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Agent Recruit

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Join us atGREEN KEYE V E R Y T H I N G Y O U N E E D T O K N O W A B O U T W H O W E A R E , W H A T W E S T A N DF O R , A N D W H Y Y O U ' L L L O V E P A R T N E R I N G W I T H U S .

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welcomeH E L L O .We are excited to work with you!We are thrilled to have you on board and look forward to achieving newheights together in this exciting industry. Your unique skills and perspectivewill undoubtedly contribute to our collective success, and we can't wait toembark on this journey of growth and achievement with you.

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W E L C O M EGreen Key's Founder, Jennifer Rodgers, is no stranger to struggling markets. Having finished herlicensure in 2008, a foreclosure market, Jennifer knows the value of going back to basics and workinghard. Nothing was ever given , always earned. After eight years of working as a top producer forbrokers who supplied little to nothing and were primarily interested in their cut of every paycheck,Jennifer decided not only did she deserve better, but so did other agents like her. That is when GreenKey was born (2017).MANY agents flourished under Jennifer's leadership, mentorship, and friendship, becoming topproducers from scratch. After seven years of making her mark in Jackson and surrounding counties,operating a highly successful brokerage, Jennifer joined an exclusive, national marketing platformcalled Curaytor, that truly became a game changer.Green Key standing for integrity, honesty, and genuiness provides its affiliates and their familiesopportunities that may not have existed. Now, every single agent in Michigan who deserves better and is willing to put in the work, can powertheir business by partnering w Green Key. We are a cloud brokerage with a multitude of opportunitiesfor advancement, virtually accessible and digital. We have membership within multiple associationsthroughout Michigan and welcome more. So, let's get to work!We can't wait to get to know you betterAt GREEN KEY REAL ESTATE, we trulybelieve that there is no real estate Teamlike us. The energy. The passion. The lovefor our clients. We are always looking fortalented people to join our Team.

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With integrity, expertise, and hard work Green Key Real Estate deliversworld-class personal service helping our clients get great value for theirhomes and real estate investments while supporting our families and ourcommunity.O U R M I S S I O N :Our clients’ needs and best interests are at the heart of everything we do.O U R V I S I O N :O U RC O R EV A L U E SI N T E G R I T YS H A R I N GC O M P A S S I O NP R O F E S S I O N A L I S ME M P A T H YE D U C A T I O NH O N E S T YR E S P E C T

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JEN NIFERRodgersReal Estate Broker / Owner517-398-2541jenniferrodgers@greenkeysellsmi.comwww.greenkeysellsmi.comSH ANNONPrainAssociate Broker517-937-7834shannonprain@greenkeysellsmi.comCA LEBRiddleJO RDANCulliverBR ITTANYArnoldR E A L E S T A T E A G E N T SMEET THE TEAMRealtor ®517-395-5827calebriddle@greenkeysellsmi.comRealtor ®517-416-6329jordanculliver@greenkeysellsmi.comRealtor ®

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R E A L E S T A T E T O O L SW H A T W E W I L L P R O V I D E F O R Y O UWe will provide you access to essential real estate tools likeCuraytor, Mailer Clinic, Lofty CRM, personal website, Listing Reports,Zillow/ppc/fb leads, and Property Radar—all for free to elevateyour real estate sales strategies.M A R K E T I N G & P R E S E N T A T I O N T O O L SEmpower your marketing efforts with complimentary access tocreative resources such as Canva template library, Simplebooklet,Loom, BombBomb, Curayted Social, Elevated Agent, as well as yourown webpage, enabling you to craft compelling presentations andmarketing materials effortlessly.

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W H A T W E W I L L P R O V I D E F O R Y O UV I D E O E D I T I N G T O O L SUnleash your creativity with free premium access to multimediaand video editing tools like Loom, BombBomb, and Capcut,allowing you to produce engaging content and captivating visualswithout any cost.E D U C A T I O N A L R E S O U R C E SEnhance your knowledge base with free access to educationalresources like Curaytor, KCM, , List Reports and Mailer Clinic ,providing valuable insights and information to stay informed andahead in the ever-evolving real estate industry.

