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Joy Life March

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HENINGTONHENINGTONHENINGTONHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEKITCHENKITCHENKITCHEN"EGGS""EGGS""EGGS"Power in a PodPower in a PodPower in a Pod FAITHFAITHFAITHThe Loving GodThe Loving GodThe Loving Godof Lentof Lentof Lent PLANTS!PLANTS!The Shops,The Shops,The Shows,The Shows,The WorkshopsThe Workshops Celebrating TodayCelebrating TodayCelebrating Todaywhile Dreaming for Tomorrowwhile Dreaming for Tomorrowwhile Dreaming for Tomorrow CELEBRATECELEBRATECELEBRATEEASTER!EASTER!EASTER!MARCHMARCHMARCH 202120212021HOMEHOMEHOMELet your YardLet your YardLet your YardDecorateDecorateDecorate

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As the bright green buds begin to give us a glimpse of what to expect in theAs the bright green buds begin to give us a glimpse of what to expect in theAs the bright green buds begin to give us a glimpse of what to expect in theweeks and months ahead, it's time to take advantage of all the Gardenweeks and months ahead, it's time to take advantage of all the Gardenweeks and months ahead, it's time to take advantage of all the GardenShops, Nurseries, Shows and Workshops have to offer.Shops, Nurseries, Shows and Workshops have to offer.Shops, Nurseries, Shows and Workshops have to offer.

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ALWAYS a great look,ALWAYS a great look,ALWAYS a great look,Set a store bought orchidSet a store bought orchidSet a store bought orchidin any container and simply coverin any container and simply coverin any container and simply coverit with moss!it with moss!it with moss!Shown both pages:Shown both pages:Shown both pages: Blooms CompanyBlooms CompanyBlooms Companywww.bloomscompanywww.bloomscompanywww.bloomscompany

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In the month of March, the youngIn the month of March, the youngIn the month of March, the youngChinese Snowball blooms are theChinese Snowball blooms are theChinese Snowball blooms are thebrightest and most refreshing green.brightest and most refreshing green.brightest and most refreshing green.Right: As we enter April, these sameRight: As we enter April, these sameRight: As we enter April, these same blooms mature turning snow whiteblooms mature turning snow whiteblooms mature turning snow whitegive a completly diferent look!give a completly diferent look!give a completly diferent look! Shown: ONE VASE ArrangementShown: ONE VASE ArrangementShown: ONE VASE Arrangement Young Chinese Snowball branchesYoung Chinese Snowball branchesYoung Chinese Snowball branches& Belles of Ireland& Belles of Ireland& Belles of Ireland

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KITCHENFAITHCELEBRATEHOMEGARDENEarly Spring Vegetable Garden March To Do ListMarch BloomersPruning RosesGarden Shops, Shows & Workshops791011121420This Month's CookbookEggsGreat Gadgets21222326Let your Garden Decorate your HomeEasy Floral IdeaChinese SnowballThrifting, Finds & Gifts!27283o36 4252The Loving God of Lent43465054HENINGTON HOUSE, LLCHenington House Joy Life! Issue 2 www.heningtonhouse.comShown: Mature ChineseShown: Mature ChineseShown: Mature ChineseSnowball blooms frame the HHSnowball blooms frame the HHSnowball blooms frame the HHside pond fountain.side pond fountain.side pond fountain.EASTER, ONE VASECelebrating, CelebratingWhat it's All About

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Something so easy,so simple, so kind,a Garden arrangementto re-fresh the mind,Nothing elaborate,difficult or hard,just Blessings of all sortsstraight from the yard! Henington House Joy Life, Poem "Simply from the Yard"

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Shown: Shown: Shown: Azalea "Amelia Rose"Azalea "Amelia Rose"Azalea "Amelia Rose"Note: This variety is a late bloomerNote: This variety is a late bloomerNote: This variety is a late bloomershowing out after most azaleas are spent.showing out after most azaleas are spent.showing out after most azaleas are spent.Join us on theJoin us on theJoin us on theHENINGTON HOUSE HOMEHENINGTON HOUSE HOMEHENINGTON HOUSE HOME& GARDEN CLUB& GARDEN CLUB& GARDEN CLUB IIInteractive FB Group Pagenteractive FB Group Pagenteractive FB Group Page HH HOME & GARDEN CLUB

