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HENINGTONHENINGTONHENINGTONHOUSEHOUSEHOUSESOUPSSOUPSSOUPSIt’s what’s forIt’s what’s forIt’s what’s forWINTER!WINTER!WINTER! FAITHFAITHFAITHHow to get it,How to get it,How to get it,How to keep itHow to keep itHow to keep itCELEBRATECELEBRATECELEBRATEValentine's DayValentine's DayValentine's DayCarnivalCarnivalCarnival CAMELLIASCAMELLIASThe underThe underused Flowerused FlowerCelebrating TodayCelebrating TodayCelebrating Todaywhile Dreaming for Tomorrowwhile Dreaming for Tomorrowwhile Dreaming for Tomorrow WINTER re-released issueJoyLife!JoyLife!JoyLife! thethetheLivingLivingLiving

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Once established, Camellias areOnce established, Camellias areOnce established, Camellias arevery easy to grow and can bevery easy to grow and can bevery easy to grow and can beused in many different ways.used in many different ways.used in many different ways. Note: The urns are lifted up onNote: The urns are lifted up onNote: The urns are lifted up onplanters turned upside down!planters turned upside down!planters turned upside down!

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When deciding to inviteWhen deciding to inviteWhen deciding to inviteguests into your home,guests into your home,guests into your home,consider an easyconsider an easyconsider an easymorning buffet wheremorning buffet wheremorning buffet wherenothing has to keptnothing has to keptnothing has to keptwarm.warm.warm. Shown: Shown: Shown: Yogurt/GranolaYogurt/GranolaYogurt/GranolaBar with a wide selectionBar with a wide selectionBar with a wide selectionof toppings, assortmentof toppings, assortmentof toppings, assortmentof Scones, Cheeseof Scones, Cheeseof Scones, CheeseStraws, Lemon CookiesStraws, Lemon CookiesStraws, Lemon Cookies& Pound Cake& Pound Cake& Pound Cake

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KITCHENFAITHCELEBRATEContentsHOMEGARDENCamellias! The Under Used FlowerThe Winter Garden Vegetables for the Winter GardenFebruary To Do ListFebruary Bloomers 9101617181920Great Gadgets This Month's CookbookSOUP, It's What's for Winter 21222330Decorating with What You HaveThrifting with a PlanPOTHOS, The No Nonsense House Plant323436 Valentine's DayCarnival3852How to Get It, How to Keep It394658ONE VASE ArrangementONE VASE ArrangementONE VASE Arrangement Hydrangeas & River Birch BranchesHydrangeas & River Birch BranchesHydrangeas & River Birch BranchesHENINGTON HOUSE, LLCHenington House Joy Life! Issue

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JoyLife!JoyLife!JoyLife!How often have we been told throughout our lives what seems to beconflicting direction. "Dream BIG!" or "Don't wish your life away." "Reach for theStars!" or "Bloom where you're planted." The truth I've found, is that all is possibleif first we learn to relax. Yes, relax. Relax in He who made you, relax in how Hemade you and relax in why He made you. Now make no mistake, we may notever know exactly the answer to any of these, but it's in the resting and knowingHE KNOWS, where the peace begins. So when we realize that we are NOT incharge of making it happen, but that HE IS, then the pressure begins to lift andour Faith in Him begins to strengthen. Know that this will not happen instantly, butby relaxing in Him day by day, we will experience the change. For embracingTODAY, is where we can begin to enJOY the journey. Trying to do anything inour own strength is self-destructive, resulting in being overwhelmed, frustratedand having a sense that we have missed the mark or failed. Let's begin byrealizing worry accomplishes nothing! It wears us out and results in missingwhat's most important, the precious time, blessings, gifts and talents our Fatherhas given us TODAY! So Let Go and Let God, for it's when we begin to relax inHis Love and embrace everyday uniquely, that we begin to Live the JOY Life! WelcomeWelcomeWelcomeHENINGTON HOUSEHENINGTON HOUSEHENINGTON HOUSECatherine

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The Early bloom ofThe Early bloom ofThe Early bloom of"Chinese Snowball""Chinese Snowball""Chinese Snowball""Red Knockout Roses""Red Knockout Roses""Red Knockout Roses"Abutilon "Tiger"Abutilon "Tiger"Abutilon "Tiger"Azaela "Amellia Rose"Azaela "Amellia Rose"Azaela "Amellia Rose"Azalea "Red Flame"Azalea "Red Flame"Azalea "Red Flame"Returning BloomsReturning BloomsReturning Blooms HENINGTON HOUSEHENINGTON HOUSEHENINGTON HOUSE"""Every Spring,Every Spring,Every Spring,around mid Marcharound mid Marcharound mid Marchthrough April, wethrough April, wethrough April, wecan expect thecan expect thecan expect thereturn visit ofreturn visit ofreturn visit ofthese God Giventhese God Giventhese God GivenBeauties!"Beauties!"Beauties!" Fully MaturedFully MaturedFully Matured"Chinese Snowball""Chinese Snowball""Chinese Snowball"at theat theat the

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"Today we begin to Live and breathelike that we've not before,to leave the fear and dark behindand open brand new doors,for gardens, beauty, tastes and scentsare fresh and new each day,so surrounding ourselves with lovely thingssimply lifts us in His Ways!" Philippians 4:8Romans 12:2Celebrate Today while Dreaming for TomorrowHenington HousePoem "Joy Life!"