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0102030405A G E N T T R A I N I N GGeo Farming Standard Optimized Practices formarketing a listingCreation of personalized value itemsfor consumersUtilizing Landing Pages for lead gen Circle Prospecting: turning a sale intolistingsT O P I C S L I K E :

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Whether you are facilitating the purchase or sale of a property, having strong negotiationskills is a must. You’ll have training opportunities that will introduce you to new negotiationtechniques and give you clear examples of effective negotiation that can deepen your levelof understanding from all sides.W E E K L YN E G O T I A T I O NWhen selling a property, good photography alone does not make a strong listing. You wantto learn how to write copy that sells, using search-driven keywords so your listings can beseen by those who are looking for them.Additionally, you want to ensure you can write compelling copy that draws potential buyersin. You will be provided with trainings and courses that allow you to hone in your writing skillsso you can create stellar materials.W R I T I N G S T R O N G C O P YIn the dynamic realm of real estate, navigating objections is an integral part of successfultransactions. Addressing concerns raised by prospective buyers or sellers requires effectivecommunication and a thorough understanding of their underlying motivations. Skilled real estate professionals adeptly work through objections by actively listening toclients, providing transparent information, and offering tailored solutions to alleviateapprehensions, fostering trust and ultimately facilitating a smoother and more successfulreal estate transaction.W O R K I N G T H R O U G H O B J E C T I O N Sagent training

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Whether you are delivering a pitch or showing a property, having strong presentation skills iscritical for success in the real estate profession. Many training programs offer publicspeaking and/or presentation resources that can help you feel more confident and incontrol of pitching a sale or new property.P R E S E N T I N GKnowing your local market is essential. While some distance education programs cannotspeak to your geographic location, you can learn best practices that can help yousuccessfully navigate and stay on top of what’s happening in the real estate market in yourarea.L O C A L A R E A K N O W L E D G E

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Individualized commission tiers and cap will be negotiated based onpending experience, volume sold, units sold, database size, ability towork independently with minimal assistance, credentials, opting toenroll in brokerage systems and training programs.C O M M I S S I O N P A C K A G E S

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W E O N L Y H I R E T H E R I G H T A G E N T S F O R O U R S P E C I A L C U L T U R E .We take a lot of pride in who is a part of our team. We have assembled a group ofamazing real estate agents that work together, care for one another, and are eachother's biggest cheerleaders! A R E Y O U A G O O D F I T ?P R O B L E M S O L V E RG O A L - O R I E N T E DL O V E R E L A T I O N S H I P SG R I T & R E S I L I E N TP O S I T I V EL O V E B E I N G O F S E R V I C EP L A Y F U LD R I V E NN O T E S :Our culture is everything

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MOVING FORWARD WITH GREEN KEY REAL ESTATE HAS NEVER BEEN SO EASY!Y O U R N E X T S T E P SF I L L O U T S T A T E F O R M S When you are a new agent or transferringfrom another brokerage, it is important tofill out all the necessary documents.T R A N S F E R M L S Once we have all your forms filled out, wewill submit and get your license transferredon al l platforms.S E L E C T Y O U R T R A I N I N G You w ill pick what days you will participatein new agent training.A G E N T O N B O A R D I N G E S S E N T I A L SIn our Green Key Agent Handbook, theonboa rding process is outlined. Completewith a separate virtual training calendar tolearn how to navigate and utilize thesyste ms we provide to propel your business.O R G A N I Z E Y O U R C R MWe wi ll want you to hit the ground running,so ha ving your contacts organized is a mustin our brokerage.M A K E Y O U R A N N O U N C E M E N TFinal ly, it is time to announce to the worldyou h ave joined the best real estate groupin our area!N O T E S :

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thank you!D I R E C T : 5 1 7 - 3 9 8 - 2 5 4 1 J E N N I F E R R O D G E R S @ G R E E N K E Y S E L L S M I . C O M | W W W . G R E E N K E Y S E L L S M I . C O M2 9 0 0 S P R I N G A R B O R R D , J A C K S O N , M I 4 9 2 0 3W E A R E H A P P Y T O A N S W E R A N Y Q U E S T I O N S Y O U M A YH A V E . F E E L F R E E T O R E A C H O U T A N Y T I M E .