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July 12, 2023

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The Anthony Republican: Vol. 144 - No. 28 • The Anthony Bulletin: Vol. 124 - No. 28Established October 9, 1879: Oldest continuous business in Anthony • Wednesday, July 12, 2023To advertise your business or event in our “Hot Spot”call the Anthony Republican at 620-842-5129. Demolition Begins On Anthony Medical Center BuildingBy Kristen Birket, PHCDirector of MarketingDemolition work has be-gun for the former Anthony Medical Center building after several attempts to repurpose the building did not come to fruition.Road closures are not expected, but there will be more traffic on the streets surrounding the building. Demolition is slated for completion before the end of the summer.The land will be avail-able for development.Since 2019, board mem-bers and staff have worked to find a new purpose for the building. Some of those ideas included a hospice, veterans’ homes, foster care facility, mental health, a jail and more. More in-quiries were made to the USDA, Kansas Department of Commerce and a devel-opment company, but none were able to come to frui-tion."The staff, along with the community and members of the Health Foundation, have done a phenomenal job of working with interested parties to initiate plans for Anthony Medical Center," said Sarah Teaff, CEO of Patterson Health Center. "None of those plans have been put into place due to the considerable expense it will take to make important repairs to the building's in-frastructure."A town hall meeting took place in February 2023 to discuss the future of the building, followed by a ga-rage sale in March where several items were sold and donated. Funds from the sale will go to future proj-ects.The building was built in 1961 and the east wing was added in January 1968. Other additions were built in 2006 and 2011.In 2019, Anthony Medi-cal Center merged with Harper Hospital to create Patterson Health Center through a very generous donation. This allowed the facility to take advantage of economies of scale, more efficient usage of resources and increase the services offered to the community. The facility added a hydro-therapy pool, a 64-slice CT scanner, a 3D mammogram machine, an enhanced emergency department with two oversized trauma bays, and more.Pioneer Cellular To Discontinue Cellular Operations By Sept. 30thBy Blake CallahamPioneer CellularPioneer Cellular has entered into an agreement with Verizon to ensure that their customers maintain connectivity as they discon-tinue cellular operations by September 30, 2023. Verizon began offering service in the Pioneer Cel-lular territory on July 7, 2023, and they look forward to offering Pioneer Cellular customers access to their network.During the transition period, Verizon will provide Pioneer Cellular customers an exclusive $50 credit per line and waive the activa-tion fee for all transfers. Customers can choose to bring their own device or consider any of the Verizon device offers. To check your device eligibility with Ve-rizon, go to continue to check for informa-tion related to locations, hours and details about the transition period. Most of Pioneer Cellular customers are ready to transition, but some areas have a slight de-lay. To determine the readi-ness date, customers are asked to visit the Pioneer website and enter their mo-bile number to determine transition date readiness. Pioneer will discontinue its wireless service on Sep-tember 30, 2023, so custom-ers must transfer their ser-vice to Verizon or another provider before then. Ve-rizon has multiple locations available including several Pioneer Retail Locations in Canton, Enid, Kingfisher, Weatherford and Wood-ward. Please note that there is no impact to Pioneer Cellu-lar's broadband, telephone or iVideo customers. While this decision to shut down our cellular operations only impacts the wireless busi-ness, Pioneer believe this decision is necessary for the continued health of the re-maining businesses in their cooperative.Come For A Bite At The Historic Anthony TheatreBy J.K. GreggOn Saturday, July 15th, the Historic Anthony The-atre is screening the 2022 Blockbuster Jurassic World: Dominion.The epic conclusion of the Jurassic series reunites cast members from both the Jurassic Park and Ju-rassic World franchises. Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Isabella Sermon, and Omar Sy reprise their roles as Owen Grady and Claire Dearing, and join-ing them are veteran actors Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, BD Wong, and Laura Dern. Two new terrifying species, Giganotosaurus and Atro-ciraptor, are enhancing the cast of familiar dinosaurs. In all, thirty-five species of dinosaurs will delight mov-iegoers.The film begins four years after the Lockwood Estate incident, with di-nosaurs wandering freely and interacting with their human neighbors. As inci-dents arise, one company, Biosyn, offers a haven for the dinosaurs, away from human contact, though their concern for the dino-saurs may prove to be an ingenious marketing ploy. Join doctors Grant, Sadler, Wu, and Malcolm as they fight for the human race’s survival with the help of Claire and Owen.Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The film will start at 7 p.m.Photo By: Don HoltPhoto By: Don HoltPhoto By: Don HoltHARPER COUNTY 4th OF JULY: The Harper County 4th of July festivities were held at the Anthony Lake this past week. Activities included the Patriotic Costume Contest & Parade (bottom photo) and the reworks show (top photo).