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Shown:Shown:Shown:Japanese MagnoliaJapanese MagnoliaJapanese MagnoliaGardenGardenGardenJoin us on theJoin us on theJoin us on theHENINGTON HOUSE HOME & GARDEN CLUBHENINGTON HOUSE HOME & GARDEN CLUBHENINGTON HOUSE HOME & GARDEN CLUB IIInteractive FB Group Pagenteractive FB Group Pagenteractive FB Group Page

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Camellias! Camellias!Camellias! Camellias!Camellias! Camellias!CamelliasCamelliasCamellias!!!This Statley Fall, Winter to EarlyThis Statley Fall, Winter to EarlyThis Statley Fall, Winter to EarlySpring Blooming, Garden Beauty isSpring Blooming, Garden Beauty isSpring Blooming, Garden Beauty isseldom invited to do anything otherseldom invited to do anything otherseldom invited to do anything otherthan to hang around on it's own lushthan to hang around on it's own lushthan to hang around on it's own lushevergreen bush...evergreen bush...evergreen bush... Well, we at theWell, we at theWell, we at theHenington House believe that's aHenington House believe that's aHenington House believe that's ashame. So here areshame. So here areshame. So here are some easysome easysome easyideas as to how you can use andideas as to how you can use andideas as to how you can use andenjoy these GORGEOUS BLOOMSenjoy these GORGEOUS BLOOMSenjoy these GORGEOUS BLOOMSthroughout their long and generousthroughout their long and generousthroughout their long and generousseason!season!season!

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FloatingFloatingFloatingFloating is howFloating is howFloating is how our Mothers and Grandmothersour Mothers and Grandmothersour Mothers and Grandmothers enjoyedenjoyedenjoyed Camellias often purchasing orCamellias often purchasing orCamellias often purchasing ordesignating certain glass vesslesdesignating certain glass vesslesdesignating certain glass vessles for this purpose alone!for this purpose alone!for this purpose alone!

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ONE VASEONE VASEONE VASEArrangementArrangementArrangementCamellias &Camellias &Camellias &Curly WillowCurly WillowCurly WillowBrancheBrancheBranchesss

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Above: Camellia Wreath made from a water soaked floral foam wreath form and Camellias.Right: This Camellia Topiary is made first by creating a topiaryform out of a terrecotta pot, fast drying cement and a stick. Theseforms you can keep on hand in order to create topiaries out ofany material live or faux! If using live material, simply gently pushdown a soaked floal form ball or cube onto the top of thestick/branch. For faux or dried materials, you can use styrofoam.Place some at the base as well anchoring with floral tape acrossthe top if you thik it needs it. The Terrecotta pot form can be usedas is or simply set down in another pot as shown here. Step It Up!Step It Up!Step It Up!

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Mrs. Henington'sCAMELLIASMrs. Madie Lewis Henington, lived hereMrs. Madie Lewis Henington, lived hereMrs. Madie Lewis Henington, lived herefrom 1909 - 1979 from 1909 - 1979 from 1909 - 1979 making any HH camellias,making any HH camellias,making any HH camellias,here when we arrived now 40 to 112here when we arrived now 40 to 112here when we arrived now 40 to 112 yearsyearsyearsold! old! old! Above:Above:Above: "Muddy" Mrs. Henington's "Muddy" Mrs. Henington's "Muddy" Mrs. Henington'sMother, "Granny" Mrs. Henington, and MadieMother, "Granny" Mrs. Henington, and MadieMother, "Granny" Mrs. Henington, and MadieHenington Johnson Mrs. Henington'sHenington Johnson Mrs. Henington'sHenington Johnson Mrs. Henington'sDaughter, 3 generations of Gardener's andDaughter, 3 generations of Gardener's andDaughter, 3 generations of Gardener's andlovers of Camellias.lovers of Camellias.lovers of Camellias. Above Right: Above Right: Above Right: Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.Henington as a younger woman but obviouslyHenington as a younger woman but obviouslyHenington as a younger woman but obviouslybased on her dress, already a fan of flowers!!based on her dress, already a fan of flowers!!based on her dress, already a fan of flowers!! Thank You Johnson Family for sharing withThank You Johnson Family for sharing withThank You Johnson Family for sharing withus your Famiy Photosus your Famiy Photosus your Famiy Photos

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Camellia Friends& FunLeft: Mary CromartieRight: Gail Blanchard,both HH Garden ClubMembers, enjoy the dayat Mizell's Camellia HillNursery Winter FestivalFolsom, Louisiana www.mizellscamelliahillnurserys.comCenter: RickyAdams of AdamsNursery, Petal,Mississippi, speaks to theHattiesburg OriginalHome & GardenClub, while beautifulCamellias adorn thecenter of the table Photo 2019 Below: BrianPippen, out ofkindness and lovefor everythingCAMELLIAS,brought his vastknowledge to theHH Gardens tohelp ID Mrs.Henington'sheirloom bushes Left: Also HHGarden ClubMembers, DebbieThomson and PamRicks made thevisit to Mizell's anadventure as wecovered theamazing Camelliacovered acreage insearch forProfessor CharlesSargent!

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Winter in theWinter in theWinter in theGardenGardenGardenShown:Shown:Shown: My Sister, Mary Jo's Vegetable Garden My Sister, Mary Jo's Vegetable Garden My Sister, Mary Jo's Vegetable Gardenat Black Hawk Ranch, Santa Fe, Texasat Black Hawk Ranch, Santa Fe, Texasat Black Hawk Ranch, Santa Fe, Texas

