Jubilee BibliS U M M E R 2 0 2 2 V O L . 6VOL. 6 | SUMMER 2022PrayWITHOUT CEASINGRejoice always, pray without ceasing,give thanks in all circumstances; forthis is the will of God in Christ Jesusfor you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18CALLOn HimBecause he turned hisear to me, I will call onhim as long as I livePsalm 116:2.
On The CoverjubileeBibliSUMMER 2022J U B I L E E B I B L I2019-2020 From 2020 New Year Service . . . . . , , , .- Prayer is a way for us to confess and remind ourselveshow dependent we are on God. Sometimes God mayseem very slow to respond. You may sometimes doubt ifthere is an end to this prayer. However, a prayer of faithis not like water vapor scattered into the air, but aclearer and more definite message than any tangiblething. We are curious what kind of conversation each ofyou, Jubilee members, have with God. While puttingtogether this edition of Jubilee Bibli, we believed thatthe ceaseless prayers of Jubilee members were ones ofcomfort, restoration, hope, and assurance. -At the editorial desk
C O N T E N T S7 Jubilee Jubilee New Members 11 Jubilee Alumni13 2022 2022 VBS17 2022 2022 Youth Group Retreat18 2022 EM 2022 C-Salt Retreat192022 KM 2022 Young Adult Retreat22 Prayer for the neighbors232022 2022 Korean World Mission Conference25 " "Senior Group Travel27 2022 2022 Softball TournamentJUBILEE BIBLI3 " "Theme essays5 " "Summer Reading1 " " Opening Message28 ; Mission L e t ters: Cambodia
OPENING MESSAGE 기도를 드리다 ? . , . ? . ? . . , . , " " . , , . . , . , , , . ' . . .', . . < > . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ', ' ' , . , , . . " ( 13:12)" . , " " . . -" ( 2:18)"- ( 5:13-18), . ( 11) , . , " " ( 6:9-13; 11:2-4), ., .. ? ' ' , . ' ' . ' ' ' ' , . ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , . ' ' . . . . . , . , . , , ? , . , . . " ." , , , , , , ., . ( 19:16-22), (19"1-10) . ? " (16:24)" . , . . - 1 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I
Summer 2022 | 2J U B I L E E B I B L I
2022 , < > . . . , . ’ ' . < > . 400 , . , 8 ' ' . . “ ” . . . . . . - ‘ ’ - <Part 2 > ' ' . ' ( )' . , . , .<Part 4 > ' ' . . , '' . . . <Part 5 > 1 , 2 ,3 , 4 , 5 . . ' ' . - 3 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I
“ ” . . . , , . “” . - “ ” . . 1 . , . . - . . . 17 “ ” . . . . “ .. .” 1 : 3 . . ? “ ” . . . . . . . . . . ! - Summer 2022 | 4J U B I L E E B I B L I
5 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I ‘ ’ . , . , . , , , ‘ ’ . , . . .' ' 15 . . - - . . . .SUMMER READING H O W T O P R A YC . S . L E W I SC. S. Lewis here offers wisdom andlessons that illuminate our privatedialogue with God - prayer - in thiscollection drawn from the breadthof his writings.Cultivated from his many essays,articles, and letters, as well as hisclassic works, How to Pray providespractical wisdom and instruction tohelp readers nurture their spiritualbeliefs and embrace prayer in all itsforms. While many people wouldlike to speak to God, they oftendon’t know how to begin. Lewisguides them through the practice,illuminating the significance ofprayer and why it is central to faith.A welcome addition to the C. S.Lewis canon, How to Pray offers adeeper understanding of ourpersonal tradition of prayer, ourfaith, and what is means to be aChristian." " " " . ? . . . . . . .How