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PeasPeasPeasK a l eK a l eK a l eS p i n i c hS p i n i c hS p i n i c hO n i o n sO n i o n sO n i o n sR a d i s hR a d i s hR a d i s hC e l e r yC e l e r yC e l e r yM u s t a r dM u s t a r dM u s t a r dC a u l i f l o w e rC a u l i f l o w e rC a u l i f l o w e rB e e t sB e e t sB e e t sR h u b a r bR h u b a r bR h u b a r b S p i n i c hS p i n i c hS p i n i c hC o l l a r d g r e e n sC o l l a r d g r e e n sC o l l a r d g r e e n sC a r r o t sC a r r o t sC a r r o t sC a b b a g eC a b b a g eC a b b a g eL e t t u c eL e t t u c eL e t t u c e B r o c c o l iB r o c c o l iB r o c c o l iP o t a t oP o t a t oP o t a t oS w i s s C h a r dS w i s s C h a r dS w i s s C h a r dE a r l y T o m a t o e sE a r l y T o m a t o e sE a r l y T o m a t o e s ***To know which vegetables willTo know which vegetables willTo know which vegetables will do well in your area and whendo well in your area and whendo well in your area and whento plant, visit www.almanac.comto plant, visit www.almanac.comto plant, visit www.almanac.comAlso,Your local extension service hasAlso,Your local extension service hasAlso,Your local extension service hasall sorts of information and helpful!all sorts of information and helpful!all sorts of information and helpful!

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*Lists will vary both in task and timing depending on your planting zone.To find your zone, visit or search planting zone and put in your zip code __ Know the "last frost date" for your area __ Begin to implement your spring garden__ Plant those plants hardy for your season and zone __ Prune Roses if you missed doing it in February __ Continue to clear out dead foliage & cleaning up beds__ Mulch if needed or desired__ Set up your gardening work space __ Clean & sharpen tools__ Attend plant shows, seminars & visit garden centers __ Begin to move your winter protected plants, outside __ Re-connect with, or join a garden club or group To join the Henington HouseOnline Home & Garden Club HH HOME & GARDEN CLUB

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111...222...333...444...555...666... 1.1.1. Banks RoseLady Banks RoseLady Banks RoseChinese SnowballChinese SnowballChinese SnowballAmellia Rose, AzaleaAmellia Rose, AzaleaAmellia Rose, AzaleaBridal Wreath, SpireaBridal Wreath, SpireaBridal Wreath, SpireaDaffodilsDaffodilsDaffodilsDutch IrisDutch IrisDutch Iris6.6.6.

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Pruning roses

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-Rubber palmed gloves orbetter yet, long rose gloves -Hand pruners-Cut out all dead wood-Cut out canes rubbingagainst each other.-Prune remaining canesslightly ABOVE an outwardpointing bud. Cut at an angle away from the bud.-Prune no more than 2/3 of a shrub rose or tree roseannually leaving at least 1/3-Roses like well watered well drained soil-Climbing Roses require littleor no pruning, but do makesure to cut out all dead wood.

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Shown: The wide selection ofShown: The wide selection ofShown: The wide selection ofbeautiful & Information packedbeautiful & Information packedbeautiful & Information packedbooks and spring inspiredbooks and spring inspiredbooks and spring inspiredmerchandise found in Garden Shopsmerchandise found in Garden Shopsmerchandise found in Garden Shops

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Add a little bit of body textShown both pages: www.bloomscompany

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Opposite: Friends met or reconnected with through years of attendingPlant Shows!! Along with fellowship and friendship, comes a wealth ofknowledge and inspiration as we share the common love and interest inGardenening!! Watch for the Annual PlantWatch for the Annual PlantWatch for the Annual PlantShows in you area. Many showsShows in you area. Many showsShows in you area. Many showsare sponsored by your State'sare sponsored by your State'sare sponsored by your State'sNursery and LandscapersNursery and LandscapersNursery and LandscapersAssociations and Garden Clubs.Associations and Garden Clubs.Associations and Garden Clubs.