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PeasPeasPeasK a l eK a l eK a l eS p i n i c hS p i n i c hS p i n i c hO n i o n sO n i o n sO n i o n sR a d i s hR a d i s hR a d i s hC e l e r yC e l e r yC e l e r yM u s t a r dM u s t a r dM u s t a r dC a u l i f l o w e rC a u l i f l o w e rC a u l i f l o w e rB e e t sB e e t sB e e t sR h u b a r bR h u b a r bR h u b a r b S p i n i c hS p i n i c hS p i n i c hC o l l a r d g r e e n sC o l l a r d g r e e n sC o l l a r d g r e e n sC a r r o t sC a r r o t sC a r r o t sC a b b a g eC a b b a g eC a b b a g eL e t t u c eL e t t u c eL e t t u c e B r o c c o l iB r o c c o l iB r o c c o l iP o t a t oP o t a t oP o t a t oS w i s s C h a r dS w i s s C h a r dS w i s s C h a r d Vegetables for the Winter GardenVegetables for the Winter GardenVegetables for the Winter Garden***To know which vegetables willTo know which vegetables willTo know which vegetables will do well in your area and whendo well in your area and whendo well in your area and whento plant, visit www.almanac.comto plant, visit www.almanac.comto plant, visit www.almanac.comAlso,Your local extension service hasAlso,Your local extension service hasAlso,Your local extension service hasall sorts of information and helpful!all sorts of information and helpful!all sorts of information and helpful!

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__ Shop Seed Catalogs__ Plan Your Spring Gardens__ Plant Spring Seeds indoors__ Work the Ground, if Possible in Your Zone__ Plant Winter Vegetables__ Plant Bulbs for this Period__ Prune Roses__ Clear out dead foliage__ Clean up beds __ Mulch if needed __ Clean & Sharpen Tools__ Watch for Garden Center Arrivals & Classes __ Prepare Your Garden Shed or Storage Area__ Don't forget to tend to those plants you are Wintering over in your Home or GreenhouseWinter GardeningWinter GardeningWinter Gardeningto do Listto do Listto do List *Lists will vary both in task and timing depending on your planting zone. To find your zone, visit or searchplanting zone and put in your zip code

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WinterWinterWinterBloomersBloomersBloomers 111...222...333...444...555... 1.1.1.

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KitchenKitchenKitchenjoin us on thejoin us on thejoin us on theHENINGTON HOUSE KITCHENHENINGTON HOUSE KITCHENHENINGTON HOUSE KITCHEN interactive FB Group Page interactive FB Group Page interactive FB Group Page

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GADGETSGREATJar OpenerCan Opener THE CLENCH WRENCH JAR OPENERhas become one of my all timefavorite Kitchen Gadgets. Even in myyouth and stronger days, there werejars and bottles that were verychallenging. There is nothing morefrustrating then when Cath's notaround and I can't get somethingopen, but now with my ClenchWrench, BRING IT ON! By Randall StrangeBoth Great Gadgets were found sometime ago atThe Kitchen Tablewww.kitchentablenow.comTHE SNAP LOCK HANDCAN OPENERMany use electric can openers thesedays but who hasn't been in thesituation where you need a hand heldcan opener. The electricity goes out,you're camping or simply faced with acan, that for whatever reason, theelectric can opener just won't open.Well, I'm here to tell you that the snaplock hand can opener is the way to go.It's easy to hold and locks in place so itdoesn't slip or slide. I am so sold on thistool that I've retired my electric one!

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This Season'sThis Season'sThis Season'sCookbookCookbookCookbookyouryouryourFamilyFamilyFamilyRecipesRecipesRecipesFor this first issue, what better cookbook to salute, other than yourown Family's collection! So if you don't already have a collection offamily favorites, take these cold months and reach out to familymembers near and far to begin gathering your own recipe familyhistory.There are now many online opportunities to turn your collection intoa book, making a cherished heirloom for both you and others.What a Great Gift!

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SoupSoupSoupIt's What's forIt's What's forIt's What's for Winter!Winter!Winter!

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Randall's Broccoli Plus Cheddar SoupRandall's Broccoli Plus Cheddar SoupRandall's Broccoli Plus Cheddar Soup& & & Jalapeno Cheese BreadJalapeno Cheese BreadJalapeno Cheese Bread

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4 C All purpose or wheat flour lightly packed2 C Luke warm water2.25 tsp yeast1.5 tsp salt1 Tbs garlic powder1/2 C Jalapeno 2 C Shredded cheddar cheese mild or sharpNote: Save some or increase amounts ofCheese and jalapeños to top your bread - Place dough in a dutch oven- Combine yeast and water stirring well andsitting for 7-10 min.- Combine flour, salt and garlic powder- Add yeast mixture, mixing well- Cover and sit for apx 2 hours, doubling in size- Preheat oven 400 degrees- Lightly flour surface - Flipping dough onto floured surface, fold thecorners into the center about 6 to 8 times,while mixing in the cheese and jalapeños - Put dough in a greased or parchment paper lined 7 qrt dutch oven or oven safe Pot w/ lid- Bake with lid on for 30 min- Remove lid and top w/ cheese and jalapeño- Bake another 5 minutes with lid off- Remove from oven, let rest before slicing Broccoli "Plus" Cheddar SoupJalapeño Cheese BreadRight:Right:Right: What we use to bake our bread in What we use to bake our bread in What we use to bake our bread inspliting it into 2 smaller loafs, whichspliting it into 2 smaller loafs, whichspliting it into 2 smaller loafs, which doesn't seem to change the baking timedoesn't seem to change the baking timedoesn't seem to change the baking timeRight:Right:Right: The Shore Lunch The Shore Lunch The Shore Lunchsoup mix we use as our base.soup mix we use as our base.soup mix we use as our base. 1 11oz pkg SHORE LUNCH Broccoli CheddarSoup Mix 8 C water2 C Fresh cut bite sized broccoli2 C Celery finly cut2 C Mushrooms quartered or sliced2 C Shredded cheddar cheeseNote: Allow for extra cheese and choppedvegetables to top each bowl of soup- Bring soup mix and water to a roaring boil- Reduce heat and add all other ingredientsletting it simmer for 30 min to 1 hour dependingon how tender you like your vegetables- Top with chesse and chopped vegetables- Serve, serves 8 Note: Shore LunchSoups can be found atmany grocery stores,but if you have troublefinding it, you can orderonline as well as manyof their other soups weenjoy and use as asoup base!