important must a need or desire be before we canproperly make it the subject of a petition? We want to knownot how we should pray if we were perfect but how weshould pray being as we now are. We must lay before Himwhat is in us, not what ought to be in us. If we lay all thecards on the table, God will help us to moderate the excess. And perhapse, as those who do not turn to God in pettytrials will have no habit or such report to help them whenthe great trials come, so those who have not learned to askHim for childish things will have less readiness to ask Himfor great ones. We must not to be too high-minded. I fancywe may sometimes be deterred from small prayers by asense of our own dignity rather than of God’s.There is no question whether an event has happenedbecause of your prayer. When the event you prayed foroccurs, your prayer has always contributed to it. When theopposite event occurs, your prayer has never been ignored;it has been considered and refused, for your ultimate goodand the good of the whole universe.Isn’t it presumptuous for us to bring our concerns before God? ? How does prayer fit with the idea of God's providence? ?0102
eBook eBook eBook eBook eBookeBook eBook eBookeBook Audio Book기쁨의교회전자도서관JubileeeBookLibrary문의:기쁨의사서(library@jubileekapc.org)https://jubilee.dkyobobook.co.kr/main.inkJubilee eLibrary 내 마음의 쉼터 BEST BEST6 , . , . . . , . . , .Poems( ), " "Arise my body, my small body, we have strivenEnough, and He is merciful; we are forgiven.Arise small body, puppet-like and pale, and go,White as the bed-clothes into bed, and cold as snow,Undress with small, cold fingers and put out the light,And be alone, hush'd mortal, in the sacred night,-A meadow whipt flat with the rain, a cupEmptied and clean, a garment washed and folded up,Faded in colour, thinned almost to raggednessBy dirt and by the washing of that dirtiness.Be not too quickly warm again. Lie cold; consentTo weariness' and pardon's watery element.Drink up the bitter water, breathe the chilly death;Soon enough comes the riot of our blood and breath.-"AFTER PRAYERS, LIE COLD," POEMSSummer 2022 | 6J U B I L E E B I B L I ' ' .
Jubilee (57), (51), (20), (16) .( ) 2 . , , , , , . , .'Les Miserables" .( ) 4 “ ” ‘ ’ . . . “ “ . . , . 18 .7 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I
Jubilee , (FM 107.5 Mhz, CCM )( ) 5:16-18 ( ) ( ) . 4 . , . . .10 ?( ) .( ) . ( ) 8:2-3 3 Summer 2022 | 8J U B I L E E B I B L I
!! . 2 . (61), (54), (26), (25), (17), (17) , , . . . . . . . 1. . 2. .3. .4. .5. . . . Jubilee 9 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I ( ) . , . (Cathy A. Malchiodi) ? .
Jubilee . , . . . . . . . . . . 10 ? . . ( 14:6) .: Zoom . ( , ), , . Summer 2022 | 10J U B I L E E B I B L I
. | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I• · , , , • : 2014 . . . • : • : 2014 8 ~2020 7• : - , , , AWANA - , , AWANAJUBILEE ALUMNI ! . Q. .A. 2020 . 2 . , , , . 6 , . , 2 , . 1 . , . , . , . 45 , , Q. ‘ ’ ?A. 5 17 “ .” . Q. ? A. . . , . A. . , ( , , ) . Q. ? , . , , .
Q. . A. , . . 6 . ( )Jubilee ! ! ( )Q. ? Q. ?A. Awana . ( )Awana Bible verse . ( )A. . , . ( ) .( ) 01.02.03.Q. ? A. a. . .b. , .c. 4 , 3 . , . ( .)Q. .A. . 1 , 2 , 4 , , . . . , . . . 06.05.07.Summer 2022 | 12J U B I L E E B I B L I ∙ JUBILEE ALUMNIQ. ( ) .