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Page 2 the Anthony Republican • July 12, 2023Committee Recommends Priorities For Lack Of Available Housing In AnthonyOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted ByCity of Anthony ClerkJune 20, 2023OPENINGWelcome / Call to Order. Invocation / Pledge of Alle-giance. Roll Call: Present - Mayor Greg Cleveland, Com-missioner Sherrie Eaton, Commissioner Jan Lanie, Commissioner Kenny Hod-son Jr., Commissioner Eric Smith, City Administrator Cyndra Kastens, Deputy City Clerk Sherri Miller, Chief of Police Kenny Hod-son, Creighton Cullop and Cheryl Adelhardt.Approval of Agenda: A motion was made to approve the agenda. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Eaton. Vot-ing Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Com-missioner Lanie, Commis-sioner Hodson Jr., Commis-sioner Smith.PUBLIC COMMENTCreighton Cullop was present to thank the city for mowing the lot beside him and to follow up on the de-molition of 432 S. Anthony.CONSENT AGENDA1. Approve June 6, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes. 2. Special Appropriations: Fund# 3 Electric - Dutton Lainson - Meters (Stock and Penn Place) - $7,789.81. Bor-der States - Meter Sockets (Stock and Penn Place) - $2,928.16.3. Appropriation Ordi-nance No. 3168 - $336,281.22.4. Approve 6.20.23 Pay-roll - $71,279.17.5. Reappoint Jerry Turn-er and Brandon Hazel to the Industrial Development Board for a Four-Year Term to Expire in 2027.6. Appoint Laurie Patter-son to the Industrial Devel-opment Board for the expir-ing term of Ron Poor for a Four-Year Term to Expire in 2027.7. Approve July 4, 2023 Regular Commission Meet-ing Date to be Changed to July 5, 2023 in Observation of Independence Day.Mayor Cleveland asked if any items should be pulled from the consent agenda for further review. Hearing none a motion was made to approve the consent agen-da. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Lanie. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Com-missioner Eaton, Commis-sioner Lanie, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.PUBLIC HEARINGSNone.REGULAR BUSINESS8. Bid Opening ID Board Farmland Lease (Garfield): Commissioner Smith opened the sealed bids for the ID Board Farmland Lease. One bid was received. A motion was made to approve the bid from Jansen Parsons for $55 per acre on 15.3 acres for a total of $841.50. Mo-tion made by Commissioner Smith, Seconded by Com-missioner Hodson Jr.. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Com-missioner Eaton, Commis-sioner Lanie, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.9. Approve AV Gas Pur-chase: A motion was made to approve the AV Gas Pur-chase of 2500 gallons from Dark Oil for $6.399 per gal-lon. Motion made by Com-missioner Eaton, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleve-land, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Com-missioner Hodson Jr., Com-missioner Smith.10. Request for Free Wa-ter Service - Garden of Hope/Chris Weston: This item was removed from the agenda at the request of the customer.11. Approve to Submit Bid for Replacement Power Plant Mower: This item was moved to the July 5th meet-ing.12. RFQ Approval (Main & Anthony): Proposals were opened for the RFQ for pre-construction engineering and project management for the CCLIP 039 KA-6909-01 Main & Anthony intersec-tion reconstruction project. One bid was received from E.B.H. & Associates. After review, a motion was made to approve the RFQ from EBH for the CCLIP 039 KA-6909-01 Project. Motion made by Commissioner Hodson Jr., Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith13. Rural Champion Proj-ect One-Year Extension: Administrator Kastens in-formed the Commission of the opportunity to continue the Rural Champion project in cooperation with the City of Harper for an additional year, made possible by the Office of Rural Prosperity. A motion was made to con-tinue to work with the Rural Champion Cooperative Proj-ect for an additional year. Motion made by Commis-sioner Eaton, Seconded by CITY Continued on next page

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the Anthony Republican • July 12, 2023 Page 3Commissioner Lanie. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Com-missioner Eaton, Commis-sioner Lanie, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.14. Approval to Submit Bids for New Street Signs: Administrator Kastens sought guidance from the Commission as to the num-ber of street signs the city wanted to replace at this time. After reviewing the numbers damaged or un-readable, the Commission guided the Administrator to pursue replacing all of the street signs. The Commis-sion will review style and color and gave direction for the Administrator to pursue CITY Continued from previous pagealternate sign types and ma-terials in an effort to find a longer lasting type of street sign, and report back at the July 5th meeting. 