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A Soup RecipeA Soup RecipeA Soup RecipeTraveling GenerationsTraveling GenerationsTraveling GenerationsMardi Winton, who many of you know as aMardi Winton, who many of you know as aMardi Winton, who many of you know as acontributor on the HH Facebook Pages,contributor on the HH Facebook Pages,contributor on the HH Facebook Pages,shares with us the History of her Family'sshares with us the History of her Family'sshares with us the History of her Family'sFrench Onion Soup!French Onion Soup!French Onion Soup!

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The Family SoupThe Family SoupThe Family SoupRecipe written in Mardi'sRecipe written in Mardi'sRecipe written in Mardi'shandwritting.handwritting.handwritting.Right:Right:Right: The page The page The pagebackground is the samebackground is the samebackground is the sameFamily recpie written inFamily recpie written inFamily recpie written inher Mother'sher Mother'sher Mother'shandwritting.handwritting.handwritting.

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Paul G SorsPaul G SorsPaul G SorsGrandfatherGrandfatherGrandfather PauleG Sors DunivanPauleG Sors DunivanPauleG Sors Dunivan MotherMotherMotherMaria & VictorineMaria & VictorineMaria & VictorineBack RowBack RowBack Row Mardi WintonMardi WintonMardi WintonA Family's History Passed Downin a French Onion Soup Recipe Both Mardi Winton's Mother and Grandfathermade sure that she had the Family's FrenchOnion Soup Recipe as well as making sure thatshe knew the Family History that went along withit! Many years ago Mardi's Great Aunts, Maria andVictorine, were Chefs in Paris where their Familysoup recipe did not go unnoticed. Mardi's Great,Great Grandmother, meme, Angele Coolie, who iscredited for creating the soup recipe, thenmigrated to San Fransisco where she was a Chefat the Palace Hotel on Market Street where onceagain the treasured recipe gained notoriety.

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HomeHomeHomeJoin us on theJoin us on theJoin us on theCatherine Strange & theCatherine Strange & theCatherine Strange & theHENINGTON HOUSE HENINGTON HOUSE HENINGTON HOUSE FB PageFB PageFB Page

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Don't stressDon't stressDon't stress over finding a over finding a over finding avase, use something youvase, use something youvase, use something youalready have out, or grab aalready have out, or grab aalready have out, or grab aglass out of the out of the out of the cupboard.ANYTHING that will hold waterANYTHING that will hold waterANYTHING that will hold waterwill work!will work!will work!

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DecoratingDecoratingDecorating first with what You Havefirst with what You Havefirst with what You Have "We need more light. Is there a lamp that would look better here,or one we're not using?"What do we have? What can we do? "What am I going to do with the chair and furniture marks on the wall?I really don't want to repaint the entire room."What do we have? What can we do?"We need garland over the mantle that's not faux but will last for awhile"What do we have? What can we do? My strength is not in designing or creating without a startingpoint. But give me a shoebox full of stuff, or show me what we're workingwith and watch me go. I believe most people can create and put thingstogether if they first know what they have to work with, and know whatthey Love. Often we acquire much of what others have Loved and thenwonder why nothing in our home seems to click or sings to our soul.Start first, by looking around and see what you've got in the closets theattic, EVERYWHERE. If you know you're not ever going to use it, GETRID OF IT! If you're using something you really don't like, get rid of it too!Working with only the things you have AND Love is where you want tobe! Now, pull those things together and decorate creating Joyful andpleasing vignettes. You'll find this isn't difficult now that you're workingwith the things you Love. These areas in your home now not only servethe purpose needed, but LIFT YOU UP! Next, take note of the voids. Doyou still need a lamp? An ottoman to put your feet up? A small table nextto your reading chair for your books and a cup of Tea? List them all.Now, You're ready to shop! You have a clear mind as to what you still need as well as a keen eye for what you Love. Take this new andvaluable knowledge and hit the stores. Those helping you in yourselection process will find this information helpful as well!

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"To take a moment and look at an area in your Home or Garden, recalling"To take a moment and look at an area in your Home or Garden, recalling"To take a moment and look at an area in your Home or Garden, recallingwhere each member of the surrounding symphony came from, assureswhere each member of the surrounding symphony came from, assureswhere each member of the surrounding symphony came from, assuresthat the music is sweet and still very capable of instantly transporting usthat the music is sweet and still very capable of instantly transporting usthat the music is sweet and still very capable of instantly transporting usto a cherished and lovely time ....... even if it was just a moment ago"to a cherished and lovely time ....... even if it was just a moment ago"to a cherished and lovely time ....... even if it was just a moment ago"Henington HouseHenington HouseHenington House Joy Life!Joy Life!Joy Life!A rocker from a dearA rocker from a dearA rocker from a dearfriend's Mother's estate.friend's Mother's estate.friend's Mother's estate.She was rocked in thisShe was rocked in thisShe was rocked in thischair as a baby!chair as a baby!chair as a baby!Victorian table andVictorian table andVictorian table andlamp found whilelamp found whilelamp found whileshopping with anothershopping with anothershopping with anotherdear frienddear frienddear friend Lamp, mirror, furnitureLamp, mirror, furnitureLamp, mirror, furnitureand collectables alland collectables alland collectables allpassed down frompassed down frompassed down fromParents andParents andParents andGrandparentsGrandparentsGrandparents A wall sconce I love,A wall sconce I love,A wall sconce I love,which replaced one Iwhich replaced one Iwhich replaced one Iwasn't crazy about.wasn't crazy about.wasn't crazy about.Garland made withGarland made withGarland made withLimelight HydrangeasLimelight HydrangeasLimelight Hydrangeasout of the HH Gardenout of the HH Gardenout of the HH Garden On hand craftOn hand craftOn hand craftpaint, left over goldpaint, left over goldpaint, left over goldleaf sheets and aleaf sheets and aleaf sheets and adry brush weredry brush weredry brush wereused to cover theused to cover theused to cover thedamaged walldamaged walldamaged wallpaintpaintpaintA FamilyA FamilyA Familypiece, castpiece, castpiece, castiron figureiron figureiron figure "Mo" given"Mo" given"Mo" givento me byto me byto me bymy Sistermy Sistermy SisterMary JoMary JoMary Jo Shown:Shown:Shown: An HH Corner of things I have & Love! An HH Corner of things I have & Love! An HH Corner of things I have & Love!