01.0402.03.2022 VBS ? :2022 Jubilee VBS"Zoomerang" VBS ."Life is fromEternal God". . VBS . . : Preparing for VBS was a workthat was not done by any single person, butrather a work that was done by a team ofcommitted and faithful laborers in Christ.There were certainly many challenges thatsurfaced not only during planning andtraining stages but even throughout theweek of VBS, however, seeing the joys of thechildren, I can speak for everyone that all ofthe struggles and challenges we facedtogether was one that was well worth it.Seeing the children, especially tha ones whodo not regularly attend church, come andrecite Bible verses and praising God from thebottom of their hearts is what drove us as ateam. There were definetely areas that wecould improve on, such as establishing betteradministrative systems to make the VBSexperience smooth for the children as well asthe parents, I hope to improve this for thecoming year, being consistent with our effortsat being innovative.202 VBS ? : . . , , . Teacher, TA . VBS . : The directors ofJubilee has always aimed to beinnovative in our programs. whenCovid-19 first became an issue forour children to gather together in-person, we hosted our very ownVBS over Zoom and now that we'rebeginning to see some semblancesof life prior to Covid, we've goneahead and tried to make our VBS asit once was while at the same timeintroducing something new. Thisyear, along with our wonderfulvolunteers who have put in sweatand thier precious summer days, wewere able to visit the Elmwood parkzoo for the final day of our VBS. Wedon't trip before but this one wasspecial in that we were able towitness the creatures that God hadmade and designed himself!2022 VBS Q&A 13 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I
01.Summer 2022 | 14J U B I L E E B I B L I02. VBS ?Michelle Chu: Through VBS, Iexperienced the Grace of Godseeing the kids praise/joy on theirfaces each day. Also, it wasamazing to see how God's giftswere being used by volunteers andteachers.As for myself, I was experiencedGod's Grace when we served theparents as they came on the lastday to worship&eat with theirchildren. .Michelle Chu: I was thankful forSuzy JDSN's meticulous planning ofpreschool VBS/Grace leadingpraise/perfect weather/safety of ourkids. 01.2022 VBS Q&A
01.2022 VBS Q&A PRE-K, CHILDREN MINISTRY ) 02.03.Cara Lim: My favorite lunch wasthe pasta.Luke Lim: I really liked thepasta and meatball bestVBS ? Cara Lim: I like this song!Luke Lim: I liked the praiseVBS . ?"Incredible Grace to us, incrediblegrace to us".song called "incredible Grace" Cara Lim: Games!! I Liked themonkey pulling game.Luke Lim: Games!! The waterfight was the best! VBS , Treat Stand, Craft,, . . ?01.15 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I
VBS Youth TA Hello, my name is Kaitlyn Lee, and I am rising junior in high school. This year of VBS was myfourth year volunteering.Being with the kids and creating a bond with them was so heartwarming and memorable. Iwas a volunteer for the preschool ministry, and it was amazing to get to interact with not onlythe kids, but with teachers and PTO moms as well. I am very grateful that God brought somany amazing people to work and make new memories with.One of my favorite parts of VBS this year was to see the children do praise and trying theirbest to follow the motions. It was very nice to see them be so excited and devoted to praisingGod. It brings back very fond memories of when I was a student during VBS. Another thing that stuck out to me was when the kids would recite the memory verses. Itshowed me that God works in us every day and I was very glad to see the kids so passionateto learn about God.What I realized from VBS this year is that even though we help teach the children about God'sgrace, I am still learning more about Him as well. As I listened to the morning devotions, ithad me thinking about why I do VBS every year.Everyday, I felt God's presence and He gave me energy to work hard during the five days.VBS was a reminder of why I need God in my life and how amazing he is. Summer 2022 | 16J U B I L E E B I B L I
activities/games, and skit practice, the children stillhad energy to jump for joy as we sang songs like “IGotta Praise” and “All My Life” led by our Jubileepraise dream team. The Holy Spirit filled the roomas we praised together and as we prayed for eachgrade and their counselors for several hours eachnight. You & MeThere were tears that were shed, laughsthat were shared, and most importantly agreat enjoyment in worshipping our good,good Father with fellow brothers andsisters in Christ. We pray that ourcommunity at Jubilee, both the oldergeneration and younger generation willcontinue to run the worthy race togetherbecause we have an unwavering hope inthe cornerstone and perfector of our faith,Jesus Christ. Thank you to everyone whoprayed for our safety and time at retreat. - Naomi Lee / YG retraet volunteerIn ChristThe theme of this year’s YG SummerRetreat was You & Me, and it took placeat Refreshing Mountain from July 31stto August 3rd. These four days andthree nights were a blessed time ofworship and fellowship with over 50youth members and 20 staff members. YOUTH GROUP RETREATOur hope was for the children toexperience a deeper relationship withGod and learn how we are called to loveothers. Before every sermon, we wereasked, “What is God teaching me aboutthis relationship through His Word?”