15. Housing Assessment: Cheryl Adelhardt, Rural Housing Champion present-ed the Housing Assessment completed by the local Hous-ing Assessment committee. After the public surveys, town hall meeting, and a re-view of all compiled housing and statistical data, the An-thony Housing Assessment Committee recommended the following top three pri-orities of focus to address the lack of available adequate housing in Anthony: • The need for 3-4 bed-room mid-sized quality homes.• Educational opportu-nities and assistance to aid citizens in utilizing exist-ing housing programs and grants.• Address dilapidated/de-teriorated/vacant properties.16. Health Nuisance: A motion was made to approve the findings of fact and issue the order for a Health Nui-sance at 540 S. Springfield - Bagnell. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Eaton.Voting Yea: Mayor Cleve-land, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Com-missioner Hodson Jr., Com-missioner Smith.17. Health Nuisance: A motion was made to approve the findings of fact and issue the order for a Health Nui-sance at 542 S. Springfield - Bagnell.18. Inoperable Vehicle Nuisance: A motion was made to approve the findings of fact and issue the order for an Inoperable Vehicle Nui-sance at 542 S. Springfield - Bagnell. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Hodson Jr.. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleve-land, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Com-missioner Hodson Jr., Com-missioner Smith.19. Health Nuisance 217, 221 S. Bluff 115, 117 W. Grant - Bloyer 2023. A mo-tion was made to approve the findings of fact and issue the order for a Health Nuisance at 217, 221 S. Bluff 115, 117 W. Grant Bloyer. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Lanie. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.20. Health Resolution No. 1127 - Whereas, that a health nuisance has devel-oped in the North Forty-six (46) ft. of Lot Two (2) in Block Seven (7) in Cades Addition, in the City of Anthony, Harp-er County, Kansas; as shown by the recorded Plat thereof, 501 S. Kansas, Anthony, Kansas. Whereas, Notice of Violations was served in per-son to the property owner of record Mary Jo Bush, on May 3, 2023, by Ofcer Her-man Manning. Whereas, the property owner has not alle-viated the alleged violations nor requested a hearing before the City Commis-sion within the time periods specified. Be It Resolved By The City Commission that the Public Ofcers and other Agents of the City of Antho-ny are authorized to abate the conditions causing the violations at the end of June 30, 2023. Adopted at Antho-ny, Kansas, this 20th day of June, 2023. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 1127 - 501 S. Kansas Bush as presented. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Eaton. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.21. Health Resolution No. 1128 - Whereas, that a health nuisance has devel-oped in Lot Nine (9) in Block Sixty-five (65), in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas; as shown by the recorded Plat thereof, 218 S. Bluff, Anthony, Kansas. Whereas, Notice of Viola-tions was served in person to the property owner of re-cord Rocky J. Elliott, on May 3, 2023, by Ofcer Herman Manning. Whereas, the prop-erty owner has not alleviat-ed the alleged violations nor requested a hearing before the City Commission within the time periods specified. Be It Resolved By The City Commission that the Public Ofcers and other Agents of the City of Anthony are au-thorized to abate the condi-tions causing the violations at the end of June 30, 2023. Adopted at Anthony, Kan-sas, this 20th day of June, 2023. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 1128 - 218 S. Bluff Elliott as presented. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Lanie. Vot-ing Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Com-missioner Lanie, Commis-sioner Hodson Jr., Commis-sioner Smith.22. Fire Department Re-quest: The Commission dis-cussed a request from the Fire Department to donate $5,000 to Pat & Gerald Wolff. Alternate opportunities for aid were discussed such as a fund raiser, staff collec-tion, etc. so much warranted support could still be given without the use of public funds. A motion was made by Commissioner Hodson to approve the request from the Fire Department to donate $5,000 to Pat & Gerald Wolff. Motion died for lack of a sec-ond.STAFF REPORTS23. Administrator Re-port: The Administrator provided a written report on RHID Meeting, BASE Grant/HCCF, KDOT Cost Share Grant, KDWLP's Recreation Trail Grant, Water Research Project, and the 2023 Bud-get.CITY Continued on Page 8

