we have AS ET news which includes information on the essay competition prize a trip to Congress 2021 See page 16 to see if you are eligible even if you are not please pass the information on to those who are Make sure you take care and Keep Reading Carole 5
Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 01 Page 6 College of Laboratory Animal Science Technology CONTINUAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT UNITS 6 ACADEMIC SKILLS Experimental Design An introduction to the principles of good experimental design and reporting Develop your skills LQ H HFWLYH UHVHDUFK UHYLHZ and analysis Applied Learning Development Develop your skills in UH HFWLRQ UHVHDUFK DQG WKH FUHDWLRQ RI H HFWLYH SODQV Particularly useful for existing or prospective NACWOs NTCOs and NIOs Project Planning Project Research review analyse DQG GHEDWH FXUUHQW VFLHQWL F theories and learn how to PDQDJH D SURMHFW H HFWLYHO through your chosen research topic Biological Science Explore the principles of animal anatomy and physiology and learn how to apply this knowledge to improve animal welfare and VFLHQWL F UHVHDUFK Disease Recognition Control Discover how the mammalian body defends itself against disease and how to utilise those defences for experimental and husbandry purposes ANIMAL HEALTH WELFARE Animal Law Welfare Explore the legislation and ethical principles governing the use of animals in science essential knowledge for all existing and prospective NACWOs Genet Techn All you breedi using G the ma GHYHOR anima
se HQWL F w to WLYHO esearch malian nst or andry Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 01 Page 7 67 R HUV GL HUHQW VXEMHFWV WR WDLORU RXU HGXFDWLRQ WR PHHW RXU VSHFL F QHHGV MANAGEMENT SKILLS Animal Facility Management Design Learn about the process of animal facility design FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQG PRGL FDWLRQ and develop your ability WR UH HFW RQ PDQDJHPHQW theories and strategies Genetic Alteration Technologies All you need to know about breeding Maintaining and using GA animals including the maintenance and GHYHORSPHQW RI VSHFL F animal models Supervisory Management Skills An introduction to supervisory management within an animal facility focusing on the legislative responsibilities and management principles needed in the workplace Physiology of Pain Stress Consider the biological basis of pathological change and animal behaviour with particular reference to pain and stress Toxicology An introduction to the theory methods and regulations governing the assessment of biochemical toxicology and the role of the study director
Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 01 8 July 2020 Page 8 Bulletin Welcome to MySociety the IAT membership database The long awaited IAT Membership database is now up and running Feedback so far has been very positive and certainly from an administrative point of view is simple to use and very easily navigated All IAT members can access their records to check exisiting details are correct and you can update your record as and when you require It is very easy to access your account you just need your registered e mail address We do encourage everyone to go to the database and check your record Here s how to do it Go to https my iat org uk
Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 01 Page 9 Bulletin July 2020 9 The home page will appear If this is your first time visiting the site you should click on Log in now then select the forgotten password link
Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 01 Page 10 10 July 2020 Bulletin You will need to use your registered email address and a new password will be sent through to you Once in your account you can change the password to something more memorable the link for this is in the panel on the left hand side You can also go to My Account at the top of the page and click on Change Password option shown below Under My Account you can check and update your personal details and check transactions You can change between tabs on this page to update Personal Details Addresses Employment Career Details Qualifications Publication Record Your Avatar
Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 01 Page 11 Bulletin July 2020 11 Me and the IAT will allow you to update your subscription selection As a member you will have access to the online version of the IAT Bulletin and ATW via this portal You will still receive a print version of the Bulletin but if you do not want to receive copies you can opt out in this section The Membership tab allows you to check your membership details You can also opt in or out of the Membership Directory You have the option not to be included on the Register or you can display only what you wish to be seen from your name and grade right through to your name grade email address and full profile The choice is yours You can also update your Branch affiliation in this section We are currently working on the education aspects of the database and will be back with a further update on how you can upload and record CPD into your profile This will be of particular benefit to RAnTechs who are required as part of the RAnTech scheme to undertake 35 hours of CPD per year Previously the Registration Board would call for a random selection of CPD record cards to check that this requirement was being met It will now be possible to check this online making it a much more straightforward process for everyone Any queries please contact Nikki Stevens iat6262 gmail com