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Shown: Mississippi Nurseryand Landscapers AssociationPlant Shows

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join us on thejoin us on thejoin us on theHENINGTON HOUSE KITCHENHENINGTON HOUSE KITCHENHENINGTON HOUSE KITCHEN interactive FB Group Pageinteractive FB Group Pageinteractive FB Group Page HH KITCHEN

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Joy of Cooking, is ourchoice cookbook for thissecond issue. Given to usas a wedding present in1983, this cookbook hasprovided a "Go To" forall the cooking basics.Nothing fancy, just easyto use and dependable.

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EGGSEGGSEGGSSmall, Natural, Power PackedSmall, Natural, Power PackedSmall, Natural, Power PackedFull of energy and possibility,Full of energy and possibility,Full of energy and possibility,the EGG is one of the few food itemsthe EGG is one of the few food itemsthe EGG is one of the few food items that can be used as an ingredientthat can be used as an ingredientthat can be used as an ingredientor a simple meal on it's very own!or a simple meal on it's very own!or a simple meal on it's very own!

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TheDeviled Egg PlateGrowing up, my Mother often whipped up herGrowing up, my Mother often whipped up herGrowing up, my Mother often whipped up herDeviled Eggs. It was and still is a familyDeviled Eggs. It was and still is a familyDeviled Eggs. It was and still is a familyfavorite. It wasn't until moving to the Southfavorite. It wasn't until moving to the Southfavorite. It wasn't until moving to the Souththat we were introduced to the Deviled eggthat we were introduced to the Deviled eggthat we were introduced to the Deviled eggplate! originating in the 1930s, they can nowplate! originating in the 1930s, they can nowplate! originating in the 1930s, they can nowbe found in every style from casual, fun tobe found in every style from casual, fun tobe found in every style from casual, fun toformal and very easy to pick up in the thriftformal and very easy to pick up in the thriftformal and very easy to pick up in the thriftstores.stores.stores.

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Quick, Easy, Can't mess upDump Recipe for-Hard boil eggs-Cool, peel & cut in half-Place cooked yolk in bowl-Slowly add to yolk and mix Dollops of Mayonnaise Touch of Apple Cider VinegarSalt & PepperAdd bit by bit until getting thetaste and texture desired.-Fill egg white shells with mixture-Sprinkle tops with paprika-Serve

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Join us on theJoin us on theJoin us on theCatherine Strange & theCatherine Strange & theCatherine Strange & theHENINGTON HOUSE HENINGTON HOUSE HENINGTON HOUSE FB PageFB PageFB Page FOLLOW Catherine Strange & the HENINGTON HOUSE

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Shown:Shown:Shown: HH Azelea "Pride of Mobile" HH Azelea "Pride of Mobile" HH Azelea "Pride of Mobile"fill containers on the Ladies Parlorfill containers on the Ladies Parlorfill containers on the Ladies ParlorMantle with touches of Kimberly fernMantle with touches of Kimberly fernMantle with touches of Kimberly fernfrondsfrondsfronds''' "There is an unexpected and unexplainable"There is an unexpected and unexplainable"There is an unexpected and unexplainableJoy that comes from using flowers andJoy that comes from using flowers andJoy that comes from using flowers andgreenery out your own yard in your homegreenery out your own yard in your homegreenery out your own yard in your homedecorating and entertaining. The time anddecorating and entertaining. The time anddecorating and entertaining. The time andmoney it saves is a BONUS!"money it saves is a BONUS!"money it saves is a BONUS!"