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ThriftingThriftingThriftingjoin us on the join us on the join us on the NEWNEWNEWHENINGTON HOUSE THRIFTING & FINDS HENINGTON HOUSE THRIFTING & FINDS HENINGTON HOUSE THRIFTING & FINDS interactive FB Group Pageinteractive FB Group Pageinteractive FB Group Page

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___ Does it fulfill a need,___ Does it fulfill a need,___ Does it fulfill a need,serve a purpose or serve a purpose or serve a purpose or solve asolve asolve aproblem?problem?problem?Then check the price.Then check the price.Then check the price.___ Does it expand or___ Does it expand or___ Does it expand orcomplete something youcomplete something youcomplete something youhave or add to ahave or add to ahave or add to acollection?collection?collection?Then check the price.Then check the price.Then check the price.___ Do you ABSOLUTELY___ Do you ABSOLUTELY___ Do you ABSOLUTELYLOVE IT? Does it makeLOVE IT? Does it makeLOVE IT? Does it makeyour heart skip a beat?your heart skip a beat?your heart skip a beat?Then check the price!Then check the price!Then check the price!With a Plan!With a Plan!With a Plan!There are all sorts ofThere are all sorts ofThere are all sorts of benefits to thrifting andbenefits to thrifting andbenefits to thrifting andshopping for for for finds.There's JOY, fun, savings,There's JOY, fun, savings,There's JOY, fun, savings,the thrill of the hunt, just tothe thrill of the hunt, just tothe thrill of the hunt, just toname a few. Then, muchname a few. Then, muchname a few. Then, muchlike the love for gardening,like the love for gardening,like the love for gardening,you meet a community ofyou meet a community ofyou meet a community offellow thrifters and buildfellow thrifters and buildfellow thrifters and buildfriendships along the way!friendships along the way!friendships along the way!But like anythingBut like anythingBut like anything you enjoy,you enjoy,you enjoy,you need not to lose focusyou need not to lose focusyou need not to lose focuson the task at hand or you'llon the task at hand or you'llon the task at hand or you'llspend too much and/orspend too much and/orspend too much and/ormiss something wonderful!miss something wonderful!miss something wonderful!So before you go thrifting,So before you go thrifting,So before you go thrifting,ask yourself,ask yourself,ask yourself,What are you looking for?What are you looking for?What are you looking for?What is your budget? ThenWhat is your budget? ThenWhat is your budget? Thenwhen you find something,when you find something,when you find something, Shown: Shown: Shown: A friend I met through thrifting, Abby Thaxton, along with herA friend I met through thrifting, Abby Thaxton, along with herA friend I met through thrifting, Abby Thaxton, along with her Husband Brandon, are the owners of the Iconic Lucky Rabbit,Husband Brandon, are the owners of the Iconic Lucky Rabbit,Husband Brandon, are the owners of the Iconic Lucky Rabbit, Downtown Hattiesburg, Mississippi www.theluckyrabbit.comDowntown Hattiesburg, Mississippi www.theluckyrabbit.comDowntown Hattiesburg, Mississippi

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PothosPothosPothos Over the yearsOver the yearsOver the years I've spent a lot I've spent a lot I've spent a lotof time and money in effort toof time and money in effort toof time and money in effort toenjoy live plants throughout ourenjoy live plants throughout ourenjoy live plants throughout ourhome. Eventually I gave uphome. Eventually I gave uphome. Eventually I gave up until I found the Pothos Plant!until I found the Pothos Plant!until I found the Pothos Plant!Watering only every 1 or 2Watering only every 1 or 2Watering only every 1 or 2weeks, and setting anywhere inweeks, and setting anywhere inweeks, and setting anywhere inthe path of light, this plant isthe path of light, this plant isthe path of light, this plant ismy new Decorating Bestmy new Decorating Bestmy new Decorating BestFriend!Friend!Friend! the no nonsensethe no nonsensethe no nonsense house planthouse planthouse plant #1#1#1 #2#2#2#3#3#3Neon PothosNeon PothosNeon Pothos Marble Queen PothosMarble Queen PothosMarble Queen PothosJade PothosJade PothosJade PothosPothos PlantPothos PlantPothos PlantEpipremnum aureumEpipremnum aureumEpipremnum aureumPothos Plant isPothos Plant isPothos Plant isaaavailable in numerousvailable in numerousvailable in numerousvarieties with manyvarieties with manyvarieties with manysporting differentsporting differentsporting differentshades of green andshades of green andshades of green andmarbling patterns.marbling patterns.marbling patterns.Pothos in my opinion,Pothos in my opinion,Pothos in my opinion,is the Perfect place tois the Perfect place tois the Perfect place tobegin when wanting tobegin when wanting tobegin when wanting totry your hand at housetry your hand at housetry your hand at houseplants. They are alsoplants. They are alsoplants. They are alsoreadily available!readily available!readily available!