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Page 4 the Anthony Republican • July 12, 2023Obituary...Richard “Dick” Watt1923 ~ 2023Richard Walter “Dick” Watt was born to Helen Jesse (Simonson) and Robert Hardin Watt on Decem-ber 21, 1923 on the family farm near Harper in Harper County, Kan-sas. Dick lived at the farm his entire life except for the time served in the United States Navy from 1943-1946 and the past two and half years, when he was in assisted living and long-term care. He passed away July 8, 2023 at the age of 99 years old.Dick married Patricia Louise “Pat” Ford on April 20, 1947. They had four children: Nancy, Susan, Annette (passed away in infancy), and Stanley. Pat and Dick lived on the family farm for 67 years until Pat’s passing in 2014. They worked on the farm together with their chil-dren and frequently had visits from nieces and nephews, who loved visiting. Dick had various boys that helped him on the farm that became part of the family as well.A respected member of the community, Dick served on the Harper High School Board and later the USD 361 Schools Board for 10 years, and the Danville Cooperative Association Board. He was proud of the time he served in the Navy and being on the school board when Chaparral High School was built. Dick was a member of the Harper United Methodist Church, Harper County Shrine, and the American Legion Jeff Long Post 104. He en-joyed playing cards, watching and attending K-State sports, his dogs and other animals, and spending time with grandchildren, family, and friends.Dick will be remembered by friends and family for his good sense of humor, common sense, patience, and love of children and animals. He is preceded in death by his parents, Robert and Helen Watt; wife, Pat; infant daughter, An-nette; brother, Charles Watt and sis-ter, Beth Carr; and son-in-law, Rob Johnston.Dick is survived by his children: Nancy Donaldson (Norm), Susan Johnston, and Stan Watt (Karla); grandchildren: Brodie Donaldson (Lindsey), Cierra Gonzales (Gon-zo), Tyree Donaldson, Payden Donaldson (Lauren), Joshua Watt (Megan), Jason Watt (Stephanie), Jamie Moffett (Josh), Zachary Johnston (Shalyn), and Matthew Johnston (Jenny); fteen great-grandchildren; nieces and neph-ews; other relatives and friends.Funeral Service is 11:00 a.m. Thursday, July 13, 2023 at the Harper United Methodist Church with Pastor Steve Rankin ofciat-ing. Interment follows at the Harper Cemetery. Honorary casket bear-ers are Denny Henderson, Lyle Manniger, John Gleichman, Mike Jacobs, Brian Hostetler, and Kenny Hadsall. Active casket bearers are Dick’s grandchildren.Memorials may be made to CHS Football and can be sent in care of Prairie Rose Funeral Homes, 613 W 14th St ~ Harper, Kansas 67058. Online condolences can be left at www.prairierosefuneralhomes.comObituary...Hal G. Greve1961 ~ 2023Hal Gene Greve, 62, passed away July 4, 2023 at Patterson Health Center. Survivors include his wife, Sher-yl; sons, Austin Greve, wife Kaitlyn, and their children Collins, Walker, and Banks; and Tanner Greve, wife Heidi, and their daughters, Piper and Sadie; brother, Dickey Joe Greve and wife Leigh Ann; uncle, Bob Greve and wife, Donna; as well as numerous cousins, nieces, and nephews. Hal Gene Greve was born in At-tica, Kansas on February 23, 1961, to parents, William H. “Bill” Greve and Donna Mae (Dickey) Greve. He graduated from Chaparral High School with the class of 1979. He then attended Garden City Commu-nity College and Oklahoma State University. On July 27, 1985, Hal married Sheryl LeValley in Braman, Oklaho-ma and they settled near Anthony, Kansas. Growing up on a farm near Free-port, Kansas, farming was in Hal’s blood. His favorite part of farming was undoubtedly operating a com-bine during wheat harvest and he would often talk about the good old days of custom harvesting with Bill and Donna when he was a kid. After college (*convincing Sheryl to marry him) he returned home to farm with his dad, Bill and brother, Dickey Joe near Freeport, Kansas. In 1995, he chose to follow another passion of his by opening his own photogra-phy studio in downtown Anthony, Hal’s Photography. In 2012, Hal and Sheryl opened Dough Daddy Daylight Donuts in Anthony. Those close to him were suspect of this idea as they knew he could barely microwave a pop tart let alone make a donut, but Hal said, “I may not know how to make a donut but I can follow instructions and that’s all you have to do” and do is what they did up until the time he started dialysis. Hal was a social person and en-joyed people of all ages, he never met a stranger and was frequently found downtown visiting with some-one or talking on the phone to one of his many buddies. Most of all he loved spending time with family, es-pecially his grandchildren. Giving his grandkids rides on his scooter was always a highlight of his day, especially if it was a slight inconve-nience for their parents.Funeral service was held 10:00 a.m. Saturday, July 8, 2023, at the Christian Church in Anthony, Kansas with Wren Robinson and Pastor Ron Eden ofciating. Wren sang “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone).” “Hair of the Dog” by Nazareth was played as Hal left the sanctuary. Burial followed in the Freeport Cemetery, Freeport, Kansas. Hon-orary casket bearers were Collins Greve, Piper Greve, Walker Greve, Sadie Greve, and Banks Greve. Casket bearers were Austin Greve, Tanner Greve, Cameron Coady, Brent Cashier, Trevor Hughes, and Ben Cather. Memorials in memory of Hal may be made to the Harper County Health Foundation (for the Dialysis Unit) or the Anthony Public Library (for the Children Programs) and can be sent in care of Prairie Rose Funeral Home, 