Commander NAVY Andreas Charalambides The rights and obligaons of every coastal state, according to the internaonal regulaons of Civil Aviaon and the arime Organizaons, have significantly increased in the past years. Therefore, the Republic of Cyprus is making every effort to improve the provided Search and Rescue services within her area of responsibility, increasing safety in the Eastern Mediterranean region. With the operaon of five main pillars (Operaons Center – “Cyprus Radio” Coastal Staon – Cyprus Mission Control Center – “ZENON” Crisis Coordinaon Center – SAR Training Center) under the unified JRCC Command, the effecve operaon of the Center with the minimum cost, personnel and response me is achieved. The enthusiasm and zeal of the JRCC personnel is driven by the scope for improvement, and at this point I would like to seize the opportunity to congratulate them expressing my deep appreciaon. We believe that with the adopon of new technologies and the development of a culture of professionalism, always with clear orientaon and constant improvement, we are in posion to provide high level SAR Services to our fellowman, within the Search and Rescue Region of Responsibility of the Republic, without any loss of human life.
History The Joint Rescue Coordinaon Center (JRCC) was established with the enactment of the Law 5 (III)/94 and began its inial operaon, on a 24/7 basis, in August 1995, as an independent Squadron of the Naonal Guard Air Force Command. Following the Council of Ministers decision, the JRCC officially undertook the full responsibility for the organizaon, coordinaon, and the supervision of the SAR operaons within the Nicosia FIR, in March 2002, relieving the Brish Forces from the above-menoned responsibility. The JRCC falls directly under the Minister of Defense and provides SAR services to persons in distress, as a result of a naval or air accident. The JRCC is in connuous cooperaon with the Shipping Deputy Ministry and the Civil Aviaon Department for Naval and Air incidents, and cooperates with the Ministry of Transport, Communicaon and Works, as the Cyprus’s representaves in Internaonal Organizaons IMO and ICAO, respecvely. Mission The primary mission of the JRCC is the organizaon of the SAR system of the Republic of Cyprus, in order to locate and rescue, in a mely manner, persons of which their life is in danger as a result of an aeronaucal or marime accident, within its area of responsibility, which coincides with the Nicosia FIR.
Stascs (unl 31/03/24) The charts below show the number of people rescued during the 1171 search and rescue operaons. Since 1995, a total of 7515 been rescued under the coordinaon of the JRCC. people have Personnel The Center is staffed by military personnel of the Naonal Guard, properly trained for SAR operaons. SAR Units According to the Legislaon of the Republic of Cyprus, the primary air units are the helicopters of the 460 SAR Squadron of the Naonal Guard Airforce Command, as well as the helicopters of the Cyprus Police Aviaon Unit (CPAU).
The primary naval units are the Coastal Patrol Boats of the Naonal Guard Navy Command and of the Port and Marine Police. As primary units are considered also the specialized personnel and means of the Ambulance Service of the State Health Services Organizaon, as well as the Disaster Response Special Unit (DRSU) of the Cyprus Fire Service. Several Governmental and Non-Governmental Agencies, such as the Forestry Department's Aviaon Units, Civil Defence, the Fisheries Department's naval units, as well as vessels of private shipping companies are available in case of a serious marime or aeronaucal accident.
Training The training of the personnel is crucial and the proper training leads to efficiency. The JRCC, addionally to the training of its personnel, coordinates various training courses in cooperaon with the CPAU, 460 SAR Squadron, Civil Defence, and the State Health Services Organizaon, covering all SAR aspects. Such courses include HELO Dunker, Medical Evacuaon, training flights, Oil and Gas rigs evacuaons etc.
Mulnaonal Exercises In order to minimize the response me and the loss of human life, the JRCC conducts on a regular basis, exercises with naval and air units of European Union States, neighboring countries, as well as third countries that operate in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The Center has conducted SAR exercises with Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The culminaon of the above-menoned exercises are the large-scale, mulnaonal SAR exercises “ARGONAUT” and “NEMESIS”, which are conducted on an annual basis. Internaonal Cooperaon A strategic goal of the Republic of Cyprus is the strengthening of the cooperaon with the neighboring countries and in this framework, we ensure the constant development of the cooperaon with the neighboring RCCs. The Republic of Cyprus has signed SAR agreements with the states of Israel, Syria, Greece, Egypt and Lebanon. The JRCC also cooperates with the United Naons naval forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL), patrolling in an area poron of which covers part of Cyprus SRR.
