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Joy at Work Self-Reflection Guide

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Joy at Work!thechangedecision.comWhat does Joy at Work mean to me? How can I contribute joy to others?Change Leadership Series

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Joy at Work!thechangedecision.comInstructionsBecause your mindset and self-awareness are critical to successful change leadership, we’ve created two worksheets to help you clarify what Joy at Work means to you:1. Use the Tuning into Your Joy Worksheet to understand what a good day is for you and what to do to get more of that. Remember, your mood and outlook impacts your team.2. Use the Impact on Others Worksheet to see what you can stop/start doing to have the leadership impact you want most.

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Joy at Work!thechangedecision.comWorksheet: Tuning into Your JoyWhat does Joy at Work mean to me?1. When do I feel most satisfied with work? What’s happening?2. When do I feel joy in my interactions with colleagues? What’s happening?3. When do I feel most motivated and inspired? What’s happening?4. When do I laugh at work? Why?5. When do I lose myself in my work?6. What’s a good day for me? 7. How could I get more of this? 8. How could I help my colleagues have more Joy at Work?

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Joy at Work!thechangedecision.comWorksheet: Impact on OthersHow do I help others experience Joy at Work?1. How do others experience me as a leader? How do I know?2. What joy do I bring to work? 3. How do I contribute joy to the important relationships at work? 4. How do I contribute joy to my team? My boss? My peers? 5. How do the members of my team contribute joy to each other? How do I know?6. How does my team contribute joy to people outside the team? How do I know?7. How does my team contribute joy to the company? How do I know?8. If I could grow my impact in one area, what would that be? What could I start/stop doing to make that happen?

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Joy at Work!thechangedecision.comChange & Joy in the workplaceJoy at Work!

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Joy at Work!thechangedecision.comJoy at Work!ServicesChange ManagementAdoption strategies for significant business change while managing impact to the business and people.Change LeadershipTraining for leaders to inspire their people to adopt critical business decisions.Team EffectivenessTraining for managers to develop the fundamentals and advance their skills in team engagement.213The Change Decision making work part of a live well-lived