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low maintenance house plantslow maintenance house plantslow maintenance house plantsallow us to use live plants up highallow us to use live plants up highallow us to use live plants up highseldom needing our attentionseldom needing our attentionseldom needing our attentionShown: Shown: Shown: Urns with Pothos Marble Queen and Birch BranchesUrns with Pothos Marble Queen and Birch BranchesUrns with Pothos Marble Queen and Birch Branches Mantle draped with Dried Limelight Hydrangea GarlandMantle draped with Dried Limelight Hydrangea GarlandMantle draped with Dried Limelight Hydrangea Garland

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Celebrate!Celebrate!Celebrate!CarnivalCarnivalCarnivalValentine's DayValentine's DayValentine's DayJoin us on theHENINGTON HOUSE HOME & HOLIDAY interactive FB GroupPage

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Love!Love!Love! ... the Greatest... the Greatest... the Greatest of these isof these isof these is Corinthians 13:3Corinthians 13:3Corinthians 13:3

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Red RosesONE VASE ARRANGEMENTOver the top with an explosion of blooms,or a single rose,this arrangement is a beautiful way to express your sentiments. 75-100 Red Roses8" wet floral foam sphere"I Love You" tagwater Fill bottom of the cylinder with rose petals.Add a little water. Tie the tag to the stem of asingle rose and set down inside. If using therose ball on top, completely soak the floralfoam sphere.Notes:*Using carnations in place of roses on thesphere will give you a very similar look.*After awhile, with the sphere on top,condensation will build up on the insideof the cylinder. *The tag on the single rose inside helps itstand alone inside the vase.

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ONE VASEONE VASEONE VASEArrangementArrangementArrangement

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A Valentine's PairingA Valentine's PairingA Valentine's PairingWINEWINEWINE&&&ChocolateChocolateChocolateWhen planning a gathering or celebration, remember that simple unexpectedWhen planning a gathering or celebration, remember that simple unexpectedWhen planning a gathering or celebration, remember that simple unexpectedtouches and creativity can often save you time, money AND headaches whiletouches and creativity can often save you time, money AND headaches whiletouches and creativity can often save you time, money AND headaches whilestill providing a memorable event.still providing a memorable event.still providing a memorable event.This Year why not Try Something DifferentThis Year why not Try Something DifferentThis Year why not Try Something Different Right:Right:Right: As with anything, you can create an extensiveAs with anything, you can create an extensiveAs with anything, you can create an extensiveelaborate pairing or keep it very simple. That decision iselaborate pairing or keep it very simple. That decision iselaborate pairing or keep it very simple. That decision iscompletely up to you, the Creator/Host.completely up to you, the Creator/Host.completely up to you, the Creator/Host. Here are a few classic pairingsHere are a few classic pairingsHere are a few classic pairingsDark Chocolate paired with a MerlotDark Chocolate paired with a MerlotDark Chocolate paired with a MerlotDark Semi Sweet Chocolate paired with a Zinffandel / SyrhDark Semi Sweet Chocolate paired with a Zinffandel / SyrhDark Semi Sweet Chocolate paired with a Zinffandel / SyrhMilk Chocolate paired with a RieslingMilk Chocolate paired with a RieslingMilk Chocolate paired with a RieslingWhite Chocolate paired with a ChardonnayWhite Chocolate paired with a ChardonnayWhite Chocolate paired with a ChardonnayWhen selecting your wine within each pairing, turn to your specialty wine shop.When selecting your wine within each pairing, turn to your specialty wine shop.When selecting your wine within each pairing, turn to your specialty wine shop.Here we turn to Here we turn to Here we turn to Twin Forks & ProvisionsTwin Forks & ProvisionsTwin Forks & Provisions

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Pairings can be created with any foodPairings can be created with any foodPairings can be created with any food and beverage, alcoholic and non alcoholicand beverage, alcoholic and non alcoholicand beverage, alcoholic and non alcoholicallowing you to make it work for any occasionallowing you to make it work for any occasionallowing you to make it work for any occasionand any guestand any guestand any guest!!!

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Valentine VignetteA Custom Ordered

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Bloomscompany has come upwith a LOVE-ly Idea! Reservations accepted through 2.11.2021

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Simply Carnival!Simply Carnival!Simply Carnival! There's not an easier way to decorateThere's not an easier way to decorateThere's not an easier way to decoratefor a Season or Holiday than to add withinfor a Season or Holiday than to add withinfor a Season or Holiday than to add withinyour everyday decor.your everyday decor.your everyday decor.Shown:Shown:Shown: A Punch Bowl of apples turned A Punch Bowl of apples turned A Punch Bowl of apples turned"Carnival" simply by adding a few strands"Carnival" simply by adding a few strands"Carnival" simply by adding a few strandsof beads and one Mask!of beads and one Mask!of beads and one Mask! Adding touches of the Season WithinAdding touches of the Season WithinAdding touches of the Season Within

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As you may already know, I am aAs you may already know, I am aAs you may already know, I am afan of these cathedral of these cathedral of these cathedral candlesticks.I've used a pair here at the HHI've used a pair here at the HHI've used a pair here at the HHagain and again to hold my dinningagain and again to hold my dinningagain and again to hold my dinningroom table Christmas Trees androom table Christmas Trees androom table Christmas Trees andWedding Arrangements. Definitely aWedding Arrangements. Definitely aWedding Arrangements. Definitely avaulable multi-use tool to have onvaulable multi-use tool to have onvaulable multi-use tool to have onhand for home decorating andhand for home decorating andhand for home decorating andevents. These shown are atevents. These shown are atevents. These shown are atMcKenzie's on Main, DowntownMcKenzie's on Main, DowntownMcKenzie's on Main, DowntownHattiesburg, and used here as partHattiesburg, and used here as partHattiesburg, and used here as partof their Carnival Decor by addingof their Carnival Decor by addingof their Carnival Decor by addingmasks and a few beads.masks and a few beads.masks and a few beads.