Cospas – Sarsat Cyprus Mission Control Center (CYMCC) and SAR/Galileo Ground Satellite Staon (MEOLUT) In 2010, the Republic of Cyprus and the European Commiee reached an agreement for the establishment of one of the three SAR/Galileo Ground Satellite Staons (MEOLUTs) staoned in Cyprus, Norway and Spain. MEOLUT was established in 2012 in cooperaon with the European Space Agency (ESA) and according with the regulaons of Cospas – Sarsat. Furthermore, the Republic of Cyprus proceeded with the establishment of the Cyprus Mission Control Center (CYMCC) servicing Nicosia FIR. CYMCC is co-located with JRCC Larnaca and has been operaonal since September 2020. The development of MEOLUT and CYMCC, establishes Cyprus as an important hub of SAR services provision in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. CYMCC operates on a 24/7 basis, along with the Operaons Center of JRCC. Cyprus Ground Satellite Staon ‘MEOLUT ’
Cospas – Sarsat Operaon The principle of operaon of the system is depicted in the diagram below. The system consists of the satellites and the ground satellite staons receiving the alert messages, as well as the Mission Control Centers and the radio beacons. When a beacon is acvated, the transmied signal/message is relayed by the satellites back to Earth where is received by the ground satellite staons (Local User Terminals – LUT). The LUTs process the received data and forward the produced data, such as the locaon of the radio beacon, to the associated MCC. The MCC aer processing the data, forwards the final alert to the responsible RCC.
Development of Costal Surveillance System Our goal is the development of a complete coastal surveillance system. More specifically, the project includes long range (20 km) thermal cameras of, staoned at strategic locaons around the island. The system is completed by 3 mobile units, 4 thermal cameras on naval assets, as well as 2 UAVs, for air surveillance. The cameras contribute to the invesgaon of SAR incidents close to shore where, according to our stascs, most of the distress situaons occur, mainly considering refugees. The project was developed with European funds.
“ZENON” Coordinaon Center In 2016, the “ZENON” Coordinaon Center was established with main mission the handling of the increased migraon flow towards Europe, as well as its readiness to funcon as the Naonal and Internaonal Center for Humanitarian Operaons Coordinaon, including the Non-combatant Evacuaon Operaons (NEO) from a neighboring crisis region. The “ZENON” C.C. is capable to also funcon as the Crisis Coordinaon Center of the Republic, upon implementaon of a Special Naonal Plan of the Crisis Master Plan. The “ZENON” C.C. was fully acvated by the Ministry of Transport, Communicaons and Works in March 2020 and with the contribuon of other Ministries of the Republic, the repatriaon of 12000 people during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, was successfully carried out, supporng the management of the health crisis, in general.
Coastal Staon “Cyprus Radio” On the 1st of July 2015, the JRCC officially undertook the responsibility to operate the “Cyprus Radio” Coastal Staon providing marime informaon, weather reports and communicaon (commercial ships to shore) within its area of responsibility. The “Cyprus Radio” operates on a 24/7 basis, along with the Operaons Center of JRCC. ISO Cerficaon Since April 2015, the SOPs of the JRCC are harmonized with the Internaonal Quality Standard ISO 9001:2015, while the Center is a member of the Internaonal Cerficaon Network “IQ Net”.
Search & Rescue Training Center With the creaon of the modern SAR Training Center, the important goal that was set by the Republic of Cyprus for the operaon of an internaonal and accredited SAR training center, supported by ICAO, to cover the lack of SAR cerfied courses in Europe was fulfilled, while also the training needs of the personnel involved in SAR operaons due to the migraon flows are covered. The main objecve of the Training Center is the provision of training courses to the SAR personnel of the SAR System of the Republic of Cyprus, but also to personnel of foreign countries that is involved in Massive Rescue Operaons, during which large number of agencies cooperate under harsh condions. The training rooms are equipped with modern systems and simulaon soware that create a realisc training environment offering more efficient training, as this is required by the training standards of IMO and ICAO. The newly built Training Center is equipped with interconnected audio and visual systems, simulang a realisc training experience for operaon coordinaon, providing radars, naval and air communicaon systems, alerng systems, SAR operaons planning systems, as well as databases, while custom designed cubicles, equipped with all the control and communicaon panels, simulate cockpits and bridges. The project was funded by the Internal Security Fund, managed by the European Funds Unit of the Ministry of Interior.
Ulizaon of European Funds The JRCC, ulizing the absorpon of funds made available by the European Funds Unit, proceeded with the realizaon of projects which expanded the range of capabilies, invesng towards the Republic’s benefit, an overall of 18 million euros. Development of “Zenon” C.C. Development of C.S.S. Relocaon and Οperaon of JRCC Development of an alternave JRCC Operaons Center Purchase of SAR UAVs Purchase of Semi-inflatable Rescue Boats