602 E. Main St., An-thony, KS 67003. View the service and tribute video on Hal’s obituary page at Loving Memory...Carol Jo Wilkinson1945 ~ 2023Carol Wilkinson, passed away peacefully on July 8, 2023 at the age of 78. She was born in An-thony, KS on May 30, 1945, to Or-ville and Myrtle (Angle) Irvin. Carol grew up in Anthony, KS. She mar-ried Eddie Wilkinson on Feb 24, 1963 in Anthony. Eddie surprised her by purchasing their rst home in Anthony and that’s where they raised their family over 50 plus years. They were able to celebrate their 58th Wedding Anniversary to-gether at the Anthony Community Care Center in 2021. She was a wonderful mother who was always there when her children needed her. She also had many friends and was a well-loved member of the community in Anthony. She enjoyed attending her children and grandchildren’s events in her spare time. She loved to read and do cross word puzzles.Carol is survived by her broth-er, Stanley Irvin from Columbia, MO and wife Margie, sister-in-law, Donna Irvin from Augusta, KS, along with her three children Steve Wilkinson from Anthony, KS, Deb-bie Wilkinson, daughter-in-law Deanna Lincoln from Phoenix, AZ and Connie Wilkinson from Den-ver, CO. She has been blessed by four wonderful grandchildren, Jordan (Wilkinson) Potts, Janna (Wilkinson) Kleweno and her hus-band Travis, Kadie Lillie and her husband Kyle and Brigitte McClure and her husband Tyler. She was blessed with two great grandchil-dren Easton and Drake Potts and was looking forward to another great grandchild in October from the Kleweno family. She is preceded in death by both parents, her husband, Eddie Wilkinson and brother Gayle Irvin.Carol loved her family and will be remembered by her beautiful smile and warm hugs. She would hold your hand with such loving-ness to where she didn’t want to let go. Carol knew no stranger and was the most kind and caring soul. She will be missed greatly. We know her presence will always be with us. Thank you for being such and incredible role model and for loving us unconditionally. Per Carol’s request, there will be a service held at the Anthony Nazarene Church to be announced at a later date, along with visitation times for friends to sign her guest book.GOT NEWS YOU WANT TO SHARE?Email us at:• PRINTING •• SIGNS •• BANNERS •LD’S PRINTING620-842-5129

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the Anthony Republican • July 12, 2023 Page 5(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, June 28, 2023) 3t IN THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICTDISTRICT COURT, HARPER COUNTY, KANSASIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: )LANA KAY FRANK, deceased. ) Case No. HP-2023-PR-18Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 59NOTICE TO CREDITORSTHE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notifi ed that on June 23, 2023, a Petition for Is-suance of Letters of Administration was fi led in this Court by Russell Allen Frank, surviving son of the Decedent, requesting that Letters of Administration be issued to him, without bond. You are required to fi le your written defenses to the petition on or be-fore July 26, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. in the District Court of Harper County, Anthony, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail to fi le your written defenses, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the petition. All creditors of the decedent are notifi ed to exhibit their demands against the Estate within the latter of four (4) months from the date of fi rst publication of notice under K.S.A. 59-2236 and amendments thereto, or if the identity of the creditor is known or reasonably ascer-tainable, 30 days after actual notice was given as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. Russell Allen Frank, PetitionerMandi J. StephensonAttorney for PetitionerSTEPHENSON LAW OFFICE LLC227 N Main, PO Box 204Kingman, KS 67068620-532-5156 telephoneLEGAL NOTICEHARPER COUNTYDISTRICT COURT REPORTIndividuals listed below are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.PAID TRAFFIC CITATIONS4/10: Francis E. Ohmart: 1) Speeding - 78/65; $171.00. 2) Ve-hicle liability insurance required. 3) Driving while license cancelled/suspended/revoked. 23-TR-143.4/14: Wynn S. Anderson: 1) Speeding - 81/65, $189.00; 23-TR-154.4/23: Sarah S. Ford: 1) Speed-ing - 90/65, $258.00; 23-TR-162.5/29: Etni Guzman: 1) Speed-ing - 80/65, $183.00; 23-TR-190.6/14: Andrew P. Becker: 1) Speeding - 78/65, $171.00; 23-TR-214.6/19: James R. Longmire: 1) Speeding - 80/65, $183.00; 23-TR-218.6/23: Ethan J. Gates: 1) Speed-ing - 71/30, $468.00; 23-TR-230.CRIMINAL CASE FILINGSState of Kansas vs. Wynema K. Campbell: 1) Disorderly conduct. 23-CR-76.State of Kansas vs. Kyle R. Rose: 1) Domestic battery. 23-CR-77.State of Kansas vs. Richard A. Watts Jr.: 1) Domestic battery. 23-CR-78.HARPER COUNTY JAILARRESTS & BOOKINGSRowdy W. Bazer, 31: Arrested: 7-7-23; Released: N/A. Arrested By: APD. Charges: 1) Disorderly conduct. 2) Bond violation.Christopher Y. Domon, 37: Ar-rested: 7-9-23; Released: N/A. Ar-rested By: APD. Charges: 1) Pos-session of drug paraphernalia. 