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The dead orchidThe dead orchidThe dead orchidblossoms and stemsblossoms and stemsblossoms and stemswere cut off and Pinkwere cut off and Pinkwere cut off and PinkWeigela and 1 appleWeigela and 1 appleWeigela and 1 applewas addedwas addedwas added

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When wanting toWhen wanting toWhen wanting touse first, what youuse first, what youuse first, what youhave onhand, thehave onhand, thehave onhand, theChinese SnowballChinese SnowballChinese Snowballplant in your Gardenplant in your Gardenplant in your Gardenis a must!is a must!is a must!

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Shown:Shown:Shown: The The TheHH EntranceHH EntranceHH EntranceTable Urn filledTable Urn filledTable Urn filledwith Chinesewith Chinesewith ChineseSnowballSnowballSnowballbranches, Pinkbranches, Pinkbranches, PinkWeigela andWeigela andWeigela andtouches oftouches oftouches ofNandina foliageNandina foliageNandina foliage

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Center: ChineseCenter: ChineseCenter: ChineseSnowballSnowballSnowballblossoms areblossoms areblossoms areplaced in a largeplaced in a largeplaced in a largeglass bubble in theglass bubble in theglass bubble in thecenter of thecenter of thecenter of thedining room table.dining room table.dining room table. Note: A thin sliceNote: A thin sliceNote: A thin slicein an apple canin an apple canin an apple canalso serve as aalso serve as aalso serve as aplacecard holder!placecard holder!placecard holder!

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Shown Left andShown Left andShown Left andRight: Two ofRight: Two ofRight: Two ofthe "ONE VASE"the "ONE VASE"the "ONE VASE"cylinders arecylinders arecylinders areused on the HHused on the HHused on the HHdining roomdining roomdining roombuffet table withbuffet table withbuffet table withChineseChineseChineseSnowballSnowballSnowballbranches archedbranches archedbranches archedtogether to meettogether to meettogether to meetin the the the center.

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Left: For an instantserving piece thatwill easily fit in withyour look, fill aglass containerwith your samecenterpieceflowers.Here we used theChinese SnowballBlooms.Right: Then wesimply set a plateon top!

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join us on the join us on the join us on the NEWNEWNEWHENINGTON HOUSE THRIFTING & FINDS HENINGTON HOUSE THRIFTING & FINDS HENINGTON HOUSE THRIFTING & FINDS interactive FB Group Pageinteractive FB Group Pageinteractive FB Group Page HH Thrifting & Finds

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Recently a friendbrought me theseBeautiful GardenInspired Lamps. They now join othercherished gifts and findson the Henington Quiltbox at the front door.

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Shown: The attic salvaged lamp now finding it's welcomedShown: The attic salvaged lamp now finding it's welcomedShown: The attic salvaged lamp now finding it's welcomedhome in the little HH reading areahome in the little HH reading areahome in the little HH reading area

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LLLeft: eft: eft: We were excited to find, andWe were excited to find, andWe were excited to find, andplace, this on hand lamp in this littleplace, this on hand lamp in this littleplace, this on hand lamp in this littlereading area, but it didn't have a shade.reading area, but it didn't have a shade.reading area, but it didn't have a shade.So back to the attic we went and foundSo back to the attic we went and foundSo back to the attic we went and foundthis one. Unfortunately, once we turnedthis one. Unfortunately, once we turnedthis one. Unfortunately, once we turnedthe lamp on, it revealed a hole.the lamp on, it revealed a hole.the lamp on, it revealed a hole.Center Left:Center Left:Center Left: looking through a dish of looking through a dish of looking through a dish ofcostume jewelry pins.costume jewelry pins.costume jewelry pins.Below Left:Below Left:Below Left: We pulled two that we We pulled two that we We pulled two that wethought might work.thought might work.thought might work.Below Right: Below Right: Below Right: We added the frog pinWe added the frog pinWe added the frog pinand covered the hole!and covered the hole!and covered the hole!