.Through the preaching of our guestspeaker, Pastor Richard Han, we werereminded of the Good News. Hissermons were on many well-knownstories in the Bible, of Zacchaeus,Jonah, and others to teach us thatGod’s loving grace is for those who arelost, undeserving, and the worst ofsinners like you and me. 17 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L IDuring our time at retreat, we startedour days with early morning prayer ledby our staff. We woke up at seven everymorning to spend time in prayer andpraise. To our surprise, we saw andwere encouraged to see many of theyounger children wake up on their ownto attend. Even after long days ofworship, small group discussions,
R e t r e a tC-SaltWhen: June 10-11Where: Peace Prayer CenterSpeaker: Michael Lee/C-Salt LeaderTheme- Church: Why?“Mike talked abouthow hardship isultimately made withthe purpose ofbringing us back toGod.” -Issac Kim“It’s easy to come on Sundays andjust have small talk, but I really likedthe opportunity to get away from oureveryday lives and really spend timeintentionally getting to know oneanother.” -Naomi LeeSummer 2022 | 18J U B I L E E B I B L I
6 24 2 3 Pocono ‘ ’ . ‘ ’ 3 . , . , . &2022 19 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I
. , . , . , ! - ." ! "- 11 28Summer 2022 | 20J U B I L E E B I B L I
. , . , . , ! - 2 3 . . , .- 21 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I
. , , . , . . . . , . , , , . . , . , , . . , . . . . . - "여호와여 주의 인자하심을 우리에게 보이시며 주에 구원을 우리에게 주소서" Summer 2022 | 22J U B I L E E B I B L I
"선교사가행복하면선교지도행복합니다" . . , . 60 Missionary’s Kids (MK) , . , , … . . . . … . - 9 . . . , 24 . 3 4 . , “ ” . “ ” , . . - "온인류의소망이신예수님" KOREAN WORLD MISSION CONFERENCE 23 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I
. KWMC 9 . . . , , , . . . , .With“선교지는다른어떤곳이아닌내가지금두발을딛고호흡하며살아가는바로여기다.“ “ “, . . . “ , .( 28:18~20)" , , . ! . . . - WithSummer 2022 | 24J U B I L E E B I B L I
“ ” “ ” - . 1979 , . N.J. . . . . . . . “ !” . . . “ ” . . , ... . . . . . , . . . - 25 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I
. 164 . . . . . . .5 6 .- . . 5 6 . 50 . . , ... . , , , , , . - . . . - Summer 2022 | 26J U B I L E E B I B L I
Place: Mondauk Commons Date: 6/18/22 from 10am-4pm4.The interchurch softball tournamentstarted around 1998 and is held locallyevery year in June. The mission of thetournament is to have fellowship in Christwith other local Korean churches in thecommunity. In the past, the churches thathave participated are Jubilee, ELM (EternalLife Ministry), Gracepoint, Imago Dei/BCPC(Bucks County Presbyterian Church),Peniel, GCC (Grace Covenant Church),Antioch, Korean Saints Sungdo, Renewal,New Hope Ministry, and CVC (CalvaryVision Church). Traditionally, the winningteam gets an engraved trophy and istasked with hosting the tournament thefollowing year. The day typically startsaround 8am with a short time of praise,message, and a prayer as one body,followed by a long day of game play.This year, unfortunately, there was a lower thannormal turnout with only 5 teams participating.Jubilee sent one team to play and although we didnot emerge as champions, it was a great time offellowship. The purpose of the tournament is forinterchurch fellowship, but it turns out to be an evengreater time of fellowship for our ministry. In additionto having a great team, Jubilee is known to have thebest food and we did not disappoint this year. Thetournament will be held again next June and weinvite everyone from Jubilee to come out next year toplay, encourage and eat! The tournament is loved bymany for different reasons but at the center of it all isour love for Christ.- Diana Lee27 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I
(45-49 ) . . In this issue, , , . , . Summer 2022 | 28J U B I L E E B I B L I
. . ? 2014 7 . 7 2015 (Chuck) NationalUniversity of Management / build up .29 | summer 2022 J U B I L E E B I B L I / .2018 10 30 2 opening 6 4 . .
? 2022 7 K4 & K5 1 4 74 full time 8part time 3 13 . 5 . ? (Chuck) / , . 7 8 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. / - Summer 2022 | 30J U B I L E E B I B L I
P R A Y E R L I S TP R A Y E R L I S TP R A Y E R L I S TJ U B I L E E Ephesian 6:18praying always with all prayerand supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saintsGate-KD . : , ,( ) , . , . 6 18
Jubilee Bibli :
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