2) Possession of narcotics.HARPER COUNTY DEEDSBOOK D108#803 - Warranty Deed: Hazel J. Park to Maple & Ridge LLC, the SW/4 of Sect. 34, Twp. 31 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., less a tract, Harper County, Kansas.#804 - Statutory Warranty Deed: R & E Ventures LLC to the David K. Allen and Angela M. Al-len Revocable Living Trust, a tract in the NE corner of the NW/4 of Sect. 33, Twp. 32 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#805 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Cecelia E. Scott to Harry C. Scott and Barbara J. Scott, Lots 7-12 and 19-24 in Blk. 49; and a tract in the NW/4 of Sect. 21, Twp. 34, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; both in the City of Bluff City, Harper County, Kansas.#806 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Harry C. Scott and Barbara J. Scott to Harry C. Scott and Bar-bara J. Cott, Lots 7-12 and 19-24 in Blk. 49; and a tract in the NW/4 of Sect. 21, Twp. 34, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M.; both in the City of Bluff City, Harper County, Kansas.#807 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Tyler M. Gehring and Marissa L. Gehring to Kelsey Drouhard and James R. Drouhard, a tract in the NW corner of the NW/4 of Sect. 13, Twp. 31 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M. Harper County, Kansas.Courtesy PhotoQUILT PRESENTATION: Pauline Oliver shows some of the quilts she has made during the Krazy Quilter meeting.By LeAnn HodsonThe July 8th meeting of the KQQG was held at the The Raccoon Quilt Company in downtown Harper. The group of 14 members and three guests were treated to a Trunk Show N’ Tell by owner Pauline Oliver. Pauline, an avid quilter, made her first quilt at age 15. She remembers sitting beneath her mom’s treadle machine at around age 10 and pinning pieces together for her mom to stitch. She has made, purchased, quilted and helped others for over 60 years in the quilting world. Some of the quilts that she Krazy Quilters Visit Quilt Shopshared with the group were Double Wedding ring from 2004; Alphabet Sue from 2003; Starry Night design picked out by her husband; Thorns and Thistles; Grand-mother’s Flower Garden; Ja-cob’s ladder and many more. The Raccoon Quilt Com-pany shop offers classes, one of which is going to be a quilt top called Jamaican Star. The class will be held in Sep-tember. A Beelet Group also meets at the shop on occa-sion. Pauline is always will-ing to offer all kinds of help. The quilt shop has been a wonderful addition to the community.Dept. On Aging: Transportation Is Available Out Of County By Jennifer WolffTEFAP Food commodi-ties will be available Thurs-day July 27th at the Harper County Courthouse 201 N. Jennings 8:30 – Noon. Food is distributed on a 1st come, 1st served basis. This pro-gram is available to all Harp-er County residents who meet the income guidelines. Distributions are every ODD month in 2023. Just park out front & we will bring a food box to you. The Public Transporta-tion Service assists ALL Harper Co residents of any age to stay independent with transportation to work, med-ical appointments, shopping, errands, Patterson Health Center & locations less than 70 miles. Hours of operation: 8:30am– 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday. Every Harper Co resident can ride with pub-lic transit regardless of age or mobility. Equal access is provided to the public. Al-though we are available to make trips M-F out of coun-ty, rides need to be scheduled 24 hours in advance & the bus returns for Harper Co by 3pm. CALL 620-842-5104 for ride reservations & rates. 1st come, 1st served.Out of County Transit Schedule: Mon 7/17: Wichita 8:20 departTues 7/18: Out of County AvailableWed 7/19: Wichita 8:20 departThurs 7/20: Out of county availableFri 7/21: Wichita 8:20 de-partAll routes are subject to change without notice.

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Page 6 the Anthony Republican • July 12, 2023(First Published in the Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 12, 2023) 1t(First Published in the Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 12, 2023) 1t(First Published in the Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 12, 2023) 1t(First Published in the Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 12, 2023) 1t(First Published in the Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 12, 2023) 1t(First Published in the Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 12, 2023) 1tPUBLIC NOTICEPUBLIC NOTICEPUBLIC NOTICEPUBLIC NOTICEPUBLIC NOTICEPUBLIC NOTICEVISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE! ONLINE SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE AT: WWW.ANTHONYREPUBLICANNEWS.COM

