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Costa Rica is home to many stunning waterfalls,often set in lush tropical rainforests, offeringbreathtaking views and exciting adventures. Thesewaterfalls vary in size and accessibility, rangingfrom easy-to-reach spots near popular towns tomore remote and rugged locations for thoseseeking a more off-the-beaten-path experience.Here are some of the most notable waterfalls inCosta Rica:

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La Fortuna WaterfallRio Celeste WaterfallNauyaca WaterfallsLos ChorrosWaterfallsDiamante WaterfallMontezumaWaterfallsCatarata del ToroWaterfallsLlanos de CortésWaterfallEl Tigre WaterfallsLa Leona WaterfallsLa Paz WaterfallGardensUvita WaterfallsEl Pavon WaterfallPozo Azul WaterfallsOropendolaWaterfallBelen WaterfallBriBri WaterfallsJaco Waterfalls MonteverdeWaterfalls

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La Fortuna WaterfallsLocation: Near Arenal Volcano, Alajuela Province.Features: One of the most famous waterfalls inCosta Rica, dropping approximately 70 meters (230feet) into a turquoise pool.Accessible via a steep staircase of about 500 steps.Popular for swimming, photography, and enjoyingthe surrounding rainforest.Rio Celeste WaterfallsLocation: Tenorio Volcano National Park,Guanacaste Province.Features: Famous for its striking bright blue water,caused by a unique chemical reaction of volcanicminerals.Surrounded by dense jungle, with hiking trailsleading to the waterfall.Swimming is not allowed, as it’s within a protectedarea.

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Nauyaca WaterfallsLocation: Near Dominical, Puntarenas Province.Features: A two-tiered waterfall with a combineddrop of 61 meters (200 feet). Offers a large naturalpool at the base for swimming.Accessible via hiking, horseback riding, or 4x4tours.Llanos de Cortés WaterfallLocation: Near Bagaces, Guanacaste Province.Features: A wide, picturesque waterfall surroundedby sandy shores and lush forest.Relatively easy to access and family-friendly.Ideal for swimming, picnicking, and relaxing.

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Catarata del Toro WaterfallsLocation: Bajos del Toro, Alajuela Province.Features: One of Costa Rica’s most spectacularwaterfalls, plunging 90 meters (300 feet) into anextinct volcanic crater. Surrounded by vibrantgreen moss and tropical vegetation. A privatereserve with well-maintained trails for visitors.Montezuma WaterfallsLocation: Near Montezuma, Nicoya Peninsula.Features: A series of three waterfalls, with thehighest being about 24 meters (80 feet) tall.Popular for cliff jumping and swimming. Accessiblevia a moderate hike through the jungle.

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Diamante WaterfallsLocation: Near Dominical, Puntarenas Province.Features: One of Costa Rica’s tallest waterfalls at600 feet (183 meters).Includes multiple cascades and a cave behind thefalls where visitors can stay overnight.Accessible via a guided hike through private land.Los Chorros WaterfallsLocation: Near Grecia, Alajuela Province.Features: Two stunning waterfalls surrounded bylush greenery.A short hike through a forest leads to the falls. Afavorite among locals for swimming and relaxing

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La Paz WaterfallsLocation: Alajuela Province, part of La Paz WaterfallGardens.Features: A picturesque waterfall as part of a seriesof falls in a private wildlife reserve.Offers easy access and well-maintained paths.Combined with a visit to the gardens, which featureanimals and butterfly exhibits.El Tigre Waterfalls Monteverde Location: In the tropical rainforests of Costa Rica,specifically in the northern part of the country,near the town of San CarlosFeatures: Known for their incredible beauty andtheir remote, untouched setting. The waterfalls areoften accessed through a challenging hike.

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La Leona Waterfalls Location: In the small town of Curubande, 20minutes from Libria in the province of Guanacate.Features: A unique deep blue waterfall rootedbetween two canyons. The only way to visit LaLeona Waterfall is on a guided tour.La Paz Waterfall GardensLocation: Less than an hour from San Jose and isclose to the Poas Volcanoe. Features: Drops around 120 feet, and it's framed bylush rainforest, making it incredibly picturesque.What makes La Paz Waterfall particularly special ishow easily accessible it is. There’s a well-maintained trail that leads visitorsthrough the park, with great viewpoints along theway.

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Uvita WaterfallsLocation: Stunning waterfall located near the townof Uvita, on the southern Pacific coast of CostaRica.Features: The waterfall is fairly accessible,especially for those who enjoy a bit of a hikethrough the rainforest. The trail to the waterfall isnot too long. Climb to the top of the waterfall andslide down the natural slide. El Pavon Waterfalls Location: A 25-minute drive south of Uvita.Features: Surrounded by lush rainforest. Thewaterfall is easy to identify because of the roundboulder wedged in the middle of the falls. Easilyaccessible because there is no hike to the waterfall. You can swim in the pool below the waterfall orhead downstream to other natural pools. (water iscold and refreshing)