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In need of a light fixture for one of the HHbathrooms that we're currently working on, we tookanother trip to the attic. We found an old fixture thatonce hung in the hall and added globes from a fixturethat years ago hung in the Master bedroom. However,we still needed something to serve as a medallion atthe ceiling, but nothing new was going to work so wetook an old plate charger, drilled a hole and BOOM!DONE!

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EASTEREASTEREASTERJoin us on theJoin us on theJoin us on theHENINGTON HOUSE HOME & HOLIDAYHENINGTON HOUSE HOME & HOLIDAYHENINGTON HOUSE HOME & HOLIDAYinteractive FB Group Pageinteractive FB Group Pageinteractive FB Group Page HH HOME & HOLIDAY

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Napa Cabbage& Baby CarrotsONE VASE ARRANGEMENTOpening the napa cabbage by pulling back it's leaves, gives you a wonderfulcenter that allows you to place theflowers directly into the cabbage!1 cylinder vase7-8 small bags of baby carrots1 napa cabbagespring flowerswater - full Fill your cylinder vase with the baby carrotsleaving 4" from the top.Nestle your napa cabbage down into the topof the vase. Gently pull the cabbage leaves open.Slowly pour water in the center of the cabbageallowing the water to fill the cylinder and thebase of the cabbage.Firnly place your spring flowers directly intothe center meat of the cabbage.Notes*Too many flowers will cause the cabbage tofall apart.*Keep water level high enough to adequatelyreach the bottom of the flower stems.

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ONE VASEONE VASEONE VASEArrangementArrangementArrangement"A plastic insect"A plastic insect"A plastic insect is addedis addedis addedto play on theto play on theto play on thewhimsical naturewhimsical naturewhimsical natureof this arrangement".of this arrangement".of this arrangement".

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Becky Stuart, Holiday after Holiday, from Season to Season, does not disappoint herfriends, followers and fans as she always brings home the JOY-FULL look and feeling thatputs the celebrating in CELEBRATING!

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Pulling in both silkand naturalmaterials, Beckyshows how you don'thave to choose oneor the other, but canwork them in togetherbeautifully with yourcollectables.Whimsey & Fun!Lighthearted seasonaldecor is always awelcomed lookbringing JOY to allages! Try addingtouches of fun hereand there, notkeeping everythingformal and serious.

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An Easy Fresh Organic Spring Look An Easy Fresh Organic Spring Look An Easy Fresh Organic Spring Look cancancan bebebeachieved by picking up rye grass seed at mostachieved by picking up rye grass seed at mostachieved by picking up rye grass seed at mostcraft and garden centers.craft and garden centers.craft and garden centers.Now grab some loose potting soil, and yourNow grab some loose potting soil, and yourNow grab some loose potting soil, and yourdesired containers and plant as instructed ondesired containers and plant as instructed ondesired containers and plant as instructed onthe rye grass seed package. In a few daysthe rye grass seed package. In a few daysthe rye grass seed package. In a few daysyou will begin to Life! Enjoy!you will begin to Life! Enjoy!you will begin to Life! Enjoy!

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It's not difficult to change the look ofIt's not difficult to change the look ofIt's not difficult to change the look ofthe traditional dyed Easter Egg.the traditional dyed Easter Egg.the traditional dyed Easter Egg. Get creative by using items such asGet creative by using items such asGet creative by using items such asinexpensive craft paint, metallic pensinexpensive craft paint, metallic pensinexpensive craft paint, metallic pensor clear wax crayons that many eggor clear wax crayons that many eggor clear wax crayons that many eggdye kits include in their supplies. Thesedye kits include in their supplies. Thesedye kits include in their supplies. Thesecrayons prevent the egg not to hold thecrayons prevent the egg not to hold thecrayons prevent the egg not to hold thedye in the areas you have chosen!dye in the areas you have chosen!dye in the areas you have chosen!