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the Anthony Republican • July 12, 2023 Page 7FOR RENT - Low income housing for people age 55 and older. Mainte-nance lives on site. Water, sewer and trash paid. Storm shelters. Contact Meadowlark Housing, 924 E. Spring in Anthony, KS 67003. Phone: 620-842-5331. 32-4-5-tfcFOR RENT - Penn Place Apartments - Furnished, 1 bedroom, 1 bath OR furnished/unfurnished, 2 bedroom, 2 bath. All utilities included, includ-ing cable TV and WiFi. Short term leases and weekly rates available. Call Carol at 620-842-3484 or visit for leasing specials or to apply. 45-4-22-tfcFOR RENTKCAN ADSHELP WANTEDKCAN ADSHELP WANTED: Larry’s Hometown Market is looking for weekend help. Apply in person. M-5-17-tfcFor SalePlace your 25-word classied in the Kansas Press Association and 135 more newspapers for only $300/ week. Find employees, sell your home or your car. Call the Kansas Press As-sociation @ 785-271-5304 today! kpa-7-12Misc.BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We special-ize in safe bathing. Beautiful walk in showers with no slip ooring. Also, grab bars and seated showers avail-able. Waiving All Installation Costs, Plus No Interest and No Payments for 1 Year: 855-382-1221. kpa-7-12Misc.PROFESSIONAL LAWN SER-VICE:  Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration and mosquito con-trol. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our rst application special! 855-288-8649. kpa-7-12Misc.Looking for beautiful, energy ef-cient new windows for your home? Call now and set up yourfree, no-ob-ligation estimate. Beautify your home today! 855-727-0043. kpa-7-12Misc.LONG DISTANCE MOVING: Call to-day for a FREE QUOTE from Ameri-ca’s Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Speak to a Relocation Specialist, call 888-788-0471. kpa-7-12Misc.Never Pay For Covered Home Re-pairs Again! Complete Care Home Warranty COVERS ALL MAJOR SYS-TEMS AND APPLIANCES. 30 DAY RISK FREE. $200.00 OFF + 2 FREE Months! 844-237-1432. kpa-7-12Misc.DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 844-268-9386. kpa-7-12Misc.NEW AUTHORS WANTED!  Page Publishing will help you self-publish your own book. FREE author sub-mission kit!  Limited offer!  Why wait? Call now:855-939-2090. kpa-7-12Misc.TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUI-TARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 855-454-6658. kpa-7-12Misc.NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Empire Today®to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today!844-580-2974. kpa-7-12Misc.DirecTV Satellite TV Service Starting at $64.99/mo For 24 mos, Free Instal-lation! 165+ Channels Available. Call Now For The Most Sports & Entertain-ment On TV! 888-721-1550. kpa-7-12Misc.Never clean your gutters again! Af-fordable, professionally installed gut-ter guards protect your gutters and home from debris and leaves forever! For a FREE Quote call: 844-607-1363. kpa-7-12Misc.PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Dayto-na, GMT, Submariner and Speedmas-ter. Call 844-575-0691. kpa-7-12Misc.DISCOUNT AIR TRAVEL. Call Flight Services for best pricing on domestic & international ights inside and from the US. Serving United, Delta, Ameri-can & Southwest and many more air-lines. Call for free quote now! Have travel dates ready! 833-381-1348. kpa-7-12Misc.SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind paying your MORTGAGE? Denied a Loan Modication? Threatened with FORECLOSURE? Call the Homeown-er’s Relief Line now for Help! 888-975-1473. Published in the Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 12, 2023) 1t(First Published in the Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 12, 2023) 1t(First Published in the Anthony Republican, Wednesday, July 12, 2023) 1tPUBLIC NOTICEPUBLIC NOTICEPUBLIC NOTICEPRINTING • SIGNS • SHIRTSLD’s PRINTING • ANTHONY • 620-842-5129GARAGE SALE: 618 N. Franklin in Anthony. Friday, July 14th and Satur-day, July 15th from 8am-6pm. Furni-ture and misc. items. M-7-12-1tcFOR SALE

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Page 8 the Anthony Republican • July 12, 202324. Superintendent Re-port: The Superintendent provided a written report on lake mowing and caretak-ing, repair jobs, new lake sign, remove dead trees at scout cabin, final inspection at Lake RV Dump Station and other department ac-tivities.25. Chief of police Report: We inspected some proper-ties to be cleaned up. We served several weed notices. We cleaned up the property on S. Madison. We investi-gated a disturbance in the 300 block of N. Jefferson. We served a search warrant in the 400 block of S. Lincoln and turned the case over to the County Attorney. We ar-rested Castillo Del Carmen on an out of county warrant. We investigated a burglary and theft from and auto in the 800 block of W. Main.CITY Continued from Page 3EXECUTIVE SESSION None.ADJOURNMENTA motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Motion made by Mayor Cleveland, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Mayor Cleveland, Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Commissioner Hodson Jr., Commissioner Smith.Gregory Cleveland, MayorCyndra Kastens, City Clerk/Administrator60 YEARS AGO - 1963On Wednesday, June 5, Eileen Williams was one year old. To celebrate, her mother entertained a few friends. Her invited friends were Michael Shurley, Di-ana Sue