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Carroll, Rachell_Portfolio

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Throughout this semester and from my timein Professor Cervantes' classes I have growntremendously as not only a writer but as ahuman being. I have healed, laughed, cried,and dealt with some really hard feelings. This past semester I was challenged to digdeep with some really thought-provokingsubjects, such as family and family dynamics,religion, and even dealing with grief.

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I will take us on the journey of my mostmemorable vacation. Then we will getentranced in a fairytale. We will go intoresentment and forgiveness. Finally, we will understand what it means tobe grateful and how we can appreciate thelittle things in life. I want to thank you for partaking in thisjourney with me and giving me theopportunity to share my adventures withyou. I hope you enjoy.As the semester progressed, I started toview it as an epic adventure. And that isexactly my purpose for my portfolio. I wantto take you through an adventure.

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Big mouth.Massive heart.Extremely oblivious.Huge jackass. Flawed to perfection, but he’s all mine.

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Just like the ocean she is deep and full of wonder.Just like the ocean she is deep and full of wonder.She is lightning and thunder.She is lightning and thunder. Fights for what is right,Fights for what is right, and easy to excite.and easy to excite. She’s miss independent.She’s miss independent.Her glow is transcendent.Her glow is transcendent.She’s brains and a looker,She’s brains and a looker,with attitude like a pressure cookerwith attitude like a pressure cooker Amazing in every aspect.Amazing in every aspect.even her harmonies are perfect.even her harmonies are perfect.She’s truly a god send.She’s truly a god send. I’m proud to call her my best friend.I’m proud to call her my best friend.

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Forever dancing around the edge of maturity,with limitless insecurity.The garden of youth has never bloomed,impending doom, casting its gloom.Magical realm of possibility and wonder, trapped in a tragic blunder.With the help of the lost boys and a mystical fairyCan he defeat his only adversary?Though captain hook as been long gone, Peter cannot help but to dwell on.His mind is clouded, voices screaming profanity.No one else is around, hints of insanity.

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They say that patience is a virtue.Good things come to those who wait. But you prematurely pulled the trigger. Only one day away, From a shooting star ora genie in a bottle. Double crossed your faith, for a one-way ticket.That day still takes my breath away. I’ve been cursing your name, while waiting for your calls.But the towers are down I don’t have any serviceand it’s all your fault.

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Forgiveness is a deep,internal, personal concept. It’s a mental war thatgoes on in your head. You hold the weight of angerand resentment lives rentfree. Only you can put theeviction notice on the door.

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