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It's Easy To Get Caught UpIt's Easy To Get Caught UpIt's Easy To Get Caught Upin all the cute and fun Easter all the cute and fun Easter all the cute and fun Easter decorations.Here, Shannon Wiggins, has illustrated just how simple,Here, Shannon Wiggins, has illustrated just how simple,Here, Shannon Wiggins, has illustrated just how simple,soothing and refreshing decorating in worship can be!soothing and refreshing decorating in worship can be!soothing and refreshing decorating in worship can be!

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Shown on both pages:Shown on both pages:Shown on both pages:Shannon Wiggins was able to create these wonderful Easter vignettesShannon Wiggins was able to create these wonderful Easter vignettesShannon Wiggins was able to create these wonderful Easter vignettesthat would fit in the decor of most any room, by using many items shethat would fit in the decor of most any room, by using many items shethat would fit in the decor of most any room, by using many items shealready had around her home and yard.already had around her home and yard.already had around her home and yard.

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Shown:Shown:Shown: Both here and opposite the little HH Garden Chapel Alter Cross adorned with Both here and opposite the little HH Garden Chapel Alter Cross adorned with Both here and opposite the little HH Garden Chapel Alter Cross adorned withflowers from the HH from the HH from the HH Gardens.FaithFaithFaith

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Coral Knockout RoseCoral Knockout RoseCoral Knockout RoseBlack & Blue SalviaBlack & Blue SalviaBlack & Blue Salvia"Laughter" Old Rose"Laughter" Old Rose"Laughter" Old RoseYellow Knockout RoseYellow Knockout RoseYellow Knockout RoseRed Knockout RoseRed Knockout RoseRed Knockout RosePink Knockout RosePink Knockout RosePink Knockout RosePeach Drift RosePeach Drift RosePeach Drift RosePink Drift RosePink Drift RosePink Drift RoseVariegatedVariegatedVariegatedPittosporumPittosporumPittosporum

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TheTheThe Loving GodLoving GodLoving Godof Lentof Lentof LentJoel 2:12-14Joel 2:12-14Joel 2:12-14 “Yet even now,” declares the Lord,“Yet even now,” declares the Lord,“Yet even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart,“return to me with all your heart,“return to me with all your heart,with fasting, with weeping,with fasting, with weeping,with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;”and with mourning;”and with mourning;”Writtten by Chancellor StrangeWrittten by Chancellor StrangeWrittten by Chancellor Strange