Terry, David Baker, Doug Jensen, Lynette Bird and Cindy Nottingham. Older children present in-cluded Marilee Headberg, Patrick Shurley, Sharon Baker, Sharyl Baker and Charlotte Hixson and Da-vid Williams.Charlene Wolff and Vir-ginia Hayter of Anthony left Monday afternoon to attend the Kansas District Y-Teen Summer Conference held at the “Y” Ranch, Arlington, Kansas.Miss Jewell Bolin, bride-elect of Pat Hall, was hon-ored with a lovely shower with Mrs. Robert Holt, Mrs. Ben Brooks, Mrs. Harold Duncan, Mrs. I.J. Worthing-ton and Miss Mary Arm-strong as hostesses.50 YEARS AGO - 1973Unified School District 255 had a new name. The newly consolidated schools at Kiowa and Hardtner would be called “South Bar-ber.”Two Anthony youth were double winners in the Ju-nior Olympics track and field meet at Inman and qualified to compete in the State Jr. Olympics at Man-hattan, Kansas. Ronnie Gie-sen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Giesen, won the 220 and the 440 yard dashes. Tony Kas-tens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Kastens, breezed to a time of 12.8 in the 100 yard dash and a distance of 15’9 3/4” in the broad jump.Jaycee officers installed for the new year were: Don Coates, state director; Stan Wethington, chapter presi-dent; Gary Buss, internal vice-president; Mike Dent, external vice-president; Jerry Packard, secretary; John Walker, treasurer; direc-tors - Alan Thomas, Rex Gates, Carl Fleming, Leon Daniels; and Jim Eaton, chairman of the board.40 YEARS AGO - 1983Tom Schrant, a spring graduate of Chaparral High School, was playing for the Southern All-Stars in the Kansas Charity All-Star Football Classic held in the Austin Adair Stadium at Friends University.Anthony’s future Chap-arral freshman, Dan Ber-tholf, who set four individ-ual records for the Lincoln Hornets in the spring, took his talents to Derby for the Junior Olympics and captured three first place medals. He won first in the 800m; 100m hurdles and high jump.30 YEARS AGO - 1993Scott Bonham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bonham, Anthony, received a phar-macy degree at the Univer-sity of Kansas; Kim Vickers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vickers, Harper, received a political science degree and John Gaffney, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gaffney, Anthony, received a master of science in education degree.Southwest Missouri State University graduate and football standout Rick Perry had signed a contract with the Detroit Lions of the NFL. The University of Wyo-ming had accepted Jenni-fer Cox of Anthony to be a member of the University’s Honors Program.20 YEARS AGO - 2003Chris Idhe, Patrick Feist and Kevin Arnet made their way to the state meet by finishing third at tennis re-gionals. Idhe and Feist were No. 1 doubles players for the Roadrunners and Arnet was no. 1 singles. Chaparral High School graduate of May, 1997, An-drea Shepard had accepted the sixth grade teaching position at Glenwood Ridge in Basehor, Kansas, a com-munity of nearly 2,500 near Kansas City.Chaparral’s Dustin Diek-er and Kyle Kerschen were named to the 2003 Cen-tral Plains all-league base-ball first team. Samantha Hostetler was named to the Central Plains all-league softball first team. Erika Shirk, Sara Easter and Ash-ley Podschun made the hon-orable mention team.10 YEARS AGO - 2013Several local youth trav-eled to Howard, Kansas to attend camp with their horses. They worked on bar-rel racing, goat tying, calf roping, team roping, trick riding and break away. Campers were Tiffany Spriggs, Lizzy Nemechek, Adisson and Trenity Kerr.Membrs of Chaparral 2013 golf team were: Jamie Garancosky, Paige Hoskin-son, Chris Jacobs, Cody Koehn, Tanor Walker, Dani-elle Wilson, Tevin Walker, Carlos Martinez, Tray Co-penhaver, Jeremy Gaug, Cade Stierwalt, Rijnse On-land, and Tanner Newman. Coaches were Josh Inslee and Tim Johnson.Skyler Kunz and Parker Patterson competed and won the team roping aver-age at the Kansas Junior High School Rodeo State finals in Whitewater. This qualified them for the Na-tional Finals Rodeo in Gal-lup, New Mexico as part of the Kansas National Junior High School Taem.5 YEARS AGO - 2018Dixie Claflin was retir-ing from nursing after 56 years on the job. Her retire-ment party was held at the Education Center at the Hospital District 6, Antho-ny Campus.Kansas State Univer-sity students earning a grade point average for the semester of 3.75 or above on at least 12 credit hours received semester honors along with commendations from their deans. Receiving the honors from Anthony were Roger Clark, Caitlin Dodgen, Breanna Hoskin-son, Ryley Menhusen and Lakin Whealy. From Free-port was Trace Adams.HARPER CO. 4TH OF JULY - ANTHONY LAKEPhoto By: Don HoltPhoto By: Don HoltHARPER CO. 4TH OF JULY - ANTHONY LAKEPhoto By: Don HoltPhoto By: Don HoltHARPER CO. 4TH OF JULY - ANTHONY LAKEPhoto By: Don HoltPhoto By: Don HoltHARPER CO. 4TH OF JULY - COED VOLLEYBALL AT ANTHONY LAKEPhoto By: Don HoltPhoto By: Don HoltTHE GOONS PERFORMED ON JULY 3RD AT THE ANTHONY LAKEPhoto By: Ross DowningPhoto By: Ross Downing