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When you have aWhen you have aWhen you have acollection displayed in yourcollection displayed in yourcollection displayed in yourhome, don't pack it up orhome, don't pack it up orhome, don't pack it up orput it away, pull out & tuckput it away, pull out & tuckput it away, pull out & tuckin elements of the season!in elements of the season!in elements of the season!Shown: Shown: Shown: TheTheThe Beautiful Mojolica collection found at McKenzie's on MainBeautiful Mojolica collection found at McKenzie's on MainBeautiful Mojolica collection found at McKenzie's on MainDowntown Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Downtown Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Downtown Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Right:Right:Right: Also McKenzie's on Main Also McKenzie's on Main Also McKenzie's on

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Find a few pieces thatFind a few pieces thatFind a few pieces thatyou can syou can syou can set down inet down inet down inthe middle of yourthe middle of yourthe middle of youreveryday decor, andeveryday decor, andeveryday decor, andinstantly transforminstantly transforminstantly transform that area into thethat area into thethat area into theseason or theme.season or theme.season or theme.

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Make it Your Own The Traditional Mardi GrasThe Traditional Mardi GrasThe Traditional Mardi Gras Colors are Green, Purple & Gold,Colors are Green, Purple & Gold,Colors are Green, Purple & Gold,but there is not a place in ourbut there is not a place in ourbut there is not a place in ourhome where those colors will workhome where those colors will workhome where those colors will workwell. Does it really matter?well. Does it really matter?well. Does it really matter?Absolutly not! Especially in theAbsolutly not! Especially in theAbsolutly not! Especially in thecase of somthing Fun likecase of somthing Fun likecase of somthing Fun likeCarnival. But the Creams, GoldsCarnival. But the Creams, GoldsCarnival. But the Creams, GoldsPearl Whites and Silvers workPearl Whites and Silvers workPearl Whites and Silvers workgreat, AND we have all sorts ofgreat, AND we have all sorts ofgreat, AND we have all sorts ofbeads in those same colors frombeads in those same colors frombeads in those same colors fromChristmas. So there ya go, usingChristmas. So there ya go, usingChristmas. So there ya go, usingwhat we've got Gold, Silver andwhat we've got Gold, Silver andwhat we've got Gold, Silver andPearl White is the Carnival ColorPearl White is the Carnival ColorPearl White is the Carnival ColorScheme here at the HeningtonScheme here at the HeningtonScheme here at the HeningtonHouse!House!House!

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Once you've selected a color scheme, it'svery easy to carry it throughout the rest ofyour celebration.Shown: Randall's Elvis Banana & PeanutButter King's Cake didn't taste asexceptional as we hoped, but it sure wasgood looking after finding an unexpectedselection of toppings in the colors weneeded! Note: The filling and the frosting was great!Randall will be posting more about it on theHenington House Kitchen FB grouppageLeft: ONE VASEArrangementFill cylinder with beads,water and top with flowers.Used here, Oriental LiliesNotes:*Masks can be found yearround at most party storesand online at carnivalsupply companies.They are available in everycolor and color combinationyou can imagine.*Tuck Christmas ornamentswithin your beads with thetop turned down leaving theornament to look like anoversized bead.

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Fear not, for I am with you; be notFear not, for I am with you; be notFear not, for I am with you; be notdismayed, for I am your God; I willdismayed, for I am your God; I willdismayed, for I am your God; I willstrengthen you, I will help you, I willstrengthen you, I will help you, I willstrengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my rightous right hand.uphold you with my rightous right hand.uphold you with my rightous right hand. Isaiah 41:10Isaiah 41:10Isaiah 41:10 Note:Note:Note: The "righteous right hand" represents blessing and mercy The "righteous right hand" represents blessing and mercy The "righteous right hand" represents blessing and mercyShown:Shown:Shown: Both here and opposite the little "HH Garden Chapel" Both here and opposite the little "HH Garden Chapel" Both here and opposite the little "HH Garden Chapel"

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FaithFaithFaithCalming, Soothing, Freeing,Calming, Soothing, Freeing,Calming, Soothing, Freeing,How to find it, How to keep itHow to find it, How to keep itHow to find it, How to keep it