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In my early years of following Christ, spiritual droughts wereIn my early years of following Christ, spiritual droughts wereIn my early years of following Christ, spiritual droughts wereoften caused by believing the lie that our heavenly Father is first andoften caused by believing the lie that our heavenly Father is first andoften caused by believing the lie that our heavenly Father is first andforemost a judge itching for retribution. Over years of growth, I haveforemost a judge itching for retribution. Over years of growth, I haveforemost a judge itching for retribution. Over years of growth, I havecome to be quicker in humbling myself before the Lord followingcome to be quicker in humbling myself before the Lord followingcome to be quicker in humbling myself before the Lord followingtemptation. This is largely due to Biblical passages such as this onetemptation. This is largely due to Biblical passages such as this onetemptation. This is largely due to Biblical passages such as this onefound in Joel. Theses concise words echo prophetic tradition,found in Joel. Theses concise words echo prophetic tradition,found in Joel. Theses concise words echo prophetic tradition,reminding us that the Lord will have nothing to do with thereminding us that the Lord will have nothing to do with thereminding us that the Lord will have nothing to do with thecaricature of a God chomping at the bit to give punishing orders.caricature of a God chomping at the bit to give punishing orders.caricature of a God chomping at the bit to give punishing orders.Instead, Joel describes our Father's true nature as "Instead, Joel describes our Father's true nature as "Instead, Joel describes our Father's true nature as "eager eager eager to relentto relentto relentand not punish," even with final judgement eminent. Joel imploresand not punish," even with final judgement eminent. Joel imploresand not punish," even with final judgement eminent. Joel imploresIsrael to repent, calling to memory Yahweh revealing Himself toIsrael to repent, calling to memory Yahweh revealing Himself toIsrael to repent, calling to memory Yahweh revealing Himself toMoses as "merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding inMoses as "merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding inMoses as "merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding insteadfast love and faithfulness" (Exodus 34:6). God most clearlysteadfast love and faithfulness" (Exodus 34:6). God most clearlysteadfast love and faithfulness" (Exodus 34:6). God most clearlyreveals these characteristics through His putting on flesh andreveals these characteristics through His putting on flesh andreveals these characteristics through His putting on flesh andreceiving on receiving on receiving on HimselfHimselfHimself the punishment for our sins. Jesus' life, death, the punishment for our sins. Jesus' life, death, the punishment for our sins. Jesus' life, death,and resurrection, along with the the giving of His Spirit, leave noand resurrection, along with the the giving of His Spirit, leave noand resurrection, along with the the giving of His Spirit, leave nodoubtdoubtdoubt that a humble, penitent heart will always be met with loving,that a humble, penitent heart will always be met with loving,that a humble, penitent heart will always be met with loving,open arms. Joel also describes how we should see our sin in lightopen arms. Joel also describes how we should see our sin in lightopen arms. Joel also describes how we should see our sin in lightsuch a merciful and compassionate God. Our Lord has no interest insuch a merciful and compassionate God. Our Lord has no interest insuch a merciful and compassionate God. Our Lord has no interest inmerely the merely the merely the outwardoutwardoutward signs of grief encapsulated in the Hebrew signs of grief encapsulated in the Hebrew signs of grief encapsulated in the Hebrewpractice of tearing one's clothes. The Lord instead longs for apractice of tearing one's clothes. The Lord instead longs for apractice of tearing one's clothes. The Lord instead longs for adisplay of genuine display of genuine display of genuine inwardinwardinward grief for our waywardness - the "tearing" grief for our waywardness - the "tearing" grief for our waywardness - the "tearing"of our heart. Lent is the season in which we, as children of Godof our heart. Lent is the season in which we, as children of Godof our heart. Lent is the season in which we, as children of God through Christ's sacrifice and the outpouring of the Spirit, exposethrough Christ's sacrifice and the outpouring of the Spirit, exposethrough Christ's sacrifice and the outpouring of the Spirit, exposeour genuine grief over sin through both outward and especiallyour genuine grief over sin through both outward and especiallyour genuine grief over sin through both outward and especiallyinward expressions. We as the church face our waywardness in thisinward expressions. We as the church face our waywardness in thisinward expressions. We as the church face our waywardness in thisseason knowing that we have nothing to fear going before ourseason knowing that we have nothing to fear going before ourseason knowing that we have nothing to fear going before ourFather with heart torn, as we will be met with mercy and compassionFather with heart torn, as we will be met with mercy and compassionFather with heart torn, as we will be met with mercy and compassionbeyond our imagination.beyond our imagination.beyond our imagination.Chancellor is married to Emily Holland Strange, and Father to their dog "Scout".Professionally, he is an engineer with MDOT and currently attending AsburyTheological Seminary. He is also Catherine & Randall's youngest Son and grew upin the Henington House.

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www.heningtonhouse.comFacebook Page, Catherine Strange and the Henington House

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Thank you for joining us for our second issue of Henington House Joy Life!Thank you for joining us for our second issue of Henington House Joy Life!Thank you for joining us for our second issue of Henington House Joy Life!Now Grab Your favorite beverage and we'll meet you on the wrap-around porchNow Grab Your favorite beverage and we'll meet you on the wrap-around porchNow Grab Your favorite beverage and we'll meet you on the wrap-around porchnext month for our April 2021 issue of HENINGTON HOUSEnext month for our April 2021 issue of HENINGTON HOUSEnext month for our April 2021 issue of HENINGTON HOUSE JOY LIFE!JOY LIFE!JOY LIFE! Not a Subscriber?Not a Subscriber?Not a Subscriber? Subscribe FREE at heningtonhouse.comSubscribe FREE at heningtonhouse.comSubscribe FREE at