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Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 14 July 2020 10 02 Page 14 Bulletin BING and Branch Reps First Joint Meeting B ING and Branch Reps recently held their first joint and zoom meeting organised by Lynda Westall and Nikki Stevens Despite the difficult circumstances we all currently face and very different schedules it was brilliant to see over 20 people able to make the meeting all keen to discuss how the IAT could help lift the spirits of Animal Technicians everywhere It would be fair to say the meeting went extremely well chaired by Lynda Westall and moderated by Kally Booth and Linda Horan It was brilliant to briefly catch up with colleagues from around the UK Ireland gain an understanding of current working practices and what each establishment is doing in recognition of the work Animal Technicians perform particularly in these strange days Discussions were centred around what can we do to help try and put a smile on the faces of those working so hard during lockdown using the tools available to us including looking into celebrating Animal Tech Month later in the year Additionally what we do to help get Animal Technicians the recognition they deserve for their outstanding work during this time We also
Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 02 Page 15 Bulletin July 2020 15 discussed the impact on mental health and that it is important to remember that It s OK TO NOT BE OKAY We also recognised the IAT currently has a leaflet with further information on that topic available for download on the website as well as another on euthanasia While it would appear unlikely that many IAT events will take place this year it is important we continue to engage where possible and work together during this time if only to help us all remain happy The BING and Branch Reps are grateful to Lynda and Nikki for organising the meeting and we all look forward to seeing everyone when the time is right And please note Alistair s clean shaven look it s knocked 5 years off him Stay safe Reporter Rhys Perry Dispatches Scientists at the Ben Gurion Institute in Israel have discovered that stroking a cuddly robot seal can reduce pain and anxiety in young people While the benefits of human contact are well known to lower pain and increase well being researchers wanted to know if this effect could be replicated using a socially interactive robot Their research indicates that it does and suggests new therapies for pain management and increased happiness something particularly relevant in these times of social distancing Read more in Nature Scientific Reports https www nature com articles s41598 020 66982 y Perhaps scientists are not the only ones who know about the benefits of cuddly walruses if not cuddly robot seals
Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 02 Page 16 16 July 2020 Bulletin Patron Professor Lord Naren Patel KT Chair of Trustees Professor Sir Richard Gardner FIAT Hon FRS Secretary to the Trust Ken Applebee OBE FIAT FRSB Trustees Stephen Barnett MSc Hon FRSB Jasmine Barley MSc FIAT Karen J Gardner Wendy Steel BSc Hons FIAT Registered Charity Number 113319 Registered Office 5 South Parade Summertown Oxford OX2 7JL AS ET News The Trustees of AS ET would like to send our best wishes to all those of you who are having to work in difficult circumstances ensuring your animals are cared for and essential science carries on It is an amazing achievement to have continued to get to work while public transport has been lacking and while avoiding being infected yourselves Congratulations to all of you for demonstrating your culture of care in a really practical way in these dangerous times Please make sure to still stay safe now that the restrictions have been lifted slightly the incidence of infections has slowed down but the virus is still around As you can imagine this has been a quiet time for AS ET but we are ready for when circumstances allow people to get back to enrolling on courses Our plans for events to mark our tenth anniversary will remain on hold until the country becomes more settled however remember the Congress Bursary Competition is still running so start writing Congress Bursary Competition If you are studying for the IAT level 2 qualification or you passed it in 2018 2019 or 2020 and you are employed as a laboratory animal technician in the UK or the Republic of Ireland you can enter the competition This year s topic is What challenges and rewards have you experienced as an animal technician Your 1 000 word essay should be submitted by 20th October 2020 Full details are on our website www as et org uk
Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 Bulletin 10 02 Page 17 July 2020 17 Bursary Report All people who are awarded bursaries submit a report on the course they studied and from time to time we like to publish them so that people who support AS ET with donations can see what their money has helped to provide AS ET Bursary Award Level 5 Higher Diploma Animal Technology I completed the level 4 Higher Certificate in 2010 and after a few years I decided that I would like to further my studies During this time I moved from academia to contract research unfortunately the funding for me to carry on my studies wasn t available so I applied and was awarded the AS ET bursary in 2016 and immediately enrolled onto the first level 5 module At the start of my level 5 I felt completely out of my depth academically and thought maybe I had made a mistake but the tutors and other students made me feel really welcome My first module was experimental design this was especially interesting as my fellow students were from a range of different institutes mainly academia some from the pharmaceutical industry and me from contract research Each module I found challenging but especially enjoyed toxicology I do believe that on different modules perhaps the block part of the course could be more condensed allowing less time away from work as this is a major factor when employers consider staff having time off from work for studying One of the major challenges I have is that my work does not have access to journals articles etc I am very lucky that my partner works in academia as I would have found the research nearly impossible I have gained so much more confidence when discussing experiments with researchers and in my own abilities and knowledge that this has led to me applying and being offered a deputy manager s job at UCL In the future I would like to eventually enrol onto the level 6 and gain my IAT Fellowship and maybe my BSc Hons I feel very privileged to be awarded an AS ET bursary and would like to thank all the people that have contributed to AS ET but also to the committee who awarded me the bursary and gave me this fantastic opportunity
May 2014 15 Bulletin Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 02 Page 18 AS ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence Bulletinthe care and welfare of animals usedMay 2014 15 in science Bulletin 18 July 2020 lletin Bulletin May 15 May 2014 2014 15 To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website www as et org Theup companies listed below and sponsor AS ET excellence If you would arity set to education in harity set up to advance advance education and promote promote excellence in like to join them find how to support us by looking at our website welfare of animals used in welfare ofout animals used in science science AS ET is aaa bursary charity up our to education and promote excellence in ou for visit website www as et org uk ou can can apply apply for bursaryset visit ouradvance website www as et org uk as acharity totoadvance education and the care and welfare of animals used in excellence science charityset setupup advance education and promote promote excellence in in and welfare of animals used in science AS ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the care eesand welfare of animals used in science sponsor AS ET Ifinand you would listed below below sponsor AS ET you would like like to to join join them sesa listed charity set up to advance education in them and welfare of animals used If To see how you can apply forscience apromote bursary excellence visit our website www as et org uk to support us by looking at our website e and welfare of animals used in science toyou support us by looking at our website wow can apply for a bursary visit our website www as et org uk you can apply for a bursary visit our website www as et org uk Sponsors of AS ETlisted are listed below and toAS ET find outIfmore please visit The companies below sponsor you would like the to join them how you canwebsite apply for a bursary visit our website www as et org uk www as et org uk anies listed below sponsor AS ET If you would like to join them findbelow out how to support by would lookinglike at to ourjoin website mpanies listed sponsor AS ET Ifusyou ow totosupport ususbybylooking atatour website how support looking our website mpanies listed below sponsor AS ET If you would like to join them t how to support us by looking at our website
Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 02 Page 19 Bulletin July 2020 19 DIARY Dates Events Dates subject to change due to the current quarantine situation and possible ongoing restrictions 11 12 August Fish Health and Welfare Symposium Details https www mdibl org course hclmf symposium 2020 1 3 December 2020 AFSTAL Congress Marseille Details https www colloqueafstal com 2020 20 October AS ET Congress Bursary Closing date 20 October See page 16 WEBINARS 4 August Biosecurity workshop Details scott tecniplastuk com 25 29 October AALAS National Meeting Charlotte Details https www aalas org national meeting 5 August It s about you and your animals Details scott tecniplastuk com 6 August Automation for all Details scott tecniplastuk com Front cover Summer Bee Photo Julie
Jul20 IATB NEW 10 7 20 10 02 Page 20 Supporting our Industry We appreciate everything you do IPS continue to provide critical supplies and services to the biomedical and research industry with the health and safety of all our colleagues industry partners and customers in mind www ipsltd biz IPS Product Supplies Ltd BCM IPS LTD London WC1N 3XX T 0 870 600 1616 E customers ipsltd biz W www ipsltd biz Untitled 2 1 03 07 2020 09 17