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The Struggle is RealThe Struggle is RealThe Struggle is Real and you are not aloneand you are not aloneand you are not alone For years we've believed that we areFor years we've believed that we areFor years we've believed that we areresponsible for controlling everything.responsible for controlling everything.responsible for controlling everything. We carry on attempting, in our ownWe carry on attempting, in our ownWe carry on attempting, in our ownstrength, to accomplish all we and othersstrength, to accomplish all we and othersstrength, to accomplish all we and othershave put in front of us as well as thathave put in front of us as well as thathave put in front of us as well as thatwhich we, sincerely believe, He, has ledwhich we, sincerely believe, He, has ledwhich we, sincerely believe, He, has ledus to to to do.....Are you tired yet? Have you thought youAre you tired yet? Have you thought youAre you tired yet? Have you thought youheard Him and His direction, yet it stillheard Him and His direction, yet it stillheard Him and His direction, yet it stillfeels like you're running in quick sand?feels like you're running in quick sand?feels like you're running in quick sand?If this is sounding familiar, you are rightIf this is sounding familiar, you are rightIf this is sounding familiar, you are rightwhere I was, and I was tired. Questioningwhere I was, and I was tired. Questioningwhere I was, and I was tired. Questioningmyself, "Did I not have Faith?"myself, "Did I not have Faith?"myself, "Did I not have Faith?" Then I realized, I did have faith and lots ofThen I realized, I did have faith and lots ofThen I realized, I did have faith and lots ofit. The problem was "MY" faith was init. The problem was "MY" faith was init. The problem was "MY" faith was in"ME" and not in He who created me, and"ME" and not in He who created me, and"ME" and not in He who created me, andit had completely worn "ME" out!it had completely worn "ME" out!it had completely worn "ME" out!FAITHFAITHFAITHHHHow to Find Itow to Find Itow to Find Itlllet go &et go &et go & Letting Go is not EasyLetting Go is not EasyLetting Go is not Easybut oh so worth it!but oh so worth it!but oh so worth it! So in crying out, I committed to let go ofSo in crying out, I committed to let go ofSo in crying out, I committed to let go ofeverything but seeking Him. Not to seekeverything but seeking Him. Not to seekeverything but seeking Him. Not to seekwhat He wanted me to be, or to do, butwhat He wanted me to be, or to do, butwhat He wanted me to be, or to do, but to simply and wholeheartedly seek Himto simply and wholeheartedly seek Himto simply and wholeheartedly seek Himand who HE IS. I wish I could say thisand who HE IS. I wish I could say thisand who HE IS. I wish I could say thiswas easy, but it's not! For in letting gowas easy, but it's not! For in letting gowas easy, but it's not! For in letting gocompletely it means letting go of thecompletely it means letting go of thecompletely it means letting go of thedestructive emotions that we've becomedestructive emotions that we've becomedestructive emotions that we've becomeso very fond of and addicted to. Whetherso very fond of and addicted to. Whetherso very fond of and addicted to. Whetherwe realize it or not, worry, fear, anger,we realize it or not, worry, fear, anger,we realize it or not, worry, fear, anger, un-forgiveness and arrogance are allun-forgiveness and arrogance are allun-forgiveness and arrogance are allconsuming emotions making it impossibleconsuming emotions making it impossibleconsuming emotions making it impossibleto have Faith. They cannot co-exist withto have Faith. They cannot co-exist withto have Faith. They cannot co-exist withFaith. By letting go we are saying, "It isFaith. By letting go we are saying, "It isFaith. By letting go we are saying, "It isYours Lord, I believe that You are takingYours Lord, I believe that You are takingYours Lord, I believe that You are takingcare of it ALL, care of it ALL, care of it ALL, I need nothing but YouI need nothing but YouI need nothing but You!"!"!"Then ask Him to help you with yourThen ask Him to help you with yourThen ask Him to help you with yourunbelief, as you begin to experience theunbelief, as you begin to experience theunbelief, as you begin to experience the peace of God that surpasses allpeace of God that surpasses allpeace of God that surpasses allunderstanding.understanding.understanding. Matthew 11:28Mark 9:24Philippians 4:7Philippians 3:13

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FAITHFAITHFAITHHHHow to Keep Itow to Keep Itow to Keep It LLLetGod!etGod!etGod! This Faith is All Good, Protect It!This Faith is All Good, Protect It!This Faith is All Good, Protect It!III'm not sure if there's anything better than days without stress, worry and'm not sure if there's anything better than days without stress, worry and'm not sure if there's anything better than days without stress, worry andfear. In these days I've also found that there is more energy and timefear. In these days I've also found that there is more energy and timefear. In these days I've also found that there is more energy and timeavailable since I'm confident that He is taking care of all that use to suckavailable since I'm confident that He is taking care of all that use to suckavailable since I'm confident that He is taking care of all that use to suckthe life out of me. Bringing me to the last point. A Life dependentthe life out of me. Bringing me to the last point. A Life dependentthe life out of me. Bringing me to the last point. A Life dependentcompletely on Him must be protected. Be prepared to Armor Up!completely on Him must be protected. Be prepared to Armor Up!completely on Him must be protected. Be prepared to Armor Up!Surround yourself with all that is kind & lovely. Remove yourself from allSurround yourself with all that is kind & lovely. Remove yourself from allSurround yourself with all that is kind & lovely. Remove yourself from allthat is negative. This also includes negative thinkers and talkers that canthat is negative. This also includes negative thinkers and talkers that canthat is negative. This also includes negative thinkers and talkers that caneasily pull you down. Love them from afar if needed and possible. Foreasily pull you down. Love them from afar if needed and possible. Foreasily pull you down. Love them from afar if needed and possible. Forthose who are unkind, Let Go & Let God! Your worth is in He who createdthose who are unkind, Let Go & Let God! Your worth is in He who createdthose who are unkind, Let Go & Let God! Your worth is in He who createdyou and your job is to pray for them. There is some reason they areyou and your job is to pray for them. There is some reason they areyou and your job is to pray for them. There is some reason they arehurting deep inside, or they wouldn't be administering harm andhurting deep inside, or they wouldn't be administering harm andhurting deep inside, or they wouldn't be administering harm andunkindness to others.unkindness to others.unkindness to others. Start your days with Thankfulness and Praise andStart your days with Thankfulness and Praise andStart your days with Thankfulness and Praise andend it with Thankfulness and Praise. And the day in between? You haveend it with Thankfulness and Praise. And the day in between? You haveend it with Thankfulness and Praise. And the day in between? You havea choice in all that you do, say and react to.a choice in all that you do, say and react to.a choice in all that you do, say and react to.Choose Life, Choose the Joy Life!Choose Life, Choose the Joy Life!Choose Life, Choose the Joy Life!Ephesians 6:11Song of Solomon2:10-13

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